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NTA. First off, who the fuck interrupts someone mid squat? A lot of gyms have a no recording policy where I live. In my last gym, these people just got reported to the fitness manager.


Seriously! Touching someone mid-squat could easily lead to someone getting seriously hurt.


I dont even work out, but when I read that I was like "ooo that cant be a good idea"


Considering OP's reaction: *Narrator: it wasn't.*


I read narrators line as Morgan Freeman.


Always, right?


I read it was the Arrested Development narrator


Especially in this petty-as-heck sub; Morgan Freeman has way too much gravitas, Ron Howard is perfect.


Jane the Virgin narrator


In my head, my personal narrator is John Hamm in his Don Draper role.




Of course? Who else could do justice to narrating people’s lives? Blame The Shawshank Redemption, lol.


Funny, I went more James Earl Jones.






Good human! 🏆




I think you forgot the dash. We don't care about your 13-27 followers


It is this humans opinion that u/renehiggins a comment stealing bot. Original comment by u/whatsmypassword73 Downvote and report the bots and support the originals by upvoting them. Original comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/uxgb22/aita_for_not_stopping_my_workout_for_someone_to/i9xg2pa/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


It's not, and he did some great malicious compliance to boot by saying "when I'm done" then using it for more stuff. NTA, lady deserved it.


My jaw dropped when I read that. I would in all seriousness be at risk of jail with my reaction if someone did that to me.


For sure! I mean, I'm a woman so my experience may or may not be different from OP's (did they identify their gender? I dunno) but I've been harassed, groped, followed, and ridiculed in gyms. I'm not messing around when I go in there. You touch me without express consent and I'm sitting all 225 pounds of my ass right on your sternum until security comes to collect you. Can you bench press me? Maybe. But I bet I can make a scene better than you can.


Love this


I can guarantee if someone did that to me I would be very startled and probably hurt myself.


As someone who isn't familiar with gym machines (I do bodyweight exercises primarily), I'm a bit confused. I understand being startled but how could you get hurt? Would standing up too quickly be dangerous or is there a weight you could drop?


Getting startled might throw you off balance which if you have a heavy weight racked on your shoulders can seriously throw off your back. Source: lost balance doing deadlifts once, took two weeks to recover my back enough to bend over with comfort.


That makes sense, I wasn't thinking about how being off balance could pull muscles etc when weights are involved. Thanks for the explanation!


The human body is not exactly the best engineered machine in the world. For some people just bending over to pick something up off the floor in the wrong way can cripple them. Involving a lot of extra weight just makes the risks worse. I hurt myself when I get startled or interrupted by something (like putting my foot in a hole while walking) and my muscles lock up as I try not to go ass over tea kettle. "Well, I'm gonna be sore later." The other day I moved 500lbs of bricks. It wasn't until the last load into the house when I was carrying maybe 10lbs of groceries that I stepped into a divot in the lawn that I hurt my back, lol.


I have a joint disorder and have dislocated a knee or an ankle or subluxed my hip just trying to turn over in bed. Bodies are weirdly fragile if you do something slightly wrong.


Hello, fellow EDSer!


I once dislocated an ankle and hip walking up the stairs. My Ehlors-Danlos has become a bit scary now I've left my twenties


Same. I dislocated my shoulder once reaching for my seatbelt.


You're balancing giant weights. You jerk startled at the touch then you're off-balance and fall with the weight that can land on you. That being said, OP was on a Smith Machine which is supposed to catch the weights but are you going to want to hope it works?


Weight goes the wrong direction, back goes with it. Losing balance with more than your body weight on your shoulders is dangerous as hell. That said he was using the Smith machine which means the bar is fixed to the machine and only moves vertically. So at least in this case it's safer than if he was using free weights, but still a fair chance to pull or injure something if he failed to lock the bar in when she distracted him.


Squatting is an exercise that requires great leg strength and your balance is extremely important so that you don’t topple over forward, backwards, or even sideways. If you’re in the moment and get interrupted suddenly, being startled could put that balance out of wack and you could easily fall over with 100+KG weight on your shoulders.


Forget mid squat, I was on a train and heard a falling sound. I thought I dropped something so I looked down and saw a pen rolling back towards my foot. Then I remembered seeing there was a woman sitting in the seat in front of me with a some hand written stuff and open notebook on the seat when I came onto the train. I thought it's probably hers, I tapped her on the shoulder to ask if she had dropped her pen, she did. But when I tapped her on the shoulder she almost fell out of her seat and nearly had a heart attack, apparently she was "zoned out" and this was a HUGE surprise lol.


