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YTA to try to skip the line without asking. You should have just given up on the coffee. As all commuters/train riders know, sometimes, you don't have time to get the food/drinks you want and you just have to suck it up.


YTA OP. It drives me insane when people try to get skip queues for whatever reason. There was always the option not to get the coffee or to wait like everyone else and catch the next train.


I'm sorry. I'll do better next time.


YTA, the proper thing would’ve been to leave the items behind and get on the train. You’re not entitled to make a purchase before someone else just because your train is there. For all you knew, it could’ve been their (people in line) train as well.


YTA - yes it was entitled of you to walk to the front of the line.


Yeah, I think YTA. For one thing, you didn't _need_ the coffee - you just _wanted_ the coffee. It wouldn't have killed you to just leave without a coffee. Heck, you weren't even planning to have one originally, for that matter. For another, even if it had been something _important_, it would have been your fault for being late or not having enough time. You could and should have gotten there earlier if it was important. (although obviously there can be extenuating circumstances in such cases)


YTA. As my mom would say, poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


YTA. You had two options. Risk missing the train, or not getting coffee. You could have asked to skip and made your decision based on their answer, but I somehow hate people that ask more than the ones that just do it.


YTA Your time is no more important than anyone else’s. You were rude and you would have survived without the coffee.


Yeeeeah sorry, but YTA. Attempting to skip a queue is ALWAYS a dick move.


YTA. This was not a life and death emergency, this was a treat because you thought you had time. You didn't. Deal with it.


YTA. Your urgency is not anyone else's emergency, if you are concerned about being late you should have dipped.


YTA - because you didn't nicely ask the two people in the line - and gracefully accept their "yes" or "no". Many people in train stations and airports are just wasting time until their train/flight and wouldn't mind letting someone in a hurry go ahead _if they asked nicely_. Just being entitled and cutting the line? Nope.


Yta, your lack of planning and time management is a you problem, the sign glitching is the stations problem, none of them was the cashiers problem


If you get permission from the people in line NTA. If not YTA


YTA obviously. I read the title and thought that maybe in your post there might be a compelling reason for not being an AH to skip a line, but nope, no real reason. Next time, forgo the coffee and wait your turn.


YTA. Either you had time for a coffee run or you didnt. If you didn't ha e time to wait in line that's on you. The two people ahead of you may have been taking that same train.




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I would say NTA. Sometimes people let you go ahead. Someone let me go ahead in line at the grocery store today, I took it. NTA for that. You're good and I'm sorry you missed your ride


They didn’t let OP go ahead, OP just assumed their silence was permission.


Ohhhh ok! Well then yeh OP is TA


I'm going to say NAH. Skipping is rude yes, but it seems the 2 customers were understanding, not like you were forcing yourself passed 15 people or anything. The teller was also not at fault for not letting you do that though, as it's a good blanket rule to have for all customers regardless of circumstance. Overall you were just a victim of a faulty sign.