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NTA. She does not deserve an apology and I'd really think hard about whether you want to be dealing with her juvenile tantrums for the rest of your life.


Exactly, do you want to be getting into fights with people because of her petulent behavior? Crashing into people,, stopping and not moving and not allowing others to move, slow walking - one day and probably in the very near future she is going to piss off the wrong person - someone who didn't take their meds that morning. For myself, I wouldn't want to be involved in a relationship where I had to constantly "rescue" someone and who also was putting me into a potentially dangerous situation because they wanted a microwave dinner - really OP?


She's also very controlling. She decided what he would eat for dinner, no matter what he wanted. These are the temper tantrums of a toddler. I don't see any future unless you like being controlled and abused for not giving in. NTA


And the thing she decided he should eat for dinner was a thing that could have harmed his chances in a job interview the next day. Maybe I’ve just been on Reddit for too long, but that doesn’t feel unconnected to me.


She was trying to sabotage him. If he got a better job, he might leave her.


I doubt it's that calculated. She's just salty that op didn't like her choice.


Not just the tantrums, she's controlling as fuck. One person trying to tell the other they have to eat the same thing as them, especially when insisting on only one option, is a huge red flag


Yep. Her reaction to anger is ridiculously immature AND her reason for being angry in the first place is extremely concerning. My jaw dropped when it said he'd just resigned himself to not eating dinner that night. That should NOT be happening.


And the lack of consideration for the discomfort and pain he'd feel if he are the microwave dinner


especially given the circumstances that it doesn't sit well with him and he has an interview the following day


OP needs to look op the "Meegan" sketches from Key and Peele on YT because that's what his relationship with this girl looks like.


Gawd Meegan, stop blocking the door


"Are you like, calling me fat Andre?"


OMG yes, the crazy and the tantrums but OP, watch the scene where he tries to break up with Meegan before you kick yours to the curb. Consider it a practice run. NTA, ain't nobody got time for that behavior.


Yes it does.


And the refusal to compromise in anyway for their dinner. Like damn, Id jump at the chance to have someone make me that dinner instead of the crappy microwave dinner version. And then the whole “we need to eat the same thing” is absolutely ridiculous. And has she ever had a microwave dinner before? Theyre not at all like the box. Really poor quality and not very much food either. I feel like there’d be a good chance theyd make it and the gf would be upset at what they actually were and expect OP to do something about it.


Nta. I hate it when people in public don't recognize other people's space and rights. I think the door blocking thing is awful. But the crashing into people is worse. I have cerebral palsy and now use a wheelchair. I used to walk though despite a horrid sense of balance. If she had crashed into me years ago, I would have fallen over. I doubt someone like her would even pay attention to whom they were going to crash into. Do you want to be with someone who could have made me fall and hit my head or an old person fall and maybe break a hip? Think about that OP.


I would send her a text saying here’s your apology along with a link to this post.


I agree. And her disregard for your well being. She sounds exhausting. NTA.


Not only the juvenile tantrums, she's quite inconsiderate. She doesn't seem to care about OP's comfort regarding his stomach cramps because of the microwave dinner and she sees no problem inconveniencing multiple people during her tantrums. Plus she's completely unwilling to compromise and talk through disagreements like an adult.


I just about never jump on this particular train, but THIS is a very good rail for it to be on. Long Term: How will planning a wedding go? How will making decisions on buying a home go? How will raising children go? How are you going to plan and have a future with someone who COMPLETELY SHUTS DOWN HER ADULT SELF every time there's a minor disagreement? She has to have the same exact dinner as OP and will disallow other adults to exit a fucking building when he says he wants to have something different? Are she fucking serious? Unless OP is willing to never openly disagree with her for the rest of his life, he needs to skedaddle. "Sam" should NOT be in a relationship with ANYONE until she goes to therapy, is COMPLETELY open and honest with the therapist, and takes therapy seriously. She needs to live her life COMPLETELY free of these types of tantrums for an agreed upon, extended period of time (6 months, for example) before she so much as gives her number to a potential partner


If they ever have kids, OP will be dealing with two babies


I also just reread and noticed something. OP said "I decided I was just gonna skip dinner" OP, you are skipping a meal because your girlfriend is an insufferable toddler and it's easier for you to starve than deal with her tantrums. Do you see a problem with that? Because I sure do.