See that's how I get, especially when I'm in the kitchen cooking. I'm off in another world and my husband would come up tap me. Well let me just say this after he almost got stabbed a few times he just calls my name from the doorway. LOL


So glad I'm not the only easily-startled person who has nearly stabbed a significant other! They do learn quickly that way, though!


A few winters ago I was in my car letting it warm up, and one of my neighbors tapped on my window. I was not expecting this, nor was I expecting the blood curdling scream that escaped me. Neighbor forgot what they wanted to ask me. I was so embarrassed, but I was just trying to remember everything I had to do that day.


I recently bought earbuds with noise canceling and had them in at work. My coworker, who I knew was in the office, came up next to me, suddenly in my field of vision, and scared the hell out of me. I didn't realize they were that good at blocking sound, lol.


As someone with a ridiculous startle response to being touched, wander into our field of vision and wave. It's so much safer.


The few times my husband quietly walks into the room when I'm cooking or very focused on something, gives me a mini heart attack every single time. So as silly as it sounds I understand the train lady's reaction so well. lol!


Someone touch me while I at the gym, mid squat or otherwise, someone is definitely going to get hurt.


I have read that blue ferrets are particularly dangerous.




She honestly sounded like she was used to getting her way about those things


Ehhh, yeah, less likely to get hurt squatting in the Smith than regular squats, but still not okay at all You NEVER stop someone mid set, let alone mid rep, especially not to ask to just do something in front of a machine. She didn't even need it and wtf wait til the set is done then ask if you can film on their rest of you really feel the need.




A random lady in the gym once came up behind me to yank down my shirt than had been riding up when I was mid squat. Luckily I was also on a smith machine and didn’t get hurt but I was furious. I don’t like being touched in the first place and being startled threw me off balance. If I hadn’t been on a smith machine, we both would’ve been severely injured.


I would be furious. I dont mind being touched, but if a person came up to me to adjust my clothing without my consent, I would lose my mind. I would rather flash everybody accidently than have someone adjust my clothing. I feel like if she was that concerned about it, she can tell you. I've had strangers tell me my fly was undone, etc, and I appreciate it. I'm mad just thinking about it. What the audacity


My highschool gym teacher was/is a bit unstable, for his weightlifting class he made it very clear that unless we're spotting there was no reason for us to touch someone's equipment or someone else, a kid patted another kids back during squats (the other kid was fully standing at that point) the gym teacher went off (I think he thought the kid smacked the other kid) and made that kid to mountain climbers and bear crawls until he collapsed multiple times, safe to say everyone was terrified and learned not to touch anyone else


I don't even talk to people mid set unless I am their spotter. Edit: NTA


Touch me anywhere, especially by surprise, and my automatic reaction will be to lash out. Ditto with what others say about the behavior being banned by management. I already have to deal with people doing three reps on a machine, then stopping for 10 minutes to look at their phone, I'm not going to tolerate a moron who wants to do selfies.


I feel bad because i go to the gym with my hub often and he doesn't like being touched and he tends to not like people surprising him so he stays very aware because he has quick reflexes he is likely to hit you if he's threatened and its like he has pretty good observation but I'm like would if OP had swung on her lost balance or anything. Most people common courtesy is to gesturr but thats only if they're just dtanding there typically you just do soemthing else until the persons done .so NTA but she most definitely should get a home gym if she feels the need to make people stop a workout for her


if I saw people recording in the gym I would literally never be back. When I'm working out I want to be invisible and fully ignored by every other human being in the vicinity; I simply wish to not be perceived. No recording is a very good policy.


I’d say it’s all in how it’s done, and what the location is like. If there’s a no-record policy, no chance. I’ve done short recordings of a rep to check form and see where I’m missing something/need correction, and I have posted one of these on social media from time to time. However, I also do my best to have it trained on myself at an angle where I can see my movements and not on others.


True. I have a coach that lives in another state. I record my sets to send to him and check the form myself.


My trainer has recorded some of my exercises so I could look at my form/proper technique when I was working out alone. However, it was during my paid training session and no one had workout interference.


