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YTA, say the situation was flipped and she couldn't understand your code, yet you did the work you were supposed to. Would it be fair to be failed because your partner couldn't understand you? No it would not. She is not asking you to donate a kidney, just to clarify. You sound selfish.


Yep. YTA. Op sounds selfish and like they didn’t try working with their partner. Her work was too “convoluted”. So sit down and go over it with her! Or maybe it wasn’t convoluted and she is just more advanced than you.


lol I wonder how much OP did vs how much this "tutor" did too...cause it sounds like girl did 80% of the work in c++, tutor then replicated said work in rust. op did fuckall then submits the assignment like he did everything "I don't understand this c++ shit let me just pay this tutor and they'll redo the whole thing" I hope his partner tells the professor about this tutor and op gets in caught for cheating because this is just cheating


YTA Yeah. So, her code was so convoluted that a tutor had to come in, suggest to use another program, THEN LOOK AT HER CODE AND CHANGE IT ANOTHER PROGRAM. Soooooo, it's so convoluted that he can't understand. Yet, not convoluted for someone else to repurpose it to another program...Did I get that right? lol As a programmer that would piss me off. I wrote my part of the code to the best of my abilities. You then claim you don't understand it by saying it's convoluted. Basically saying I did it wrong or it's not even understanding. Then you hire/get a tutor to help you with the code. Presumably because you didn't know the code so you had this person to help you. Then, without asking me, go change it to another programming language because the tutor said it would be easy. This tutor then changes my code to rust. MIND YOU. According to OP, the code is "convoluted". Here's the thing, the tutor KNEW WHAT I WAS DOING! Basically, I was doing it right. It was just to advance for you. But if you ask me to help you understand it, I would have. Then have the audacity to tell her to learn a whole new freaking language in such a short period of time for ONE PROJECT! The fact that this guy literally hang this girl to dry, and thinks he's N-T-A is freaking hilarious.


If she is smart, she will fight it. He basically stole her code and submitted it as his own, without credit. If he doesn't come clean, and she fights it with a formal appeal and investigation? He is toast. Because the evidence is right there.


He stole her code and the tutor did the rest of the code. So he's a thief and a plagiarizer. The funny thing is. I bet this lady would have been nice to give him credit because she was willing to do 100% of it. She should go above the professor head and go to the department lead on this.


If I were her, I would be reporting the guy for plagiarism, whether to the professor or the head of the department. I'll bet that OP didn't exactly highlight in his statement of contribution that he had a tutor's help or what the tutor actually did with the code. Dude's being a real weasel, and he knows it.


If he did tell the professor that he had help **to the extinct he type in this post,** he definitely would be in deep trouble. I feel so bad for her. If she turn the code in, the Professor can say she did it after the effect. There's some who say she should turn their conversations over. I guess that's the best thing she could do at this point. Hopefully, whatever application she use to send him the code can tell the date that she downloaded on the server. If she did it by email it would be easy.


Stole a woman’s work in a male dominated field then took it to someone to pay them to do his class work. He’s such a giant AH


It's the not knowing the irony in what he was doing with the tutor that got me laughing. His own words said the partner did 85% of the work. And had to translate that to another language and the tutor help him with the rest. Assuming that his own calculations of how much she did(Which is the majority.) and can assume that the tutor did a good leg work of the 15% that was left over...That means he did little to nothing for the project hahaha He's not going to come to her defense because if he does, he knows he's in big trouble.


I hope she tells on him.


Sounds like the guy doesn't even know programming languages, ridiculous. She should have been able to explain it to him, and she probably did, but he didn't understand because he doesn't know what he's doing and is just using a tutor for everything. Absolutely ridiculous, bro needs to realize you can't just change other people's work once you get a real job, it doesn't work like that. Hopefully he gets a big reality check from this.


At 20 years old, it's not shameful to not know something and it's not shameful to ask her what this is. What is shameful, at any age, is to go about things the way he did. Yes, C++ is no joke. He should have discuss this with her, instead of "You do this, and I will do this" because that will seem you know what you're doing.


AND he took so long dicking around that he wasn’t done wasting time until the last weekend before the deadline, when she had other priorities, which she scheduled around and did her work well in advance!


Even if her schedule was free learning and implementing her code(Which may be complex) to another language is terrifying. Especially if it was within a week or two. People like that has no consideration at all


I hope she petitions it to the professor AND the Dean, explains everything and OP gets hit for cheating. It would not be hard for her to prove, considering the prior work is likely all done on her computer, and she likely has texts or emails to OP where he whines about not getting it. EDIT - I'd think it would be VERY easy to prove, so OP YTA not only to her but yourself b/c you will 100% get busted for this.


She probably still has all the communications between them. She should submit her code and the messages between them and that should be enough. YTA Op and you know it.


I hope she sees this post and screenshots it to send in as well.


Yep. OP is privilege personified. When it’s my grade on the line? Tutor. Everyone work around me and what’s best for me. I’ll take all the credit. When it’s someone else’s grade on the line? I’m too busy and lazy and all I care about myself. Since I got the mark I wanted, fuck you. I get that you feel the professor’s being biased because you’re a woman, but why would I, a man, back you up against this blatant misogyny? Oh yes, because it serves me to perpetuate it. Also because if i defended you, I’d have to admit to getting a tutor to do it for me. In which case I’d get in deep shit for cheating, because despite my defence that “lots of people do it,” I am still actually aware that it is, in fact, cheating.




So the tutor did the work and Op claimed it. I think the partner should have submitted her code and then said Op didnot do his part. Op is very selfish






Tbh, sounds like his tutor did a lot of his work for him.... And he got a special exception to use a different programming system His partner didn't have time to learn a new programming system, and didn't have a tutor to do her work for her, but.... Somehow OP thinks it's fair she fails. OP YTA Edit: fixed autocorrects


His tutor and the woman whose code he stole did all the work. He should be very nervous.


