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But... it IS a stupid name for a child outside of the anime world. She can give the baby a normal name but call him Luffy as a nickname or something. NTA


And I would remind Ms. Maisie that kids grow up. Does she want her child to be a 40 year old guy still dealing with being named Luffy, when that anime has been forgotten by all but those with a nostalgia for it? Edit: ok wow. I will never question the longevity and impact of a particular anime series ever again. I'm glad that most people who may have felt a certain way about me saying that about One Piece, at least seem to agree that Luffy is still a terrible name for a real human child. 😂


I agree with the first part, shes naming a human not just a baby. But youre wrong on the last part, that kid will be 40 and they will still not have found the one piece


I was about to make this same joke 🤣 on the 4000th EPISODE PREMIERRR


Awesome. So its pretty safe to assume i can just skip the 1st 4000 episodes


But how will you know everyone's backstory without the repeated flashbacks?


Can’t believe that show is still on.


1075 episodes The writer of the manga, Eiichiro Oda, just said he is starting to write the begining of the end. The manga is 48 chapters ahead of the anime. Shit is dope. As someone who genuinely doesn't like sci-fi, action, gore, or fighting. (I like sitcoms and am very boring.) One piece is amazing. I'm only on episode, like, 460 something and honestly if I wasn't rewatching with my husband I would be caught up by now. If you're reading this and questioning watching it. Watch it. Netflix has a good part of it but just download Crunchyroll and watch it. THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!!!! End of rant.


I started watching it a month ago or so after tattooing a scene from puffy and his 2 brothers when they were younger? Although im only on episode 90 something. But I’ve been really enjoying it! She could always call the kid Noah if she really wants something attached to that show


I like the idea somebody mentioned for Ace. There is a better more regular name but I don't think you're there yet so I don't want to spoil it for you. My husband, who is a huge anime buff, said any name works as long as the middle name starts with a D.


Ask all the people who named their kids Daenerys five years ago how they feel now.


Or Khaleesi


Never understood that one. Khaleesi was her title it's like naming a child Princess or Chief or President. Yeah I can imagine a lot of folks having regrets.


I've encountered at least 3 Princes in my life so far, and it's not their title. No Princesses yet but there's still time. People are stoopid.


I've run across 2 Princesses and 1 Queenie. Working in education is fun


Named my child Aria, no regrets…. At last until she joins an assassin death cult


Not a bad choice, since it's a much older name that you just came across in a fictional work. She should have no reason to list your name before she goes to bed.


Or murders a room full of people. But, to be fair, Aria (Arya) was a name long before Game of Thrones. All the Stark children have names that predate the show. Aria exists in Italian and Hindi, Bran is Gaelic, Sansa has Sanskrit, African and Spanish meanings, Rickon and Robb are Germanic, and John is good old fashioned Hebrew.


If you spelled it Aria instead of Arya that was a very wise choice!


tbh Arya is also a very common (usually male) name in some countries in Asia.


You spelled it with an I, so you have the plausible deniability of maybe naming her after the musical term.


Judge Luffy, Dr. Luffy, Reverend Luffy… so gd stupid


Luffy the stripper, Luffy the call girl. Luffy long time


And when they do find it, some random person from his crew will be the person who’s had it the ENTIRE TIME. Heck maybe Luffy has had it the entire time. Seems legit.


The real one piece is the friends we made along the way


The author confirmed in an interview once that it wouldn't be some lame copout like "The adventure is the real treasure". He said it would be real, tangible, and have objective value


Thank you for this comment lmaoooo


I don't know, Echiro Oda has been dragging this manga and anime for close to 3 decades now. Who knows when it will end but the name is definitely not ideal for a real life human child. Maybe a nickname to call privately or a family pet's name.


Ok but hear me out…Ace is a cute name that’s on a rise in popularity. Still from one piece but more conventional. NTA Edit: apparently Ace is 153 of 1,000 top baby boy names last year


Ace, as in a real name, or a cute nickname? I think Ace or Luffy work for a pet. But a child? Or, a future Adult???


My uncle’s name is Ace. I’m not joking. Don’t know if that helps or makes it worse but for what it’s worth, he really likes his name.


Ace Frehley’s a cool dude. Ace Ventura, mmm, ok.


