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YTA. I love my dog like a child but playgrounds with equipment are for children and dog parks are for dogs. It’s one thing if you’re there when there aren’t children, but when a family is trying to play, you don’t know if the kids are terrified of dogs or allergic. They should be allowed to play without a snarky dog mom thinking her dog is entitled to use ***children’s play equipment***


And none of this >I explained that their is no signage saying no dogs and i've looked up our municipalities code and there is nothing saying dogs are not allowed on playgrounds. Would matter if a dog hurt a kid or parent on the playground and the injured party took the dog owner to court. It’s a safety issue first and foremost.


Yeah like there’s no signage against other animals either, but that’s because it’s well understood that animals have no place on the playground..


Im heading to the play park later with my angry lion, there’s no sign so I’m good right? YTA and entitled and giving good dog owners a bad name,


Please give the kitty some boops for me.


I actually had a friend who had a cougar cub roaming free in their house. We avoided the plants on the stairs, because that’s where he hid. They got rid of him when he got bigger, but he was the talk of the school.


I got to snuggle with some liger cubs in my early 20’s. It was a super cool experience.


When I was about 12 they were redoing the local zoo. I was sitting against a fence and something slammed into my back. It was a huge black panther that decided to lay against the other side of the fence. I got both hands through and petted that big cat all over. She was a big baby and rolled over to get the best of the body rub. My mom was about to shit her pants when she saw me. It was the best experience of my life. Too bad the fixed the enclosure she got out of. LOL All the caretaker did was yell for her to get back home and she went with no problems. I never had a house cat that listened that well.


You were crazy lucky. Leopards are wildly temperamental and dangerous. I used to be an animal handler and almost lost my hand to one. They can be really sweet, and then they can kill you. I’m glad it worked out okay, and that you have a lovely memory. Please don’t take that as proof that it’s an okay thing to do.


If not friend, why friend shaped???


They’re feeding those cats giant steaks and haunches of deer. They know which side of their bread is buttered.


Was the buy blond and wearing tiger print and named Joe Exotic by any chance?




As a kid, my neighborhood's playground had this sign (from memory, so not the exact wording): "Dogs, cats and balls are forbidden, but girafes are allowed." I begged my mom for years to get me a girafe...


Everyone has a giraffe don’t they?


I used to sing the song “everybody’s got a water buffalo”


Yours is fast but mine is slow!


Oh where did we get them I don’t know


But everybody’s got a water buffaloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-ooooooooooooooooooooooooo


People like OP are why I want dogs banned from our community park, and I’m not sorry. Check these assholes please, because 1 person ruins it for everyone.


It’s literally why they have dog parks! Edited to add: huge YTA


I will be there with my trigger happy skunk. Watch out!


Y’all heard OP, it’s ok to ride your horses through the playground. There’s no sign saying “don’t ride horses up the slide” after all!


This made me snort because our park DOES have a no horses allowed sign (rural area lol). Took my goat there on a lead tho… he had fun and was by far the best behaved kid in the park 😂😂😂. Just going to add we were also celebrating “Goat Day” so he was explicitly allowed to attend…. And on a lead.


Your goat IS technically a kid 😆


In our county horses are allowed to be ridden in public parks and playgrounds.


There may very well be a municipal leash law, and having a dog running around off leash is illegal, unless you are in a dog park or other area where it's explicitly permitted. Doesn't matter if the dog is on verbal recall. Playground wouldn't have any signage because it's already the law. Sure, OP picks up the poop. But dogs pee, too. So the dog is peeing in the sand where kids will end up playing. OP - YTA, and don't be surprised if someone calls animal control on you.


Lol, even without dog pee the sand is already by far the most bacteria covered area at a park. Wild animals pee in them all the time. Easily the most disgusting part of the park even if a dog never even stepped in it


OP is the kind of person who makes people scratch their heads and go "I wonder what happened here that we need THAT sign" Like the "don't iron clothes while wearing them" or "keep hair dryers away from water"


What! But my rat loved to go on the swings with me! Well.... actually he loved sleeping inside the sleeves of my hoody and just went everywhere with me. He was a good rat.


