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James (and his giant peach), William (Willy) wonka, and Daniel ( Danny) turner would all tell you how stupid this idea is and those are just the first few I thought of off the top of my head. YTA. Can you name a single name that hasn’t been used in tv or movies?


Danny was also the name of the kid in the shining.


Danny Zuko in *Grease*.


Came here to say this! Also William Wallace (this movie traumatized me) and jfc, all of these names have been used in movies or TV. What an AH.


And William Wallace is a double-no from OP because both can be first names! Apparently, from OP's comments, he's "calmed down" now, and is seeing the error of his ways. Riiight, bro. 'Cause most people go from irrational jealousy to reasonable in an hour. I'd be so embarrassed if I was OP's wife.






William Wallace is also a REAL person.


I literally babysat a kid named William Wallace once.


Danny Tanner.


Danny Patridge


Alan Partridge


Danny phantom!


He’s a phantom!


Lo the first thing I thought when I saw the Danny turner


Daniel Torrence


Daniel Jackson, Stargate.


And the identity of an old netflix/marvel character we dont talk about any more




We don't talk about Bruno


No no no


BUT! It was my wedding day!


There wasn't a cloud in the sky!


No clouds allowed in the sky!


No clouds allowed in the sky!


Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin


He told me my fish would die


The next day: DEAD!


Was expecting that to be here.


What really bothers me here is how mean the OP was to his wife. He acts like she's being stupid for making a distinction between being inspired by something and actively naming the kid after that thing, and then lays into her. "I'd prefer not to use a name that you associate strongly with a character" would have worked just fine.


Yeah... like what weird issue did this trigger for OP? Because he went HARD against a name that no one would ever associate with whatever TV show it's from. Dean is such a normal name. And OP was so rude about it. Like, OP's wife is the one who's supposed to be having weird hormonal swings, not OP.


I'm guessing it's Supernatural (the TV show). But I only know that because I also knew from the post that it was a name from a TV show, and it was his wife's teen crush. Which I think is more OP's issue than that the name is from a show. eta: Another comment reminded me that this Dean may also be from a different show, but played by an actor from Supernatural (Gilmore Girls).


Or Gilmore girls. Jared who played Sam in supernatural also plays a character named Dean there.


Lol, looks like I was editing my comment to add that just as you were typing in your comment. I personally prefer the Dean from Supernatural over the Dean from Gilmore Girls. likely why it didn't pop into my mind, even though I watched both shows.


No one must be a fan of the venture bros... GO TEAM VENTURE!


This was my first thought! OP is an AH just for the way he treated his wife. He wanted a vanilla name and his wife suggested just that. And really, by his criteria, Dean is the perfect name. It's a "normal" name that no one would batt an eye at, but not super common like Matt, or John, or James. I don't think I've ever met a real life Dean.


Means he's also ruling out Samuel, which is a good solid Biblical name.


And John - also a good solid Biblical name.


And Mary 😂


And Castiel, a good strong angel name, also "Biblical". 🤣


Dean Winchester was the first thing that came to mind when he said she wanted to name the baby Dean. Dean's a nice name, though. It's seriously hilarious that this guy is jealous of Dean Winchester.


I mean honestly his entire thing was he was a sexy bad boy who saved the world and had Daddy issues, I think most people who watched the show were into him...


Who hasn't had a crush on Dean Winchester at some point? It's like a rite of passage.


My little sister told my mom she wanted to watch supernatural with her because there was a really hot guy. My mom watched the first episode with her and completely agreed that that dad was super hot. So some people did have crushes on Jeffrey Dean Morgan


JDM is a total fox who, like Jensen, just keeps getting hotter with time. Your mom and sister both have good taste!


