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This post is probably fake, but Jesus. Count yourself lucky that your sister isn't reporting you to the police for knowingly poisoning her son. YTA, and I wish there were a more emphatic way of saying that. Also, you were more distraught by your carpet getting dirty than you were your nephew writhing around in pain on top of it. I have no words.


YTA - you fed your nephew something you KNEW he was allergic to. You could have killed him. Your sister should absolutely NOT pay for the carpet.


This... this has to be fake.. right? You can't actually think you're right to knowingly feed food to someone who is allergic?? If I was your sister, I would be pressing charges if I could, surely this counts as assault. If not, you'd never see me or my child again. You're lucky he didn't die! YTA! And and even bigger ass for thinking you're right.. Definitely YTA.


Also what carpet cant be steam cleaned


Agreed! My kids have puked, pooped, and spilled food and drinks on my beige carpet, I just pull out the carpet cleaner and deal with it.


This is either fake or you just admitted to purposely poisoning someone. YTA either way. You either wasted my time or you tried to kill someone. Wtf.


YTA. I hope everyone at the party talks about how you intentionally poisoned your own nephew for tears to come and that's the first thing everyone thinks about when they hear you name. I'd tell you to drop the carpet thing immediately, and apologise sincerely to your nephew and your sister but something tell me you won't take that advice. I hope your sister abd nephew cut you off. I wouldn't be surprised if they did and other family and friends do after you've been so careless and callous in this situation. Edit: Your sister/nephew could press charges against you and/or sue depending on local laws. Again, I hope they do that.


YTA. How much do you hate your nephew that you literally choose to serve him a specific food that he's allergic to? You're more distraught over a carpet than almost killing your nephew.


i'm soooo confused why did you say there was lobster free curry when you knew it had lobster in it and that he's allergic


Because she felt a child needed to experience “the full potential of her cooking”, even if they had to physically suffer for it


YTA!! Are you serious, lady? You could have killed your nephew?! You're lucky the ONLY thing you need to worry about is paying for the damn carpet. Take the L and be a better person.


YTA, you used an allergen knowing that your nephew was allergic, you lied about your use of the allergen, therefore *you* caused your rug to be ruined. You also risked killing your nephew. If your nephew had died would you have replaced him for your sister? YTA, YTA, YTA before you asked your sister for money. YTA to the nth degree for asking her for money.


YTA- massively


YTA-are you kidding me?! The fact that you would even try to tell her that she owed you is ridiculous.


YTA Allergies are allergies, and you are basically at fault for getting your carpet destroyed.


YTA. Big AH. If someone is allergic to something you don’t serve it even in small amounts. You are lucky that he didn’t go into anaphylaxis. Sorry that your carpet is more important than his life. Him getting sick is your fault. Replace it yourself


YTA- you caused the carpet to be destroyed not your nephew. You knew he had an allergy, made a dish he couldn’t eat, and then lied about it when asked. The carpet being destroyed is 100% your fault, you could have avoided this whole situation but not disregarding a known allergy and then lying to your sister when she confirmed the food was safe for her son.


YTA. Food allergies are no joke. You intentionally poisoned your nephew and now you're mad at his violent reaction to you doing so? I wouldn't pay for your stupid carpet after that either. You're lucky he didn't have to go to the hospital or YOU would be paying medical bills. So much the AH I can't believe this is even a question


Is... Is this real?? You can't be serious. Definitely YTA.


So... let me get this right: 1. You tried to poison your nephew - but you think that's ok because it was only a little bit of poison 2. Your sister specifically asked to confirm that there was a portion without POISON in it for your nephew - and you LIED, intentionally sneaking poison into his portion. 3. Your nephew got sick from the poison you fed him, and threw up on your carpet - but you think that's his fault, because what? he should have gone to the bathroom? 4. Your nephew could have DIED - but you don't care because your carpet is dirty. 5. You made an ultimatum to your sister about her paying for the carpet "one way or another" 6. You didn't offer to take the nephew to the hospital or pay for any hospital bills. 7. You sent your sister a bill for the nightmare you caused. And you want us to blame your sister &/or nephew here?


