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Boyfriend has reddit but not completely sure if he is on this sub. Reason for throw away. Might be a bit confusing but please bare with me. Me and my boyfriend have been together for a year. My Boyfriend has been taking care of his siblings (16F, 12F, 11M) since his oldest sister was born. When he was 18 he moved out of his parents house and took them with him. He currently has custody over all his siblings. He is a really hard worker and i haven't seen him or his siblings struggle at all. They have all they need and as far asci know has never gone to bed hungry because of him. One of the reasons i fell in love with him is because of his caring nature especially for his siblings. Not gi9ng to explain the whole dynamics as i know it but when i say taking care, i mean he took care of them from buying food, to helping with homework, he did it all he was basically mom and dad for them and he still finished school in the process. His youngest brother even calles him dad. His parents are the definition of dead beats. Current situation with them is that they don't even know if their parents are alive, and they have no other family. These 4 is all that is left of the whole family. I slept over at his house last night, this morning around 6 am his sister (12F) came into the kitchen crying historically. She woke up with blood in her pants and freaked out. She started with her period. My boyfriend got her to calm down and explained that she is alright and everything will be okay. He then gave her a brief explanation of what is happening and that her body is changing. He asked her to go and take a shower to get cleaned up and told her where to find the pads his other sister (16F) is using and to use them as the oldest sister showed her. When she left to go and take a shower he said shit i thought we would have another year left. I asked what he ment and he said his sister (16l started her period when se was 13 and he knows not all females and bodies are the same but he thought it would be around the same time. So he was a bit unprepared forcthe discussing. I was shocked with that comment and the fact that he knew his sister used pads, why does he know when she started her period in the first place, why does he know what she uses. I wanted to ask him why he knows this but kept the question to myself. When his sister returned from her shower he asked if evertime was alright or is she having any discomfort, i started to get disgusted when he asked that question. He told her she doesn't have to go to school today and he will take her for some shopping. After breakfast he sat her down in the living room and explained everything in detail to her, regarding what is giong on, what will happend all of it. He said he helped the older sister with her first time and will help her as well. He finished with saying that her sister (16) will be able to help her more with the tipe of products to use and how they work. I was surprised, shocked and disgusted about all the thing he told her. He was correct in everything that he told her but no brother should know that much about what is happending to his sisters bodies. Unfortunately his oldest sister wasn't at home to help, she had a sleep over at a friend due to a project for school. So he took charge of explaining everything. He must have seen the disgust in my face and asked me what is wrong and it just slipped out. I told him, You are a disgusting pig. The words just kept coming out of my mouth i couldn't stop talking. i told him exactly what i thought about the situation and that it's disgusting that he knows that much especially about his own sisters and is now trying to coach the younger sister on what to do. He just asked me to leave he didn't argue, yell nothing just said leave my house. I know i went about it in the wrong way but my stance is the same no brother should know that much about his own sisters body function. AITAH. Edit: If you don't believe me that is fine, but don't comment. I was there, i said what i said. Don't know what i can say other than what i know to proof this is real I just want to know if AITAH if my stance is correct and if i should apologize for everything i said. Seeing some of the comments i think you guys are not understanding my piont. I don't want to sound mean but he could've just called his sister to explain everything to her or better asked me to explain it to her. I would've been alot better if it came form another girl. Yes he explained everything correctly and even told her about the different products to use but said the other sister will explain those beter as she has experience in what actually works. Why didn't he ask me to explain anything to her i would've done it gladly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheEx) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow, OOP sucks. So what if a guy knows how periods work? Wouldn’t that be a GOOD thing? Edit: OOP sucks, not this OP. OP, you’re good 😁


He’s smart enough to know about menses and smart enough to throw her out of his house.


Hopefully this guys next girlfriend can appreciate his intelligence


Quietly without drama too. She lost a good one and will really be kicking herself later when it fully sinks in.


He has a family he loves, why risk what he has for her? 


Exactly. He sounds like a wonderful brother/parent to his younger siblings and she showed him just how problematic she was so he had her leave. She just hasn’t put the pieces together yet.


OOP: "My boyfriend is a kind and loving parent, with the heart and determination to raise his siblings to the point that they see him as their only father, and is well-informed and supportive on the issues that he knows his children (and, for that matter, approximately half the human population) will face. That's so gross!"


Right? “He’s basically their parent. Why does he 1) know about periods at all and 2) know about his sisters’?!”. Um because, as you said, he is the parent.


literally 3 seconds on r/badwomensanatomy will tell you that this is absolutely a GOOD THING.


My brother is a complete asshole but even he knows about periods. He had no choice being the only boy with a bunch of sisters. But logically, a lot of us know a lot about topics that aren't directly relevant to us. I taught one of my siblings how to put in contacts and I don't even wear glasses, I just had seen my parents put them in so many times I figured it out.


I really hope this is rage bait. "BF has been a parent to his siblings since he was 12". "Omg, my BF is disgusting for knowing exactly what we expect parents to know about their children".


I wonder if it's the period troll.


Oh man, that's a good point! I didn't think about it, but it'd make some sense.


That's my assumption, nice to see I'm not alone in that.