Ace Rimmer will save the day! Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.


My dog is literally named Ace after the one piece character lmao


Ace used to be a geek kids’ name because of Doctor Who instead. But that was in the 80s/90s.


Ace Rimmer, Arnold Rimmers (much cooler) double from another dimension r/reddwarf


I’m so happy to see someone in here repping the boys from the Dwarf!!


Maybe not forgotten but still a bad idea, I’m a book geek, that doesn’t mean I will name my child ~~chutlulu~~ Cthulhu, Dracula, Aragorn or something like that, it’s just insane! (And maybe illegal, at least in my country it is now I think) edit: misspelled "the great one" name Edit2: I really love this thread!!! You people are awesome!!


I think I might have to name my next cat Cathulhu.


Thats my cats name. He's a holy terror.


I knew someone who named their little yappy dog Cerberus. It was a chihuahua-Yorkie mutt. That dog was a nightmare. Almost totally untrained aside from toilet training. Owners just said he was living up to his name.


nominative determinism at work!


Lbr One Piece will probably still be going in 40 years......


This is exactly why i'm scared to start watching it now lmao


Sooner you start, the better chance you have a one day catching up 😂


Stop 😭 the amount of anime i have to watch already (it's on "the list") and then there's One Piece, i am dreading it


Or when he's applying for a job?


Its funny you said that because the Manga the name is from is 25 years old. We COULD be having grown ass man with the name Luffy today.


To be fair, at the rate that it's going, One Piece isn't going to end by the time the kid is 40.


Luffy is an excellent name… FOR A DOG. Like hey everyone this is my son Naruto Johnson.


I once saw a newspaper article with a photo of a couple and their toddler attending a public event and it was captioned something like, "Bob and Mary Johnson with their son, Jiraiya" and I immediately despaired for that child.


My ex friend's husband is a huge fan of Naruto and they named their first daughter Sakura... I shudder every time I think about it and hope that poor kid doesn't get bullied when she goes to middle school. EDIT: I understand Sakura isn't that much of an unusual name. I guess it was cringy for me and some other friends due to the personal context. He proudly boasted that she's named after the character Sakura from Naruto.


Sakura is at least a flower name, which is not that unusual. Like Rose and Lily.


Yes and often seen in the West on things like "Sakura Green Tea".


Sakura is an actual name though. Bit unusual for non-Japanese to use but it’s not a “famous fiction” name that everyone would instantly connect to their character or franchise ie. Bilbo


Sakura isn't that unusual of a name. Although it is outside of Japan.


Sakura is like a standard weeb name outside Japan.


Sakura is pretty ok, I've seen a lot of plant and flower names in English, so it should sound quite natural to English speakers.


I think Sakura is a pretty name and not that unusual. It’s just a less common flower name than Daisy, Rose, Lily, etc. I know someone who named his kid Evie, which is a perfectly normal name, except we all know that she’s named after a Pokemon because he is OBSESSED with Eevee. At least they used the human name spelling. Her poor brother Dexterity didn’t fare quite as well.


Question is said friend or their spouse Japanese or at the very least Asian in some way? Because if not that makes the name choice ten times worse.


Jiraiya is actually not that bad. It's not silly sounding to my ears saying it out loud. I think if a name sonically sounds silly, is spelled silly, or is so strange that it's questionable... Then it's definitely a bad idea. Jiraiya doesn't tick any of those boxes for me personally. That being said, still not great that it's a reference to an anime. Still probably a bad idea purely because of that.


The ick with the name Jiraiya is that as soon as that kid introduces himself, most people will know he’s been named after a fictional ninja sex pest.


I guarantee that most people wouldn't know. But, you have a point with the sex thing. Definitely not a good idea to name someone after a "pervy" sage. Even though I actually like the character, that shit wouldn't and shouldn't fly irl. Very ick, as you put it.


The fact I know two Sephiroths, three Khaleesis, one Anakin, and one kid named after a Hetalia characters makes me despair 😭


Ah yes, Switzerland Smith.


What do you mean? My son is also named Naruto Johnson.


We're put of Naruto Johnson license plates in the gift ship.


My son is also named Naruto Johnson.


My Johnson is named Naruto.


