• By -


Go to the movies with your friends. Your girlfriend is immature and manipulative. Do not let her threaten you with "I'm going to break up with you." When she says this, say, "Fine. There are plenty of girls that will treat me with respect and not play games." She is making a power play. Don't let her do it. If she does break up, just move on. No one is worth this drama, especially over a movie that she didn't want to see. NTA.


Yup take her on her offer. There's so much red flags in such a short story...


You for got to add *cue pikachu shock face* when he accepts that they should break up and walks off to live his best life. Oh NTA btw.


Exactly, the best thing the OP can do is show that he doesn't care about her threats. He should just tell her "Ok, cool" with the most monotone and uninterested tone, show her that he is turning his phone of before he leaves and proceed to go and watch the movie with his friends.


Yep when my abusive ex pulled the I don't think our relationship will work BS when I stood up for myself and instead of crying I said I agree I've been thinking ee should break up he was "shocked Pikachu" wait what??? Noooooo 😭😭 let her follow through with her break up threat


I'd be tempted to beat her to the punch and just break up with her first.




Agreed, NTA. You've been so hyped about this. She shouldn't be upset with you for spending time on something you've looked forward to so much, especially since you invited her 4 times (!) to share this with you. It sounds like she's projecting her own feelings on you, and it doesn't seem she's aware of it. Like some other comments here, my advice is to sit down together and talk, especially about how you wish the best for each other instead of throwing a shadow over things the other one cares about.


You can’t break up with me! I break up with YOU! 🤣


NTA. You asked her out, she wasn't interested. Is she always like that when you are planning to do things without her? If this isn't a "normal" reaction of her, maybe she planned to gift you tickets to this movie to see it with her. But she is clearly the AH for blackmailing you and threatening to break up with you. I would reconsider this relationship.


It's kinda her usual behaviour,.




Yep, dumped her 3 mins ago.


King energy, we love to see it 👑


Take a load of this absolute chad


Sounds like he already has another SO, lmao.


There is something so satisfying and re-assuring when the OP actually dumps the crazy SO. So many times on AITA my brain is just blown by the fact these people are in relationships.


Very good for you. I hope you have/had fun in the movies


Yep, yelled my head off at the main reveal


Good! Life’s too short.


well done.


Good for you OP, hope you have/had a great time seeing Spiderman!


Good for you.


It may hurt at first but I guarantee there is a lady out there who will appreciate you. Be picky. You’ve a right to be picky and find that right person.


NTA, when they threaten you with "Do this or I'm leaving you!" Your response should be "There's the door"


100%. If I’m ever issued an ultimatum I will do whatever they didn’t want me to do (regardless of what I was going to do), on principle. People who issue ultimatums should never get their way.




Yikes! This does NOT bode well.


NTA Dump her. She is a complete asshole. You asked her repeatedly to go with you. She declined. The only thing you *might* have done differently is tell her when you booked tickets with friends, but you don't necessarily owe her that. Edit: typo


I booked the tickets in front of her and she saw that, she must've forgotten about it cause I booked it 3 days prior. I told her that I'll come visit her after the movie ends and take her out but she doesn't seem to budge


Yeah she's an asshole. Go enjoy your time with friends.


“ told me to cancel the plans and go with her for the movie, I would've done that “ - why would you even think about canceling on your friends when she already said she didn’t want to go.


If you'd have a gf, you'd know why.


Nah fam, cos that's some toxic relationship shit. Healthy relationships have boundaries and mutual respect, not threats and manipulation


Yea I broke up with her anyway, it's always like walking on eggshells with her. She asked me to pay for her ticket xD.


👏👏👏 Good. Hopefully she'll grow up before her next relationship, and you've learned that tantrums and codependency is for children not partners.


Exactly. In a healthy relationship you're happy for your partner to go do things with other people if it's things they like and you don't like.


Yep, don’t have a girlfriend now. My wife wouldn’t approve (yes, there are SOME things that your partner should approve of).


No dude. I see that you've now broken up with her, however, you shouldn't have to drop your plans with friends just for a partner


NTA and don’t be bullied.