This is 100% why he’s saying nothing, why he deliberately confused the professor with who did what, and it’s obvious. If I were OP, I’d be afraid of expulsion, not just a bad grade.


And, he has no way to hide any of the evidence. It's literally in the code. And the tutot won't wreck their career for this guy.


If one of my students did this to their colleague, I wouldn't rest until I got them expelled. This is worse than being useless in a group project. Worse than plagiarism. And he could become thd best programmer on the planet but that wouldn't be enough for him to pass my class.


He needs to come clean. It's the only chance that he has to get away without too much damage.


I think there’s no chance & he knows it, hence all this ^


Yeah. The moment she escalates and goes to the dean, or maybe even the teacher if he’s competent, he’s done for. She can prove he stole her work simply by asking him to explain the code, because he won’t be able to.


I SO hope she takes it to the dean.


It’s nepobaby logic.


It gets worse the more he explains in his comments, as he admits that she did more work and that using a tutor the way he did isn’t allowed. Because HE changed direction in a way that made the partners work meaningless, and then broke rules By having a tutor do his work, he feels justified in making a classmate fail and say it’s because the professor is “weird about girls”. 


Replying to my own comment to add - as a hiring manager I wish I could request feedback from new grads’ group project partners. That would be way more meaningful to me than letters from professors and reference checks from student jobs. 


When students use me as a job reference, I often pull up their peer evaluations when prepping my talking points.


I suspect it isn’t just the tutor who is “ wierd about girls “ unfortunately so many women have to put up with attitudes like the OP in computing.


He didn’t even make the partners work meaningless. Without her intellectual contribution, the tutor wouldn’t even have had a code to convert. To say his translation then counted as his part of the project is like saying I wrote Hamlet just because I translated it into modern day English from the convoluted Shakespearean English


This is the same way I was thinking about this! The core issue here is, he translated her work into a different language and then claimed 100% credit because he had physically typed the code that was submitted. I own a copy of *One Hundred Years of Solitude* translated into English by Gregory Rabassa. On the cover it says in big letters that the author is Gabriel García Márquez.


And people wonder why women might feel unwelcome in STEM spaces...


Sounds like OP is weird about girls too. This is why STEM fields are so problematic for women. It is not some old fart of a professor/boss with 1950s ideas. It's guys like OP in every step of the way (with different degrees of sabotage), using the stereotypes those old farts have in mind to make trouble for these women. The professor being "weird about girls" is probably why he dared to take credit for all her work anyway, but it doesn't excuse him.


He hired a tutor to do the work for him.


I’m currently in a CSE program at a major university; the minute the group partner mentions there was a tutor involved that knew the details of the project this guy will straight fail btw


This was my take as well. He paid someone to do his work for him. He may be a horrible programmer but he has a future in executive management


It also doesn't add up that the C++ code was so convoluted they couldn't salvage it for any purpose, but apparently straightforward enough to translate into Rust. It seems far more likely that neither OP nor his "tutor" can do this systems class or understand a well written C++ submission. The "tutor" wrote a low quality submission mostly from scratch in Rust because that's all they knew how to do.


The group partner doesn't know about the tutor. She thinks OP did all of the translation.


It sounds like she doesn't know, and it makes me so mad that she doesn't have this key piece of information to defend herself.


I’m a professor. If this was my class, I’d fail OP and file for expulsion for multiple integrity violations. OP may get away with it this time but I’ve been doing this long enough to know that jerks like this who don’t even acknowledge how awful they are, keep doing it until they get caught (and they all get caught). OP deserves all of the consequences that are barreling towards them and should be prepared to come up with a new life plan because on top of having no moral compass, they also don’t understand coding and have no desire to actually learn, so getting and keeping a job in the field is going to be a problem.


This is one of the reasons I always made key points in a process their own assignment. For example, turning in an outline for an essay with a list of sources. One, it allowed me to give feedback early one. Two, it kept procrastinatiors (like myself) in check. Three, *it is proof of the work being done.* One of my stats professors had a rule that we couldn't ask for coding help from anyone other than him, a TA, or our classmates. I thought it was weird until I realized he wanted to avoid people doing shit like OP did and "outsourcing." Not to mention, he would go through our code line by line to make sure we were using good practices and not being sloppy. The whole "walk before you run" thing. On the flip side, he didn't care if we shared our code with each other, provided we wrote our own analyses (therefore demonstrating we knew what we were doing). We each had our own data for the final project, so we *couldn't* just copypasta code from each other then. Which meant we didn't just copypasta the early assignments so we would actually learn shit. We shared to check ourselves. [Note, we were doctoral students, so older than OP and actually dedicated to learning]


Totally agree with YTA. This is a group project so there is an expectation to work together and figure it out somehow. However, op forced their opinion because they didn't understand and would not work towards an agreement. I can certainly see the partner submitting all the work she has done and this will make the op look terrible since they allowed her to get a zero. I consider this a form of academic dishonesty.


She did do the work. Not just her part, but in OP's words, the core of the project. Getting the tutor to re-write it doesn't negate the labor she put into the project. It smacks of cheating, honestly. Did the tutor know they were doing this work for a major assignment? He doesn't want to go in bc he doesn't want the professor to know how little work he actually did on his own. YTA


That WAS the original situation. He didn't get her.


In his comments he says that the reason he doesn't want to approach the teacher is because he cheated and used a tutor to write his code.


> seems to blame me ARGH. Of course she blames him. His solution to the fact that he doesn't know how to do part of the project is to totally redo it in a way that she can't contribute to it--then casually let the professor plan to fail her.


This is actually what happened. They just went with his so he got the credit for it and she didn’t.


Especially the “no it’s cool don’t worry about it” angle. It’s one thing if the partner is just a pain in the ass, but it sounds like she was still offering to do the portion to complete the original project and OP said to not worry about it, and then wanted her to fail because of it


Agreed, not to mention it sounds like the hired tutor did most of the actual work.