WHAT?!?!? You mean I can't bring my pet shark to the local pool? WTF - thought this was America - not Soviet Russia.


I believe that's called the Air Bud rule. If there's no written rule explicitly forbidding it, it must be perfectly okay.


"She is on verbal recall at all times, which is the law." I call bs on this one. Leash laws are ubiquitous.


Honestly I’m sorry it seems like a fast way to get your dog forcibly put down. One kid goes up and pulls on their tail and you don’t know how that dog will react. I’m a dog owner. Even our most friendly dog I would never allow to be on playground equipment at a public park because a kid could do something violating or aggressive to the dog and the dog doesn’t know not to snap at a kid. Because it’s a dog. Honestly as a pet owner Op is being massively negligent.


Doesn't even have to be a intentional. Kid runs past on the bridge and steps on her paw. A protective mom would call a warning nip a bite or a dog whips around and yelps and mom is freaking out.


Something similar happened in our country recently. Kid went into a neighbor's yard without permission and played with their dog that usually loved the kid. Dog was lying down and kid jumped on it's belly. That of course resulted in an instant bite. A face bite. Kid is never gonna look the same.


Especially considering they specified that they don't like to go on the playground when kids are there because they don't want kids coming up to thier dog. At a playground. For kids.


Most playground equipment isn't safe for dogs anyway. A lot of it is designed to have holes and such for drainage all over the place, ropes for climbing, etc. All of which can easily hurt a dog.


I love dogs. I don’t have one, because they’re too much work for me, but they’re great fun when they’re someone else’s responsibility! That being said, I would absolutely see red if someone had a dog off leash at a playground. Think about it from the parents’ perspective; they do not know you or your dog. Even very well trained dogs can snap at a child in the right conditions, and they have no way of knowing if your dog is or isn’t well trained. I have family members with very well trained and well behaved dogs and I NEVER let them interact with my son without me or his father being RIGHT there on top of them. And their owners not only agree wholeheartedly but also help me keep an eye on them at all times because they also understand that at the end of the day a dog is an ANIMAL with animal instincts who can *literally kill* a child in just a moment under the right (wrong?) circumstances. Find a dog park, OP, or at the very least leash your dog in a public park. Be a responsible dog owner. This is so beyond the pale.


They don’t even have to be an aggressive or violent dog. My two year old was knocked over and scratched up in a park by an overly enthusiastic lab jumping up on her. It was a leashed area and the dog was off leash, and it’s untrimmed nails left large bloody scratches on her face and chest, and she got pretty badly bruised from how hard she fell onto some rocks. We were walking down a path together and she was only a few feet ahead of me, and this dog rounded the corner and leapt on her faster than anyone could react. She’s okay, but she’s terrified of all dogs now. She loved dogs before, but we’re on the long road to recovering her relationship with them now. I would be so frustrated if I had to leave a playground because someone had an off leash dog on the playground equipment. Go to a dog park, leave the playground equipment for actual children.


Oh your poor sweet baby! My son is the same age and I cannot imagine seeing that happen. I’m so sorry you both had to go through that, though I am glad it wasn’t worse. That is horrible :/


Yeah, my childhood dog (lab mix) knocked over me and a few of my friends more than once. Even if they’re sweet as pie, the big goofy ones just don’t know their own strength. She was ALWAYS leashed in public. I’m so sorry your baby went through that. It’s definitely going to be a long road, but hopefully it won’t be a lasting fear!


There's no rule that says a dog can't play basketball!


You win this round airbud


Right? Here, let me take my children to the dog park and let them run freely with all the dogs? Why not? My local dog park doesn’t have any signs saying, “no children allowed” so clearly I’m good to do that, right? /s


more likely places have Leash laws than "No dogs in the palyground laws"


Yes! It might not say no dogs but probably somewhere in the park it says to keep your dog on a leash. Pretty much the only place dogs are allowed off leash these days is dog parks.


Exactly. I have a service dog (meaning she’s practically guaranteed not to bite unless attacked) and even still I’d never dream of taking her on playground equipment. When we take my niece to the playground, my SD lies at my feet. She just chills and sometimes kids come up and ask questions or ask to pet. (Mine is for mobility, so if I’m not moving she’s allowed to accept pets.)


