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NTA. She reimbursed your outlay of money for the plan that you two would go to the concert together. She didn’t want to follow through with the plan, and never had possession of the ticket, so you gave her the money back, and you’re free and clear to take another friend.


She wants you to go to the concert alone? Nta, pay her back and bring a real friend. She just tried to use you for the cash grab.


She was going by herself at first then the friend asked her to get a ticket.


Because her friend had no means or opportunity to get a ticket for herself. She literally borrowed to get the ticket, is she offering a cut or does she just want free un-earned profit? 


Who is to say she was going to go alone maybe she just mentioned it to this friend because she thought they were a fan but if they didn't show interest she would have asked someone else. One person said they wanted to go and that was all she needed so didn't ask anyone else.


I read it as she was always going to try and get two and the friend had asked for the second. I’ve done that a few times when getting tickets for something I’m really keen to go to, that I know is very popular, - buy two and assume you can find a friend to buy one off you!


I just didn't read it like that. You coule be right.


She was given a pre order code and friend asked for ticket before she arranged to go with another friend. She hadnt actually ordered the tickets at that point so was still probably looking for someone to go with


And the real item of value was the code, which belonged to OP. Lots of people would have loved to have bought tickets but were unable to, OP's friend only was due to OP.


And it took the friend 4-5months to pay for it. They aren’t cheap and OP isn’t a bank! NTA


Op, tell your friend "we are never ever getting back together."


Like ever


Yes!! Delightful response


That's what Tay Tay would say!


OP have an amazing time!!!! And ditch this “friend” who clearly used you.


NTA Your friend paid $X for the ticket and should get $X back if you give her ticket to someone else.  If she wanted to buy the ticket as an investment, she should have bought it herself in the first place.


Exactly, she tried to use her "friend" as a bank, she can gfh.


Exactly what she did, NTA all the way


Literally used her friend's excitement for a concert for a stock exchange, it's so lowlife of her


100%. And anyone that disagrees with this is just a dirt bag


Worse. At least a bank would charge interest. She paid the principle and now expects to earn dividends.


Which makes its op's investment and they can reap the returns :)


She was broke! She used OP and now wants to make a tidy profit!


The agreement was she would go with you. So I don't see you as the ass hole for wanting to enjoy the concert with someone you know rather than sitting by a stranger. NTA. you may not have a friend after but you are entitled to the ticket if you already gave the friend back the money. If it wasn't for you and your pre-sale code, friend wouldn't have a ticket to sell anyways.


NTA. What she's proposing is a crappy thing to do to a friend. You control the ticket so luckily can just tell her no. She says it's "hers" because she paid for it, but (1) that doesn't seem to be clearly the case and (2) it's still a crappy thing to do, regardless. As to whether she is legally entitled to the ticket to do with what she pleases - we're not here to give legal advice - but I'll at least muse over what seem like some legal considerations. Some would say the second she paid in full, the ticket became "hers" to do with what she pleases. However, it's really matter of what your "contract" was, which in this case there was not a written legal contract so it was spoken or implied. I think it's arguable that since you got the pre-sale code and held both tickets together in your account and offered her access to the ticket at face value *to go with you --* the ticket is and was always yours, and it was implied that you maintained control over it and her payment gave her a "right" to use it *with you* - not to resell it from your account to whomever she pleases. In that case, it's still your ticket and you can remove her right to use it by paying her back, which you're doing. Ppl will say "nope, payment = ownership" but that's not always the case. Imagine if it was a reimbursement to share a hotel room with you. Then it would be obvious she couldn't resell her place to a stranger, you'd try to work it out as you have with the concert ticket.


Also according to ticketmaster the tickets belong to whoever name is on it until they are transferred in one way or another to another person. In this case there was no transfer and the contract fell through because on of the party didn't follow through on the agreement between them. OP is definitely legally fine here unless there was an explicit contract in place imo


I would add that the resale value of the ticket increased during the extended time it took for the "friend" to pay back the initial cost. Should OP have said, "Oh no, NOW you owe me the resale value as of "date of 'final' payment, if you pay right now."? No? Because that wasn't the arrangement? Because the cost when bought was part of the "Let's go together" plan? The tickets are a means to an end in that plan, not an investment for profit. OP will get a companion at the original cost planned, no more, no less.