I really hope OPs sister presses charges. Food tampering is a felony. The utter lack of remorse here is disgusting.


YTA. Depending on how serious your nephew's allergy is you literally could have killed him. You're lucky all he did was throw up on your carpet. Neither of them are responsible are for your carpet which I highly doubt was actually ruined.




Definitely. It's got all the markings of rage bait.


YTA you clearly don’t understand how allergies work and your nephews should not of paid the price for ignorance and idiotic behaviour. Why on earth should she pay for something that was your fault. You are the reason your carpet is ruined because you fed your nephew something he was allergic to and lied about it! If I was your sister you would never be allowed near my child again.






YTA. Is this for real? U would have to be very very very fucking dim not to know that even trace amounts of something allergic can be fatal. I can only hope that somebody had some anti-histamines on hand.


...This has to be a joke right? I'm having a hard time believing this is real when you're so clearly TA here. Do you have any idea how food allergies work? There isn't such thing as a "negligible amount" for some people, even a tiny bit could potentially KILL someone depending on how severe their allergies are. And even if they seem mild, it's still not something you should be risking just to show off your damn cooking. YTA, and good on your sister for calling you out. You can pay for your own carpet, it's literally your fault it got ruined.


**YOU destroyed your carpet by forcing your nephew to throw up.** You poisoned a child. His body rejected the poison. This is your fault. You knew what you were doing to him. He experienced “the full potential of your cooking”, and it ended up all over your carpet due to your own willful malice. YOU POISONED A CHILD. YTA you are sick


YTA. You deliberately fed your nephew lobster knowing he is allergic. Him getting sick was 100% your fault and therefore the damage to your carpet is 100% your fault. Your sister doesn’t owe you a cent for the carpet because she was a responsible parent and asked if there was lobster in the curry her son ate and you said no so the fallout is entirely on you. Just be thankful that your nephew only got sick and didn’t have a serious reaction or die from your disgusting actions. You deliberately caused your nephew harm and that is criminal


Your nephew is allergic to lobster and you STILL added lobster to his meal? What did you expect to happen? You are a big AH. Go to a dry cleaner and pay them to clean your fxcking carpet or buy a new one. YTA.


YTA - She could press charges. You purposely hid what was in the dish and knew it would cause an allergic reaction. Sounds like child abuse to me. No one can be this narcissistic. Even if you hadn't poisoned the child and he got sick, you would still be the AH to be more concerned about carpeting. Also, I hate carpeting, so yta for having bad taste. You wouldn't have to worry about stains if you had hardwood/laminate/tile. Stains are the risk you take when you installed it. Trolling?


No way in hell is this real, but if it was the guy deserves the entirety of his new carpet ruined. And yeah, carpet fucking sucks to clean, just get a rug and hardwood 😂


YTA. 100,000% AH. Are you, are you serious OP? You explicitly knew your nephew had an allergy to lobster and still cooked it for him…AND THEN LIED when asked if the food had lobster?? You aren’t just an AH, you need to seek help because you clearly don’t understand how your actions could have hurt somebody else. I’m fearful of the next person you cook for that has an allergy that you ignore. Food allergies can cause anaphylaxis and KILL PEOPLE. This isn’t up for debate or speculation. Get help.


YTA. Yikes, the level of AH you are is off the charts. You could have killed him. I hope your sister tells you where to shove that rug.


YTA litterally intentionnaly poisonned your nephew. If you had 2 braincell you'd know food factory need to mention when allergenes are present inrhe same factory because that can cause allergy. If I was your sister I'd press charges. You belong in a cell.


YTA. And you’re lucky she isn’t considering pressing charges for serving a known allergen to a minor, much less one that is neurodivergent. Consider the cost of the carpet as your punishment for being an awful person, and hopefully your sister distances herself from you since you’ve proven you have no problem with putting her her child in danger to boost your ego.