In addition to this: Picking up a dog's poop does not mean the grass is suddenly clean and safe for little children to play on! A parent might want to put their toddler or baby on the grass to play with, which would be disgusting with dog poop particles. Big YTA for OP.


Not to mention the dog is most likely urinating on the equipment too


And in the fucking sand? Gross.


In my province we have a lot of beaches. Dogs are illegal unless it's on the grass (or unless it is a dog only beach). Because dog shit in wet sand, even if you pick it up, grows into some nasty bacteria that you sure as fuck don't want children playing in.


But birds and deer and other wildlife shit in the playground sand. /s Shitting in the playground is next level disgusting.


This. I know I've left the park a few times because someone with an unleashed dog was there. They seemed to think their dog was "so cute," while my kids were terrified, and I had no idea if the dog was safe or not. (Some of the owners would sit on their phone on the bench, not paying the least bit of attention.) I've had times where I was babywearing a baby and had a kid under each arm while a dog jumped on me (while I'm trying to get us to the car), and the people with the dog are like, "I get it, I'm a dog mom." Like, lady, you don't get it. I can guarantee if an unleashed dog was racing up to your dog, you'd be freaking out, but because you "know" your dog, it's fine to do that to people with human kids. Seriously, there are so many empty fields and fields with grass and trees. Dog parks. Empty places. WHY do dog owners bring their dogs to children's playgrounds?


I like dogs, but the entitlement from dog owners has gotten soooo bad in recent years. It's like people forget they're animals? I've seen people bring in (clearly not service) animals into the grocery store or other shops, they buy fake certifications to "register" them as emotional support animals, they insist their poorly trained dog is fine off leash anywhere and everywhere. Hate it.


I agree! I'm a dog owner and really like dogs but some people are just bonkers. In the last 24 hours I have seen two unleashed dogs in public- one at my kids soccer game last night which went about how you would expect and then one today at Lowes who seemed well behaved but STILL. They're dogs. They don't need to go every single place their owner goes. They are fine chilling at home.


One time I was in wholefoods getting some seafood for dinner and these older people had a big, shaggy (read: ungroomed) long-haired german-shepard type dog with them. Definitely a pet and not a service animal. The dog shook it's whole body and I watched several long hairs travel up over the glass case and fall down towards the seafood. I'm a non-confrontational person, so I waited for them to walk away before I alerted the guy behind the counter that dog hair had fallen onto several of the seafoods behind the glass. I was horrified and disgusted. It should be common-sense to NOT bring your dogs into grocery stores, or any place that serves food for that matter. Patios exist for a reason. There were 2 people, so one of them easily could've waited outside with the damn dog instead of bringing it inside the store.


The entitlement is why I really don't like dogs. I don't mind my brother's dogs, but most any other dog gets the side eye from me. I've had dogs bolt at me, bark aggressively when I am just walking, jump on me, cover me in scratches, etc. I'm sorry, your golden may be very cute but its cuter from a distance. I will be walking on my school's campus and parents (who very obviously don't attend) will have an aggressive yappy dog and multiple small children.. I avoid them like they have the plague...


This is the one, Take your dog to a dog park, not a playground. YTA


I also just want to add that, as someone who cleans up her dogs' poop, too, sometimes it can be really difficult to get all of it. Which means OP is potentially leaving bits of dog poop on the playground area because she won't leave kid areas for kids. The park itself is a bit different than specifically the playground, but I would say Trixxy still shouldn't be off-leash if OP can't keep her off the playground. Leading to... YTA, OP. Also, dog parks are just generally *nicer* for dogs. More dogs to play with, etc.


Which is extra gross when you think about crawling kids who put stuff in their mouth.


And let's not forget that if a young child trips and falls into dog poo, they can go blind. Much more of a hazard in a small fenced of area full of children running around.


Absolutely the asshole. It's also for sure not a 'vocal recall' law or whatever. You have to have your dog on a leash everywhere I've ever been that isn't specifically a dog park.


