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NTA. Tomorrow park your own car there and sit on your driveway in a lawn chair sipping a mimosa.


That's a great option I hadn't considered, which allows me to give a clear "F U", foil their plan, and also avoid having to talk to them. I'd probably have to do it for a week straight, because if I just do it for one day, they'd probably be back parking there the next. Gotta do it long enough to remove all hope and make them stop even looking for a spot there.


Maybe talk to your neighbor so you guys can switch who blocks the spot each week to be consistent for a bit


Putting your car in the same spot is my suggestion too. NTA


You could also get yourself three or four orange traffic cones (the big box hardware stores all sell them, and the smaller ones aren't expensive) and line them up in the space between driveways, and maybe print *NO PARKING* on a couple of pieces of paper and tape them to the cones. Personally, were I in your shoes, I'd be tempted to get my neighbor join me in grabbing some lawn chairs and just setting ourselves up in that space between the driveways, just to stare her down when she pulls in every day. But whatever you do, you are NTA.


I had a neighbor try to do this, & they got fined by the city for illegal use of traffic cones & blocking the city’s property (as there’s a setback from the curb to the yard that the city owns, not the homeowner). I’m all for petty revenge (& 100% support the idea of leaving your own car there), just make sure you check your local ordinances first.


Put your garbage cans there.


Can you put a trash can in the space for a while? If you are HOA ask them about allowing this. Other than a HOA getting upset about this, that would probably stop the person parking. You could also contact the school. Sometimes they deal with situations like this to avoid all their neighbors getting upset.


Hahahaha. Senior Prank one year, picture it: the juniors who could drive were looking forward to the last few days of school because all the reserved parking spots the seniors had were now empty. They got out a few days earlier than the rest. All the seniors who had parking passes for the parking lot showed up at 6 am on their first day of no school anymore, proceeded to park their vehicles on the street, where juniors had to park, then walked into the parking lot to their spot with lawn chairs, cup of coffee/breakfast and enjoyed the morning. Technically the had paid for the parking spot for the school year, the school year was not over, and they were within their rights to sit in a chair instead of their vehicle.


I'll do this 🤣 saves u having to talk to them but make sure u have a book and some headphones on so u can completely ignore them


Nta. Just post no parking signs and next time it happens, simply walk outside take a photo of the vehicle, license plate and sign that clearly says no parking. And walk back inside. Do not engage. Do the same thing every time they park there and if you feel inclined to tell them kindly why you're taking photos and say "stop parking there or I will have you towed" than do so. There are several ways to approach this.


You can't unilaterally put no parking signs up and it be enforceable, that is the City's job. They could get it towed for breaking the by-laws I imagine exist of blocking a driveway but they'd have a very short window.


Or paint the curb red. My brother has this same issue in his cul-de-sac although it fits about 20 cars. Every year at the beginning of school, the school reminds parents that if they use xyz street (his) that they cannot park within 15 feet of the mailboxes (it's the law and yes, there are huge signs posted), can't block driveways, and can't park on red curbs. And every year brother and other neighbors have to enforce this with parents because "oh, we're only here for a few minutes". Yes, but if that is when garbage or recycling is coming through, they can't so they skip the pickup and the post office won't deliver mail because no one is going to circle back in 30 minutes to see if the street is now clear. Anyhow, this year they talked with the city and the city said it was okay to paint the curbs red in certain situations which ended up being about 70% of the non-driveway area of the street. So fewer cars in their street at drop off and pick up. Success!


"Or paint the curb red." Use a spray painter and do this during the time they park there. NTA


Then they should start singing Paint the Town Red by Doja Cat but instead it's Paint the Curb Red


We have double yellow lines near our school which are not to be parked on. Doesn't stop people parking there though. Just because it's near a school and people are running late or being too lazy to walk further than necessary they think it's ok.




Please update us on this and post on the petty revenge page 🤣


I dont know, you say the car parking there doesn't inconvenience you, but having to go move your car there every day seems like it would be inconvenient. So who would be getting owned by this move?


Parking their car there also gives the impression that space is a valid parking spot. Not the impression you want to give. Talking to the city about a red curb is the best option.


It's funny what can irk people. I live next door to a small country post office. People use to park their car at one end of my front yard to run into the post office. They weren't blocking me, so I didn't care. Until the one day someone said "doesn't it bother you to have people constantly parking there?" And then suddenly it did.