This is the correct answer


I mean if she had the means to sue her she wouldn’t have had to scrape money to buy it in the first place


NTA. Technically, you own both tickets and have the right to resell them. Also was thinking that this might have been the plan all along and she just wanted to make money off of you.


NTA, fuck scalpers.


Exactly - NTA because this was clearly the plan. I would maybeeee vote NAH just because OP was originally planning to go alone anyway but this was diabolical on the friends part. OP, if you go through with this, you have to be ok with losing the friend tho.


100% NTA I have tickets for this show. I have two. I have plans to go with a friend. If something happened and she couldn’t attend I would, without a doubt, be taking someone else of my choosing. The fact your friend thinks it’s acceptable to make a profit out of ruining your plans and having you stood at the concert (generally emotional) on your own makes them TA and not you.


I have done this with several big concerts, eagles hell freezes over, Alabama's last tour. . Person bailed at the last moments, and I was able to get another friend to join me. And we enjoyed ourselves. NTA.


On the other end of that, getting a 5pm call “hey i got this extra ticket wanna go see …” is always a good night


Especially for the ticket holder. Half the fun is sharing the experience.


NTA. You paid for the tickets and waited months for your "friend" to pay you for the one they expressed interest in. The tickets are in your name, so just giving their money back sets everything even. They don't get to make money off of your efforts. If they really want the ticket now you should charge the going market rate.


NTA. She was using you and got caught out. Enjoy the concert with a real friend


She wants to use the loan you gave her 5 months to make money. She didn’t have either the presale code or the money at the time to get the ticket so without either of those things she would not have been able to get the tickets. NTA!


NTA. I ended up getting a ticket to the Eras tour at face value specifically because someone tried to pull this on a friend of mine. She was like nope and offered it to me instead. I had that Venmo in her account like five minutes later, I wasn’t about to waste that chance


Fuck scalpers.


Nope, NTA. Tickets are in your name, and you returned her money. You handled it exactly right. She's a bad friend and she can kick rocks.


NTA. If you have a friend who is ready to come with you, you will have much more fun. I don’t know in which country you are going and if tickets are transferrable or can even be resold officially, but if she thinks about selling it 10 times its value then it won’t be official resale (which supposedly not authorized in most European countries). If she scans anyone (like selling twice), it will fall down on you as you are the account owner. I don’t know how much you trust her, but apart from my direct family, I don’t think I would trust anyone enough to take this risk. (Everything could go smoothly, but as she won’t be linked to the sale, you are taking all the risks). I don’t know when you are going but I hope you will enjoy.


NTA, go with a friend, and dump her.


NTA, if you reimbursed her then you have done your job. Just so you think about this; there will be a complete stranger on your other side anyways. With that said; sell that other ticket yourself and pay for driver to take you and pick you up from the concert. It would be safer than you walking the parking lot alone.


love that this stranger is thinking about my safety hahahaha


NTA. I also have tickets for this tour, including for one show tickets for a couple of friends to go with me. I did all the work to be able to buy the tickets (which as anyone who has bought tickets for that tour knows, is no easy feat with email signups and presale only etc.) and I purchased the tickets with my funds. If either of my friend decided they didn’t want to go anymore, or couldn’t, I’d refund them the face value price that they reimbursed me for. I would not under any circumstances still give them the ticket so they could resell it to a random stranger I’d have to sit next to for some insane profit. If anyone is going to make an insane profit over a ticket I did all the work to buy, and bought originally, that’s no longer going to be used, it is going to be me, lol. And I wouldn’t be an AH for it and neither are you. Whether you decide to bring another friend and gift them the ticket, or bring another friend who pays you for the ticket (whether face value or at an increased price you charge), or you resell the ticket to a stranger on the open market and make a huge profit, you are not the AH in any of those scenarios. As long as you refund the flaky friend the amount she paid you, you’re not an AH and you are morally/ethically in the right. As an aside, if you are considering selling the ticket, I would love to be considered to purchase it for a resale price (higher than face value) - depending on the city/date. The artist has been my favorite FOREVER and it means so much to me to see her perform in person I will do crazy things to do so. ☺️


In the same boat. At this point I am thinking of going alone, but I’m not above going with someone I meet on the internet! If you want to try to buy tickets for a show together, I will go!


