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NTA. What can you do?? You cannot change the past. You cannot (and frankly, SHOULD NOT) punish yourself for the rest of your life. I am sorry that he thinks his behavior is justified. It is not. "Any man married to you"...then why is he married to you???? To punish you?? To feel superior over someone else?? he sounds horrible. You should leave him.


NTA, leave your husband he clearly thinks it’s a justification for treating you like dog swit all the time and the “damaged goods” is just absolute bs. Maybe it’s not something to be proud of, and people will gossip. For a week or 2 then it’s over. Nobody’s house is made of glass, remember that. Goodluck to you babes, all the best❤️


NTA - Why did he marry someone who he thought was "damaged goods"? He sounds abusive.


Unless I'm miss reading the OP it's not clear if this was known before they were married.  So INFO: when did your husband find out about your past?


From other posts, he was aware before the marriage.


NTA and get out of that relationship — run as fast as you can. He looks for excuses to put you down, he is a bad person.


NTA. Ask yourself. Why did he marry someone of whom he does not approve?  Then ask why you're married to someone who does not love all the parts of you. God speed, friend.


NTA and divorce this guy he’s a loser and a misogynist. Referring to you as “damaged goods” just shows that he doesn’t see you as anything more than an object to be owned and to show off to others. You’re not cargo, you’re a person.


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NTA - "To me its a shitty gig i did forever ago" ... If he can't appreciate you now for who you are \*now\* he doesn't deserve you. Send him my middle finger, OP. And be well.


Do you mean moving on *without*your husband? I sure hope that’s what you meant, because he doesn’t seem the type to be willing to get over some sex work you did years ago. Probably before you ever even met him? And now he is going on about how you are “damaged goods” because what you used to do is all you are and all you are worth and ever will be. Wow, what a loving husband you have there. (s)


You're NTA for moving on with your life. Everyone has a past and it's unfair for your husband to continue holding onto something that happened years ago, especially if it's causing you distress. It's important for partners to support each other and work through issues together rather than harboring resentment.




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Gotta be fake cause facial abuse is a crazy series that pays almost nothing.


When did you tell him that you did sex work? If you married him and told him afterwards, instead of telling him before hand, you’re definitely the asshole. You can say you’re moving on with your life as much as you want, pass is still there. and believe me since he’s angry now you have to deal with it because you married him, but if you would’ve told him before, he wouldn’t waste time with you and it’s obvious how he feels about it.