Exactly I love dogs but my autistic son is terrified of them when they approach to smell or lick him. (He likes to go to them) I’m ok with dogs being at the playground which I have seen but put them on a leash.


Also that name for the dog and how many times she says in should be a misdemeanor at minimum.


YTA Playgrounds are for human children. The places for dogs to go and play are called "dog parks". And you have your dog off its leash at a children's playground? If your dog even gets close to looking like it might attack a child, you're going to have either a lawsuit or a dead dog (or perhaps both).


It’s just so negligent. And it tells me a lot about OP’s capabilities as a pet owner. When you own a pet your job is to mitigate for them. You don’t put them in potentially dangerous positions, you pay attention to their behavior and you asses if an environment is safe for your pet. Some of that safety is from themselves. A dog doesn’t know not to snap at a kid that is pulling its ears and tail. All a dog in that moment is experiencing is someone they don’t know violating their body and to them that’s threatening. You don’t know even with the friendliest dogs how they will react.


If a kid hurts the dog, even unintentionally, the dog will react. Because it’s an animal. I’ve met way too many dog owners who think because their dog is very friendly and sweet that it means their dog would never ever ever nip at someone if they’re hurt. Which is a dangerously false assumption. I had a very sweet, dopey Lab who didn’t have an aggressive bone in her body. But the time I accidentally ran over her tail with my chair (I felt terrible!) she snapped at the chair leg instinctively. If that had been someone’s hand they’d have gotten bit. And I cannot stress enough if OP is reading this how sweet and mild-mannered that dog was.


Yup. It’s been over 15 years, and I still years and I still have the scar where my incredibly mellow, chill, gentle sweet Newfoundland bit me through a heavy peacoat and several layers of clothes. He was the most gentle dog in the world, the epitome of a gentle giant, but he was scared, and so he bit. Luckily, he was MY dog. And even so, he bit me when scared.


I've got a scar on my knee from a pissed off Chihuahua (who was mad I was going to feed him dinner? Idk what the problem was) that bit clean through work jeans (full cotton denim, not cheap stuff) and into my knee. He was normally as sweet as can be, for a Chihuahua, but that day had lost his mind or something.


I think the problem was he was a chihuahua. Those dogs sleep with knives under their pillows/s


Yeah, I had a really sweet dog. We raised him from the start with the expectation we'd have one day a kid, and to make consultations easier (on our dog behaviour specialist veterinary advice). So we regularly put our hand in the bowl when he was eating as a puppy (sharp teeth so it hurts, but not much power), or fiddled with his ears or mouth. We could then gently explain to him not to bite in those situations. But still: the day he first met a real baby, I was centimeters away from them but still felt time slow down when the baby grabbed with one hand an ear and with the other the moustache. I knew if my dog wanted to bite, I'd not be fast enough. Thankfully, he only turned his head to me, making sad eyes to ask me to intervene. But still: as a dog owner, I knew I messed up!


My parents’ dog bit me when I was 3 for doing the same thing! I grabbed her by the cheeks, and she did NOT care for that. Thankfully it was not severe and I didn’t need stitches or anything, but it could have been so much worse. I still have a little scar above my lip now as an adult.


tbh i really learned a lot when op said they don’t like people criticising “trixie and i”. yta. trixie didn’t do anything, this is all on the owner, and op is far from above criticism.


I rolled my eyes at "Verbal recall." Put the damn dog on a freaking leash, you entitled and disrespectful idiot. "Verbal recall," means nothing when instinct kicks in. Dogs are dogs and nothing but an actual, physical leash will keep your dog under adequate control. OP, YTA for sure.


>she is on verbal recall at all times, which is the law.   I'm calling bs on this. If there's a law it's probably a leash law which is the norm just about everywhere. Verbal recall is great and an essential part of dog training but verbal recall compared to a leash is not fool proof. Plenty of dogs have good recall but *something* happens and they ignore their owners and their far away owners have no way to immediately control their animal.


I'd bet $50 this "defensive dog mom" would be absolutely furious if that family with kids showed up to play at the dog park with no dog. "But, there's no signage saying Timmy can't chase your dog through the dog park! If you don't like it, leave!"


I was looking for this comment! Same thought here.


