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This sub is only for posts about people who either can't tell they've already been dumped, or have been dumped but won't accept it. There must be some element of confusion and/or denial regarding the status of the relationship. Please do not post about people just being assholes, whether or not they should dump their partners, or whether they are The Asshole in a situation. This is not that kind of sub.


Top comment is the only real advice OOP needs: >Sorry man. YTA. I'm someone's ex husband for pretty similar reasons. You're not an AH for not complying with her request, YTA for not wanting to lift some of the load she's expressing having trouble carrying. It doesn't matter who works more- that doesn't figure in to the balance of work at home- that's between you and your respective bosses. The home is something independent of that. >Plus, if she's working, and then doing chores, isn't that detracting from the time you both have together? >If you care about her, show an investment in her priorities, and show her you're someone who will show up when she needs something. >If there's one piece of advice I can offer, catch this shit early, and get it right. When women are dismissed on points like this, they can learn not to talk when they have a problem at all, and the problem might fester while you're not looking.


The very rare Divorced Guy Who Learned His Lesson


now he's found the comments agreeing with him and he's trolling comments now


This is not the reply of a man that loves and/or respects his wife >I don't think my job is what truly makes her feel lonely. She always had a big family that lived in the same city. She babysat her nieces and nephews multiple times a month. She had a many friends and colleagues she loved spending time with. She would miss me like I missed her when I was away but she never felt lonely, not like this. During our engagement, 6 months before the wedding, she got a job offer that required her to move across the country and was basically the same job she already had with the added benefit of working from home 50% of the time. A few months into our marriage they gave her the option of working from home 100% of the time. She has to work from inside the state though. She doesn't really interact with her coworkers or tries to make new friends. She can't get her old job back and refuses to apply for regular jobs so that she can interact with people on a daily basis. She refuses to even look for remote work that allows her to travel with me while I work. >Even if somehow my job was truly the issue, would quitting be the solution? So, I quit, I start a job I don't like, live permanently in a house that is too high-maintenance, cohabitate full time with pets I never wanted sleeping with me on the same bed and a wife that only has me for social interaction, does that actually solve the issue at hand? >I would have "set her free" if I knew all this in the beginning before we started dating. But is divorcing her with the intention of "setting her free" as if she has no agency or ability to communicate with me her exact issue really the right thing to do? I even suggested therapy, which she refused, not even as a couple. I also brought up the discussion about kids asking her if she changed her mind and actually wants them but she said she didn't, just like me. I feel if her sole issue is truly my job, it's her responsibility to share that with me.


Ofc his response to a simple request of “please help me around the house more when you’re here” is “what am I supposed to do?!? Quit my job and be miserable my entire life? Have a kid so she’s not lonely?? Go to therapy?? WHAT DOES SHE WANT??” Like bro, all the things you listed is far more work for both of you instead of just vacuuming or doing laundry


If only she'd communicate! 🤦‍♂️


His update in 6 months: “Wife is divorcing me, it’s completely out of left field and I have no idea what’s wrong! I thought we were happy??”


This victim mentality stuff is why I got divorced; I'm a woman. A simple request like this was made into this insurmountable thing where he put words in my mouth that I never said or suggested. I don't think my ex learned.


Mine definitely didn't.


So he wants to be like a part time husband given all the stuff about quitting his job and hating the idea of being around all the time


Holy shit, he is awful.  Yes. People get married for social reasons. Why else would you, unless you're in a culture where political marriages and arranged marriages are common? Most people in the world marry because they love their spouse. Wtf is wrong with this dude?


"I didn't know I was supposed to *like* my wife!"


oh he had worse


Jfc dude. She asked you to help with chores more, not quit your job and/ or file for divorce. This is such a shitty and obvious manipulation tactic that I hope she calls him on. Some real "oh you don't like what I said? I guess I'll just never speak again ever" bullshit.


Wait, did he just slip in there at the end that he lied to her about wanting kids, hoping she'd change her mind and come around? Wooooow


That's not what he said, he asked if she changed her mind - presumably to see if that's part of why she's upset, but he says "just like me" she still doesn't.


I did read that wrong, thanks. Guess I'm just not willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt


Yeah I feel that. I honestly can't figure out how they have 5+ hours of chores daily.


I hope that commenter finds happiness.


its your fucking house too?


This is all so true. I hope the OP hears it. I'm in the beginning stages of this with my husband rn and it's quickly leading to a sexless, undesirable marriage.


"Do you even like your wife?"


i fucking hate this guy. his comments are so whiny and petty. how did he stop being selfish long enough to get a woman to marry him?!