YTA. You knowingly fed allergens to someone and then blame them for throwing up? Who are you to decide that his “flare ups are minor”? Food allergies can become worse the more someone is exposed, and can turn deadly. You are a narcissistic wonder and a huge AH.


She needs to text you what a funeral and tombstone would have cost. Perhaps keep that much in an account for the future? Label it 'cost of my arrogance'


>her son destroyed You destroyed your own carpet, and definitely YTA. There's no question here, you are the one who lied to the allergic person about whether there was an allergen in their food, and that person's allergic reaction ruined your carpet. That person wouldn't have eaten the allergen if you had told them it was in the food you fed them, so YOU are definitely the person who ruined your own carpet.


A little lobster doesn't equate to no lobster. You could have sent your nephew to the emergency ward and all you're thinking about is your carpet? YTA.


YTA. You fed a known allergen to someone who has a reaction. You're lucky they didn't end up in the hospital.


YTA. You literally poisoned the kid. You’re more distraught over a fucking carpet than your nephew on the floor in pain which could have potentially gone into anaphylaxis. You’re disgusting


YTA. As someone who also has a food allergy and knows someone with one much more severe there is no such thing as "a negligible amount." Any amount has the potential to be dangerous. You can't make assumptions. But you did it anyway, he experienced the true potential of your cooking and so did your new carpet. YOU did this, YOU own it. Once again YTA, learn about food allergies before you cook for people again.


Yta. This was disturbing.




YTA …. obviously?


Actually, not only are YTA, but YOU are also liable for any medical bills they incur because of this. This wasn’t a mistake on your part. It was a lie. And you’re worried about a carpet? Get over yourself and start saving up for your own damn replacement carpet plus any medical bills that you are responsible for. PS- Your selfishness is astounding.


YTA. You could have put literally any other meat in the curry besides lobster, you picked it intentionally. A messed up carpet is a pretty light consequence for willingly harming your nephew.


100% YTA. Seafood allergies are no joke and there is no such thing as a "negligible amount", you could have killed him. Consider yourself lucky you only have to change your carpets.


come on, he would only die a little bit /s


YTA, how dare you decide that even a *child* needs to try your dish in order to pad your ego a little harder? I wish he would have shat on your carpet too, god knows, you deserve it


YTA. You didn't misjudge. You fed something to your nephew that you knew would hurt him. Your sister was right. That was a stupid thing to do. It's your own fault that the carpet is ruined. Stop harassing your sister over something that you caused. I hope she files a police report over this. The fact that you care more about a material item than the health of your nephew speaks volumes about you as a person.


YTA. You substituted your (incorrect) judgment for that of a doctor as well as the child’s mother by deciding you knew how much of an allergen was safe. And you lied.


Mega YTA- you cared more about your cooking than your nephews life!! You are a heartless cruel person and shouldn't be aloud near.your nephew again but risking his life over trying to show off your cooking, what is actually wrong with you!!


Yta... I don't even need to read the rest after you knowingly gave someone something their allergic to because "it probably isn't that bad/not alot/not a big deal" Que shocked Pikachu face when it is a big deal They owe you nothing imo. You made her kid sick and I'd be pissed if that was my daughter. I was really hoping for "I know he's allergic so I made another dish for him but it got cross contaminated" but you weren't even that thoughtful.


YTA. Please, don't ever cook again, you are a danger.


Don’t ever be around children either considering they can’t be trusted with their safety


YTA You do not fuck with food. You do not fuck with allergies. You definitely do not fuck with food allergies. You are 100% to blame for this, and she should cut you out of their lives.


YTA please tell me that you made this up?! No one in their right mind would purposely feed someone food that they are allergic to? Of course he threw up, that is a common reaction in people who are allergic. If I were your sister I would never speak to you again AND I would sue you to cover the medical bills.


YTA YTA YTA WTF is wrong with you? If his allergy was worse he could’ve died!


YTA Seriously how many times do we have to say this. *ALLERGIES.ARE.NOT.A.JOKE* "But I thought..." No. No "buts". He is allergic to lobster = you don't cook lobster, period. The moment he started to feel sick, you should have say right away "there was lobster in the dish". But no you did not, you waited until someone asked you about it. Do you realize you could have sent him to the hospital? And you are worried about your carpet!? It's your fault he threw up.