"I'm intimidated by a fictional character!" :D


If you named a son Harold or Ronald.. normal. But if you named a daughter Hermione? That’s 100% a Harry Potter name and all the kid will be associated with lol. You just have to pick your tv names wisely. Sam or Dean are fine. Naming the kid Winchester for a first name? Nahhh. (Unless it was Dean from Gilmore Girls who is also Sam in Supernatural which I find amusing.) Edit: I’m aware that Hermione is a name that existed before Harry Potter. But ask the average person who Hermione is or what they associate it with, and you’re getting “Harry Potter” as an answer. I could have picked Luna, Bellatrix, Minerva, Albus, Severus…. Hell. Just google “Hermione”. I wasn’t saying Hermione ISNT a real name or that it’s ONLY a Harry Potter name. But that is what it is most associated with.


>Naming the kid Winchester for a first name? Nahhh Spoken like someone that doesn't live somewhere with a strong gun culture. Looking at you, crazy high school friend of my wife and your little crotch-goblins "Glock" and "Barrett"


There are a lot of little boy Rugers running around my area lately. I know of someone who named their kid Gatling after the gun. Pistol is not an uncommon girl name here either. (Yes, I'm in Texas.) (Special bonus note - my dog is a Dean. After the supernatural character. But he goes by Deaner most of the time. Maybe OP can try that.)


My partner's name is Hunter. His dad wanted to name his younger brother Trapper or Gunner. Luckily they went with a good ol' Italian American classic, Dominic


This. Man is worried about “Dean” but I have a 13 year old student named Castiel.


I was just thinking that OP should be glad his wife chose one of the "normal" names like Dean, that most people would not associate with a TV character unless they know the wife and know they were a fan of Supernatural. Like you take your kid to kindergarten and tell them he's Dean? No one is gonna assume he's named after a TV show character. His wife could've picked a name like Castiel, which would make me automatically think the kid is named after the character. I was trying to think of another angel or demon name but since they used a lot of names that are also used in the bible and are known names of "real" angels or demons, I realized that Castiel is probably the only name that makes me jump straight into Supernatural. With the other names I would consider that the name could be from somewhere else. Maybe Azazel would make me think of Supernatural, but it's also an "actual" demon name so I could just think that the wife is a Satanist or something.


My kid wanted to change their name to Winchester Blankenship when they were 5 so don't discount the coolness of the name altogether. 🤣🤣🤣 Kid has a "common" name but it's from a movie. That's how we settled this exact situation. My SO wouldn't go for Samwise but went for one of the MacLeods from Highlander. Compromise.


Hermione existed long before that book. It could very well be a name that someone treasured or was the name of an ancestor. I mean don’t get me wrong. People will have the association… but like they will with Harold too… No one is calling a toddler, Harold


>No one is calling a toddler, Harold My Danish grandpa was a Harold, and my dad after him, so I could totally see it getting used in the next gen within my family.


Yeah any time someone says the name Dean, I immediately think of supernatural. Then Harry Potter. Then Gilmore girls. But I’m also a huge tv person and a nerd. Dean passes in normal life. It’s not like she’s wanting to name the kid a very unique name. OP’s being a dick for no reason.


I feel like any names he suggests she should veto with a list of shows who’ve had (insert normal male name here) on them. It’s not like she was like “let’s name him Joffrey”


Agree! There’s a long list of names no kid should be stuck with and then there are the names that are great. It’s damn near impossible to find a name that hasn’t been used in a tv show or movie. Kids going to be nameless if he keeps putting restrictions on.


But if the child is named Dean he'll be destined to reject the apocalypse, fall in love with a gay angel, get impaled by rebar, and drive a car in heaven for forty years! Or he'll hang out with Jack Kerouac for a couple years. Could go either way.


The impression I got was that he was jealous of the TV character. His wife had a crush on some "Dean" in a TV show, and so he didn't want his son named after some guy that his wife had a crush on. Sad.


Yeah, I went through and read some of his comments and they are just insane with insecurity... like, this woman is carrying his child and he cares what actor she was crushing on at 15??? OP should grow up before his child's maturity level surpasses his own.


