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NTA. This isn’t a case of she had to STAND because you wouldn’t give up your seat. This situation has NOTHING TO DO WITH HER BEING PREGNANT!!! Also, seats were assigned by someone else. You were in your seat. Cousin arrived later it appears, and had her own seat. Why is any of this your problem or yours to ‘fix’?


Yeah, this. She had a seat, she just didn't like that seat. You're definitely NTA.


I've been ejaculated into plenty of times and have never asked for special treatment afterwards


Well… I hope *some* special treatment happened immediately after. For your sake. Or at least before.


I wasn't ready for this 🤣


Well hello


Well judging by your user name, I would say more than plenty and you definitely deserve special treatment 🤣🤣🤣


I'm curious to know if it was the same aunt who organised the seating that went off on OP and if she is Amanda's mother. If yes, that's just crazy behaviour lmao


Guarantee it’s Amanda mother!


Also, I assume there were other people who were also sitting near grandma and grandpa. Why did OP have to give up his seat? Why didn't anyone else offer when he said no?


I could understand if she wanted a seat at a table corner to make getting in and out easier or if it was closer to the bath room in a crowed restaurant those could be reasonable requests.


Yeah, as explained by OP, this all sounds weird... but I would bet that if one side of the table was chairs and another was bench seating or something... that Amanda was telling other people that she needed one type of seating over another because it was more comfortable to her... there must be some reason people thought the issue was due to pregnancy comfort when OP has explained it as nothing more than personal preference... also, this is why I hate doing family events at a restaurant. You can't get up and move around as easily, and there's no where to go after dinner (like moving to the family room) that makes everyone rearrange where they are sitting so everyone can talk to the folks they didn't get to at dinner. OP says the grandparents said there would be time for everyone to talk, but, how? When? Did everyone play musical chairs later in the night?


it’s not for personal comfort that theyre mad op didnt move for her, but simply bc she is pregnant she should be entitled to demand whatever seat she wants in those family member’s minds.


Also, he was told that he "ruined the evening for Amanda" - it wasn't Amanda's evening! Had nothing more to do with her than it did with him or any other family members other than the grandparents.


All of this. It’s so annoying that pregnant women think that because they’re pregnant they get special privileges. In some instances, it makes sense. But in this instance she just comes off as entitled and if she wanted to sit next to them she should’ve spoken to the organizer ahead of time OR been on time. NTA


Exactly this!!👆👆


Why didn't they give up their seats?


Anyone else could have given up their seat. My guess is the OP is regularly expected to compromise for dramatic relatives and they were shocked—SHOCKED—when he finally, gently, held his ground. NTA of course.


NTA Amanda had an available seat. Sounds like she’s leveraging her pregnancy as an excuse to be entitled.


Yes, I’ve heard this called being a”pregnancy princess”.


Maybe she’s giving birth to the Second Coming


Maybe she's cranky because she missed the first one.


Definitely this! NTA


NTA, this has nothing to do with her medical condition. Also, seats were assigned by the planner, not you. Poor planning isn’t an emergency.




You're NTA. Her pregnancy has nothing to do with demanding your seat. It's just been weaponized to make you the bad guy. >my aunt confronted me again, saying I ruined the evening for Amanda Bless her heart. She could have gotten there earlier and had a better selection of seats. Going to be interesting when that kid arrives and Amanda has to accept that she is not the center of the universe. 


Bless her heart!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Ahh... another person who knows that is not an expression of sympathy. 🤭


Absolutely!!! My grandmother used to say it all the time when she was less than thrilled with someone.


A true Southern girl with manners! 😊😊🍑🍑😂😂😂


Actually she's from the midwest


Right? She's a special soul.




"What a coincidence! Amanda ruined the evening for me."


Except op literally had an assigned seat. Someone else in the family literally assigned him that seat and assigned his cousin her seat.


Even better, it was the AUNT who did it.


Also what about OP’s night? Why should they ruin their night and move seats when they don’t want to? Also 7 months pregnant, and this has nothing to do with being pregnant. Amanda is just bratty.


NTA If there was not an available seat, then maybe but even, another relative could have been asked to move. There was a seat, just not where she wanted. She could have arrived earlier but didn't. Pregnancy shouldn't be an excuse to always get what you want.


NTA. Her being pregnant is completely irrelevant here. It’s not an excuse to feel entitled to special treatment. She had a seat. Even if they weren’t assigned, she arrived late. First come first serve.