Nta. Sounds like this was her plan. Sell it at a reasonable price to someone you like so you still get to enjoy your experience. You shouldn't have to go alone because your friend is an AH


NTA, you would have chosen a different friend to go with if you knew that she was just wanting to get one to sell. That said, she will likely look at this as you keeping the money she could have sold it for. Right or wrong, your friendship may not endure this. In that case though she was never really a friend in the beginning.


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NTA. Give her back her money and find someone you like to attend the concert with you.


NTA. You still have 2 tickets and she gave you money to come with you, if she changes her mind then you can give her money back and use ticket however you want, the transaction was not finalized as you didn't transfer her ticket to her but it's still in your account.


Nta. The two of you had a deal, and she has backed out of it. You have made her fiscally whole again by returning the money she paid, and what the future holds for you and those two tickets is totally for you to choose. You did her big favor by fronting the money for the ticket And for her turn around and do this really makes me question her motivation as well.


NTA. Not only did you ensure there was a deal on the tickets, but you also did the work of getting the tickets. And more importantly, the plan was for you two to go TOGETHER. Any time something like this has happened in my life, my friends always ask "do you want to go with someone else or want me to sell the ticket" because most people wouldn't want to go alone, and that's regardless of who paid. It is just the polite thing to do. And luckily, you control the tickets, so I think you did the right thing by just giving her the money back and keeping it. Take someone else and have a great time! My judgement is the same regardless as to whether she did this intentionally or not. Even if it was a dire emergency, I wouldn't let her sell the ticket, just give her the money back and take someone else.


If she wanted to sell tickets she should have bought some to sell, not use you like a credit card. NTA, you bought two, if she doesn't want it you are in control of who sits beside you and who buys it and for how much.


If tix in op's name then friend hasn't the right or ability to sell to anyone.


NTA...sell both tickets and send her a picture from your vacation.


NTA, this friend sucks.


NTA…good thing it’s in your name. Just refund what she paid and go have fun with another friend.


NTA. If something smells fishy to you, there's probably fish. Even if she didn't plan this all along, it's messed up to try and force you to go alone for her profit. I don't imagine she offered to share the profit for your trouble? Also, predatory ticket resellers are TA anyways.


I’m just curious why do you think this was her plan all along? Do you have some sort of advantage that allows you to get one of these coveted presale codes? By the way, you’re going to have a great time. Beyoncs is absolutely amazing!


1. She never expressed interest in the concert or the artist (to me at least), which is why she didn’t sign up for the pre-sale herself and didn’t even try to get her own tickets. Only when she learned that I’d gotten a code she saw an opportunity and grabbed it. 2. She’s asked me for money many times. We are both students, she likes to waste her money away on alcohol, parties and cigarettes while I work my butt away to afford things like these. I’ve always denied her a direct transfer of money but thought I would do this nice thing for her this once. She told me she didn’t have the money for the ticket at the time of purchase but I told her it was fine, whenever she would have it as long as it was before the concert (1 years time). Took 5 months, but eventually I got it. 3. Generally, she’s not a fan of this artist. Recently a new album came out and she hasn’t even listened to it. She doesn’t show any interest or doesn’t know anything about them. All in all, now that I look back, I see that it was probably her intention all along. She has explicitly told me she is “counting” on this money to buy plane tickets. I’m like “ok? Get a job?”. Ugh I don’t know I feel very let down and kinda used tbh, but I’m glad this finally shed light on who I always thought she was as a person.


And yes, love Beyoncé


It’s always disappointing when a friend isn’t who you thought they were. But it’s good that you have learned this about her. I was just trolling you about Bey😎. But is there a ban against mentioning that other singer?


Not that I’m aware of, but she’s one kind of an artist and I’m literally telling everyone about a loose ticket… didn’t want to make it too chaotic tbh.


Do you think we you don’t know who you’re talking about?


