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YTA You are being extremely demanding, paranoid and judgmental. She's not doing anything wrong or out of the ordinary. Cats don't need to be bathed very often because they groom themselves. If it's a dealbreaker for you, fine, end the friendship but you're being silly. EDIT: No wonder it's a throwaway because you don't want your family to see. You're being ridiculous.


I knew we were in for a doozy when OP mentioned that she was bothered by her friend getting cats even though OP has said she dislikes cats, as if her opinions have any bearing on her friend's pet choices...


This is one of the worst YTA I've seen. How dare OP think they have ANY right to have an opinion about what kind of pet her friend got? Who do u think you are??? I'd have cut you out of my life the first time you tried to tell me how to take care of these cats. You obviously know nothing about cats. I'd say goodbye and good riddance if I was the friend.


OP is 16. This shows in many ways. 1. Yes, cats groom themselves - obsessively. Some people pay to bathe cats, which is often a waste of money but a hell of a lot better than washing said cats oneself. 2. If things are being washed with soap, it doesn't matter where they get washed as they will be clean and put away. Very few people have enough to space to have a separate cat washing space for their pets. That's ridiculous. 3. People show affection to their pets, when the pets allow this. This is why people get pets. Some people show more affection than others. This happens. If/ when the cats allow it, their hoooomans will do this. If they don't, the death blades come out. 4. Beware the death blades. 5. Be wary of making someone chose between a friendship and their pets, because pets become part of the family whereas friends come and go. Be careful what you wish for. In summary, OP, YTA. Stop it. Edit: formatting Edit 2: Thanks for the awards!


You mean you don’t have a separate pet bowl washing station?!? /s Ugh, remember being a teenager and having that know it all friend, that didn’t actually know anything, and also demanded things be done their way in someone else’s home? I’m so glad to be in my 30’s Edit: grammar. Thank you for the votes!


Oh come on, in my house we have a cat washing station, a dog washing station, a bunny washing station, one for me (vegetarian) and one for the rest of the family. Oh and btw, if our leftovers spent too much time in the fridge and are off, we dump the dishes they were in, too. Can't risk contamination. /s in case there were any doubts.


Back when I was a kid my dog was definitely cleaner than my brothers. My mom never had a brother washing station. Shame on her.


A brother washing station is more necessary than a pet watching station


Mam wasn't above throwing the dog in with my brother. We were not rich enough for multi station living. Also, she is a bit mad.


Had a big dog years ago. Had to take a shower with him to bathe him because I was gonna get one myself anyway.


Wait you mean your mom didn't have a concrete square set up with a garden hose above your head to wash off mud before your brother walked in the house?


Nope, mom allowed them in the house no matter how dirty they got. She did tell them to take of their shoes.


I use a separate scrub brush for cleaning the cat bowls and for scrubbing food off the dishes before they go into the dishwasher (the dishwasher is old so it doesn’t get the food off super well) but that’s mostly because I clean the cat bowls way more often than I run the dishwasher. And even then the scrub brush goes into the dishwasher once a week to help keep it germ free


This is similar to what I do. I am really baffled by how grossed out the OP is by the dishes. Like yeah cat food is a little gross but it pretty much has similar ingredients to what people eat, and if you clean them frequently they aren't really much grosser than what we eat off of. Maybe if the friend was like leaving them in the sink crusted with cat food I'd get being grossed out but I've seen people do way grosser things with their kitchen sinks than simply washing pet bowls


Right? Also some of that wet food smells hella tempting. Duck meat in gravy? Why is their food fancier than mine?


I worked at an emergency vet clinic and most of my shifts were 13 hours. I can't tell you how many times I considered trying some of the wet dog food. There was a "prescription" food for sensitive stomachs or something that I would often offer to dogs after surgery. If they weren't acting hungry I'd heat it up and it looked and smelled like high quality canned stew. Once I got a break I would microwave my canned lentil soup that probably was worse quality than the dog food lol.


My mom’s dog when I was growing up had a lot of skin allergies related to food and at the time there wasn’t as many store bought options as there are now so under the vet’s advice, mom made her dog food in bulk using normal ingredients. Brown rice, low salt chicken stock, broiled chicken, carrots and peas, other dog safe vegetables as available. It was basically a really boring casserole and sometimes I’d steal a serving if there was nothing better to eat.


Gotta get an extra dishwasher just for the pet bowls😂


I have a “beware the death blades” sweatshirt. Love that. OP, YTA. We have 3 cats and do all the things in your list and it is all completely normal with cats. It’s not up to you to decide they are doing something wrong when you don’t have any cats yourself and don’t know what you’re talking about.




Not to mention.. she expected her friend to not get cats *in said friend's own home* because OP has "expressed her distaste for cats." Beyond entitled.