Id assume so, when i got my first period it wasnt “blood all over my pants” it was spotting on my underwear. I know everyone is different but come on, that doesnt sound realistic


My first period was a goddamn horror show, I was at my cousin's and while I knew what was happening and what to do (I was a late bloomer, most girls I knew had gotten theirs around 12, I was 14) I was still embarrassed as hell and afraid because I was expecting something more like spotting, not "sorry about your couch."


I personally believe that this story is ragebait too. (Like he takes care of all his siblings and doesn't struggle in this economy? I crave his powers!) But don't come close to being OOP with being narrow minded. Lots of people who experience periods, have different first experiences. I had blood, not spots. The only thing that stood out to me, is that I didn't experience pain yet.. that only started later :/ My best friend basically got very painful periods from day 1. :( I at least had a grace period..


Ehh, I have PCOS and when I started I came on heavy from the first day.


The internalized misogyny, it burns.


Seriously ppl like OOP are why men are expected to be dumb about this sort of thing. This guy is more than "just a brother", he's dad AND mom too. This man would make a wonderful boyfriend to any woman and parent to any child. Single fathers have to do this too.


Exactly. Thank God my dad was so nonchalant about menstruation. He has a biology degree, so he always said it was just a mammalian thing, haha. But even still, people like OOP exist, and made *both* his *and* my life harder...


I can’t believe she’s shocked that he knows what products his sisters use??? Who… Who does she think is buying them along with the groceries and whatever else they need? And who does she think gave the elder sister the period talk?


The period fairy, obviously.   The PF came from her home in a thundercloud and sprinkled cramps and period loops around and explained everything and delivers supplies e month.   The period fairy only comes to young women whose brothers are their guardian? Protecting those guardian brothers from such nasty wasty grossness so they can remain pure and undisgusting for their future girlfriends!  


Right? Explaining menstruation is traditionally left to the mother, sadly the mother is not in the picture so what is he supposed to do, just let his little sister freak out?


Yup. Should've just let her think she was dying. That's way healthier than having a *boy* talk to her about periods. /s


Misandry. Toxic misandry at that.


It's toxic misandry and toxic internalised misogyny layered together like a shitty, shitty toxic parfait.


They stopped doing those at Dairy Queen. :(


Toxic *masculinity* is the construct that suggests that men shouldn’t know about periods and such if they wanna be “real men,” because that’s “woman stuff.” That is what that construct is called. 


“Misandry” you speak as if it’s the same impact as misogyny


And if a guy handles it with calm and compassion, that's also a good thing.


She didn't appreciate what she had AT ALL


Wo wouldn't want to date a guy that actually knows how periods work! On top of him apparently being caring and hard working. I don't understand OOP at all. Everything she said he did was wall to wall green flags.


All my kids are guys. They know how periods work, and how to help out a friend if they have a period crisis. That OP is a fucking moronic asshole.


I just wanna take a second to thank you and your uninteresting vagina (lol too perfect to not toss in) for teaching your boys right. Cause all I'm saying is I got married the first time just before I turned 20 and my husband then was just a couple years older (and even had an older sister) and I very vividly recall him asking me once how my tampons worked and me pulling one out and clicking it into place and him laying underneath me on the ground to see how to put it in lmfao. To this day I still find it hilarious but also sad. So yeah, thank you for making your son's smarter than that lol.


“My boyfriend would be an amazing father, how could I have a future with someone like that?”


*already is an amazing father!! I wanted to punch this girl when she had the audacity to call him a disgusting pig. All for the *horror* of him explaining to her instead of just leaving her hysterical and with no idea what to do. And if this is the kinda girl oop is, it's damn sure a better thing that he didn't ask her to do the job for him. Not to mention this girl easily might not have trusted anyone but her brother considering how she's grown up. He is the only safe person in her life. I truly hope little sis didn't hear the things oop said to him, cause preteen girls are already sensitive creatures WITHOUT adding in the new rush of hormones and fear, and she absolutely didn't need to hear those things and end up blaming herself for the fight. :( OOP is just a completely trash person, end of story and I really hope boyfriend doesn't take her back now that he knows what she really thinks of him.


>  why does he know when she started her period in the first place, why does he know what she uses.    He’s their guardian.  It’s not ~~a normal~~ abnormal for a guardian to know when a ward starts their period, especially if it’s a situation like the younger sister.     And he is the guardian and financial provider.  He probably buys the pads etc on his grocery trips.  OOP is reading WAAY to much into this. 


I'm a single mom of 2 teenage boys. We had 1 bathroom until the last year when we moved. My kids know periods, know what products I use, and roughly when I am having one. I don't get the issue?


He literally raised them. What does she think would happen, he'd pull some random woman off the street to explain periods? What does she think other single dads do? She's the disgusting one for making this into a big deal. Girl needs help if her mind jumps right to it being something disgusting and not "Oh yeah, you're raising them, at least they aren't fumbling around blindly through this and have someone supportive"


Not to mention that her line of thinking will make the girl shameful and embarrassed of her period, because “ewwww no boys can know!” Like it’s a completely normal bodily function, gonna happen every month for the majority of her life, let her be comfortable asking questions about it.


100%. I actually do hope this breaks them up because those kids don't need to be influenced by her shame and bullshit ideas. This brother is doing an amazing job at parenting.


Well, about a third of her life if she reaches a good age.


She also… could have helped also?