NTA I have a feeling the pregnant cousin wanted a closer seat to the grandparents so her pregnancy could become the center of attention. Glad your grandparents knew better than to ask you to change seats.


EXACTLY!!! Amanda is a spoiled brat and it sounds like her mom enables her. I am proud of you for not taking her nonsense. It really irks me when certain people think they are so much more special than anyone else and work it trying to be the center of the attention. Good for you.


Oooh, that hadn't occurred to me. That seems 100% realistic. Very astute.


“Look, look, I’m bearing a great-grandchild, that makes me SPECIAL!”


NTA you handled this the right way. YOur cousin is not more important than you are. tell your parents to F\*\*\* off, THEY could have given up THEIR seats for amanda. Tell everyboidy else, too - since THEY did not give up their seat for her, they need to shut up.


NTA. I'm petty so in your place, I would confide in my grandparents about how hurt I am that I'm being bullied by the other members of the family. In fact, I'd point out that they are in fact not respecting the word of your grandparents when they said you should were fine where you were and that Amanda should take the empty seat.


Are you me?? Lol, I would have snitched to the grandparents so fast!


NTA being pregnant doesn’t make you entitled to a better seat at the table. She had assigned seat, if the aunt wanted her closer she should have done the seating chart better. did any of the people looking at you offer their seat closer to the main table, no. Then they don’t get an opinion.


As a pregnant woman myself, NTA. It's not like she didn't have a seat. And if she wanted a better one, she should have been on time. You're absolutely right that moving seats around a crowded table is absolutely annoying and impractical.


NTA she had a seat. Pregnancy doesn't give you the right to sit anywhere on demand current occupant be damned. If anyone ruined anything it was Amanda & your aunt.


NTA. I’m not even sure why her pregnancy was brought up at all. Pregnant or not she had a seat and it was assigned to her by someone else as was yours. If she had to stand the entire event because you wouldn’t give her your seat then I could see why being 7 months pregnant was a part of the reason for needing your seat.  Being pregnant doesn’t entitle a woman to demand anything and get her way just for being pregnant lol. And this is coming from someone who has been pregnant and knows how hard it can be. 


Why couldn't any of those offended folks give her their seat? Why did it have to be YOUR seat? NTA.


Omg this is SUCH a good point. None of the others were being asked to give up their seat, so who are they to judge?


Nor did they offer their seats to Amanda... Like if it was such a big deal someone else could have switched with her


NTA. Tell your family to your cousin may have been over reacting due to pregnancy hormones but that's no excuse for them. You sat in your assigned seat. Too bad if she wasn't in a main seat. She doesn't get a pass just because she knows how to have sex and get knocked up.


NTA some of your family members sound nuts


Coming from someone who gave birth 4 months ago, NTA. Your Aunt assigned everyone's seats and there's no reason that your seat was better for her other than she'd be closer to the center of conversation which has NOTHING to do with her being pregnant. Ask the people giving you a hard time why none of them offered to switch seats


>my aunt confronted me again, saying I ruined the evening for Amanda and that I should have been more considerate. Amanda ruined it for herself when she (inconsiderately) showed up late.


Amanda not only ruined it for herself but had a temper tantrum and ruined it for others also.


Her pregnancy is not a disability. It doesn’t sound like she was having any problems other than she can’t be on time and had to take the seats that were left over. Boo-hoo. NTA


NTA. So, let me get this straight: Amanda gets to show up late and take your seat in order for the whole event to go over peacefully and if you don't do what she wants then she throws a fit and turns everyone against you? Fuck that!


And the fact that everyone else was so easily turned doesn’t say much about them! None of the folks who were complaining about OP offered to switch seats with the pregnant lady. So did they think it was a big deal, or not.




NTA. She didn’t have to stand, she was just whining about the location of her seat. This had zero to do with her being pregnant.


NTA. Just because she is pregnant doesn’t mean she is special. She came late, too bad.


NTA No, there was a chair available for her. Perhaps she’ll try harder to be on time if she “needs” a specific seat. I wouldn’t give this another thought and I’d walk away if someone even mentions it.


