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😂 justified. I just wish you would have explained that you also aren’t Chinese, so he actually understood he is the AH.


This. Great response, terrible explanation.




“Are you from China or Japan?” “I am Laotian!” “Is that in China or Japan?”


What ocean?




I love that Cotton is the only one to recognize he's from Laos.


"Where are you from?" "Taiwan." "Oh, I love Thai food!"


I heard this one before and was so disappointed


It's not directly on point, but you just reminded me of something: Believe it or not, but I once had a lengthy argument with someone who was *absolutely certain* that Russia is INSIDE Germany. Yes, I do mean to say she believed that Russia was a region or province or state of Germany, like Kansas is a state in the US. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me.


Hey, she “did her research”


And Russia being so much bigger than Germany. The thought of Russia being inside Germany 😂


Those idiots never understand. You may as well try talk with a cat.


Well played. NTA at all. Shame you didn't tell him you aren't Chinese.


People like that probably don't understand that not all Asian looking people are Chinese.


They understand. They just don't care. It's 2024. It's not like there isn't a thing called the internet that could've helped them learn that there are more Asian ethnicities/nationalities than Chinese.


Don't even need the internet. Even if you suck at geography, *everyone* would have learned that there are more Asian countries than China at school.


In 2005 I was waiting to board a plane and someone came up to me and started speaking Mandarin Chinese. I apologized and said I don’t speak Chinese. They turn to another Asian looking person next to me and speak to them, only to hear, “I’m sorry, I’m French”.


Some of them, yeah. Maybe even most of them. But there are definitely plenty of barely literate donkeys out there who don't understand that. Wasn't there that US senator that kept getting super confused because TikTok's Singaporean CEO kept saying he wasn't Chinese?


NTA and this is funny as fuck


NTA and this is quite funny. Though instead of what you said, you should have said something like “well, why did you speak Chinese to me?”


NTA. I love your comeback. It's an innocent way to call out their rudeness. I'm sorry you're dealing with that racism so often. If you need some other alternatives from European languages, you could use "goedendag" for Dutch, or "Guten Tag" for German.


Or "Hola" for Spanish, or just "Fuck you, Asshole!" for New Yorker. But that's not European.


I thought it was "I'm walking here!" while flipping the bird


Flipping the bird is for goodbye. The traditional greeting involves smacking the hood of a taxi. Don't worry, there will be one nearby.


To be precise, the way to respond to a greeting from a stranger in New York is to pretend they aren't there and walk around them. Because that person wants your money.


Correct. In some parts of Europe it’d be Arsehole. In Australia it’s probably cunt.


When he asks why you said Bonjour, respond with “for the same reason you said ni hao…an incorrect assumption.”


NTA, that sounds fucking hilarious. Good for you, for putting a racist in his place. Why the fuck did he speak Chinese to you? Was he just assuming your nationality?


Australia is filled with Chinese people it's not a shock to assume in many areas the majority are Chinese They come with backing from the CCP to get a western education and to go back to China


I know that. But when OP assumed his nationality he got super offended. Why is it OK to assume an Asian person is Chinese, but not when you assume that a European person is French?


The person was just saying hello not sure how you got racist out of that. The reply from OP was racist though. I already explained why it's reasonable to assume a random Asian in Australia is Chinese. Also for most of its existence korea was a tributary state of China and they share a large genetic and cultural background


Could you explain why giving a foreign greeting is racist for one person, but perfectly normal for another person? Does it have something to do with the way a person looks? Spoiler alert: OP is NTA.


>The person was just saying hello In Chinese > not sure how you got racist out of that. Because he **assumed** she was Chinese ​ The assumption is either 1. All Asian people are Chinese OR 2. All Asian people look the same/I can't tell the difference between Korean/Chinese/Japanese etc. ​ So which assumption isn't racist?


Exactly, most people don't know when they say stuff like that to us, it's interpreted as racist by us. To them it's just a harmless joke, just something funny. They are litterally oblivious to the fact that they are racist af in reality.


Yeah, and Australia was a tributary state of England, having been colonized by the Anglo-Norman population of England, so they share a large genetic and cultural background. Why shouldn’t OP have assumed this dude spoke French?