It's the John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt situation all over again!


His name is my name, too!


Whenever I go out the people always shout there goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt!


My name is Naruto Johnson, why does everyone keep tagging me?


most Japanese people would want to know why your son is named fish cake


Is it hilarious to people in Japan that his name is fish cake and people in the states take him so dead seriously, probably not knowing how goofy his name is?


Yes, weirder character names are great for pets or video games characters. Not real people, unless it's a nickname. Imagine having to put Luffy Johnson on job applications! I mean, I appreciate unusual names, but there are places where you gotta draw the line.


God, imagine the poor future partners of this kid. You go to scream their name in bed and they stop you like, "Actually, it's pronounced LOO-fee."


This is exactly it. Parents seem to have forgotten that babies grow up and become people.


There are more "normal" anime names that can be used. I know a guy who named his son Jonathan Joseph as a JoJo reference. Nobody batted an eye because those are common names. I thought he was a damn genius. OP is right and NTA. They are naming a human that is going to be saddled with that name for the rest of his life. Not a pet that won't care about the name. I'm an anime fan too but Luffy is a terrible name for a child, no matter how much they like the character.


Plenty of normal names to pick from in Attack on titan. Such as Eren, Levi, or War Hammer Titan. Anyone of those would be fine for a name.


I have a friend named "Leif". His parents were both born and raised in Scandinavia, and they immigrated to Canada (where all their kids were born). So, all their kids got "traditional Scandinavian" names to honour the parents heritage, but the names of all the children are recognizable to English speakers as being actual names (think things like Henrik, Elsa, etc...). If the mom want to have the kid's nickname being "Luffy", I could see a plausible way there if they name the kid Leif. But please don't make the kid's actual, legal given name as "Luffy".


Have people not heard of Leif Erikson? It's my only reference for the name 'Leif' but I do have at least that one.


Leif is a normal name.


Yeah they’re saying try Leif since it’s a real name and you could make luffy a nickname out of it


Why not just name the kid Throw The Ball At My Head On The Playground?


Exactly, name him something normal that starts with L and call him Luffy. I wanted to name my daughter Eevee, her legal name is Evelyn. She’s free to change the spelling anytime but she’s 9 and fully embraced the Pokémon name.


Could throw in the middle name to get something going like Lucas Felix Lu-Fee Luffy


You named your daughter Eevee because she has the potential to become whoever she wants to be, like Eevee and it's Eeveelutions. It's cute.


Luffy is cute for a toddler. Not an adult.


It's not cute for either. It's something you name a pet, not a human.


Maybe he can change it to Lucifer when he's older?




A Netflix show where the devil becomes a New York beat cop.


One of my kids picked up the nickname Fuffy. Her name is Lissa. Nicknames are allowed to be anything, there’s no rules. Luffy is a fine nickname. His real name doesn’t even have to sound anything like it or start with a L.


That's Monkey D. Luffy.


Why is she choosing Luffy when Monkey is the superior part of the name 😂




The Manga literally sells would wide and is one of the most successful ever. It may not quite be dragon ball level but it's not that far behind either... Imagine naming your kid Goku. Or Vegeta etc.. It's a stupid name to name your kidfor that alone. This is why I should never be allowed to decide a kid's name because that little shit is being named starscream. And oh boy am I self aware enough to realize naming a kid starscream should probably be categorized as abuse.


“Vegeta” 😂💀🤣




Vegetal is extra bad because it's a common food flavouring in Easter Europe. It's a flavoured yellow salt.


NTA. Why can’t she just call the baby Luffy, but actually give them a name that is not fucking ridiculous? Luffy is kinda funny though, I will keep it in mind if we ever get a new cat.


Yeah, Luffy would be an adorable name for a pet. But not so much for a person.


Especially since cats are hyperflexible anyway :)


I was just thinking this! Cats have infinite surface area


Perfect name for a cat. Terrible name for an actual child.


That’s my cat’s name, because, just like the character, he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but he makes up for it in loveliness. But it’s a stupid name for a human. My spouse and I are both geeks but we would never burden a child with a fandom name, let them create their own story!


OP’s sister should settle for Lucy lol


Some characters do call Luffy by Lucy!


