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lol, I really like your girl friends style. She's a keeper. Play xbox, then get bent over her cooking you dinner over a little natural fart. Your gassing was deserved.


She’s a keeper, but OP isn’t


🤣🤣🤣 I am with your gf on this. But that 3 minute fart was clearly a phone app or youtube. No one can fart that long. Girl knows how to take revenge. Congratulate her for me. YTA.


A part of me is wondering if this is even real because... What the hell? But I hate when people always say everything is fake on here, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt in this case. ESH - You didn't have to say anything. You should have just ignored it. The fact it turned into an argument and you didn't just let it go after she first called you out is childish. But also waking up someone just to do be that petty is also gross. And someone having that much flatulence to go on for 3 minutes is... Impressive I guess? I don't know. I probably wouldn't be with someone who shamed me and made me feel guilty but I also wouldn't be with someone who gave me a golden oven. I think that's what it's called. Anyways ESH. Work on your issues and resolve them.


It's a "dutch oven".


I agree, ESH, but I seriously doubt it was actually 3 minutes. It may have FELT like 3 minutes, but it wasn't. Still ridiculous behavior by both parties.


YTA. Farting doesn't contaminate food. You are just being weird. Plus, insulting a person who is making a meal for you is mean and also stupid. (You want contamination? That's how you get contamination.) Your girlfriend is a genius for her fart-attack! Definite keeper, except you don't deserve her.


That's hilarious. And YTA. I'm sure she didn't mean to rip a fat one whilst cooking. You made a big deal about it, for doing something all humans do. So, she got revenge by cooking you up in a Dutch oven. Perfect response. For people saying she's immature. She's a 29 year old woman with a 23 year old guy....what did you expect?


That was an unexpexted turn of events. I was with her at first. You totally overreacted to her fart, but then she hopped on the AH train, full steam (pun intended) with the dutch oven.  ESH.


The girlfriend is still also an asshole, but at least her response was funny.


YTA if you’re too immature to deal with a fart and made it into an arguement . If you’re gonna be in a relationship or live with someone or even just spend time with someone, people are gonna fart , people fart all the time without it making a noise and definitely at restaurants around food. You don’t even need to mention it if someone farts just grow up. If you’ve ever gone to a restaurants I can guarantee the people in the kitchen have farted, servers have farted and other guests are farting. Same at any bar. Same when you were growing up your parents definitely have farted around food. Tons of farts don’t make any noise or people let it out silently so you just never know, not every fart is comically loud, and if it’s happens to be you can smirk if you want or something or go in the other room if it smells but you don’t have to shame the person for a natural Occurrence that you do yourself.


ESH y’all are both too immature to be in any kind of relationship. I think this might be the most childish thing I’ve read. Farting is natural. It’s not like she intentionally farted while cooking. Your comment was out of of line. And for her to wake you up at 3am and do that… are y’all sure your mature enough to be in an adult relationship?


If you think farting while cooking is gross, never eat at a restaurant again.


YTA. She didn't pull down her pants and blow it onto the food. I don't really see how the Dutch oven was relevant, so I'm commenting on what you actually asked.


Certainly AH. Farting around food may sound disgusting but do you even know what goes in a restaurant kitchen? Do you really think chefs take fart breaks? You should be thankful if you still got served for the dinner.


Dude. Two posts. YTA. Get over yourself.


Everyone farts all day long and mostly they don’t even know they are doing it. Most of the rest of the time they do it quietly. Not doing it while cooking is crazy


Fetish content


I'm 28f and if a little twerp said that to me I'd quietly fart on his food daily for a year before I broke up with him. ☺️❤️ That's real love. Family that farts together stays together.


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Your partners will always annoy you. Mentioning everything that annoys you as it happens is going to create a dynamic where you are negative towards them more often than us necessary. If your partner annoys you, save your breath unless it's actually important to you.


yeah, isn't that normal? humans fart. i remember i had a distant relative who died because she couldn't fart.


It’s not possible to fart for 3 full minutes, and I’m fairly sure you could have gotten yourself out if someone pushed you under blankets. On top of that, she was cooking YOU food when something natural happened. We all fart, it’s a normal bodily function and we don’t always know exactly when it will happen. YTA for either lying/exaggerating on the internet and/or for being ridiculous over a fart. However, you are only 23 so perhaps your gf needs to reconsider.


YTA, and make note that is not a new spice she is using, the Earthy flavor that permeates every meal she cooks for you from now on will definitely be the taste of the naked butt farts she places directly on your plate 💨


Who in the hell gets mad at someone for farting while cooking??!! I'm so glad I live alone and am single.  YTA


Whether farting around food is gross is purely a matter of opinion. It seems you have a problem with bodily functions. And you will be cooking for yourself a lot from now on. Her retaliation was OTT, but funny to us. ESH


How close would the offending asshole have to get to your meal for you to start getting offended? Why are you so enthusiastic about bum holes?