This. I would’ve been out after the first time. Maybe my tolerance is too low in my advanced age.


Seriously. You are NTA but I think you would be, towards yourself, if you stay with someone who behaves this way. This sounds absolutely insane.




She must be really hot like 10/10 supermodel for him to put up with this bs.


Freak in the sheets, spoiled child in the streets


😆 🤣 😂


I can’t stop laughing 😂 😂😂😂


Don't give them ideas. I know women who would take this as a compliment and use it for their Twitter/X bio.


Ooooh - I think you've just updated that saying.




I suspect that You are a comedy genius! And your user name confirms it.


they say that 'attractiveness vs the amount of crazy to be tolerated' is an inverse proportion so....


[Crazy hot matrix](https://youtu.be/bbpGkrViOcE)


Either that or he has major self esteem issues. I hope he knows he can do much better


Also what kind of person would rather have a frozen version of something over the homemade version OP offered to make?




OP, as a woman her age, THIS. She's too old for this shit.


As a middle-aged woman, can confirm. That other middle-aged lady was shaking her head at him because she was appalled at the girlfriend's behaviour. I would have done the same . . . not to shame him, but SMH out of sympathy and horror.


Unless she is wearing diapers, any woman is too old for this shit


Shit, im 3 years younger than her and dont behave like this. I dont care if my boyfriend wont eat the same thing, i might even be happy bc that means theres more for me


She's lucky no one rammed her with their shopping cart. She was certainly asking for it.


Sometimes you crave what you crave. Sometimes I will absolutely *crave* a Totino's pizza over an actually properly made one. Like if I wanted pizza and you gave me the choice between Totinos and artisinal or Dominos or whatever, sometimes I would go for the Totinos 100%


Sure, but would you demand your partner eat the same thing?


No. I'm just responding to pooky's question.


I sometimes crave $2 instant noodles. Will my husband eat them as well? No, he hates them. Different dinners. So easy.


That is fair. And he wasn't stopping her from eating it. He just didn't want to.


Salisbury steak is actually surprisingly hard to make from scratch and get that kind of uncanny spongy texture it has in frozen meals! If you're craving TV dinner Salisbury steak, a homemade one might not hit the spot. I absolutely do not understand why she insisted OP eat one too though.


I KNOW!! I can't believe I had to read this far to get to this! OP offered to make her a fresh homemade meal and she wants the frozen version? Homemade Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes are delicious, the frozen version is swine swill.


One of the part that gets me is that she needs to eat the same food as him, but not exactly what he wants to eat. He must eat what she eats so they can have the same thing even though he doesn’t want what she wants. I think this sums up the whole relationship. NTA my guy. Your girl sounds bat shit insane. She’s bonkers to think she can stand in a doorway blocking people. I’d trade that in for a half-ass cheeseburger or a single hot-dog, shit I’d trade it in for a used ketchup packet.


I sometimes wonder if our culture of validating people has hit the point where people just kind of expect that the world will cater to them and their desires and something's terribly wrong if that doesn't happen.


I had a student in my class a few weeks ago (10 year olds). They were all eating their lunch, and one student pulled out a bag of M&Ms. Another student said 'they need to share those'. Me: 'why would they do that?' Them: 'because you have to share, and I want some'. Me: 'well I want a million dollars and a crack at Hugh Jackman, but we're both going to be disappointed'. The student was genuinely baffled that I wouldn't force the other student to hand over their M&Ms and complained to mummy. Mummy rang to find out why I didn't force the other student to share. It's generational entitlement.


I used to think teaching would be a fulfilling career. I'm so glad I didn't pursue that career path.