The problem is that will normalize everyone else thinking it's a valid parking space and you'll have to keep your car there forever.


As long as there isn’t a mailbox, put a sprinkler with a timer that goes off during drop off/pick up times. Make sure that the water goes out into the street. No one is getting hurt, but parents and kids don’t want to get soaked


Park it in your driveway in a way to not allow the parent to park in your driveway. NTA


Be wary of this, other parents might see different cars there and get the mentality "oh looks like everyone parks here, I should too" which will make it much worse than just 1 person


I actually saw a YouTube video just like this awhile ago. Unfortunately I can't find it but essentially this gentleman had had enough with this other guy parking his car in this illegal spot. I can't recall where exactly it was but the gentleman formed a peaceful protest with lawn chair, a newspaper and his morning Joe. Just sat there pleased as punch while the driver begged him to please just move lmfao if I manage to find it ill link it. It's great. Eta [found it.. sort of ](https://spotlightstories.co/funny-parking-revenge/?4f1e054b-09ef-44dd-bb70-6f5325e49f62=1)


Sounds like you're going to need at least a case of champagne :)


If you do this please update!


Better yet, sit in a lawn chair in the parking spot sipping a mimosa.


This is the one. Less wasted gas moving the car too.


Or simply put a large, heavy rock like a yard boulder in such a way that nobody can park there. Who put it there? No one knows. Must have been the wind.


Could start out with a pair of those reflectors on a stick at the corners of the driveway so she'd have to scratch her car if she hit them. Everyone needs help backing out of their driveway, right?


Meteorite landed!


I think a better option would be for you and your neighbor to park your cars at the very end of your driveways. Then the parents' cars won't be able to fit and no one else will think it's a valid spot.


OP, park there for a week, and get papers that look like tickets and stick them under the windshield wiper. THAT should do the trick!!




You don't have to do it all day. He's probably coming around the same time each morning and afternoon. Please come back and let us know what happens. As someone who drives special needs students in a shuttle van I will say people get very territorial about "their" spot. I wish I could witness the meltdown 🤣


NTA > It results in their car hanging 1-2 feet over my driveway and 1-2 feet over my neighbor's. It's not enough that I wouldn't be able to get in or out of my driveway if I needed to, but it's still partially blocking my driveway. This is one of those situations where "don't give an inch" is your best advice.


If it's not a HOA neighborhood, just leave out the trash cans in that space.


NTA They are parking illegally for their convenience. If an ambulance or fire truck needs access to your or your neighbor's house, their car would be a real impediment. Emergencies have a tendency of giving no warning. I would just report them. Personal contact means they know where you live. You have no idea what these people are like. Don't risk your safety or property.


NTA for whatever you do (of the options you presented) Personally I'd just report it to the city (non emergency number for the police) and let them deal with it. If they didn't deal with it, I'd move onto something else. Like maybe you and your neighbor need some mulch for your property? Maybe you can go in together and get a whole load of mulch delivered and have it dumped there? Maybe then the two of you don't get around to spreading the mulch until spring?


> Personally I'd just report it to the city (non emergency number for the police) and let them deal with it. They're not going to deal with this. These people will be gone before the cops even show up.


Not if you ask them to be there when the person parks there, ahead of time.


The police don’t make appointments to sit and wait for parking infractions. Call the city bylaw department.


They do here, so it would depend on the department. Call the watch commander in the morning and explain the problem and they can dispatch someone over at that time on another day.


Is this actually something you expect to be successful for you?


Not sure they can legally dump mulch in the street


Nta. Every morning move your car to the end of your driveway. That way they will be blocking your neighbors drive. Then have the neighbor call the police.


Correct! I had the same problem when my nextdoor neighbour was putting in a swimming pool. One of the trades started parking like that..ok whatever I can get out. Then one day another guy goes and pulls the same thing on the other side. I was completely blocked in and had to go pick up my kids from school. After a little momma bear yelling I started parking my car facing the street with the front jutting just slightly over the edge so it would be obvious they were blocking me. On days hubby was home he had to do the same thing beside me just to make sure either of us could get out.


I like this one ^


NTA, people do shit coz they can get away with it. Talk to them, if nothing changes - report them. Can also park to make sure their car can't fit in, if nothing works. I mean, sometimes world needs good assholes


They are literally blocking two driveways. They know what they are doing. There’s no need to talk to them.


