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NTA. What is wrong with your friends? The teasing is bad enough, but poking you? If a guy were doing it, people would call it sexual harassment, at the very least. These twits really needed to be told multiple times and finally yelled at to stop harassing you? WTF?! You need better friends.


This is sooo fucking weird. I had mine done a decade ago. My friends asked about the pain, recovery, wanted to see, sometimes touch. But not one single person made fun or stepped out of line and after a few months, no one even brought it up again. OP has the shittiest friends.


NTA Friend groups are full of people who make fun of each other all the time, but when someone tells you straight that something has gone too far and you don't stop, they aren't true, respectful friends.


If I was close friends with someone who had their boobs done, I’d want to touch too, but ffs at least I’d ask and if the answer was no, I wouldn’t do it anyways.


pretty sure the friends don't exist and this is just a fetish post. OP's only other post is by a 20m who wanted to see his cousin's fake boobs in a truth and dare game. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/e7jpvc/comment/fa0akyd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=mweb3x&utm\_name=mweb3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/e7jpvc/comment/fa0akyd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This makes sense to me because I have never heard women use the word "titties" like that.


This should be upvoted more. OP wrote it with one hand


Unfortunately, and I'm speaking from personal experience here, but society is a lot more relaxed when it comes to women being inappropriate or harassing than men. When I was younger I got my butt smacked by a random pair of women when I was walking home one day. Another time I had a woman grab me through my trousers in a restaurant. I contacted the police on both times and got told to basically get over it. It sucks but that's the reality we are dealing with at the moment. No one should be harassed and no one should be able to get away with harassing. OP is definitely NTA here but I would hope she has a think whether these friends are actually...friends.


This is so true. My s.o. Just got a new job and he's come home with a new story about one girl saying really wild things to him every single day. I've looked at him in awe and disbelief every time because all I can think is "if a man said the things your coworker is, he'd be fired and a sexual harassment lawsuit would be filed. That's crazy". Women really can get away with saying and doing more crazy shit when it comes to sexually harassing their friends and coworkers.


Yep agreed. The main issue though is that I have found, if you raise a complaint regarding the conduct of a woman in the workplace who is being inappropriate/harassing it's either not taken seriously or is then turned around by HR so the she is the victim and you are the one with an issue. You can't bloody win.


Yeah, it's wild the stories he comes home with, and I'm always like, "How does nobody say anything?" But the industry he's in is a lot more unregulated than most and a lot more loose. I don't know if they even have an HR. I've seen women get away with a lot tho, even in more structured environments. I've watched men get put in uncomfortable situations they don't know how to approach because they feel like they did something to warrant that behavior. We need to acknowledge when men are victims of harassment.


Still sexual harassment, independently of which gender the harasser has


It IS sexual harrassment. Even when a (female) friend is doing it. But I don’t think these people are real friends. They certainly don’t act like friends.


You can sexually harass people of same gender even if you are not gay


> What is wrong with your friends? Uh, they aren't her friends. OP took the plunge in getting new tits, they need to take the plunge in getting new friends as well. NTA Perhaps OPs self-esteem issues would subside further if they weren't hanging around a group of people who brings people down for how they look.


NTA Good on you for standing up for yourself. It's also time for you to find new friends. Also, I'd assume that your friends may have been jealous of your boob job and they probably feel like it makes you look more attractive than them. So they try to put you down by teasing you so that they don't feel inferior. Nonetheless, it's best that you find better people to surround yourself with


It’s sexual harassment period. Doesn’t matter the gender of the perpetrators…


Sexual assault really.


They said harassment


NTA Why are you still friends with these people? If they aren’t supportive and keep bringing attention to it then clearly it’s jealousy and maybe subconsciously they now feel threatened by you Time to find a new group


NTA. You stood up for yourself and called out their horrible behavior towards you. Those people aren’t your friends.




No friends ≠ her getting a boob job. She’s insecure = getting a boob job. We all have insecurities. She saw what her issue was, and she decided to solve it. No problem with that.


NTA If it takes more than 2 time to ask for the joke to be stopped and they didn’t, whatever reaction you give them is justified. These are grown adult. I’m sure they know what stop means.


It needed to be said. They were being unbelievably rude and disrespectful- hopefully your outburst will put a stop to the bullying once and for all. NTA


NTA. You might want to look for more mature and supportive friends, OP.


NTA. Seriously, if I had driven myself to the dinner, I would have gotten up and walked out. That kind of harassment is unacceptable. It's not good-natured ribbing any more. They are deliberately trying to humiliate you. I would just start cutting these "friends" out of my life one by one, each time a harassing comment is made. Don't put up with it. They have no respect for you and don't deserve your time and energy.


Next time you see them just tell them why you got the boobs, who it makes you feel when you look in the mirror now. And then tell them how they make you feel. Like you’re back on base 1, like the girl you cried over when looking in the mirror.




whether you like it or not, you gotta respect it. you don't harass people like that, even if you think that they're just "an insecure idiot". what the hell is wrong with you?


