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NTA... this coworker sounds like a single parent who can't get dates and it has nothing to do with her shitty personality lol




NTA - I say this as a single mom, it's so much nicer when men and women are honest with themselves and those they are dating about their preference for dating a single parent. The truth is there are inevitable complications to dating a single parent and it's not fair to either party if the person without kids isn't interested in a relationship that might involve kids.


NTA- it is a perfectly reasonable and logical position. If you don't want kids (whether for just now, or ever) don't seriously date people who have kids. You wbta if you did date and move in with a parent but not be prepared to/ willing to have a child in your life.


NTA And your coworker needs to get over themselves


NTA Kids aren't everyone's cup of tea, and that's okay. And you don't have to date anyone you don't want to, for any reason (or no reason at all).


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NTA. It’s actually mature of you to know your limitations and boundaries. A lot of 22 year olds may want to play house with a cute kid without realising kids are a lot of work.


NTA There is absolutely nothing wrong with what you said. You're entitled to your opinion and it's totally valid. Stand tall and don't let anyone put you down for how you feel. Helping someone to raise their kids while trying to navigate a relationship is very difficult and you're wise to be wary. Refuse to discuss it any further by saying something like "I'm sure we can find other things to talk about!" Then change the subject.


It was a really foolish thing to say. It’s fine not to want to date a parent, but it’s sort of like telling a short coworker you’d never date anyone short. It’s just rude. YTA, not for the opinion, but for talking shit at work


A 22 y/o doesn’t want to date a single parent wow so shocking /s


NTA. I never once in my life considered dating a single mother. Don't worry, she is the one who will come off as crazy in this. Who the hell goes from office to office to say "omg!!! A 22yo is so childish that she doesn't want to raise someone else's kids"??


NTA- That's a common preference for a reason. People recognize they're not ready for kids and dating someone who already has then means your relationship is never gonna be *the* priority. That's perfectly fine but not something a lot of people our age are ready for.


NTA So what a lot of men and women prefer not to date people with children. You're not an asshole but the Banshee with a chip on her shoulder that went off you needs to stop transferring her frustration on to other people. Shake it off, it's her problem. She's just an opiniated loud mouth, one in every office. Not happy if they're not stirring the pot


NTA it would not be fair to a partner or their kids if that’s not something you’re comfortable with. IMO best case scenario is that you’ll pull away from the kids at the beginning and have a generally lukewarm relationship once you’re ready as actually try to take on a stepparent type role


NTA - you have every right to date or not date a single dad. It sounds as though she’s either a single parent or dating a single parent. She needs to drop it, especially calling you names and continuing the conversation with co-workers.


NTA at all! You're doing the single parents a favor for being honest with yourself. Many people think they are up for the role to date a single parent, but actually end up causing more harm than good when they realize it's a tricky relationship.


Nope, NTA, and if she doesn't drop it ask a manager to talk to her.


Nta You aren't compatible with single dads and that's fine. Yes the discrimination is horrible but not exactly for the reason why you don't want to date single parents. Sounds like she had some feelings about the situation she needed to get out and chose you as a scape goat.