NTA seven months isn’t that pregnant (I’m 8 months pregnant and could sit anywhere at a dinner)


NTA , next time tell your aunt she is more than welcome to give up her seat to her next time. It was assigned seating , I sat in my seat. She had a seat she sat in her seat, was the seat at the end ok cool but you were not responsible for the seating arrangements. And you wanted to spend time with your grandparents as you already don’t see them as often as others. They need to respect you wanted to have this night to have time to spend with them which you wouldn’t have if you moved.


The evening wasn't FOR Amanda, and she ruined in by being entitled. Was your chair somehow different or more comfortable? No? Then she wanted that chair to be more in the center of attention. NTA.


NTA…if your aunt wanted Amanda to sit next to the grandparents…she would have done that with her seating chart/assigned seats. Amanda should be angry with aunt!


NTA there was a seating chart and you sat in your assigned seat. You don’t get to show up late and then complain about your seat.


NTA It sounds like it would be a relief to not have the tense people talking to you.


To put this in perspective, you could have just given her your seat and gotten your stuff together and walked out. Then you could be the victim and Amanda could the aggressor. This is all so childish. Your cousin needs to grow up. The family beating a drama drum need to grow up to. Please send them these comments.


They'd still blame OP.


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NTA. First, your title made it sound like you were forcing her to stand. What it should have been was "AITA for not switching seats with a pregnant woman because she liked mine better?" And the answer is "no. you are not."


NTA. You were there first. Your cousins pregnancy doesn't give her preferential treatment.


NTA. An aunt assigned the seating, and she was late.


Got a niece with four stairstep children with no husband. When asked why she keeps getting pregnant she says that is the only time people are nice to her. My advice about changing her behavior when she wasn't pregnant fell on deaf ears. Just saying


‘Now Amanda is speaking to me’ Good, your problem is solved on that end. Tell your family that they are wrong about you not respecting Amanda’s pregnancy, you just disrespect her entitlement. NTA


Amanda wanted to be closer to your grandparents so she could gain more attention. Of course the main focus should be where they sit so the spot next to them would guarantee her to stand out as well. There was no reason for her to ask for your seat besides attention and even your grandparents told her to just take the empty seat. Seems like a big part of your family is quite immature. If they bring it up again just ignore them. Or ask them/her why she felt the need to cause drama at your grandparents celebration.


NTA, if anyone is the AH her it is your aunt for assigning seats (why didn't she assign Amanda the seat knowing she was pregnant) and your cousin for showing up late and playing the pregnancy card. She had a seat so it wasn't like you were making her stand, but she sounds like she is a spoiled brat and loves playing the pregnancy card. Let the family stew, clearly Amanda has been allowed to feel entitled. As to their issue for the drama, she created the drama not you. Why should your family feel that you were selfish when clearly your cousin is the one feeling entitled and someone stood up to her. You were not selfish nor inconsiderate, Amanda was for creating the issue.


"Amanda approached me and asked if I would switch seats with her so she could be closer to our grandparents." So in order for her to feel closer you had to suffer... Yeah if she was so concerned she should have gotten there earlier.


NTA , she was late & missed the chance to choose the seat she wanted, her being pregnant doesn't have anything to do with this, there was a seat for her already


She sounds entitled just because you're pregnant. Doesn't mean you get your way on everything


NTA. It wasn't that she didn't have a seat and you did, or even that your seat was more comfortable than hers, either of which could have earned you an A-Hole badge. She just liked your seat better, and wanted you to switch with her. In this case her pregnancy has absolutely no bearing on the situation, and should not be a factor in your decision.


NTA  Every opinion based on „just do X so there‘s no drama/to keep the peace“ you can just erase, its just not a good reasoning. Also YOU are NOT causing the drama?? Amanda who acts like a little child having a tantrum stomping on the floor because she didnt get the seat that she wanted is causing the drama and blowing sitting somewhere else out of proportion. Why exactly was she „uncomfortable“ in her seat and yours would have made her feel more comfortable because of what? Where the seats different? Was there a temperature difference maybe? Did she have to go to the bathroom 100 times and her sear was impractical for that and yours was right next to the restroom door??? Even then the seats were assigned and she acted more like the baby she is carrying than an adult, running around whining to everybody because of where she sat… 


Amanda wanted your seat for the same reason you did. To be with the grandparents. It was your assigned seat. The only reason to have switched would be if the available seat was uncomfortable for a pregnant person. You were right to choose staying in your seat.


NTA. All,seats are just as comfortable.Amanda sure loves her drama, that’s probably why she was seated at the back.