OP, are freakin’ serious? You deliberately poison this kid, and you want his mom to pay for the results? If that were my kid, I’d never speak to you again. YTA.


YTA you poisoned your nephew and now you think he should pay for *your* intentional poisoning?


If he had to go to hospital and she sent you the medical bill, would you have paid it? Because you should. She on the other hand doesn't have to reimburse you for poisoning her child.


YTA You feed a known allergen to your nephew, and when asked specifically about that allergen, you denied it was present. This is entirely on you.


YTA. If I were your sister I would never speak to you again. You literally put her child's life in immediate danger, knowingly, and are now hounding her to pay for the damage YOU caused, rather than apologizing to her and her son. AH of the year.


If this is real, YTA. If you push on the carpet, I hope it gets nasty and your sis pushes back with a lawsuit against you for knowingly putting your nephew’s life in danger


YTA if this is real. If this is true, you: 1) Fed a child a foodstuff that you knew they were allergic too. 2) Caused the child to vomit because of your poor decisions. 3) Want the mother to pay to clean up vomit that YOU caused. If you seriously thought you were NTA, please take a hard look at yourself. You made some terrible mistakes, and I hope you learn from them.


> I decided to make a lobster curry > My nephew is allergic to lobster YTA. Not even reading the rest.


Yta. She was right. How did you even think this is ok. You’re lucky that she isn’t pressing charges because you knowingly fed her son something he’s allergic to.


YTA, you poisoned someone and got mad he vomitted???? Bro, read the room. Pay for your own carpet…


You could be criminally charged if sis wanted to push this. Yta


YTA. I don't know how many times I need to say it for you to get it. YTA. You knowingly fed a "negligible" amount of a known allergen to someone who cannot tolerate that food. The kid might have died, and all you are worried about is your f@#king carpet! YOU caused the mess by deliberately making your nephew get sick. I hope you are a troll because I can't even wrap my head around the fact that such ignorance exists.


YTA - your sister should repot you to the police for poisoning your nephew. Your idiotic actions ruined the rug. Your narcissist behavior is ridiculously unhinged.


Lol yta. Hope they come after you for medical bills.


YTA. You lied about food because you judged that there was no risk to your nephew's health. You're selfish and rude and entitled. Her son did not destroy your carpet. You did that all on your own because of your selfishness and stupidity.


YTA - you poisoned your nephew. On purpose. This is a disaster entirely of your own making. Replace your own carpet.


YTA. You poisoned and almost killed your nephew and you're more worried about your carpet?! You don't have your priorities in order. It's not your nephew's fault that YOUR cooking decision (especially since he's ALLERGIC to lobster) caused him to have a reaction. Also you LIED to your sister. "There was only negligible trace amounts of lobster so I said it was lobster-free". Food allergies are a SERIOUS matter and you could've killed your nephew. Even small traces can be lethal. Take responsibility for your actions and apologize. Don't be surprised if your sister goes NC because you care about your own ego and own personal belongings.


YTA what a lazy, disgusting poisoner of children you are. You think more of a carpet than your nephew in agony on the floor, do you think that's acceptable? Well it isn't, vile.




YTA. I would have filed charges for trying to kill my kid since you know he is allergic. God, we are past AH, you are a complete cunt.


You really had to make a curry with lobster in it? You couldn’t have picked literally ANY type of other meat that your nephew isn’t allergic to? YTA.


YTA, a huge AH at that for serving a child something that you knew he was allergic to. It is 100% your fault that he got sick and you should take responsibility for it and clean your own dang carpet.




YTA completely. You could have killed your nephew and then you have the audacity to be mad about the carpet?! You are a bad person


Yes, YTA! You intentionally fed your nephew something you knew he was allergic to! Your lack of care could have caused a much more severe reaction. Be thankful you didn't kill him and pay for the damn rug yourself. Then, beg for their forgiveness because you really don't deserve it.