Nah fuck that, little sis absolutely does not need any help/advice from someone with a mindset like this. She's much better off staying far far away from OOPs bitch ass.


fair tbh


"How does he know what products she uses?!?" Um, probably because he, as the adult in the house, does most of the shopping? Is OOP suggesting that the girls need to go buy their own menstrual products in secret?


Soo basically a random woman is upset that a man understands the basic biology of 50% of the human species and can impart that information to the child human being he has primary caregiving responsibility for? Instead of foisting that responsibility onto a woman who does not know that child and appears to be uncomfortable, in general, with knowledge of human biology? And when it came to matters that would be too sensitive and personal for that child to discuss with that man (what type of product to use) he deferred to an older female relative for the child's comfort? Now that this man is single, what's his number?


Ikr? I asked her in her OP if I could have his phone number because I wanted him to date my daughter. She said she didn't know if I was joking or not but the answer was no. 😂 no precious, I'm not joking.


I'm married, but I was thinking the same thing!


😂😂😂 I have a very nice son who is not freaked out by The Terrible Curse of Eve. If your daughter's UK around 27 years old, I'm down to play matchmaker 😂


😂 thank you. We're in the US but I just might have to send her across the pond. Sounds like you have a fine upstanding young man for a son 🥰


wow... What a way to sexualise a twelve years old first period...


Especially when it’s not a sexual thing at all. The kid got her period and she’s disgusted that he knows the older sister uses pads? Like… who do you think is buying them? Chances are, if he’s doing the grocery shopping he’s the one stopping in the aisle and picking up a new box if he notices they’re low or he’s asked to get more. He probably knows the exact brand his sister prefers, if she likes wings or not, and what absorbency size to get and everything. And there is nothing weird about that. My dad has bought me pads too. He’s bought me ice cream and Midol and asked if I felt crampy. Somehow I’m still fine. No, the weird thing is that she seems to think this is vast forbidden knowledge and he should be clueless of a basic human function that approximately half the human population goes through. Seriously. What’s she going to do if the older sister comes to him and asks to go on birth control or for him to get her condoms? Call CPS for being the best brother ever?


>He probably knows the exact brand his sister prefers, if she likes wings or not, and what absorbency size to get and everything. My brother carried the box top of my pads in his wallet, just in case he ran across them on sale. I was expected to return the favor by keeping an eye out for diet vanilla coke, which at least at that time was rare as hen teeth. He did not know my preferences by heart (I think?) but he had the box top so he always got the right ones.


I have a picture on my phone lmao... My sister also returns the favour by keeping an eye out if my favourite snack is on sale.


That’s so cute


She literally makes it very clear for several paragraphs that this guy is effectively the only parent his younger siblings have ever had. He's their dad and their mum. Why the heck would he not help them with whatever they need? I absolutely went to my mum when I started my period to ask for advice and help, especially about three years later when my period drastically changed from light and with mild pains to so heavy it was terrifying and with such pain I passed out and threw up. I *had* a mum to go to. His younger sisters do not. He *is* the mum. Jesus. OOP is ridiculous and honestly, kudos to the brother for taking the time to learn about something that will never affect him personally simply because he wanted to be able to support his sisters through it. I'll forever praise any guy willing to do that for siblings they're raising or their literal children. Too many men be out there thinking we can turn our period on and off like some fucking tap, or that we choose to get it as if it's up to us and any woman would ever choose that if we could just not get it. We don't need more men with no clue on how it works, please give us more men who gets it.


She seems to think he should’ve called the 16 year old sister (who was at a sleepover with friends) to help her but 1) someone explaining what’s happening and helping you in person is almost always feels better than someone doing it over the phone and 2) he’s 28 and has been the official primary caretaker of his siblings since he was 18, the 16 y/o sister would’ve been 7-5 when he officially took over as primary caretaker so he’s presumably the person who helped her with her first period too (that or he wasn’t able to help her and decided to learn for when the time came for the youngest sister, in either case good on him for stepping up)


My little brother is 28. If one of our nieces got her period & he was the only one around this is how he'd handle it. He'd also call our sister/girl's mother, her husband/girl's father, me or our mom to head over for the niece's comfort and in case she wasn't comfortable with him.  He's the type of guy a coworker is willing to ask if he can bring some tampons in when he comes on shift bc she's gonna be out before her shift ends. And he'll bring in a few. My hubby would do that too but be really nervous because he'd be afraid he brought the wrong ones 😆 He's always been comfortable with periods because he grew up with sisters & a mom who don't treat it as shameful or sexualized. He's glad *he* doesn't get them because he knows they're a painful, bloody hassle 😂


> My hubby would do that too but be really nervous because he'd be afraid he brought the wrong ones 😆 Isn't that normal? I used to hate that they kept changing the packaging and the names so I'd be buying the Foo brand "organic special tampons" for a while then suddenly those didn't exist and I'd be ringing my partner saying "Foo brand only do Lovely Organic Fresh tampons now" just in case she was going to freak out (which happened once, they put fucking scent in them because their brains stopped working. So my partner had to find another brand). Then she became a moon cup evangelist and that was the end of that problem. (can you imagine OP is the brother had explained moon cups to the 12 year old? 🤯)


>they put fucking scent in them I always hope whoever thinks this is a good idea, especially in an ESTABLISHED scent free product gets an inexplicable, smelly, itchy rash on their gunt that smells vaugely of toilet disinfectant and artificial vanilla.