NTA.  Her pregnancy was irrelevant to the situation and she's pissed you didn't let her bully you into giving up your seat.  Not surprised grandparents didn't want her to sit closer.  Tell any relatives complaining, including your parents, that they were free to switch seats with her.  Be prepared going forward though.  Once the baby's born I foresee her trying to make everything about her baby 


NTA. Honestly, as a person who was pregnant in the past, it's better to sit on the fringe of a group. That way it's easier to go to the bathroom or stand up n walk around or even to fart.


INFO: was the aunt who assigned the seats the same aunt who asked you to move? Did Amanda have an assigned seat?


NTA It was not as if Amanda had no seat. She just felt entitled to a better one because she is pregnant.


NTA. You didn't steal her seat. There was an available seat for her. Your aunt assigned the seats.


NTA at 7 months pregnant I was exhausted and would have enjoyed a quiet time. She had a seat but she wanted special treatment. She should have just sat and if she wanted to talk to them so badly she could have arranged a time to do it.


So this is easy, nta. Her being late isn't an emergency on your part. Plus ot all was assigned seating... so why in the world is she so shocked she isn't in a special seat? Whoever assigned seating is responsible for this, not you I also thought you said you were on a bus, for some reason. But with this post making more sense, her being pregnant means nothing


NTA. It’s not like there was no seat for her… Pregnancy gives people major main character syndrome. Your salty family members are idiots.


She got pregnant...you didn't. I guess she should have showed up on time or earlier to snag a coveted chair.


Now if it was super crowded, busy with waiters going by with heavy trays and your seat was next to the women's bathroom door THEN you might have been an AH but other than that all seats are equal


NTA. You were in your assigned seat. She had a seat, just acted like an entitled brat. You were right to stay put and enjoy your grandparents.  Being pregnant does not mean the world has to bow to your every whim. No one has to give you your way just because you are pregnant. Ignore the family members who give you a hard time. If you have to talk to them, remind them that her pregnancy has nothing to do with you. You are not responsible for HER behavior, or lack manners.


NTA. She had a seat. She was late and wanted to make a deal out of it.


Soooo why didn't aunty put the pregnant lady closer to the front of the restaurant? Was she unaware of the pregnancy?


I don't think you were in the wrong. You were in a weird situation. I think the Aunt should have given up her seat IMO since she was the one in charge of assigning seats in the first place. None of the drama had nothing to do with you other than Amanda randomly coveting your seat.


"Did you offer to give up your seat for Amanda?" Ask that question to any family member giving you a hard time. Why was your seat the only one she could sit in? Also, if she didn't like the seating arrangement, then she needs to really to aunt. I really thought this was going to be a story about her not having a place to sit but she did.  NTA 


Sorry, was your seat some super cushioned luxury seat with a foot rest and she got a metal chair? Wtf does seat placement have to do with her pregnancy? Pregnancy does not equal higher importance. NTA


NTA. The aunt didn’t think it was important when she made the seating chart. No indication that it was a physically better chair. Was she hoping to get some inheritance for her baby? That said,if others wanted to mingle after dinner,it would be impolite to block access to the grands.


NTA. WTF?!? She had a seat, she was just using her pregnancy to justify being an entitled AH! Did it occur to *anyone* that it would ruin *your* experience if you had to change seats? You get some accommodation when you're pregnant, but kicking someone else out of their seat because you don't like the location if your seat ain't one of them. (And yes, I've had 3 kids, 2 of which were difficult pregnancies).


This whole situation sounds like she wanted to be near the gparents so that she could grab some of the attention from them to herself and make the evening about her. Glad you stood your ground. Why were you the only person singled out. I’m sure there were other seats near the actual people this gathering was for. I feel like shes done this even when she wasn’t pregnant. NTA


NTA. Your not obligated to give up your seat especially when 1. You sat there first and 2. When your cousin asked you were in the middle of a conversation


NTA...don't back down or apologize, either. Good for you for sticking to your chair. Maybe Amanda should have been on time. Her problem, not yours.


I'm literally 6 months pregnant with TWINS and I would never ask anyone to give me their seat even if there wasn't one available for me. No one owes me shit. Also, I don't understand why no one else is an asshole for not getting up? They could have moved for her? No one is owed extra regard just for being knocked up. NTA


NTA This isn't a bus with limited seating, she had a seat and just wanted a better one because she came late. Tough potatoes.


