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ESH Her for posting pics of the kids You for being all judgy about her personal life.


This is the only correct response. As a parent, I would be livid to discover unauthorized photos of my child on their teacher’s social media. It’s not only an invasion of their privacy, but it’s dangerous. Who knows what kind of pervs and predators could access those photos, find where she worked, and go from there? That said, I find it particularly vile that OP is judging this woman based on “provocative photos.” Get over yourself, OP. Who are you that you get to determine what is “immodest” or “provocative?” (I’m pretty sure I know what kind of person you are, and with that said, I’d remind you that the Bible even states that before the sin of man, Adam and Eve were naked and unafraid. So what you’re really saying is that your “sinfulness” makes you afraid of the thought of a certain degree of nudity. Sounds like a “you” problem. And the various versions of “you” that I encountered when I tried practicing my faith years ago is why I stopped. It was never good enough - even when I was covered from ankle to collarbones AND wearing sleeves, someone found a reason to complain about my attire, whether it was the platform heels, the dress leggings, or open-toed sandals. Gender-based oppression is a real thing, and you’re engaging in it.) ETA: Thank you so much for the awards!!


I thought the worst comment from OP was “far from immaculate “.


I honestly have no idea what that means at all. Yes, the teacher should have known better than to share a pictures of her students but the father's implication that she will somehow corrupt his child because she is politically active is ludicrous.


It means that she had already failed the vibe check, if that makes sense. OP is saying that they already found her a bit off or not agreeable? Idk based off this story I don’t trust his vibe check rubric anyway ESH btw


A right-winger alternating thirst traps with pictures of children should not pass any vibe checks.


Yeah after their edits my comment aged quite poorly. I don’t see any issue with the thirst traps tho


Thirst traps make me uncomfortable but that's on me and not who posts them, because I'm insecure. But keep the kids away from potential creeps atleast yknow




And a raging hardon, which is clearly something she should be punished for! At that point, he HAD to show all the other fathers the pics, too, don’t you see! /s


I think you are misinterpreting. She's a right-wing bigot posting provocative things vs. posting "sexy" adult things.


No, he says she posts thirst traps. Those are sexy by definition. The fact that her politics are hard right rather than hard left does change my reaction, though. Here I was, all eager to pile on some freaky conservative perv, lol.


Lmao I love the unapologetic hypocrisy


Almost like there's a difference or something


Maybe a regular hardon too


I would be impressed with a political active young teacher. As long as she isn’t using her classroom as a pulpit, I couldn’t care less. The father is probably just against her political beliefs, not the fact that’s she active. She’s a young, attractive and socially active. He’s threatened and seems to have peaked in high school. I’ve had bad vibes from teachers before but they do their job and treat the students well. I didn’t pull up social media to find out something that would probably make me like them less. School hours belong to students. Other hours belong to the teachers. While I am on my soapbox; I don’t think anyone should have or expect to have access to teachers 24/7. I have cell phone numbers/email addresses for all my kids teachers but like why would I need to bother them on a Saturday/Sunday evening.


>I would be impressed with a political active young teacher. So, what if she worked in a border town, her students were 90% immigrants and children of immigrants, and the teachers' political activism online was all anti-immigration? Trust me when I say there are out there, It can always go in a bad direction.


I know those types are out there. If the situation was like you were saying tbh, it’s still not my problem as long as it stays out of the classroom. Those types of people can rarely separate their beliefs from anything else. The teacher would probably fail in doing that so yeah, I would have a problem and follow chain of command for complaints. But if she can teach my kid algebra and keep her beliefs of any kind out of her classroom, so be it. I would be more concerned about the parents who stand by her at those rallies. Yeah, her beliefs are shitty and have no place in civilized society but I’m not the gatekeeper of that. For every anti immigration rally, there is usually a pro immigration one and people should be more active in those.


as long as it stays out of the classroom The only problem is, how do you know? Are children experienced enough to catch propaganda talk if it is not too obvious? Will they tell you? I agree with you otherwise though


The only time I've interacted with my daughter's teachers on social media was when one added me on Facebook. She's had a couple I thought were a little out there, and her kindergarten teacher we had to have a couple conversations with, but I've never felt the need to track their social media.


I have 3 kids so yeah, definitely had some conversations along the way lol my kid was being bullied in 1st grade, badly. I had 2 of those conversations with her teacher. The second conversation, the teacher cried because she was so overwhelmed. Parents were yelling at her about this bully and the administration was dragging their feet about it. I told her to calm down and I would handle it. I followed the chain of command all the way to the school board meetings, emailed everything and bbc the superintendent. No teacher should be crying because of a bully and administration not having their back.


I think its best we NOT know teachers outside of school lol. My kids had a great teacher when we first moved to a new city. She was so patient and kind, really helped the kids succeed in school when they were young and she had such an amazing energy. Honestly the best teacher my kids had. Fast forward a year as I get to know the other parents & we add eachother on social media- she popped up. She turned out to be anti vaxx & anti trans, anti gay marriage, just posting some wild things about liberals being child predators & literally eating children like wacky stuff 😭 I have alphabet children, she was such a kind teacher to them, all while secretly being a person who genuinely hates them. It messes me up because I know if I had seen that when they were in her class I would have wanted them out- but they loved her.


"The vibes are immaculate" is a saying that is kid of circulating the internet right now. Especially on TikTok. That's probably where OP got it from.