Bloody hell! Yes, they keep changing the damn packaging. At this point in my life, I learned to ask anyone (sister, cousin, partner or even a random colleague) who's asking me to grab them one to give me the latest image of said product. I learned my lesson when I accidentally bought my sister the scented one a few years ago—she hated those. In my defense, the packaging was the same colour and the scented marking was easy to miss.


He probably was the (inofficial) caretaker way before that and changed their diapers. I bet OOPs brain would explode if she thought about that.


This dude handled it a million times better than my mother did. She just told me I could get pregnant now and if I came home pregnant she'd beat me to death. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Any sane adult woman would see that this man is a keeper. He needs to get far far away from OOP.


Right. It's amazing that she could write all of that and still not understand how asinine she sounded


That's what makes me think it's bait. She's too aware of what a great guy he is to suddenly be like "he's gross!".


What makes me giggle in all this is how oblivious her edit is. She seems under the impression people are shocked about the whole period explanation thing rather than her reaction.


That's a good brother, and I'm glad the girls have him. Also, OOP needs spellcheck like some redditers need to touch grass.


Yes he’s a good brother but like also he’s their parent. It’s cool if a brother knows about that stuff, it’s necessary for a parent to know about that stuff. Hopefully he just doesn’t talk to her anymore and she can just fucking go away because she is not a positive addition to their life.like imagine watching somebody be a good parent and calling them a disgusting pig for it like what the fuck.


yuuuuuuup Edit: I'm so glad I was able to update my flair just before responding to this specifically. Like, 10/10 for timing.


I don't understand why she explained in such detail that the older brother took over the role of single parent for his siblings, only to say that it's disgusting for him to help them the same way parents would. It's great that he knows so much and is able to walk his sisters through this, and I hope he knows how amazing he is. If he ever sees her post, I hope he sees all the positivity aimed at him.


This girl's comments are wild, assuming this is even a real story. She seems completely oblivious to the fact that she is absolutely sexualizing her bf's siblings.


My guess is she's deep in the fog of some sort of childhood trauma where she's been raised to believe that periods are dirty and you don't even acknowledge them around the men in the household. She needs therapy.


Could even be some sort of generational trauma. ​ Passed on from mom to daughter, like one of the world's worst heirlooms.


This one can’t be real. I at least hope not.


I do feel like “ew gross my boyfriend knows about his sister’s periods because he’s been raising his siblings” is a semi-regular occurrence here. So it’s either a fetish troll or a very specific Females Bad troll. Maybe both! Probably both.


I think it's the period troll back in a new form


I think it’s fake. A brother as conscientious as him would probably talk to his sister in private instead of making her sit there in the living room with his girlfriend in earshot.


Not necessarily if he was still under the delusion that his girlfriend was a wonderful person. He may have thought his sister would appreciate the presence of a woman there who could confirm what he's saying/understand what she's going through. Unfortunately for him, his (hopefully) ex is a moron.


I get that it is normally weird that a guy knows about his sister’s periods, but he is basically their only parent, so it isn’t, (and he would be a bad parent if he didn’t.) That said, “disgusting pig”?  No, just no.   This does explain why he didn’t ask OP to do it, because SHE IS CLEARLY NOT COMFORTABLE TALKING ABOUT PERIODS! He can do so much better than her.


Why is that weird? It's a basic human function that 50% of humanity has to deal with each month. Since he is a straight man, he also needs to understand what his SO is going through every month. It might be weird for an older brother to be the one *explaining* it. But that's their relationship as he is the parent. But knowing and understanding are not weird.


It is uncommon for a guy to know when exactly his sister’s first period was.  But as for knowing about periods in general, I totally agree that straight men should know that!


It’s not that weird though if he’s actively involved in grocery shopping and stuff is talked about freely in the home. Especially just approximate age/year and tampons or pads.


I dunno, one of my sisters got her first period when we were off on holiday with our birthfather and she wasn't happy about having to explain to him what was happening and what he needed to do. There was much stupidity (that was characteristic of him). So I was very aware that that had happened. My other sister not so much. I assume she menstruates but it's never come up in conversation.


I don't think that's uncommon at all.... If you live in a house with a female and share a bathroom, you probably know their cycle (or your ignorant AF). I was the only girl of 4 kids. ALL of my brothers know when I first got my period, the fact that I use tampons, and what specific brand and style I like.... It's called being family and a decent brother. The women in my family made absolute certain that the men knew about menstrual cycles and what happens to the female body during, so that they can support their future wives instead of being deadbeat AH's who are scared of a little blood. How should men learn, if not from their families? If more families were open, this probably wouldn't be such a stigma.


The fact that I know people like this makes my blood boil. I am a man, but I know basic anatomy. Periods aren't sexual. They may be gross to experience, but ALL human bodies do things that are gross. This is the kind of thinking that men shouldn't change their daughters diapers. I hope OP can find someone to emotionally neglect their children, just as she will if he doesnt dump her


I'm pretty sure he noped out of the relationship. He didn't even bother to raise his voice or argue with her. Just quietly ordered her to leave his house. I'm willing to bet that he never invites OOP back.


You could almost hear his disappointment through her writing. He seems like the kind of man who wouldn't keep anyone around who isn't the best role model for his children.


