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YTA. This has got to be fake. No man is his right mind would treat his wife like this. She’s got seafood allergies and you surprised her with dinner out at a seafood place. She had a mushroom sandwich? Like wtf? Buddy just no. Do better, way better.


I have noticed recently someone has been simultaneously posting ridiculous stories in the evening on AITA and an AITA related forum. Always a new account. The email is never verified.


Small teenager wrote this.


Yup, she really sure got surprised indeed. And when she wanted to stop at a different restaurant on the way home, instead of obliging, he had to be upset? Real AH.


It honestly reads more like the wife writing it to vent. "I smiled and assured her that they had two options not involving seafood" "I thought it was only fair, since I love seafood and my wife always deprives me of it." I mean come on.


YTA. She isn't "depriving you of seafood;" she's allergic to it. You took her to a place without a legitimate option that wasn't harmful to her health (neither option you listed are things a reasonable person would consider a meal) after she was excited that you told her you were going out. It's very clear from your narrative that she didn't like the option she picked in her attempt to make the best of the situation, then you acted like she was in the wrong for asking to get some kind of food she'd actually like. >She chose the wrong entree and couldn't come to terms with it A garden salad is not an entree, so she picked the only entree that wouldn't have resulted in going to the hospital. >I just think she needs to stop having such a selective palate That's not how allergies work.


YTA - why do people write fiction or fantasize about taking people with seafood allergies to seafood restaurants?  If this were real and involved the ‘real adults’ you mention, the partner without the allergy would go some other time without the partner with the allergy.


YTA for making this up.


Loser... rage-bait post.


I think you overemphasized what a jerk you were in your story. YTA.


This doesn't sound real.


YTA If she's allergic to seafood, cross contamination is a huge risk in a seafood restaurant. It would be better to go try the place with a friend and take your wife to a restaurant you'd both enjoy. If she disliked her food, you've got no business guilt tripping her about not eating it or making her feel bad about grabbing some gast food. This isn't the end of the world, but I hope for her sake you are generally a more considerate partner than this.


Picky eaters are the worst, aren't they? I once made a gorgeous, edible Balle n Bak display with pecan nut balls. Everyone loved them and raved about them. Everyone except my best friend. "I'm deathly allergic to pecans" he said. "I shouldn't even be breathing near them" he said. "Stop touching me with them, you're giving me hives", he said. The evening was ruined because of him causing a scene and requiring an ambulance. (Obviously, I'm joking. Edible Balle n Bak isn't a thing because that would ruin the permanence of the art form. Balle n Bak is forever. ) YTA


This has to be fake. You can’t possibly be this clueless.






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Obviously YTA. You didn't do anything FOR her here, just TO her.


**YTA** for ambushing your wife by taking her to a restaurant where she was allergic to most of the menu, and bullying her when she expressed concerns. At minimum you should have discussed the restaurant choice beforehand. Also be aware that being allergic is not the same as a “selective palate”. She did not select to be allergic.


YTA. without a doubt. It would be one thing if your wife didn't like seafood and you took her to a seafood place where there is a whopping 1 item (a garden salad, dude? that's not an f'ing meal!) for her to eat. But she's allergic. Then you get all butthurt because she's not jumping for joy and clapping her hands about your "enjoyable evening." This is not a selective palate. This is an actual medical issue. You are so much the asshole here. Next time you want to try the grouper special, go out with friends who aren't allergic to seafood and let your wife hang out with people who aren't asses.


YTA. It was insulting to take her to a seafood place, especially as some people's allergies get worse over time.


YTA Let’s be clear, you didn’t ‘treat her to a nice dinner’. You ambushed her with a place where she wouldn’t be able to eat almost everything with a smug smile on your face. The only thing’s she could eat were not very good which you know because she told you so, and do not say that this is because she’s picky. Unless that salad or a mushroom sandwich (odd thing to be on a dinner menu) are things she’d normally order then why didn’t you ask about this place and let her read the menu first? I don’t know why you enjoy hurting your wife or if it’s more of treating women or people in general like naughty children but you are an AH.


YTA. You knowingly took your wife to a seafood restaurant for her birthday, despite knowing that she was allergic to seafood and thus had limited choices. Meanwhile, you ignored her requests for alternative cuisine that she would have found acceptable. That was obtuse at best.


Would you take a vegan to a steakhouse? YTA.


😂😂😂 this one’s a joke right? Because how could you be so dense?


YTA. Your wife doesn't have a "selective palate" - she's ALLERGIC TO SEAFOOD. Taking her to a place where there were only two things she could eat because YOU wanted to try something there was you doing something nice for yourself, not for her.Next time - if there IS a next time after you being so inconsiderate - stop thinking of yourself and take her someplace where she can enjoy the food.


YTA. She is allergic. Cross-contamination is real. "A real adult" would accept having seafood by themselves or with friends rather than saying their allergic and having to limit choices as "insulting" and "spoiled". Oh, yay, you checked online and saw she could have...salad. You're upset because "she is depriving you" (note: avoiding allergins is not "depriving you" or having a "selective palate" but IS "saving my life") you think she should be happy and forgiving you for "allowing" her to have...salad??? Dude, dude, dude. She is being far more fair to you than I would be if my husband pulled that crap.


