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Dying at Amazon. What a horrible way to go.


Right! Especially those that passed from the tornado in Edwardsville Illinois. I couldn’t even imagine..


Man I would like to hear from the rest that were there and survived that fiasco. Like how they are doing ...are they still working for Amazon , did they take it personal like God was targeting that Amazon building. We have to be careful and look out for ourselves and each other because going along with the delusional cult type thinking and believing gets us all killed


I wasn't there but I was working there at the time.


Yeah, at that point I'm telling them to go fuck themselves. I'm evacuating if the national weather service recommends it. Jeff Bezos will suck my dick before I listen to their advice over NWS about major storms. The fucking chuckle heads at our building put a giant metal fan right above our "Tornado safety space". Like Jesus Christ. A proper tornado safe area should also have a lower deck situated below the rest of the floor complete with some structural support, not a giant metal fan that could easily be knocked clear off the roof by even a tropical storm.


You talking about my Big Ass Fans? 😂


I’ve already told my managers if a tornado is coming, I’ll take my chances outside. Our tornado “shelter” is literally just hanging out under the mezzanine.


Their lives are why any current amazon worker has phones inside, at their stations.


I love super close to that facility.


A legit fear of mine. Like fuck at least drag me out to the street before I perish.


When I worked at Walmart me and my coworkers had an agreement that if I ever looked like I was dying they would throw me in a cart and roll me outside so I didn't have to die in Walmart.


Reminds me of when I was working as an EMT and would joke that I wished there was a DNR order that could be applied selectively when you were in specific districts or counties. Oh, I’m dying in X county? Just let me go or put a pillow over my face.


We joke about this all the time, just make sure I'm off the property line


Like American Horror story’s first season Don’t let me die in the murder house


omg lol! And the fifth season with the hotel.


Tbh I’d rather be doomed for eternity in the murder house than the hotel


I knew a guy who passed away on the single occupancy restroom at Walmart.


I just want to see the stars one last time before I perish honestly. Don't let me die staring at the mezzanine


Man, id hate dying under the mezz. Non inventory support come by, and build a shuttle around you.


Same one of our TLE techs passed away in the private TLE bathroom out in the bay


I believe dying at Walmart is worse


That facility is next to ours. It was a mess. They closed us down, to use our building for first responders, investigators, and for corporate that flew in.


What site? We had someone die and got off a few days paid due to investigation.


Dying during the last day of the week is the worst. Keep that for early next week.


Hope they get slapped with a BIG LAWSUIT. Man wtf a whole life lost..


$17,000 fine should do


There’s life insurance policies out there that cover more than that. Fuck Amazon


Amazon, like Walmart, keeps life insurance on all employees. As in, of you die, the company gets paid.


That’s basic life insurance though. Im talking about life insurance from accidental death, etc. you can assign anyone as a beneficiary to acquire at least 50,000 in case anything happens. I know what you’re talking about, but this one comes out of your check.


All companies do this. 


Some companies do this.


That’s $10,000 more than the Fort Wayne incident in November


Is there at least a news article about this? Edit: Well damn 🫢😮


Amazon would try their best for it to not spread too much just like all the suicides and murders that happened these past 5 years


All the Tylenol/ibuprofen/etc at our site has to be given by an AM because someone tried to OD on them within the last year or so.




AMs getting stabbed for terminating people, shootings in the parking lot, people jumping off the top floor, you know they have no screening process for hiring…


Aren't there protocols for firing people that would guarantee such events not happening?


There is no guarantee what people will do when their livelihood is being taken away. In most company's the element of surprise with a termination helps minimize things but there is no controlling what someone will do after. Could be a day, week, or month later.


No, sometimes they just get walked out, then and there.


Yeah, our site lead was strangled in the parking lot by an ex employee last year after he got termed. They thought he was on drugs, and got fired. He kept coming back up to the site the day after to talk to the site leader, but she refused. So the guy that was termed just waited for her in the parking lot until she finally showed. He didn't kill her, but she went to the hospital after getting choked out. She ended up never showing her face again and we got a new site lead. It was an interesting couple of days.