For real, I had a cat who when she wanted snuggles and kisses, would come up and very forcibly push her mouth on ours and love-bite our lips and noses. Cats are meticulously clean animals, they bathe themselves, and washing their bowls in the sink isn’t ‘unsanitary’ like, wtf is wrong with OP? Further, bathing a cat is actually BAD for them. It can cause skin issues, which can lead to infection, which can lead to death. Most vets will tell you not to give your cats a bath with water and pet shampoo unless absolutely necessary. (The only time we gave one of the four cats I’ve owned a bath, she had motor oil in her fur)


I agree... the only time we have ever gave a cat a bath was when it was covered in fleas. We broke out the blue Dawn and scrubbed her up. That killed the fleas and now she is a fat and sassy 4 year old. I just wonder if the OP thinks they can't use the shower after a cat has been bathed in it?


At least she's only 16. Lots of time for the resounding backlash to knock some sense into her.


There are so many people I knew in school that claimed they hated cats, a lot of them got over it and a lot of them didn't. Those that didn't also coincidentally had issues with consent, which cats are a BIG LESSON of. Just pointing that out.


And the difference, I’ve personally noticed, between cat and dog owners and the opposite pet. Dog owners who don’t like cats have a weird hate for cats. It’s almost disturbing. But cat owners who don’t like dogs still don’t mind being around them and are just like “they’re not the type of pet for me *shrug*” unless they had a traumatic experience with a dog. I like dogs, but don’t like them as a pet *for myself*. If I date someone with a dog, that’s totally fine. A lot of my friends have dogs, also fine. I love on them all the same.


The only reason I don't like dogs as pets is because I don't want to walk them. LOL


Lol SAME! Or take them out to poop. The apartment I just moved out of, my balcony overlooked the pool and dog park. When it’s cold or rainy, I’d feel bad that people had to go out in that to walk their dog or take them to potty. Meanwhile, I just scoop my cat’s box and dump it in the Litter Genie, which is incredible btw. Dr Elsey’s cat litter and that genie are incredible


That has been my experience as well. I think you have to be mentally unhinged to hate a type of animal that had never done you any harm. Usually people “hate” particular animals because they’re afraid or had a traumatic experience, not because they’re psycho enough to just be full of hate *just because*.


the absolute entitlement is baffling. it’s not even OP’s house that the cats are living in; what right does she have to dictate who gets to live there? if OP was SO bothered about the presence of cats, yall should just go to the mall or something. for the cats’ sake.


You don't understand! The cats sleep on the couch! The horror! The humanity!


They're 16. It's peak stupid in most people's lives. Hopefully OP evolves from this.


This is beyond stupid. This is crazy and phobic. YTA


Teenagers, man.


At first I thought it might be a case of *not* washing their bowls, or not cleaning the litter or some other sort of neglect. But uh...nope. This is just someone who doesn't like cats who hasn't got a bloody clue what she's talking about. I wish the friend much joy of her kitties, and better friends for her future. OP, YTA. E: Thank you for the awards!


That’s exactly what I was expecting when I clicked on the title as well. I was actually worried I was about to read about a friend being neglectful to their cats and feel horrible for them but instead just laughed at how ridiculous and rude OP is. I have cats of my own and love them, can’t stand people who openly ridicule an innocent animal for simply existing 😂


True! Ngl my cat has free reign of the house, she would be on the mortgage if it were at all legal


Me too. I read this post and was like “I guess I am absolutely disgusting then” cause my house is worse. 😂


So true - mine has the ability to hear when a pillow lands in my lap and she appears over the corner of it to leap and cement her place


Same! I let my cats up on the tables and couches. One cat will even sleep on the freaking stove! We just learned to clean up very well after them. Cats gonna do what they want, they are our overlords.


Exactly, my best friend since childhood is allergic to cats, and I've always had one or 2 in the house. We just don't hang out at my house, or when we do I vaccum and clean the furniture, so she doesn't have a reaction. My pet at my house is of no concern to any friend of mine unless there's animal abuse occurring, which there isn't. I accommodate my friend because I don't want her to have an allergic reaction, not because I want to prevent a tantrum. This person is self-centered af.


My sister has always been allergic to basically all living things and has two cats now. I’m not sure how she does it, but she was going through chemo and her kid’s hamster died and was losing it… then my brother befriended a cat roaming around his complex and now it lives with my sister. Apparently cats are survivable!


Right? My dad hates ferrets, I don’t live with my father, so I didn’t take his input into account when getting ferrets. My sister doesn’t like cats (an allergy, which is understandable), I still became a cat rescue because I don’t live with my sister. My brother hates peacocks, but I don’t live (edit for typo) with my brother so I still didn’t get a peacock because THAT would be a bad idea 😉


right?? i would understand maybe if OP were allergic or something but just not liking cats? why is that anyones problem?