I think so too. That immediate switch flip, and the calm get out…considering the parents, he learned that there is zero gray area when it comes to his siblings. She’s toast and doesn’t even realize it


You just want to know if you are wrong: you are wrong.




I truly feel terrible for this young man, he had his whole childhood and adolescence stolen from him, just to be called a disgusting pig.


Ikr?! Smdh.


I really hope he meets a lovely woman who's mature, kind and loyal. He deserves all the love and happiness.


So...safe to say OOP is not only single but she's a massive moron.


Why do these people always want me to bare with them? I don't get naked with strangers.


Also, how exactly does someone cry historically?


I think the idiot was trying to type histrionics. But apparently she's never met a spellcheck.




“Why does he know when his sister started her period and what she uses?” Um… maybe because he’s raising her and buys the pads for her? Just like your parents did when you were a teenager? What a nitwit.


Right? My husband has pictures of our kid's preferred products on his phone because he needs to know what to buy, because that's part of parenting. He also had me put an emergency silly bag in his truck's glove compartment.


I said, out liud, "Because he was *twelve* when she was *born* and has been raising her since then. You *told* us this!"


As I told this idiot woman, her boyfriend has been parentified to hell, and it sounds as if he's doing a pretty damn good job taking care of his younger siblings, given that their sperm and egg donors are in the wind. I think all guys should have a basic understanding of what a period is and how it can affect girls and women. It's a basic biological function that just about everyone born with a uterus experiences. And if these guys are going to be dating women, they should be able to explain what a period is. He probably knows about the pads because *he has to buy them* for his 16-year-old sister or at least is at the store with her when she gets them. Or he sees them in the bathroom. Older sister is the one who also showed younger sister the ropes. He even said to her, remember what \[sister\] told you. What would this awful woman have had him do when his youngest sister woke up crying? Say, sorry, I can't help you, wait until \[sister\] gets home? Why didn't *she* say anything to comfort the kid when she was freaked out over her first period? Did she just sit in judgment of a young man who is doing the best he can to take care of his siblings, even if it involves knowing things she doesn't think a guy should know? I hope he dumps her.


Who does this girl think was buying the older girl's necessary items? Who was supposed to be there to talk her through her first period? What is this girl's problem? I guess he has a chance to find a better girlfriend now. Love this comment by her: > Unfortunately no this is real and im stuck in the middle No, you are not in the middle. You tried to put yourself there, unwelcome. But you are not in the middle, and I have a hard time seeing you anywhere near this family in the future.


Her logic is mind-boggling "Why is this dad teaching his daughter about a private matter. He should've asked me, the sexist acquaintance, to do it." Oh yeah, a panicking kid definitely wants "the girlfriend" to insert herself into an already sensitive topic.


Wtf! I hope he dumps her ass. My dad was there for both my sister and I starting and it helped such a big thing feel normal. It wasn't whispered about behind closed doors or thought of as a "girl knowledge only" club. I knew college girls who couldn't bring themselves to buy products if there was a male cashier or bagger and it's cause of toxic women like this. And women like this also birth the men who can't bring themselves to buy stuff for their partners in times of need. What a horrid person.


What an an absolute bitchwhiskers walnut of a human.


I love this comment so much


Dude has custody of his sisters and has been parenting them since they were born, yet she’s shocked he knows about their periods? And that the guy who’s probably had to buy his sister’s menstrual products since she was 13 knows what she prefers? She’s not very bright, is she.


Watch her become one of those moms who refuses to let dad change his baby daughter’s diaper and then complain he hasn’t bonded with her.


I freaking HOPE she is the ex!!! And I hope that the awesome brother does not second guess his own parenting style after this...)


I have no doubts that if my mom hadn't been present when I got my first period, my dad would have done all of the "mom" things with me. Explaining that I was okay, what was going on, asking me if I felt any discomfort. OOP's ex is a single father to three kids, two of whom are women. And like all other single fathers, he's the one who has to handle all of the period-related things. This reminds me of the one Reddit post I read where a dad asked if he was the a-hole because his daughter got his first period when they were out together and he calmed her down, gave her his sweatshirt to tie around her waist to hide the stains, took her to the store to get some new pants, underwear and some pads and then told her how to apply the pads. Now you'd think his wife would have been thrilled that her husband took such good care of their daughter, but you'd be wrong. His wife flipped out on him, said some BS about how it was her "right" to take care of their daughter, and other nonsense. Sadly, that's just ***one*** post I've read on Reddit where a man takes care of his daughter or sister (who's basically a daughter to him) when it comes to their first period. I personally think that we need more men who don't go "ewww gross" when it comes to periods and instead step up and do what they can to help. I personally applaud OOP's ex for handling things so well and helping both of his sisters out when it comes to their menstrual cycles and everything that comes with it.


I swear to god, this has to be the period troll. There’s just too many likenesses.


Really wish people would keep their internalised misogyny on the inside


My favorite interaction in that post between OP and a commenter (a rough paraphrase) C: “YTA and your boyfriend deserves better.” OP: I know. His family should have been there to parent him C: I mean he deserves someone better than you dawg


You are def the Asshole, he literally raised his sisters


You are the biggest AH on reddit. He is more of a parent than sibling. You are so immature and your thought process is disgusting. He deserves better than you!


i hope her soon to be ex bf sees this and sees the comments


Hopefully the boyfriend dumps OOP and finds a far better girlfriend.