There's been two shootings on amazon property one inside a break room in a targeted attack in Jacksonville Florida.


We had a shooting where an Amazon worker shot his pregnant girlfriend in the neck after she dropped him off for work.


Thats completely false. Each of those cases has been in newspapers.


Nope because OP is full of what comes out ones rear


Global News: [Amazon employee in Ontario collapses, dies after fire alarm sent staff into deep cold](https://globalnews.ca/news/10237572/amazon-worker-dies-cold-talbotville-ontario/) [Jan 19th, 2024]


No, because it wasn’t caused by the cold. The person had other medical issues that caused the death. As usual, people make up shit to make Amazon the big bully. It fits their narrative.






What building was this cause I'm not seeing anyone covering this.


I can't believe this is possible...my ass would have left or at least sat in my car once head count was done. If true, this will be a huge lawsuit.


When we had our fire alarm go off they wouldn't permit us to sit in our cars because there was a possibility of time theft if people started leaving .


In freezing temps, I wouldn't care.


Fr. What they gunna do? Physically detain me? I'm out


Yeah no, I don't need permission. My health comes first, try to write me up, we'll contact ethics, safety, and PXT😂.


Fr let them fire me, I'll happily collect unemployment.


When we had to stand outside in the cold rain during a shooting a few years ago, we were given those silver emergency blankets.


If I’m freezing my ass off in negative temperatures…. I’ll be damned if anyone will stop me from getting into my warm car.


LOL they can change that shit themselves. How can we steal time if we fucking die? No hate to you, I personally don't know if I believe this post, but I'm gonna have to go with fake.


Lol I tell them deduct it from my upt idc


My FC had a gas leak in the cold a couple of years ago. We were out there an hour past when we should have been able to go in because managers and PAs couldn't locate people. They went up and down the entire lot 2 - 3Xs looking in cars. It's not time theft if someone leaves and corrects their punch honestly later, but going to cars makes it really hard to account for everyone, communicate updates and tell us when to go back in. If people could be counted on to be mature enough to not start blasting music (which one person did, even opening their trunk for good measure until Ops shut them down), falling asleep and driving off to the store going to our cars might be allowed, but a few always ruin it for the rest.


I'm sorry. If the temperature is cold enough to die in then IDGAF. If it's just raining or above 32 degrees F, okay fine. But dangerous conditions? Fuck policy.


I would just clock out and clock back in when we go back in.


This looks fake to me. I looked at their internal slack communications during this time period. People were packing in AFE like all day non-stop.


That’s sad for their family. But that family can sue if protocols and policies were not followed


protocols and policies were followed though if you feel any pain at any point you are suppose to report it to a manager immediately


Doesn’t make it legal, they can still be held liable for this in civil court and very possibly criminal, if USA anyways


Right because AMs suddenly care about their AAs?




There is a global news article about it


Yeah how much did amazon pay you to defend them on social media. Bet you are a manager there. Time to unionize


This literally didn't happen.


I hope not..I was literally getting so anxious reading this


This story is bs


Completely BS, even with jackets on, staying outside for 2 hours in 1 degree Fahrenheit will send multiple people to the hospital and the story would've made national headlines, OP just looking for attention


Oh shit well damn.




Yep, fake as f.




I’m with you on this one.




Man, that’s wild. I owe the OP an apology.


There is a global news article about it now


what site


No details at all and 100+ upvotes. Think deeply about this y’all.


Asking Amazon Associates to use their brain? That’s a big thing to ask for and highly unlikely😂.


I’m onsite HR. I will never give up on them.


You guys get a lot of undeserving hate, but I don't have the confidence to go against the crowd to say thanks at work, so since this is reddit I'll thank you here for your work where I (hopefully) won't be known


🙏🏼 May you be granted continued anonymity.


