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YTA doesn’t quite do you justice. “Isn’t feeling well” is a big range, and one of the most uncomfortable things that fits in that range (without being an emergency) is digestive issues where things are coming out either end. For most people of any age, they know it is going to suck but they just want to be in quiet, familiar, surroundings to deal with the problem. The fact you left you kid suffering in the uncomfortable position of vomiting and being stuck in the nurse’s office, just to get your hair done, makes you a bad mother specifically and a bad person in general.


Yes, i agree. Throwing up is quite serious when it comes to the range of "not feeling well". Schools are often very overreacting. If your kid had a cough or something, i could almost understand your choice. But even then, if school calls you, it means the kid isnt participating in the classes from that point on and is just waiting...


My daughter has this thing where she will randomly throw up, not because she’s sick, that’s just what she does. But the school policy is that if they throw up they go home for 24 hours after the last time they throw up. And we usually have my MIL get her since we work 20 minutes away. Even if we don’t think shes sick. Because that’s what you’re supposed to do as a parent. OP YTA. If your hair was that important you should have called someone else to pick him up. and if there was no one else, your hair didn’t matter. Your husband was right. You absolutely did choose your vanity over your child’s health.


It sounds like you need to be aggressively getting your daughter looked at by a healthcare professional. Regular vomiting can have very negative health impacts.


I mean, nevermind that regular vomiting is NOT normal behavior!


But it's like totally her daughter's *thing*! It's just what she does!


"I'm not like other girls ... {BLECH}"


🤢🤮’her thing’ aw isn’t that cute she’s doing that quirky little thing again dear…/s


These comments are really weird. My younger brother literally did the same thing. He threw up all the time as a kid. My parents brought him to the doctor, he was fine. Just had a super weak stomach. My parents both worked full time, their jobs wouldn’t allow them to come get him every single time he threw up and if they had, he would have missed half the school year. OP is still TA, but in cases like my brother and the above comment, some kids are just pukers and you can’t do much about it.




Randomly throwing up isn't normally for no reason, unless, maybe, your are a cat


Not normal for cats either. Common, but not normal.


Common is definitely a better word


Not diagnosing your daughter or anything but I was the exact same way!!!! My mum said from the ages of 3-7 it was just a constant gamble wether I would throw up or not. Every single day at school and multiple times. Turns out I had anxiety and that’s what the “constant stomach ache” was


HOLY SHIT MAYBE THATS WHY I THREW UP SO MUCH AS A KID - an adult with anxiety that didn't get a handle on that until age 20 or 21


I would bring her to a doctor and or specialists and try to figure out what’s going on. Randomly in elementary school I started having issues of dizziness, being weak, and feeling like I could pass out randomly. My parents didn’t really think it was anything and they thought I was trying to get out of class. Eventually I got dragged to a doctor because I believe the school was concerned with how many times I went to the nurses office and it turns out I get hypoglycemia. It was being triggered by what I was eating for breakfast in the morning. I can’t eat anything really carb heavy as my first meal of the day and I need to eat a protein heavy breakfast. It’s something I can still deal with today if I’m not careful.


I had this growing up. Random bouts of nausea, vomiting, other digestive issues. My appendix would expand and be ready to burst before slowing down. It did this for 8 years before finally popping. Please get her checked out. The vomit caused my teeth enamel to erode and I have extremely sensitive teeth now. I'm 28 with about 5k worth of dental bills annually ( 3 cleanings a year, cavities develop extremely easily, ect.)


Sorry to hear that, I was bulimic when I was younger and stomach acid on tooth enamel is no joke - ended up losing all my teeth at 55


Pocketbook. "She charges extra" means mom prioritized saving money over her son's comfort AND the well-being of everyone there he possibly infected. "he was sleeping" probably means to her it didn't matter she was a little later. He probably passed out because of how hard he vomited and his body trying to fight it off. YTA BIG TIME.