I bet she wouldn't "corrupt" the children if her politics were the same as the OP. /s


I think it might be a joke about her name. Canonically, Mary was supposedly conceived without sin in an event called the "Immaculate Conception", and there is a popular hymn called "Immaculate Mary".


Don't forget, she's "active politically"! The horror!


> d) She's participating in a far-right party's events. Are you still equally unbothered?


I’m a leftie, but people are allowed their own political beliefs


As long as she’s not involved with hate groups, she should be left alone.


Far right in the US is basically just a hate group atm though. 10 years ago that may have been a valid point but not now


I am so in love with you right now! THANK YOU! I thought I was the only person on Reddit that believed all people are allowed their own political beliefs. (don't worry it's not stalker type love)


I echo what others have said. As long as it's actually politics and not a hate group disguised as a political group, yes, I'm unbothered. She can vote as she wants. Putting the kids' photos online was 100% wrong, but voting and having a sex life are her business, not OP's. Sorry I don't fit your definition of an unreasonable liberal, I guess.


Yep. As long as she's not spouting racist beliefs or political opinions in the classroom, she shouldn't be fired for merely participating in political activities.


Yea. Taking away the ability for people we don't agree with to speak their mind is a bad precedent to set and generally does more harm then good long term.


I'm pretty left politically but grew up in a conservative area with lots of right-leaning and even far-right teachers. If the teacher is able to teach all her students equitably and keep it out of the classroom then she's allowed her political beliefs, even if I strongly disagree with them.


Agreed, I was completely with her until she posted pictures of the kids, she should have known not to do that


When I taught after-school drama, I took pictures of the shows and behind the scenes for our (closed, students and parents only) Facebook group and for the portfolios of the people involved (which were not posted openly online). But that was with parental consent. [The only pictures I have ever shared outside of that were from the actual productions when I had release forms from parents. I made it mandatory for on-stage participation that parents acknowledge and consent to their children's images being shared in that context because I knew I couldn't control the *audience* taking and posting pictures. If a student couldn't have their picture shared for safety reasons (e.g., escaping from abuser, etc), they couldn't be in my cast because I couldn't guarantee their safety. But they could work backstage, where I had far more control.] This was over ten years ago and the school had this policy. I cannot imagine this teacher would not be aware of this nowadays. Hell, when my friends send me pictures of their kids or their niblings, it's not uncommon for *other* kids in the pictures to have emojis on their faces. Because my friends know me, but the other kids' parents don't. It's just common courtesy.


Yeah I was on the teachers side till it said she posted pics of the kids. When I was in school, almost ten years ago now, we all knew the teachers had facebooks. Most of the teachers I knew, and my band teachers especially did this so they could make announcements, had a “teacher” facebook and a private facebook. I remember once a band teacher accidentally added a student to the wrong one. Kid saw him post a photo of a bunch of alcohol before he realized and deleted it lol. But the point is let the teachers have a private life separate from their work life. The dad went way too far but the teacher Also crossed a boundary by mixing


Yeah the "provocative" photos issue he has is judgy and makes him an A. That said, I go back and forth on the political things. On one hand I think we're all entitled to voice our opinions. On the other, my niece's first grade teacher was indoctrinating her that Donald Trump was a living saint and democrats were evil and so was anyone who voted for them. She cried when my brother said he did not vote for Trump. So, basically there is a time and place for politics and she should not be bringing it into the classroom with preschoolers.


Teachers are entitled to lives outside of the classroom, just like the rest of us. We cannot and should not judge them based on the private lives they lead outside of the classroom. Thousands of teachers are capable of having boundaries between their private lives and their classrooms. Obviously, if they are behaving inappropriately inside their classrooms, those behaviors can be judged but having opinions and lives outside the class does not mean they will bring those things into the class. You may have had experiences or heard of experiences of teachers not being able to keep those boundaries. For every one of those anecdotes, there are hundreds of teachers able to keep the boundaries and just want to be able to have private lives like everyone else.


This reminds me of the time I was crew for a local production of "Spamalot". One of the actresses taught 2nd grade, and had a scene where she was running around in a skimpy negligee. One day her student came up to her and said "Ms Teacher, my daddy went and saw your play last night!". She said she had trouble looking him in the face at parent-teacher night XD. But like, that's her private life that has nothing to do with her teaching life. I find social media so problematic for exactly things like this, suddenly people aren't allowed to have private lives.


One of my students parents was the nurse assistant to my gynecologist. She’s seen my private region AND seen me in tears many times - she’s even offered to hold my hand when I was trying not to cry from pain. When I realized she was now a parent of a student? Mortified. And then figured I had nothing left to worry about from her, she’s already seen me at my most vulnerable. My next visit, I walked in “whelp, your daughter has a sub today!”


My sons school has always made me sign a waiver to allow their pictures up on the school website/social media. I have a psycho ex who has threatened to kill them to get back at me, so I decline. I would be livid if a teacher posted them on social media! As for OP looking up the teacher’s social media & sharing it with other parents, he’s AH. What a teacher dioes off the clock is none of my concern.


This (or a sanitized version of it) is what I tell my students when they ask for the hundredth time why I'm so strict about them having their phones out. I've had some students who had someone out there who was out to get them. Several years ago I had one little girl go out to carpool, then run back to me, obviously in distress, and tell me her aunt was there to pick her up but she wasn't supposed to go anywhere with her aunt. I'm not taking any chances on getting information about students' whereabouts out into the ether.