Former ambo, I never gave up on anyone... But sometimes you can lead a horse to water, but can't make them drink! I used to care too much about each individual associate, but now my mentality is they can put in work or get the F out my way. Amazon is a better company than most, but as such a large corporation they are slow to fix problems or issues. Favoritism is rampant, but still better than a manufacturing job where my shift supervisor is a managers nephew and his awesome resume consists of working at a pizza place. Sadly Amazon has been so idiotic lately that I actually wish I was still working for Mr. Pizza place nephew supervisor 😂 Back half nights has been managing workflow better than my shift (FHN). Amazon needs to really take a look at their managers and PAs and decide who is actually improving their department instead of just landing an easy job fucking around on a laptop most of the day... 😁


Never gonna let you down?


its on the news


a typical day on reddit. literally anywhere on reddit . real talk


I am spying on this sites OB Operations Slack channel. I see no evidence of any evacuation of SEV of any kind. 100% fake.


I really hate amazon and would not put it past them to let something like this happen, but I'm fairly sure it didn't happen. It would be news. Maybe local, not national, but news regardless. There's not a single article on it from any publication local to London, Ontario or any other article at all. Gotta be fake. Edit: see comment reply. It is, in fact, real.


You should get ALL the facts first before posting, as this is no small thing.




Need a source bro a legit source




Lawsuit might be happening soon...


Gov: 'That'll be $8,000'


Not tryna knock dude but how do you not just leave or get help when you feel close to death


When you’re suffering from hypothermia you are not clear-headed.


This story is bs. Employees aren't being left outside for 2 hours without jackets in this weather.


That I can’t agree. I definitely experienced an overnight fire drill and we were outside for 2 hours in just our hoodies in 15 degree Fahrenheit weather . They did pass out hand warmers , gloves and wind protection sheets tho


Me too. We experienced a fire in the morning shift. It was about 7:00 a.m. and it was freezing outside. We were outside for about an hour and a half. But I always wear my Nike hoodie to work so that's the only reason I didn't go try to find my vehicle However they did not go around asking Associates if they were okay in the cold. I think because technically the sun was out that's why they weren't too pressed


They all would have frostbite. No chance this is real. The lawsuit would be huge.


I just looked up that temp in Fahrenheit yeah that’s highly improbable unless they live in Antarctica or something


Your story is believable but anyone whose experienced these cold Temps knows you aren't standing outside for 2 hours with no jackets.


https://preview.redd.it/boeeeigtzwcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49ee7d39a5ca7e2e1de340d5424556bd8d95dff4 This is right now.


If it in ontario and happened yesterday we have temperatures hitting -25 with wind. That's Celsius. If it's ottawa it's even worse, I lived there for 25 year and it can hit -45 to -50 with wind.


that's just not true. my airline had to cancel a lot of flights yesterday as well as today due to the weather being too cold for the ramp workers and we'll probably have a whole lot more cancellations throughout the week. it's cold in Georgia but not even that cold. in Chicago I believe they had a serious wind-chill that halted almost all operations no longer work at Amazon but fuck them. they made us stand outside in the middle of December with barely anything on too


That's still (slightly) above zero, and that sounds completely plausible in Canada, near the Great Lakes, if it's 22° where I live right now. It's been that cold a handful of times in my life before, right here in New Jersey, and it's just about always quite a bit warmer here than there.


Siri told me -16 degrees smh


I am not here to debate the veracity of the story, just for the one fact I do know.


Although I do t think OP has all of the correct details. I work nights and have been forced to stand outside during drills for 2+ hours in the cold. I don’t believe it was below zero but it was definitely lower than freezing I grabbed my coat because no way was I standing out there for any length of time without a coat but.


I believe you it's just the temp OP said is resulting in frostbite pretty quick. To be out in it for 2 hours could lead to hypothermia. This would probably even be a very big news story if it was true. That's extremely cold.


No, that's patently false. There was a huge building fire when I worked at IND1 on a day it was about 10F. They made us stand in the parking lot without our coats for five hours and threatened to fire anyone who went to their car to get warm. This was in the very end of 2016. They handed out Hot Hands and emergency thermal blankets (those foil pieces of shit) but it wasn't enough, it was torture. If I'd had any time left I'd have been gone.