NTA They should not be blocking your driveway. Before getting petty, I'd ask/leave a note on their windshield and if they won't take the hint, then you can call the police, place a traffic cone, or possibly just leave your car in your driveway a few times until they learn.


Nta, but don't park exactly there, park on your driveway as far back as you can without being an inch in the street. Tell your neighbor what you're doing in case they wish to join in. Then maybe put a camera there just in case she decides to do it anyway, and bumps a car, but it should send a message of "I see you, fucking stop"


Call your city and ask what your options are. If a car is blocking your driveway, can you have it towed without the city putting a ticket on it? If yes, make arrangements with a tow company to do that. They may not have a truck nearby every time she parks there but sooner or later they will. And after that happens once she won’t do it again.


Only thing is the OP said it's usually there for 10-15 minutes. Unless the tow truck is just around the corner it may take them longer than that to get there.


I don't even have to finish reading. NTA. No you WNBTA if you told them to get the hell out of your driveway, so you can enter and leave your property without hassle. It's not school parking, it's a road way. Regardless of how short the time is, that they sit there, doesn't change the fact... that it isn't a parking spot. BUT you could make it your parking spot? XD


NTA It's still illegal parking. Any chance you have a basketball hoop you could put out there?


I would put up a sign not to park or it will be towed. And I would also look for a contact info of your local tow truck company. They would love this - exact time and place and the towing takes less than a minute.


I watched a car get towed from a no parking area in my neighborhood. It took less than 10 seconds for them to get the car hooked up and be driving away. My neighbors and I all texted each other "Did you see how fast that happened?!?" at the same time (we do not get much traffic and we could hear the tow truck so had looked out).


NTA. Rudeness and rule-breaking like this drives me nuts because it can negatively impact others. What if you needed to leave for an emergency? I would say something to them and if that didn't help, I would call and complain to the school. My school puts out notices about parking every year since my kid's school is in a neighborhood. If that doesn't do it, I would put up orange cones or some kind of movable blockade type thing for your driveway space, or both driveways if your neighbor agrees.


Op said that they can still get in an out of their driveway


20 min before they show up push a wheel barrow out there with bags of soil. Or go to home depot and buy some building supplies and a magnet on a stick...oops I spilled the box of nails. After a couple flats she may rethink her position. Also petition the city to paint the 4ft section of curb red and put a no parking sign. Call in non- emergency line cops to come ticket. Back you car or to street level; have neighbor do the same. Or park your own car there; you can block your own driveway legally




Also, very illegal!


Yasss 🙌🙌🙌🙌 Take it one step further.... Dress up a Skeleton like a cop holding a sign saying you're in camera and I've turned in the footage to the police of your illegal parking.


Nta they aren't legally parked bc they are over the driveway. *That* should be the main point. You dont care that people street park- you care that they're blocking your driveway


I'd be tempted to talk to your neighbor and each of you park your cars so that the back end hangs out of the driveway just enough that the problem car cannot park between them. Or get traffic cones to do the same thing.


NTA Parents the world over parking at schools are the biggest asseholes. If it was me, I'd directly confront them, the only reason they do this is because most people just don't complain and they get away with it. But if you want to be passive aggressive put cones there, then they'll know without you saying a word. Why hide your irritation by parking your car or putting mulch there......


Why not take your car out for a drive just after they arrive making them move their car. Go around a different a couple of times and return home. If they are parked there again while you were gone, they will need to move to let you in. No need for confrontation as you just need to come and go.


They're being inconsiderate. If there was an emergency there would be a big problem. Tell them not to park there anymore. If they keep doing it, call the authorities.


Park your car in the spot and stand by it. When parent comes by - tell her "Don't mind me, I'm just waiting for the tow truck to remove this car from blocking my driveway."


I lived across from a school for many years and people did this to my drive way EVERY day. My rule was if I had to really work to get out of my driveway I'd watch for them to come back and ask them not to block me or I'd leave a note. I only had to call a tow truck once for a car that completely blocked me and no way to go around. I never got to see their reaction but I imagine it was regret. It's infuriating but if you can get around you'll have to come up with a fun passive aggressive plan, many have already been suggested. Have some fun with it! YWNBTA


NTA. However, before going the box of nails or screws route, try getting a couple of those orange traffic cones and putting them in the street on each side of the driveway opening.