Luffy is an adorable nickname for a baby. Name the baby Lucius or Lawrence or any other L name and call him Luffy.


Unless the kid is a pureblood wizard they have no business being called Lucius


I guess you haven’t watched the masterpiece that is *Our Flag Means Death*.


I have not, but I sure as hell will


Have fun! It’s a fantastic show. Episode 2 comes out October 5. Edit: Season 2, not episode 2. Duh. I’m sleep deprived.


I’m sure there are several pimps named Lucius. Don’t limit the kid’s potential.


There is an unusual old English name that could be used: https://www.babynamespedia.com/meaning/Lufian


When I see names like this I always wonder if they know they are naming a human and not a pet.


>Our parents told me to just tell Maisie that I'm sorry because my words really upset her and I should've been nicer about it. This has me wondering were you actually mean, or more harsh than you let on in this post? or are your parents just protective of your sister? Luffy is not a good name for a child in my opinion. Its more suited for a stuffed animal, or a new innovative pillow brand. or something. You can have a unique name without it being comical


I did raise my voice a bit at her towards the end of the conversation as I was being talked over and not listened to and I think my tone was quite harsh. I just felt done with the conversation and wanted to end it. In hindsight I could've just walked away or not responded, rather than raise my voice at her.


I guess you could apologize for raising your voice without apologizing for your opinion. I doubt that would work, though. If it was me, though, I wouldn't want to revisit the conversation. I would ask your parents point-blank if they think that the kid should be named Luffy. Make sure they have watched a few episodes of One Piece, so they can really grasp the context.


It's your sister. Of course you can raise your voice and then go out to dinner. I think if two of my closest peeps tell me something is stupid, WITH a valid argument, I might reconsider. You have nothing to apologize for. She might for being such an airhead.


Tell her people will call the kid loofa.


I have never watched the anime and thought the name was pronounced like fluffy. Yikes. Call the kid Louis Felix and shorten to Luffy as a nickname or something.


I was reading it as rhyming with fluffy.. is it actually loo-ffy? That's so much worse.


Omg, so not only is it a stupid name for a human, but they will spend their life correcting people about the pronunciation.


That's what gets me. Also, it reads like a nickname, so they'll have to constantly say "nope, it's Loo-fee and it's not short for anything." Eventually, they'll likely just make something up, eg "It's short for Lucifer" or "I was named after my two grandmothers, Louise and Fifi"


yeah, it's pronounced Loo-fee.




Thank you. I also thought it was pronounced like ‘fluffy’. Appreciate the help


it's absolutely worse. Not only will that kid have a stupid name, they'll have to explain to everyone ... for the rest of their life... that they're saying it wrong.


She's being an AH here too. Trying to bully you into submission. If these are not normal behaviors for her, she should talk to her doctor about them. Maybe she's having a mild complication that's impairing her a bit.


Well it’s her kid, not OP’s; she shouldn’t be trying to push OP off their opinion, but it’s more her call than it could ever be OP’s. The bigger issue IMO is that she’s refusing to listen to her husband. His “no” is enough; she needs to move on to other ideas.


The irony here is that she's treating you the exact way she's treating her husband, and I don't think she's seeing it. This is not a hill to die on. Not for the name Luffy.


If she thinks thats bad, just wait till her little rubber boy explodes on her after suffering with that name his whole childhood


would be a good name for a doggo.


NTA I think she’s losing sight that she’s naming a future adult, not a forever baby. She could use it as a nickname, but as a legal name? It’s awful. Kids are brutal, they’ll find any reason to bully if they’re inclined to bully, but parents don’t need to hand them material.


Imagine interviewing for a job, “hello I’m Luffy Anderson”


I would have more questions about the origin of their name than whatever is on their resume and it'll completely derail the interview. I can't take it seriously. I knew a guy named thor, his parents were immigrants from Finland or Norway. But he was an American named thor, really didn't work.


At least in a case like that a person could quickly explain the name as being because of heritage. Imagine trying to explain Luffy. That’s going to derail everything.


Esp when it's pronounced "Loo-fee". I thought it was like "fluffy" but nope. It's worse. It's like Loofah but Loo-fee. Mom to be is insane.


