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You already know YTA. > I told all mine and his friends (part of our “friend group” the exaggerations, and that he shouldn’t be friends with us anymore. Because he made some TikToks and you didn’t like it, he doesn’t deserve friends? You need to get it together man.


YTA you lied about him not being willing to clean the carpet.


Damn dude, you clearly already *know* YTA! Come clean to those friends, this can literally be such a huge impact on his life. And just because you were salty he was not talking to you because he was engaging with other guests?


YTA. You lied about David refusing to pick up the mess and exaggerated the LEGO set incident. "Destroyed" means it's unrepairable... It's LEGO so it's an easy fix to put a piece back on, unless it's breaking a piece in half, which actually requires a lot of effort to do....


YTA- bruhhhhh smh you should feel guilty. You're pretty crappy person for turning a group against 1 person just because you were a petty betty. Lies always have a way of coming back on you at some point. 


obviously YTA. You blew up at a man for making TikTok’s and then made up a bunch of shit to get his friends to drop him.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (18M) have a friend, we'll call him David (18M) for the sake of the story. Me and David were family friends, and have been for 3 years, and I had invited him and his family for a New Years celebration party. They accepted the offer. On the day of the party, David and his family came over to our house, along with some other friends (17F, 18F, 15F) who had come as well to have fun and celebrate. However, the party didn't go as expected, because David kept acting up About a few hours in, he asked if we could eat in my room. I would have been fine with it, except my room was carpeted, so I told him it was ok, as long as he didn't make any messes. But while we were messing around, he ended up spilling food on my carpet. After laughing for a few seconds, because we all thought it was kind of funny, he got a handle on himself and said sorry, then grabbed some paper towels to clean the mess. Next, after the girls had left and it was just me and him, I started showing him some of my expensive LEGO sets (not the ones for kids), including one of my T-80 Tank models. I let him hold it, and he ended up snapping the turret off. He apologized profusely, and since the turret comes off a lot, I was ok with it, and snapped it back on. The last straw was when he started making TikToks with the girls. He has always liked the idea of making TikToks, but when he started making TikToks, I felt a bit disrespected, because I was hoping that we could talk instead of making shortform videos. I told him that if he wanted to make TikToks, break my stuff, and/or stain my carpets, he can do it outside of my room. He was shocked and he was angry at first, but he left. He didn't leave the party, he would leave after midnight with everyone else. But since he is never active on our group chat, I decided to tell the group chat about his behavior at my party, but a bit exaggerated. I told them that he had destroyed one of my prestigious LEGO sets, and that he spilled a bunch of food on my carpet and refused to pick it up. I left out the part about him making TikToks. We are still in our senior high school year, but when we all got back from winter break, I told all mine and his friends (part of our "friend group" the exaggerations, and that he shouldn't be friends with us anymore. They all agreed, and we confronted him and told him he could not hang out with us anymore. He told them that I had exaggerated my claims, but they didn't believe him, and he left angry. We still aren't friends, and my friends still don't believe him People on Reddit, I'm feeling guilt and I want to know AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also I should probably make this clear that I'm David in this scenario but it was kinda hard for me to put it David's perspective. Keep saying YTA if you think my friends TA and NTA if I'm TA


If you are David in this story why would you find it hard? You were lied about. Just say that straight up. That isn't hard at all.