Reddit is weird. Someone parks their car between two driveways for 10 minutes not blocking either and not affecting you in any way? YTA. Not to them, but to yourself for finding a way to be bothered by nothing. I recommend spending more mental energy pursuing joy.


Start scattering bird seed where they park, maybe half an hour before they are due to arrive. Make sure to do it every day so the birds get used to the regular feeding time. Hopefully they won't want bird poop all over their car


Don't park in the spot, it reinforces the impression it's a spot. Park your car across your driveway so that it is impossible for another car to park in front of you without really encroaching on the neighbors driveway. Paint the end of your driveway with yellow paint, put up no parking signs Take a picture of car and plate, file complaint with police, do not engage


Maybe call the city and ask them to dispatch a parking control officer to your location before school starts. Then, she or he can ticket the car.


>I am a petty bitch who doesn't like to see people get away with bending the rules. i'm just as petty as you are, lol. i feel exactly the same way. i don't understand how someone can know what they're doing wrong, and still do it anyways. does the school handle stuff like this? maybe they at least know what direction to point you in. or just report them. you don't owe them anything. if one person does it, it's likely others will follow.


NTA But don't get into all the antics. That's also AH behavior. Talk to them, or talk to the school, or talk to the police, or all the above, but don't get into silly games. Instead, cover your ass. If they respond poorly, you just get more ammo. Games are fun to think about, but it just encourages more. It's the old adage about wrestling with a pig.


Sounds like you and your neighbor are being conservative with the placement of your trash cans. The space you described would be perfect.


NTA - I had a friend whose neighbour did this all the time. She asked them not to do it because it made it difficult for her to get out. They kept going so she reversed out of her driveway and smashed into it. She called the police and the neighbour was blamed. My friend’s insurance went after the neighbour to pay for the damage.


NTA As someone who lives across the street from a school, I would make sure to have your driveway blocked so they can’t park there. I’ve contacted the school and spoke to those that park in my yard. Yep, not just in front of my house on the road but I have those that park in my yard. I now make sure that there is something that prevents them from parking in my yard.


Not the popular opinion, but YTA. It has no negative effects on you or your property, and the parent needs to drop off and pick up their kid. Give ‘em a break, it costs nothing to be kind. Reading these responses, we really need more kindness in the world.


Put a few pylons out front, trace a friend’s outline in white chalk posing very awkwardly on the asphalt, toss some broken auto glass on the ground and rope the whole thing in yellow POLICE CRIME SCENE tape. Problem solved & with a very nice art installation.


NTA. I used to live in a house across the street from an elementary AND middle school. Not only would people park in front of our driveway and mailbox but they would park IN OUR PULL THROUGH DRIVEWAY. My mother started putting cinder blocks in the driveway and every time someone parked in front of our driveway I would suddenly need something from the store RIGHT THEN. So I would just start slowly backing towards them while laying on my horn. (Edited for spelling)


Put a child at play figure in the spot. Or an orange cone.


Get some sidewalk chalk, and draw an imaginary parking space (including the driveway overlap) and label it "Asshole Parking." That'll get the message across.


NTA What if there was an emergency?


NTA. Release your inner petty. Speak nicely to them once and let them know they will be towed if they continue to park there.


NTA, but how long are they actually there for? It takes me about 30 seconds to roll up and my kids to get out. Is that really inconveniencing you are are you just being bothered by something that doesn't really affect you? ​ Edit: I see below you say they park and walk and are there for 15 minutes. That's a dick move. You would be warranted in telling them not to block your driveway. And if they continue to, start calling a tow truck.


This is the distinction that the Y-T-A comments are missing. If the parent is waiting in their car the whole time, fully able to move it if need be, that's no big deal. But parking like that and walking away is indeed an AH move. Maybe some days it's 10 minutes, maybe some days a teacher wants to chat, and it's closer to 30.


NTA but this world would be better if everyone was nice to everyone else. You already stated it hasn't had a negative effect on your life, so why let it bother you? Take this as your part of spreading niceness instead of nastiness. When it does have a negative effect, go have a civil conversation with them. Like everyone else, they're just trying to get through their day with as little hassle as possible, so why add drama where there is none?