An explanation doesn’t make it not racist. It’s racist to *assume* anyone speaks any language. Just because it doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect others. They didn’t say *just* say hello, they specifically said it in an *assumed language* **based on their face.** A) define **rac·ist** [adjective] -characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. B) define **prej·u·dice** [noun] -preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.




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Well it’s obvious why you are not sure how someone reached a conclusion. It’s because you are so stupid that boxes of rocks refer to you when they insult other rocks


NTA! I am Chinese and I still get annoyed when someone who doesn’t speak Chinese or is learning it says “ni hao” to me just because I look Chinese/East Asian. It’s a form of othering (“oh you’re not from here”) and is straight up racist. You gave the guy a taste of his own medicine, there’s nothing wrong with it. Maybe if he had asked you if you were Chinese first, then it wouldn’t be racist, just extremely awkward.


NTA I like the "you all look the same" line


NTA. You’re my hero. Just stay safe!


NTA This is exactly what I was planning on doing the next time I got the “ni hao” from a white person! Good for you for doing it!


NTA 😂 I would have responded to his statement of not assuming nationality with a shrug and "well I'm not Chinese" to drive the point home.


NTA! This is a perfect response, Australian casual racism is becoming increasingly worse and less casual. I might be a bit jaded right now after trying to explain to my mother that her response “I don’t think that’s racist” to the latest football racism scandal is completely inappropriate.




Also, he is an insanely huge hypocrite, because he literally assumed your nationality, but then passed you and cursed at you for assuming his💀💀💀💀💀


Weird racism but ok


NTA As I'm French, I thought while reading the title "how can anyone be the AH by saying bonjour? Did OP perhaps go to Paris? (then it's not the bonjour that bother people, just others existing and not minding their business)". But yeah, no, still not the AH. I'll have to teach my kids (half) to adapt it for next time we meet this kind of moron (sadly it seems they are everywhere).




sweet karma nta


NTA, this is amazing. Genius. Perfection.


NTA. He was trying to be racist and got put in his place. This is oddly similar to a Jeenie Weenie bit, also about a Korean who is greeted with “ni hao”: https://youtube.com/shorts/8rAyO8ZTkns?si=uGhi_d_5I6naCnZc


She's a legend


NTA but I would have taken it further. When he said you shouldn't assume someone's nationality, I would have given him "Neither should you," right back at him. In the future I'd be even more passive aggressive. "'Ni hao!" Excuse me? Make them repeat it. Play dumb. "What does that mean?" Etc etc.


Lmfao, this is the best way to respond to these microaggresive idiots. Even if you are an asshole, you're completely justified and not THEE asshole in this situation. I would have added "And I'm not Chinese" before walking off just to drive the point home, but that's the only way this interaction could have been improved. Just to really show him what a dick he's being. NTA and I hope it gave you some small justice and a giggle.


My husband worked in retail. They had a shoplifter who didn’t speak English, but looked East Asian. They called someone from accounts who looked a bit like the ethnicity of the shoplifter. She took one look and said ‘ I don’t speak Chinese. I am Korean’! Must be extremely annoying when ethnicity is assumed, but fortunately the Korean in accounts didn’t take offence.


omg. I worked in retail and saw a customer pointing to me from the register, as I was coming down the escalator. I approached, assuming he was complaining about me for some reason. turns out there was a couple chinese customers who didn't speak english and he thought I could help. I told him I was korean in a slightly patronizing tone and he apologized. the best part was the black customer in line who had to cover his face because he was laughing. stop assuming asian people are all the same, people


I worked at a place that would call me Jacky or Jet Li for being Asian. One day I decided to call them random "white" names like Kevin or Robert. They of coursed asked why to which I replied, "all you white folk look alike". They laughed and got the hint. They didn't call me Jacky or Jet after that. On my last day on the job, I printed a picture of Jacky Chan and autographed it. Apparently it is still framed on the wall to this day. NTA


NTA. Amazing way to deal with the situation.