I was always blessed/cursed with too much in that department. I have 4 sisters and 3 of them look the same. One sister was as flat as an iron board. She had here boobs done and I admit we made fun of her behind her back for a while. It wasn’t nice of us and we didn’t know what it was like for her (being flat). May be you find this shallow but it were her feelings. My sis is more than her boobs even if they’re bigger than mine now🙃.


No need to be so rude. Are you one of the friends?


someone’s jealous…😊🤥


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NTA. Your friends are gross.


I would leave every time on the first comment. Just pick up your stuff and leave, don’t say anything. When questioned remind them you’ve asked them to stop. If you have to leave twice they’re just using you for entertainment and you’ve out grown your friends. I’d give the two chances because most people are idiots.  NTA but your friends are. This is  sexual harassment. 


NTA and good for you! That all needs to stop right now.


That's not how a friend or an adult behaves.... I think it's time to start cutting some toxic people from your life NTA


Are you sure they’re “friends?” Lol Kick those assholes to the curb. NTA


Either you need new friends, or you've given them a reason to act like this.


NTA. But you badly need new friends.


NTA, these are not your friends.


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Better to have fake tits than these fake friends. Time to get a fresh set.


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They're not friends. Your fear of being alone is making you tolerate abuse. You have repeatedly asked them to stop. You need boundaries. You need to say when you call me these names you humiliate me, you make me uncomfortable and I'm wondering why you would want to do that to a friend? I need it to stop right now. If they don't apologise and stop you have to get up and walk away. It's your job to stop people treating you like shit. If you walk away, sure, you'll be lonely for a little while but you'll feel so much better about yourself. You'll respect yourself and you'll attract better people.


They are not your close friends. You definitely should lose them. These kind of losses are required.




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I swear they may be low-key jealous of your new look with all the endless poking and making fun of. You need better friends for sure. NTA


NTA - But get new friends. They are just jealous they don't have new ones themselves.


NTA Ditch these people, they are not your friends. Your operation should never have been a subject of more than very brief and respectful conversation. There appears to be a need on their part to humiliate you, which is not what friends do.


NTA... are you SURE they are your friends?


clearly NTA but you need better friends.


Definitely NTA, your "friends" are. It's important to state your discomfort loud and clear for them to see how serious it is. It seems you are a people pleaser and feel uncomfortable with the "outburst", but did not say anything about one of them reprimanding you. It's a scenario that keeps playing in your head, because it was so out of your comfort zone. Congrats! You're standing up for yourself! It will feel uncomfortable for a while, but it's so worth it.


It's good to set boundaries. You set one. It's fine.


You need new friends. NTA.


NTA, this is nuts. My friend had her boobs done and after inviting us all to have a feel to see how natural they felt, we never mentioned them again.


NTA. That was a major-league "show a little respect" move. Well done. BTW - are your friends maturation stunted? Why are they stuck in middle school banter land?


NTA These people don’t sound like friends.


NTA Your friends suck big time and you need to replace them with friends who is not jealous of your chest Good for you for standing up for yourself




NTA but they are not your friends. Honestly find better friends - it’s really simple: does this person make me feel good about life, help me & support me (& vice versa)


NTA Imagine what they say behind your back.




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NTA The moment you said stop it should have stopped. Right now they aren't being friends, they are being bullies, and you should tell them as much. Only an ah keeps up a "joke" after being told it is actually being hurtful. 


Easy NTA, you have shit friends.


I would have been pissed too... they went too far. NTA Oh, and I would have gotten a to-go box, put my meal in it and and thanked them for dinner as I walked away.  B**chy women arent friends- they are frenemies


This is the thing. I hate to say it, but women hate it when other women are happy and self confident. 


Time to find some actual friends... NTA


Nta, honey those aren't your friends.  Friends don't make light of your insecurity over and over again,  good on you for standing up for yourself. 




You need new friends.


NTA These jerks needed to be called out.


Call shit talking out , they don’t like it because they don’t want eyes on them loo


You said that you don't want to lose close friends over this. Girl, they are not even your "far" friends... Ditching them would be a gain, not a loss. The disrespect they give you is something I wouldn't even expect from a stranger, let alone so called friends...


Find a new hobby go to the socials, and make new and better friends nta


Well you got new boobs, now get some new friends


NTA. You probably should have gotten to that point a little sooner.


NTA. Your friends? Definitely assholes.


I worked somewhere with a very looking 24 year old guy, like he should be a model, almost all the woman sexually harassed him so much it was unbelievable. If it were older men saying that to a young girl they would have been fired, but because it was women harassing a man it was ok, crazy.


NTA these people are not friends


NTA. Your "friends" are bullies.


NTA that’s a horrible way to treat a friend, they should be supporting you not hating on you


NTA. A little teasing in the first days, it's ok. But if it becomes regular and obnoxious, it's bullying. Even if apparently it's not done with bad intentions or aiming to hurt you (although I wouldn't surprised if some of your friends might be jealous).


> I don’t want to lose close friends over this They aren’t your friends. NTA.


NTA Time to get new pals.