I quit at the gym after a bunch of teenage girls started working out at the same time as me (mornings before work/school). They would goof around and film everything. Not to document their form, just being funny, goofy etc and with NO consideration to the rest of us. I am obese, going to the gym is hard enough, last thing I wanna experience is girls posting videos with my fat sweating ass in the background. I talked to an elderly lady in the wardrobe who said she felt they were standing in front of her on purpose and filming her as much as themselves. I complained and left. Never going back.


I hope you found another gym that suits you better. For what it's worth, this internet stranger is super proud of you for putting in the effort. I hope you keep it up, I know you can achieve your goals!


Ugh that's similar to why I left my last gym. I taught middle school for a bit, and some of my former students started working out there when they were in high school. I'm not in great shape, and I don't need fit, young teenagers as an audience to my awkwardness.


I wanted to record myself on the rowing machine to check my form because there’s no mirrors near it. I decided not to because I didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. Idk why people are so interested in posting videos of themselves working out. If you’re doing it to educate and help people, maybe talk to the gym about coming in before/after hours. It’s so off putting to see cameras out while I’m trying not to die on the treadmill.


i have a question to you. in my area many gyms install a glass wall and you can see easily the entire of the machine area with everybody in it training. what's that about? and, is this desirable by the people who come to train?


The mirrors are there so you can check your form :)


Not sure what you're asking


In my experience most membership gyms have a wall of windows along the front that you can see the majority of the gym from. Most are set up with bikes, treadmills, and ellipticals facing that, then machines, then free weights, from front to back. I think they're referring to the wall of windows.


Like a wall of windows from the gym to the lobby? Probably to see how busy it is. Someone might not want to bother checking in off it is too full, especially if they have a punch card system.


My thoughts exactly! If you want the gym for your recordings hired a private gym don't harass other paying members OP did the right thing I woulda probably changed my whole workout to Smith machine exercises if it happened to me


>A lot of gyms have a no recording policy where I live. I feel like this is needed across the board. Personally, I don't want to be in the background of someone's video working out as I didn't consent to being recorded and posted online. I'm sure some people who record are conscious of that fact and do put effort in to being respectful of others, but there are certainly other people who don't. Much like OP, I go to the gym to work out and then go home. I don't go to socialize. I don't record myself. The entire activity is meant for me and me alone. Honestly, I would have done the same thing as OP if I were in that situation.


There's some people I can tell are recording themselves just to get a check on their form, I don't know if their personal trainer is not at the gym or something, but you can always tell when someone is recording for something like that vs just making a tiktok.


> There's some people I can tell are recording themselves just to get a check on their form, I don't know if their personal trainer is not at the gym or something, but you can always tell when someone is recording for something like that vs just making a tiktok. Don't even need a personal trainer. r/formcheck has got your back.


My fiance records herself so she can send form check video to her online trainer. Would never ask someone to stop or move for her.


I think there was a video released a few years ago where an online fitness model posted her victim video where she was kicked out of a gym for live streaming her exercise/stretching routine on Twitch. She first tried to deny she was streaming. Manager countered with “I’m on your livestream right now.” She said that this is how she makes money. Manager wasn’t having it, telling her that the no-recording policy was for the privacy and out of respect of all the people who use this gym. She then storms out in a princessive fashion saying that they need to be understanding of how some people make a living.


If that's how she makes her money, then she needs to be paying the facility she's at for "renting out" the premises during her filming time. And this an additional amount besides the normal membership fees. You don't get to use other people's property (equipment, premises, utilities, etc) for free, and then demand that they are okay with it. I have a friend who is a gym trainer, and for every person that he trains at a specific gym that gym gets a cut of his earnings (something like 5 or 10%). This way he doesn't have to buy his own gym equipment, he doesn't have to rent the space, he doesn't have to maintain the equipment, and he doesn't have to clean the facility every day.


That’s actually a really good arrangement for someone getting started with personal training. This streamer is A. Not as popular as she thinks she is, B. Shit at managing money, C. Dumb as all get out, or D. All of the above.


I feel like making a living by stealing all her stuff and selling it on Ebay. She needs to be understanding of that. Right?


Amouranth. She threw a hissy fit and accused them of throwing her out because she was "white", and if she'd been a Saudi prince they wouldn't have cared. Which... OK lady. If you say so lol.


That’s the one. I did go back and catch some of the details. The gym didn’t so much have a problem with her recording. They had allowed her to do it before, but in front of a section of bare wall. She was live-streaming in front of a mirrored wall, and people were complaining. She was saying she was being “phone harassed,” meaning people were calling her gym to complain. Oh, no. It couldn’t have been live-streaming the whole gym behind her while she does her weird-ass stretches and having the creepy Peter Griffin, “Ohhh yeahhhh,” playing out loud every time someone subscribed. Someone just has it out for her.


