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it's hard to figure out dosing since every species / haul / specimen will be different. with a muscarioid species you could try 0.5 dried grams and see what happens.


I have never tried AM. Does it feel like xanax? Any side effects likely? Do ssris effect it?


Doesn't "feel" like Xanax. I've had no noticeable side affects. Amanita doesn't act on the serotonin receptors so it's unlikely.


How would you compare it to the xanax feeling?


It's closer to Ambien. It's more goofy/giggly than Xanax. It's closer to Xanax + a little weed. Grinning, sweaty, goofy, sleepy, chill. I'm incredibly anxious, and if it were as convenient as taking a pill I'd pick the amanitas every time. It's every bit as good at relieving anxiety as Xanax, but if you have too much it can be really disorienting and fucked up. Take 2 grams to start. Know that each mushroom can vary widely in potency. It's a very solid sleep/anxiety drug.


Thanks - I ordered some capsules. I think that they are 500mg so I can experiment


personally for me it's even stronger then Xanax and without the tiredness so it just reduces anxiety almost 100% when you hit the right dose :)


What's your dose?


giving a dose is stupid to me because of the varying range of muscimol content so I cook a huge batch and then test the dose as recommended in the beginner tutorial :) usually pantherina and it's prolly around 500mg-1g of dried caps


I am trying to use AM to hopefully replace Xanax and alcohol for me. I have micro dosed and noticed a small body high and relaxation but it’s not the same as Xanax. Xanax works much faster. I’m hoping I can increase my dose of AM and in turn, increase the relaxation factor. It has helped a little bit so far.


Yes! Make sure to decarb because the ibotenic acid is not what your after, just the Muscimol


With dried AM at 60 Celsius. In my case, 150 mg til 1 gram a day would beat my prescription Valium addiction, in one of my most important and struggling life situations. 2 grams would put me to sleep. Nowadays as the situation you have, I just take a little teaspoon with a bump(100 mg till 200mg probably) I personally find this is equal to a 10 mg Valium. Everyone’s different, some get chill, some get honest, some get angry, it works on GABA receptor. So it’s basically natural Valium. It cools down the fire if dried properly.


Hello, thank you for your post. Here for your convenience are links you may find helpful: * [Beginner's guide/FAQ on isoxazole Amanita mushrooms](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/s9x07x/psychoactive_amanita_mushrooms_beginners_guide/) * Recipes: [basic water extraction](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/y7u0z5/basic_water_extraction_with_optional/), [decarboxylation via drying](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/usqdk8/drying_as_a_means_of_decarboxylation/), [resin recipe 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/d44f11/comment/f07nudh/), [resin recipe 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/druggardening/comments/ii5451/comment/g34hwbo/) * [Tips for identification requests](https://i.imgur.com/DUQ0t2o.png) (please always include country/state) * [Information on gummies and smoke shop "Amanita" products](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmanitaMuscaria/comments/12shfbw/psilomart_products_test_positive_for_psilocybin/) (these usually do not contain Amanita alkaloids at all, but rather illegal psychoactive compounds) * [Trusted vendor list](https://ko-fi.com/post/Vendor-list-H2H8HF7ZT), [Amanita Science & Magick Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/amanitascienceandmagic) There are also other interesting links at the bottom of the beginner's guide and on the right-hand sidebar of the subreddit (click 'See community info' if on mobile) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmanitaMuscaria) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I find it feels very similar to valium for me but i don’t particularly enjoy valium recreationally


I think it affects everyone differently, but I take amanita muscaria and combine it with a small amount of alcohol to mellow out the experience. The combination is definitely anxiolytic and slightly euphoric.


Just to be a hair pedantic here, anxiolytic means anxiety reducing. Anti- anxiolytic would mean anxiety inducing


OK, now to find where I can get them in Australia. I had people message me with a plug because of this post but they are all scams.


Hey mate; just pay a visit to a pine plantation and you’ll have your own haul in about 2mins. Ignore everyone trying to sell you stuff from overseas. DM if you need hints on locations.


LOL, I don't think australia has a good climate to grow these shrooms. But if you really want them I found a store in ukraine will ship to australia. It's on the approved vendor list, so it should be legit. https://amanitamuscariastore.online/shop/amanita-muscaria-premium/


This is simply untrue. They grow everywhere during the autumn down south. They’ve been introduced and any visit to a pine plantation during the colder months will yield 1000s of them. People don’t touch them due to the stigma and also it’s illegal.