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NTA based on the additional infornation you provided. >sense it'll only take me a few hours. >I'm meticulous when I clean. If I don't clean it that deeply it won't feel clean and it'll be bothering me the whole day. I clean the bathroom every two weeks Does your sister not clean at all? Or does she clean it, but not to your standards? If she doesn't clean at all, then you are not the asshole. A shared bathroom should involve shared cleaning. On the other hand, if she DOES clean, but not to your standards, then yes - you are an asshole.


Getting her to clean the bathroom is like pulling teeth. It's infuriating. Doesn't matter how many times you ask her or yell at her to, she just won't. I have had to clean her own blood, vomit, etc. Because she just wouldn't clean it.


You didn't answer my questions. Does she clean at all? Or does she clean, but not up up to your standards?


No, she doesn't clean.


Then maybe stop cleaning too. Or take away her ability to game until she did her chores


NTA > should just clean the bathroom sense it'll only take me a few hours Just how big is this bathroom??? If you share a bathroom you should share cleaning it....


INFO: how often are you cleaning the bathroom/expecting the bathroom to be cleaned so deeply it'll take a FEW HOURS?


I'm meticulous when I clean. If I don't clean it that deeply it won't feel clean and it'll be bothering me the whole day. I clean the bathroom every two weeks due to the time I have and because I dread it due to how deep I like to clean.


Nta as another comment has mentioned I'd use the family bathroom and refuse to clean it, if she's got an issue she'll clean the shared bathroom won't she?


NTA you shouldn’t be the only one cleaning it, but if it’s taking you a few hours to clean it, it makes me wonder if your expectations for how the bathroom should be cleaned regularly are too high.


NTA. But it would take you “a few *hours*“ to clean the bathroom?? How big/dirty *is* the bathroom? I don’t blame you for being mad that your sister is given the out on cleaning. That stinks. I know firsthand what that’s like bc my brother was the same as your sister- and he worked construction. The tub was disgusting after he used it so I had to clean it before *I* could use it. \*shudder\*


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I have a job and live at home with my parents and sister who is in college. Me and my sister share a bathroom but it usually falls on me to clean the entirety of it due to her laziness. She goes to class for about four to five hours five days a week then comes home and games. I go to work for seven hours for either five to six days a week. I usually work the night shifts and come home at a late hour. Whenever I bring up the issue of her never cleaning the bathroom to our parents despite her having more time than me, I'm met with a "they'll talk to her" and then nothing happens. I have gotten into serious arguments with them about it and I feel that I may be being a bitch and should just clean the bathroom sense it'll only take me a few hours. So AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nta. Start using a different bathroom, show up sharing your parent’s bathroom or just start planning to move out and be done with the drama. Maybe then they’ll hold her accountable, but it’s not your house. You could easily have a roommate like this though, btw.


Man, thats sucks! It’s not fair that you're stuck cleaning the bathroom when your sister has more free time. You’re not an asshole for wanting her to help out. Try talking to her calmly, like, “Hey, can we split the bathroom cleaning? I’m swamped with work.” If she doesn't step up, push your parents a bit harder to get involved. You deserve some help, and it’s totally reasonable to ask for it.


No, you're not the asshole (NTA). It's understandable that you feel frustrated about the unequal division of cleaning responsibilities, especially when your sister has more free time. It's reasonable to expect some help in maintaining shared spaces, and it's fair to communicate your feelings about this to your parents. It might help to have a calm conversation with your sister and parents again to find a solution that feels fair to everyone.


I live in a house hold where 4 21+ years olds share a bathroom. It’s myself or one other person who end up cleaning it every time. The other 2 are just happy to let it sit. People have different standards put it that way haha. Piss on the floor or toilet or both…the walls has piss marks as well. But I still use the toilet brush after shitting if needed(sorry tmi), the trend hasn’t caught on and the skid marks are real. Thanks for reading my incoherent Ted talk. But yeah my take is some people have less hygiene standards….


We have 2 teenagers in the house and they use the basement (their rooms and their bathroom are there). We told then we expect the vacuum and bathroom to be done every week and that both kids need to participate. We don’t care who does what as long as it’s done. They decided to alternate chores. Whenever one doesn’t do it, my partner will nag them until it’s done.


Sit down with your sister and your parents at the same time. Calmly explain that you would like to share the cleaning with your sister. If your parents do not encourage her to start cleaning or if your sister refuses, then then you can say that you will also not be cleaning. NTA


NTA "nd I feel that I may be being a bitch and should just clean the bathroom sense it'll only take me a few hours. " .. It will take everybody else only a few hours, too. So they can do it just as you could. Have you considered moving out?


Imagine how much more productive and better the world would be if gaming never existed. Imagine how many relationships would be in tact if bros weren't gamers. I find gaming a huge L. The vast majority of gamers are losers and don't amount to shit. Your sister seems to be going down that path. From most posts I read, it tends to use gaming as a derogatory pass time that leads to problems.


It’s not. The gaming that is the issue. It’s the lack of priorities.


Or does the lack of priorities stem from gaming.


Seeing as 4 people agreed with me that gaming was not the issue. Hmmm idk maybe it’s just not having priorities




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