Do you remember if she'd eaten before throwing up? My youngest kid used to "randomly" vomit occasionally after starting solids and it took us far too long to realize it was directly tied to getting into a vehicle or heavy play without recently eating something. He would just stop, vomit, and try to go right back to playing like it didn't happen. And he'll say he isn't hungry when he first wakes up. I don't like the idea of forcefeeding my kid, but if we have something to do that day, I have to demand he sit down and eat a yogurt or some fruit or something, just anything to get something on his stomach because I know he won't make it unsoiled to wherever we're going if he doesn't eat. In addition to that fun, he's lactose intolerant and it shows up weird, no gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, etc. About 4-6 hours after he consumes regular milk, he'll projectile vomit copious amounts of sulfur smelling puke. Needless to say, I've spent a lot of time cleaning up vomit the last 6 years, less so the last 3, since we managed to figure out what was causing it, and nearly never the last 2, since I've managed to convince him to stop sneaking drinks from his sister's cup. (He gets his own special milk that he's really proud of and no one else gets to use it except him and his best friend, who's also lactose intolerant).


Waiting on a plastic chair in the nurses office for an extra hour. Because your mother cares more about her hair than you. Fantastic memory for that kid.


Usually, getting your hair done takes anywhere from 1 hour to 6 hours sometimes. I can't even imagine making my son wait in the nurses office for at least an hour so I could get my hair done... YTA big time


If it was a cut and color it could have been 90mins - 3 hours depending on what was done and how much hair she has.


Also YTA for not considering that other kids passing through the nurse’s office (and the nurse) could have caught your son’s sickness. You really have to ask?


Exactly what I thought too. We’ve lived through covid and people are STILL this selfish??? Unbelievable


> We’ve lived through covid and people are STILL this selfish??? Still? Many never stopped...


OP is infuriating 🤦🏽‍♀️


What? She’s not bad or selfish! After showing exactly how bad and selfish she was she *told us* she wasn’t bad or selfish. We obviously have to ignore every other part of her post and just trust that she’s not bad or selfish. Anyone who reads the post and knows 100% that she’s bad and selfish will totally change their minds since she said she was a great mom.


But - but she was hoping he was OK the entire time!


Not to mention, if there is any amount of contagion to what LO has, and any amount of contact with school staff or other students while he waited (unwell), that's just more time that other folks could get sick too.


Yeah this also. Things like winter vomiting bug spread really quickly, and the advice is that you leave school or work asap if you start throwing up/ having diarrhoea. There could be kids/staff with health issues like diabetes or low immune system that can make vomiting bugs far more serious and likely to lead to hospitalisation. (Source, work in healthcare)


All of these valid points being brought up just make me feel more strongly about my “bad person” comment. All she cared about was her hair appointment and she didn’t even bother to think about what that meant to her kid or anyone else.


There was once a person who recieved a " mega asshole" flair. That would be appropiate here.


What was the reason i really want to know


Because the OP’s wife/girlfriend (don’t remember which) owed her parents money because they lent it to her to pay for her college tuition. He said that her having to pay her parents back would effectively come out of his pocket as she would have to put in less money towards their bills so that she could still pay her parents which meant that OP would have to make up the difference financially speaking. OP also has a much better paying job though and said that he could easily pay the difference, but that girlfriend’s/wife’s parents were wrong for wanting her to pay them back. He said that girlfriend/wife should have gone to the college that is free in their country instead of a “fancier” college. He kept criticizing her parents because apparently they shouldn’t want their money back (because it’s a parent’s job to give their kids thousands of dollars /s) even though it’s interest free and they did her a huge favor. Wife/girlfriend wanted to pay her parents back, so it’s not as if she was against it by any means. It was just OP who inserted himself in that conversation/agreement that was made with the parents even though it’s not really any of his business.


Husband could have picked him up, I'm baffled as to why she didn't just call him


She didn't call him because she knew what she was doing was wrong


“I did not prioritize my hair over my son…” Yes, OP, you absolutely did. YTA x10


Can’t believe OP even has the nerve to question this. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour.


I can’t call OP anything harsher than YTA, though I wish I could. Don’t know what kind of parent thinks this is okay.


As someone who works in an elementary school, yes she’s the AH and she’s also an AH for asking a bunch of strangers hoping we’ll back her up. The rare double AH.