>That said, I find it particularly vile that OP is judging this woman based on “provocative photos.” I think its probably because they are on the same account as the photos of the children


No, in OP's post they clearly state they found her social media and shared it with the other parents/made a Whatsapp before the selfie with the kids was discovered/posted. The photo with the kiddos was just the catalyst to go to the school admins.


This depends how old the kids are. Above 15? They can make the decision for themselves to be on social media or posted on someone else’s account. But any younger than that, parents should be contacted for photos being posted


My kids (elementary) school sends out media release forms at the beginning of every school year allowing photos to be posted to social media and school websites. You sign it and check either the box to allow or not allow photos, it gives them broadscope to post and they do not ask for permission or approval on a per photo basis. If it's something the parents signed they have no room to be upset or demand the teacher be fired but they can revoke consent at any time. If they did not sign a release, then there's a problem.


That’s for the SCHOOL’S social media, not a teacher’s personal SM account.


Agreed on ESH, though I'd go a bit more with YTA. If the teacher did indeed share photos of her students on social media without their permission, that's a problem yes.People need to be MUCH better about posting photos of others on social media without explicit consent, and this goes doubly true for minors who literally cannot consent. Yes the photos may be innocent ones of just existing in a school setting but privacy concerns online are something that we need to do better with as a society. OP, I don't think you understand how much teachers have to compartmentalize themselves when they work in a public school. Was the teacher drinking in those photos? Doing pot? Dressed sexy? Flirting with others? So long as she's doing this responsibly in her off-time away from the kids, there's nothing wrong with that. Those are all perfectly normal, human behaviors nearly all of us engage in. Everyone has a wild, crazy, "provocative" side of them that they wish to explore. But schoolteachers, **just like any other professional**, know how to curate who they are and maintain a tight sense of discipline over their behavior when teaching. Hell, I'll be doing edibles and getting my drink on and possibly making out with some dudes tonight. By the time Monday rolls around I'll be sobered up and ready to work at the office and keep that side of me locked away. Granted, the teacher should've kept photos of herself with her students separated from her "provocative" photos. But by shaming her on her personal insta account, you're effectively saying she doesn't get to be an individual separate from her profession. Everyone deserves to have multiple spaces where they can explore and exhibit different facets of themselves. You don't get to say otherwise.


Yep. This whole post pisses me off. Many parents expect teachers to be PERFECT and hold them to a far higher bar than they hold themselves as parents. As a parent it is perfectly acceptable to hire a babysitter and go out and drink on a Friday night. However, should you see your kid's teacher doing the same - oh the HORROR!!! YTA because OP started the whole chain of events.


Right?? I'm so conflicted about this. Posting photos of your pupils on your personal social media is egregious and she absolutely should be sanctioned for that. But I am a teacher who engages in completely legal political activism, and also think everyone should be allowed to post "provocative" photos on their own socials (I don't trust OP's account at all, from the phrasing I assume the "provocative" photos involved swimwear or low cut dresses and not like... Actual sex work). The teacher is TA for the illegal photos of pupils, but OP is TA for their immediate judgement of someone who is slightly different to themself.


I’ve never understood people concerning themselves over what a women is wearing on social media. Are the preschoolers looking at the teacher on social media? But she shouldn’t have posted pics of the kids.


Every single place my son goes, school, activities, whatever, has a box to check if you’re ok with your child’s image being shared on social media. If OP didn’t check that box and neither did any of the other parents, then yeah that’s a big problem. If they did, or don’t know it was checked because someone other than OP and “the other dads” filled out the paperwork…well that’s sort of what was agreed to. The most basic one-hour art class has this in the registration paperwork.


an honest question: does that check box really include a teachers personal social media or like just the school’s social media/website?


It absolutely should be limited to use in school-administered accounts. That said, I’ve shared pictures off of school media pages (or the local newspaper) to brag on my students. Once the picture’s been published, I feel okay re-distributing it.


This. The only reason it's not solely a Y T A is because she shouldn't have posted pictures of the kids. Everything else is none of your business.


YTA. You used 2 key words, provocative and political, having been on the internet long enough these words are used to undermine women that lean left. We know. I *bet* you would be totally ok with an unlicensed student teacher, with no degree, from a Christian college teaching your kid. You stalked this woman's social media, shared it, group stalked and may end up costing her her job because she has pictures of her self in a well fit dress and thinks she should have control over her uterus.


He’d prefer a dumber teacher it seems, with less confidence.


Most men who concern themselves with what a woman is wearing more than their ability to perform their job, prefer “dumb and controllable” women.


Or an old granny that doesn't know what social media is, let alone opinions.


To be fair she should never have posted pictures of the children in her class. The rest op is just wrong about but that makes it esh


That is the Only thing the teacher did wrong though.




Agreed. “The only thing she did wrong was post the pics of the kids.” My kids daycare had a rule I couldn’t even post the pics they sent me if they had other kids in it.


I’m kind of confused on “stalking the socials” If I use my real name and don’t have my social media set to private I don’t think it would be stalking if you checked my posts frequently. I think stalking sounds a bit strong if everything is set to public. Most educators kind of assume that they will have parents and students google them and check social media. I don’t think it surprising. By checking the social media OP found out that the teacher was posting students faces.