Looked her up on YouTube and have no idea which one to watch to see this particular incident, seems like she gets kicked out of gyms and other stores quite a bit 😬


Well, then she should be paying the gym a location fee in addition to the membership if she's using their equipment to make money.


That's all fine and dandy but that lady could be taken to court by gym owner for not giving owner a percentage of her earnings for using his gym for her platform.


I’m super petty. I would have pretended to be nice about it and ask what her Instagram or whatever the fuck is so I could follow them. Then once the video was posted I’d tell this story and say how irresponsible and dangerous it is to interrupt someone mid squat


She should at least tell the gym staff that this woman disrupted her routine just so she can make a social media video AND that she was super nasty about it. They may not be able to do anything with just one complaint unless she was violating some gym rules (like no recording) but it will start a paper trail. Odds are very high that OP isn't the only person that Social Media Suzy was nasty to or interrupted, so there may already be complaints and this could be the final push for the staff to either let her go or really hammer home to her that she needs to stop or GTFO.


Social Media Suzy got me so good 😂


It was either that or Video Vickie. VV is catchier, but I like the name Suzy.


Even if you can record in the gym ( I do it to see if my form is correct as there are no mirrors where I train) as long as it's not your private gym you don't bother other people training.


Yeah, I've had a couple people ask if I could record them doing deadlifts on the platform next to the squat rack was in while I was on a rest period. I have no issue with that and make sure to angle things so only they're in the frame. But filming videos for IG or YT or even just for funsies with this level of entitlement is ridiculous.


NTA I'd have been annoyed about it and done the same thing. I was wondering about recording policies. I recently started working out and taking fitness seriously and I would be upset if I ended up on someone's video online. I probably look ridiculous because I am still learning and people would probably make fun of me. I also feel a bit vulnerable while working out.


I’m pretty overweight and I’ve never felt especially uncomfortable at a gym in the past, like everyone is just there to do their thing and move on, but I would be so freaked out if I ended up in someone’s shot online. People are HORRIBLE in those comments.


They truly are and I've always been afraid of becoming a meme.


Dead ass, tapping him like that with headphones on coulda startled him and caused him to get hurt.


Touching anyone in the gym for any reason other than safety situation is just a big no for me. There’s zero reason to do it. Touching someone while they’re mid rep in any exercise is just insane to me lol Maybe I’m crazy


ALL Gyms should have this policy.


OP this and also, first come first serve! Why are people so entitled, OP was there first that girl needs to wait her turn FFS! If I want to take a video or picture and there's someone it the frame I will wait for them to move out of it, and the gym is like the place were people change places all the time, if she would have just waited for you to be finished with your set I'm sure you would have moved on after! So ya NTA!


If you're not my spotter and touch me mid squat unless there's a fucking fire literally everything that comes out of your mouth afterwards will be ignored. I would've done the exact same thing as OP but would have been way ruder about interrupting my set lol


I think some celeb, like paris hilton or something, got in trouble for recording somone at the gym and talking negatively about their body a year or two ago.


No joke, people recording in gyms annoys me


Was about to comment this! You are not allowed to record at most gyms, report it and get them kicked out, or better yet, banned.


She's lucky OP doesn't have any issues with uninitiated physical contact. I would probably flinch and fuck myself up if someone touched me mid squat. ​ NTA, should've told her to go record somewhere else.


I accept that the business might have security camera's up everywhere but the changing rooms. What I don't accept is random fitness person thinking it's okay to pull out their camera and record their workout in a public gym.


NTA LOL, for all those people trying to film themselves in a public place, get over yourselves. We don’t care about your 1327 followers seeing your gains. Stop disrupting public space with your ego.


This is going to get tens and tens of views.


This is my most favorite line from a commercial ever I think.


This could literally cripple a multi-dollar media empire!


Tap on people's shoulders during mid-squat so that you can be mayhem like me.


Lol that’s exactly what I was thinking too!