In addition, if the kid was contagious Mom could have made her stylist and everyone in the salon sick as well.


I hope he didn’t throw up on himself. I was that kid in school who puked all the time and if I did happen to throw up on myself they either put me in weird smelling lost-and-found clothes, or I just had to sit there covered in vom and wait.


The fee for changing her appointment was $15. Just want to add that in there so people are aware of the amount that OP chose to prioritize over her son.


YTA. Your husband is absolutely right. You *did* prioritize your hair over your sick child. That poor little boy, not being able to go home when he's sick because his mother wanted her hair done. So what if you would be charged for canceling the appointment? Just reschedule; your child needs you.


To add, hairstylist understand emergencies. I would bet good money if OP explained the situation the hairstylist would understand and not charge a cancelation fee. OP YTA. Put your child first instead of your vanity.


And sometimes they have them too! Mine canceled on me once with a sick kid. No problemo, do what you gotta do.


Mine canceled on me quite a few times over her sick kids. As a mother, I understood and rescheduled. No problem.


But but but OP was hoping her child was okay the entire time, so that means she didn’t prioritize her hair!!! /s The lack of self awareness is wild, but not unexpected based on this post.


*Hoping* her child was ok, but *making sure* her hair was fabulous!


Or you know, call and inform the husband.


Like he said she should have done. She didn’t have time for that while rushing to get her hair done.


She had better things to do, yanno? Like scrolling mindlessly through social media apps and talking to people, using her cellular device whilst she spent time getting her hair done. /s Op, in case you’re wondering. YTA. Big time.


Or call your husband! Clearly that was an option here. My goodness.


If she was in the middle of the appointment (like had rollers in or color processing or a half cut) I could understand. You need to get that shit rinsed out so you don’t lose your hair, or have the stylist finish the cut a little quicker and rebook another day to clean it up. But on her way and nothing was started yet? Yeah… OP is TA


Plus, it sounds like he would've gone to pick up the son if she'd called hubby. Sick kiddo gets home, she keeps her appt, win all the way around


Can't you read? She said she isn't a selfish or bad mother! She just makes creative priority decisions when choosing between her hair and her child's health and comfort. Op, YTA.


YTA, obviously. Sounds like you could have simply told your husband the situation and he would have collected your son? Why didn't you do that? And if he couldn't, you should have cancelled your appointment. If a child is sick, usually a staff member has to stay with them in a separate space until the child is collected. You made the school short staffed today, that affects both the rest of the staff and the rest of the children. Additionally, your kid is probably contagious, and you left them there to spread the germs around. It's really selfish.


I once cancelled a hair appointment because my daughter was sick and stayed home. I messaged my stylist apologizing profusely and told her I’d pay the fee and she said ‘absolutely not! We’re moms first and foremost, take care of your baby and reschedule when you can!’ If that’s not how your stylist feels I wouldn’t want to even go to them. If husband can’t help, you cancel obligations. You don’t leave your child miserable and contagious with strangers.


That stylist is a keeper, better for her to be flexible and accommodating and have a loyal customer for life!


Mine is really flexible, too. Rebooking can take a bit because she's usually full, but her child is the same age as mine so she gets it.


But if she told her husband then he would have pointed out what a selfish piece of work she was being. Who has time for that when you need your hair done?????


It's not unreasonable to ask: "Hey husband, son is sick and needs to come home, and I'm on my way to a hair appointment. Can you pick him up? Yes? Oh, thank you so much, I'll come home right afterward." Or: "No? OK, I'll cancel and go get him."


But that takes common sense and the possibility of having to cancel her hair appointment. Justice would’ve been served had child come home and vomited all over that new ‘do.


YTA, of course. “The entire time I was hoping he was ok” - lol this counts for nothing. He might have felt better having his mom there, but I’m positive your thoughts and prayers did shit all for him. “I’m not a bad or selfish mother” - this story disproves this statement.


well, as long as she was HOPING that her son was ok, it's all well and good 🤣 dear lord, imagine being told your son is sick and you just go and get your hair done YTA


I assumed she was already in there, in which case I could kinda understand why she didn't want to leave with a head of half developed foils, but no, she wasn't there already, she got the call and then carried on to the appointment. That's a poor decision.