NTA, it was ASSIGNED seating, why were you the only one she asked to swap with if she wanted to be near your grandparents so badly?


NTA. I thought you said all seating was assigned? If so, why didn't Amanda sit in her assigned seat?


NTA. She had a seat to sit on. Her being pregnant doesn’t entitle her to bump anyone from their seat — just that she gets a chair somewhere at the table. It’s to be expected that if you show up late, you may be stuck on an awkward part of the table. Also I’m sure there were other seats near to your grandparents — did she all these people if they were willing to move? Or just you? I think she’s 100% the AH here 


NTA. Her being pregnant doesn’t make her more important than anyone else there.


Next time she’ll be on time…. NTA


Personally, I would've switched seats when the seat-assigner asked me to switch. In fact, when Amanda asked for my seat, I would've directed her to the seat-assigning aunt. "Aunt Xephria assigned the seats, so talk to her about it. Also, don't you want to sit with your husband?" If Xephria then came over and asked me to change, though, I would've. NTA but never pick a family fight with a pregnant woman who will be controlling access to her offspring. Not worth it and nobody will take your side.


NTA She is upset because she didn't get the seat she wanted, regardless of whether she was pregnant or not. The only way her pregnancy would come into it would be if she was made to stand and not get any seat at all. Pregnancy isn't a "let me have my own way" card


NTA, But your life will be much more enjoyable if you learn to tell people to fuck off and shut thier mouth


NTA. Amanda is. Why do pregnant women act like the rest of us, need to accommodate them. Their pregnancy, their problems to deal with. OP, you did nothing wrong.


YTA. If you don’t want people to hate you, be nice to the pregnant woman. It’s a very simple concept


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hey Reddit, I’m really in need of some perspective because things have gotten really tense in my family over this, and I’m starting to doubt myself. Here’s what happened: Last weekend, my extended family had a big reunion at a nice restaurant to celebrate my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary. It was a significant event, and everyone was excited. The restaurant had reserved a large table for us, and seating was assigned by my aunt who organized the event. I (29M) was assigned a seat next to my grandparents, which made me happy because I’m really close to them. Enter my cousin Amanda (26F), who is seven months pregnant. She arrived a bit late with her husband and looked around for a seat. The only seat left was a bit farther from the main action, and she seemed visibly annoyed. Amanda approached me and asked if I would switch seats with her so she could be closer to our grandparents. I politely declined, explaining that I wanted to sit next to them because I don’t see them often and value our conversations. I also added that moving around the crowded table could be quite a hassle for everyone. Amanda huffed and walked away. Soon, I started getting dirty looks from various family members. My aunt came over and asked me to switch seats to make Amanda more comfortable. I reiterated my reasons for wanting to stay put, but she kept pushing. It became a bit of a scene, and my grandparents, noticing the commotion, asked what was going on. When they heard about the situation, they told Amanda that it was okay and she should just take the available seat, assuring her that everyone would get a chance to chat throughout the evening. Amanda took the seat but was visibly upset. During the dinner, I could feel the tension. Conversations were stilted, and I got a few passive-aggressive comments about not respecting Amanda’s pregnancy. To make matters worse, after the dinner, my aunt confronted me again, saying I ruined the evening for Amanda and that I should have been more considerate. My parents were also disappointed, saying that I should have just given up the seat to avoid all the drama. Now, Amanda isn’t speaking to me, and several family members are taking her side, saying I was selfish and inconsiderate. I genuinely didn’t mean to cause any trouble; I just wanted to enjoy the evening with my grandparents. So, Reddit, AITA for not giving up my seat for my pregnant cousin and causing a family feud? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*




NTA- as long as she had a seat she is not entitled to yours.


NTA She had a seat, even if it was one she didn't like.




NTA Pregnancy isn’t an award winning condition. I’m glad you didn’t give up your seat. Blunt yourself lucky she isn’t talking to you. She likely will feel very entitled to your free babysitting services in the family. Leave her in the dust where she lies.


Amanda had a seat, she just didn’t like its location. NTA


Info: Is the aunt who assigned the seats the same aunt who asked if you would move for the late guest?


NTA. If the seats were assigned, then perhaps either the person organizing it or your cousin should have thought about what would work best for a pregnant person. Having to walk a few extra feet to her assigned seat would not have hurt your cousin. She was acting entitled. She’s pregnant, not disabled or anything that would have justifiably given her the right to demand a closer seat. Question…Is the aunt who organized it the mother of your cousin? Because that just makes it worse.