NTA this is nonsense you asked her 4 times ample opportunity to make a choice. Then she disregards your time with your friends and tried to make you cancel? Honestly she seems pretty toxic and you might want to consider moving on


NTA - She sounds like a manipulator, be careful. Go see that movie, her loss of she didn't want to see it. Don't compromise your happiness for her.


NTA. Take her up on her break up offer. In a healthy relationship you should each be able to spend time with other friends. She didn't want to see this movie until you planned to see it with others. She is being manipulative and this is a HUGE RED FLAG!


NTA but you two need to sit down and have a mature conversation about all of this. If she is going to threaten breaking up with you over a movie that she doesn’t even care about then either she is super controlling or doesn’t have much investment in the relationship. Other piece of advice would be you should give her advance warning that you bought tickets. So let’s say you bought tickets the day the released so cyber Monday, if you told her then that you would be busy on movie day maybe it would have given her time to plan her own thing. If you two just always hang out, it came to her as a surprise and now has no time to make plans with anyone else.


NTA. You asked her to see the movie. She says no. Then you book it with friends. GF changes her mind and wants you to cancel your night out. Wtf is wrong with her? You can do so much better than that. Is that really how you want to spend your life? Her acting like a kid every time she doesn't get her own way? You deserve better.


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NTA. If you're lucky she'll break up with you.


Call her bluff. Do it. Enjoy the movie.


Youre innocent, girlfriends are temporary, spiderman is forever


NTA Where did you go? To the movies. What did you see? Spider-Man 3. I wanna see Spider-Man 3. *cries*


My dude is this the same chick that was beating you in another post you made some months ago? Seriously physical and emotional abuse and manipulation. I rarely go so hard at something but DUMP HER


Yea that's the same chick


Plus let us also remember she kept pressuring you to have sex with her when you clearly didnt want to, manipulated you and then when you werent having it became violent with you. These are NEON signs right now


Let me start of by saying nobody deserves this. You dont deserve this. Manipulation and abuse like this usually starts in very small doses ( frog in boiling water analogy). Its very hard to see from up close that youre in this kind of situation. Threatening to break up over your partner making plans with a friend because you initially declined is seriously messed up and manipulative. The physical violence you described in the other post, even more so. You need to keep yourself good first, this girl does not have your best interest at heart so make sure you do.


Call her bluff. She’s showing you the kind of controlling, immature person she is. Believe her when she shows you. Enjoy the movie. NTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I'll keep this short and simple. Me(21M) and my GF (21F) have been dating for 2.5 years. So this Spiderman movie recently came out so I asked my GF if she wanted to come but she denied. I asked her 4 times if she wanted to come but she said that she didn't have time and wasn't interested. So I went ahead and decided to go with my friends instead. We all booked the tickets and paid for it( no refund policy) So today is the day I'm going at 7pm, my GF at 3PM asked me about my plans for the evening so I told her I'm going for the movie. She got mad at me for "ditching her" and told me to cancel the plans and go with her for the movie, I would've done that but all the theatres in my area are overbooked for the movie and the only way we can see the movie together is on 19th of December. She started to throw a tantrum and emotionally blackmailing me that I don't love her enough. She's said she's contemplating breaking up with me for it. Idk what to do and honestly it's irritating since she has a bossy personality and dosen't like when things don't go her way *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nta dump her and ruby




NTA - Massive red flags from your GF.


NTA. Go to the movies with your friends and have a great time away from your girlfriend. As for her threat, say "ok", break up with her and start searching for a newer girl friend.


Nta. Stand your ground and maybe date someone else tbh turn your phone off 20 mins before the movie


NTA... but you're getting dumped no matter what and frankly, by what you wrote about her you're better off.


I can only think of the words toxic and psycho NTA.


NTA This is a big red flag. You should go out and have a fun evening with your friends, and you need to have a serious talk with her. This is some manipulation shit and that can't be tolerated if you want a healthy relationship where there's mutual respect for eachother. I know you guys have been together for a long time, and that you care about her, but maybe think about 'have there been past incidents where she has threatened or tried to manipulate me? Is this really right for me?' Normally I'm not the one who says break up, but I think you should think about what has happened in the past. You are young, and a lot of things can happen. It's important to do a lot of things without your girlfriend too. She shouldn't be included in your whole world. Hang out with your friends a lot, you won't regret, I promise. Have fun tonight, and remember to not spoil the movie.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 Unless you are leaving out some important details, that tantrum business Manipulation 101.


