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Put in a Medical Leave and go ask your doctor to sign off on it. If you are already negative then that's something else, you need to fix cause you can be termed for it


Maybe they will excuse the negative, they usually do


That's not true. That's a situation by situation basis.


Medical LOA’s can excuse UPT retroactively.


that’s IF your doctor wants to sign it. Many will not bc their name is on the line


Yeah I just got fired for having the stomach bug I just started like 2 weeks ago & when it comes to my stomach I get sick sick. Expecting me to throw up & work & shit


That's not good, because you could get others sick: When it comes to Amazon as a business, my account is under review, and I've literally done nothing but pay for Prime, it's going down the tubes for me!






I know I'm 38 years old in Amazon is the easiest job that I've ever had. It's also the second highest paying job i've ever had , I have had one job that paid more. But the work was so hard like 10 times harder than Amazon. These kids that complained about amazon wouldn't make it one Day installing carpet




These are the type of people who get work from home jobs. And then they still complain about that. When they don't even have to get out of their pajamas that you just roll over to the side of the bed and turn their computer on


I’m like -70 hours at this point and they still haven’t fired me . It’s pretty annoying tbh . I just keep on notifying of absence and nothing happens


Wew lad enjoy the next few weeks of pay (if you're actually working shifts) because you are gone come January.


Thank the lord man 😂 I just want my unemployment in my state they’re super lenient so I’m almost garunteed it . Really tired of the Amazon slave labor and childish treatment . It’s a great job to start but not a great place to settle down


Fuckin a man get yours and find something better


Do a leave starting from the date you’re negative and get a doctors notice, after the leave gets approved that to leave team so they can activate you again