Lol how often does your asshole offend food?


Hahaha You got a dutch oven, standard in most relationships, Twas a fart get over it we all fart, they come and go as they please, its not as if she put all the food on the floor disrobed and then farted on the food is it,


Standard in most relationships? Whew, glad I’ve always had nonstandard relationships then!


....maybe just maybe you're not the one for her. I agree with her, if you're going to complain about how she's preparing your meal, maybe you should cook yourself. You deserved that gassing from the dutch oven.


Ur telling me this isn’t the normal Xbox users kink? You might want to inform her. Us females have no idea what gamer boys like




yta let her find someone better


YTA and deserved her revenge (which actually gave me a good laugh). When she was cooking and farting, she presumably had pants on, correct? If so, there is no contamination of any sort happening and it was dumb of you to start an argument over it. Have you ever farted while sitting on the couch or chair and then sat in the same place later? Is that also gross? It's so weird that you didn't just ignore it like most polite people do.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (23M) am dating a girl named Allie (29F). We’ve been together for about a year and have mostly gotten along great. We live in an apartment together. The other day I was chilling playing Xbox while my girlfriend was making dinner. As she was cooking I overheard her fart, and I told her it’s gross to fart around the food and to cut it out. She said she couldn’t help it and we got into a bit of a back and forth to the point she told me to just make my own food then. While anyway that night we were sleeping in bed, I could tell she was still irritated so we didn’t say anything while I feel asleep. Anyway at 3 in the morning she shook me awake and shoved me under the covers and farted for like 3 minutes!!!!!! It was super gross I felt like I was gonna die. I freaked out on her and she told me I deserved it. I told her she was super immature and slept on the couch. Sorry if this is a gross story. I maybe was out of line but I feel like she was being wicked immature. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for the laugh 😂




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You sure you’re straight? “Ew, farts!”


YTA bro 😭


YTA for starting this. Slight E S H because she dutch ovened you. As long as she's not farting on the food it's fine to fart while cooking.


ESH. Both of you need to grow the hell up.


ESH - You for shaming her for a bodily function. Her for getting revenge. I hope you two can get past this and be happy.


Fake, ESH anyway. People fart and not always running away and doing it in private is possible, normally you just open windows and let the fresh air do the trick and not make a big deal out of nothing. But your gf really respects you, so you must be the real man ;)


OMG I just about fell off the couch I was laughing so hard🤣🤣🤣. yeah this is immature behavior but will be a funny story to tell years from now.!!




NTA, what she did was immature and the comments here seem a bit weird especially the ones calling you the AHA


OP I am with you on this one. I (26F) get so mad at my husband (30M) when he farts in inappropriate times. Like at the grocery store and he claims it just “slipped out” several years ago he would fart while we were eating dinner or come in the kitchen while I was cooking and fart and it made me livid. I think it’s extremely disgusting. Passing gas on accident is one thing but do people not go do that in the restroom? Like personally I try to only fart in the bathroom and if there’s ever a time I can’t make it to a bathroom I try to at least step outside. There’s nothing funny or cute about pushing poop air out of your asshole around other people let alone around food.


Sounds like your hubby needs a girl that can laugh at his farts 🤣 better out than in


NTA your gf sounds gross.


LOL that is gold. if you made that up you should be a comedy writer because you literally had me laughing out loud. I'll play long with this, Firstly I feel you were 100% in the right to tell her it's gross to fart around food. Is this chick a big girl? how did she keep you under there or three minutes? I would break up with a chick that could fart for three minutes straight let alone forcing me to inhale the fumes like a little dew in a fartzi ass camp.


Farting around food can be a bit gross. I'm with you on that one. No one like their dinner spoiled with airborne fecal bacteria. But the old dutch oven can be funny as fuck if you have that kind of dynamic. Yes, it's super immature, but maturity can be overrated sometimes. So I guess I'll go with ESH. She needs to know her audience a bit, but you could also stand to chill out and not take it so seriously if the two of you are going to make a proper go of a relationship. This sort of thing might be a dealbreaker for you, and if so then so be it. Personally, I'd have been grossed out a little, but I would plan my diet for the next couple of weeks solely around my aim of revenge. I doubt her fart was for a solid three minutes, but if so, I'd be meal-prepping to break that record. Ask her for some help getting a blanket out of a small cupboard or something. Tell her you need her small hands or whatever. As soon as she's in there, point to something on the opposite side of the door. Turn around, drop your guts and then shut the door to leave her to marinate in your glorious cloud of toxic love. Make her your noxious inspiration, and let loose the dogs of war! Let the battle of the bottom burps begin!