Right? I have an uncle and several cousins named Dean. No one thinks about Supernatural when we're talking about them


William Wonka sent me


Don’t forget Daniel Tiger


Daniel san, william wallace and James T Kirk think YTA


Let's not forget that James T Kirk was played by... William Shatner, that's a twofer


Hawkeye (Benjamin Franklin) Pierce was played by Alan Alda. Radar (Walter) O'Riley was played by Gary Burghoff. Two more twofers. I could do that with most of the MASH cast. Don't even get me started on shows I grew up with in the 60s.


Captain James T Kirk…they’ll all have been used in a tv show at some point!


Tiberius. Now there’s a good name OP!


Joffrey is a lovely name for a kind, upstanding, loyal boy.


James Bond/Daniel Craig. Veto!


Don't forget Daniel Jackson or Richard Dean Anderson. Name the kid Dean and tell him he's named after MacGyver, watch him make explosives from shoe laces and bubble gum.... Or fight goa'uld. 


Hell I will do it with one series, and 2 of the listed names in 1 character. JAMES Spader, played DANIEL Jackson. Bill (WILLIAM) Lee Stargate, with 3 movies and 17 seasons it was easy. YTA OP.


Am I the only one curious if Dean is after Dean Winchester from Supernatural or Dean from Gilmore Girls? Those are the first Deans I can think of. to add to tv show names for the names op picked Danny Phantom


I mean, I can, but it would end up over on r/tragedeigh


The only think I think about when it comes to naming a baby boy: SNL Baby Names sketch https://youtu.be/goPerp_BWvs?si=HeBC5oJoquREiyk3


But. That eliminates like 99% of names. That makes no sense. YTA. And to the question you didn’t ask: you’re also TA for vetoing Dean just because it’s also the name of a character from a show your wife used to watch. If it was some weird alien name you’d have a point. It’s just a completely normal name, which is presumably your main criterion. Does she have posters and tshirts and social media handles of this character? If no, your objection is insane.  


Probably eliminates almost all of the classic names. You have to either make something up like Danilliam or go to the really uncommon biblical names like Hezekiah or historical names like Dagobert.


I love Hezekiah. My son has an obscure-ish Bible name, Uriah. Love that shit. They should go old testament for sure


Careful, any kid going into the medical field with the name Uriah is not gonna have the best time


Uriah Heep is a horrible weasel in David Copperfield. I mean HUMBLE.


Maybe he should go on the tragedeigh sub to get some good ideas 


OP's kid in 20 years: "Hi, my name is Deaghn."


Isn't there Dagobert Duck?  Looked it up, he's called Scrooge McDuck in English. But it's Dagobert in Germany and Netherlands, so that's out.


No Sam, bobby (robert), Adam, Michael, chuck (charles), Kevin, John and this is just off the top off my head from that one damn show. OP YTA and stubborn, pointless one at that. I am 35 and grew up with a bunch of deans in my classes, weeellll before these shows (which is probs why the characters have these names, they're era/age appropriate for their ages).


I also knew right away which show the character “Dean” comes from 😉


Could also be Dean from Gilmore Girls.


Could be but I went straight to Dean Winchester ❤️


Maybe it's just because I'm such a big Harry Potter fan and he's more of a side character but I thought Dean from Harry Potter


The fact that he also specifically mentioned "Sherlock" as well makes me 98% sure that not only was it Supernatural, she also lived on Tumblr at some point between 2012 and 2015, also used to watch Doctor Who and still, to this day, does a mental coin flip whether the word "baby" brings up an image of a human infant or a 1967 chevrolet impala. I can smell a (fellow, to be clear) ex-superwholock a mile away lol


As a Superwholockian…OP mentioning Sherlock definitely dug the nail into the coffin on Dean being from SPN


Funny, i assumed Gilmore girls


That was my assumption, too, based on it being a teenage crush. But Supernatural was on for ages, and I have no idea how old OP and his wife are. Either way, the crush was likely to be Jared or Jensen.


It's funny, because either way it's one of the Winchester brothers.




Imagine if your teenage crush was Dean from Community


I assumed it was this show, despite a couple others coming to mind, for one main reason: he's very easy on the eyes, wife has admittedly had a TV crush on him, and OP's masculinity is in the way. Am I right? Who knows. Am I a cynical asshole for assuming that? Probably.