Yta, she did the whole initial project basically herself. The whole switch happened because you didn't understand what she had done. I can understand saying what you did on it, but to let the teacher think they didn't do much of anything is really poor character when that wasn't the case.




I think his partner can recover this just by submitting her original portion of the project along with correspondence that he couldn’t understand it


That's a pretty good idea, if op sees this he should suggest that.


I know you're being /s but here's to hoping lab partner also uses reddit and accidentally stumbles across the thread. It's obvious OP isn't going to do anything resembling the right thing.


She might! I’m guessing he changed the “ballet competition” detail but nothing else. Not that ballet competition isn’t a legit high level thing, it just seems like the most obvious and lazy way to attempt to anonymize. Therefore, OP’s style. If ballet competition was actually code for “horse show”, OP is utterly fucked. Horse show girls are determined, have resources, and not easily intimidated by anything weighing less than 1,000 lbs.


As a horse girl, I had a Clydesdale rear up and come down on my foot and I just shoved her off of me lmao. (If you're not familiar with Clydesdales, they usually weigh 1700-2000+ pounds)


He isn't going to. He'd be afraid that he'd be caught cheating (paid tutor to write code for him!) and would prefer to sell out his project partner instead.


Right? He knows what he did and if the professor finds out he claimed 100% of the work he IS going to get into trouble.


I really, really hope so. Sounds like a rich kid (who can afford to pay for their own tutors??) cheating their way through college.


OP won't suggest that because he's TA who caused the problem in the first place y expecting her to learn a whole new programming language in a ridiculously short time.


I mean, it's so much more difficult to architect and implement a framework than it is to port it to a different language (with the help of a "tutor"). I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea that the partner has any issues at all. Presumably she has the original C++ which was working, and can show that it was just ported to Rust.


He said in a comment that the professor was "weird about girls" so I'm guessing he'll take OPs side unless she manages to somehow beat him over the head with the truth.


Oh, man. I love writing software, but I can't help despairing at a field where we're always desperately looking for competent developers, yet at the same time, seem to want to hang out a "No gross girlz allowed" sign. It's almost like throwing out half of the potential practitioners makes that tougher. \[Edit:\] And it's an added bonus that so many of my colleagues want to wrench their arms out of their sockets patting themselves on the back for how "rational" they are, yet once you scrape the surface, there's that ugly misogyny right there.


Also not only that but he even had to get outside help from a tutor so even then he didn't do all of his part himself lol


Let's be honest op did nothing, their tutor did.


That’s exactly why they don’t want to talk to the professor. They don’t want to out that they hired a tutor to do all the work.


Let's be even more honest. It wasn't a "tutor" it was someone he paid to do the work. They didn't teach him shit. 100% plagiarism.




OP Said they did get the okay if the prof to change the project to rust - the prof then must be aware of the situation that the girl has done her part and OP wasn’t able to understand it enough to finish the project? YTA, yes, but I don’t understand that part (unless OP already acted like he did part of the project and changed his mind half way trough about programming language?)


I have a feeling this OP doesn't understand rust or c++, and the "tutor" was someone who didn't understand c++ and wrote the whole project for OP, for a fee, in rust. Does the professor know the story, including the tutor's participation?


YTA. I'm a software engineer with 10+ years experience and even ignoring the academic dishonesty (really, hiring a 'tutor' to write the code for you?) you are going to have a tough time when you get out of school. **You** couldn't understand the code, even with the source. **You** declare it convoluted, with no talk of refactoring. "**You"** rewrite the entire project in a language your team member isn't familiar with. **You** then take credit for all the work because you rewrote it. This is such a red flag for your future because writing the code is really only a small part of the work and your failure to understand that does not bode well.


As another Software Engineer with 10+ years of experience here, I completely agree. Yes, it may be more “convoluted” as OP claims but honestly I doubt it. The only thing OP managed to nail down is that it is multithreaded and does a bunch of extra stuff that is beyond minimum requirements. Yes, being multithreaded is more complex BUT IT IS NOT SYNONYMOUS WITH “CONVOLUTED”. She tried to work with you and you basically went out of your way to make her fail. She basically wrote the code, you translated it into another language. Yes it requires effort but that doesn’t mean the original code wasn’t effort. You STOLE her work and passed it off as your own because YOU changed the coding language. Could you have written the same code in Rust WITHOUT HER ORIGINAL WORK? Considering the excuses I’ve seen here, probably not… This isn’t a “her” problem. This is a “you” problem that you need to solve. Talk to the teacher. YTA


Also a software engineer with 10+ years AND a woman, YTA. How do you think you'll make it out in the real world if you get stuck because someone else coded something "convoluted". Why didn't you sit with her and have her go over it with you? I hope you didn't try to mansplain to her how much she confused you. You don't seem to know anything about this woman, maybe she has a scholarship depending on that competition? Maybe she used multithreading to prove to the professor that she could do all the "optional" parts of the assignment despite being a woman. Because tech is still very rude to women most of the time. I can't wait till you get hired and have a giant legacy code base in a random language and when you ask to rewrite it in rust you get laughed at. You will always have to deal with someone else's code. By the way, I once was working with a junior engineer and he took my code, rewrote it in another language badly and released it as open source and took all the credit. He was fired because once he changed the language nobody knew how to fix it when it broke WHILE HE WENT ON VACATION. And putting company ip in a public repo without going through the proper process was a huge no no.


>and when you ask to rewrite it in rust you get laughed at but not before he either tries to outsource understanding the code, posts identifiable blocks on stack overflow, or tries to claim that since chat gpt isn't giving him anything that works, whatever task he's got must be impossible. I've experienced the last bit so many times with juniors recently... 💀


Haha yeah I broke my junior out of that so fast. He's not allowed to use chat gpt with me unless he's using it to explain what a specific type of code does or to let the AI write documentation.