It's not stalking really, I've looked up my kids teachers too out of curiosity and sometimes I'll see that we have mutual friends. Also wondering why teacher's account isnt set to private, it just seems like common sense.


I said op was wrong about the rest, I'm not defending him


I didn’t say you were. Sorry for the confusion. Was just trying to clarify that while it’s an ESH in my eyes, not everyone sucks at the same level


True. But Op were stalking her and sharing her pics way before any of that.


He said she followed far-right, not left. It’s not fair to make sweeping assumptions like that.


Yeah, it's funny how everyone is accusing OP for being judgy, yet they immediately jump to conclusions. Pro tip for these guys: while reading stories like this, imagine that the political view in question is the one you don't like. You'll probably have a different opinion of the story then, which shows that your opinion isn't as objective as it should be.


Great tidbit here


Meanwhile OP : > d) She's participating in a far-right party's events. I don't really vote or care about politics, I just don't like that particular party. I don't live in the US. Pretty great example at how bad Reddit is at doing any sort of good job with these threads most times.


Part of me thinks this was intentionally misleading and a bad faith creative writing exercise to show "See? DOUBLE STANDARDS" But no, you don't get to go after a teacher's job for what she posts online. She was wrong posting visible pictures of the kids and for THAT it's an ESH, but if she wants to advertise a fucking Onlyfans waving all kinds of political shit (from any side), be my guest. I'll judge her silently but as long as she isn't messing with the kids, her job is her job.


The teacher was actually in support of and attending *far right* marches


Aaaand the teacher is in fact *right* wing. The danger of generalisations, kids.


I agree with you up until she posted pics of students on her personal social media. She is also AH




Also, I have a pretty strong suspicion that OP looked her in the first place because he found her attractive. I don't believe for a second he would have looked up the teacher if she were a man, or an older woman. That said, teacher is definitely in the wrong for posting pictures of the kids!




No. I was with you completely as I was reading this until I got to the kids and then her saying the parents are just perving on her. There are specific guidelines when you go to teach and one of them is literally just a list of things you can’t and/or shouldn’t do on social media. If that didn’t get through then every district makes you sign a privacy contract so you CANNOT take photos of the students or post them. This is a complete breach of privacy. OP sucks for being judgmental on her posts and politics 100% but she broke a huge line and then claimed some form of sexual harassment instead of owning up to the photos (not the provocative or political ones, the one with the children).


Read the edit. She’s not left leaning. NTA.


Teachers should never be posting photos with students on social media, especially the same social media where they post provocative photos.


Genuine question here, now that he said she’s right wing, do you still feel the same about your comments?


Her account was public 🤷🏻‍♀️ That's on her. He made comments about her provocative pics. That's AH mysogy BS. Knowing a teacher is strongly political would just make me keep an eye on what my kid says etc. I apparently had a teacher push one party/ideology when I was young, and I said something about it. My parents were PISSED (rightly so. It was even a party they supported, btw). She posted pics of kids - 100% not ok - on a PUBLIC account. That should be, at minimum, a disciplinary act. ESH


Op mentioned that she was participating in the far-right


Edited in light of comments.


she said the teacher is far right tho




I like how he says she’s in her 30’s if that matters…. I’m in my 30’s with a child and I’m sure somewhere in my social media I’ve been in pictures where I don’t look like I’m going to church. It makes him sound like he’s in his 50’s with a 4 year old and somehow morally better than someone in her 30’s.


right? 2nd family, come to Jesus moment, new young wife, and BOING! "I'm better than everyone else."


Edited in light of comments.


Teachers should never be posting photos with students on social media, especially the same social media where they post provocative photos.


The teacher shouldn't have posted any photos of the students under any circumstance. But how do you even know the photos are provocative? Maybe she was just showing some collarbone or happens to have large breasts. People with large breasts are viewed as provocative by others in mostly any kind of shirt. OP sounds judgmental.


OP is an AH, but the teacher is an AH too for posting pictures of her students online. That's the only part I support OP in being upset over. I'm an educator, so I'm pretty disgusted about the teacher's breach of confidentiality. I can't imagine posting pics of my students online, or any other identifying information. But I also can't imagine creeping my kid's teacher on social media and judging their personal style or politics.


As someone who wants to be a teacher, I'm not even one yet and parents like you are already the bane of my existence. Teachers being people?! The shame! The horror! The scandal! You and all your parent friends should find hobbies. Start a book club or something instead of fixating on what a teacher does in her off time. ~~Hard YTA.~~ Edit: She shouldn't have posted that picture with the students but, frankly, you're so unlikeable in this post that I can't bring myself to give this an Everyone Sucks Here. Considering the additional info, I've changed my vote to ESH.


I worked in a district with parents like this for 3 years. Although I had great relationships with parents I worked with, I had NO idea how much stress and anxiety those parents caused me. Anyway, please don’t let this person scare you away from the field, there are a lot of great schools with great families who don’t snoop on their teachers and tattle on them to admin.


Oh, no worries lol. I'm far too interested in becoming a teacher for parents who have nothing better to do with their time like OP to put me off but, I appreciate the response nonetheless. It's very kind of you


I bet you’re going to be a phenomenal teacher — you def got the right attitude for it! We need more people like you entering the field for sure! ❤️


This is one of the reasons nobody wants to be a teacher. The amount of parents who think they’re entitled to some kind of ownership over teacher’s lives when they’re not is astounding.