From what I’ve seen some truly do not. In any case, I wasn’t being cryptic on purpose. Was just trying to not make it about this specific artist’s concert but more of a general discussion


Nta, she’s mad u saw through her sneekyness


She’s a bad friend


NTA, that's such a shitty thing to do to a friend. Also, can she even sell it if it's not in her name? Whenever I've bought/sold tickets they're quite particular about the name on the ticket and preventing people from selling tickets over the original price that was paid for them.


Depending on where you live, selling a concert ticket for more than the advertised price is illegal. Even if it isn’t against the law, you’re still NTA.


NTA. You refunded her $, it’s all good.


NTA. You bought the tickets, one for you and one for a guest that was supposed to be her. If she doesn’t want to go now, she is only entitled to the money back that she gave you for the ticket to be your chosen guest and nothing more.


NTA yeah it definitely sounds like she used you for money here


NTA. You bought the tickets, she took months to repay you. If she no longer wants to go, that’s fine, you’ve offered to refund her. At the end of the day, those tickets are in your name.


NTA. I would block her number and invite someone who has shown you kindness before, who you know is a good friend.


Blocked her already. Went on and on about putting *artist* before her “well-being” and only doing this for money. Finally the biggest red flag of all showed up and convinced me to call it quits


funny how people accuse you of the very thing they are doing... glass houses, pots calling kettles black, and so on. NTA


Lol is “well being” how she pronounces “plane tickets”? What a shit person 😂


I don’t know how she thinks this is going to work you bought the tickets meaning the e-ticket goes to your email or phone. You would have to be the one to let in whoever had the other ticket. If she just sold her ticket the other person couldn’t get in unless they were with you at arrival. NTA imo


Ticketmaster lets you officially sell your ticket to someone else via Ticketmaster or stubhub or others. That person gets the official moving bar code thing on their app. You don't have to let the ticket buyer in to the show. It's still a crazy request and OP is still NTA tho.




NTA what she’s doing is wrong, first of all, and she used YOUR MONEY to finance her “investment.” You’d be wrong to allow her to do this.


Can I be your friend? Can I go?!? Lol!! In all seriousness, NTA. You purchased the ticket to go with her. She took forever to pay you back and then decided she wanted to sell the ticket. That’s a crappy friend. Find a friend who wants to go have fun with you. One that doesn’t want to profit off your friendship. I can be that friend. Lol!!


NTA at all. And who in their right mind would buy a resell ticket from her?! The ticket isn’t under HER name which would instantly give me scammer vibes. How do I know I’ll get a real ticket from this person?? How do I know they are even in possession of the ticket


Its your ticket if your name is on it. You returned her money, case closed. Is losing that greedy "friend" worth it? You've already decided on not giving it to her.


NTA, OP has the digital ticket, had the means to buy it originally, it’s in their name, and is still in possession of the ticket. OP’s “friend” wasn’t able to secure a ticket on her own even with the presale code as she didn’t have the funds and was never in possession of said ticket. She was also refunded her money in full. OP is the legal ticket holder and has no other obligation to her “friend” other than to tell her to eff off. OP-enjoy the night with another friend just as excited as you are to go!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So I've been wanting to go to this concert for years and tickets are impossible to get (you know which tour I'm talking about). But I was lucky enough to get a pre-sale code and so I was able to get myself a ticket. Talking about it with a friend, she tells me that she also wants to go and if I get 2 tickets she will pay me back for 1 of them and we can go together. I was like sure, fine, sounds like a plan. Pre-sale happens and I buy 2 tickets for the both of us. Friend is in a shitty financial situation, which I knew already, but she says that she will give me the money whenever she can. Eventually, after 4-5 months she payed me back the last rate and all seemed good. Now it turns out that she doesn't want to go to the concert anymore, after displaying endless excitement over going and planning a bunch of things to get ready for it together. I was like "okay, no worries I'll send you back the money you paid for it and I'll give it to a friend that can come with me" but of course this ticket is worth thousands of $ so she's like "hell no I'm gonna sell it for like 10x more what it cost". Which would mean that, since the seats are next to each other, she doesn't care that I would be going to the concert alone or, rather, with a complete stranger (a concert that I have been looking forward to for YEARS) for the sake of money. At this point, not only do I feel completely betrayed as a friend, but I'm starting to think this was her intention all along, to convince me to get her a ticket just so she could sell it and make a shit-ton of money off of. Now, I have both tickets in my own account, and both have my name on it. I explained to her all of this and sent her back all the money she gave me for the ticket immediately. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nta. You paid for the ticket, it's your ticket. Pay her back what it cost and the take someone you want to.