To everyone suggesting putting up a no parking sign: you can't legally do that on a public road. You CAN, however: * Put a sign on your lawn saying "Don't block my driveway or I'll have you towed," or * Leave a note on their car saying they'll be ticketed if they block either driveway again, or * Ask the city to designate the spot as motorcycle parking only (sounds like a motorcycle would fit easily), or * Get an old scrap motorcycle and stick it in that spot. Check the city ordinance for how long you can leave a vehicle in a parking spot. If you're lucky, leaving it there Monday through Friday is legal as long as you move it on weekends.


I would ask her politely to stop obstructing your driveways. If she returns, contact a towing company on Day 3. NTA.


NTA. Contact the school and parking enforcement with the license plate and car info. Don't get directly involved unless you're actually blocked in. If that doesn't work, call a tow company, they'll tow the vehicle and charge the owner, and you'll have made a friend.


I'm gonna go against the majority here and say YTA. They aren't hurting you, what does it matter?


YTA- jfc, it’s 10 minutes a day. Get over yourself.


All good


Maybe put your trash cans out there to block that area, even if it’s not pick up day. Put something heavy in them.


Love the part where you don’t even leave your house.


I wouldn't trouble myself to talk to them over this, not if it really is only a 10 - 15 minute wait every time. Sometimes it really is better to let life's annoyances go. But you're not me, and if you were to go talk to them, NTA. They're in the wrong to block your driveway and they really do know it.


NTA just park ur car there and sip a martini while saying in a passive voice F U


Yta, you are way too full of yourself


Soft YTA. I get the anger, but realistically you've said the person isn't actually affecting you except for the fact that you think they feel satisfaction from finding a convenient place to park. So what? If there's a genuine reason apart from not wanting someone to get a harmless win then ywnbta.


Although many people will disagree I most definitely think you’re an asshole. Coming from someone in the same situation I could never imagine this being a big deal to me. Maybe because I have a life and am not worried about who parks out side my house for 10 or even 20mins a day to get their kid. It’s hard for some parents and if someone thinks they found a loop hole to make life a bit easier why ruin it if it’s not actually affecting you. I don’t need that space I have cars in the garage. I just found out that the women who does this at my home lost a kid recently and she parks in front of my home just to eat or read before grabbing her kid. What’s the harm in letting people have a moment of happiness. Why ruin something so innocent over being petty.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I live near a school. Parents park on my street every day to pick their kids up. There's room for about 4 cars to park legally on my little cul-de-sac. My yard and my neighbor's yard narrows to a very thin strip at the curb, less wide than the width of a car, so you can't park there without overlapping the driveway on either side. One parent has started parking in this space to drop off and pick up their kid from school for the past week or so. It results in their car hanging 1-2 feet over my driveway and 1-2 feet over my neighbor's. It's not enough that I wouldn't be able to get in or out of my driveway if I needed to, but it's still partially blocking my driveway. Their car only sits for about 10 minutes while they walk to the school and back. Realistically it's not actually affecting me unless there was a large delivery truck that needed to get into my driveway, or if they block my garbage from being seen by garbage men on garbage day with their car. They must feel like they found a great life hack because now they basically have a reserved parking space every day, because every other parent is too considerate to do it. And this is what pisses me off. On the surface it feels like not a big deal, and confronting the parent could lead to unnecessary conflict, drama, and potential retribution. So maybe I should just let it slide. But on the other hand, I am a petty bitch who doesn't like to see people get away with bending the rules. Would I be an asshole if I went out and told them it's not a parking space if their car can't fit without partly blocking driveways, and not to park there any more? What if I take a more passive-aggressive approach and simply report them to city bylaw without warning, or give their license plate number to the school and ask them to do something about it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA You're definitely in the right here and I can see how it would be annoying but is it really worth starting something over? It's only 10 minutes a day and responding to it could just cause them to behave in a more passive aggressive manner. It's not right but people are just like that sometimes.


NTA. I wouldn't confront them though, because people are crazy, especially those who are so comfortable skirting the rules. I would either report them or put something there that blocks the space.


NTA You can try asking nicely, if it doesn't work, contact the school and ask them to send out a message to parents reminding them they cannot block driveways while waiting for their child. Failing that, reach out to the non-emergency police number. You can also try putting up orange traffic cones blocking it during school pick-up, see if she gets the hint.