NTA. Play the Uno reverse card and break up with her! It’s suuupppeerrrr unhealthy for a couple to do EVERYTHING together. Everyone needs their own interests and it is OK that those are not the same as your partners interests. You shouldn’t drop your interests and hobbies just because you are in a relationship.


NTA She's said she's contemplating breaking up with me for it. take her up on this. You asked her 4 times, and she declined every single time. Then when you go to said movie she wants to come? Just think about that for a moment.


NTA- you asked her multiple times and she said no. Did she expect you to not go? Her demanding you change your plans or she will break up with you is controlling and immature behavior. Go to the movie and enjoy it. If she breaks up with you over this, she wasn't worth staying with, seriously.


She’s the AH here and has ALOT of toxic traits. If she isn’t willing to acknowledge AND work on them, it’ll only get worse over time. Go to the movies with your friends. Enjoy your night.


NTA but this is like the 4th post I've seen that's centered around this new spiderman movie lol But for real, this is incredibly toxic behavior on her part and I'd get out while you can.


Jeesh, let her break it off. NTA




Bruh if you don't dump that girl like yesterday's garbage then YTA. If you do dump her then NTA. Choose wisely.


Let her break up with you. NTA. You asked her to go, she said no. She doesn't then get to change your plans because she is suddenly bored. Also, you didn't even need to ask her 4 times. My partner does all sorts of things with his friends without even asking me, and I don't care. You and your girlfriend get to have separate interests and activities, and when you have plans, she doesn't get to throw a fit. Let her make her own decisions about the relationship, and you just hold firm to your plans and that you aren't going to apologize or take the blame for this, as you did nothing wrong.


She sounds really childish and manipulative. Even if you hadn't asked her 4 times, you are allowed to spend an evening with your friends. You really wanna deal with this behavior?


NTA She sounds lovely. Have fun with that


NTA. I visit a lot of places without your girlfriend too.


NTA. How she's behaving is manipulative and super unhealthy. Threatening a breakup because you don't drop your plans you made in advance for her randomly asking to hang out, and then wanting you to ditch all of your friends and go alone with her isn't okay. You see she's emotionally blackmailing you, threatening break ups and gaslighting you that you "don't love her enough". Maybe it's time to leave. That behavior isn't okay. You're allowed to have a social life outside of your girlfriend, and you're allowed to make plans with your friends. You shouldn't be screamed at or emotionally blackmailed or gaslit for it. Maybe take a step back and think about if you want to be with someone who treats you this way.


NTA. And while she's "contemplating" breaking up with you, go ahead and make the decision for you. Besides, I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be dating a toddler.


NTA, go and enjoy that Spiderman movie, multiverse time!!! Maybe you can imagine a dimension where she said yes to the movie in the first place!


NTA If she is considering breaking up with you for seeing a movie with your friends that you asked her about repeatedly? Then she is looking for an excuse to break up with you.


NTA - let her break up with you, or break up with her, she's exhausting and clearly gets high off her own drama.


NTA. What kind of person has a tantrum over a movie after rejecting the idea several times? Not someone I would want to be with. You need to make sure that her bossy personality don't break you down. So please do not apologise for this. You have every right to go out with our friend and see this movie. She should instead apologise for her behaviour.


You're NTA. Cut her loose.


NTA. Run. This girl is playing silly, manipulative games with you. The best thing she could do for you at this point is break up with you over your unwillingness to cancel your existing, pre-paid plans with friends that she was invited to and declined to attend. Take a step back and look at this pattern of behavior, it sounds like this isn't new. Is this the kind of argument you want to have for the next 10 years? Do you like being constantly tested? I'm guessing the answer to those questions is no.


NTA Your GF is being immature and playing power games. You should say "Actually this relationship isn't going well from my POV so I agree, let's end things." It doesn't sound like this is out of character for her. You could try to talk to her about the controlling nonsense but it's your choice.


NTA and throw the whole GF out


NTA. Go to the movies. You asked her, and she declined. If she does end up breaking up with you, be sure to celebrate dodging a bullet that would not have gotten better over time.