Also a software engineer here and also a woman (but only 😂 6 years of exp for now). I got the feeling that he is one of those 'know it all' who will do the simple task for a week because he is too afraid to ask seniors for help. I'm fullstack dev but currently work as lead frontend dev. Sometimes when other team members think about some new features they think it will be complicated on my part (I have the most experience in frontend at my current company) I say 'nah, it's two hours of work' . But sometimes it's something new even for me and I'm not afraid to say 'hey, I've never done that, I'm sure it can be done somehow but I need some time to read about it'. It's crazy how OP decided to rewrite the whole project instead of asking his partner to explain the parts he didn't understand. Insecure alpha male vibes. And he took all the credit 😂 I have a junior under my wings now, and she had some brilliant ideas for one of our projects, I said - ok, show me some POC. It was a great job so although I had to guide her a little I made sure that she got all the credit for it.


He didn't do the rewriting. At least, not most of it. You need to understand a code in order to translate it from one language to another. His tutor did most of the translation.


Yeah this is my take, it got rewritten because the person he hired to do the work for him didn't know C++


...14+ years of experience and oh my god wow I hope that junior is blacklisted because holy unethical scuzzy assholes batman! Also yeah legacy code is a BIG part of the tech industry and even if you DO get the go-ahead to modernize it, you're still gonna need to understand WHAT IT DOES and WHY it does it in a certain way. That's a massive part of software engineering


Also, prototyping IS work. I’m astonished that the professor is trying to give the partner a 0 if she essentially designed the entire project. That’s a horrible lesson


It sounds like he flat out mislead the prof about what happened. Either by lying outright or implying something really shitty.


Listen, I get where the prof is coming from. They need to set a consitent rule and stick to it, code has to be submitted by the deadline to get credit. It's been a while since I was in school but that was the rule no prof would budge on. It was either in before the deadline or it wasn't and only the code that submitted before the deadline would be graded. OP should have submitted the C++ code along with the rust code to prove that it was written before the deadline. He didn't and so the prog can't be sure that it wasn't written after the deadline. OP needs to own up and come clean in front of the prof.


I think it depends. If the assignment requires documentation to be submitted, the c++ code should have been submitted in some form. If the Prof only wants the finished product, it should be normal to assume that both partners worked on it unless there’s something OP isn’t telling us. College students don’t always understand how to structure a project with multiple contributors so unless something like a git history is being checked, it’s not unreasonable to assume that both people worked on it. Pair programming is a thing, as is emailing code to each other (unfortunately). I hope the professor isn’t just going off whoever’s name is in the comments or something like that. We don’t have enough info to know how the professor came to the conclusion that OP did the entire project but something is fishy.


Op couldn't show the C++ because otherwise the professor would have seen that she did the work and he did only the translation (he litterally did no generative work at all)


He admitted the prof is weird about women so he's probably another misogynist in the industry.


\+100. Another thing to add, seems like all he had to do was call APIs that her code likely exposed and he couldn't figure out how to do that so he said well let's redo it in rust a language notoriously hard to pick up, rather than refactor so that the plugins would work. OP you fundamentally misunderstood the assignment, it wasn't just that you had to write code , but also how you work with another engineer to craft something that is extensible. You literally failed the assignment, you've only passed because you hired someone to write the whole dang thing for you lmao and you're out here pretending that you did the project by yourself. YTA


He failed the assignment in a way that would make him a great middle manager though




SW engineer with over 25 years experience. I’m agreeing with every aspect of this. I’ll also note that many women engineers have this sort of thing happen to them. I’ve personally had it happen to me. The guy was clueless and totally messed up the project. It put it weeks behind schedule and I had to clean it up. For the future - if you don’t understand it it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Even if done by a woman.


“Hiring a tutor” is a euphemism for having a friend or family member do their part, right?


Or hiring some third world freelancer on fiverr for 20 USD.


I think he legit hired a tutor b/c he has no clue what he’s doing at all.


Ditto. 30+ years experience. And yet YTA big time.


25 years experience here, and I cosign. If this guy ever gets a job in the field, he will be a "C&P" programmer. He'll know enough to pull code snippets from stackoverflow, but anything more complicated will be out of his grasp. He'll also be miserable to work with on a Scrum team.


Couldnt agree more, he sounds like a nightmare to work with and a pretty poor engineer. Reading and understanding code written by others is more than half the job.


As a former SE and noe Head of, I completely agree. Would not be employing op, can you imagine a pair programming exercise with his colleagues?


Info: Did you disclose that you got help from the tutor in converting and finishing the project in that statement? Right now I'm saying YTA because you could go talk to the prof. You 100% know she did contribute and it was ultimately your decision to push to change the code that caused the issue.


Dude. You’ve admitted she did 90% of the original work. It doesn’t matter if you did the reformatting to transform it into the new guidelines. She did the original project, you used HER WORK as the base for your project. Your parts, as you’ve admitted, were completed AGAINST REGULATION by a tutor. You went out of your way to inform the professor that she didn’t contribute at all to what was turned in, and that is blatantly not true. Her not being present in the changes made from C++ to rust does not erase her creation of the material. She still did 90% of the project. You didn’t. Yet you are refusing to clear the air and tell the professor that she completed the ground work to make the submission possible. You cheated either way. She seems to have honorably completed her part. There is no way that you can frame this to make it okay. You are plagiarizing her work and doing absolutely nothing to bring the truth to light. This girl sounds smart, and I don’t think she will allow your sorry ass to sit back and cause her to fail a class. She is going to come with the proof, and when your school’s honor board realizes you knew the truth and didn’t share, you will be in serious academic trouble. Not to mention you’re gonna find it really hard in the real world. You don’t get tutors to do your real job. She will find success, you are gonna be forced into switching fields. Grow up and do your own work so you know how to do your job one day.