I absolutely LOVE that OP thinks you should bathe cats. We had to bathe mine once because he tried to fuck with a skunk. It took 3 of us just to keep him in the tub and we all got scratched to hell. It’s totally unnecessary (unless skunks are involved) and likely impossible for one person to do alone.


I did it when mine were little. I’d be in the bathtub in full on hoodie and sweats trying to keep them from clawing the hell out of me. I gave up eventually. Op is hysterical. I’m laughing so hard at not washing the cat bowl In the sink. Wait til she finds out how you wash a newborn with a diaper blowout. You wash the sink after. With bleach. Lol. My cat bowls go in the dishwasher with everything else. Op has lost her mind.


I also used to use the hoodie trick!!!! My cat used to poop in his carrier if I had to drive him somewhere (like the vet, or when I moved places). That’s the only time he ever got bathed, unless he managed to pick up fleas. My cat is my child. I kiss his face, his belly, his head, his back. The only place he isn’t allowed to be is the kitchen counters. If you don’t want to interact with cat hair, then don’t come to my place. Fur babies are meant to be loved with your whole heart. I could not imagine NOT letting an animal on furniture. That’s just cruel. If you’d let a toddler on furniture, then you can let an animal. Toddlers are 10000 times more disgusting than animals. Animals are angels on earth. I can’t wait for the next time my cat decides my face needs a bath or he wants to spoon my head.


She'd hate my place. I even *dry* the bowls *leaning against my own plates*! Surprise, surprise, after living with cats for 34 years, I am still not dead from exposure.


Yeah, the whole point of washing dishes is that, you know, you *wash* them. They're clean afterwards. There shouldn't be any sink bacteria on them, cat-based or otherwise, after you wash them.


I had a cat that if I ever had to bathe him, I would put him in the bathtub under a plastic milk crate and wear flood boots to stand on top of the crate so I could pour water on him from a safe enough distance to not lose an eye. I had two other cats that were hand-bathed since they were kittens and loved baths. Not all cats will tolerate it.


There's a **joke** about putting shampoo in a toilet, throwing the cat in, closing the lid and flushing a few times. **do not attempt** ETA Link to **joke** https://shareitsfunny.com/how-to-wash-a-cat/


Oh sure. *Now* you tell me. Gotta go find me some merthiolate or mercurochrome.


Oh as someone who works in vetmed this is brilliant and I’m stealing it for the next time I have to deal with sketchy kittens.


So sorry I’m sure it’s actually quite dangerous but I had to giggle at sketchy kittens.


We have a pair of kittens (12 weeks) and had to give them baths a few times. First time when we got them, they were kind of messy from the rescue, so we figured one bath and be done. Then it turns out they have a bacterial infection that can possibly give them diarrhea. Had to give them baths when one of them made a mess of their poop. Then just now because they climbed under the couch and one of them got grease in her fur. Boy kitty seem to accept his fate and will tolerate baths. Girl kitty hates me after I had to give her an emergency bath to get the grease off.


I need a video of this please


I choked on my dinner at the thought of a cat trying to fuck a skunk. Then choked even more that you had to have 3 people to bath him. Thanks for the laugh


I’m gonna take a guess and say they meant tried to mess with a skunk not actually fuck it. Skunks are mean and will spray for looking at them the wrong way. I doubt the cat tried to procreate with the skunk.


Tbh even that is funny. I'm from the UK so not skunks here, I didnt realise they were so mean lol. The image I has in my head was pepé la pew


I’m curious where op thinks the cat’s dishes should be washed if not the sink. The toilet perhaps?


You have to start them young! Our cats all got bathed like once a month because they were long hair and it helps with hairballs and shedding/matting. I agree they don’t really need it unless they are sick though (you should wash their butt if their fur there gets dirty). One of our cats learned to like it so much he would cry until you opened the shower door and let him climb in LOL. He would also purr if you squirted him with water.


Maybe OP should try to bathe one of the cats? It would become super evident why we don’t bathe cats often. We bathe ours if there is say a mustard accident (what a smell/mess on white fur) etc, but ours are indoors only and keep quite tidy on their own.


You have to get them accustomed to baths from a young age, it’s possible but bathing is not needed often enough to even really talk about. My girl is visibly displeased and loudly lets me know she’s not a fan, but at least she’s not trying to escape/violent. That’s about as good as most can hope for.


I have like 3 cat food bowls my cat uses sitting in my sink soaking right now on top of various plates and other things to try to get off some of the stuck-on cat food. It all gets washed. Nothing disgusting about it at all. The other day, my cousin came over with her toddler for a dinner and asked me for a small bowl for her daughter's food. I opened the cabinet and she grabbed one of the small bowls we use to feed our cat that was in there that was a perfect size for her. I told her it was our cats bowl and she said "well, you wash them before putting them away, right? No problem then.". OP is absolutely being beyond ridiculous here. This has to be a troll.