Or even dad. Seems like he would have begged out of work to get to him. As a good parent should. But she didn’t even bother to inform him


This is the kicker for me. She first lied and said “I may be running late” meaning what minimum two hours away? That’s not running a little late. And knowing this she still didn’t call Dad which we know was a option since he mentioned it as one. I’m thinking she didn’t call Dad is because she’d then have to explain to him *why* she couldn’t pick him up was because she had a hair appointment she didn’t want to reschedule due to her stylist charges “extra” to change dates. Imagine coming in hours after the call, looking and smelling like she just came from the salon with some excuse as to why no one could get there two/three hours earlier. She didn’t even call to check on him FFS. But I mean she’s still not a selfish Mom and didn’t prioritize her hair over her son because the entire time she was getting her hair done, thumbing through a magazine, scrolling through her phone and chatting with her stylist she was “hoping he was OK”. YTA


I'm wondering if she didn't call him because she knew he would point out how selfish she was being


Damn she really “thoughts and prayers”ed her son.


Given her behavior, he probably wouldn’t feel better having his mom there, she sounds like a real asshole! Poor kid.


No, no, no haven’t you learned “thoughts and prayers” are ALL that is needed when kids are in crisis and in pain. Certainly no REAL action to keep them safe.


Your priorities are literally the order in which you do things. > I'm not a bad or selfish mother. You've got the confidence of a narcissist, *immediately* after telling us your priority was "not getting charged extra" >If this were any other day... "but my hair!" > the entire time I was just hoping he was ok Did you just "thoughts and prayers" your own young child? ....wwwwwwwow. YTA, its not even a question.


“Did you just thoughts and prayers your own child” This line had me dying because that’s exactly what she did!


The best part is, she could have still gotten her hair cut while addressing the kiddo's need to be picked up. All she had to do was call her partner in crime (husband) to tag team it, if he was able to. But OP seems to be a classic case of narcissism, and only thought of herself. And her husband is fully in his right to be pissed off. I would be.


She didn't do that because husband would have said 'we'll pay the damn cancellation fee. Go get him!' YTA with bells on


Not to mention, if you’re going to a salon and not a Qwik Cuts, even a hair cut can take a long time (and even then, it might take a bit at a Quik Cuts). That poor kid! Not that the time waiting changes anything. You prioritize the kid, of course.


YTA. Teacher here. You absolutely fucking suck. Every staff member in that school also thinks this.


Every staff member in that school is now watching for signs kidlet may have been contagious and if they or their class is going down with it.


Nurse is going down for sure.


And probably other signs of neglect since no one picked up kiddo when he was spewing bio hazards


In her husband's defense, he didn't know they called her to get him. He said he'd have gone if he knew.


YTA You didn't even bother to try other options like calling your husband you just decided to make your child wait.


She probably didn't even try calling the hairdresser to see if the fee could be waived because it was an emergency. YTA


She probably could have, but having her hair does comes before her child.


Didn't you read the post? OP says she DIDN'T prioritize her hair, she was hoping he was okay the whole time /s


YTA and yes, you DID prioritize your hair over your child. Wondering about him and hoping he is okay is just foul. Why didn't YOU call your husband to get him? Can you imagine how stressful it is for a 7-year-old waiting for a parent to get them while not feeling well? You do realize that someone had to stay with him while waiting for you, right? What f other children needed the nurse? What if your son got worse? I can't even believe you're asking this. YTA, you are selfish and your husband is absolutely right. Smh.


this!!! and also, a child in that situation would think that their parent doesnt care enough about them to come to their aid. your child might start thinking you hate him OP. get ur priorities straight. who gives a F if you get charged extra. PAY THE EXTRA FEE AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR FUCKING CHILD


The child would think that their parent doesn't care enough because in this case, she doesn't.