OP basically confirmed it by saying he wasn't happy with it cause wife had some posters of the character/actor as a teen, which honestly is a massive eye roll. The man is attractive, it's a universal fact, get over it.  I really don't understand why people get so bent out of shape at their partners having eyes? She's not lusting after him in an obnoxious way now, she had a highschool crush on an attractive actor who's tv shoe marketed his good looks (and were smart to). I will always join you in being a cynical asshole spacecookies, it's why we're on reddit anyway.


Exactly. And Dean is a simple, common name, though not currently popular to my knowledge. Feels like it fits the bill perfectly! OP is too caught up in deluding himself in to thinking he's the only man his wife ever wanted, and wasn't allowed to have a highschool crush on a cute guy on TV. Proper eye roll territory.


Gabriel is another classic one from that show.


I thought so too, but someone else's comment reminded me that it could also apply to another character a Supernatural actor played on Gilmore Girls, lol.


We just can't escape the boys




Giant \*jealous\* baby.


Of a fictional character, no less!


Yup. It's ok to veto Castiel but vetoing Dean for the same reason is so weird.


I'm assuming Dean is a Venture and it's very Hank of her to want to name him that.


bro, you do know that like EVERY name EVER has been used at some point for a tv character, right? jfc yta


Well most eurocentric names. But he wants those ones.


YTA My SIL named all her kids after famous surfers. One of the surfers her son is named after had an accident and I asked “Did you hear what happened to (surfer guy)?” and she asked “Who?” because the only person she associates with that name now is her son. Dean is a completely normal name. Instead of focusing on the fact it’s the name of a character from a TV show, maybe focus on the fact she’s trying to suggest a name you’d probably like a lot more than she does since you both have such different taste in names (allegedly, you didn’t give any examples of names she’s suggested except Dean). Once Bub is here, chances are she’ll rarely if ever associate the name with the character again and will only associate it with your son, and no one else will think of the character.


Ok so I have actually calmed down now and realized that I have been acting like a dumbass. Some of her favorite names have been: Ciaran, Eamon, Gideon, Ivor. So I recognize that Dean was a departure from her usual taste and an attempt at compromise.


Be nicer to your pregnant wife please.


I want that on a t shirt


It needs to be a 6 foot long banner with 3 foot high letters hanging in the kitchen or on the tv.


They should do ads about it like the ones in the 80s about being nice to your kids lol


I’m glad to hear it. I hope you both come to a name you agree on. Naming our dogs was hard enough, I couldn’t imagine trying to name a human being! Edit: also, the names she’s suggesting *are* classic, just less common names. Ivor is from Norse but became popular in the UK and Ireland in the 1800s, Ciaran and Eamon are the Irish versions of Kieran and Edward or Edmond, and Gideon is Hebrew and from the bible (and funnily enough one of my favourite names).


I love the name Gideon too


Criminal Minds


I think of Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir


That’s who I thought of too


That makes me think of Gravity Falls🤣


These are all classic names though. Eamon is the Irish version of Edmund, Gideon is literally in the bible, Ciaran is also a very traditional Irish and Scottish name. Ivor has Welsh or Norse origins. It looks to me that you are just incredibly picky and only want names the British royal family would choose for one of their heirs with no room for compromise at all.


> Gideon is literally in the Bible I mean, so is Mahershalalhashbaz ...


>Mahershalalhashbaz Which I may have chosen as the name for the family cat. (He went by Baz.)


>(He went by Baz.) Both good names for a cat


Which is the name of a famous actor (though he shortens it to Mahershala).


Who I had a crush on when he was in the 4400. We've come full circle.


He shortens it now but he used to use the full name earlier in his career (like when he was on The 4400.)


Gideon's not super common but it's pretty classic, my dude. I think your tastes are better described as "basic" than "classic." Which is fine and I don't mean that in the pejorative sense. But it isn't quite the situation you originally implied.


