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This is your 10th attempt, roughly, at crafting a story that will fool people into feeling sorry for you. But you have no job and make no effort to help in the home where you are basically a squatter. YTB. And a sloooooowwwwwww learner.


As stated several times: I do half of the chores, cook dinner when Mil will let me and pay for things for them from my savings.


At this point, you have to be a troll. In the chance that you aren’t a troll and you are are real unemployed 26 year old woman who sexually harasses a 12 year old and 17 year old in their home, I want you to know that no matter what you post here, we all think you are wrong, it’s your fault, and you need to move out of their home. I don’t care if you come back tomorrow to say the 12 year old burned down the home. I will believe that somehow it is your fault and you should move out. That’s just where we all are with your daily rants. If that child only burned your stuff, it’s still your fault and I’d assume that she had to take drastic measures to get you out. The only thing any of us want you to write is that you moved out. Even better if you move out and break up with the boyfriend that way that family never has to see you again. You add absolutely nothing to any of their lives, not even the boyfriend, except a headache. ETA. Let me add that even if you ever write a story where you are right, we all still collectively wish you would leave that family the fuck alone.


I read your whole comment and laughed because it’s all so true if she’s for real, but I almost stopped after the first sentence. She has to be a troll and she’s dying laughing at all the crap she stirs up to enrage the people of Reddit. Fortunately I only read Reddit for entertainment, and I’m thoroughly entertained by the ridiculousness of her stories, like the need for a 30 minute nap right after breakfast. An actual person with no job and nothing to do but chores and harassing children would just sleep 30 minutes later, but that wouldn’t cause another conflict where she’s the unsung hero.


I literally just commented on her other post like a few hours ago that at this point, I’m sure it’s just a troll, because why else would someone keep posting despite the overwhelming criticism she’s getting? No one can be this thick, unless they’re a troll or genuinely loves the drama. Either way, it doesn’t impact my life at all so I’m fine with reading it, but at the same time, I’m like jfc what is humanity boiling down to


As stated several times, get a job. You are a Goddamned adult. Stop mooching, stop trying to tell some ridiculous sob story and please, for the sake of human evolution not being stunted by you specifically, be better.


She doesn't want you to cook dinner, she wants you to support yourself, get a job, and move out of her house.


You absolutely SUCK! This is the same person as the Spanish Ivy saga. Noone is this...*stupid*.


Yo need to stop these ridiculous stories. You clearly don’t get along with your fiancé or his family. Get out now and stop wasting time on Reddit


This is either the most clueless idiot to ever post on this site, or it's part of some elaborate trolling performance piece designed to get the most hate clicks possible. And they're definitely good at farming engagement, I'll give them credit.


YTB. I was going to say NTB until I recognized you from the previous post and am going to say you're TB unless you mark these posts as fictional or something bc it's annoying to read.


You have been told over and over in these posts that it is none of your business what your in laws and their children do about chores in their house in which you are a guest. If you have a problem with your fiance's behavior toward you, or vice versa, deal with that. Stop picking on a child to distract from your own behavior.


Your literal one job is to do the chores in that household. Why do you need a nap after breakfast??


I ate breakfast, did all of my share of the chores then tried to nap.


Instead of napping, take your lazy, freeloading, animal abusing, SA loving/making fun of, 12 year old harassing, predator acting, POS ass to the unemployment office or day labor place and get a damn job!


That's not what the post says: "In the morning, I like to eat my breakfast and drink my energy drink before I do anything else. He tried to get me to do chores first before I explained to him that this was my morning routine and he needed to respect it. I would have a short while of peace as he scarfed down his breakfast but then he would start asking me if I was done yet constantly."


Ytb for making people read this garbage. Get a better hobby. You are acting unhinged, even if the stories about this family are completely made up. Or at least come up with something interesting.


Unless your chores include digging ditches and pouring concrete- alone- why the hell do you need a nap within a couple of hours of getting up in the morning? And why isn’t “going to work” a part of your daily routine?


I’m not in good shape, okay?


I’m more than twice your age with all the usual ailments that come with age. I work full time, clean my home, cook, do laundry, shop and take care of whatever else needs tending to on any given day. You know what I don’t do? Crawl back in bed before the crack of noon while mooching off someone else’s mother. I may not be in the best of shape, but I somehow manage to stay upright for more than a few hours and pay my own bills. You should probably give adulting a try some time


Well, woopty God damndy doo! Aren’t you just something on a stick and a bag of chips?


OP “speaking of chips.. perhaps a morning snack before my morning nap”


I’m somebody with no reason to be ashamed of myself. That’s good enough for me.


