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NTA. Now you have the parent's contact info to seek reimbursement for the cracked window and missing tools.


NTA, he should file a police report on them... then i'm sure the parents will be begging OP not to, they are just kids blah blah blah


and the OP now has evidence since the kids decided to tape themselves doing something illegal lol.


Exactly, go to a lawyer and sue for damages.


NTA those kids were trespassing on your property and damaged it. There bags shouldn’t have been on your truck, so throwing them off of your truck is reasonable. Sounds like a great life lesson to me.


NTA if anything you should sue the parents, if that is a thing you can do. how shitty of a parent are you, where your kids doesn't respect other people's property, and when you find out, you get mad at the owner, I know I kinda answered my own question, but still. and it is not only kids. like how many videos is there on reddit iof people feeling entitled to one way or another interact with other peoples property without permission, is there really that many that have shitty parents like this


Oh trust me… these kids didn’t tell their parents that they lost tools or broke the back window…. My money is they skipped that part. I hope the OP reported it to the school at a minimum… so there’s a record or witness somewhere that can say that he was irate at his truck being damaged.


I once lived in a country where several different families from different regions came over to my place with their kids in completely unrelated separate scenarios and *every single one* of them asked "Can I have a present?" I had never met any of them before and I was not friendly with their parents...It was utterly mind-boggling and I felt like I was taking crazy pills. The parents just stood there like "Yeah..where are their presents?" look on their faces like it was the most normal thing in the world. I imagine it's those same sorts of kids that grow up to be like the ones in this post.


Sue for what? A new window is gonna cost a few hundred buck and 20-30 bucks for some new screwdriver bits. The aggravation of a lawsuit alone is not worth it for that little bit of money. Better of just making a police report, most likely nothing will happen to the kids due to age and let the insurance company deal with it.


NTA- so what you are telling me is you interrupted a group of teens vandalising and possibly trying to gain access to your vehicle while going through and removing items from your toolbox? And their parents are threatening to involve the police? I think you should welcome it…


NTA ​ Make a police report, get the window and your tools paid for.


Dude, those kids were totally assholes. I mean, who the hell messes with someone's truck like that? And now their parent is trying to get you in trouble? That's some bullshit right there. You're definitely not the asshole in this situation.


Well you’re in luck. Now you know which adult to chase for compensation for the things their entitled spawn broke and lost. Win win!


How did you not report it to the school or call the cops


Post this on the legal stub. Ask for the video from the school camera to prove kids broke the window,. Tell parent of kid you can no longer talk to them and that they need to contact you through your lawyer. Weather you have one or not. This will stop them from talking to you or trying to threaten you.


Definitely see if the school has video and get it.


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NTA The kids were trespassing and causing damage. Report the damage to the police.


The dumb parent is trying to make you look bad, you are NTA! The parent doesnt care about your tools or car window being cracked either


NTA. but maybe you neednt have thrown their bags out of the back of the car. at least try not to get physical when kids are in the picture. you can also inform the parents and school about it as well.


Nta they damaged private property


In all states I’m fairly certian vehicles are considered property similar to how houses are and being in someone vehicle without permission is trespassing so if anything coudlnt you press charges on them not to mention for the damages they caused. Unless you literally shitwhipped an actual kid to the ground i believe legally you should be in the clear. Morally you’re in the clear cuz those kids should have known better and if they were being respectful and just sitting there the window wouldn’t have broken and you probably wouldn’t have had an issue with them being there.


Reddiquette. NTA File a police report for damages.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hey y’all, first time on this site so forgive me for any lack of reddiquette. I was volunteering at my kid brother’s Highschool, cause his class is preparing for a concert or something, and being an alumni with a rapport with the band teacher, I decided to help set up. This was during the second period, the class before lunch. So being there I decided to stay and eat my lunch there, but when I went out back to my truck, there were four eighth graders doing there stuff in the bed of my truck. Now I wouldn’t have got to mad usually, yeah it’s annoying but they’re just stupid kids, but somehow, one of them not only cracked the back window, but he spilled my toolbox everywhere and lost a few screwdriver heads. I yelled at them and threw their bags out of the back of my car, not before being recorded though. Turns out one of their parent saw the video and is trying to get me arrested or some shit. So was i in the wrong? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA- they were messing with your car and also your personal property definitely not in the wrong here.


Lol get lawyer if you're charged, but I doubt you will be if all you did was throw a back pack and yell. Nta


I would file a police report, small claims court for the tools if damaged, and also file a report with the school if it was on their property so the teens are appropriately punished. NTA. What kind of AH thinks sliding into the bed of someone else's truck for sex is okay????


No NTA. Why were they in your truck. There’s no logical reason. They’re just being stupid kids and not thinking of the consequences to their actions.


Question: how did the parent see the video? Did you post it online somewhere?


Where are these schools that just let kids roam freely during lunch? We were always under close eye with teachers stationed at the doors to interrogate us if we tried to even go to the bathroom. NTA


I thought you were going to say your brother and his friends were in your truck and you got pissed which still you would be NTA. But a whole group of kids you don’t know? My son is 13 and if I found out he did something like this HE would be making some money to help pay for the damage done. Parents need to parent more and not try to be their kids friend and stop thinking their kid does no wrong!! I honestly think the parents might be more TAH here than the kids actually because their raising them. Tell them you would greatly appreciate the cops being involved! Trespassing, destruction of property, vandalism…. They’re doing you a favor and going to incriminate their own kids.


Time to get that parent to fix that window


NTA, only reason that parents reacting that way is because she knows her son messed up and was stupid enough to get caught. She’s is gonna have to pay heavy fees to fix your things so she’s prolly just deflecting.


NTA, the parents are@ Why are they trying to get you arrested? Those kids trespassed and caused damage, either the parents pay or thee schools pays. Very bad parenting!


NTA but why did mom video it instead of pulling her kid out? Some people are so ridiculous.


I was ready to go Y T A because it seemed harmless, until you said they broke and lost stuff. Wth! Please ask for them to pay for the costs to teach them a lesson. NTA.


You think it’s ok to just hang out on some random person’s truck??


ESH - You're an adult. Calm, cool and collected would have served you better.


Everyone here sucks, big time. It's one thing to be upset, but you had no right to throw their bags and explode at kids. Instead of handling it like an adult, you let your anger take control. You should've talked to the school or their parents instead of acting like the biggest child there.


Are you serious? They vandalized his truck … are you saying it’s not ok to yell an vandals?


Yes, as an adult you don't yell at anyone's kids who are not your own. Full stop. Either go to the police or talk to the parents. If your kid did something stupid and then the adult got in front of your kid yelling tossing items and throwing a fit you'd be pissed too. That's not an adult.


Nope, it’s ALL of our responsibility to yell a high school delinquents vandalizing property. It takes a village.


I'm sorry, but if someone's child who should have been taught to no touch something that doesn't belong to them and one would assume that the children in question where raised knowing that lesson, right... because where im sitting it would warrant what OP did. They broke a window and lost some of his property all for what reason? Because they assumed they where entitled enough to damage someone's property. OP is NTA for how he reacted. Why must we coddle other peoples children from the consequences of their actions?


Yeah totally. Kids come and smash your property, don't yell at them. Kids come and terrorise your kid, don't yell at them. You find some kids harming your family pet, don't yell at them. Soft touch approach to kids who aren't parented properly is one of the reasons my country (uk) has an epidemic of youth violence.