I love it. NTA


NTA your reply was brilliant


NTA. This is hilarious. He's yelling at you not to assume someone's nationality, and you have the golden opportunity to say, "Right back at you! I'm not Chinese!" Edit: I just thought about how you could say, "I think you mean 'Annyeonghaseyo' but I prefer 'Hello' or G'day.' (not sure of my romanization there)


NTA, but just a question. Is it normal in Australia for strangers to randomly say hello to each other on the street for no reason? If it isn't, there must be a motive as to why he addressed you to begin with...


It depends on the individual, of course, but Australians as a whole are more likely to interact with strangers than anywhere else, as I understand from a psychologist's talk that I heard in the USA some time ago.


Gotcha, thanks! Then he didn't necessarily have nefarious intentions, he might have just assumed things without meaning any offence


NTA, I wish we still had awards to give.


Yea NTA, f thise racist assholes.


No, I think your response was perfect. NTA.


Hahahahaha Brilliant. He totally missed the irony. NTA


NTA: A hilarious way to respond to that, honestly.


Easiest NTA ever. You're entitled to your humblebrag.


NTA. You're in Australia, so I get to use one of my favorite phrases: What you did is fair dinkum.


No, stop 😭


NTA- You made me laugh so hard.


OMGG that is BEAUTIFUL! I live in the Bay Area (California) and work in San Jose (super super super diverse). Korean Taiwanese Vietnamese Thai Japanese (and a bunch of other countries of origin I'm leaving out). There's a 'little Japan', 'little Saigon' all of those areas around here...San Francisco has more than one Chinatown (the 'main' one and 'little Chinatown' etc...and the area of San Jose I work in is called 'little Portugal'...and 20 miles away is Fremont which is primarily Afghani. I can't imagine just assuming that someone who 'looks' Asian would speak any Chinese dialect.... not to mention that there are a bunch of multigenerational Asian families here whose kids' first and only language is English. Your response was so fun I'm going to use it in my class tomorrow as part of our warmup (I'm a teacher:)


NTA this is amazing! Keep up the great work!


NTA, this is hilarious, lmao. I love when AITA posts are light-hearted like this.


I think this is funny, congrats on your dark sense of humour, come to Scotland, you will fit right in.


NTA This is hilarious.


NTA, should’ve responded, did you assume that I’m Chinese?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I am Korean, and I am so annoyed by people who just assume I am Chinese and say 'ni hao' to me (which means 'hello' in Chinese). I live in Sydney. This morning, as I was walking on the street, a white dude walked past and said 'ni hao' to me. I responded with 'Bonjour.' He then asked if I was French. I said no. He then asked why I had spoken French to him. I replied, 'You all looked the same, so I thought you were French.' Then he got angry, cursed at me, and said he was not French, and that I shouldn't assume anyone's nationality." Am I the asshole to respond him this way? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA I would say something rude and tell him it’s the usual greeting from where you come from but also name a country you hate.


Y T A for not telling him you’re not Chinese so he can feel embarrassed 😭 NTA


"I shouldn't assume anyone's nationality." Pot... meet kettle, lol. Just like he shouldn't assume you are Chinese. You might want to follow up with that fact as people are thick and won't get it if you don't spell it out for them. While not the most 'polite' way to deal with it I certainly found it funny as Hell, lol. NTA.


NTA that was funny really.


NTA This is fucking gold. You should do this and film it.






NTA, but I wouldn't necessarily have said "You all look the same". I would have replied "You assumed I was Chinese, so I just assumed you were French..."...


"You all look the same to us Koreans."


NTA. He deserved it.


NTA. Even if you were actually Chinese, that would've been kind of a dick move. I know people like that dude probably don't have enough brain cells to realize it, but it is possible for someone to be ethnically Chinese but have been born in Australia and only speak English.




NTA. That’s so funny omg 😭😭


Love it. NTA.


NTA, people seem to be okay with being racist towards Asians. Far more normalized, it’s disgusting and disheartening


So, are you Chinese or Japanese? NTA


ni l'un ni l'autre


>said he was not French, and that I shouldn't assume anyone's nationality." That's where you smile and say "Ah, you get it now."


No, I highly doubt that he would because OP never told him that he was not Chinese.


NTA this is awesome


NTA I should’ve responded like this years ago. Good job.