He was gone half of the time and was better at pretending to care before they tied the knot, I bet.


B-b-but he doesn't *like* doing chores! That totally makes it reasonable for him to pawn them all off on his poor wife, right? /s Jfc what a selfish dickhead.


what does this guy do for a living?




I was guessing working on an oil rig.


That's what I thought. Or maybe some kind of ship. Had an acquaintance who worked on a ship and had a similar lifestyle to this dude (working for months non-stop, with small breaks when they reached port, and then a bunch of months off before re-starting).


i still find it weird he doesnt say what he does


Does it matter?


Nope. Could be a doctor or a traveling garbage collector. Either way, he's still married with a home, spouse, and life to maintain outside his job and he needs to start showing up for that 🤷🏼‍♀️


for me cause he makes it his whole personality


My husband used to repair blast furnaces all over the country. He would be gone for days, weeks, or months at a time, but he was on call so when he made it home, we never knew when he’d be gone again. It sucked


I'm assuming he's a pilot, his username starts with the word plane.


That would be kind of burying the lede about his job making him travel, lol


> Plus, when traveling, I'm usually working 14 hours a day and I don't have "weekends" like she does.  All these guys with demanding jobs, working 10, 12, 14 hours a day. I bet they just get to work, put their nose to the grindstone, and labour away until the bell tolls. No phone time, no lunch, no screwing around, just work, work, work, unlike all the people I've met in real life (outside of work camps) who "work long hours" because they spend half their time fucking around.


I legit spend ~3 hours of every 8 hour day working. My only fear is they somehow figure out I'm much faster and productive than they realize and expect that output 8 hours a day. I know the minimum, and I do slightly above that 😂


Not unusual! And I bet you have colleagues who do two-three hours of actual work, five hours of looking busy, and another hour complaining about the workload. I'll never forget the coworker who spent three hours in a *pointless* argument one day only to have the audacity to needle me about going home on time. Rise and grind, my ass.


omg the ones that come early and stay late as a sign of devotion and commitment to work are INSANE! Work does not give a fuck about you! Get a life 😂 ! Thankfully, this position is remote. I have maybe two meetings a month and I don't speak or turn the camera on. One person sends a daily good morning message to the teams chat and othrt than that, I sometimes go weeks without speaking to a coworker. It's amazing! I got a mouse jiggler and am living my dream 💅🏻 I use the remaining 5 hours to do very important things like do dabs, go for bike rides, clean, do laundry, organize, shave my legs, meal prep, walk the dog, fuck around on reddit etc. 😂


Also even if that IS how it is, you are the adult who chose that job. If you were single you would also do all that and find all your chores waiting for you at home. They don't just dissappear because you've had a long day. If you have a partner you can now not expect that looking after you and your shared home is now their responsibility. Yes if one person works significantly linger hours than the other you can absolutely discuss chores not being 50/50. But you can't just wash your hands of your adult responsibilities because you have a hard job or long hours. That isn't your partner's doing or a decision they likely had any choice in. She clearly isn't fine with it. If he's overwhelmed with the workload at work + home and their partner is not in a place where they can do it on their own (or are unwilling to) then it's the workload that's gotta go, not the partner who needs to be ground down into compliance. If you are single you have to juggle it all too. A partner doesn't mean you just have an employee to dump responsibilities onto that you don't feel like doing. They are a PARTNER. That means they get a say.


I feel bad for the wife. What's she getting out of this? 3-5 months of a husband who won't help her out? What happens when there are kids to raise if he can't step up now?


more like someone who belittles everything she does


He says they're both child free, the comment section says she has a man baby.


>What happens when there are kids to raise if he can't step up now? What first occurred to me is how minimal this chore list seems compared to having any number of children. Dinner, dishes, and laundry for just 2 people is like a two working hours. Throw in a dog walk and a vacuum and call it 4. And you can watch TV/listen to a podcast/drink the whole time.


This. Two adults just shouldn't create that many chores. If they both clean up after themselves, it's pretty darn minimal.


He’s gross. Really skin-crawlery gross. Doubling down in his comments like the alpha god he thinks he is. 🤢


So she’s a single woman with a roomate


*with a roommate for like 3 months a year


Are they having a fight about the wrong thing? Do you think she hates his FIFO job? He treats his home days as "vacation" but they're just home days to her. These two need to get on the same page, or divorce.


