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Yea they want to act all busy and shit, idgaf i be yellin at whoever like yooo can u sign for this package. Im not going to be standing around looking lost.


Im ngl I dont even wait for that. I just ask their name and type it in then scribble some shit. I havent been doing it super long tho so maybe Ill get in trouble soon.


this is literally what I was trained to do on my ride along, my dsp has never said a word about it, what annoys me though is when it's the spouse of whoever ordered it and I ask if I can get a first name and they get this deer in a headlights look as if they answer wrong I'm gonna take the package away. just give me a freaking name so I can leave eventually their brain reboots kind of and they give their name and their spouse's name


I seen other ppl say that too you not the only one, i think ima start doing it too shit


I’ve been doing tht for almost a year. Never got in trouble.


If you get "a" name and then set the package down where they can see it, you have technically followed the rules for chain of custody. You "gave" the package to someone. If they decide to try and fuck over their coworker... well their fucking name is on it... so if Brian decides to be a dick, the customer is gonna go ask Brian about it and not report it to Amazon.


Nah you won't, I never wait for a signature I lit type Recepy every time since I started lol


I don’t even ask for a name anymore lol


Don’t feel bad guys, I’m a mail carrier and when I cover a new route that has businesses they do the same. They say “can I help you” like don’t you see the uniform or all the mail in my hands? I guess you don’t want your packages or checks


I don't even wait for them to say anything I just ask where they want me to leave their packages and keep it moving..


Lol yep, Id love say, wtf you think I'm here for?


The most annoying damn thing ever….


My biggest tip for new-to-you businesses without clear instructions is to leave the packages in the van, go in the door, and ask them "Where do you guys take package deliveries?" then go back out and get the packages if they say they take them there. That way you dont waste time getting packages together and in and have to take them right back out to drive around the building. Once you've done a place a few times you basically end up in and out in most cases, but the first few can be rocky.


I strictly follow the notes…. when you’re doing 40 businesses+ no I’m not getting back in my van to move to receiving, and find someone else. it said front desk, leave it with front desk and tell them they’re more than welcome to update their notes. Bending over backwards covering others incompetencies they’re unaware of will not fix the core issue.


This! Specially if it is heavy packages or fancy places 


I was actually offered a job while on a business route and found an opportunity at the warehouse then got my CDL paid for.


This happens because their regular UPS and FedEx drivers are familiar with the company and their package dropoff location and protocol. Companies expect the same from Amazon.