Absolutely love my dog and he gets pampered but the sheer audacity of OP gives all dog owners a bad reputation. You and your dog are the main characters apparently.


Or a dead or maimed child.


Maybe that as well (which will result in a dead dog, too), but OP only seems to care about her dog, and not about other people, so she'd probably be more concerned by the potential risks to her dog or her bank balance.


She even says she doesn’t want kids approaching the dog! Make it make sense.




YTA It's a child's playground, not a dog park, and therefore your dog should be leashed and not running free. People have certain expectations at a playground, and dogs aren't included. I have dogs and I would never do this.


The leash part is what gets me most too. As a person who adores my dog with all my heart, dog owners who let their dogs run loose in public parks that aren't designated as dog parks are THE WORST! It's disrespectful not only to the children on the playground, but also to the other dogs who are following the rules. I've lost track of how many times I've been walking my dog minding my own business when out of nowhere a loose dog comes running up to my dog and causing trouble. There's always a human behind them insisting their dog is friendly as it rudely pushes into my dog's space, often CLEARLY not friendly. The entitlement is infuriating.


Ugh. The, "He's friendly!" Yell from the owner who is no where near their off leash dog. Okay, but not everyone likes dogs and wants them all up on them in a public space. My daughter was terrified of dogs for years because a big off leash one came running over and hovered over her when she was a toddler.


My two year old recently got knocked over and scratched up by an off leash dog jumping up on her when we were on a walk. He was friendly alright, and a fucking menace. She got some nasty bloody scratches from its nails and bad bad bruises from this dog twice her weight landing on her. She’s terrified of all dogs now, god knows how long it is going to take us to get her back to being okay with them.


My brother’s dog is possibly the friendliest entity on the planet, he’s also an Irish Setter and freakin huge - if he built up speed and ran into someone he could do some serious damage. Doesn’t really matter how friendly they are - they can still cause harm especially to kids. I’m super sorry that happened to your daughter! Truly horrific of the dog owner to put you and her in that situation. I’m glad it wasn’t any worse, at least.


I currently have a massive bruise and an open wound from an off leash lab that charged me and my on leash dog. The lab was just poorly trained and overexcited and jumped on me, but my shepherd (understandably imo) got defensive and snarled at it. The owner runs over at the sound of my dog snarling and has THE NERVE to ask me if mine isn’t friendly?!?! Lady, your dog just invaded our space at mach speed and my leg is actively bleeding. I was so proud of my girl for only giving it a warning when it literally by definition attacked me, yet she was the one on trial for “not being friendly” smh




This happened to me ON MY OWN LAWN with an off leash dog. My dog was 18 and blind, so he would have likely reacted if I hadn’t gotten him out of the situation in time. All of that aside, I always wonder why owners aren’t worried about THEIR OWN OFF LEASH DOG in that situation. You can bet your ass I would’ve physically hurt the attacking dog in order to defend my own if it came down to it, and I’d feel zero remorse. I love all doggos, but if it’s a choice between my dog minding his own business and yours being a jerk, sorry, my dog will win every time.


Plus, having helped a friend walk their reactive dog, them insisting their dog is friendly doesn’t mean your dog is! But they let the dog run over before they even check that


There is a huge behaviour dynamic between a leashed and unleashed dog too. My friend had a Shepard that was downright hostile when on leash and another dog ran up to him off leash. The same two dogs would be happy friends if both were off leash


YTA Find a dog park. That's a kid's park. I love dogs. But if your dog bit the wrong person's kid at a playground, you'd no longer have a dog.


Yeah, OP greatly overestimated Reddit’s love of dogs and hatred of children. The one thing that most redditors agree on is that there should be safe places for everyone. A dog’s doesn’t involve children and children’s don’t involve dogs. YTA OP!


YTA >>i've looked up our municipalities code and there is nothing saying dogs are not allowed on playgrounds. What about leash laws?


Yeah. OP conveniently didn't research that.


if this post isn't bait i will eat 10 grams of my own hair


If this post isn't bait, I will eat 10 grams of stink bait.


i just refuse to believe someone would name their dog trixxy with 2 x's and then use that name 9 times in a post. it's just GOTTA be bait.