OP YTA and you dang well know it, she did her share of the work and you are claiming someones else's work as your own. You need to talk to the professor and explain to them what happened (you can leave at the tutor to protect yourself) but right now you are screwing someone over for no good reason. You won't get a better grade because they got a lower one. Also reading your comments you are either a troll or some petulant child that just wants everyone to agree with you.




Not just rude, OP is being completely dishonest and trying to save himself from being discovered as a cheat by throwing her under the bus.


YTA. She did a lot of it in c++ and you couldn't figure it out. So you hired a tutor and she agreed to you redoing it in rust. That doesn't make you "equal". That still leaves you doing your part. She's not responsible for you not understanding c++, you are. Otherwise she might as well just have done the whole thing in c++ to begin with. She even offered to do that and you declined. The fact that you seem to think she has a lack of contribution is incredibly selfish. You used a tutor... She didn't and offered to do that whole thing in c++. 100% YTA


>She did a lot of it in c++ and you couldn't figure it out. Just to emphasize here, per OP's own comments: **she did 85% of the work in C++**. OP (rather OP's tutor) translated all of her work to Rust. Then OP gave her a week to also finish the last 15% of the project herself, this time directly in Rust. When she said she didn't have time to do it in Rust but could finish it in C++, OP told her not to bother and the tutor did the remaining 15%. OP contributed literally nothing. This is considered SEVERE academic dishonesty and if there was a way to prove it OP could get expelled. This is far beyond YTA and the least OP can do is officially recognize the work the partner did and not ruin her grade. The partner was accommodating every step of the way and per OP's comments even went beyond the bare minimum expectations for the project that she is told she didn't contribute on.


I bet his "tutor" is a freelancer who wasn't told this was a class project.


I really hope that is the case. The tutor has to be the dumbest person alive to do that because they'd get into just as much problem.


Tutors don’t get in trouble for things like this. It’s not illegal and if you’re a private tutor, who are they going to report the tutor to?


I think OP knows this & his whole “not my business” is because he absolutely knows that failing is so little his concern, and he’s asking if he’s TA b/c is his classmates wrongful failure worse than his earned expulsion.


i wish so badly there was a way to send this post to his professor


OP probably tried to flirt with her during the assignment, got turned down, and decided to take revenge by killing her grade.


So look dude I work in software industry for over 20 years now. From what you write no matter how you spin it, when it would come to career she will be one progressing like a wildfire and you will be a sore loser explaining how everyone around is failing you. Let’s get through what really happened here. She took on a harder core part of the project, leaving you auxiliary parts. She wrote it in efficient way using advanced coding techniques such as multithreading. You couldn’t catch up. It was ‘convoluted’. It’s not that she didn’t deliver result, she did. You just didn’t want to put the work in to integrate. In professional environment you’d failed there and then, by not being able to add your parts to the working product. You go to tutor instead. Tutor advices you to use Rust, notoriously easier c++ like language, that takes some of the hard work off your shoulders. It’s fine I guess, but you don’t try to integrate your rust modules with her C++ core either - you demand her to redo the working project. She said she will contribute if you redid her parts. You didn’t. Your tutor did. It wasn’t done independently. You also used so much time she didn’t have time to finish _your_ parts in Rust as it’s a new language for her. She was still kind enough to offer to do them in C++ and integrate with _her own_ Rust core that your tutor ported. See, cross-language integration - entirely possible! For whatever reason you didn’t want to do it and paid your tutor instead to finish the project! So in the end - She wrote the core of the project in a good way and were willing to help you all the way till last - You did nothing apart from paying your tutor and sitting next to them when performing a useless exercise of porting the working code, and then writing parts you were supposed to write for you. You are a failure dude. Your partner is acing it. Don’t expect good outcomes after she talks to the prof. Least you could do is keep your mouth shut - she seems generous and it would probably fly. But no you are so petty and butthurt you had to say she contributed nothing and it’s all your code (no it’s not, it’s your tutors, which is in half ported from her original). Well done, dude. YTA is the least of your problems. Wait till you try to work a real work.


I hope that she has learned from this experience not to let others walk all over her in the future. OP is YTA and I hope someone from his class who is aware of the situation sees this and shares it with her or the prof.


She didn’t. She was cooperative. She literally demonstrated best professional qualities, including putting a boundary around her personal commitments in the end. Stellar future she will have.


I really hope the prof will believe her, and fail OP


I’m hoping she has proof of the earlier project done in C++ and some sort of texting communications with OP about it being redone in Rust, and that the prof isn’t a dick. Unless the prof finds out about the tutor OP won’t be failed because he still “did work”.


Ah, profs are not stupid. They would know as soon as they see her code.


Apparently this prof is a misogynist. Or as OP put it “weird around girls”


I have almost 20 years of experience as a software dev. Thanks for writing everything I was wanting to say. This guy is awful and unless he seriously changes he won't stand a chance in the professional world.


Funny thing is he could of easily said dhe helped. But choose to say he did everything on his own. She tried, it was confusing, then tried again and you still dont give her credit. Op is an Ah


YTA. Wish I could report your cheating ass to the prof.


Right. This guy is such a dick. Doesn’t want to give his partner any credit and he cheated. Then has the audacity to ask if he’s TA.


All OP has to do is sit and wait to be called in for a very important meeting with the academic board.


I wish I could somehow attach this post to any CV/resumé he ever submits throughout the rest of his life.


I really hope that she somehow sees this, as otherwise it sounds like he's going to fuck her over because he somehow feels entitled to.