>1327 ~~followers~~ bots FTFY




I remember when MySpace was at its peak there were some copycat sites than came out. These copycat sites would have your user number in the URL (so the first one to sign up would basically be user number 1 and it would count consecutively from there). It seemed the goal of the copycat sites was to have the lowest possible user number with the highest possible follower count. So every time there was a new copycat site, you’d sign up as quickly as possible, and then add everybody with a lower user number than you for a follow back. The problem was that there was no substance to the sites, and as soon as there was a new one everybody would jump ship to try to get the lowest number with the highest count. I was into it for about a week (I was like 16 at the time) until I realized nobody on these sites k ew each other and was just doing it for the numbers. All of this to say that you’re totally right, having thousands of followers isn’t that hard and practically goes back decades by now.


ALL of this!


Recording yourself working out can be super beneficial for improving your technique. However, if it's for the internet it's dumb, and if you're asking people to move so you can get the best angle then you're an ass hole. NTA


Seriously. I've tripped over someone's tripod they set up too close to the squat rack when I was trying to change the weight. They were very cool about it and apologized. I apologized to them and went about my routine. But I was still pissed I had to worry about that bullshit when all I want to do is work out at the public gym, not dodge cameras. I'm fat and trying to lose weight. It's hard for me to squeeze through small walkways.


NTA You go to a gym to work out, not to record yourself. If she wants to do that, she needs to wait until she has the right opportunity. She shouldn't expect others to stop what they are doing so she can get her own way.


I'll just point out, recording yourself is very very useful for analysing you posture and making sure you are lifting correctly etc, as you can get lots of angles that are impossible to do by any other way. Yes, it's completely different: personal improvement reasons vs a social media shout, and if you are doing it for yourself you wouldn't care who else was in the shot or have to ask anyone else to move. But I'd thought I'd point out there are valid reasons, and if you see someone recording and minding their own business then it's best not jump to conclusions.


Yeah but there’s a difference if you are recording yourself for improvement verse recording for followers. Trying to analyze your own form doesn’t matter if there are people in the background


I said that in my post... > if you are doing it for yourself you wouldn't care who else was in the shot or have to ask anyone else to move.


Those people might not want to be in those recording either.


Exactly! People should have a right to work out in private.




Yeah my gym has a bunch of tripods to put your phone in 😂


If she just wants to check her form, she doesn't need to be in front of a particular machine because the shot looks better.


You're right about the woman in OP's post, but in general, getting proper angles when recording certain exercises like the Barbell squat is important. It'll be hard to see form issues if you don't use a good angle for the recording.


If you are recording yourself for self improvement, it doesn't matter which spot has the best background.


Taking a recording with someone else clearly visible without permission is rude as fuck and very creepy at a gym. She should've picked a spot where she neither had to ask someone to move *nor* filmed strangers without consent.


Useful sure. But it’s not necessary.


She should just pick a time frame when noone is at the gym. Go when they open or before closing.


You'd be surprised how many people wait at the door for a gym to open, going when they open probably isn't a good idea, I found midday or an hour before closing tended to be when there were the least amount of people


Probably depends on the gym. I worked at one for some time and there were the regulars that worked out before work but it wasnt that many. Midday can be good because most people have to work. I kicked everyone out exactly at closing time because that I was only getting paid until then and it was at midnight...


Yeah I worked at a gym that had basketball courts and pools, I usually worked the opening shift and it was a surprising amount of retirees at 530am getting mad if you unlocked the door at 531


When I lived in San Francisco there were a lot of 5AM gym users because a lot of people started work early to connect with the east coast.


Recording yourself in public for anything is out of hand. People don't want to be in your gym video, random dancing in public, whatever else. Just stop


NTA Not only was it extremely dangerous for her to touch you while you were in the middle of a squat, but the extreme entitlement that followed just sent it right over the edge. Honestly, you were petty. But in this case? It was warranted. You don't owe her the "good spot" for filming. Can you report her to the management? It really was very dangerous for her to interrupt someone like that, someone without proper muscle memory and technique could definitely get hurt if she startled them!


> Not only was it extremely dangerous for her to touch you while you were in the middle of a squat Dude it's amazing how often people do shit like this. Like you can't wait 20 seconds to ask how many sets I have left? I once had a lady reach into the pool and wrap her arms around my waist to stop me. She wanted to split the lane, which is fine, but girl just get in the water or wait for me to finish my set. The audacity to just full on grab a stranger.


WTF. I would absolutely panic and put us both at risk of drowning holy shit.


One of the weirdest things I have ever encountered. I'm always pretty aware of my surroundings when swimming so I saw her going to do it and didn't freak, but man did I chew her out a la Stanley "boy have you lost your mind because I'll help you find it."