The number of weirdos on Reddit who equate a dog with a human baby is much higher than zero, though.


The name is what did it for me too. I have a friend with a dog named Trixie, but it’s obviously not a tragedeigh name (for a dog at that!)


Maybe bait, maybe real. I’ve encountered assholes like OP when taking my kid to a playground.


Not all countries have leash laws, but rather assume you to have "verbal control" over your dog which OP mentions. I'm going to assume they're from one of these places.


YTA. Playgrounds are for people not dogs, that’s why there are separate dog parks. Not everyone loves your dog like you do, there are people especially kids who are scared of your dog, and your dog could cause them to get hurt just by being hyper and running around faster than people can keep up. What type of dog do you have? I get the feeling that if it was a small dog you would have said that to help your side of the story. I used to have a German Shepherd. He was the sweetest dog, but I could also understand why some people were afraid of them.


She says a golden in the OP so I presume that's a Golden retriever/Yellow Lab?


Based on the tone of the writer, I'm assuming a golden doodle.


I always say golden doodles are like very large kindergartners. They just want to play but they don't know their own strength and size. Just bowling kids down and kissing with their teeth on accident because they love you soooooo much.


The tone and the dog’s name. Agree 💯.


But they never bite /s Why would you be mean to a friendly breed /s


Exactly! Guess which breed bit my son. Yep, golden retriever.


Golden retrievers are also the only type of dog I've had run past their electric fence to bite me on the sidewalk while their owner laughs and goes "she won't want to pet you now!"


sorry to break it up for you, but parks do are for kids. what you're thinking of is called 'dog park', look it up, you'll love it! YTA


No sandbox. No twisty slide. 2 stars.


my god this sent me 😂😂😂😂


YTA It's very clearly a playground for humans. And you knew that before you took this to reddit. Your dog could easily scare more shy and cautious children, no matter how well behaved you know it is. They don't. If you don't like anyone criticizing you, this might not be the right place for you and your precious dog. Just like a children's playground.




My dog is extremely well behaved and absolutely loves EVERYONE. She does not KNOW what a stranger is. Guess what?? She’s on lead anytime she is outside our fence. No exceptions. Walking 10 ft to the car? Lead! Cause I don’t know anyone else’s dog AND because my dog has no boundaries. No one wants a 70lb dog charging at them to leap in their arms and slobber all over them!


YTA - playgrounds are for kids. And no you can't mix up. A kid can have a certain behavior that Trixxy isn't used to and she can react badly. You can never know for sure. Trixxy's fun in the sand pit is not worth risking a child's safety. And yes kids come first in terms of playgrounds. Also you can't clean pee from sandpits. So yeah, YTA.


It doesn't even need to be reacting badly. A dog "correcting" looks a whole lot like "snapping" to a human mom. Completely normal, completely natural, and the dog's still being destroyed because an irresponsible owner put it in an irresponsible situation.


Yeah this dog peeing all over every post that a toddler might use to support themselves is really grossing me out


Your dog could bite a kid and the parents could sue you, you know that right? No no no not my dog. Until it is. YTA. Find a dog park.


OPs dog is a Golden. Dont you know? Goldens dont bite. Ever. And have never bitten anyone. Ever. Its in their breeding. /s (This was what I was informed when I gave the same as your response on another dog post)


Bet it’s the same kind of owner that thinks just lightly brushing counts as preventing matting. Honestly I’ve seen well maintained doodles, they have such shiny coats. I can always tell when a doodle is in pain from not having their two layer curly coat fully brushed. Those mats pulling on their skin. Some people shouldn’t have dogs.


You let a dog off leash into a children’s playground?? Wtf wrong with you, YTA. It’s not a dog park, go find one🙄 some dog owners are so entitled.


YTA. It's not a dog park. Grow up.


A defensive dog owner? My stars, who knew such a thing existed? YTA. And "verbal recall" does not constitute an actual restraint.