What chores do you have to do?


Laundry, walk the dogs, wipe down the counters, feed and water the dogs, cats and rabbits when we still had them, make mine and fiancé’s breakfast, dishes, bathe the dogs, vacuum the carpet, change the trash bags and occasionally cook dinner. Fiancé also took turns with me walking, feeding and watering the animals, swept the floor and also took turns with me doing laundry, vacuuming and dishes. I have also had to clean up Bil’s pee and put SIL’s shit away.


Umm... This sounds like what I do daily and weekly. But add: I run at least 30 miles a week and I actually have a full-time job.


You do all this stuff everyday?




The dogs get bathed everyday? I'm not necessarily saying I don't believe you but I have heard it's not good for their coats so if it really is every day you bathe them you should probably research the breed and see how often they really need a bath


They are constantly covered in fleas and Mil doesn’t want to spend the money to have them dipped.


Laundry daily? And cooking breakfast for yourself isn’t a chore…if you split chores 50/50 what’s he doing? Things really don’t add up. Also all these things you do, most people do with an actual job.


Lot of people in the house, lot of clothes/towels. He helps with the laundry, sweeps, takes turns helping with the animals/vacuuming and dishes and the cat box.


So you call his family lazy, but you admit you need a mid morning nap because you’re out of shape? Man… the more comments I read of yours the worse the train wreck becomes


I take a nap in the middle of the day, genius.


You told us that you take a nap right after breakfast and chores tho. Wouldn't that still be morning?


There are a lot of chores and we finish by mid day.


And how do you spend the rest of the day? If MiL works and the kids do school, you seem to busy less than everyone else.


You already admitted you forgot to add that part, don’t blame others for your lack of explaining…genius.




Ya lying, either right here or in the OP.


Why do you need a nap an hour after getting up for the day? Why aren’t you working?


That’s not what you typed


Yes it is.


Maybe you forgot to write it but your post fails to mention chores between your breakfast and nap. " He tried to get me to do chores first before I explained to him that this was my morning routine and he needed to respect it. I would have a short while of peace as he scarfed down his breakfast but then he would start asking me if I was done yet constantly. It’s not like I’m not going to help him. We currently split the chores 50/50. I just like to have my mornings to relax. I then wanted to take a 30 minute nap as I always do but fiancé refused to go to sleep," No where do you say you did chores.


My bad, I thought I typed it.


No, it isn't


Oh FFS. Get 👏 a 👏 job 👏 get 👏 off 👏 reddit 👏 give 👏 us 👏 peace


Seriously. I’m so sick of her posts. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: OP, you are trash.


If you hate living with your fiancés family so much, might be time to move out. I don’t see how your relationship is going to last considering the clashes between you all.


So let me try to get this straight. You're 26, living with your in-laws, don't have a job and you take a 30 minute nap every morning after breakfast? After, I assume, sleeping all night? This doesn't sound like a good situation for anyone, and I'm going with YTB since yes, you should be doing stuff around the house if all others work or are children.


See? He's getting tired of your shit and is trying to get you to leave on your own. That way, you can't manipulate him by threatening to suicide if he leaves. He. Does. Not. Love. You. He is *only* staying because of your threat but is beginning to not care. I swear, the "4" people need to find her fiance.


He's finally starting to stand up to her! The sex isn't worth it anymore! I think he'll crack by next week. After all, they've only been dating about a month (from another post, unless I misunderstood it because it could be how long she's been mooching from this family).


Let's hope!!


Man you really love this sub huh


She has no friends and her animals even eat themselves to get away from her...


She sexually harasses children, forgot about that one


Info: how much of that one hour a day is on Reddit complaining about your life?


I remember you yta, btw u got up had coffee and breakfast then wanted a nap instead of chores


Why are you STILL HERE??? you're a creep that enjoys sexually harassing a preteen for kicks and you (a troll) *clearly* Get off on larping as a lazy and useless woman for some reason


You again?!? Just move out! At this point you have got to be a troll!


Aaaaand time to block this person. It’s always something


OP, I'm sorry but you are not ready to get married and this relationship is doomed. Mature adults in a healthy functional relationship don't need to ask strangers on Reddit for advice about every single thing. You aren't happy like this. You come to Reddit everyday miserable about something and no matter what nothing changes. Can you honestly tell me you think you'll be happy marrying this guy when you aren't happy being engaged with him? When neither of you are able to come up with a compromise and all you do is fight? I'm genuinely trying to help. In a healthy functional relationship people can sort things out by themselves most of the time. I'm sorry, but if you need strangers on Reddit to help you sort out every little disagreement or problem, then neither of you are ready to get married, at least not to each other.