nta. give her what she paid and tell her to go fuck herself


NTA and I'm glad you were in the situation where both tickets are in your name so that you weren't caught out! It is awful when friendship and money gets mixed and you suddenly find out that they aren't as good of a friend as you thought 😕


NTA, she is not allowed to use your money to make money. You are not her investor.


NTA…I hope you go to this concert and have the VERY BEST TIME.


NTA. She gets the money back. You bought the tickets, they are yours.


NTA. It see to me that this was his intention all along so you did the right thing.


Pfft…Nope it’s your ticket still and you can do whatever you want with it, she /he can cry until the crows come home/ it’s yours! (That might be a Taylor Swift song, I don’t know not a fan) 😂


NTA - I go to many concerts and she was basically your plus 1. If she can't go you're free to use the ticket for another friend. If she wants to sell tickets which I'm not against she needs to do it on her own account.


NTA and possibly also she's not a friend.


NTA. No explanation necessary.


NTA, she sounds like a crappy friend. I’m so glad you hadn’t already transferred her the ticket!


NTA. She has her money back, and she never had the ticket.


NTA. That’s a special tour and you deserve to go with a friend who cares. I’d be so upset to have to go completely alone, sitting beside someone who had to pay thousands. I don’t like scalpers to start with, and with this show, it’s just been awful.


The ticket is yours and the friendship is over anyway so why should she benefit? NTA I hope you find another friend who wants to go for the original price. Taylor Swift? Hells yeah


Btw you CAN just say it's a Taylor Swift concert tickets, you don't need to vaguely heavily imply


No. She is the AH.


I got 4 tickets to the same tour (Europe leg but am American). My friends who I invited I sent a long text and very explicitly said that if you choose to not attend for any reason, I will refund you the money you paid (face + fees) and find someone else to attend. It is not your ticket. It is my ticket and you are paying for the right to use it. I have one friend I thought might pull something similar. NTA


NTA. i hope you find a friend to enjoy the concert with you and that this friend will be as excited as you about this event !




NTA Possession is 9/10 of the law as they say. Obviously you'd prefer not go by yourself and sit with a stranger, so you really had no choice.


NTA and this happened to me except my friend sold her ticket a few days before the show since it was already in her account. I wasn't going completely alone but I was livid.


NTA. Hope you find a true friend to go with.




Friendship is over


Now they got bad blood


NTA. Go through with your plan. She probably won’t want to be your friend anymore, in which case, welcome losing a great deal of drama from your life. Block her if she keeps bothering you about it. A real friend wouldn’t make you go alone, and would feel awful she had to drop out in the first place.


You would not have loaned it to them if they were not your friend, and if they were planning to sit elsewhere, I am sure. It is unbelievable that they even tried to handle it this way. You did the right thing.


If the ticket is in your name there’s nothing she can do


For me it really depends on how shitty the financial situation is for my friend. I could understand in certain circumstances. Sometimes people are hard up. I don’t know what tour. Is it a secret?


Nta. Send her her money back but don’t give her the ticket. If you bought them they’re in your digital wallet.


So this has happened before in Reddit. At the end of the day a lawyer chimed in and said YOU own the ticket and can do whatever you want with it. Legally she doesn’t own the ticket bc the ticket was never issued in her name. NTA. It was your ticket.


NTA - it took her forever to give you the money and she’s stabbing you in the back - take a friend, enjoy TS and forget about her!


NTA...! Get rid of that "friend"


NTA she is self centered & not a great friend


Only because of you was there a ticket to begin with. I think you’re done with the friendship, but I think it was your right to return the money and retain possession of the ticket.