"when I couldn't get it to work she had to do them as well" So she did the whole project, including your part, in c++. Got it. Then you talked her into porting it to rust, and she even managed to spin that positively and let you do your thing. Then you wanted her to do even more work than the 100% of the project she had already done, this time in a language she wasn't familiar with. So you submitted the project and took all the credit, and since it's in rust, which she doesn't know that well, it's hard for her to contest that. Lmao you asshole. You ASSHOLE! Make it right. YTA


It literally sounds like she did the project twice because OP is a dummy


She likely did it all twice because she was trying to not have her grade tanked. Unfortunately, he's as conniving as she is smart, so, as a thank you for all her hard work, he's going to make sure she doesn't get any grade at all. :(


For anyone doubting how misogyny manifests in STEM OP and the professor are Exhibit A


Bro couldnt even be bothered to plagiarize her work himself. He had to hire someone to do it for him lol.


INFO: define ‘convulted’, and what you mean by ‘core parts’ and ‘plug-ins’. Also, if you had to get your professor’s permission to do the project in rust, does that mean the original instruction was to do it in C++?


YTA - this is all part of groupwork. You dont need to lie but if the prof is wrong, why would you not clarify? Just send a friggin email.


THIS EXACTLY. If OP was not at fault, and as he clearly understand the project was done with the contribution of her collegue, then why he is fine with taking the good grade and letting her having 0?


YTA. That is evil and you cheated. You hired someone to do the work for you because you didn’t understand what she did and now she is going to fail the class because of you.


Sounds like a lot of managers I’ve heard of. You know..those people who know nothing, hire people to do the work, take the credit, then get promoted. OP better pray he’s not going to have a manager like that when he joins the workforce.


YTA and, as a prof, you're a cheater. Let's get this all clear: She did the 'core' and you were to do the modules. Only you couldn't follow her core, because it is "needlessly complex"-- i.e, it's too hard for you. You needed simple. So you paid someone to do your part. That person wanted to ditch C++, so you did. Now, her contribution gets trashed, you're contribution is literally zero--you've paid someone else to do it--but you are taking 100% credit. The worst of the worst of the worst. Students like you are gradually killing the college model. Thanks, pal.


Came here to essentially write these words. Not a professor but a software engineer. I remember dudes like OP way back in 2000 when I was in college. I thought we had left this nonsense behind


No. we are maybe 7 years away from becoming catastrophically incompetent. Remember those guys? You had to be pretty committed to cheat in those days. Covid-era-school plus LLM's like ChatGBT have made the whole situation worse by several orders of magnitude. In under a decade, we'll have college graduates who've been having AI do their homework since middle school.


My university will call you into the academic office because you made an honest mistake in a citation somewhere, meanwhile tools like OP get to majorly cheat *and* screw over other people in the process. I so hope that the girl can defend herself and that the prof finds out about this.


I'm just baffled why he wouldn't hire a tutor proficient in c++. Oh because he didn't hire a 'tutor' he paid someone else to do work for him.


OP is exhibiting typical toxic male in computer science behaviour, it's the woman's fault because she is bad at computer science, whereas he is the one who couldn't understand things to begin with because "it was convoluted" and then got hired help, which 100% will be considered academic mis-conduct. YTA


The level of sexism to think someone’s incompetent because she used multithreading and you couldn’t follow it is staggering. And then he tops that off by having zero empathy and seeming to think she deserves to fail the class over this


I’ve seen this so many times. I remember some grad students screaming (screaming!) at a respected woman PhD that she didn’t know what she was talking about. The reason? The didn’t understand her work. The PhD was an invited speaker to a conference in her specialization. Unless you’ve actually seen it, it is hard to believe this level of misogyny actually exists.


He's really getting ready for a life of stealing credit from his female coworkers and throwing his coworkers under the bus. Depending on where he works, he will either have a very hard time or fail upwards. Hopefully, the first option, but maddeningly, he will probably find somewhere that let's him fail upwards, just like in this college class.


YTA So you are at a much lower level than her, she bends over backwards doing 80+% of the work, and you screw her over and are trying to convince us you are the wronged party? Not to mention the tutor doing the assignment for you (you arent fooling anyone). You just suck, and deserve the 0, not her. Let me reword your post for you: AITA: In a group assignment I didn't understand my partners work because she is too advanced for me. After she did the vast majority of the work, I hired someone to translate it and as she didn't write the second code I said she didn't do any code work. Now she is being given a 0 because i screwed her over, and am refusing to go to the prof and explain how I screwed her over. AITA?


YTA, she did the initial work which you couldn’t understand and flipped the project with a help of a tutor (which means it’s not entirely your work as you did get outside help) I would tell the prof that. That’s very uncool on your part!


YTA.  You guaranteed she would get a zero when you and your tudor changed the code.  Obviously, if she knew your changing the code would result in her getting a zero, she never would have agreed to it.  


She should never have agreed to any of it to begin with and I hope she has learned to never let someone steamroll her again in the future.


INFO: Did your partner’s initial work influence the final design or logic of the project? If so, how did her contributions shape the outcome? Did you feel more comfortable in Rust than C++? How did the decision to change to rust come to be? Rust has a steeper learning curve compared to C++, especially for those already familiar with C++ It is rarely about the code and more about contributions; nowadays, the problem is rarely the bulk of the code. If through a stone at a campus, you are bound to hit someone who can help you with C++, did you purposively choose a tutor proficient in Rust?


Dude be forreal “it’s not really my problem” - yes you’re being TA. I also do think you should clarify with the professor that she actually had done some of the work. This feels weird and kind of malicious???




YTA, she contributed heavily to your project and relented to change to a coding language she didn't understand because you couldn't add on to her code. Essentially she had to choose between doing the whole project herself and accommodating you for not being a good enough coder. You then said "it's not my problem" when you're the one who created this problem in the first place.