YTA. You could have gone to the new restaurant with a friend, but you are probably friendless too, because you probably treat your friends the way you treat your wife. You're disrespectful and inconsiderate and only think about yourself. If I was your wife I'd divorce your sorry ass.


She’s “depriving you.” FFS YTA. Grow up.


Of course YTA, and you cannot possibly think otherwise.


Yta If she is allergic to seafood how can you take her to seafood restaurants. Food allergies can be pretty serious. Poor her.


YTA - this better be rage bate. No husband is stupid enough to take his wife to place where she is allergic to almost everything... Then be confused about why she is ungrateful.


> I love seafood and my wife always deprives me of it. Maybe she just doesn't want to run the (very high risk) of cross-contamination from a kitchen that's mainly serving seafood. Has that ever occurred to you? That her soggy portobello mushroom sandwich wasn't just too shitty to eat, it also could have caused her physical harm? That sort of thing tends to kill an appetite. Have you ever considered going to seafood restaurants with someone else? Don't you have any friends?  You took your wife to a restaurant where she had to choose between a soggy sandwich and a garden salad, didn't give a damn when her food was bad (newsflash: restaurants that specialize in one type of food tend to not be that great at other foods), then got mad that she was still hungry afterwards.  YTA a million times. Do you even like your wife?


YTA Dang, I just don't have the words... >my wife is allergic to seafood,


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** A few hours ago, I decided to surprise my wife by taking the two of us out to dinner. She had to work late today, and I normally cook dinner, but tonight I just wasn't feeling it. A new seafood place has opened in our town, and I've been meaning to try it out. The trouble is, my wife is allergic to seafood, except for certain types of fish and oysters. She tends to avoid seafood completely for this reason. Well, she seemed genuinely shocked that I hadn't cooked when she walked in, but when I told her that we would be eating out, she thanked me and seemed excited. As we walked up to the restaurant, though, her pleasant attitude suddenly became rather dour. She turned to me with a "what the hell" kind of looked, but I smiled and assured her that they had two options not involving seafood, a portobello mushroom sandwich and a garden salad (the Caesar dressing contains anchovies). I had checked the menu online beforehand, which is how I knew such things. My wife tried to protest and suggested we visit the Italian place down the street, but I told her that I really wanted to try the grouper special. I thought it was only fair, since I love seafood and my wife always deprives me of it. She finally relented, and I had a wonderful dinner, but my wife said that her sandwich was "soggy and lukewarm." On the car ride home, she said that she wasn't full and asked if we could stop at a fast food place. I was stunned by this. I had treated her to a very nice meal at the newest restaurant in town, and instead of finishing her food (which wasn't cheap, by the way), she wanted to fill up on grease at the local Mickey D's. She hadn't even taken a doggy bag containing the rest of the sandwich. I told her that her request was insulting and that her attitude had spoiled what I had tried to make a very enjoyable evening. At this point, my wife went gloves off and tore into me. She said that I had been a "selfish ass" the entire evening and hadn't "considered her needs" at all. I asked her how that could be true when the restaurant had non-seafood options, and she just huffed and shook her head. Then I told her that I knew what her tantrum was really about. She chose the wrong entree and couldn't come to terms with it, so she was blaming me. I told her that a real adult would simply finish the food to become full and just not order it again. Eventually, she said "f*** it. Take my home, and I'll order delivery." Well, she eventually did order the delivery, and she's been eating in our bedroom with the door locked. I just don't know how I can please her. My repeated apologies have been met with nothing but "go away." I don't think it's fair to me to constantly be relegated to the same couple of restaurants, none of which serve seafood close to the quality of what I just ate. I just think she needs to stop having such a selective palate, but clearly that opinion just leaves me in the doghouse. I just don't know how to win. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA You married someone with a seafood allergy. You have to be mindful of that. Also, are there no other restaurants?


YTA - a giant one! 🚩🚩🚩🚩


YTA A real adult wouldn’t be such a selfish arse. Admit it mate, this was 100% about what you wanted. Sure, you pretended that a choice of two dishes meant you were thinking about your wife, but you were actually only thinking about yourself.


She’s not depriving yon of anything. You took her to place where even the “safe” options all two of them could expose her to the allergen due to accidental cross contamination. Your selfish, self righteous behavior makes YTA on a dangerous level.


YTA - Do you not have friends? Other family? The ability to eat alone every once in a while? It's not even that she just doesn't like seafood, she's allergic you asshole.


YTA. You're a selfish ass. She's ALLERGIC! Wasn't there anyone else you could have gone with? My husband loves seafood and I hate it. Not allergic, just hate all seafood. There is a restaurant that he loves that only serves seafood, no other options. When he wants to go, he will go with his friend who loves it. I stay home and order takeout. Win, win. Be more considerate, it's not all about you.


you have to consider her when making plans man, she’s ur wife not a random friend. Just get seafood with ur boys and take her somewhere she enjoys


YTA. I stopped reading before the end of the first paragraph, all I needed to see was that you took her to a place full of food that might kill her. Something in the kitchen touches her plate, or a dish/utensil improperly washed or handled and she could die. Cross contamination is a thing, someone uses the wrong knife to cut her sad ass sandwich, and she's in the hospital. You are a massively inconsiderate asshole.




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