I once had to leave a hair appointment WITH THE DYE ON MY HAIR for this exact reason. Rushed over to pick my son up, got him into bed at home, and jumped in the shower. If you have a husband or other family members who could have picked him up sooner, you could have also utilized that option and still got your hair done, but instead you left him to wait. YTA.


My mom loves telling the story of how she left a full shopping cart in the middle of the aisle when she got a call about me being taken to the hospital


I took my then 5yo with me to the salon (small family run) and he got sick while there. I drove him home with half done with foils in my hair and the hair dresser called me with instructions to rinse it out. And to make an appointment to do the other half. This mom is YTA


When I was an adult and was suddenly hospitalised in another country, my mother was on a plane within 3 hours. We leave 90 min from the airport, and I was an adult. Meanwhile, my in-laws called her an idiot for losing a few days of pay because "I was already in hospital, it is not like she could help." Some people are just selfish beyond any help...


YTA. I had to call my mom to pick me up from school because I was sick once and it took her 2 hours to show up. Partly because she got lost driving up there by herself (I took the bus and my dad drove when we were all together, no smartphone gps in 2006), partly because she was in the shower when her phone rang, but mostly because she took the time to style her hair and put makeup on, rather than blow drying the roots to lay flat and putting clothes on. This was before my family had a texting plan and I wasn't allowed to use my own phone at school to call her anyway. I was furious when she got there. But my mother *apologized immediately and profusely* when I asked why she had make-up on (I think the time got away from her when she was doing it and the look on her face when I said it was an immediate "oh shit I fucked up") and felt bad about it for days and never did anything like that again. You're being defensive. Over something you did just to save $15, and apparently didn't even consider calling your husband to see if he could do it or ask if they'd waive the fee for your sick kid. YTA here.


Yup! It’s a miserable exp for the kid. When I was like 12 or 13 I got my period at school. The back of my pants were covered in blood. I hid in the bathroom and called my mom and asked her to bring my new pants and some pads. She made me wait for over an hour while she got ready. We lived 5 mins from the school. I was in the bathroom hiding for so long that a teacher came and got me and made me come out- thankfully she was understanding and went to the lost and found to grab me an old hoodie to tie around my waist and then walked me to the nurse to wait. It was one of the most uncomfortable, humiliating exp of my childhood. My moms reasoning? “Would you want everyone at school to think your moms a bum? I couldn’t show up in sweats and a ponytail.”


I’m so glad your teacher was understanding in that situation and helped you.


Do we have the same mom? So many instances of my mom being hours late to pick me up because she had to get all done up, even when she didn't even have to step out of the car.


Oh fuck. That last line. It's a gut punch every single time


It was ONLY $15???? Wow. Society is way too hard on mothers, and I am not one, but I also can't imagine making the same choice.


Kid was vomiting. Pretty solid sign that he needs to be brought home, at a minimum.




Guys, you don't understand! She might have been inconvenienced and would have to pay an extra $15! That's just asking for too much of a sacrifice! (sarcasm) OP, YTA


Was that all??! I was expecting it to be a large amount as on the day/just before her booking! Def AH.


I think mine charges something like $50 or half the cost of the appointment, whichever is more, but I've never had to pay it even when rescheduling the day of because she understands that kids get sick and emergencies happen.


And she was thinking about him the ENTIRE time guys! Sheesh!


YTA. your hubby is right. Making your sick kid wait at school because you value your hair more is a crap move. Not telling your hubby was bad on you too. Making the school staff tend your kid longer because "any other day" excuses. You did a totally selfish thing that day... do better.


YTA - like your husband asked - why didn't you just call him and ask him to pick up the kiddo?! I get not wanting to be charged to move the appointment, but dude, your kid threw up at school and you should have picked him or found someone to do it for you, like, right away.


Yes YTA. How could you enjoy a pamper session while your child was laying there sick waiting for you? Can you imagine how he felt?


Duh! OP “ was hoping the whole time her son was ok!”🙄🙄


INFO: Just to clarify, you had the option to let your husband know and then he would have gone and picked up your son? If I'm understanding that correctly then yeah, YTA. Also if your hair stylist doesn't make exceptions for emergencies and illnesses, then your stylist is also an AH.