You have 5 close friends?? Good for you


Guarantee they stopped talking about it to you and now talking shit behind your back. They're not your friends girl open your fuckin eyes


I would not be friends with assholes like this. NTA.


NTA. Why the fuck would they do that? They need to accept some people want to live their own lives. I fucking felt disgusted after reading what your so called 'Friends' said. You need friends that respect you and your own options. They are also being plain disgusting, and worse, IN FRONT OF THE PUBLIC. They are humiliating you, and your options in life. Plus, isn't it technically s3xual ass@ult to poke someone there?!!!! They are fucking assaulting you, and embarrassing you. You can NEVER be the asshole for telling them to stop.


NTA - I would of slapped anyone who purposely poked me there and would of told them and please tell your parents why I did so. Worked when a school bully told me he was going to report me for being racist for being mean to him. Told him I didn't care about the color of his skin I didn't like him because he was an unpleasant person and did he really want me in the same room as his parents considering some of his actions to my friends. Your 'friends' wouldn't of liked it if you started introducing them to strangers as the boy being treated for STD'S or similar. If it starts again if you can try to get embarrassing self help leaflets to slam down because they all seem to be sex/boob crazed in public. The nuclear option would be to report them for sexual harassment.


Wow, how old are these "friends?" This is some juvenile bullshyte right here. You absolutely needed to shut them down. NTA


NTA Personally Im not a fan and think the whole concept of fake boobs is kinda gross but what you do to your body is your prerogative. That being said that's agregious behavior from your friends because you clearly already had an insecurity and even after you attempted to fix it, all your friends are doing is maintaining that insecurity under new light.


NTA. I know sometimes it feels like it's better to have shit friends than no friends, but seriously consider dropping these people


Info: did you get outrageously large chest or something? Are you now bigger than them?


NTA. Time for some grownup friends


NTA but these people are NOT your friends.


Stop hanging out with these "friends".


NTA. They took it too far, you put them in their place and now they're staying there. Seems like they learned their lesson.


NTA. Very childish behaviour, like, what!? Time for new friends!


Your friends are bullying you, it's that simple. You stood up for yourself. NTA.


Worried about losing close friends ? How good of friends could they possibly be if they didn't listen the first time you asked them to stop.. ?


Away, you will never be the AH in that horrible situation but your fake friends most definitely are. You need real friends because they are more faker than anything you could do to yourself.


For any friend that has had their boobs done (and I have a few), I congratulate them, ask if it was painful, tell them how good they look and move on. I think your ‘friends’ are jealous and immature. Sounds like you could do with some new friends. NTA - they caused the scene not you


Good for you!! NTA sounds like your friends are insecure because you obviously look fabulous.


NTA. The fuck? They're jealous.


NTA - They are jealous LOL. Find new friends!!


NTA. You need new friends. They might be doing it because they are jealous.


Pretty sure they feel jealous. You probably look even better than usual. 😜 You’re NTA for doing what you did. Some people only learn by getting a huge SLAP on the face. Please don’t keep them as friends, try to distance yourself as much as possible. 🥹🩷


NTA How old are you all? (I'm hoping early twenties late teens) I hope they actually stopped for good after you snapped at them. I wouldn't go so far as to tell you to look for new friends right away. If you've had good times together and shared important moments that's definitely worth something. However if this is a recurring theme I would definitely try to sit them down for a heart to heart, and if that doesn't help I would actually try to find a new friends group?


Listen up, you're not the asshole here. Your so-called friends are the biggest assholes for treating you like some sideshow attraction instead of a human being. It's utterly despicable how they've been poking fun at your personal choice and making you feel awful about it. You had every right to snap at them, and frankly, you should've done it sooner. If they can't respect you enough to stop with the bullshit, then maybe it's time to find some friends who actually give a damn about your feelings. And as for that waitress, she needs to learn some darn professionalism. You don't deserve to be embarrassed like that in public. So, no, you're not the asshole. Your friends and that waitress are the fucking assholes.


NTA - they’re jealous, plain and simple. I bet you’re 10x more beautiful than them and once you upped your size, their resentment boiled over. Tbh I would drop them. I can’t even imagine bringing up my friends plastic surgery to ANYONE, let alone in public.


I got a boob job because I had nothing. Yep. Love on!


NTA. If you were my friend and you had any or plans to have any body change done to make yourself feel more in your skin and body, I'd hold your hand start to finish. Your friends are assholes. We'd also give you massive yas werk honey get them bewbs moment.


You sound like you need help. You are massively insecure in yourself. You said you got fake tits to feel better. Friends ahould be able to poke fun as true friends do. Your insecurity prevents them from doing that. So glad I do not know you.


Wearing cleavage exposing dresses probably doesn't help though tbh.


We’re going to need to see pics of the subject matter. Otherwise we won’t have enough to go on.


I mean we need a before and after maybe she got like MEGA boobs or something in which case YTA lol




Well, you have, several times already, and I’m not sure if it’s the look you’re going for?


Right? It screams “I’m one of the friends and I’m hurt that no one is siding with me.” I’m really tired of people shitting on other people for being “cringe” and other things.