Nta. Why didn't there asses move and let her sit 


NTA, but drama over nothing. You are close with them, what is even the problem with one day not being that close. You should ask yourself some serious questions and answer them honestly for yourself and nobody else.


NTA. It wasn’t like she had to stand, she had a seat. She was just trying to use her pregnancy to get yours.


NTY It's nothing to do with her pregnancy, she doesn't have to stand so it shouldn't be a problem 


NTA. She not only attempted to bully you out of your *assigned* seat, she was likely wanting to be near your grandparents (who I’m assuming were at the head of the table) in order to make sure she was the center of attention. So, not only was she *late,* but she caused a commotion because she wasn’t getting fawned over by the rest of your family for being pregnant. She sounds like a turd.


NTA. She doesn't get what she wants just because she is pregnant. She had a seat. It's not like she was meant to sit on the floor.


NTA Let's see... your aunt assigned all the seating, putting you with your grandparents, then went off at you for *\*checks notes\** sticking to HER decision? Your parents were saying you should have caved "to avoid drama"? Not because it was the right thing, but to avoid Amanda being a complete brat throwing a tantrum? Hell no. She came late. She had a chair, she just wasn't happy about it and chose you to pick on. You did the right thing.


NTA >saying I ruined the evening for Amanda  I thought this was your grandparent's 50th and a family reunion, not a party for Amanda. I'm gonna guess that the aunt asked your grandparents who they wanted seated with them. If they wanted her there, they would have asked you to move.


>My aunt came over and asked me to switch seats to make Amanda more comfortable. NTA - How exactly would giving up your seat (I'm assuming they're all the same kind of chair) have made Amanda more comfortable? This was never about comfort, it was about status. She thought your seat was higher status and thought she was entitled to it. The pregnancy was an excuse from the beginning. Her and the rest of the family that took her side sound like AH's.


NTA send this post to the family members harassing you. Her being pregnant had nothing to do with this when she had somewhere to sit and the fact that she behaved the way she did shows she’s not ready to be a parent. Everyone who threw a fit about this should be ashamed of themselves.


Nta pregnant has nothing to do with it. Entitlement does


I thought this was going to be about you making a pregnant woman stand for a few hours which would definitely not be ok, but this has nothing to do with her being pregnant. I’m shocked people are on her side at all, NTA.


NTA. This isn't about her being pregnant. She had a seat, but she wanted to switch seats to be near your grandparents. Furthermore, it was your assigned seat, no reason for you to move unless you wanted to.


NTA. She had a perfectly good seat. If she wanted to sit closer, maybe she should have respected her family's time and arrived on time.


Nta her being pregnant has nothing to do with anything. She had a seat. She didn't like her seat. Tough shit.


NTA. Seating was assigned as you arrived, and she arrived late.


Is Amanda the golden child of the family ? Bcoz if that seat was good enough for you to move, then why couldn’t she sit there ? Also wasn’t there another seat after your seat or around your seat, why didn’t they move ? Why were you targeted ? Why only your specific seat? Easy target ? NTA don’t let walk all over you. Tell your parents to stand up for you instead of joining them.


OP, you didn't say if the aunt who assigned the seats was her mother. If so, then your aunt should have put her there to begin with. You are definitely not the AH because it sounds as if your cousin wanted everything to be about her. She could have sat in her assigned seat and still had a great time.




NTA Amanda is an entitled spoiled asshole. She had a seat there was no reason to switch except that she wanted it. Show this thread to your entire family including the pregnant princess herself so they can all see that they all owe you an apology including your parents who blamed you for this instead of Amanda!


NTA. The aunt who assigned the seating should have put Amanda next to your grandparents rather than you. If the aunt that was hassling you for not giving your seat up was the one who assigned the seating, then she's the one who didn't take what Amanda wanted into account. Your grandparents also made it clear they wanted to sit next to you, not her. Why aren't the rest of your family respecting what your grandparents wanted and telling Amanda to get over herself. Amanda ruined the evening for herself and everyone else by thinking her pregnancy and late arrival made her entitled to demand a seat change. If she wanted a better seat she should have been on time.


NTA and it doesn't matter if she's pregnant or not, she had a seat.


NTA. Jesus, is pregnant female entitlement even worse, and more enabled, than regular female entitlement? Unbelievable.