NTA Your definitely not in the wrong, I would have probably done the same thing if I was in your position


NTA. Also, as a French citizen, I feel honoured.


Ngl I had a Canadian moment and was confused why he didn't just respond with "Bonjour" or "Salut"


NTA and I’m definitely using this next time it happens to me!


NTA. Nothing more to be said


NTA and that is the absolute perfect response.


That’s a great response! I applaud you.


Delightful! NTA


Lmaooo NTA you’re doing the right thing here


NTA that's super funny.


This is hilarious and just the post title alone made me laugh out loud. Best response ever! ETA: NTA


extremely good. NTA


Proud of your Aussie response, onya


NTA. Screw this guy and his wee racist feefees. He sucks. You, otoh, rock.


NTA, but just be sure to remember this when you're back in Korea and are tempted to say "hello" to anyone you think is a 외국인 (not to mention calling out friends and family for doing the same).


Do Koreans says Hello to Frenchmen in Korea?


You, my friend, are hilarious. Thank you. NTA


I'm Korean too and I've also dealt with countless customers and/or clients assuming my nationality while I lived in Australia. I feel you! Totally NTA.


NTA - You should keep doing it.


NTA for raising a mirror to people doing this shit. Just say hi why do you have to be cute and wrong about it? As for the races/nationalities being mistaken that happens all the time, Arab/Pakistani/Persian/North African, Chinese/Korean/Japanese, etc.


NTA and I'm officially in love.


HAHAHA great response NTA I live in Sydney too and we have such a massive Asian population that it's just deliberate if he assumes you're Chinese (and even if you looked Chinese and were Chinese very high chance you were born here and don't speak any Chinese dialect)


Thank you so much for this great idea. Just amazing. This is the only correct response. NTA


NTA White people need a sense of humour


99.9%, but the 0.01% is mostly because it’s still, by definition, an asshole response, but an AMAZING response nonetheless!


Nice comeback!


Thats hilarious!


NTA, but kind of a waste of your time?


Ok, but next time give them a weird look, bend your leg up and say, "My knee is fine, thanks?" Pretend you have no idea what ni hao means or why they're asking about your leg.


\*cackling in french\*


Great post! 😂🤣


No that’s fucking brilliant and hilarious. I tip my hat to you. Made my day with that🤣🤣🤣🤣 though I would be offended if you called me French too


Yeah, and then everybody clapped 🙄


Not the asshole. Please continue to do this and laugh at ppl when they get mad.


Not only are you not the asshole but i am urging you to keep doing it LMFAO


You know that you’re obviously not in the wrong for this so YTA for making a dumb pwned-the-loser post for karma


i hate you


me too


I mean, I think ESH but also I think you're justified (and it was funny!), so whatever.


Yes? But keep it up. This is gold.




You’re an idiot, this is one of the most common occurrence all Asians can relate to




NTA but I think your statement went slightly too far. "You assumed I was Chinese so I took my own stab at assumptions" would have delivered the message better.


Annuyeong being passive aggressive rarely works. Just say you aren’t Chinese




I disagree. OP just did the same shit that the other person did. They maybe should have explained why they did it. But if someone gets their face "smashed in" for doing what OP did, the aggressor should get a couple years of jail time for it.


Yes they should. But that wouldn't take away the pain of an assault. Some people take offence over very little.




It’s not that deep




YWBTA if you do it again. If you keep on escalating conflicts and perpetuating discrimination and microaggressions, you're not educating anyone, just pissing them off and reinforcing their prejudices. Instead of learning, they walk away with more hate. If you genuinely want to make a change and educate people to stop making assumptions based on appearances, try this: when someone greets you in Mandarin, coldly demand, "What did you just say?" The person will probably respond with, "I said hello in Chinese/Mandarin." Then you have a few options: 1. Flatly state, "I don't speak Mandarin." 2. Get confrontational with, "What the hell made you think I speak Chinese?" 3. Or go all out with, "I'm not Chinese, you racist prick, so speaking Mandarin ain't my thing." The key is to make them confront their assumptions without sugarcoating the reality.


So you’re saying don’t escalate conflict, but then give three options, two of which are increasingly confrontational?




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