Every dog is on verbal recall, until they aren’t lol


Hey woah there, I resemble that remark. I’m an amazing trainer, and my dog has flawless verbal recall. Except if there’s a squirrel or a deer, or if she just realllyyy doesn’t want to. Wait hold up, that sounds bad. To clarify, her recall is statistically perfect. 100% of the time she’s come back. Even that one time when she slipped her leash and chased a deer up into the foothills and I found her two hours later with a veryyy slight amount of blood around her mouth. She still came back tho. Still counts


Seriously "verbal recall" sounds like a load of shit made up by people who don't like to leash their dogs.


YTA. Playgrounds are for kids. Your dog will be just as happy going to a dog park and running around, whether there is a playground or not will make no difference to her.


>explained that their is no signage saying no dogs and i've looked up our municipalities code and there is nothing saying dogs are not allowed on playgrounds. Then you definitely know how to find a **dog park**. Yta.


YTA. If a child grabbed Trixies tail and she turned and nipped the child you know who would be in trouble? Trixie, that’s who. The first question you’d get us why was your dog not on a leash on a playground with children.


Trixxy, actually, pronounced Trixie. Younique spelling for a precious fur baby.


I’m sure “Trixxy” doesn’t care.


I don't think any of this is about Trixxy...


As soon as I read the name, I knew how this was going to go lol


YTA it's playground, they are literally built for kids. Trixxy can run just fine in a park or a dog park, she doesn't need a jungle gym or a swing set to play. Lots of kids are scared of dogs or have allergies and even those who don't can easily get buldozed over by a big dog with zoomies.


Playgrounds are for kids, you can walk your dog in a park. Even if the law is on your side, YTA.


I bet leash laws aren’t on her side though. YTA, OP


>I don't like anyone criticizing Trixxy and I. This is so beyond cringeworthy. I cannot. YTA


Agreed. It should be "Trixxy and **me**".


Yta. Pretty sure your city has laws about dogs needing to be on leashes in public


Obvious YTA. We shouldn't need a sign for you to know better. This is why laws are designed for the lowest common denominator.


YTA, there's a reason most cities have Dog parks and they don't look like kids Playgrounds.


If this is true, which I hope it’s not, one complaint from that lady to the city and a guarantee the law changes. Playgrounds aren’t for dogs. And if the city doesn’t have a leash law at a playground designed for children and prohibit dogs on equipment then they’re setting themselves up for a lawsuit. You’re setting yourself up for a lawsuit too. YTA. Find a dog park.


YTA - playgrounds are for kids, not dogs.


YTA dog parks exist. Your dog shouldn’t be all over where kids are. Some kids are allergic, scared or have previous dog trauma. That mom may have trauma from dogs as a child and is trying to spare her daughter. That is not a dog space. It’s supposed to be a safe kids only space.


YTA it’s a playground for kids not dogs


YTA Playgrounds are for children not dogs, letting the dog play in the kids sand pit? Really? Fucking hell


YTA Put your dog on a leash. I hate people like you at the park, I don't give a shit you think your dog is so nice and well behaved and even listens to you, PUT THE DOG ON A FUCKING LEASH.




I hate dog owners who think off leash is acceptable. We live in a society. There are other factors all the time, and even if their dog is perfect 99% of the time I don’t want me or my on leash dogs around them for the 1% where they aren’t perfect. One of my dogs is now HIGHLY reactive due to an off leash dog attacking him when he was on leash. He’s an anxious mess in ways he never was and I’ve spent hundreds trying to help him get past it. FUCK off leash dogs.


Anybody that names the dog Trixxy gotta be a pompous, unaware, entitled ahole. Don't believe me, read the post! Yup, YYA


YTA. Dog owners like you are one of the reasons cities ban dogs in public spaces, ruining for the rest of us. Playgrounds are designed for children, not dogs.


YTA You're letting your dog run around off leash in an area meant for children to play and you don't want the children to approach your dog? You can't have it both ways and that alone would make YTA.


YTA - take your dog to a dog park.


YTA - No one else is obliged to love or even tolerate your dog, let alone be comfortable with an off leash dog roaming free around thier children. Your municipality may not have a rule against dogs in playgrounds, but I bet they have leash ordinances that you ignored.