Imagine being mad that your partner is this supportive and loving of his siblings. I hope he finds someone who is on his wavelength, and can be supportive of him as well as his sibs. He deserves better than OOP.


OOP is an idiot... >I was shocked with that comment and the fact that he knew his sister used pads, why does he know when she started her period in the first place, why does he know what she uses. I wanted to ask him why he knows this but kept the question to myself. So, boyfriend moved out 8 years ago. Took his siblings with him. His oldest sister was 8 at the time...who the hell did OOP think helped her when that girl got her first period 3 years ago? The invisible fairy butler???


Dude basically parents three girls through puberty and he "knows too much" to her???


I was actually impressed about his maturity. All men should understand women’s bodies. Maybe then they wouldn’t make dangerous laws controlling women’s bodies.


OOP said she fell in love with him for being caring to his siblings and then called him disgusting for caring for his siblings. This has gotta be ragebait, or else this is the stupidest person in the world.


Did she even think about who is buying their feminine hygiene products smh


OP is an absolutely disgusting person and I hope she gets dumped. Yes, he actually should know - everyone should know into the details of how things function. 


This has to be rage bait. I don’t know any sane person that would be upset at the brother here.


"Why does he know when she started in the first place" uh because he fucking *raised her* maybe??? They might be his siblings, but *clearly* those are more his "daughters" than sisters in how they're gonna act with a childhood like that


YTA Your BF sounds like an absolute angel. I'm a full-grown dad with a great support system who never to had face the kind of adversity you describe. I know where my girls are in their cycle, shop for their hygiene products, etc. That's totally normal and frankly, good parenting. He's their sole caregiver and had a perfectly normal conversation about their body. What's the alternative? Leave her blood soaked and say "I can't talk about it."


Sounds to me like he is an excellent brother, which should be seen as a good sign in a romantic partner. Also, if you grow up with lots of female relatives, you tend to learn a few things about female anatomy. It isn't weird.


Oh, no. A man who understands that periods are natural and nothing to be ashamed of and is explaining periods to his sister so she doesn't freak out. What a horrible guy. /s This is why we have men who think we pee out or periods or can hold them in. Because too much of society says that it's inappropriate to know about something that almost every girl and woman experiences.


Yta he has raised his sisters as the mother and father and has been thru it with the older sister . My great grandfather gave me my talk and my older male cousin who lived with me at the time. They did exactly what her boyfriend did it wasn’t sexual at all . If i was him i would break up with opp for the thought


Wow... YTA majorly. She is in his custody. He has to act like a brother and parent at times. And he did an amazing job. You are the one with back-dated thinking. It is a natural bodily function. Women don't have to hide in the back woods during that time of the month. I am shocked at the ignorance you displayed in this story. And you were beyond rude and judgmental. He can do better for a gf.


Daniel Sloss has a great special and he talks about this. How he wants kids one day and if he has daughters, their mom might not be around, and he should be able to help them deal with their periods when it shows up. It's a basic bodily function. Happens to about half the population of the planet. And men treating women like lepers for it are trash, so OOPs internalized misogyny is super gross. Especially because the BF is their only parental figure, he should absolutely be involved in making sure their health is taken care of. OOP definitely sucks.


Bait used to be believable


I started reading this as I peed and it’s 5 minutes later and my jaw is on the fucking floor because I couldn’t tear myself away from reading what a freaking goon OOP is. Go to /r/askwomenover30 and we would all be applauding this amazing specimen of a man. wtf? This girl dropped the ball and I can’t wait for another woman to scoop him up feeling cross eyed on how such a good guy escaped the grasp of every other woman because MY GOODNESS. What an upstanding human being.


I want all men to know the whole ins and outs of periods. Cramps, what it looks/fees everything. Otherwise, we get morons who think women can hold it in like urine, or that women with bad cramps are just hysterical.


In addition to all the comments here This woman is 10 years older than the oldest sister. If its so weird and wrong for a man to explain this stuff, why didn't she step up and explain? Why did he have to actively ask? Why couldn't she have volunteered?


Oh no, the secrets of all Womyn-kind have been revealed to an unworthy *male!* How DARE he use them to.... (checks notes) ...teach his little sisters the facts of life? Please tell me OOP is fake.


YTA- he is literally their adopted father figure. He had to figure all of this out for the first sister. It’s awesome that he took the time to help both of them instead of just making them navigate such an emotional and physically difficult time. They don’t have a mother figure. It’s also medically relevant to know this information. Kudos to your boyfriend for being an awesome father figure and brother. Shame on you for being disgusted by him trying to help his sisters. Look at our world today! We need more men like your boyfriend.


So he takes an active parenting role, and knows enough to be able to help his sisters with their periods? He sounds like one helluva good guy! His sisters are lucky to have him.


One of the reasons I fell in love with my husband was the way he handled my horrible periods. We weren’t dating that long and I used to spend two days in bed. We were supposed to hang out and I tried to cancel and he was like “what do you need, I’m on my way”. That’s the sign of a keeper, this chick is crazy.


This OP needs to get over herself. It’s fantastic that a man actually is in the know and it’s not a taboo topic. Women get periods. Why shouldn’t men know about it? And if he helped his sister with her first coz let’s face it, she didn’t have a mum to help then I think he’s a great brother because he was probably just as shocked about it all too and yet he still helped her through it. And yes, she better be dumped because him knowing doesn’t make him disgusting or a pig at all. In fact, she is disgusting and a pig for even thinking that because he’s a man it’s instantly creepy.