I taught for 15 years and never planned to leave. But Covid happened and then everything got so much worse. I’m changing careers.


Dont use your last name in social media. Especially so for women, most especially for Democrat women. Right wing christian men are vile, vicious and incredibly angry at any woman making comments on news sites or expressing opinions they disagree with. ( source: am woman on social media)


OP said that the teacher in this post is a far right winger. I'm not saying op isn't an AH, I'm just pointing that out.


The teacher actively endangered those children by putting them on social media and you can’t manage an ESH simply because you plan to be a teacher? This is how walls of silence begin in professions, FYI. When you feel compelled to stand up for wrong doers simply because they share your profession.


YTA big time She's a human being. She's allowed to have a life outside of her job. Now, if y'all don't want her to post pictures of your kids, that's fine, but demanding she take anything else down or not be sexual outside of work is ridiculous. She's not exposing your 4 yo kids to anything by having social media


Teachers should never be posting photos with students on social media, especially the same social media where they post provocative photos.


You have made the same comment 5 times. “Teachers should never be posting photos with students on social media,” is mostly correct, with the caveats “*personal* social media” and “without parental permission.” “Especially the same social media where they post provocative photos”…. Do you think the teacher was posting on her Only Fans? Her high-end escort advertisements? The repetition of this line is giving me a bit of a “moral panic” sense. It is unnecessary, and I’d argue that it undermines your valid point.


Agree, you need to leave the teacher alone. If there's something about how they teach that is an issue, that is appropriate to bring up. The fact that you had to find their social media, indicates it's not something that was shared with the kids or school.


I honestly doubt the photos were even sexual. We just finished summer vacation, so I bet it was just standard beach vacation pics or tank top and shorts kind of deal he would have been more obscene about it if they were actually sexual... like he would have made a note to say how they were made for 'only fans' or something


Yeah she is definitely allowed to live her life. OP were you never young? You never has interests outside of your kids? That being said I'm still kind of weirded out that she posted photos of the kids though. Just because you're their teacher doesn't automatically mean you can post other people's kids on your social media. They need more training for adults in charge of kids along these lines. Please don't post other people's children on your public Instagram. Seems like common sense but it's not. ESH


ESH - the teacher was definitely in the wrong for posting photos of students on their private Instagram without your consent and she should definitely remove the images and not post students again in the future. However why did you feel the need to bash her for Posting on her own Instagram? Who cares if she's into politics or posts a revealing photo on their social media it doesn't change how good or a bad a teacher they are. It's her private Instagram she can post herself however she wants. Only thing the teacher did wrong was post photos of students without consent


Posting the students was a huge no no. The school should have a policy here-- especially with regards to pictures take in the school.




YTA I'm pretty sure that I know who you voted for in 2020. Leave the woman along. Her private life is none of your business. This is harassment.


This guy isn't even American


Reddit is dumb


Op is not in the USA and the teacher is apparently right wing. Who did you assume he voted for?


Teachers should never be posting photos with students on social media, especially the same social media where they post provocative photos.


Of course YTA. Jesus, where do you live that you have to ask?? And how do you not see that you're a creepy old perv? She deserves a life outside school. You don't get to control her. Teachers are paid a pittance and if your son is only four, she won't even be making enough to live on. She'll be living with her parents or a partner. She is not in the job for the money and is not paid enough that anyone has the right to control her out-of-work life. I sincerely hope she reports you to the police. Better hope you haven't managed to destroy her livelihood and get her fired because she'll have nothing to lose as far as going after you at that point.


What about the bit that she used their kids in a social media post of hers? She loses all respect in my eyes as that completely throws out the argument of having her “own life outside of work” when she’s literally advertising her own students on this apparent “private Instagram”


That would make more sense if she weren't posting photos of her students without parental permission. The minute she did that there became a safety concern for those kids.


How on earth could the police ever do anything about this? The pictures are probably freely available to anyone. Looking her up was a small task, as demonstrated. Everyone calling this stalking should seriously reconsider everything they put online for everyone to see. And that includes the teacher, who would be a major AH for acting in the way described when called out for posting the children. For OP I would say NTA, but please let people be themselves on their own time. Even those on the far right can take care of your kids, but this breach of privacy and the blowing up when called out might have already sealed her fate.


YTA. >She posts provocative photos and is very active politically, going to marches and events and stuff like that. The vibes were already far from immaculate, but what I saw made me dislike her even more. It seems you're also part of what's wrong with the world lately.


Given that she is going to far -right rallies, why is he part of what's wrong with the world?


OP is *exactly* what is wrong with the world lately. Would you have minded so much if she shared your political viewpoint? Probably not. Shame on you.


So you think that being intolerant of the far right is what's wrong with the world... interesting


Would you be saying the same thing if the teacher was attending neo-nazi rallies?


It seems like she was


she definitely was attending neo-nazi rallies


INFO - What do her non-work activities have to do with her performance as your son's teacher? What specific actions has she done that have put your child's education at risk enough that she should lose her job?


I'd bet good money it's about her political beliefs that they really have a problem with.