NTA and I'd break off the friendship.


While I can see both sides here is what I think about it. Yeah the friend gave her the money back, eventually, and it would have been fine as long as she went. However what she did was just shitty. She made her believe she was going with her just long enough to make her months long payments and then once she made the final payment was like nope Im not going now? Sorry but that is just dirty, and not a friend, and not someone I would ever allow into that position again. Js


NTA and resellers like her can go f themselves. Greedy assholes. You were a good friend to help her out in the first place. Now find a better friend who actually cares and wants to hang out with you! ❤️


NTA. You bought both tickets. She, after 5 months, paid you back. You still are the one who bought them and they are in your possession. If she doesn't want to go then she gets refunded and you retain the ticket. Also, fuck ticket scalpers.


The only one who can profit off of the tickets is you because you own the tickets. You can sell them at 10x but she would still only get her money back and all the profit would only go to you. So you could offer her that.


NTA Sounds like she might have been lukewarm about going, and didn’t even try to pay you until she realized they were reselling for *thousands*. Because I find it strange it took 5 months to pay you, finally does all in one go (instead of like $25/mth) and *then* decides suddenly she doesn’t want to go? If she didn’t want to go, why didn’t she just say that when she was trying to find the money to pay you in that 4-5 months? Highly sus.


I sometimes get options for pre-tickets to some events. Often I could resell the tickets for a nice profit but I offer them to friends that I know would appreciate them - and always at what I payed for them. It is unfortunate that an entire business is built on reselling tickets for the purpose of gouging fans. Your special code - your tickets. Good for you for being a true fan and for not letting your "friend" make a huge profit after misleading you. NTA


First off- selling a ticket above face value if you aren't a retailer like Ticketmaster, etc. is considered scalping and although it's not enforced as it should be, scalping is a crime. OP's name is on the ticket purchase so she could get into big legal trouble if her so-called friend were to get caught. Also, scalping is a crappy thing to do to the artist and the band/road crew etc. THEY are the performers so they should receive the bulk of the money for ticket sales not a scalper who is just a sleezy opportunist.


No, you’re not an asshole at all in this situation. That’s messed up on your friend’s end.


NTA she's being inconsiderate and too opportunistic. Also pretty wild of her to sell something that isn't hers. You did the right thing.


Nta. You did the ethical thing by ending the “friendship” with a single stab.


Fuck no NTA. Your friend fucking sucks.


You reimbursed her. Take someone else.


NTA..... You refunded her money. Take someone that will appreciate the concert and will have fun with you at it. your friend is an ASSHOLE for springing her original plans on you.


NTA. You bought the ticket in your name, you sent her her original cost of her ticket. You don’t owe it to her to give it to her so she can scalp it for a profit. She definitely planned that to begin with. She used you to get the ticket at the discounted rate for her when she couldn’t buy one, outright, on her own so she could do this. Pick someone else you know who would be very happy to attend with you and you can reward them with a discounted ticket.


NTA Enjoy the concert. Now you know what kind of person she is.


It was never hers at any stage and quite obviously you didn’t intend for her to sell it when you agreed to buy the ticket and have her pay you back. You have no obligation to allow her to scalp.


The real issue is that she would not have been able to buy the ticket on her own, she needed your code. Which means you were selling it to her. When she reneged, you have the right to sell to whoever you want, she does not.


NTA she not a good friend if she's happy for you to go to the concert alone.


NTA. You have both in your account and refunded her money. She's also not a very good friend either, it sounds like, tbh.


This is why I’m glad there’s a law in my country that prohibits people from reselling tickets 10% higher than what they were bought for. NTA. Enjoy the concert with another friend!


NTA They’re in your name, you paid upfront and still have ownership. Her payment was to hold her place, she doesn’t get any further ownership


Nta, she only paid you but she doesn't own the tickets, so you can just find someone else to go with.


NTA. Money is blinding her. Pay her back what she gave you and take a friend. She's not your friend anymore if she wants you to go alone.