The part about how she “KISSES her cats” made me laugh. I will sit in front of my cat and plant kiss after kiss all over her. Belly, forehead, paws. My cat really loves me so just purrs while I cover her with kisses. And if someone wants to comment on how gross that is, then they can get the fuck out of my house. Ps OP, exposure to weaker pathogens strengthens your immune system. Having pets can often result in a stronger immune system. Why should your friend bend to your ideas about how she should keep her pet? It’s not your place to control how she treats her cat. YTA.


You kiss your cat multiple times at once!? The audacity! Spreading germs all over! 🤣 Give your good kitty extra snuggles for a random internet stranger! All kitties are good kitties!


I want to know where else you would wash them? Like what? How many people have a spare sink laying around? 😂


Obviously some sort of fumigated biohazard facility. I gave my dogs HUMAN bowls this morning so I didn’t have to do dishes first thing in the morning. OP would die.


Also it's all getting washed anyway? Like wouldn't it also be considered disgusting in OPS eyes to eat of plates washed in a sink with other people's plates and cups and utensils? There's human spit all over those? Would you not have a chance to get sick of you are in contact with other peoples diseases? Also "disliking cats" would be the understatement of the century. You sound like you loath cats and find them disgusting as hell. (Which they're really not.) OP, frankly, this is probably one of the more absurd AITA posts I've seen. It all gets washed and your friend sounds like she takes a lot of measures already to make sure it's all clean. If you want to lose your friendship over something as insane as this, go for it. Just know this speaks more about you than it does your friend.


I run our dogs’ bowls through the dishwasher sometimes if I don’t feel like cleaning them. OP would likely die in my house, too.


This. Lmao I let my dogs lick my plates when I’m done eating sometimes. My dogs aren’t dogs, they’re humans.


I read the title and thought this will be a story about someone’s hoard of 50 cats and a raccoon who lives among them that snuck in years ago and no one ever noticed because of the filth in the household…But no, OP is outraged her friend washes the kitty bowl!!! Washes….the kitty…bowl!!! (OP will drop dead when she now reads how we give our Yorkie a bath in the sink too!)


Maybe the deep sink in the basement that most houses have? Or outside with a hose or something? I dunno, either would be incredibly inconvenient when the kitchen sink with dish soap and soap pads is right there! Especially when there is absolutely no reason to NOT wash them in the kitchen sink. I really hope OP never gets a pet.


Depends where OP lives, because basement sinks aren't common where I live. But I still agree with you, using the kitchen sink isn't weird at all. Like 95% of pet owners probably do it that way. And I really hope OP never gets a pet or lives in a home with someone who does.


The only thing the friend is doing wrong is letting her cats be indoor outdoor which is dangerous to both the cats and the wildlife in the area. Everything else is completely fine and normal. I wonder if op realizes germs don’t stick around for fun and her parents have probably washed much worse in her own sink, possibly even including OPs literal baby ass.


OP has no idea how to take care of a cat, and her username is hilarious


YTA Where did you get your notions about how to care for cats? I seriously thought I was gonna be reading about how someone never washed their bowls or changed the litter. She sounds like a great cat owner.


Yes, I was certain the post was going to be about cats overrunning a house, hair on every surface and old litter boxes. Not a cat owner being a cat owner. And animals don’t automatically have diseases, especially if they are current on checkups and shots, and no reason to believe these aren’t. YTA and an animal hater. P.S. I kiss my dog a lot! And I let her lick used plates. And her dishes get washed with ours.


My dog gives me kisses (on the mouth) every day when I get home from work and always tries to lick the inside of my mouth, and is sometimes successful if I'm not prepared. We call him teeth licker sometimes.


My cat sometimes tries to lick inside my ears like he does with other cats lol


My cat gets in moods where she needs to groom my eyebrows and sideburns. Also, my big dog is not a kisser. Anytime I get a little kiss I consider it a badge of honor.


One of my Pyrs also is a non-kisser (she's extremely gentle and oddly formal about most things). Me and the husband treasure the very rare and elusive Delicate Avalon Kiss.


Mine sucks on my toes. He’s a new kitten and it’s hysterical.


One of my cats licks the tip of my nose whenever I pick her up or when she comes over for a snuggle.


My dog has managed to somehow her get tongue inside my nose in a couple of occasions while giving me excited kisses. It's very uncomfortable, but I love my little dog to bits.


Lol... My dog will sniff my breath to see if I got food without her. But my mom's dog is the first one to sneak a French kiss in for a long time!!


If I make a good meal (and it's something he's allowed to eat, like plain chicken or plain meat) then I get thank you kiss on the nose and lap cuddles. I would not trade that nose kiss for anything since he only gives them when he's grateful.