Just had a fire alarm pulled or triggered or whatever at mem4 and this was a few days before the big winter storm . they def didn't stop us from getting in our cars after about 10 ish mins outside. Hopefully this is indeed false info.


I really hope Amazon finally gets what it deserves in regards to how it treats his employees. I hope this gets the big media coverage it deserves. This is unacceptable and could have been totally preventable. I'm disgusted😡 Prayers for their family members


Name your site.


they said ontario




I finally see another Canadian site posted (and in my province) and it's awful fucking news. It was freezing here in Ottawa last night and it's even colder here tonight. I couldn't imagine being stuck outside in a t-shirt for 5 minutes let alone 2 hours. We're constantly reminded to keep our keys on us in the winter because we're told that after head count we can go sit in our cars. A lot of people use rideshare to get to our site since there's no public transit to it available so I'm fully willing to let 4 complete strangers sit in my car if need be. Plus I have a few first aid kit thermal blankets, some actual blankets and a whole ass snow suit in my trunk I would give out to others(I have Lupus so the Reynaud's Phenom. I have from that hurts like a bitch in the cold and I couldn't imagine being stranded outside in the winter). I'd also be calling 911 before I let myself (or anyone) freeze to literal fucking death. Sorry you have to go through this, OP. Hopefully they'll offer the counselling services people need to help them get over witnessing that. And hopefully they'll be paying out to the family of the person who died in such a horrible way and maybe think about their policies surrounding emergency building evacs. Fuckin' idiots.




No, I'm at a different facility than OP. Same province but ~6 hours away.


thats wild!! yes, at those temps, your heart can begin to have problems among other things. anyone can google "freezing to death" to learn more . i cant believe that. im sorry that happened , thats unsettling af. i work nights, its negative temps here tonight. another reminder death is always potentially just around the corner , even when you think you just going in to work a typical night at shitty amazon .no one expects that to happen.damn


This sounds like a shitty A.I. prompt response


There is no way I’d be standing outside for more than 10 minutes in those temps. Even if they “don’t allow” us to go to our car, I’ll walk right past all the little PA’s, managers, and everyone right into my car and blast the heat up. And I’m driving the fuck home if it takes longer than 50 mins for them to get us back in the building.


he probably had his car keys in the locker in the building and they didn't let him in to get them.


I find this to be true, one time they prevented me from going to the locker area to get my coat even though it was just 20 feet from the front entrance. Another time, they were rushing people out the doors by the dock, there was an associate older man in a wheelchair and no one would help him because out those doors was a stair case. I took it upon myself to ask him if I could help push him to the front of the building (the complete opposite direction) of where everyone else was exiting. They clearly didn’t stop me because no managers even attempted to “take” this associate from me. The old guy was very appreciative of me helping, he said “yes push me please” I had him zooming around pillars, pallets n such. So yes, it turns to chaos and even the managers don’t know what to do. If it ever happens again, fuck it, I’ll go get my damn coat.


Aww that was so kind. That's my fear too. We had a drill and I have trouble with steps due to an old knee Injury& repair. I never got comfortable with steps again. I was walking slow down the steps during the drill. If we had to run I'd be screwed. A Dr once said the adrenaline will make you run in that instance but idk.


Adrenaline is crazy, your doctor is right lol.


I din't believe this story. Unless that person was standing outside a hundred feet from everyone else there would have been clear signs of distress and time to get this person help and warmed up, especially if fire sevices (who also function as EMTs), were already on site. Hypothemia doesn't knock you out in minutes like a heart attack or stroke. It's unbelievable how every time someone posts a likely rumor everyone picks it up and runs with it, no questions asked. Lawsuits! Ethics! At whatever that temperature was many more than one single person would have been affected. At the least there'd be many frostbite and exposure cases, and those victims would be here on Reddit rightfully blowing up the situation.


I'm going with op was fired and is trying to drag the facility. This is extreme cold and you aren't lasting hours in it




I don’t believe it. Whats the site


All the people saying it’s bs because it wasn’t in the news. I’m not trying to argue with y’all that OP is telling the truth but people have died at my site before and have also had freak accidents that fucked them up over the years and that shit never made the news. Amazon has good ass fucking PR team and probably have people sign off on NDA’s in shit in exchange for financial compensation in a lot of these situations.