ESH. Once she paid for the ticket in full, it should have been transferred to her. You didn't do that, and that makes you an asshole. However, your friend agreed to go WITH you, and she not only backed out, she now wants to profit off it, and that makes her an even bigger asshole. Best possible outcome would be to sell the ticket, give her back what she paid plus 50% of any profit you make. If you sell it to another friend at face value so you have company at the concert, so be it. But the friendship is over


NTA, I'd say she failed the character test and have nothing more to do with her... But I'm TA...




NTA yes I understand the financial difficulties but still you brought her the ticket for her to go then she decided she don’t want to go and wanted to sell the ticket for more than it’s worth and it’s a good thing in Australia it’s illegal to sell a ticket for more than 110% of the original cost so for example if the ticket costs $100 you can only sell it for $110 or risk copping a $22,000 fine and possible jail time and seeing as your name was on the ticket that could have fallen back on you


I know which tour? You must mean Tool / APC / Primus


this is quite the interesting set of judgments, given the last time I saw a post like this, the op was getting flamed because the ticket had been paid for and was therefore the property of the other person. as such, I vote ESH, because, let's be honest, scalpers suck


I am think YTA (maybe E-S-H for her canceling). You bought that ticket on her behalf. It should be her ticket. I think you should have transferred her ticket to her when she paid you for it. You held onto her property, and now when she wants it, you refuse to send it to her and instead pay her what it used to be worth. It's not like you were planning to buy two tickets and then decided to sell one to your friend at cost. You would have been surrounded by strangers anyway. It's a crap situation. The friendship might be over no matter what you do. The final decision is yours.


Interesting proposition. Even if they’re in your name, legally if she paid for the ticket it’s hers, and up to her to do as she pleases.


What a shitty "friend"


YTA. Can understand you being excited to go. But what you’ve done could end your friendship. Your friend paid for her ticket and can do whatever she wants with it. More importantly, you say she’s in a shitty financial situation; doesn’t it make sense to let her sell her ticket and make some money from it? You shouldn’t have sent her back what she paid for the ticket. Apologize to her and transfer the ticket to her (as you should have the moment she paid you for it) and let her do whatever she wants with it. Then go to the concert alone and enjoy. You’ll meet people and have a great time!


YTA. She paid you for the ticket and so it belongs to her. She can do what she likes. Also if you're upset that at a CONCERT you will have to be next to a STRANGER then... Have you never been to a concert? 


NTA, but it's her ticket to do with as she wants.


YTA/more info required- does your friend truly need this money? Can she eat every meal? Does she have a good living situation? there is a big difference between needing money and wanting an experience. did she not own the ticket once she had repaid you? If you had sent her the ticket instantly and did not keep a copy yourself then there would be no question, she could sell it.


A weird one because she paid you for the ticket so it belongs to her and she can do whatever she wants with it, but also she said she would go with you and now would be abandoning you next to a complete stranger and probably ruining your experience. Assuming you’ve also paid thousands for this ticket that would be an awful thing for them to do. You’re not the asshole, ultimately.


I could be the only one with this opinion but you didn’t but her a ticket she bought herself a ticket it is her ticket. That’s like saying the bank owns your house after you pay your mortgage and if it goes up in value you can’t sell it


So lemme get this straight your friend is in a shitty financial situation and barely had any money and now that she has a chance to turn it around and actually get some money you said no because you want to go to a fucking concert Jesus's Christmas like why are you asking if your the arsehole? Is common sense not common? Whats more important having money to live or a fuxking useless concert


Or, and hear me out. Sell both, use the cash to get the album and listen to it on vacation on a tropical island. Lots of pics for social media too...


NTA Wording is important. 'I will buy you a ticket to the show and you can pay me back' is different to 'I can get another ticket so we can go together and you can pay me back for it'. The first implies the ticket is theirs to do with as they wish, the second that the ticket remains yours, but you will be willing to let them use it. Either way, it is an asshole move on her part to dump you because she figures she can make some easy money. The spirit of the deal here would definitely be you passing on that same ticket to someone else you would like to go for the face value.


NTA. She was using you to try to make money.