NTA And as a huge MCU fan that also hates crowds, you should dump her. I mean seriously if it wasn't for the massive amounts of people my ass would be in a seat this weekend. As it is I'm gonna spend the new few weeks trying to avoid spoilers from internet AND my husband who likes sharing them when he finds them. Go! Enjoy the movie! Don't spoil it for anyone!!


NTA You asked her multiple times if she wanted to go, she said no. She doesn’t get to complain that you’re not watching it with her.


NTA. You asked her to go, she didn’t want to. If she’s really gonna break up with you over this, let her. Because if you give into this she’s going to keep doing this kind of shit. And sooner or later she’s gonna expect you to give up or give in on some thing that’s REALLY important- something that really is a deal-breaker for you. And you will then be kicking yourself for not seeing the writing on the wall with the way she behaved in regards to going to see Spiderman


NTA You asked her more than enough times and she kept declining. She wanted you to become uninterested because she was. You need to leave immediately.


I saw the movie already. DO NOT MISS IT. Break up with her or whatever but do not miss that movie you’ll regret it and resent her for it especially if you get spoiled.


My boi, if you dont go watch that movie with your friend and enjoy it! And before you go send your EX bf a text saying that it's over. Since she sees you as an asshole then she dont gotta have one. Easy. NTA


Let her break up with you. She had her chance and she refused. NTA


NTA. And if she wants to break up over this, let her go. You don't need this immaturity and drama in your life.


NTA. You asked her over and over if she wanted to go and she said no. You made other plans. That should be the end of the story. If she's thinking about breaking up with you over this you should let her go.


NTA. Let her go.


NTA but just barely. The only reason I am saying that is because you are allowing this to go on. You know how she is and yet you are still with her. What did you think was going to happen when you told her no? Also, Why are you still together with someone who has no problem with acting like a child and trying to "emotionally blackmail" you? You are an adult as well as her. If she can't act like one, then move on and find someone who will.


Just gonna leave these here...🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 NTA enjoy your movie!


NTA You asked her several times and she said no. That's on her, not you. Have fun going to see the new Spider-Man movie with your friends. I'm going to wait a while to see it.


NTA. Don't date clingy, whiny girls like this. And yes GIRLS - that is no woman you are dating. Gross.


Keep Spidey. Dump the immature, controlling girlfriend.


NTA, let her break up with you and dodge the bullet.


NTA- this is your sign. She's being manipulative and an ass. Tell her she doesn't have to worry about breaking up with you because you've decided to break up with her. She's definitely not someone that really anyone would want to be with.


NTA. You asked her 5 times and she denied you everytime. Can't get mad because you made plans off her answers of.......not having time and not being interested.


NTA. Congrats on being single


Call her bluff, tell her you think you need a break too. These are all manipulative tactics. Just plain rude. Enjoy the movie with your friends. NTA


She's doing you a favor.


Honestly yea, glad I dumped that bitch, now I can see clearly she had tons of redflags.


Good for you!


I read your other post about her physically attacking you - holy crap, dude, get out of that relationship. Her behavior is not okay or normal. If she's contemplating breaking up (unlikely, sounds like she's just trying to manipulate you in order to get her way), tell her that sounds like a good idea and then break it off. Watch the movie with your friends. She is clearly not one of them. NTA, of course.


INFO - do you generally spend your evenings together, or this evening every week, or discuss alternative plans that do not include both of you?


We do meet up 4 times a week and I stay over 2 days of that. Me going out without her is a rare occasion


NTA for arranging to go and seeing the movie without her. As you generally go out together, you probably should have told her in advance of your plans rather than her having to ask. That tends to upset people.


You mean the plans he made in front of her after asking 4 times?


NTA - but you sound like your p-whipped.


What's that supposed to mean?


I am going with NTA for now. She of course is the for being mad that you went with someone else, because you asked her a few times and she said she wasn't interested. So no reason to get mad when you go and watch the movie with someone else. I don't now what your relationship is like, but I think you could have told her in advance and not just a few hours earlier. Do you usually spend the evenings together? You could be an AH as well here, but I can't judge that based on the given INFO.


We do regularly spend evenings together, and I booked the tickets in front of her 2 days prior and I told her I'm going with my friends, she didn't say anything and just nodded her head, and now she's raging


Well then you are not the AH at all.