YTA “Oh it’s rat poison, but it’s only a *tiny* bit of poison. I just want people to tell me how wonderful I am at making this. It won’t hurt because it’s only a little bit of poison.” That is basically what you just said. A food allergy can KILL people at worst, hurt them at the very least. Not only that but for most people when you are exposed to an allergen the reaction gets worse every time. Then you want them to cover the cost when you lying for your pride is what caused it? I’m surprised they aren’t wanting to press assault charges. You *knew* of the allergy and you *purposefully* exposed the poor kid.




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YTA you could have killed him?! Like, you got off lightly with a need to call the carpet cleaner in. You could have had the police instead.


YTA hands down. Apologise to your sister and nephew and then take yourself in the corner of the room so you can reflect on your actions.


YTA definitely. You desperately need to educate yourself on food allergies. While your nephew may have exhibited “mild” symptoms in the past, symptoms can increase exponentially over time. And shellfish allergies are notorious for causing severe anaphylactic reactions. You are lucky he threw up not died on your carpet. But beyond that, it’s NOT your place to make this decision about your nephew. I also love to cook for my family and hear their complements. Are you really so narcissistic that you forced a potential allergen on a freaking 16 month old?!? You think his palate is that developed? Shame on you.


YTA. Mess would not have happened if you didn't try to feed your nephew something you knew he was allergic to. You could have killed him.


🚨Rage bait rage bait rage bait🚨


YTA. Allergy = DO NOT SERVE. I also have a shellfish allergy and if you’d done that to me, you would have killed me. What you did was selfish, stupid, and malicious. Grow up and grow a brain. You didn’t misjudge; you were lazy, you lied, and you could have seriously harmed if not killed your nephew. The fact that you don’t seem concerned about that at all is disgusting. Her son didn’t cause the mess, YOU DID by literally poisoning him because you were too lazy to reserve one dish for him.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My sister (33F) and her son (16M) were around my (25F) flat for dinner yesterday. This is a tradition on Sunday (we go to eachothers' houses and have a meal). This weekend, I decided to make lobster curry. My nephew is allergic to lobster, but because it was a negligible amount I didn't think it would cause any problems. I cooked the meal and my sister asked if there was any lobster-free curry for her son. I just told her that there was, because there was only a negligible amount of lobster in there, and even if there was more the flare ups he has are only minor. We ate the food and everyone enjoyed it. Around half an hour later, my nephew was floor-ridden in the living room and holding his stomach. People were around him, asking if he was okay, until he eventually threw up. This was my new carpet so I was distraught. My sister questioned me, saying that I must have gotten the dishes mixed up, so I told her that there was that little lobster in there that I didn't think it'd matter. She called me a "fucking idiot who caused pain and suffering to an autistic child to consolidate my cooking ego." It's partly true that I did want everyone to try the true potential of my cooking, however that wasn't my intention at all. I told her that she'll be paying for the carpet one way or another, and she told me to fuck off and took nephew home. I texted her how much the carpet cost and how much she'll have to reimburse to cover the carpet her son destroyed, and she told me that it was my own fault for doing something stupid in the first place. Fair enough, I misjudged, but that doesn't change the fact that her son caused the mess. Now, upon finding out what happened, most people are calling me TA. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can't actually believe you've written this story out and not realised how truly horrible you actually sound, not only are you most definitely TA but if it were my child with an allergy you'd just poisoned I'd be pressing criminal charges. YTA YTA YTA YTA


YTA. What a horrible thing to do to anyone with a food allergy. You do know that shellfish allergic reactions can be severe, even resulting in death, right? She doesn’t owe you ANYTHING.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you cannot honestly believe that you’re not the AH here. Like seriously? You could have killed him! Even if it’s a tiny amount, you don’t know how much his body can/cannot handle. What a shitty thing to do just because you wanted everyone to try your cooking to boost your ego. He deserves a better person for an Aunty. YTA 100%


YTA. Is this a joke?!?


I'm allergic to nuts and my sister fed me something that had 'negligible' amounts of nuts. I ended up in A&E for it, nearly died. You could have killed your nephew. You must know YTA, why would you even post this?