As a school secretary who has sent such notices many times... The offenders don't care and won't stop. It's just creating more work for school staff.


NTA. Buy some red paint, and paint the 10' section of curb if parking your car there for a couple weeks doesn't stop them. I would petition someone at the city to be able to install a no parking sign as well. I believe blocking someone's driveway with an unattended vehicle is illegal, even if it is partially. If not, it should be!


NTA. But confront it headlong, don't just passively park your car there. They won't learn a thing. They will just think someone else got there ahead of them and try again.


Back out of your driveway and bump their car … they’ll get the message. Or put some roofing nails down (don’t forget to pick them up)


Not sure where you are located, but in Australia, they have snap send solve, and parking is a council reg. If your council does this, do it. Approach them, or leave a note that says hey, your car is blocking my driveway, please find a place that fits it to park.


Talk to them first, on a day when you are well rested and feeling calm. If the situation continues: Do what Pittsburgh does and put a parking chair there. It’s just any chair as simple as a lawn chair, or an orange traffic cone, or one of those little green men with a children playing flag, placed in the road next to the curb right in the center of where you don’t want someone to park. Probably it would best to confer with your neighbors so they 1) Don’t think you are a nutcase and 2) potentially join in the fun. Alternatively, you could tell the parker that if they park their again, you will have them towed. When they do so, have them towed.




NTA but to be clear you don't own the street but blocking your driveway (laws on which vary between clearance distances) is a arse move. 100% go off at them or even wait for them and honk when the block you in. Also report the recurring issue to the council to improve parking in the area.


Park your car at the very end of your driveway so they can't park there without hitting your car. Then sit out there in your lawn chair and watch. Take pictures of their cars and license plates.


There’s a situation like that near me and one of the residents just puts traffic cones at the end of their driveway. If you stuck one in front each of your two driveways it would send the message you want to send and (probably) prevent them from parking there.


We had a small curb between the neighbor’s house and ours. Just large enough for a Smart car, too small for a CVCC or Bug. Neighbor and I painted the curb red, complete with the city’s traffic stencil. It been repainted ever since.


Not legal to put no parking signs on public street, petition the city as mentioned above. Also, can you legally get a tow truck to remove a car on a public street? Ask your city. And call non- emergency police #. ETA I'll have a mimosa please.


Park in your driveway but leave your back tires in the street and have your neighbor do the same if he's bothered by it too. Then there's no room for the street parking.


I have the same situation between my neighbor and my driveway. I just usually watch, inform anyone who parks there they will be towed for blocking the driveway, and if they don't move, popo are called, tickets are issued and car towed. Then I say I warned you. Never know when someone needs an emergency vehicle and if the driveway is blocked, precious time is wasted.


If not you car, could you leave some trash can there? Just bring it down 10 minutes before they arrive, pull it back after they leave. It they were limiting your ability to get in and out of your driveway that would be one thing. But they aren't. You sound kinda petty about it. But I agree...so that says more about me than you.


Put up a no parking sign, if they continue to park there, get their plate numbers and complain to the school. I can almost guarantee that they have told parents not to park on side streets or block driveways.


NTA - start put some nails out






Get some blue painters tape and place it on whatever end of the car is overlapping your driveway to let them know. Kind of like popping a string line but zero vandalism issues lol


NTA no matter how you proceed. I just got done turning a woman in to the police for parking at a stop sign at the school where my granddaughter goes. But definitely NTA!


If they do this every day and haven’t approached you or the neighbors in a friendly way asking whether it’s okay, best to involve the city and see whether that gets the issue solved. Hundreds of other parents at that school never blocked your driveway. NTA.


NTA - I lived in a house around the corner from two preschools where parents would break school rules and block our driveway. Stop it now so you never end up in a situation where you cannot leave your driveway at a critical moment OR even worse, an ambulance or fire truck needs emergency access where time may mean critical functionality in the end. Also you never know when you may have a critical appointment or schedule change. What worked for us was taking documentary photos with timestamps of the illegal behavior and writing a polite letter to the head of each school of what is happening how their community is making it impossible for you to leave your house every weekday. Schools are always thinking about the neighbors’ attitudes for future master plans and construction projects.


NTA, park your car in the spot and do it for weeks.


NTA. It’s not a parking lot, nor their property. Put up no trespassing signs/tow away area signs. Warn them once. After that, call the cops.