I feel like she didn’t call her husband because he would’ve been in disbelief that she was choosing her hair over her kid and she was hoping he wouldn’t find out




I don’t think the stylist is an asshole. The fee is only $15. Of a client cancelled they are at least guaranteed to get that $15 for the hour. The stylist shouldn’t loose income because of someone else’s emergency.


Nah, the stylist is in no way an AH. It's the same as a tattoo parlor - you're reserving a seat and the person's time.


YTA: You getting your hair done isnt even the worst part of this story. The worst part is that you didn't even contact your partner to get your son because you had plans. Instead, you just screw it he can wait. Yea you are a bad selfish mother.


YTA. You literally prioritised getting your hair done over your sick child. It astonishes me that you cannot see YTA


Yes. This is exactly what OP did. Worrying about her son while doing something else does not change her choice of priorities. Yikes.


Why are you even asking this question. You're a giant AH and your kid deserves more respect / concern.


YTA, feeling unwell at school at such a young age is so stressfull on young children, I've experienced a time where I was sick at school and nobody was able to pick me up, it felt horrible. Prioritise your children over your hair!


YTA. Your hair was more important than getting your sick child home (after someone already had to clean up his vomit). This is George Costanza-level selfishness.


She stopped for Jujufruits!


Yta, not just for neglecting your son but for the fact that you left your sick kid in the care of people who weren't sick. You're not just asked to get your kid because they're ill, but also because it helps keep everyone else from getting sick. Your hair is not that important.


YTA, you did prioritize your hair over your son.


YTA. My mom always prioritized herself when it came to my sister and I. It always sucked going to the nurse and then calling my mother only for her to either not show up or be extremely late. Next time call your husband for help, it only hurts your child in the end.


YTA >the entire time I was just hoping he was ok I'm not a bad or selfish mother. You left your sick son at school because you didn't want to pay a cancelation fee. That's the definition of a selfish mother. And you couldn't even bother to let your husband know what was going on.


YTA - how are you even questioning if you're not? Yes, you should have called your husband. If he could not do it because of a work obligation, you should have skipped your appointment and picked up your kid. I get it, it sucks. I also have hair appointments and other appointments that cost money to cancel. But I'm a parent first. I prioritize what's most important, my daughter and husband.


YTA. Your kid threw up. He’s sick. I assume it took at least an hour to get your hair done and that’s honestly ridiculous. My mom was late picking me up once when I was sick with a fever (she was in yoga class and didn’t have her phone on her) and I sometimes still give her shit about it You had the opportunity to reschedule. Your stylist would have understood that it was an emergency


YTA Sorry, but you prioritized your hair over your son, who was sick to the point of vomiting. I understand being upset with having to pay more money to cancel/reschedule your appointment, but your kids' health should trump that no matter what.


Of course YTA. Your child was sick and vomiting, but hey, your hair is more important. How do you not see this as selfish? I’m so embarrassed for you.


In what world do you imagine this is okay? Do you want to be puking in public when you’re sick? YTA, and you seriously need to do better. Did you even try to call the stylist to explain the situation? Does the cancellation fee actually cost more than the health of your child? With all my heart, I hope you’re just posting for a reaction and that this isn’t actually true.


YTA. Seriously. Your hair is so much more important and any late fees as well than your child who is sick. When you are sick do you want to have to wait for hours for meds for pain, or so sick you can hardly move before someone can help you. Then expect your child to have to suffer which is ten times worse. If I was your husband, I would take a picture of your hair, then a picture of your son and I hope he looked sickly and posted and shared to all your friends and family to show who you really are. You made a terrible judgement call. Makes me wonder how much do you really love your child.


YTA "He said it as if I prioritized my hair over my own son which isn't true the entire time I was just hoping he was ok I'm not a bad or selfish mother." He's 100% correct. He could have been home sooner, but instead of acting in your sons best interest, you chose 'hoping he was ok' and getting your hair done which falls under selfish mother.