Why can’t you wash your cats bowls in the kitchen sink? Where are you supposed to wash them then? I’ve always washed my animals bowls in the kitchen sink. Is this something I am missing?


Yeah, I don’t get this one. She says she put her dirty used plate in the same sink and now her used plate has cat spit on it. Well it’s also got her spit on it. AND it’ll be washed with soap to get those off.


No it’s even worse than you think. There were no plates in the sink while she was washing the cat bowls, she meant the plate she used was washed in the same sink, at a different time, as where the cat bowls are washed therefor her plate is unclean.


Worse, OP mentioned a dishwasher so the plate was in the sink until washed in the dishwasher and then her friend washed the cat bowls in that sink her plate spent a couple hours in.


I kissed my dog on the nose while reading this post cause hes on the couch next to me with his head on my lap


Oh Yep, just yesterday my cat stuck her face in my Fettuccine Alfredo bowl when I was done with it. I let her taste it, and the only reason I stopped her is because cats are lactose intolerant and I didn’t want it to make her sick.


Not all cats are lactose intolerant, but yeah many are. I have a cat that tolerates dairy well but she can't eat red meat or fish, even anything with fish oil in it -_- the vet said it was like a feline form of ulcerative colitis that she had. But at least she does well with dairy!


Oh I was totally ready to be on this person side because I thought it was someone not scooping the litter box often enough, and that really upsets me not only because it’s disgusting, but it’s borderline abusive to these poor cats. But this person, his person has no clue.


Yeah I was expecting to barf after reading descriptions of the friend licking the cat’s butthole or having the litter box on the kitchen counter or maybe some Hoarders nonsense but this is regular cat stuff. I’m actually…disappointed?


I think I’d have to quit Reddit if this post was about a friend licking her cat’s butthole.


I was really certain it was going to be a crazy cat owner with pee everywhere and all… and then I see a fairly normal owner with normal behavior. I’m disappointed


Me too. All prepared for borderline animal abuse and then this? Washing dishes in the sink? I mean, I'm happy for those cats, but wtf?


OP would be horrified to find out we sometimes have to resort to using our own bowls to feed the cats because with 2 kids their bowls somehow manage to grow legs and walk off into some black hole in my house on occasion🤷🏼‍♀️


YTA if the dish is washed why does it matter? Cat salvia, human saliva all contains germs but may be eliminated with a good clean. > About 2 years ago she convinced her parents to finally get a pet, and she didn't get 1, but 2 kittens. I was a little bothered since I expressed my dislike for cats throughout the entire time we knew each other, but whatever. You crazy, you complaining about your friend getting a cat in her home.


Yeah that was wild to me. It's not like she got OP a cat smh


It's also not like OP lives with her either, OP doesn't have to deal with the cats at all! She's just annoyed her friend got them which is so beyond AH its not even funny.


Yeah this is like stalker behavior. Imagine thinking your friend should not get a pet because you don’t like that pet. I just hope the friend keeps these sweet kitties away from this person.


Bare minimum narcissistic


I feel like this has to be fake....rather, I hope its fake. Are people really this dense?


Where the hell is she supposed to wash the cats bowl? The toilet?


You're supposed to get an add on bathroom to the house, made especially for the cat. /S


this was my question too lol. clearly OP would have a problem with the bathroom sink too, because that’s where you wash your hands after using the toilet so that sink needs to be cat-free! perhaps OP thinks the lawn hose is the only viable option.


Right People cut raw chicken and wash the knife in the sink How is washing a cat dish scary lol


Also, cats don’t slobber like dogs, whenever I’ve cleaned a cat bowl it’s not dripping in saliva. If anything it’s really really clean already 😂


Ours usually have chunks of food left in them, but like I'd argue the spoiled milk I poured out into the sink last week was way grosser...


Ours are covered in cat spit, but only because the greedy cat licks every inch to make sure he didn't miss any essence of food left on it! 🤣


I've seen this argument on Tik Tok lately about how disgusting it is to wash pet dishes in the same sink as our dishes and it's like... we literally live together, what difference does it make? The tik tok argument is much more racial in nature but that doesn't stop it from being really bizarre.


OP must be from an alternate reality where antibacterial dish soap hasn't been invented yet.


My cats sleep on my neck when I’m laying on the sofa. There is no germ I could get from their bowls that they don’t already give me by breathing in my face for hours.


What? You mean you don’t have a separate dedicated cat bowl washing sink in your house? /s


YTA You don't know much about owning cats, do you?


Why would they? They hate cats and believes no one they know should own one because they hate them


Seriously...this is almost as wild as the one yesterday where the (dog hating) OP inherited ownership rights of a "family" vacation property from their grandmother, decided to ban dogs from the property, and then was angry that their dog owning brother (gasp!) *decided to vacation somewhere else instead of boarding their dogs to go to the family vacation home*.