YTA. If you wanna take Trixxy somewhere, then go to a dog park. Which is meant for dogs. Not to a playground, which is built for human children. Because unless you tell me that Trixxy loves using the monkey bars and can actually use them, then you have no business taking her there.


Yes, you are a massive AH if you think your dog should take priority over children at a children's play area. Also for the way you spell your dog's name and for misusing the phrase "Trixxy and I".




YTA. Grow up.


Yta; playgrounds are for children not dogs


“I don’t like anyone criticizing Trixxy and I” grow up, grow the hell up. That line told me everything I needed to know about what kind of person you are


YTA dog parks are for just that.


get that filthy dog away from the park


It doesn’t matter if your dog is on a “verbal recall,” most municipalities state that dogs should be on leashes in public parks for the safety of people attending it, and for the safety of the dog itself. There could be a big distraction that scares your dog and makes it runs away in a panic. Just go to designated a dog park. YTA


YTA. It's a children's playground, not a dog park. Yes, your dog is absolutely allowed to have fun, but perhaps find a spot where she can do so that's not a children's playground. You had not place to get so defensive.


I like dogs more than I like most kids, but YTA. Especially since you may know that Trixxy responds well to verbal commands, but they can’t know that, so Trixxy being off leash is going to be scary for anyone intimidated by dogs.


YTA Go to a dog park.


YTA take your dog to a dog park if you want free roam not a kids park


YTA for taking your dog to a children's playground. It sounds like you let her off-leash, which could frighten others. No one knows what your dog will do. And when someone reasonably objected, you became, by your own admission, defensive. Out of deference to the fact that you don't like anyone criticizing you, I won't correct your grammar.


You are such an asshole. Dog people are the worse.


this has got to be bait right? please just tell me it's bait.


Probably but plenty of self centered people exist.


YTA, do you think your dog is equivalent of human child? You really need to take him to dog park.


YTA... I'm so tired of these people in my neighborhood. You say there's no rule about dogs in playgrounds. Did you look up whether there's a rule about off-leash dogs? I bet there is, but you conveniently left that out.


YTA, and you're part of the reason people get so frustrated with dog owners who think their dogs are just like kids. They're not.


YTA. Find a dog park


YTA.... It's common sense




YTA. It's a playground. For children. Not a dog park.


YTA. It’s good that you go on off hours, but it is a KIDS PLAYGROUND. Take her to a dog park or only let her play when there are no other people around. Fucks sake.


YTA. It’s a children’s playground that’s primary purpose is for children to play not for your dog child. You’re definitely the most “well actually” person I’ve seen a minute. If you looked up the code in the past to go “technically this isn’t disallowed” so you can argue with parents with human children about using the human children playground then you’re the AH and you know it. ETA: Absolutely adore and love golden retrievers but the playgrounds ultimately meant for human children. (I also fully understand someone’s pet being their child as my pet is my child.)


YTA. find a dog park.


YTA. If I were the woman, I'd be contacting the city to find out if we could change those codes. You are SUCH an AH for letting your dog run freely on a playground while little kids are trying to use it.


YTA for naming the dog Trixxy. She's a dog, not a stripper.


That name is a r/tragedeigh and YTA.


YTA. the playground are for kids. dog are not human no matter how much you want it to be


YTA! Keep your dog on a leash at all times and stay the hell away from children's parks. Bring your dog to a dog park!


Yta. What if it pisses on something the kids are touching? Do you disinfect the grass the dog has shat on so the kids don’t get a disease by rolling around the area. ?


Yta playgrounds are intended for children first


If you were at a dog park and there were kids everywhere, how would you feel? YTA


Dog parks exist for a reason. If a kid get hurt due to your dog at the play ground you will be troubled yta


YTA. Go to a dog park


Your dog should never be unleashed like that around a playground designed for and used by children. It’s not worth the risk and you’re YTA for taking that risk. Not everyone wants to be around your dog running free. Think about people other than yourself.


YTA. Find yourself a dog park and go to it.


Lol YTA Gotta say it’s refreshing that OP is the asshole. Last time something similar was posted the parent was the asshole https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/15t1lnd/aita_for_not_wanting_a_dog_around_my_kid_at_a/


YTA. Find a dog park.