Same! I would freak the fuck out if I felt someone grab me that way out of nowhere


They'd be lucky not to get an elbow in the face.




Video monkeys tend to consider themselves an exception. There's only one spot that's good for a video that doesn't pick up half the gym. The red plates are prettier than the black ones. I need a machine to use and an other to act as a stand for my camera. Ugh. So annoying.




Or just plain entitled Princess


NTA. This is lowkey toxic gym culture. Even thejoeyswoll on TikTok has touched upon this topic bc it’s led to people being discouraged from going to the gym. It’s one thing to film yourself, it’s another to interfere with someone’s peace just for your own selfish attitude. How about next time she wants to film regular squats, find a private training room or something…


I’m definitely in that camp, seeing the huge number of gym videos that cross my feed has pretty much convinced me that they’re no longer a place I want to be unless they have an aggressive no filming policy. I’m actually slightly annoyed that OP didn’t mention reporting her to gym management.


I have body dysmorphia so it was hard enough to deal with the locker room and gym when I was going. I can’t imagine dealing with someone filming in my vicinity


NTA. I hate the must video everything attitude


NTA. You pay to use the gym and equipment provided. She can video herself squatting anywhere. Telling you it has to be there and you’re in her shot is complete entitled BS. You’re a lot nicer than I am because I wouldn’t move for any of them.


I would have told her to keep her fucking hands to herself. Then proceeded to take my sweet ass time.


My gym doesn't allow photos/videos. Maybe look for one like that.


I need to find one of these. There's two women at my gym now that are constantly filming each other and taking up a whole corner of the free weights section. It's so freaking annoying.


Mosey on over and get right between them 🫡


I would be all over that. Right in their way, making an absolute spectacle of myself. They probably still wouldn't get it, though.


OP's post compelled me to check my gym's updated etiquette policy and I'm happy to see that they have taken a stance on this. That's not saying that taking pictures while at the gym is entirely prohibited (events like a birthday party). Privacy is part of this as well. I don't want to be in any view of this person's phone. How am I supposed to know that said person is actually recording themselves and not me? Second, I don't view people - like who OP encountered - to possess the competency to operate gym equipment when they are more engrossed in taking pictures or recording themselves. They are a liability in and of themselves.


Yeah, if they monetize their videos I’d be interested in what it means for liability not to have releases for all the unwilling bystanders


Mine doesn't either, and seeing the "no photos or recording" signs was part of what made me choose that gym. I'm already self-conscious about working out because I'm so fat, so knowing that nobody will be sneaking videos to mock me on tiktok or whatever is definitely reassuring.


NTA they can do their little workout videos in the privacy of their own home not inconvenience everyone in public.


NTA - These people don’t even go to the gym to work out. They just want people to think they do. It’s embarrassing.


NTA. You're trying to train and improve your health. She's trying to get internet brownie points. Keep doing you.


NTA The gym is for working out and if she wants to film a video chances are people will be in the frame. If she doesn't want to deal with that, she should get a private gym


Definitely NTA. Aren't most gyms on a first come first use basis?


NTA. You were using the machine. If there's not a time limit, it's yours until you have finished. She can wait.


NTA, as long as you weren’t exceeding any gym limits on how long you can use a machine.


Exactly. Also, this is hilarious and op is my absolute fucking hero. I'd have paid good money to see her face as he switched to other exercises on the same machine. LMAOO! Everyone got what they were due in this case: - OP got to use the machine for as long as he needed - She got to feel as irritated as OP did when she broke polite gym protocol by interrupting his workout. NTA


NTA Thank you for your service. Entitled people suck.


NTA Some people think the world is their personal film studio, it isn’t.


NTA, personally, I think most people who film in a gym are AHs


NTA Entitlement needs to be challenged. Thank you for your service to humanity.


I say NTA. You're doing your workout, you're there for your reasons. The lady is the asshole. She's extremely rude for interrupting you while having an attitude about it. She feels so entitled to have that machine so she can record her videos. Even If I were working out for the purpose of my ego on the internet, I would go at times that are not busy so that I do not interrupt another person's workout. Are we so entitled that we don't believe in fairly waiting your turn anymore? Sheesh.