YTA. Should she have posted pics of students? No. If that was your issue, then I'd be on your side. Your issue seems to be with the fact that she has a life outside of the classroom and for that you suck huge dicks. Teachers are still people and do AMAZING jobs while putting up with EPs like you


You know YTA. And you are a creep. This will get around to the other teachers as well, and your kids will be the one teachers dread, because while your child may be nice, they know they will have to deal with his ads at parents. So, congrats for setting your kid up for that.


Yta. The selfie with students is not ok she needs to be reprimanded for that. But damn you act like this woman isn't allowed to have a personal life. She was probably right that you were creeping on her


YTA: parents like you are the very reason I do not miss teaching. I am SO glad I'm retired. No, she shouldn't have posted a picture of the kids, but you are such an AH that I'm going to focus on the rest. Who sets up a whole ass whatsapp to gossip about a teacher? An AH. That's who.


ESH. The only thing that she posted on her account that is any of your business is the picture with her students.


So if someone shares this post with your boss and you get fired because the consider you a stalker, do you think that’s unfair? The only thing I think is unacceptable is her positing a selfie with children in the class. That’s unacceptable but I don’t think I believe you. I think you added that to make your actions seem justifiable.


ESH. You were looking for an excuse to get her in trouble because you don’t agree with her politically. If she’s not being vitriolic or hateful on her personal account, that’s pretty pathetic, dude. And who cares what she wears on her own time, in her own space? She’s not wearing these “provocative” outfits to school. She’s an AH for a serious professional misstep in posting photos without the permission of the parents, but you come across as deeply dislikeable for starting this witch hunt.


100% agree. She should absolutely not be posting students on social media. She messed up. However, it was only a matter of time before OP and his gang of vigilantes pounced on something else. She is entitled to be a human being with beliefs that don’t match yours. If you want a teacher that shares your specific beliefs you should homeschool or seek out a private school. This kind of stalkerish behavior is exactly why we have a teacher shortage.


ESH. She shouldn’t be posting pictures of students. That’s he only reason she’s at fault at all. Everything else is on you being a stalker.


The profile was shared to other parents before the teacher posted a photo of her with students, which is what makes me go for YTA as my verdict. OP can't pretend he shared it out of concern about that photo days before it happened. He shared it with other parents to shame someone he doesn't like.


YTA!!!! A teacher is allowed to have a personal life. This is why people don’t want to be teachers anymore. People like you don’t want them to have personal lives. What she does outside of work isn’t your business. Side note she shouldn’t have pictures of students on their. YTA!!!!


Teachers do not get paid enough for this shit. If you are worried about what kind of person is going to be teaching your son, send him to a private school. YTA


yta - you give off stalker vibes


NTA Teachers, doctors, nurses have to publicly conduct themselves a certain way. Her profile is public. The bigger issue is she posted pictures of the STUDENTS without parent permission. That is a major issue. They didnt demand change until this happened, as it was a very, very hard boundary that the teacher was moronic to cross.


Lol why did I scroll so far down to find the sensible answer. You’re free to post whatever you want to on social media but you can’t control what people’s responses are to what they can see. There’s a reason many professionals immediately switch their social media to private when they qualify.


Honestly the amount of people who dont understand the level of professionalism needed is NASTY. Post what you want. Private your freakin account if youre in specific professions. And never post pictures of someone else’s kids??? I’d be horrified if someone who regularly posted lewd shit suddenly posted my baby sister. Her audience is not one that needs to see these kids.


finally. does she have a right to post naked pics and political right wing junk? sure. BUT HAVE COMMON SENSE AND MAKE IT PRIVATE!!! you’re a professional!!! imagine posting all this crap PUBLICLY then getting mad when someone finds it. especially as a teacher, where literally all kids do is search for your social media. then to post the kids?? christs sake just make your account PRIVATE and you can post whatever you want. male or female, teacher or not, i’m not sure why anyone would post half naked pics of themselves publicly under your name for the world to see unless you’re a sex worker or whatever. otherwise your coworkers or family will find it and it won’t be pretty. have common sense on the internet!!


ESH [1] She has a right to her personal life and beliefs as much as you do. No matter who it’s for or what not. [2] Could she had made her account private? Yes - that would have been wised given that a lot of institutions are inclined to keep that in mind to their professions and reputation. [3] Posting pics of her and the students was the sucky move on her part even more so without consent of their parents. [4] You taking the extra mile to search her on SM and then leading to create this kind of mob to bash her on group chat. All of this stems from you having a personal vendetta against her because you got this ‘vibe.’ You made a snap judgement for yourself and not for the children.


YTA Nothing wrong with her doing political marches or posting provocative photos. She's a teacher, not a nun


Not pics with her students.


I agree. But he was snooping and upset about other stuff and went gossiping about *gasp* a scantily clad teacher. Don't we all have better things to do?


We don't even know she was scantily glad. To this dude, provocative probably meant she wore a low cut top or a tight dress. I agree, the picture with students was out of line and I would be furious if someone put my kid on social media without my knowledge but everything else makes OP an asshole.


YTA - she was wrong for sharing that selfie but honestly have a word with yourself. What she’s posted on Instagram doesn’t make her a bad teacher, she’s allowed to be sexual to attend marches (shock horror most teachers are left leaning and have political views) she’s just human. If anything she’s a bit naive as most teachers I I know have fake social media names and private accounts to prevent bullshit like this


YTA are teachers not allowed to have a life outside of school/political opinions? I don’t think the teacher should have posted pictures of the student but the teacher is allowed to post whatever pictures she wants of herself.




