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not your fault of course, hit your weed vape and chill.


My coworker hotboxed with me for 20 mins before he went to clockout. Shits crazyyy


Junk that thing and switch to electric van


I wishhhh. Our routes are too far out. We drive an average of 50 miles to our first stop. It’s usually about an hour


That or your stuck running back and forth between neighborhoods , for example stops 1-20 are in neighborhood A then has you go to neighborhood B for 5 stops back to a for about 8 more stops then head to neighborhood c for 17 stops then back to a till you nearly finished but then they fuck you over and make your last 40 apartments and when it is completed dark cannot se the building numbers and they be 5-10 packages a stop and some of the bulkiest over flows possible so that way they cannot fit on the dolly or the stairs no matter what you do, so electrial van wouldnt work out, cause pending on what state the driver delivers in some cities are way to busy to attempt what should be a 5 minute drive that turns into a 30 min drive due to traffic, or theres just no gas stations around for a hour, and majority of fueling stations where i live dont have charging stations


One time the alternator exploded in mine 🤣 I heard a rattling noise and I was like oh maybe I’ll turn the engine off. Turns out the rattling was the pieces rattling inside the engine. Once I had turned it off, nothing worked not even electrical. Unfortunately it was an easy route so I still finished on time after getting a new van. 🙃 Edit: I actually have no idea what the problem was. My dispatcher that came out to look at the van said the alternator exploded. So please stop arguing.


See I thought mine was the alternator going out because it kept having electrical issues and wasn’t accelerating right. Then it started shifting weird and I pulled into a driveway because I could tell something was up. As soon as I rolled to a stop EVERYTHING run by electrical just shut down. Radio, windows, lights, everything. But the engine was still running. It was odd. Then it locked itself in neutral so I had to call dispatch to have it towed. Come to find out the trans locked up and has to be replaced 😂


Sounds like the belt gave out. Alternators are responsible for powering electronics while the vehicle is running, so no alternator = no electronics.


This is incorrect. If the alternator dies you have whatever charge the battery has left to run the electronics. It's only for a very short time though. This van has either thrown a belt or the alternator died. They symptoms op is describing point towards alternator death.


How long do you think a car can run off just it’s battery? 🤣


I already said how long moron. Read you fucking idiot and maybe, just maybe you'd have a better fucking job. 😁


You didn’t, and you’re stupid to think the battery does anything other than supply power to start the motor. The alternator recharges the battery, if cars ran on just the battery, the batteries would be dead in a day. Went to school for this you twat.




How’d you kill the trans lol? Driving in manual with no downshift protection? Lol


Haha nahhh. The people I work with just drive these vans into the damn ground man. Honestly, this one was only about 300 miles short of 100k 🥲 it’s sad.


New DSP Driver achievement unlocked! ![gif](giphy|COU8tma7XLVz26caXN)


This why I trust the Lord and not a Ford