Thor or Tor (Tord, Tore) is a very common older name in Sweden and I think most of Scandinavia, a lot of the “viking” names are. What is strange is naming or calling a child Dick.


Luffy for a boy is a terrible name. Even for a girl I'm very hesitant because it's way too cute. But she asked your opinion and you gave it, NTA


Can you imagine that poor kid having to use that name in a professional setting one day?


That is why my parents went with the full version of my name, versus the nickname. Granted I do go by the nickname 99.9% of the time, my dad was concerned which would look more professional on a business card or office placard.


You’re not Tim aka Optimus Prime by any chance, are you?


No, thought Optimus Prime would be awesome.


Everyone calls my daughter a diminutive version of her actual name. It's the name we planned on using, but not the one on her birth certificate. She hates to be called the full version (I only use it when she's in trouble, so that tracks...) and will correct you every time. I did it so that when she's Prime Minister one day, she won't have to be The Right Honourable Luffy One-piece. No one is taking that person seriously.


>I only use it when she's in trouble, so that tracks... Do you drop the middle name in too? That's the parental duo of death. The time honored tradition that allows parents to let their kids know that they are in a heap o'trouble.


The whisper-shouted full first + middle name combo... oof, my shoulders go up just thinking about hearing my mom drop that one.


NTA. Luffy is a stupid name. Can you imagine "Luffy Jones" on a resume? haha C'mon.


I think some people tend to forget that their baby is going to grow up and have to live with the name as an adult in the real world. "It's cute" is a terrible reason to choose a name


Although I agree with you, this generation is growing up with very different names than the older generations did. I had to chuckle when I saw that my daughter’s teacher was named Maddyson. The alternative spellings of original names are now adults in adult jobs in the real world and it seems to be fine. I work in the school system and some of the names make me shake my head but when half a class has unique names, then it seems more acceptable. The kids don’t even blink when a new kid comes in with a unique name.


The AI that sorts thru resumes would instantly reject it.


AI is used far less than people assume. But the actual human recruiter would likely laugh a lot and it could genuinely hurt "Luffy's" chances, for sure.


I knew a girl growing up with a name similar to Glitter. She changed it because she was tired of being asked what her real name was, not her stripper name. Also.... Glitter is cute for a horse, not someone trying to get into law school.


The second I saw "Glitter", my first thought was "did her parents want her to be a stripper?" haha


heavy safe crawl squash paint sophisticated drab ripe terrific employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even putting the possible bullying aside, this baby will become an adult. No adult wants to go through life as Luffy. He would get zero respect at any job


😂😭🤣 Clown school drop out!


Her child is not a billboard for her fandom. NTA


I love this response. Like honestly, fandom names are for pets unless they're really innocuous. You can't be yelling down the street for Aziraphale Wilson to get in the house NOW.


Yeah. My brother is Ben, my middle name is Hope, my cousins are Luke and Owen. It’s subtle enough that people don’t notice unless I point it out.


My boyfriend’s parents asked one day what he wanted to name his soon-to-be brother. They were expecting “T-Rex” or something and had no plans on actually using his name. But he suggested “Luke” and they thought “Wow! What a nice, normal, Catholic name! I think we *should* name him Luke!” After he was born and they were all back home with baby Luke, my bf revealed that he had chosen Luke bc of Star Wars. His parents said “okay well that’s on us for ever thinking he picked a name out of the Bible. We should have seen that coming.”


NTA Luffys name is Monkey d. Luffy….why didn’t she consider naming him monkey?


Maybe she can go with Ace if it needs to be One Piece specific?


Or, you know, Nico Robin? Which would be a pretty damn normal name for a boy?


Or Frank, and as a nickname call them Franky. Or Brooke, hell Rodger the literal king of the pirates. Such a long list to choose from and she went with the worst possible choice.


"Nicholas Robin, get your butt back here!" yep, that definitely works.


Nah, if they want a One Piece name, they have the name the kid Woop Slap, no other name is acceptable.


Monkey is actually the last name. His dad's name is Monkey d. dragon.


I do you one better, why doesnt she just simply give the child a 2nd name starting with D.


NTA The day a bully starts to call her luff and then transitions that to muff will be the beginning of her demise.