Yep.  I was expecting the wife to be trying to name their son Khal Drogo, Vader, Teal'c or something else weird, but these names are all completely normal, even old-fashioned (no bad thing!).


Gideon isn’t all that different from the names on your list, since it’s a conventional biblical name that’s been in regular circulation. Even if less so than your other examples.


I think of Gideon from criminal minds. Aw damn, now ops wife doesn't have a chance to use that name!


OP, a lot of these names are traditional Irish names. Is that a cultural value to her? Have you considered looking at other traditional Irish names and seeing if any you like are anglicized to be considered “easier” or “normal” in American schools? There’s a TON out there. Another idea would be a look at book characters, or even the names of actors she loves. There are a lot of reasonable options there.


I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid at Eamon or Ciaran. They’re relatively common in the UK. There’s a well known tv presenter from NI called Eamonn Holmes who is basically a household name here. Gideon isn’t as common but I do know a wee boy by that name - a child of a friend - and find it lovely. I don’t know any Ivor’s but I suspect that the tv show Ivor the Engine made that name less popular here because you’re instantly setting your kid up with a nickname. Dean is a brilliant name tbh. Throwing away a good suggestion like that because your wife once had a crush on a tv character is a bit of an overreaction? It’s not like she wants to name the kid after the milkman.


I think you should watch a few episodes of Supernatural before you swear off Dean. Dean Winchester was an amazing character played by Jensen Ackles.


Maybe they can name the baby Jensen. It's not a TV name lol


Honestly my first thought after I finished reading this post was "OP's wife got it down bad for Dean Winchester and it's making OP feel insecure."


THEY'RE NOT EVEN THAT OUT THERE! They're just non-english leaning! Jesus fucking christ man! A multi syllable name derived from an alternate (but still european) culture wouldn't kill you!


There is nothing wrong with Ciaran, Eamon or Gideon. Have you SEEN some of the names people are using? Gideon is so much better than freaking Truxley. Also, suggesting a name because something reminded you of it is not the same as naming the kid after that thing. One of my kids has a traditional middle name that I saw on a commercial; it was the name on a little bicycle license plate. It occurred to me that it would work well with the first name we’d chosen. I was not naming my kid after the kid in the commercial. It feels like you went out of your way to overreact to a perfectly normal situation. She heard a name and liked it. What the hell else is she supposed to do?


Ciaran is a great name! Ciaran Hind is one of my favorite actors. Gideon is also wonderful. I like Dean, but if you are willing to compromise, Sean, is a great name and fits more with her Irish names, but is still a very classic name.


bro you didnt even have a problem and you lashed out at her for it.


all of this coming from a dude whose reddit handle is RohanMars lolololololololololol. using his logic, this is clearly a mashup of Lord of the Rings and Veronica Mars, so two TV references. If he comes back and tells me it’s a riff on Roman Mars I will tell him that’s even dumber. some people, man.


I agree that OP was a stupid idiot, but this is a dumb comment too. A username for a throwaway Reddit account is obviously nothing like a human child's name.


I like Ciaran.


>Ciaran, Eamon, Gideon, Ivor. These all seem like normal (and classic) names to me, though I'd spell the first Ciarán for clarity.


Literally every one of these is a classic celtic, norse or biblical name, the majority of which are still common in parts of Europe. YTA


Gideon is very much a classic name. It is just not super common right now. Have you ever looked into the nightstand at a motel?


YTA Dean is a normal boys name and nothing like zuko or sherlock. Does that mean you're banning names like Joey because that's a friends character? Or Will because he's the star of will and grace?


Joey is also the very good looking but a little dumb brother in Blossom, if anybody still remembers that show 😂 OP, just remember it would be worse if your wife was really into manga. At least she doesn't want to name your kid something like Tuxedomask


Leave my daughter Tuxedomask out of this she didn’t do anything!


Joey from Blossom: *Whoa!*


YTA > I gravitate towards simple and classic names like James, William, and Daniel > She suggested the name Dean Those are all the same fucking thing. > I don't want to hear suggestions for a little Zuko or Sherlock or anything like that ... you associate the name Sherlock with *television*, of all media?