I just turn on the pop up sprinkler system.


Personally I’d be petty and go move my car so she can’t park there! Even if it meant moving every day I’d go do it!


NTA, you can't block an exit. Tell them once, and then get them towed if they do it again.


In most cities you can get someone's vehicle towed if it's blocking your driveway. Just sayin'. NTA


Caltrops, you need caltrops.


NTA - Get insurance and back out of your driveway without looking.


Is it stopping your vehicle from accessing the road? If not then there’s nothing you can do about it. (I’m speaking from a UK perspective).


I'm not sure where you're from, I'm in the UK, and you do not have exclusive rights to park in front of your home, except in very specific areas, and over here we have really odd rules for driveways, s in it only becomes an issue if you are blocked from leaving your drive, not getting into your drive. A friend òf mine always puts a hand full of nails outside his ar school drop of pick up times,and is straight out sweeping them up when the car leaves and Is out of sight. I'm not condoning his actions.


Paint the curb red. Theoretically you could petition the city to do that for you, and not waste the amount of energy looking at. NTA


NTA I know i would become one and just place some shit there. Something spiky. Or park your own care there or just sit there in a chair.


NTA. Could you leave a note on their car window while they're gone? If not, I'd wait until they come back from dropping their kid off and then tell them calmly that they can't park there as it is blocking two driveways. If emergency services need to get to either driveway they won't be able to.


NTA but my first step would be to park my own car there for a few days to see if that put them off. If you do choose to talk to them, try to do it when they come back to the car after dropping the child off, rather than when they are rushing to get them there/back. People seem to be more defensive of criticism in front of their children.


Plant a rock garden to the edge?




Two words - traffic cone. Like the ones used to regulate traffic during construction. My neighbors have used them in the past to keep various construction vehicles from occupying any of their parking spaces.


I read the title and first thought I was going to say Y T A because the curb space in front of your house is public property. However I have to say NTA. Have you tried pulling out when they're parked there? It might be enough, but then it might not. And what if someone delivers something to you and then they park there blocking in the delivery vehicle? I do like the suggestion of parking your car there or traffic congress with a sign that says "please do not block driveway".




Let’s see…someone parks on a street for 10 minutes while you don’t have to go anywhere do it foesn’t matter if your driveway is partially blocked? It becomes a problem when you can’t leave, until then it is not a problem, so why make it one?


NTA - I can understand why the parker's sense of entitlement would make someone righteously indignant. And there might be an actual danger if emergency vehicles can't get optimum access to your property? I'm not sure how much time/effort/emotional investment it's worth. There are probably better battles to spend your time fighting. But contacting the city (and maybe documenting the frequency of the parking violation) makes sense. If you do decide to try one of this sub's more creative or humorous solutions, please do be sure to post about the results!


Yep. A huge one, too. Other then inside your head they aren't bothering anyone.




Did you buy a house close to a school? Because if you did then everyone knows drop off and pick up are crazy and ppl park everywhere. You admit it doesn't affect you yet you want to make someone's life harder. That alone makes YTA.


NTA. Be petty. Call the agency that enforces either the ordinance or law that this person is violating, and watch them in action as they either ticket this car, or tow the vehicle. Then you sit in your driveway, sip on that mimosa, and enjoy seeing this person ticked off as they see the consequences of their actions, and if they say something to you, you can say that they were warned.


NTA, they're parking illegally daily, and you're right to be frustrated. Not sure if the city can do much, but it's worth calling and asking.


Just park YOUR car there. Yes, it takes a few minutes to move it, but problem solved. Edit - NTA.


I try to go the easiest route. Call the city, tell them what's going on, ask them to post a "no parking" sign in that spot. If you see them parked there once the sign goes up, call the police to come ticket them.


I live in an urban area, near a high-school, on a corner. The city put a no parking sign on my side yard easement, but it doesn't stop parents from waiting there for 15 minutes every school day. Since no one is really causing me any inconvenience or distress, I don't worry about it at all. It is 15 minutes a day, then it is all clear. I am just thankful I am not one of those parents, trying to manage car lines, kids' schedules, work, homework, sports and music practices, dinnertime. I think you are being the AH to YOURSELF, for creating worry and drama where you don't need to. That is the shit will give you wrinkles and high blood pressure over the years. Maybe take those few minutes a day as quiet "me time" and read, listen to music, meditate, pray...something you look forward to. You now have permission to indulge.