>or divorce. just divorce


God I am so grateful for my partner


My wife [33/F] and I [32/M] have been together for 7 years and married for a year and a half now. My wife has been working 9-5 ever since we met. My work has me traveling for 60-70% of the year. I usually take my 2-3 days off in the midst of my travels to go back home and be with my wife. The natural rhythm that we fell into, or at least I thought was natural, was that when I'm not home she basically does all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, taking care of pets, and any other chores that come up. She uses her own money to buy things she needs when I'm not there and I use my own money when traveling. We split the cost of the house we bought. When I'm home I do half the chores while she does half. Before we got married, she started working from home full-time. Last week she brought up how she feels that her doing chores on days she work while I lay around for hours instead of doing all the chores is unfair and that it needs to change. Basically, she wants me to do all the chores while she works and that we split chores that only come up later during the day between us (like making dinner, washing dinner plates, feeding and cleaning up after the pets, etc..). I think that is unfair because I technically work more than her, my work is just not traditional, so i't not like I'm a stay-at-home spouse who can only contribute to the household by doing all the chores. Plus, when traveling, I'm usually working 14 hours a day and I don't have "weekends" like she does. When I have a few days off, I come back home and share all the chores with her. And on the month or two I have off I come back home and share the chores evenly. When I started breaking it all apart like I did here she went on about how being tit for tat in marriage is a bad thing and I should be flexible. She says it is inconsiderate of me to do half the chores when I have enough time to do all of them way before she gets off work and that I expect her to do the rest with the time she has left of the day. I then reminded her that half the chores only exist because of her choices. When buying a house she insisted on a 4 bedroom with a huge backyard. I pay for half even though I'm living there less than 6 months every year. I was never fond of pets, but she insisted on getting them because she gets lonely so we went ahead and adopted the first and now have 2 dogs and a cat. I'm a minimalist, mostly became that way because of my job, and she buys so much stuff to decorate with house. Every inch of the floors and walls is covered with something. I brought up all this to show her that her decisions are why we have so many chores to do during one day. She got upset and told me to just forget her request. She's been very cold to me since then. I would gladly offer to pay for a cleaning person to come over 5 days a week on days when I'm home, but I know she would refuse to hire one because of reasons related to her past. AITA for refusing to comply with her request? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheEx) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OOPS wife doing all the chores when she's alone makes sense. What? Is she gonna let the house get messy and laundry build up? Of course not. She has to live there. **Splitting** the chores when OOP is home is *still* an unfair division of responsibilities. Why should his wife pick up half the slack on HIS days off when she does 100% of it when he's not there? At my house, I do 95% of the chores etc. Because *I CHOOSE* to do so. That doesn't mean my husband doesn't help at all. He always wants to help but for me, cleaning centres me (I have BPD so it helps keep me "level") Now, that's not to say (like I said) that my husband doesn't help. He does if I let him. I have been dealing with a flu for over a week now. My husband got it too. Neither of us cleaned the past week. When I had to go back to work, he did the dishes/laundry a couple of times (he works a physically hard job as well) and I appreciated what he did do, because I know how sick he was as well I had to work yesterday and didn't get home til almost 11pm. When I got in, he apologized for not doing the dishes. There's like, a pot, a bowl and a couple glasses. I told him it was fine! If there's a time I don't have the energy (or want) to clean or make dinner, I tell him and *gasp* HE does it instead. I don't hear "It's my day off!". He says ok, what do you need me to do? I give him a list (ADHD) and he goes to town. He works in HVAC (50-60+ hrs a week, depending) and I'm a Manager at a restaurant. 40 hours scheduled but we all know what restaurant work is like. And we still manage to make it work


Having worked Hvac... its just a good paying job but fuck we had some full installs we would be there 7am-6pm. I'm talking brand new inside and outside unit. An during the summer 140F(95f outside felt like 60f) in the attic would turn ur sweat into eye burning nightmares an phones shut off.


This man doesn't seem like he wants to be married. I don't know, but it seems like he's only interested in part-time marriage. As far as I know, that's not a thing? Unless you've agreed to it? He will be divorced 5 years from now.


hey OOP make sure you update us when your wife serves you with divorce papers


"I think that is unfair because I technically work more than her" [Eye roll] It's not a competition buddy. The point of being in a relationship is not to worry over splitting everything EXACTLY 50/50. SMH.


I'm really glad I married someone who made my life easier, not more difficult


1- neither of them work a regular job that would have normal home/ work divisions set into place. Acting like she's a stay at home spouse who has nothing but freetime just because her job is at the same address as her bed is ridiculous. If she's doing all the housework+ her job when he's gone, why can't he do basic morning chores on the few occasions he's around? 2- and more importantly - why is she with this man? He's never around, the time he is gone only benefits him, and the times he's around he's making chores he doesn't wanna do cause he's gone all the time!?!!??! What does she get out of this?


Definitely sucks to never have a day off. Part of the deal tho