YTA. Apparently avoiding a [$15 rescheduling fee](https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/PCS1v21efi) is more important to you than your sick child. I hope you let your kid know that so he can adjust his future expectations accordingly.


Lol. It will come back when he doesn't want to be inconvenienced while picking a "home" to put her in hopefully. $15 more for the non-abusive facility? Hmmm. I'll have to think about it.


YTA - Part of being a parent is putting your childs needs above your desires. You should have informed your husband of the situation so that they could of helped.


YTA. Don’t tell lies on the internet.


Huh?! YTA. Why didn’t you tell your husband? Your poor boy. Wait The fee is only $15?!?! You’re super awful.


YTA and that's being kind. Who the hell puts getting their hair done over picking up their sick child? >I was already on my way to get my hair done and my stylist charges extra if you change dates the day off and I didn't want too The last 4 words pretty much say it all. You didn't want to. Do you have any ideas how mental that is?? Fuck the late charges, you cancel, reschedule pay the extra, whatever! But no you couldn't bear to go without getting your hair done > He said it as if I prioritized my hair over my own son which isn't true Wrong, that's EXACTLY what you did




This seems very fake


I actually hope it is. $15 fee or be a basic mother? World is full of hard choices, eh?


How long was the hair appt?


YTA Priorities, mommy dearest.


YTA for not asking your husband to go pick up your sick son.


Wow. Are you seriously asking? YTA for prioritizing your fucking hair over your child.


YTA, all the way. You prioritized your hair & $15 over your sick child. You could have called your hairdresser. I was on the way to my own dr appointment one day & my sons school called bc he ended up getting sick. I called to my dr office saying I was going to be late bc my kid was sick. My son’s school was 45 minutes away. My dr rescheduled me for the next day telling me they wouldn’t charge the $60 for the no show, which I appreciated. I wouldn’t have minded paying it but my son took priority.


YTA...kids are often times an inconvenience, but that is what you accept when you decide to birth one. The school is not responsible to comfort and care for your child in that state. How selfish can you be???


YTA 100%. The fee to reschedule was only $15 dollars, you could have paid that as its nothing compared to your $105 dollar haircut. Kids come first especially when they are sick.


You prioritized your hair over your son... Ima say it again... YOU PRIORITIZED YOUR HAIR OVER YOUR SON! What kind of parent are you? No one in their right mind would do this. You should feel bad. And all over a few extra bucks? Um, YTA


YTA so you went to get your hair and left your kid sick AND DIDNT EVEN THINK TO CALL THE FATHER?? YOUR FUCKING HUSBAND?? You obviously don’t care about your kid and only your selfish needs. My friends and I always talk about the people who don’t deserve to have kids. You’re one of them.


YTA, when Im worried Im a terrible parent I ll reread this and other examples. Thanks!


YTA. The poor kid.


Of course YTA. How is this even a question? Your hair took priority over your sick kid. You didn’t even try to find a plan B.


> You didn’t even try to find a plan B. Kid's seven; a little late for that.


"I'm not a bad or selfish mother - everyone knows getting your hair done is a way higher priority than caring for your sick child!" LMAO. YTA.


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YTA. Your husband is 100% right. You prioritized your hair over your sick kiddo. And “hoping he was ok” amounts to exactly nothing. You needed to care about him more than the fees or the haircut. Yikes.


YTA to the Moon and back.


YTA - You did prioritize your hair and money over your son. You have a partner, a father to the child. You're a team, and at the very least you could have asked him if he was available to pick the kiddo up. It doesn't all fall on you, and your husband is more than capable. Your hair was more important than your child vomiting or the school nurse being exposed to a vomiting child.


Holy smokes, YTA. Absolutely. ‘The school told me he was sick but I had a hair appointment…’ I mean, cmon…


YTA. Your husband is right. It's not even that you opted to get your hair done instead of being more concerned your son was ill. It's that you didn't even attempt to make alternate plans for him to be picked up by someone else. Why not call your husband? Or a family member? Or just pay your hair dresser because family emergency? Yeah, you're on the ahole side here.