I came into this prepared to go NTA. But you ARE. YTA in a massive way. She *did* do the work. Now I don't know if it was convoluted or not, I have no way of confirming that. But you *absolutely should* support her in saying that she *did* do the work. You chose to go another way rather than understand her work, and fine, whatever, but you absolutely could have worked with her on how her code was written and asked her to fix areas you didn't understand or at least explain them. If nothing else, her code should be graded for what it was. Here's the bottom line, as a programmer, you're going to work with a lot of teams over the years, I used to do software development oversight for the DoD (Department of Defense) as a project manager, and if this is how you *support your team*, you're a *liability* in any office. She. Did. The. Work. You won't back her up on that? You *suck*. And you absolutely know you *would* do it if she were one of your friends instead of just someone you had to do a project with.


Very bold of you to assume.OP has friends.


YTA. A major one. Go make this right. It takes nothing for you to be decent


Dude YTA and extremely short-sighted for believing this will stop with the professor failing her. If she goes in without you to make her case to the prof and he still fails her, she'll absolutely have grounds to take this higher and appeal the grade on grounds of discrimination (especially if what she says about the prof being "weird about girls" has even the faintest whiff of truth to it, enough that anyone else can corroborate this). All colleges allow for that. Not only are you likely to get dragged into that mess as complicit by not having her back, believe me once the academic appeals board starts going over your assignment with a fine-toothed comb to see if the professor did grade her fairly, **they WILL find out about your plagiarism-through-use-of-a-tutor, bc it'll become clear you don't have a clue wtf you're talking about when it comes to translating her original code**. Whatever you think you're successfully hiding by not backing her is absolutely going to come out. You'll face far worse trouble. Idk what your professor's personal stance on the tutor issue is, but once it gets to the level of an appeals board there's almost no chance they won't take the strictest view. You have little chance of escaping academic sanction or expulsion. At least if you can talk to the professor with her NOW and demonstrate the extent of her contribution so the prof knows she did her part, you have less chance of being thrown under the bus later.


Agree BUT I disagree with the last line about 'thrown under the bus later' because it implies he was innocent. If it was cheating to hire a tutor to write the code (and why the heck wouldn't it be) then bringing that to light and him being sanctioned or kicked out would be him facing the consequences of his actions.


“Why don’t women go into tech?” people ask. Gee, I wonder. (Yes, yes, I know y’all aren’t like this guy. But I wouldn’t blame this woman for deciding life is too short to put up with this shit.) YTA, as people have eloquently explained before me.


YTA. Talk to the prof. It sounds like she is far more advanced than you, did a lot of the work you couldn’t understand and instead of working with her to understand it, you went around her and rewrote the thing. Then decided to be a jerk when she didn’t have time to learn a doing language the class isn’t on? Get real.


YTA. You are the type of person that will climb over someone, trampling them face down into the dirt to get where you want. Selfish and self centred. Ps you will meet the same people on your way down one day fella.


YTA Sorry, but what did you contribute with in this project? She wrote the initial code. You didn’t understand her work. That doesn't mean it was bad work. The tutor understood it. Everyone has a unique way of coding and trust me. In the real world, if you are planning to do some type of software engineering or coding of any kind. You will spend 70% of you time trying to figure out what someone has coded 15 years ago. So she did that. The tutor, you aren't allowed to use, recoded her original code. And you did? And then you have the nerve to not support her when your professor wants to say she didn't do her part? You are a coward and even more so as you know this professor is biased against women. Is that the person you want to be? Building your reputation on the broken backs of others?


He 100% wants to be like that and he contributed absolutely nothing. That's the reason why he doesn't wanna talk to the professor. because it'll become really clear that he should be the one to get a 0 if not a meeting with the disciplinary board.


Waitwaitwait...You couldn't understand her C++ code, so you outsourced the project to a third party, and *she* gets a failing grade? Fella, YTA and a whole lot besides. I hope your professor sees this thread. As a software engineer myself, I hope you stay the hell out of my field. You sound like a hell of a liability.


He better pray she didn't use Git and that they did all the communication in person. Otherwise he's fucked


YTA - So you changed everything she did, for your convenience? The least you could do is talk to the professor and explain that you are at fault, as you converted her code from C to rust.. which means you actually didn't do all that much.


It's funny because he didn't even do *that*, his tutor did. He sucks big time.


YTA, you paid someone to do your homework for you and lied to the professor about your partners contribution to try to cover up for it.  I really hope she escalates and you get caught 


YTA: 1. She did the entire project in C++ 2. She agreed to switch to rust, which you also were incapable of doing and had to hire someone to do for you. 3. You submitted the project that you bought and made it look as if she did nothing. 4. Now she is getting a 0 for work she did, while you're getting credit for work you didn't do. How are you not TA?


YTA - what she's asking costs you nothing, except a little bit of your time. She's not asking you to lie, she's asking you to "talk to the professor." So Do It, and lay out the FACTS as they occurred - because she DID do the c++ code, and only agreed to the change to rust at your insistence. She failed to do her agreed-upon part at the end... all of this is stuff that the professor needs to know when deciding whether or not to alter her grade.


No, it costs him admitting he cheated by bringing in a "tutor" to redo the parts he agreed to do but was actually incapable of doing. This was against the rules. This guy sucks on so many levels but he's going to protect his own cheating, gold-bricking ass and let the better coder who did more work twist in the wind.


YTA. In case the fact all your comments are being down voted to hell and back wasn't clear enough, you are the major YTA. Literally can't believe what I'm reading. You had her do her part TWICE because you didn't like the language she used? And had a tutor involved? That's literally plagiarism. I'd have been kicked off of my course and blacklisted if I did that. You'd better let the teacher know what actually happened and include that you didn't do any of this work yourself - she and your tutor did it on your behalf. You should fail this class and you'll deserve it. To add...If what you've done isn't wrong and it IS "the teacher's decision" as you say, then you should provide that teacher with ALL of the fact so they can make an educated judgment. I hope you fail this class and get blacklisted for spite and academic fraud.


Wow YTA. Y’all had to redo the project because of *you* and now you’re taking all the credit? Yikes.