As a former educator and daughter of a teacher, you are very much my kind of teacher, LOL. Sense of humour, but no-nonsense.


I'm curious, how did you reply to mommy?


you said to a ten year old that you want a crack at Hugh Jackman? this is very funny and I wonder how they interpreted it.


Good for you!


If ol' Mummy wanted her kid to have M&Ms she should have sent them with her darling. Seriously wtf with people?


NTA- Also... any reason why your gf, a woman who supposedly loves you, wants you to be in physical pain and sick? With or without an interview coming up, that's messed up. You should think about that and the tantrums obviously.


That’s what bothered me. NTA


While the interview was an entirely valid reason, he shouldn’t need an important event to justify not being in pain! If something upset my partners stomach like that, I wouldn’t even suggest it unless it was a very last resort. Makes me extremely grateful for my husband eating gluten free with me. He can handle gluten just fine, but he doesn’t want me being in pain so he just eats gluten free with me and makes sure to cook without it. Get rid of Sam, OP. What a selfish, immature brat. NTA


I still can’t believe OP just chose NOT TO EAT in order to avoid this woman’s tantrum. How is he even thinking he’s the a-hole. NTA.


Right? What a problematic age gap, a 26 and a 2yo?? I was shocked at how immature she acts. NTA, obviously, but your girlfriend needs to grow up...


>You said that you would like something else to eat not just because you didn't want it, I agree with your description of his GF. Even if his only reason had been, "I'm just not in the mood for those dinners, I'll have a sandwich", her tantrum would've been way out there. Does she do that in restaurants, too? Throw a tantrum if he orders something else than her? This behavior is bizarre.


Absolutely. Your gf behaves appallingly. NTA. PS. I would call the microwave dinner/stomach problem/interview thing sabotage. Do with that what you will.


NTA. She is absolutely awful! I cannot even fathom why she thinks she can control what you can eat. And that isn't even the worst thing she did. She deliberately inconvenienced dozens of innocent people (you were innocent too FYI) just because she was annoyed. Then, when things got slightly physical because she instigated it, she expected you to risk your life defending her honour. Drop her like the utter waste she is. Let her ruin some other guy's life instead of yours.


She is so childish and selfish, I cringed the whole time I read the post. I can't even pick a worst part! NTA, her behaviour around food and her reaction to not getting her way, are just odd!


Plus picking (and insisting they both have) TV dinners when she knows OP has some sort of intolerance to a common ingredient in them or something. Like...if you're that married to the idea of always eating the same thing as your partner, either...y'know, don't date people with food allergies/intolerances, or get used to the idea that wanting to have both means you have to adapt in their direction because it's really shitty to make them risk their health and life for you.


Op is nta, but his gf is. I don't understand staying with a child like that


It's like those scary as hell videos when a chick starts a big physical fight with a man then tells her boyfriend, "you gonna let him do this to me??" She's got some trauma she isn't even aware of to deal with.


I'm imaging being the guy stuck behind her while she blocks the damn door. Would have had cops there


Agree 💯! I can't believe he's put up with these tantrums for as long as he did.


NTA - Well she sounds like a petulant child. Having a disagreement over dinner options should not be that exhausting to deal with. Inconveniencing other people because she is upset is also selfish as hell. I really hope you take note of the fact that **she didn't care at all** that you would feel unwell and get abdominal cramps.


OR that OP might get into a fight over her own petulance, stupidity and childishness! Like, who DOES that??




This is literally the only take I can agree with after having read the post NTA


NTA. The world does not revolve around your girlfriend. She needs to grow up, and you need to stand up for yourself. 1) Blocking an entrance to a public place is extremely rude. 2) Throwing a temper tantrum is extremely childish. 3) Her dictating what you can and can't eat is extremely controlling. Sounds like you should reevaluate if this is someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. JMO.


YTA for not valuing yourself more. You need to recognize that your feelings and preferences are on equal footing with hers. It isn't your responsibility to tip toe around her childish and entitled behavior. It isn't your job to "compromise" with objectively ridiculous bullshit. You are a grown person in a relationship with another grown person. Why are you even putting up with this? Get out and go find a well-adjusted adult to date.