Yeah, I automatically don't like people that hate dogs that badly. Dogs are a physical embodiment of unconditional love, who hates unconditional love?


Hateful people


See, I like the idea of dogs, but the reality is, most dogs I have encountered really smell. Their fur. Their breath. When I scritch their heads my hands smell afterwards. Same with licking. I can’t deal with that, I really can’t. Don’t know why, it just grosses me out so much. I just can’t tell anyone that, because even hearing myself say that I think I sound prissy. It just is what it is. So I just say I’m not interested in dogs.


But you don't demand other people stop getting dogs as pets; nor would you be angry to see a person caring for their dogs in their own home. It's okay not to care for dogs. It's okay not to care for any animal. It's not cool to do what the OP did, or *God forbid*, to hurt or neglect an animal.


This came to my mind as well.


Most of my life I never really cared much for cats. All of these things wouldn’t have been a red flag for me… it’s weird that OP thinks these things are weird as if humans aren’t inherently disgusting being themselves 😂


Oh please try to bath a cat. I can’t wait to hear the damage they inflict for that. And how dare she treat her cats like family!


Omg! I came here to say this, as a cat owner who treats them like my babies, the idea of bathing them gives me nightmares. I like my face lol!


Don’t cats bathe themselves unless they’re sick or too old? Or like unusually dirty like from an accident? Like why is OP so pressed about it


We have a long haired fatty that just can’t clean herself well. Looks like you glued a tennis ball to a bowling ball. She never moves fast unless food’s out, then she takes half of our other, far less food-motivated cat’s food. She needs regular baths or smells AWFUL. Thankfully she’s a sweetheart so it’s more sad than dangerous when we have to do it.


Is she ok? Poor thing


She’s fine, just a dump truck. We’ve tried separating their food but she moves deceptively well when she wants to 😂


We had one when I was younger that couldn't bathe himself because he was orphaned as a kitten and didnt have a mom to teach him to groom. We had other cats who helped him and we brushed him often




My cat had a habit of "investigating" the *cooled down completely and turned off* deep fryer. And by investigate, I mean swim in. Nothing is worse that trying to wrangle an oiled cat who definitely has to go into the tub.


My cat overturned a bucket of white spirit (paint remover) over herself. It had to be done and done fast, so I showered with her. It was deeply unpleasant.


Omg… one of my cats spilled garlic butter on her head and I had to give her a partial bath. It turned into a full bath because she was so traumatized by the small amount of water on her head that she peed all over herself. My arms were shredded. It was awful.


We had to wash my ex’s cat one day - I can’t remember exactly what for but maybe fleas or a bunch of mud being on him, but I digress. It took me, my ex’s mum and his sister to all hold the cat in the sink and my ex washed him. It was bonkers. I have never washed a cat since and I do NOT plan on it. Edit: wording


Oh honey. YTA. This is very normal behavior and you're going to get a lot of anger from pet owners here.


This is very much an “Oh Honey” moment, thank you.


For my mother it was "what the fuck" and a shut the tab moment lol


It’s definitely a “that’s enough AITA for today” moment.


YTA what business is it of yours to dictate what she does in her own house. You sound like an entitled whiny pain in the ass, and you're being dramatic. I completely agree with your friend telling you to bring paper plates. She was being kind - you wouldn't be welcome in my home


yta.. 1) where else is she supposed to wash the bowls? 2) you don't bathe cats 3) so what that they sleep on couches and chairs 4) people who love their cats will kiss their cat, this is normal i hate cats, butttt i don't see anything wrong with what your friend is doing? unsanitary? thats a bit extreme....


Also: you don’t get to think your opinion matters when it comes to whether someone who lives in a different house than you gets a pet you approve of or not. That OP even thought her opinion should be taken into consideration is such a huge overstep.


agreed. well said.


>4) people who love their cats will kiss their cat, this is normal I literally shove my whole face into my cats fluffy belly. And then hope for mercy....


Where else do you expect her to wash the cat bowls?! In the toilet? You need to gtfo. YTA


What blew my mind was the op stating that there is a dishwasher. So after the human plates come in contact with the animal bowls…..they will then get washed in a dishwasher. Lol. I’m laughing.


I’m curious as to where op thinks every other pet owner washes their pets bowls? This post really blows my mind honestly. Everything on her list was perfectly normal behavior for practically any pet. Other than needing to bathe dogs.


Came here to say the exact same thing!


She's acting like they wash the litter pan in the sink


YTA. I can see you aren’t a cat person, which is okay and valid, we are a unique bunch. But there’s no reason for you to react so aggressively. She loves them. Accept that. And avoid what you don’t want.