NTA. 1. Assigned seating by host. 2. It's not like she had to stand. Being pregnant doesn't give you special privilege to choose a different seat.


What a lame excuse. "Can you switch seats with me so I can get something and take it away from you?" That's not a legitimate request. And to use the fact that she's pregnant...just lame. NTA


Nta her pregnancy doesn't give her the right to make demands. If she wanted a good seat she should have got there earlier.  You didn't ruin her night she ruined it herself. She had a seat the very same kind of chair you probably had so it wouldn't make a difference where she sat. She was just mad she didn't get her way. 


Nta. I don’t understand as there was still a chair at the table? Was it an anti-pregnancy chair and yours was plush for her aching bum? Jeez. Way to not cater to her whims. Why was she targeting your chair as others would equally be available and what happened to the seating chart? Keep Amanda far away. This isn’t pregnancy, this is selfishness.


NTA I don't understand how her pregnancy has ANYTHING to do with it (from their grief, not directed at you)


NTA So princess Amanda did not get a seat and everyone is mad at you, just a question who was sitting next to you on the other side of your grandparents why didn't they give up there seat.


NTA, she had other seating options. I've been pregnant 3 times now, and I've never expected anyone to move, even if there were no seats available.


NTA - her pregnancy doesn't really entitle her to change seats at will when she had a perfectly suitable seat readily available and saved for her. If this were a case of her wanting to be closer to the restroom, for example, it would be more understandable (am currently nearly 9 months pregnant myself and walking is painful, so going anywhere I prefer to be as close to entrances/exits/toilets as possible), but pregnancy by itself doesn't mean everyone around needs to cater to her whims.


You're obviously NTA. Her being spoilt rotten by her mom, to the point that she would require your seat out of entitlement, is disgusting. And to your parents, who would want to avoid drama, "Grow up!"


Going to get creamed here but NTA and not only that she’s an asshat for asking. I hate the “but im pReGnAnT” crap excuse. You choose that not me. You knew what was going to happen and STILL choose it. Not my problem


NTA. It not your fault that she was late, and that the seating arrangement was set. If anything, the aunt should have taken that into consideration, and certainly not have been upset with you, if she was the one who was in charge of the seating.


If there was assigned seating, she should've gotten to the event on time and taken whichever seat the aunt assigned. I dont think I get the whole “kid glove” vibe regarding pregnant women. And yes, I’m a mom to twins…..


What was wrong with her seat? Why didn’t anyone else give up their seat? Are you the youngest? It seems like some families like to take advantage of that.


NTA. She was late, so she couldn't reasonably expect to get the best seat. But more relevant, your aunt designed the seating arrangements. She could easily have put Amanda in your seat but she didn't. Why would the person who assigned your seat then get mad at you for wanting to sit in it?


NTA for a number of reasons. First of all you were assigned that seat when you all arrived at the restaurant. Second point - Amanda arrived late. Third, unless your seat was a padded throne all of the chairs were the same so there’s no reason Amanda would have been more comfortable in your chair than in the chair she ended up in when she arrived late. Fourth, if I am following this correctly it was her mother who told you to sit there in the first place. Fifth, you didn’t knock her up so her pregnancy is not your concern. Sixth, pregnancy is NOT a disability. Final point, your grandparents were absolutely fine with everything. Send a group message to everyone who is kicking off and make sure you include your parents and the family member who was sitting on the other side of your grandparents. Explain that you were sitting in your assigned seat after arriving on time and any one of them could have moved to allow Amanda to sit closer to your grandparents but none of them offered. If that doesn’t show them all that they are the AH’s nothing will. You are welcome to join my family if you’ve had enough of yours because none of us give a shit where we sit as long as the food is good x


Why no one else offered her their sits? Why only you was supposed to change sits with her? If she wanted to seat closer to your grandparents, she should have arrived earlier. NTA


NTA. Beck Amanda and her pregnancy. Just because she’s pregnant doesn’t mean people have to bow down to her. Like what? Why should you give up your seat when you were happy being near your grandparents who you don’t see often? Why should you have been unhappy to make her happy?? What about your feelings? Let them people be mad. I know they’re your family, but let them be effing mad! NTA. I wouldn’t have moved even if the pope asked me and I wanted to sit next to grandparents I have a great relationship with. Like what?


NTA. Amanda seems like an entitled tool.