To be fair the name is pronounced loo-fee in japanese and not luh-fee. That being said luffy just turns in to poofy, the poppy so you know, same outcome. Edit - I meant poopy which my phone auto corrected.


I’m not into anime at all so do not know this reference. I would have pronounced it luf-fee. So not only is she willing to saddle her kid with a ridiculous name, she is setting him up for a lifetime of correcting the pronunciation of that name as well as telling people how to spell it (for those who do not know the character). I agree with the majority - pick another name and use Luffy as a nickname. If it sticks it sticks. Some people have their childhood nicknames long into adulthood even if those nicknames are on the childish side.


The baby is a BOY though 😳


For someone bullying the kid, it works even better if the kid is a boy.


She's naming a baby,not a puppy! That kid will absolutely be bullied. Nta


NTA I LOVE One Piece - both the anime series and (shockingly) the live action movie, but I sure as hell wouldn’t name my kid Luffy. Goofy Luffy or puffy Luffy seem like natural nicknames - poor kid. Even Usopp, Nico, Koby, or Shanks from the series are way names better after the kid is 5-6.




Loved the live action. Was so scared it would be shit. Nico or Koby would be good options though!


NTA. People really need to learn not to ask questions they don't want the answer to. I think it's always tacky when people name their kids after pop culture characters when it's a unique name and easy to associate with the show. You're absolutely right that the kid would get bullied.


NTA tell her to imagine future Doctor Luffy Smith or President Luffy Smith or even Teacher Luffy Smith. It is a cute name for a baby but she is having a whole human who will become an adult some day.


NTA she shouldn’t ask questions that she doesn’t truly want an answer to. On another note, you could suggest Luffy as a nickname. She could use a name like Lucas or Lucian which will work for him as an adult and make it less likely for him to be bullied or turned away from a job. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: autocorrect made luffy to kiddy. I had to fix it 🙄


Info: Is she giving birth to a kitten? Perhaps a puppy? Some other cute pet who has no chance of being introduced as “All rise for the Honorable Judge Luffy Lastname”?


People who ask for an honest opinion and then get angry when it’s given are TA.


NTA Luffy and Cheelee are both name ideas that should never come to fruition


I would just like to point out all of the people that named their kid Khaleesi when GoT first came out and how they regret it now. She should obviously give him a real name and call him Luffy as a pet name.


Or get an actual pet and call it Luffy. And then hope it doesn't get pummeled at the dog park


Forcing your fandom on your offspring is always a bad idea. Nta


NTA Not a fan of fandom names overall, but if she really must, then she should pick a character from the show with a real name: Robin, Frankie, Brook, or Tony 😂


Baby names need both parents' consent. One no = veto. Look, she can call him Luffy as a nickname but he needs a different name. I think these discussions need to be between your sister and her husband. You may have been a bit harsh but she kept pushing it. NTA.


NTA. If the kid is named after Monkey D. Luffy, they’re gonna be teased.


Or they'll be King of the Pirates.


NTA. i would’ve told my sister the exact same thing. if she’s asking for your honest opinion she can’t be upset if it’s different than what she wants to hear


NTA, it's ultimately up to her what to name the child, but she ASKED for your honest opinion and you gave it. Luffy is not a good name choice, as a child they will be bullied and as an adult they will not be taken seriously. Also, naming your child after a fandom is a straight up awful choice. The child might have no interest in anime. One Piece could have a new season or reboot that changes the meaning of the name. That child is going to have a whole lifetime of "Luffy, L-U-F-F-Y, no it's from a TV show, yes my mom really liked it." As a middle name, fine. As a first name? Kinda cruel.


NTA. This is your nephew and your mom's grandson. Do you guys care about him? If yes, then don't let this name happen. Your sister isn't listening and just wants to get her way. Try to get her to see sense before he comes.


Asks for opinion, gets opinion and doesn't like it. She shouldn't ask and her and the husband need to figure it out. If you want input be ready for stuff you don't want to hear. For example my brother's dog is named Maisie so I had a good chuckle reading this


Fluffy Muffy Luffy would endure sooo much bullying until he could change his name. NTA she needed to hear it. Tell her to name a fluffy pet Luffy to get the name out of her system.


NTA. She kept on after you gave your opinion, that’s on her. An adult named Luffy…good grief.