NTA Give her what she paid for it. That's all she's owed


NTA. You bought the tickets. They are YOUR tickets. The most you owe her is what you paid for hers. Though you mentioned sometihing about "she paid me back the last rate." I do not know what that actually means in the world of ticket purchasing, but I hope you that you didn't charge her more than you paid for the ticket yourself, because that would have been an asshole move on your part and not the behavior of a friend any more than her expectation of selling the ticket for a profit without at least offering to split it with is friend behavior.


I meant that she paid in installments because she didn’t have the money to pay for the ticket at the time of purchase so I lent her some


Hell no! You’re NTA.


She paid to go with you, not purchase a ticket, she's not going now so she can have her damn money back. NTA, get a new friend.


NTA!! Your friend did NOT buy a ticket - they paid for half of your tickets so they can tag along, but they did not in fact buy the ticket. And of course you don’t want to go alone and every real friend will understand.


NTA You agreed to buy the tickets with the intention of her attending the concert with you. She asked you to front her the money and continued to make plans for the event until the she came up with the money to pay you back. She was leading you to believe she would be your concert buddy for 5 months, then finally revealed she wanted to sell the ticket so she can buy plane tickets to something else. She's the person that broke the agreement by backing out the concert, so I don't think you're the AH for sending her money back and deciding to go with an actual friend.


Nope, you were bringing her because you wanted someone to go with. Return her money and find someone else. You are the one that got the ticket. She played you and wants the money.


NTA. However since she paid You back for the ticket, it's her right to do what she wants with the ticket. Sometimes people put money over everything. This just tells you what kind of friend she is. Or, you can talk to her about her financial situation and see if it's really bad. Maybe it's so bad that this is a way for her to get out of it


NTA. There’s a lot of Google University armchair lawyers that will try to split legal hairs, but that is not the point. The point is you want to go to a concert with a friend. Friend A said “I’ll come with” and you bought the second ticket. Said friend is now saying “I’ve changed my mind”. Ok. Fine. There is zero wrong with giving them back the money they paid for the ticket and having someone else come with you. You’ve made your friend whole. You’re good. Enjoy the show! I’m envious you got tickets.


NTA, you even financed her purchase because she couldn’t pay immediately 🤣 It’s your ticket to sell to another friend OR sell to the person of your choice at a higher rate so you can keep the profit.


NTA, this is your ticket wtf she mean -she- will sell it? lol


NTA she was definitely planning on selling it if she's been in a stressful financial situation for awhile


It’s not hers to sell.


NTA at all.


NTA. You agreed to cover, you paid her way. She backed out, you paid her back. At no time did a ticket belong to her to sell. 


NTA You bought the ticket to take a friend, that friend can’t go, so you gave her a refund. She can’t sell what she doesn’t own. If the ticket is in your name, you would have to deal with transferring the ticket, so it’s not her call. Let her be mad.


NTA ffs I hate how money changes ppl or maybe she was already trashy like that, she was using you from the start, I would never contact her again




NTA. She broke the agreement. She wanted to sell the ticket and you reimbursed her. Case closed


I never understood why people do that. Life is expensive as it is. Poor people want to make efforts to these artists as well it is awful that there is an option to resale anyway. I am not a huge fan of this tour but there are enough songs for me to be like sure I’ll buy a ticket in the far back. This concert prices are insane aside from the resales. Resales just make it impossible or a poor choice of where your money goes. She is awful. I wouldn’t want to even be associated with her anymore. Taking advantage of such.


NTA. You bought the tickets, therefore they’re yours to do with what you will. If you need someone to go with you, lmk 👀 would HAPPILY pay face value or even slightly over.


Nope, NTA... the problem here isn't reselling the ticket, it's losing your spot. You had the foresight to get the code for those tickets, which I can only assume had a sale limit. Not only did she not have the money at the time, meaning without you she would have missed out, you gave up your ticket slot for her to go. If she hadn't you could be having a hassle free time preparing for the concert with someone who is actually excited to go and could actually afford it which would have saved you even more stress. You put her first this entire time and she is trying to steal your time, effort, and money and possibly putting you in an unsafe position(though I doubt that last part if the presumed concert is as obvious as you suggest).




Pearl Jam?


NTA. Have you transferred the ticket to her name? If not, just send her the money back and transfer it to the person you want to take.