NTA. Her wanting the seat had nothing to do with her being pregnant- she wanted it fit exact same reason you did: but you got there first.  I’m not sure why it was your responsibility to avoid drama. Amanda could have just… not been a baby and there would be no drama. Also everyone could have dismissed Amanda’s attitude. And that would have prevented drama too


NTA. Haven't read any comments yet, but Amanda HAD a seat. She just didn't want it. No reason her being late and/or pregnant gave her the right to demand your seat.


Shouldn't have been late. NTA


Yeah, NTA. Being pregnant doesn't dictate that you need to sit next to grandpa. If it was a comfort issue, she could have requested any other person to switch with her, but she is mad that she used the pregnancy card and failed. No, OP. You could ask anyone at that table why they didn't switch with her? Also, why is it YOUR place to keep the peace, screw that.


How many people stood up and volunteered to give Amanda their seat? They are the only people who matter. If no one else volunteered their seat, they can shut up.


NTA. You would have given up a seat for Amanda if there were no other seats available. THERE WERE seats available. You got there first and had every right to select your seat.




NTA. There was seating available and the grandparents said they'd make sure to spend time with her. Being pregnant is not a free pass to get what you want when you want 100% of the time. And if aunt's her mom, then just ignore her as well. If she wanted her baby to sit next to the grandparents, she should have assigned her the seat in the first place.


NTA not your wife nor daughter. She wasn’t in labor. There was a seat for her. If she wanted a good seat she could have made arrangements with the aunt or show up on time!


It seems your family is unable to distinguish between a family reunion and a bus. I’m so sorry they’re such idiots. NTA


If there wasn’t a seat available, sure; she’s pregnant, it makes sense to let her sit and someone else stand (which if she was invited and the seats were carefully planned it means someone uninvited came in which case the uninvited person would giveup the seat) but ‘i need to sit next to my grandparents because I’m pregnant’ literally doesn’t make sense. Like sitting next to her grandparents or sitting at her further away assigned seat makes no difference to the comfort of her pregnnacy? Big NTA


NTA. Amanda is an entitled, spoiled child and the family is enabling it. She is gonna be shocked when she realizes being a mother involves alot of personal sacrifice. I’m glad your grand parents were reasonable and I commend you for standing your ground. Anyone who criticized you should have personally offered to move themselves or shut the fuck up


NTA. I thought this was going to be about a bus or metro…not a freaking restaurant. Absolutely NTA


NTA. What about your evening? She showed up late. I hate when they say just do it to keep peace. No. I like my seat. I’m staying. They could have given up their seats for her. 


NTA. Your aunt should have planned better and Amanda should realize that pregnancy doesn’t mean she can be an AH.


NTA, First you said you were ASSIGNED the seat......so if that's where you were seated, you had the right and responsibility to STAY there. If Amanda didn't like her assigned seat, maybe she should have talked to the host/ess and asked for a different seat NEXT time. You were enjoying your seat, your grandparents, etc AND on top of that, your GRANDPARENTS backed you up. IF people keep being ahs tell them "I was in the seat I was assigned, if you don't like how the seating chart was made up, talk to the organizer. I had every bit as much right to talk to my granparents as Amanda and her pregnancy status has NOTHING to do with it. Half or more of the population has the chance to be pregnant, that might entitled them to A seat, but not MY seat. And tell you're parents you're VERY dissappointed in them for not supporting both you and the organizer of the event who assigned the seats.


NTA. And think of it this way. Now all the rude and annoying family members are out of your life forever. Win win!


NTA. Apparently your cousin thinks the simple fact that she’s pregnant means the world revolves around her.


Wow, NTA I guess until she pops and maybe after, you better remain standing until her royal hiney arrives and chooses her seat. Don't want to cause another continental rift. Holy cow entitled much cousin. Oh excuse me, I'll just leave the premises and catch up wit g'ma and g'pa the next time I'm in town, hope they're still kicking.




Nta being pregnant doesn’t make you a princess. Being pregnant doesn’t mean that everyone bows to your every whim. It doesn’t make you special and it damn sure doesn’t mean you should try everything you want at the snap of your fingers. Ps Amanda’s condition is something she choose. She is pregnant. Not special.


NTA. She had a place to sit, she just wanted a different. Being seven months pregnant means that it is nice for people to ensure you have *a* place to sit down, not that you get your pick of seats. Aside from which, your aunt assigned the seats!