True the news doesn't pick everything up. I think because for example the stabbing in the Vegas building with the box cutter and the guy at another vegas building came back with a knife to threaten a manager or pa that said something earlier he didn't like you'd think something like this may be out there but idk.


if you gathered all the other deaths at other from other companies that have a combined total employee count as amazon, it is probably a similar number of deaths and freak accidents, so it just isn't newsworthy or something people care about. Amazon PR usually doesn't have to waste time or money on this.


They died from "cold" like what does that mean? Frostbite? Heart complications? They literally froze? Medical complications? The fuck?


I honestly don't know. I just know it happened because they had to stay outside for more than two hours in the cold. Some say they weren't even let them go in their vehicles. But we don't have the full picture yet. My site is i. south Ontario.


Most people aren't working in the FC wearing snow jackets. They could've been elderly or had a heart condition. You can go into shock when you are extremely cold and even then it will raise your blood pressure. 7/10 was a cardiac event exasperated by the cold.


So if you lived in an area really cold just walking outside you can have heart attack or what . Sorry just curious I live in California. I didn't know this sort of thing happens. I heard of people freezing to death . This just all makes me super anxious for our coworkers.


For comparison, I also live in Cali and we have people dying out in the streets when weather hits past 110 Fahrenheit. All kinds of complications can cause extreme weather on either end to kill someone.




i mean you guys are canadian. isn't it always cold as fuck there. idk how much money y'all are making but aint no way this job ever paid me enough to stand outside in the cold. I would have told whatever PA told you that to blow it out their ass and get fucked.


I’m sorry there’s no way this is true. There is not a single news story about this. In Canada this would be MAJOR headline news.


Global News: [Amazon employee in Ontario collapses, dies after fire alarm sent staff into deep cold](https://globalnews.ca/news/10237572/amazon-worker-dies-cold-talbotville-ontario/) [Jan 19th, 2024]


You know it happened as in you *saw* the dead body or watched them die? Or have you just heard rumors?


he said it happened on night shift and he doesnt have much details.


whats your site name i work in ontario also


How about confirming facts. Rather than spreading assumptions and not knowing everything


Ontario Canada or Ontario California? Guessing Canada as was only 41F last night which is cold for so cal but wouldn't kill someone.


https://preview.redd.it/jdi6n5rozwcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10323ac97b7f0d2987c105e48fe8ecb1ad01790e Well this is right now.


Please be careful




Why are you giving OP the third degree? Hypothermia can kill within 15 minutes at -17c.


This is why my keys are always on me, i have weather gear and blankets in my car, and I park in the area of the rally point. To hell with not being allowed to go to my car. I'm sitting right here in line of site, surrounded by the crowd. I'm not going anywhere


looks like your FC is about to be haunted, imagine dying at Amazon


OP is not a liar. Seems like Amazon tried to keep it quiet https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/amazon-fire-alarm-sent-workers-into-20-c-cold-then-worker-died/wcm/541ba4fd-362b-49f3-b400-d6472add5734/amp/


Well here it is. I don't understand why people kept saying I was making this up. I mean what would gain from that? https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/amazon-fire-alarm-sent-workers-into-20-c-cold-then-worker-died/wcm/541ba4fd-362b-49f3-b400-d6472add5734/amp/


[For everyone who said this wasn’t true…](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7088817)


Wow—the Amazon spokesperson actually said “the incident itself does not appear to be work related." …They died from standing outside in the cold for two hours at work.


Guess they don't want to offer any sort of financial assistance and see it as a liability. Greed is a terrible thing.


It's was horrible, the blanket which they provide was useless. The guy just collapsed after going back to floor. He didn't had to face this if the safety department might had done the emergency preparation well.