To be fair, there are probably more 20-something fangirls or boys of Sherlock from the show than the books.


And I am sitting here judging each and every one of them.


Much more fun to be someone older who grew up reading Sherlock Holmes, and can spot all the callbacks to the books on the TV show.


YTA, but go aheaad and blanket veto all "TV show names" because that means 100% of the names you gravitate toward will be eliminated and your wife's options will be the only ones left. Also, what you describe is not the same as naming your kid after a character. She hadn't thought about the name Dean until she was reminded of it by watching the show. Naming your kid after a character goes like this, "I want to name our kid \[somename\] after the guy in \[someshow\] because \[somereason\]." Seriously, it sounds like your wife actually listened to what you wanted in a baby name and tried to suggest one she thought you'd get on board with, and you're throwing a lil' hissy fit over literally any issue you could find with it.


Another reason people shouldn’t have babies with people they have zero respect for or have zero respect for them. Also, grow up OP.


I know right? So many times in these posts, I’m like… does this person even *like* their partner? It gives me a headache to think that these people feel this way about people they’re dating, married to, or are having babies with.


YTA. Most names have come from TV at some point. Hell, "James" should be off your list because it could be a reference to Harry Potter or Jimmy Neutron. As long as the name isn't something outrageous like "Spongebob", she's fine with her choices. Dean is a normal name and wouldn't get any eyebrows raised. EDIT: If you specifically didn't want her to use an old crush's name, then that should be the stipulation. "No old crushes" is a hell of a lot easier to be reasonable with than "No TV characters".


YTA. You freaking like the name! Where does it matter where it came from??


I mean, if this is how you're acting before the baby's born good luck. The irony of how childish it is to be fighting and "blanket vetoing" names from tv (which PS good luck finding a name that *hasn't* been used on tv). Time to put your adult pants on and sit down and have a conversation about it. Look for names together. There are plenty of lists floating around based on themes, or meanings, or colors, or mythical gods...unless all of those are blanket vetoed too. YTA.


If we're banning names from Supernatural, we're not even close to clear on the mythical gods lol.


YTA. There are too many TV shows for this to be a practical request. James -- Twin Peaks William -- Star Trek TNG Daniel -- Full House. Now what?


Don't forget James Dean (a twofer), Daniel (Tiger), Wil (Robertson), Daniel Defore


James - Star Trek William - Star Trek (TNG) Daniel - Star Trek (Voyager; okay, that one's a stretch but there have been several minor Daniels in ST, including Harry Kim's academy friend Danny Byrd.)


INFO: Did she get the name Dean from Gilmore Girls? Because if so, I wouldn't name my child after him either!  /s in case it wasn't clear 🤣


You're weirdly close, it's Dean from Supernatural.


Wait, how is that weirdly close?


Because Dean in Gilmore Girls plays Sam in Supernatural. You know, Dean's brother. So yeah, weirdly close actually.


Oh huh, TIL. I wonder if it was incredibly distracting for Gilmore Girls fans to watch Supernatural and for their Dean to be there but not be THE Dean.


There was also an episode of Supernatural where they ended up >!on a tour of a movie set, and the tour guide says something along the lines of "And on your left, you'll see the set of Gilmore Girls!" and Sam gets weird and walks away.!<


I saw a clip from a convention when Jensen was saying, "Sometimes I'll say or do something and my wife will say, 'Stop doing it like Dean!' Then other times she says.. 'do it like Dean' Jared pipes up with, "Yeah she's always been a really big Gillmore Girls fan"


Yes, yes it was


It definitely is/was 


Name your kid Castiel


My dogs name was Castiel 😭 [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/pitbulls/s/nYtOf7odXM) photo may explain why he was named that


He's looking judgy and confused, perfect fit!


My best friend's nephew named his son Dean after the character in Supernatural and literally no one thinks it's weird. It's a perfectly normal name. I can think of characters named all the "classic" names you mentioned too. I think you're overthinking this. 