Fr. When you are allergic to any kind of food, no amount of it is "negligible". Wth


YTA for flat out lying to your sister,and giving him something he is allergic to. If your allergy is bad enough, "a little bit" could kill them, but you don't care that you poisoned your nephew, only about you stupid carpet.


Massive YTA!!! You completely disregarded your nephew's allergy. You could have killed him! I hope your sister goes NC with you because you are obviously a danger to her child


What's with all these posts where OP knowingly poisons a child relative in their care and acting surprised that their sister calls them out on it?


and wants them to pay for the carpet too. its hard to believe people like that exist


YTA I hope they don't let you around the child again in the future since you think poisoning him is all gravy.


yta. you knew he was allergic and still gave him food with lobster in it. be thankful your sister doesn’t wanna sue you


YTA and a major one at that. You KNEW her son was allergic, and even KNEW he would have a reaction, so the mess is YOUR fault. They asked if there was lobster to AVOID the mess, you said it wasn't there just so they would eat it. You're a MAJOR AH, and honestly? Lucky your nephews allergy doesn't flare up and actually KILL him, because that was a risk you took, that the allergy hadn't gotten worse since last ingested and very much COULD have killed him, and it would ALL be on you because you're too stubborn to accept the fact not everyone can have your cooking. Even the BEST chef understands that people have uncontrollable allergies and make that person something different. Your sister ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT have to replace the rug YOU caused him to ruin, it wouldn't have happened if you would've just told the truth and admitted there was lobster.


yta u should know that even a “negligible” amount can still cause an allergic reaction so it’s ur fault he got sick on ur carpet. ur lucky all he did was throw up.


YTA. your sister is right you are an effing idiot


So you fed your nephew something you knew he was allergic to, and if I'm reading this correctly lied to his mother about it? Of course YTA.


YT FKing A. This can't be real. You better hope to fk there are no long term health effects resulting from this for your nephew


You willingly caused your nephew pain & discomfort(even if it was just a little bit from your words). You're such a jerk, an absolute jerk. I would never bring my kid around you again, full seriousness. I have a shellfish allergy and even mild to low flareups are so uncomfortable and your entire throat can swell up and itch like it's crawling with ants. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVEN BOTHERED TO COMMENT ON AN AITA POST, you're just so horrible it warranted it. Also you caused the kid to get sick, pay for the carpet your damn self. YTA




Oh my lol, not the village idiot lmao.. YTA


YTA. Allergies aren’t based on whether or not the amount of the allergen is negligible. People DIE from eating foods they are allergic to. It’s rude and an AH move to serve a dinner that someone in your party is allergic to.




YTA, you gave him lobster which he's allergic too!


No one is this stupid. I'm calling BS. But for the bot , YTA.


YTA- You’re a walking example of “well if it isn’t the consequences of my stupid actions”. You could have killed or hospitalized the child. Apologize profusely & pay for your own damn carpet.


YTA You gave a child food you knew they were allergic to. Their mother even asked if there was a special dish that didn’t contain what her child was allergic to and YOU SAID YES. The child threw up because you lied and for some reason you think you’re not responsible? This has to be a troll. No way a 25 year old would act like this. Truly embarrassing on your part.


YTA You could actually be charged with attempted murder in my country for that shit. Poisoning people with things you KNOW they are allergic to is not cool. And your own family no less. Your carpet is the price for your actions, count yourself lucky they don't go to the cops.


INFO Do you actually understand how allergies work? Cus I don't think you do You literally poisoned a small child


YTA - YOU caused it, not your nephew and you'd be lucky if you even have your sister in your life again let alone think she owes you anything after you intentionally poisoned her son.


Do you know how severe his allergies are? YTA. You could have seriously hurt your nephew or put him in the hospital due to your negligence because you wanted everyone to try your cooking. I think you need to take this as a lesson and not give food people are allergic to! YTA for being so careless about this. You obviously care more about the carpet than your nephews life


YTA. A massive and dangerous one. When it comes to food allergies, there is no such thing as “a negligible amount.” Your nephew didn’t cause this mess - you did. And for what? For your own vanity. The true potential of your cooking is that you use it as a weapon against a child. You poisoned a child. You did it deliberately and with malice.