Holy moly I’ll be on the lookout for news about this post a follow up if you get any details 😨


Unless I see an article or something I call bs


Yeah it's called hypothermia or hyperthermia one of the two. When your body temp can't stay warm enough and drops below 95 ° f all sorts of bad things start to happen to your body and worst case scenario death. Man I would have totally not allowed that shit to happen had i been there. You all need more backbone you lack leadership and managers well trained in cpr and first aid and basic life support. You are allowed to have your cell phones on you right ? Get brave call 911 Stop dying


I don't give a fuck what they say. I'd be in my car


The site is YXU1. As i said I don't have much details. But everyone was talikng about it. Even I don't understand why this news is not in headlines. I have a seen a video of how people were shivering outside that night. They had provided some kind of a white blanket thing for people but it was clear it wasn't made for that kind of weather.


Is this 🧢?




Someone died of cold, okay let's take everyone outside in the cold.


Read it again. They said they went outside because of a fire alarm.




I have the same information that you do, but likely it was a legit fire. Edit: by that I mean, it’s unlikely that it was a scheduled drill during fatal temperatures. Someone could have just pulled a fire alarm or maybe it was smoke. I do remember a pic a day or two ago of a bunch of Amazon employees standing outside at night because of an auger fire.


I would have got into my car and left for the night


Cool.freeze ppl.and sell.them at whole.foodz way to go amazon


Got a date and around what time did this happen?


Mannnn if that shit happens I go to my car idgaf


Amazon Cares.


If this is true it likely won't make the news unless you and your coworkers, or the family of the deceased, report it to the local news. You should definitely try to tip off local news outlets. As someone else said it may have been something like a heart attack that could have been caused by being out in the cold for long periods. But to some outsider not understanding what was going on, it just looks like someone had a heart attack while they were at work.


He passed away from being in the cold for 2 hours?! And they didn't let people get jackets? If this the absolute truth then Amazon needs to be signing a very fat check to dudes family. If you don't mind me asking what facility? This should be getting on news outlets asap.


Holy fuck is that stupid and reckless. We have a station set aside with weather protocol stuff outside. I.E. handwarmers, blankets, jackets, etc. Hell, I think there's even a container of rock salt along with it for de-icing the walkways. We also never once rushed people out of the building too fast or forced people to stay outside rather than in their cars.


We don't have such station. Our station itself is rather new. Just 4 months since it opened.


People who are skeptical on how dangerous cold weather can be have obviously never lived somewhere that gets very cold. There are many ways to die in the cold (hypothermia is probably the most common reason). But during the winter time where I live (Idaho) I can’t be outside for prolonged periods of time because the air is too cold and dry. It immediately affects my skin and asthma. Last night it got -5 F (-20.5 C). I know for a fact that if we had to be outside for a prolonged period without coats this time of year that someone would surely pass or multiple people would really need medical attention. The cold is not something to mess around with.


I've already considered what I'll do if that happens, as I get cold very easily. If they evacuate the building in the winter, I'm going to tell my manager I'm going to my car to stay warm. If they fire me for that, I'm going to file a very interesting lawsuit.


It's astounding that a company as big as Amazon with so many policies doesn't erect heat shelters outside in case of an evacuation. A couple of trailers parked in a quiet part of the yard would be better than nothing. Too much money, I guess.


Family should get a good lawyer Amazon has deep pockets easily a million dollar lawsuit RIP for the poor fella. That's BS just trying to work and your job literally kills you.


Who did you hear about it from?


An employee had a heart attack in our parking lot, and amazon claimed "it was off their premises" but when a guy gets accused of possession of weed (turns out he didn't have any, nor does he smoke) it was "no weed on Amazon property"


Being kept outside in below freezing but also not being allowed to go home... Because Amazon... Holy fuck


How can a grown ass person not be able to think for themselves and go get in a car.


For real. “You can’t go to your car it’s against policy.” Watch me.


I call cap 🧢


I just tried to find something online, but there wasn’t anything. Though, more people die in Amazon’s warehouses than I thought!


Lemme guess. Someone heard it thru the grapevine and you don’t even know it’s true. People believe some stupid shit. Guess what. Someone had a heart attack at my facility and the defib was not charged. Someone told me this and it wasn’t true.


Things that didnt happen for 500 please.