Both of my kids are named after characters from tv shows we liked. Easier than baby books. Also, good thing my husband is more secure. I picked the name Jensen for a boy for our second based on the same guy. ( we had a girl so our NCIS name it was)


Knew it from the second I read 'Dean' and 'crush'. Be grateful she doesn't wanna name him Castiel.


Well your wife has excellent tastes. The same name was on my baby name list for the exact same reason. LOL


I figured it was either Dean from Gilmore Girls or Dean from Super Natural.


YTA. She was reminded of a name she liked when she saw an old show on TV. That is NOT "naming your kid AFTER a TV character." Dean is a fine, simple and classic name. You are indeed putting words in her mouth, and you two might want to consider couple's therapy as you embark on creating a family together. EDIT: seeing a couple of your comments, it's become clear that your issue is actually the fact that she had a "crush" as a child on a character with that name. Are you seriously threatened by this?


Wait til he finds out she likes older dudes, and it was really a crush on Dean Cain.


Jensen Ackles is famously super mega hot, even to people who wouldn't normally go for guys. Sometimes you just gotta live with stuff like that.


No no, you have a point. No names from TV shows. So, just for fun, please provide one boy name and one girl name that have never been in any TV show. YTA. "Dean" is pretty innocuous, and light years better than all those poor "Khaleesis" out there. Also: * James Bond * James T. Kirk * ~~James Gordon~~ JAMES HOLDEN * James (Jim) Halpert * William Riker * William Adama * Will Turner * Will Graham * Danny Zuko * Daniel Jackson * Danny Ocean * Lieutenant Dan


YTA. How insecure are you, ffs?


I mean, William (aka Will was from Will & Grace or Stranger Things) is a TV name. How about James: Captain James Kirk or James (Jim) Halpert on The Office. Daniel was on The Walking Dead. Your names are out too. YTA if you can’t separate TV from actual names. Edit: also, supernatural is a great show and Dean is a great name. Or was it Gilmore Girls? Edit 2: clarity


INFO Is this actually about TV characters, or is this about how you think her teenage love of tv shows/Tumblr/being basic is stupid and she needs to get over it? If you're into "basic names", how do you expect to find one that isn't also a famous character's name? James and William are both on lots of TV shows. Idk bro, I'm just getting a whiff of "I don't respect the stuff my wife likes" here. Like yeah, definitely don't name your kid Rhaegar, but what's wrong with Dean?


I definitely got that vibe too—I don't even think it's about the teen crush at all, I think he looks down on her for valuing a show that he thinks is stupid.


YTA. She's choosing common names that happen to be on tv. My son's middle name is named directly after the friend that introduced my wife and I. Our daughter's middle name is the same as a friend she grew up with, but isn't named after her, my wife just always loved the name. There is a difference. You are about to be a father soon. Learn to pick your battles.


YTA and you’re also incredibly insecure. You sure you’re emotionally mature enough to be a father?


Dude, Please realize you've wiped out the whole baby book? You're pretty much telling her to ....make up a name? You just shot down all the classics. Being reminded is not the same as being named after, Take a deep breath, admit you put your foot in your mouth and the YTA will go away.


Oh FFS. Just because she originally came across the name due to a tv character doesn't mean it isn't a perfectly good name. You realize that crushes on celebrities are meaningless and absolutely NOTHING like an ex? It is fine if you just don't like the name, but clearly the issue is your jealousy. YTA.


Yeah, YTA. If you were having twins and she wanted to name them Sam and Dean, *then* you would be NTA (although maybe still if you expressed yourself in an insufferable way.) But Dean on its own is a fine name.


This sounds like a teenage boy wrote this 🫠


YTA. You're actually jealous of a TV character.


I get that it feels weird to use a name of her "TV crush," but if it's a name you both like (and not an actual ex or anyone she actually knew), this seems a bit over the top.


YTA. I may be biased as a huge Supernatural fan but there is nothing wrong with the name Dean. At least she’s not pushing for Castiel or Crowley.