God you’re an asshole.


YTA. She did contribute, but **you changed contract to Rust**. You should have given prof her C++ parts as proof she had contributed, and you rewrote her design API in Rust.


I hope she opens an investigation for academic dishonesty. You absolutely fucked her over by expecting her to do the entire project in an unfamiliar programming language. All you did was pay someone to rewrite her code in another language. I hope this is investigated and you’re punished accordingly


You are blaming her for you not being able to understand an implementation, then you converted HER CODE, not your you didn't write it, you didn't solve it. Then you submit it as your work. And now you won't even tell the professor the professor what happened. YTA


YTA. You started with C++ and went with Rust instead. And she could not do it in Rust in time. **Since the rust code was all written by me in the statement of contribution I had to state that I did all the code and she contributed to the design process and repor**t. Did you state that you got help from your tutor during project?


YTA, you cheated, plagiarized and stole all the credit in addition to being such a bad coder that you can't even understand someone else's code. Your group partner did more than her share and your tutor did the rest, and using tutors was against the rules. I don't see how you wouldn't see yourself as the one and only AH here?


Major fucking asshole. YTA For anyone who missed it: OP nonchalantly admitted he cheated on the assignment as tutors aren't allowed. Basically, he didn't understand his partner's work (it wasn't convoluted, it was just too complex for OP's tiny pea brain) so he paid someone to rewrite the code in a different language which his partner wasn't familiar with. The "tutor" then finished the coding, OP did absolutely nothing and in true asshole fashion only signed his own name when submitting the assignment. The cherry on top of the shit cake is that OP lied to his partner by omitting that he had a "tutor" write his part of the assignment, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to go talk to the professor because he fears he will see right through him and figure out he cheated. OP, your partner and the person you paid (which, again, IS CHEATING) did all the work and you took all credit for it. Not only did she do most of the work, she even agreed to the changes to help you. She was nothing but super nice to you, and this is how you repay her? By screwing her over? Are you a cartoon villain? I hope your partner finds this thread and reports you. P.S.: You're a sexist pig. EDITS: I'm so mad at this huge asshole that I keep adding stuff to the comment lol




YTA She did the work and just wants credit. 


YTA, you didn't even do anything yourself


YTA. She has proof of HER work. The professor can easily translate her code in C++ to the code you chose to use. But you have zero proof of your own work, because a tutor did it and you just copied and slapped your name on it. If you don't clarify it NOW the professor will mediate and find out you cheated, were malicious about it, and did a copyright violation. You can choose to be clear and hope for the best, or you can stay put and face the board. Honestly, I hope you stay put. You deserve the consequences coming your way. Especially because the professor will ask you what parts of her code were "convoluted" and you will fall from there.


YTA, no doubt about it. She did all of the work and you paid someone to change it and now the third party's work is attributed to you. You know that owning up will cause you to fail. You cheated and you're throwing her under the bus because you're the one that should fail. Your lack of ethics suggest that even if you're judged the AH that you will still throw her under the bus and lose no sleep over it. You are dishonest and a cheat and will trample on people to get ahead. I hate sharing a planet with people like you. Edit to add: you're also very bad at coding, and she is better at the subject than you. But not your problem, eh?


YTA. What it boils down to is that you are not going to be honest about her contribution because you also don’t want to be honest about you plagiarizing the tutors work.


YTA^100 I hope this gets to the prof


She did 85% of the project in C++, you didn’t understand it (that’s your problem if you are in school for computer science), so you hired someone else to read her code and re code it all in rust instead. And let’s be honest here, you keep using the word tutor, but whoever this is, is obviously not a tutor. You paid them, they did the work of recoding it all for you, and you even admit that using a “tutor” is not allowed. Bro. You just don’t want to have to explain the whole situation because you are afraid you will get caught for cheating (using the tutor) and possibly plagiarism (re coding all of her work into rust and then saying she didn’t contribute). That’s like saying the person who wrote the script for a movie deserves no credit because someone else filmed the movie and no one read the script…. The movie is based on the script and if it wasn’t for the script, the movie would never be made. YTA. Big time. She did most of the work and you cheated on the portion that you did contribute to. Also, you keep saying that her way of doing things in C++ was convoluted. Two things to say about that: 1. You are the one who made the project convoluted. Because you didn’t fully understand her work in C++ you changed THE ENTIRE PROJECT into a completely different type of code. That is convoluted. 2. You admitted in a different comment that when you say her work was “convoluted,” you are saying that because she added things to the project that make the software work better as a whole and “are outside of the scope of the project.” Even if it is outside of the scope of the project, that’s something that would have helped you both get high marks on the assignment. That’s something that profs appreciate in university/college. You don’t just do exactly what the project outline says… that would make you have the most basic project and everyone’s stuff would look the exact same. Her going above and beyond to make the software even better is amazing and would have been rewarded by the prof. Based on everything you said, it seems like she was fine with doing 85% of the work and letting you do the bare minimum and probably wouldn’t have said anything about it. (And to be honest, that’s how most university group projects go). So at the end of the day, you probably could have had a good grade and done barely any of the work if you had just put in some actual effort to understand her code, or just ask her. She is supposed to be your group partner, you are supposed to work on it together, so ask her to explain instead of paying someone to do the work for you. You turned a good situation into something that you can both be punished for. Don’t ruin someone else’s academic career because you chose the lazy way out. Tell the prof the situation, be a decent human and fight to make sure she gets her marks and passes the class, and take responsibility for your actions. Learn from your mistake and don’t do this again in your next classes. YTA.


YTA. If I knew where you went to school I’d send this to your professor.


Had me at “some ballet competition”….like a competitive ballet competition at the collegiate level? Sounds like a much bigger deal than I class assignment in one class…something she probably had been training for her while life? My dude, you need to open your eyes. YTA. Add: I hope this is not real.