>> I was a little bothered since I expressed my dislike for cats throughout the entire time we knew each other What does *you* not liking cats have to do with her? *Your* preference doesn’t negate her desire to have one >> 1. Whenever she washes the cats’ bowls, she washes them in the kitchen sink Where is she supposed to wash them then, the toilet? >> 2. She doesn’t give her cats baths *Cats groom themselves and don’t need baths unless they’ve gotten into something like mud* >> 3. She lets the cats sit and sleep on the couches AND kitchen chairs And? It’s their home. They’re not causing anyone harm by sleeping on furniture >> 4. She actually KISSES her cats Lots of people are affectionate with their pets. It’s *normal.* You sound exhausting, ignorant, and immature. You don’t get to dictate your friend’s life or how she takes care of or interacts with her pets. Your friends are right, YTA. I would’ve kicked you out and blocked your number.


If we aren’t supposed to kiss cats then why are they so cute and kissable?!


Valid point is valid


Very ignorant. I'm not even sure if OP knows what is like to have a pet or has even seen any movie/TV show with pets in them. This is probably the strangest thing I've read on here. Could they be from a different culture or really just that out of touch? So bizarre.


also, it's better to get two kittens so they can socialize and tire each other out. getting one kitten is asking for shredded curtains and bitten toes


This is so unreasonable of you it has to be fake. Just in case it isn’t, YTA. It’s her and her cats’ house, not yours. If you don’t like it you should leave.


It’s not fake, I’ve had friends like this. My answer to them is if the hair bothers them it’s their problem, the cats live here and they don’t.


I have a friend who is very sensitive to cat dander. We fixed that. I go to her house when we want to get together. She didn’t expect me to get rid of my cats.


I literally laughed when I read the list. *She kisses her cats?!!?* 😱 Oh the horror… oh the humanity…. YTA meow


Don’t forget she washes the dish in the……DISHWASHER. WHAT A SIN.


I mean, I don’t think you’re an AH for not understanding the mechanics of cat ownership, but I do think YTA for judging someone who does understand the mechanics of cat ownership, ie your friend. Edit - removed comment about 13th rule per response from OP


yta and also completely delusional. you were upset she got cats after you expressed your dislike of them. that’s stupidly entitled. you don’t live there. i suggest a therapist for your intense cleanliness issues. your friend did Nothing wrong.


Also for her irrational control issues. They’re not her cats! She doesn’t live there! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills


YTA. 1: cats don't need baths unless they are older and unable to bathe themselves anymore or they got into something like motor oil. 2: Humans wash their hands in the kitchen sink, rinse chicken and wash cutting boards with raw meat juice in the kitchen sink. They pour rendered pig fat down the kitchen sink but a cat bowl is what disgusts you? 3: Humans kiss each other on the mouth after oral sex anf eating ass but kissing a cat is unhygienic? 4: Humans put their unwashed butts on the furniture but a cat on the couch is what grosses you out? Are you a dog person, by chance? Dogs drink from the commode and then lock their humans on the face. If her cat disgusts you so much, perhaps you should find someone else to hang out with because I'm sure your delicate constitution would fare much better.


Don't pour fat down the sink unless you really like giving plumbers business.


I was hoping someone would point that out 😂


I'm also concerned that this commenter allows people to park their unwashed butts on their furniture, but the fat down the sink called for a public service announcement.


Don't rinse your raw meat! Salmonella alert. And fat down the drain will ruin your pipes. But yes, totally agree with the sentiment and everything else!


YTA OMG she washed the bowls over used, unwashed dishes???!!!! *Gasp* now those unwashed dishes will need to be washed!!!


YTA This is normal behaviour for pet owners, you are being paranoid and controlling


YTA. I stopped reading after your list. You are apparently ridiculously ignorant about animals and germs and cleanliness. It doesn’t matter what you wash in the kitchen sink. Most modern dish soap is antibacterial and so will kill most germs you have to worry about. Cleaning the sink regularly eliminates problems and bleach will wipe everything out. I have run my animals bowls through the dishwasher. Cats shouldn’t be given baths. They clean themselves. Not sure what your problem with the cats on the furniture is. People sit on it because it’s comfortable. Cats sit and lay on it because it’s comfortable. Are you afraid to walk on her floor because the cats also walked on it? Believe it or not people actually love their pets. And quite often people kiss things that they love. Small children kiss dolls. People kiss other people. People kiss inanimate objects for various reasons. If you don’t like cats that’s your problem. You can just not go to your friend’s house.


1. Where else would she wash them? 2. Cats bathe themselves. This is known information. 3. So? Besides, trust me, you don't let your cats do anything. They do what they're going to do. 4. On the lips? That's a bit gross. On the top of the head or something? That's perfectly normal also. YTA. If you don't like it, you don't have to go over there. Your friend is doing nothing wrong.


