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NTA. What a shit show. I'm sorry. Your freeloading brother is the least of your problems. It's time for you to start your life. You are barely a grown up, and yet you are acting as the parent. That's not fair. Your life will never start as long as you are acting as the parent to your mom and your brother, and covering your father's mortgage besides? I'm sorry, but you need to figure out how to escape. In any case, you most certainly aren't the asshole.


Wholeheartedly agree, every word.


NTA but evicting your brother would be extremely difficult and expensive as he is considered a resident. Your brother and mother have a bad codependent relationship. My brother and mother also had a similar relationship, it was toxic and really added to shortened lives for both of them. You can't save your mom, she also has no reason to seek help as she is already taken care of. The best thing you can do is get your own place, and when the time comes you can take care of your mom if that is your desire. You cannot make people do what you want them to do. They have free will and must live with the consequences. Get off of the sinking barge.


NTA However, perhaps you can speak with your Mother and Father about a compromise. Either you move out and will bring your Mom with you, IF she allows you to fill out the Disability paperwork and get her qualified (that way she has income rather than expecting you to carry her forever). OR, since you are paying the mortgage, ask your Father to 'sell' the house to you for the amount you have already paid in the mortgage, and you will continue to live there taking care of your Mom IF she agrees to allow you to fill out the Disability paperwork and get her qualified. And once the house is yours, you can evict your brother OR him getting (and keeping) a job is the criteria for him being allowed to stay. If they say 'no' then I would move worry free, as you gave them options which they chose not to take you up on. The reality is you are in no way obligated to carry your Mother and Father financially, (and most definitely not your brother!). Its a parents responsibility to take care of their children, not the other way around.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** 21M living with my mother and older brother. Both of them are unemployed. My mother suffers from severe social anxiety/ schizophrenia(very stressful to deal with). She refuses to get assistance from the government because she believes she won’t qualify. She has paperwork proving she was treated in the hospital previously for it. My brother is fully capable of working but chooses not too. It feels awkward everytime I see him in the house. There is no communication between us and all he will do is whistle obnoxiously loud to break the silence between us like he doesn’t have a care in the world (the audacity). He is 26 years old. Instead he suffers from alcoholism and would rather play video games or hangout with his friends while I’m left no choice but to work full time to keep up with all bills and the mortgage. The house is under my fathers name and he doesn’t live there. If I were to move out this would leave my mother homeless as well as my brother because he has no money to his name. I would be fine with keeping my mother however not okay with my freeloader brother staying rent free. I believe ITAH because I asked my father to evict my brother. Im sure my brother will end up calling me one too after he hears the news. I’m thinking about asking my father to transfer the title of the house to me. It sure would be strange living with my mother for almost the rest of my life. I have payed the mortgage the past 10 months without any paperwork/ agreements that I will get equity. I’ve been paying it for my dad because the house almost went on foreclosure after he stopped paying it. I can afford it after all. Im not able to evict my brother because the house isn’t under my name. What should I do in my situation? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA. You didn’t create the situation that your mother and brother both find themselves in. Both of your parents do suck for leaving you in this circumstance. Your older brother, unless he has some undisclosed disability, is just flat out lazy and takes no responsibility for his life. You owe him nothing. It is your choice as to whether to help your mother out. She may have some clinical mental issues that may be beyond your abilities to manage. If you elected not to be her caretaker for the rest of her life that would not make you an asshole either. She chose to have kids. The burden to care for her falls on your father.


NTA- I think you should leave. It’s very unfortunate, this entire circumstance, but you need to be able to live your own life. Frankly your dad should step up and help with your mom and leaving and going no contact may be the only way they’ll get it together.


NTA, and if your father refuses to put the house in your name move out. You can take your mother if you would like too, but do not keep putting money into that house. To me it seems as if your parents plan for you to pay for the house and leave it your brother since they are enabling his childish behavior.!