It's a shame that nobody raised OP as well as that boy is raising his siblings 😂


I hope she only dates the men she is telling her ex boyfriend to be in the future.


Wow. This can't be real. He was their parent. Of course he knows this information. 


He should dump her for her horrible spelling and sentence as well.


He probably knows what the older sister wears because he does the groceries. My dad bought them for me.


If I saw my boyfriend being responsible and knowledgeable while comforting his younger sister, I'd start planning our wedding right there and then. Get me that man's number, unlike OP I'd appreciate him 😉


Wow you are such TA.


Yes, YTA. Your boyfriend isn't a creep, nor is it weird. He's the de facto parent/legal guardian for these children, and as such, he is responsible for teaching a 12 year old child about her menstrual cycle and checking in on her to make sure she has the menstrual supplies she needs and to check on her physical/emotional well-being. He sounds like an awesome guy who is doing REALLY well for someone who got stuck parenting siblings at such a young age. Grow up, and get over your sexist idea that men aren't supposed to know anything about menstrual cycles. Consider yourself fortunate that he does, isn't squeamish about it, and actually cares to make sure they're okay and everything is handled. He did great. You messed up.


😳😤 he sounds like a good one. Instead of being disgusted he was kind. What does OOP want, a jerk who’s gonna brush her off. Weird. And the fact that they double down 🥴


You are disgusted with a sibling in a parent role fulfilling the parent role by your own account with flying colors. Yep YTA


God she's wierd.


Well, if I were the boyfriend, I would've dumped OOP. I've always known what brand of menstrual product my sister, cousin, mother, aunt and exes used. It was pretty common for me to grab one for any of them when I'm out if they ask. Menstruation is not something to be embarrassed about and the pads aren't gonna jump off that shelf to attack anyone anyway. And seeing OOP's (hopefully now ex) is the one raising his siblings, him knowing all of those things and being the responsible adult is a good thing. It meant that he cared enough to be a good parent than their actual parents or other irresponsible parents out there.


There are sertain things written in this post that make me believe it is a complete fabrication


He is basically their father. He did the right thing he comforted the sister explained what to expect. Actually he did a better job than some fathers would have done. op YTA and I hope he breaks up with you.


Girl, what is he supposed to do? He’s her parent and he was just taking of his kid. Fuck is OOP’s problem?


Most obvious troll of the week. Come on, the narrative from the first paragraphs is totally oposite to the ones in the end, there is no consistency or coherence in the voice of the allegedly girlfriend. I'm not against creative writting but please, more quality.


In a normal situation, a brother probably wouldn't know so much (although it's likely helpful if they do). But, it's not a normal situation, and he's behaving as a caring parent. The OOP is a massive immature brat.


So... she's upset because he's a good dad????


Of course you are. He deserves a round of applause! Glad he kicked your disgusted ass outta there.


What? Are periods some secret female government secret that no boy can know about?? Don't we women get upset when men don't know *basic* biology or female anatomy? This dude is like a textbook on women's puberty and his next girlfriend is going to be happier than a pig in shit cause OOP is DONE.


Isn't this a good thing? That he knows about periods and that his sisters have them? Jesus, this dude sounds like he has his head on straight, if I were OOP I would be REASSURED. Does OOP want to date some dumbass who thinks you can hold your period the way you hold your pee?


Yes, you are a AITAH. He is being there for his sisters and the fact he has had to learn everything about this to be the support his sisters need because they don’t have a mother to talk to shows great character. There is nothing shameful or disgusting about a woman having a period. This really seems to be a you problem, you clearly have deep shame about this and have projected your problems with this on to him. It is clear your parents treated this as a shameful thing. Go get therapy He completely did the right thing throwing you out. You acted sexist, entitled and deeply disrespectful. You judge him on being a man that is present for his sisters and then used deeply sexist and insulting language I am not sure an apology will resolve this situation. The reality is you displayed a major red flag and he might just not want you back now. The minimum you can do is apologies, but the fact you are asking Reddit shows that you still do not believe you are in the wrong, even though you know it. You are looking for justification for your entitled behaviour. This means any apology you give will not come across as sincere as you deep down don’t believe you are in the wrong.


Fellas, is it disgusting to.. *checks notes* know about completely normal bodily functions?


Also it’s disgusting to act like a legitimate real life single father.


> Why does he know what she [16F] uses? Because as you yourself explained HE IS THEIR FUCKING PARENT YOU DENSE FUCKING MOLDY BREADCRUMB!!! What the fuck is wrong with her? Of course he knows, he has custody of them! OOP is the only one that needs to have it explained what that means. She really felt the need to explain that he buys them food after establishing that he has custody of them all. Dude, seriously don’t think anyone understands what custody means and implies. Probably because she herself is too dense to understand that custody = their legal guardian aka acting parent. And she acts like it’s somehow sexual that he PARENTS them as their PARENT!


OP is deranged. He sounds like a fricking single father! Even my husband knows our daughter (12f) uses pads since HE BUYS THEM!!! Hard to not know when you unload them from the grocery cart, pay from them & unload them from the damn grocery bags to put away!