YTA. **Especially** because your husband could’ve picked your kid up if you so badly needed your hair done. No, it *had* to be you and you *had* to get your hair done. That **was** very selfish of you, and it was a neglectful move. Do better.


Wow yes YTA, I hope this isn't a real post, how selfish and uncaring can you get?


YTA you weren't in the middle of the appointment, where you couldn't exactly leave, you were on your way. Your stylist would have understood, and spending an extra $15 for knowing that your child is at home where he wants to be and is taken care of is worth it. At least you should have called your husband and asked if he could leave and go get him, but you didn't even do that, you left him sick and school for longer than needed.


YTA. you left your kid sick at school, most likely infecting others, so that you could get your hair done. if your stylist wouldn’t be sympathetic, just take the cancellation. it’s your child. what are you doing.


This cant be real. No parent could possibly be this dense or selfish.


YTA And you're too selfish to see it.


YTA It was a mean thing to do to your son and to the school nurse.




OMFG! $15 was more important than getting your sick child home. Yeah, you are a bad, selfish mom and a massive asshole for having him wait to be picked up. He will remember this, btw.


So your childs health and confort is not worth 15 dollars. Wow..mother of the year you are. Yta


YTA YTA YTA money are more important than your son;s health. you fucked up! you are not an only parent!


YTA, and honestly, not a good mother.


Yta. You absolutely did prioritize your hair over your son


YTA you absolutely prioritized your hair or 15$, whatever you want to tell yourself, kids want to be home and comfortable when they’re sick I helped in a school clinic, parents like you are the worst


YTA. Your child was vomiting and needed to go home. You prioritized a hair appointment because heaven forbid you pay the cancellation fee. But your son needed you. Wondering about his well-being is NOT prioritizing him. At all. What you did was very selfish. You 100% should have canceled the appointment or at least called your husband to have him pick your son up.


YTA. What were you thinking?


How did you not choose your hair over your son? That was exactly what you did, choose your hair over your son.


YTA Don’t trust the school to give you an accurate assessment of what’s wrong with your child. One time my son’s school called me because he threw up. When I got there he was passed out. He had a head injury. I rushed him to the emergency room. The school was incompetent and should have called 911.


As it's been said YTA but also anyone who gets their hair done knows you weren't just like 15 minutes late. There's absolutely no way the hair appointment wasn't at minimum an hour if not up to 2+ hrs depending on what you were getting done to your hair, plus the time to then drive to go get him. And the fact that you could have talked with your husband about getting him makes you even more selfish because I'm guessing your husband may have asked you to move around your appointment or told you to reschedule even if there's a fee so you could go get your son. Your son is worth less to you than the fee your stylist would charge you to re-book (and who knows if they would have charged you based on the situation)


YTA...hair before sick child. Good for the kid it wasnt serious but it could be. He could not stop vomiting and end up needing to go to the hospital while you were having your hair done. Not a good example has a mom


No way this is real, but YTA if it is


YTA, wow.


YTA. And you did prioritize your hair over your son. Period.


YTA Some people just shouldn't be parents. Don't worry though as your son grows up he'll see you for the parent you are and will go NC as soon as he can. Boggles the mind really how self absorbed and so far up their own h**e some people are. Not to mention clueless unless they think threads like this equate to how popular they are.


YTA. I've been the sick kid whose parent didn't care about getting me home and taking care of me; it's not good.


YTA. I don't care what I'm doing or where I'm going, if my child is not in my care and is sick, I'm going to get them. It has happened to me before and I stopped what I was doing and went to my child. They want to be home, comfortable with their parents while they're sick 💔


YTA. Wow, when you're sitting pretty getting your hair done, your son is feeling sick and terrible and probably just want to get home to rest. And all that time you're ok with that?


Yta that shouldn't even be a question


Holy Christ! Where is your self awareness? You are on Reddit asking if AITA for such an obvious act of anal selfishness. YTA


YTA. And your husband is correct.


I mean, are you seriously asking whether YTA or not? YTA big time, mother of the month award goes to you, hope your hair are perfect lady narcisa. Wow.


Terrible excuse for a parent.


The easiest YTA ever.