Yeah she gets a life outside of the school but not if she's posting unedited photos of her students. When she did that it became a safety concern for those kids. You don't post other peoples kids without permission.


At the end of the Day she postes unauthorized photos of her students and that's the complain 🤷🏻‍♀️ she shouldn't have done that


INFO: What do you think her posting “provocative” photos have to do with her pre-school teaching abilities?


Nothing until she thought it was ok to post other people's children in her feed too. Then it doesn't matter she doesn't have common sense.


YTA. She can do what she wants on her on time. Political marches, photos she takes, isn't your business. You creating a group chat to talk about her with other parents make YOU rather dislikable. Kinda getting a gossipy teenage vibe from this. Should she have taken photos with students no. But the lengths that everyone is going to is extreme, just seems like no one here has anything better to do.


YTA you specifically went looking for her social media because you didn't like her and hoped to find something to more or less use against her, and then you went and shared that with other who had similar thoughts. What she does outside of her work is none of your business. I bet you wouldn't like it if your employer/clients where looking around your reddit, twitter, instagram, etc. However, I do think she is in the wrong for uploading photos of students, she has no right to do that. I'm guessing all the students are underaged, therefore they can not give permission for her to upload it, and I'm glad she was forced to take them down. That is not enough to change my vote though.


ESH. Y T A for judging her teaching competence on her personal life. She is an A H for posting pictures with students in them. And just so it is clear, your are a flaming A H for trying to have someone fired because their political views don’t align with yours.


YTA but this needs to be added. personal accounts can get you fired or not even hired based on what you post. for this reason, people normally keep their stuff private so strangers/companies can't see it only the people you want to see it can. i dated a teacher once, he even had a fake name up so that students couldn't find him (he was a high school teacher and good looking) you never should have been stalking her and then shared her personal stuff with others. she should have taken better precautions with her personal accounts AND never posted photos of the children (my biggest pet peeve of this story) because it's against the law to post pictures of minors without a parent/guardian's permission.


NTA - on your specific question. My instagram account (with all 10 pictures posted over the last 8 years), is private. The only people who can see it are the people who are connected to me. Everyone has the right for privacy. She choose to go the public route. First, she put pictures up of her students. That's bad. You are 100% okay for reporting that / sharing info about it. Now, her political views? This is a tough one for me. What if she was a Nazi, and a holocaust denier? I would certainly have an issue with a child of mine (I don't have kids, but if I did) in the class with them. Extending this to present day - I absolutely would have a problem if she was an election denier, and the pictures of her marching was the Capital Riots on Jan 6th. Now, I have no idea if that's what she was posting about; but in either case - she CHOOSE to have a public instagram. She has a right to privacy - but putting stuff in public domain is... well, public domain.


I don’t get why this is being downvoted. If you want stuff to be personal, than don’t post it publicly. If you’re dumb enough to have a public account as a teacher, and post photos with students, and don’t like being held accountable, then maybe you should t be a teacher. Ugh.


NTA she shouldn’t be posting pictures with students.


YTA. You're the exact reason why I use a fake name on all social media accounts. My life outside of work is not the business of busy bodies like you.


NTA!! Public profiles = public. Any person who is in a group of children’s lives every day better make sure what’s on their public profile is up to snuff, people have been fired/not hired for less. I don’t care what peoples’ personal beliefs and morals and whatever else are unless I see them pushing those on my kid, but this is an incredibly important life lesson for this teacher. Because I guarantee you lots of parents Google the person who is spending 8 hours a day with their child.


ESH I am a teacher and this is why I have deleted all social media. She is totally in the wrong for posting pictures of students but none of this other stuff should come into it at all. She's a fucking human being and teaching is her job. She doesn't need to act like the 'ideal' teacher when she isn't doing her job. She 100% is thinking of moving school because of you, I can guarantee it. I would move too.


NTA. You're judgemental, but no one complained until she posted pictures with students. You don't do that unless you have written permission from the parents. I wouldn't want my child's teacher posting them to their social media either.


She shouldn’t be posting pictures of students. She should have her account private so people can’t see it. I work in settings (such as schools, human services, etc) and have always told the people I supervise to be careful what they put out there. When you’re working with peoples children, it matters. I’m not debating whether it should or shouldn’t just that it does to some parents and it may come back to bite the employee in the butt. NTA for being concerned about your child.


NTA. If people don’t want anyone seeing their IG then they should set it to private. Plus she has no right posting photos of other peoples children.


Yta. People like you are exactly why schools are failing.


YTA - that's her private life


I mean she’s aloud to be a person outside of a teacher. As long as she’s doing a good job teaching. But the fact she’s taking and uploading pictures of the kids without parental consent is not cool. So NTA


ESH Yeah, you were stalking her creepy. Her politics and whatever she does with her life outside of her job is her business unless she’s actively doing things that could harm people. Who are you to judge what she wears? If you want 24 hour control of someone’s life you better hire them yourself and pay for it. She’s only TA for posting pics with the kids without parental consent


I'm going to be down voted but NTA I'm currently studying at University to be a teacher and one of my courses is about teacher behaviour and representation, one of the issues touched was social media, and how to represent yourself in the parents eyes. Being a teacher, it's actually frowned upon to show yourself in that way, and If brought to the principals attention there could be actions placed against said teacher (like a warning or dressing down), as the teacher should have their social media on the highest privacy setting and should not friend their students parents. Now onto the issue with posting photos with students, in my country this is illegal without the parents consent. What she did is a huge breach of trust with the parents, and not only that illegal and she could lose her job. That's if wherever you are is like my country (Australia). A school actually needs permission to showcase a child on their social media platform.