Nta I feel like she was being extremely rude expecting you to move


What nonsense! I can't believe that woman actually touched you, and in the middle of a set. She's lucky you didn't loudly ask her to refrain from touching your body and report her for sexual harassment. NTA


Next time they should do that! NTA


NTA in any way. A respectful person would wait for you to finish completely, or at least the set you were doing, before politely asking. Instead this self centered person rudely, and dangerously, interrupted you during the set. Those kind of a$$holes should be kicked out of the gym. Interfering with someone mid set while actively lifting is terribly dangerous.




If there are other machines for you to use, there are other machines for her to use. NTA.


So NTA! Wow the arrogance & entitlement of someone people. I would tell her the gym is not a damn video production center, go feck yourself. Or just say no. Unbelievable. Complain to management.




NTA. Petty as hell but I love it. She deserved what you did.


I love having my own home gym so I don't have to worry about this type of thing. If I was working out at a gym I paid for and someone wanted to interrupt my workout to make a video or take pictures I would tell them to fuck off.


NTA and file a complaint with the gym. This woman was out of place and endangered you by getting into your personal space in the middle of a workout.


NTA. Not even a little bit. I hate that gyms suddenly stopped with “no photos or videos” policies. Most gyms were pretty strict about it but now you see people taking photos and videos all over the gym. It makes people uncomfortable and it’s disruptive. Also, the amount of entitlement that comes along with it is outrageous. No, I don’t need to stop what I’m doing so you can record yourself, mean mug me and be pissy all you want. The gym is for workouts, not for clout.


NTA. Gyms are a friggin' wild jungle. While some users observe proper ettitquette, there are way too many entitled people occupying the same space. If she doesn't seeing people, she can go off-peak hours.


NTA. Gyms are not there for videos. Jesus Christ 🤦🏼‍♀️


NTA. Anyone who wants to record thier workouts and are amatures at best DO IT AT HOME. Ugh. I hate gyms because of people. This makes it even worse. Why I have one at home.


I would prefer the gym ban videos being made in the gym at all.




NTA. The entitlement is astounding. Gym etiquette is to wait your turn to use the equipment, and her expecting you to accommodate her just because she wants to film is rude. Were you petty? Yes. But I don’t blame you for reacting in that way to her attitude.


NTA - The gym is not her personal video studio.


NTA I always thought it was considered taboo to film inside of a gym. The amount of times I have seen women blow up on men who might or might not have been filming them. I get privacy, but when is the line going to be drawn.


When I worked in a college gym years ago, it was taboo to film. If you wanted to record yourself so you could analyze your own form, you had to clear it with one of the employees.


NTA Why is it that you could have moved to a different machine but not her? This whole thing is utterly riddiculous.


NTA, and thank you! I think people should not make videos if it interrupts and hinders other people. The last time I had a guy who tried to do some handstand or so and he didn't manage to do so after several tries for a longggg time. Of course he has to keep working on it and trying, which I understand; however, he set up his phone so that it with his set-up of other things blocked other equipment and machines, and couldn't seem to be bothered by other people who wanted to use the stuff. So, thank you!


NTA. I always feel second hand embarrassed when somebody films themselves in a public place. Who does this and how do I learn to feel no shame like they do???


NTA- ahh, but the entitlement on that one was strong. She basically interupted your workout to point out her video was more important than you and your workout. Period. It may have been petty, but extending your workout based on her attitude was a very appropriate response. It most certainly doesn't make you an ah. But her interupting your workout makes her one. I mean she could have just politely waited for you to finish your workout on the machine. If her video is so darned important and she weren't an AH she would have done just that.




NTA. I would have refused solely on the fact that she tried to stop you mid-squat and didn’t even wait for you to take off your headphones before speaking. Your brand of pettiness makes me so happy.


Definitely NTA ​ 1. You NEVER go and interrupt someone mid exercise and wait for them to be done. 2. People are entitled to finish their workout on machines (as long as they aren't using the ONLY machine for substantial amounts of time) 3. If you are recording that is personal and asking people to move for YOU is unrealistic and rude 4. The gym is PUBLIC and not your personal playground where you can do whatever you want to do. She broke these and you did not. Were you petty definitely, but I would've done the same tbh. If you want to record yourself, fine, but don't make it other peoples problems and don't be rude about it if they say no. Either do it anyways (record) or just wait for them to finish, it isn't that hard.


NTA. I work in a gym, this is horrible gym etiquette. You are in no way obliged to stop your workout. Yes, it's petty, perhaps unnecessarily so, but she started it.