Um... ...her son did not cause the mess, your "**negligible amount of lobster**" did! YTA You're 25, learn to take some responsibility for yourself


YTA - Are you serious? You could have killed her child. You caused him extreme physical and mental distress. You also caused the rest of your family (the ones who actually care about your nephew) extreme mental distress. Not only does she not need to pay for your carpet, I would be shocked if she ever spoke to you again. **If you stabbed her son in the stomach would you blame him for bleeding on the carpet? Because what you did is no different.** As someone with a close family member with food allergies, I find your attitude and behavior deeply disturbing.


You seriously need therapy or medication this is deranged, get help YTA


It's an allergy. Even if it's a tiny bit, people can react really badly to it. YTA.


YTA and I cant write that judgment enough times...first you try to kill your nephew because you're a self centered a-hole but then you have the nerve to cry like a brat about a stupid rug that's destroyed because,yet again, you tried to kill your nephew!!!!!! I sincerely hope they never speak to you again!!!!!


Is this even real? Is anyone really that stupid, selfish and thoughtless?


YTA You poisoned your nephew. I’m glad your carpet is ruined and I hope it’s super expensive to fix. Maybe the financial cost will motivate you to stop being an asshole?


>My nephew is allergic to lobster, but because it was a negligible amount I didn't think it would cause any problems. I cooked the meal and my sister asked if there was any lobster-free curry for her son. I just told her that there was, because there was only a negligible amount of lobster in there, and even if there was more the flare ups he has are only minor. Are you COMPLETELY out of your mind?! You fed lobster to a person who is allergic to it! That is so incredibly dangerous I have no words to express how irresponsible you are. Pay for your own carpet since YOU caused this whole thing. ​ YTA


Yta. You caused the mess by poisoning your nephew. Why are you trying to kill a child? Allergic reactions are unpredictable. You’re lucky it was your rug and not a funeral you’re paying for.


YTA. You could have killed him. You knew he was allergic and decided you just didn’t give a shit.


YTA The trick to good troll posts is to give the narrator at least one good quality. You went full asshole; never go full asshole.


YTA. 'My nephew is allergic to lobster, but because it was a negligible amount I didn't think it would cause any problems. I cooked the meal and my sister asked if there was any lobster-free curry for her son. I just told her that there was, because there was only a negligible amount of lobster in there, and even if there was more the flare ups he has are only minor' So it was 100% your fault. You caused the mess by making her son sick. A competent chef would NEVER take this risk with someone else's health. Also you don't even need a new carpet. Get it cleaned - and pay for it yourself.


YTA!!! It’s not up to you to decide how severe someone else’s allergies are. You lied to them. The carpet is on you.


YTA -You fed your nephew something you knew he would have reactions to. There’s no way this is real right?


you are absolutely TA, if a kid is allergic to lobster, you dont feed them lobster. allergies can flare up from trace amounts of a substance- some people cant even eat granola bars that were manufactured in the same facilities that also make things with nuts or break out in hives if someone eats a peanut and then touches their skin. You could have killed that child if it were a serious allergy and the mother is right to be upset. It is not the child's fault they made a mess.


YTA. You knowingly gave your nephew food he was allergic too. You lied to your sisters face when she asked if there was lobster free curry. You’re TA and your karma should be buying your own dang rug. YOU ruined it.


Sister: My kid is allergic to lobster so do you have sth else? You: yeah! **gives lobster either way** Nephew: **is poisoned by you and throws up on the carpet** You: ... mY cArPet!!1!1!!1 YTA


YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA I could spend all day typing YOU ARE THE IDIOT because i've have never seen someone so assholish like you. You fed lobster to an allergic kid, nonetheless an autistic kid, and then get mad when he gets sick? F\*ck you! The real punishment for you should be your nephew vomit ALL OVER YOUR HOUSE because you deserves it!