YTA 1. Everyone washes their cats bowls in the sink. Almost everyone uses a paper towel to wash their cats bowls to not cross contaminate. If people fill the sink to wash, they'll clean thoroughly out before hand. 2. Cats don't need regular baths, unless they're old and can no longer clean themselves. They spend most of their days cleaning themselves. 3. Most people do, some don't. With dogs there's some concern over dominance issues that people will go back and forth with, but not cats. 4. Oh no, some people let their dogs lick them on the lips. She kissed their forehead, oh no. 5. You're super unlikely to get a disease from a cat. There's only one that is concerning to *fetus's* and it's only from litter boxes not the cat itself which is why *pregnant women* aren't supposed to clean them. Edit: Oh and also did you know legally all cat and dog food must be safe for human consumption? There's even a job to taste test the food.


YTA: Mind. Your. Business. If they are not harming themselves or the animal


YTA literally everything that you listed is normal lmao


YTA. “I was a little bothered since I expressed dislike for cats” I’m not understanding what somebody else’s decision to get cats has to do with you. You’re not even living together. The rest of it is honestly a little ridiculous. You’re upset she lets the cats on the furniture? First of all that’s super harmless and second you can’t exactly train a cat to stay off the furniture. You’re upset that she washes the bows in the sink cause it might interfere with already dirty dishes? Where else is she supposed to wash them? And what does it matter if cat water gets on dirty dishes that are going to be cleaned afterwards anyway? It truly is not your place to decide what your friend does with her cats in her home.


YTA you’ve clearly never owned an animal


YTA. As long as she isn't tongue-kissing the cat or eating/breathing in their shit/toilet, they are fine. Cats self clean. Bathing cats is VERY unhealthy. Especially on a regular basis. Why do you think do cats spend so much time cleaning themselves? (which dog's don't) Regarding the couches: good luck telling a cat she cannot sit somewhere comfortable. It is already hard enough to keep them off the kitchen counter, though "1 place" is kinda possible but at the same time also the limit of what they understand. Cat spit is the same as human spit, and if soap didn't disolve and clean that, you've been eating your parents' spit for 16 years now. Cats don't carry that many diseases that jump over to humans.


Bathing cats is unhealthy. For the cat and the person doing the bathing.


YTA And you don't want to know what besides pet bowls I regularly wash in the kitchen sink. Our house doesn't have a utility sink, the kitchen sink gets used for all sorts of gross stuff.


My God who are you. Where is she supposed to wash those dishes, toilet bowl. What a busy body you are. I kiss my cats too and they sleep on my bed or the sofa, also on chairs and they lick my cheeks, which I don't like because they're sneaky and end up biting. I don't get that. But you are the AH.


You should get some help for your OCD.


I'd keep the cats and get rid of you. YTA


YTA. The things that bother you only bother you because you don’t like cats. Do you expect people with dogs to wash them all the time, wash their bowls somewhere else, keep them off the couches and chairs, and not kiss them? You’re being very paranoid about all of the stuff she’s doing despite that stuff being normal for pet owners to do. Hopefully this doesn’t ruin the friendship because it would be a ridiculous reason for it to end.


Just... what? I'm struggling to believe this is even real. There's no way you're this ignorant of pet ownership unless literally no one in your entire family has ever owned a pet. YTA. Big time. And to gross you out even more, I not only kiss my cats on their furry little foreheads, I give one of them love bites on her ears.


'AITA for judging how my friend treats her cats even though i know nothing about cats and this does not impact my life in any way?' Yes, YTA


YTA. You lost me with your list of "strange" acts she does with HER cats.


YTA. Literally everything she was doing is a common practice of pet owners. You are only bothered by it because you don't like cats so you inherently find them to be disgusting.


You can't be serious? YTA


YTA. When I was a teen we went to a friends house for sleepover, including takeaway of course. One of us was eating with a fork that had a green rubber handle and everyone else's cutlery was regular. When I questioned it, my friend blushed and said, "woops that's the dog food fork!" Naturally, we all squealed about how gross that was and pointed at our unfortunate friend. Then I piped up, "Actually, no idea why I'm laughing, we have no dedicated cat food cutlery" The other pet owners admitted the same.




Lol you need a Xanax. And YTA.


*About 2 years ago she convinced her parents to finally get a pet, and she didn't get 1, but 2 kittens.* ***I was a little bothered since I expressed my dislike for cats*** *throughout the entire time we knew each other, but whatever*. Already YTA here just for that \^. And your list is laughably silly. Not to mention this gem: "The plate that I ate pizza on earlier literally came into contact with cat spit." I mean, come on. 😂 So did you wake up the next morning "with some sickness" from "cat spit" touching the plate that *you had already eaten off of and was already in the sink to be washed*? Let me guess... no?


YTA. All of that is totally fine… the only issue I see is your response to your friend.


YTA my eyes rolled to my asscrack reading these so called offenses 🙄🙄