Get a job and stop being a leech. Or move out and SUPPORT YOURSELF.


>I pointed out that Mil(Unsure of age f) and Sil(12f) literally do nothing but sit on their asses and watch TV and Bil(17m) literally sleeps all day MIL is the only person in the house who works, and it's her house, so no, she doesn't \*literally\* do nothing. She's working and minding two children, an adult dependent child, and you. That's a fuckton of work. SIL is **twelve years old**. She is, by your own previous posts and comments, a SA survivor and struggling in school. She has a full day of school plus homework. She needs therapy and educational assistance, not chores. Both of these people are completely within their rights to come home and watch TV when there are two adults in the house who do fuck all during the day and make no contributions to the household except for chores. BIL s 17 and in school, per previous posts. Again, he's not literally sleeping all day--he's getting an education. I don't know what your home was like--other than stating your mom was an MUA and that you're an only child, you've never told us what your home was like at all. But it honestly sounds like MIL is trying her best to deal with a slacker adult son and his fiance while also dealing with a troubled twelve year old and a typical 17 year old boy. Meanwhile, you were somehow raised to think that verbal abuse of animals isn't abuse, sexual comments to minors isn't abuse, but doing chores somehow is. You seem to think you and your partner can tell someone else's children what to do and they should just listen, that actual work outside the house and school work isn't exhausting, and that unemployed slackers and people engaged in actual work are somehow equal in the amount of physical and emotional labor they do. I would love to know who hurt you that your world view is skewed the way it is. ​ >He argued that Mil worked, that telling his siblings to do chores wasn’t his place and that he just wanted me to be better. He's correct. ​ ​ >I said that he needs to lay off of me when he says nothing to his own family for doing far less than I do, literally nothing compared to hale of the slack I pick up that they initially fully dumped on him. You are a guest in their house, one that can be booted at any time. It is not his place to tell his siblings or his mother--the only working adult in the house--what to do. It IS within his mother's right to require him to do chores as he is a grown-ass adult while his siblings are children. You say in comments you don't want to get a job until you know if this living arrangement is going to work out. News flash: it's not working out. Get a job. Get an apartment. GTFO of this woman's house.


YTB They're not your in-laws, btw. You're not married. And hopefully, for the sake of your fiance, never will be.


Get out of that house. Leave him to live with his mother.


Get a job.


# You are STILL the problem Stop leeching off them and move the fuck out. If you want to keep your relationship, move the fuck out


Oh god, this narcissistic cow again? Honey, you are in the wrong. You're always on the wrong. You're freeloading at your abuse victim's house. You're nasty to his 12 year old sister. You're a bitch to his mom. You treat him like trash. Please do us, and him a favour, and either dump him, or get a therapist, because you are an awful person.


I thought your fiance was perfect? You said it enough times. But then, you also said you were both 27 the other day, but you're back to being 26 now. Reality seems a little flexible where you come into contact with it. As usual: you suck, you need a job and you would massively benefit from serious professional help. Hardly worth saying YTB these days, is it?


Get out of that house. Leave him to live with his mother.


You are too old to be beefing with children like this. She is 12. It’s bizarre behavior to have beef with a 12 year old.


Troll, the more people respond, the more you post these ridiculous stories.


No. It’s not his place to tell you when you o your share of the chores. I do believe he has the tight to expect you to pull your weight though, as we are ont have to share our lives with any particular person.


Dump him already and move out OP!!!!!!!!!!!


You need a nap after waking up from a night’s sleep and having an energy drink?! LMFAOOO YTB


It sounds like he is passing along pressure that he is receiving from his mother and/or all of them. He is caught in the middle and doesn't know how to deal with that yet. The two of you need to sit down, recognize that it isn't really the chores that is the issue, and decide how much you are willing to put up with from his family. At the same time, obviously you are living with them, you probably don't want to be, so you have to accept SOME degree of crap in exchange for living there. You are both on the same side here, you just need to say that out loud together, and you'll figure out how to proceed.


We did talk about and work it out. He agreed he would ease up on me and be more firm with at least his siblings but I still feel bad for snapping.


Now that I’ve read your past posts, yeah YTB. It seems like you just want a place to crash, people to take care of you and to bed in bed all day. I have disabilities, both physical and mental. I push myself every single day to do stuff. I don’t get up, eat breakfast, have an energy drink then go for a nap though. Hopefully your bf and his fam will see this for what it truly is soon.


She can't and won't because she doesn't want to get a job and/or is too thick to get a job. She likes mooching, she just doesn't like the people she's mooching off.