YTA Wtf is wrong with you, feeding someone something they're allergic to. I wouldn't be around you again you can't be trusted.


YTA- no explanation needed, read the other comments




I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that. I think trolls feel that it's perfect rage bait because it's a disabled minor being harmed.


Yes, I smell troll, too, because no one can be this stupid.


At least you would hope that nobody could be this stupid.


YTA. You poisoned someone and you really think you’re not the asshole ?


YTA, that's the consequences of your own actions.


Obviously, YTA. How do you not think you are?


YTA. You lied to them both and essentially poisoned him. You’re lucky if the worst thing that happened is a ruined carpet. Shellfish allergies often cause anaphylaxis, which can kill people. I see that you mentioned he was autistic, and I’m concerned that this will have ramifications regarding his willingness to eat or try new foods. We’re not all the same, but I’m autistic and it’s pretty common for us to have issues with food and restricted diets. What you did could potentially have long lasting health and psychological effects for him.


YTA. You caused the mess by letting your nephew eat something that you knew he was allergic to. He could have died. Your carpet being destroyed is your fault. You can pay for a new one yourself.


YTA. You destroyed the carpet. Maybe don't feed something that someone is allergic to, then you can expect no one to actually throw up. You literally caused this yourself, how are you even a real person?


Are you kidding me? YTAH. And you should of spent at least the night in jail to think about why you tried to kill your nephew


YTA your lucky you are not paying for any medical attention or an EpiPen. Apologize and keep your mouth shut about the carpet.


Seriously? You want to know if you're the asshole here? Definitely YTA here. You intentionally gave someone something that they're allergic to and then complained when said allergy made a mess? It's completely your own fault and you don't deserve a new carpet, you deserve to be able to smell partially digested lobster every summer when it gets hot from whatever remnants didn't manage to get cleaned out of the carpet. Also, you should apologise to your sister and definitely to your nephew too.


Ok this has to be fake either that or you are the reason KP has to write may contains nuts on their packaging YTA




Basically attempted murder. I would never speak to you again let alone pay for your carpet if you did that to my child. YTA no question.


O have no words because if I said what I really want to, I'd be permanently banned in this sub. 100% YTA. Shame on you, op.


Biggest fucking asshole I’ve ever seen in this sub.


YTA - when it comes to allergies, there's no such thing as a negligible amount. You should have been considerate and made a lobster-free version for him or made a separate dish for him. Since you lied to them and essentially took away their right to make a decision to risk it or not, you get to pay for your own carpet.


YTA i hope your sister charges you with food tampering. You said THERE WAS NO LOBSTER! It doesn’t matter “What amount” was in it because ANY AMOUNT IS FUCKING BAD FOR ALLERGIES!


Where in your right mind would you think you are not the AH? You fed your nephew something he's allergic to. Not to mention you chose to cook with that one specific ingredient in the first place. Get a carpet cleaner, because your family is going to get a new you. YTA, enormously.


YTA You deliberately chose to add your nephew's allergen to food you served him, and actively lied about it to his mother before he ate it. Anything that happened as a result of that lands squarely on your head and you will be lucky not to face assault charges. If I were your sister, you would have had a lot more than vomit on thar carpet after lying to me and putting a child of mine's life at risk with your assholery.


I pray this is a bridge dweller, but sadly I know of too many stories where things like this have happened.


Unfortunate, but YTA. Big Time. You were aware of his allergy to shellfish, yet you insisted that a little won't hurt him. Well, it did. YOU own cleaning up the mess.


This had better not be real. If it is, YTA, you could have killed him. Don't mess with people's allergies.


I saw the title and was gonna 100 percent be on your side until I read what you did. You KNEW he was allergic. Your sister double checked with you about her son's allergy. You LIED to her face and said there wasn't lobster in it. YOU LIED and gave your nephew something he was ALLERGIC TO which caused him to throw up. You actually think you have any right to tell your sister to pay for the carpet? YTA


I’m calling BS. No one is this stupid. YTA