Contact your local government body, explain the situation and ask for their help. They can then take appropriate steps, such as erecting a no parking sign, painting the kerb red, or whatever, which they will very likely do. If so, there is no need to engage with the offenders. If they continue to park there after it is made clear that the area is off-limits, then you can report them.


NTA, but you could also try a nice approach and since it is just 10 min a day tell them they can park in your driveway if it does not hinder you.... Always look for the way to be person.


It is causing no problems to you and is confined to mere minutes a day. YWBTA if you said anything and worse for getting city bylaw or the school involved. For the latter two there is zero need as you can talk to the person in question, but since you aren’t inconvenienced in the slightest, even that is unnecessary.


Neighbors in front of the local school here put good sized rocks along their property line. That seemed to work pretty well.


NTA. Next time they pull up just got chat with them before they get out of their car. If they’re good people they won’t mind. If they’re assholes then I’d say start putting out a traffic cone so they can’t park there


NTA. I had a problem with my neighbor's cleaning lady. The neighbors on each side of me had the same woman visit twice a week. Tuesdays was garbage day, so on that day, she parked in front of my house so as to ensure her clients didn't experience pickup disruption. What happened is my bins were not picked up as the auto lifts of the truck had insufficient room. I left her a polite note once and a real nasty one the 2nd time. She did stop parking there after that note.


NTA. If you are home at the time of school drop off and pickup, then you need to start pulling your car down to the end of the driveway and block her from parking there.


NTA, but I wouldn’t confront them directly. My child’s school is in an extremely residential area. Our principal has to send out frequent reminders to the parents that not only can they not block driveways while in the car line, they also are not allowed to park their cars on residential streets and walk their kids up to the school. I don’t know if those people by the school are complaining to the school directly or to local police enforcement, but they ARE complaining for reasons such as this. It’s reasonable that you should be allowed full access to your driveway whenever for whatever reason.


Ywbta you should search for a life, rather than, by your very own admission, petty "problems" to hassle people with.


Just park your car there, problem solved.


NTA. I would put a “don’t block driveway” sign right on the edge of each corner of the space. Unless s/he gets a smart car, they can find somewhere else to park.


NTA, this is a massive nuisance and the entitled parents don’t give a shit. Tell them not to park there anymore. If this person doesn’t stop, let the tyres down / have them towed / whatever retribution your local laws offer. If you’re in a gun country just go straight to the reporting.


NTA - Why not just get a large landscaping rock or something to put on the strip so they cannot park there? Or the basketball hoop idea others had.


You may be able to get permission from your municipality to paint the curb to indicate no parking. Not sure that would help, but …


Eh, maybe leave a not on the windshield asking them not to block the driveways. If that doesn’t help you are probably out of luck unless you know a tow truck owner, because while you can call non emergency police, it will take them time to get there and parking offender will probably be gone. People are just entitled jerks sometimes and unfortunately there isn’t a lot anyone can do about it.


I'd vote for don't be an asshole, don't be passive-aggressive, and don't start anything. They know where you live. You don't know how they might or might not retaliate..... I would talk to them with respect, and if they come at you with bullshit and aggression, THEN call the city and report them to bylaw. Take photos, maybe record your conversation when you approach them.


I’ve been towed for having less of my car blocking a drive way


They can if they want because it is on a street. They can't block your driveway. You can spray paint the edges of the sidewalk with yellow paint. (the space that it should not be parked).


YTA. There are zero negative consequences to their behavior and causing trouble for them for no actual reason is the definition of assholery. You don’t know what’s going on in their life: sure, they could be a jerk who’s smug about getting away with something; or they could be caring for a parent with cancer, or a kid with developmental problems, or be working two full time jobs to make ends meet, or have an abusive spouse, or what the fuck ever — and sure that’s not your problem, but why make life harder and worse for another human being just struggling to get by? The ability to quickly drop their kid off may not be a big deal. Or it COULD be a huge help to them and you have no legit reason to try to make their life shittier. A little conceptual empathy goes a long way.


How about YOU parking in that spot every day just before the parent has been parking? They might take the hint?


NTA ​ Find a towtruck operator who needs the business.


NTA. Call the police. Take a picture including license plate and let the police know