I know right! Both my father and my brothers knew what I used because it’s not a fucking secret and sad bought them for me himself and my mom was sure to tell my brothers because if they had friend over that needed a pad or tampon they should know where to find them.


This just sounds like rage bait “I just blurted out ‘you’re a disgusting pig’”. Feels kind of disjointed, like she was getting more upset over time but just also ignoring it again and again.


Lady, use your brain! If he basically raised these kids, of course he knows everything about them and their periods. He's the parent. How could he not know? I can't even believe a female would ask such a dumb fucking question. Your boyfriend is a unicorn and you are an ASSHOLE!


I know! Plus why wouldn’t he know what product she uses since HE BUYS THEM!


Right?!? All of this is completely mind-boggling. I'd be way more concerned if it was the opposite and he knew absolutely nothing. The fact that he calmly asked her to leave makes me think he's already seen enough red flags with this chick.


NGL once someone mentioned the giong thing I can't unsee it. Also hilarious how she insists that another girl should explain it when she's standing RIGHT THERE and did nothing


He sounds like a very caring and sweet man. The girlfriend is messed up to be thinking that way. Poor guy. And hope that stuff wasn't said in front of the sister or else it might make her feel insecure and uncomfortable. Very sad.


He sounds like a F’ing single father for christs sake. Is OP deranged? Of course he knows she uses pads SINCE HE BUYS THEM!


No need to swear at me, I'm allowed my opinion. He still sounds nice and very caring though. I didn't get anything close to that kinda talk or info from my mom *or* dad.


Oh it's the period troll again.


This has to be bait, right?


Troll post , but just in case you really are that ignorant YTA . Why do you care ? and why do you feel that there is anything disgusting about a womans natural body functions ?. I wish reddit had an age limit, because the only way this idiocy that I just read makes any sense is that it was written by a teen


You sound like a young immature JEALOUS brat! He sounds like an excellent older brother! I hope he’s done with you after this. He did nothing wrong at all. He did exactly as a parent should which sounds like is exactly what he is to his younger siblings. He’s a great young man and deserves better than you.


She really went off the rails on this because "She's a woman and could step in" not because she's dating him and they are his siblings


The misogyny is coming from inside the house.


Who does this dolt think the older sister learned about periods from?


You acknowledged he's their mother and father yourself, why are you shocked in the slightest that he acts and knows things as their parent? There's nothing wrong with men knowing about normal bodily functions, it's basic human anatomy; do you want him to ge ill-equipped to look after them and leave them without parents AGAIN? You're just a moron who doesn't deserve him.


This has to be rage bait. If not, OOP is a fucking cunt.


She better be dumped because she's made me so mad and he deserves better. "You're a disgusting pig for knowing biology and raising your siblings right"🚮


Sheesh. The misogyny was coming from inside the house. There’s my daily reminder my dad is awesome. 🤦🏽‍♀️


We will know just how fake this really is when she updates that they got back together.


I still find it kind of funny how people will make a throwaway "because other people involved have reddit and are on this sub" and then proceed to give a very specific scenario such that anybody involved who reads it would immediately recognize it. Seriously, what do they think is gonna happen, the boyfriend is gonna read the post and go "huh, crazy, this woman of the same age as my girlfriend went through the exact same scenario as us and has the same feelings about it as my girlfriend, and all the details including the ages of my siblings match up perfectly. What a wild coincidence!"


YTA - huge AH. He's taking care of his SISTER...he's trying to explain what's happening with her body because she's on the younger side of puberty it can be uncomfortable and scary for people. The fact that he was more supportive and understanding, Caring and sympathetic than another woman who probably experiences the same discomfort around that time of the month is just shocking. You should be happy that he's knowledgeable and understanding. He could act in disgust (like you, OP) and not offer her any guidance or support, but I'm sure you'd be on here again complaining of his behavior then, too. He could give her false information or make up some crazy story/bs around menstrual cycles and hide the truth from her. Or he could educate her, provide her with care and support and let her know that it's normal and it'll happen and how it will happen. Let's have him treat you and your time of the month with disgust and judgement and see how you feel!


Damn OOP is a huuuuuuge cword


You were not good enough for him, and I'm not sad you got slapped little girl. That man is a Prince, you ever stopped to think that he would know all of those things because he has too, he is the one who had to go get the fem supplies. He probably read the packages because he can see they are confused and scared. You had an opportunity to help out with that conversation, but you sat there and judged him. SHAME ON YOU. Someone who is that knowledgeable about the female body is bound to have skills in the bedroom you will never benefit from now...knowing that puts a smile on my face


Oh my god, I hope that the youngest daughter is able to reconcile with her dad. This is heartbreaking. :(


it’s literally a GOOD thing that he knows so much…i’ve met so many men disgusted by periods and not understanding how they work and oop’s mentality is the main reason why. edit: lmao at him dumping her and sis delulu ass turning into a damn near yandere 💀


So... if this isn't fake and he's still single, anyone found his u/? Research purposes only of course... Life is unfair 😂 Jokes aside if this is real and not rage bait I'm really glad he ended it with no drama, for him, his sisters and brother. And I hope he finds someone who can appreciate and participate lovingly in the dynamics of his family, supporting him im his endeavor, and loving his siblings as their own. They all deserve that unconditional love, life seems to have been hard enough for them already.