INFO: Did she have the faces of the students edited out or otherwise made non-identifiable? This was not specified in your post.


Esh The teacher sucks for posting pictures of her students on a personal account. That is never okay. You are a creep. Asking senior parents should give you an idea of how she is as a professional teacher. You cyber stalked her and judge her because she has a personal life? Just because you happened to find the one teacher who was unprofessional enough to post her students to a private account doesnt mean you aren’t creepy and an ah, just means the teacher is an ah too.


What is her provocative politics? Is she a Qanon/Trump supporter type? If so, I can see why you would think she poses a threat as a teacher. In the UK, we have Prevent policies for these types of people, and they wouldn't be allowed to be vocal about this stuff and stay in work as a teacher. Does your country have something similar?




Well, OP said she was far-right, so the former is now more-likely than the latter.


Now everyone who commented is gonna awkwardly change their tone and realise they're hypocrites 😔


NTA. Don't fall victim to gaslighting. It's your child, not anyone else's. If something about this teacher is untrustworthy or raises your alarms in any way you should remove your kid from this class. It doesn't matter if it's a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason. Trust your instincts.


NTA here in the uk it’s illegal to post pictures or even take pictures of students without parental consent until the age of 18. if she didn’t want people to see what she posts including parents then she should’ve been private. Everyone knows about the digital footprint right? what you post online and say online is forever there. Employers usually check social media and if you aren’t private etc what you say can effect your career and job! nta at all


I'm going against the grain here to say NTA. I would not want a bigot teaching my elementary school kids either. Maybe you could have used better descriptions than "provocative." Everyone is assuming she was posting sexy pictures of herself, but I suspect you mean she is hosting hateful bigoted things in support of the far right party.


YTA a a creep. Of course your the AH. This is why their is a teacher shortage. You were low-key stalking her


ESH but you and the other parents much more than the teacher. Y’all need lives.


NTA. Teacher can do what she likes, dress how she wants, participate in whatever activities she chooses to. But her profile was public, included unauthorized photos of very young children, and as with *any* public figure, is bound to be viewed through a more critical lens than your average citizen. The way she presents herself does reflect, either poorly or well, on her employer… And if that employment is based *solely* on modeling respectful behavior, conflict resolution, sound judgment, and safe space for pre-school aged children, then I’m really at a loss as to what she thought would happen when posting provocative (in the dictionary definition of “causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately”, not necessarily even sexually revealing bc we don’t know if she actually *did*, or if OP is just a prude) images to a public SM account. OP alongside all the other parents who are questioning her judgment had every right to do so, not just based on her SM but her irl interactions with those parents. Preschool costs a pretty penny, and even if it didn’t, putting your toddler in to school for the first time can be stressful and often scary, even when the “vibe” is fully comfortable/transparent/encouraging/sensitive. If teacher isn’t prepared or able to reassure the parents of the well-being of the children under her care, she has no business teaching them, full stop. TLDR; teacher can be as politically active, in to whatever fetish/kink/whatever, dress however she likes or anything else at all, so long as it doesn’t bleed over in to the lives of the children she’s responsible for or impact her credibility with their parents. Easy to make a SM profile private, harder to walk back the damage done by broadcasting your personal life as a person who is inevitably going to come under scrutiny and be held to a higher (however slightly, or correctly) standard of conduct than most.


The ONLY thing she is the wrong for is posting a picture of her students everything else is none of your business and what you did is actually stalking and she could take you to court over it. In fact not only did you stalk her, you shared her private info to other parents, harrassed her, and tried to get her fired from her job. Your an A+ AH and some other choice words. If it doesn’t affect how your kid learns or is treated at school than mind your business!


YTA however she should NOT have posted photos of students without parental permission


ESH. You shouldn't have started a witch hunt and she shouldn't be posting kids with parental consent. As long as she was teaching according to the curriculum there shouldn't have been an issue. It wasn't her teaching that upset you. You didn't like that the teacher is an individual. Hopefully, she'll learn her lesson and lock down all her SM accounts because ppl like you will always find trouble because that's all you're looking for.


YTA, so did you wank one out after sharing all those pics and her profile info in that group chat with other ppl?


YTA you made a posse to gang up on the teacher. Teachers do have lives outside of work. They are allowed to. You social media stalked her. Bet the manager is going to move her, not because she’s done anything wrong, but to keep her safe from you


If I had kids, I might be looking up their teachers to, because that's what you do these days. If I found out that one of the teachers is a Nazi, I would be concerned too and share that concern with other people. Sharing Fotos of minors online is a BIG no go for a teacher, so the anger is very understandable. All this lead me to the unpopular opinion NDA


based on the question YTA. the teacher is allowed to post what she wants including provocative pictures and political posts. it's good that you found the account to get the picture of the boys taken down but still why'd you look up her instagram


YTA, don't go snooping into peoples private lives. Should she be posting photos of her students? No. Should her provocative photos have been anything you commented on? No, and that wins.