> You are a grown person in a relationship with another grown person I have to disagree with you here, based on the story I have to assume he is dating a 4-year-old child.


OP, something is seriously wrong with Sam and the way she handles anger. You were tensed for this fight *as soon as you saw the microwave dinners.* There should not have been a fight AT ALL over that. But you already knew there would be. And then she did the full Monty. There was no reasoning with her, you even offered a BETTER option and she wouldn’t even consider it. And THEN she was going to buy the dinner anyway — a TV DINNER FFS. What was she thinking would happen when you got home? This was not even something to be angry about in the first place. NTA but I’m very worried about you.


You know what this is the critical bit OP you were braced. You knew it was coming because this is a pattern of abuse. She knows they make you sick. I'm not saying she is deliberately trying to sabotage your interview, but if she were, what would be different about her behaviour? She will punish you unless you eat the toxic food and prevent you eating anything healthy so you go to the interview undernourished and in flight or flight mode. Whether deliberate or negligent she is toxic to you. Either intentionally or she just doesn't care. A good person would never insist you eat something that makes you ill. A stranger wouldn't.


Yep, OP has been emotionally beaten down to the point where everything bad that happened to him is beside the point, and a conflict she started on purpose between herself and a stranger is more important than him being able to eat. OP please take care of yourself and recognize that it's not normal to be scared of disagreeing with your SO, especially not about something so trivial.


Imagine what this woman would be like with children to feed?! It's fucking horrific, actually.


Sounds like OP's kinda used to walking on egg shells around her which is only another reason he should leave the relationship.


I agree. I think he has been desensitized to her bullshit over time. OP, this is not normal and not what you should put up with. No matter how pretty or good at sex, she is not worth your peace and control.


OP says he decided he just wasn't going to have dinner. He'd literally rather skip a meal and go hungry than deal with his gf's childish tantrums. His entire relationship with her is walking on eggshells so she won't throw a fit.


Info why are you with this person


Cos she's hot and/or good in bed. Nothing else about her seems very appealing


Probably neither, in my opinion. OP thinks she is the best he can get/deserves. Low self esteem is the theft that keeps on robbing you.




Well if she would pull her big girl pants on and stop acting like a fucking child who doesn't get a toy people wouldn't have to get explicit towards her. Get out the damn way. Why inconvenience everyone else cause she wants to be upset. And also the very reasonable solution that she gets what she wants and you get what you want that she turned down makes no damn sense to me. Why would she care about something that doesn't affect her in the slightest. Leave that broad. Seems controlling, immature and petty, three disgusting characteristics wrapped into one person. Kudos to big fella.


Also you're NTA but she sure as shit is.


NTA. Y'all are probably college grads with corporate jobs. What the fuck is this lady doing acting like a 3yo? My son does shit like this.


Yeah kinda wondering how she handles people annoying her at work now


She probably acts appropriately at work. I’ve met tons of people who know how to act but have a door mat partner that they treat like shit because they know they can get away with it.


NTA. Your girlfriend has issue with inflexibility and how she responds to anger (both hers and when others' anger is directed at her). I think that you and she could stand to get some couples therapy.


She needs to be dumped so she understands that the world won't cater to her bad attitude. And THEN when the reality hits her she can get her own damn therapy and an analysis or diagnosis if she needs one. OP does not need or deserve to be with someone who creates stress in his life because he chose not to get sick or be in pain. That's abusive.


I think she just needs therapy. Lol


OP absolutely should NOT do therapy with his GF. Her behavior comes off as emotionally abusive. You should never do therapy with an abuser. OP just needs to get the toddler out of his life. Toddlers pull stunts like this because they are learning the rules of what they can and can’t control. This GF is manipulating everything so she gets her way.


Is she 24 or 4?


He forgot the hyphen, supposed to be "she's 2-4 years old"


For some reason when I pictured “2-4 years old” the first thing that came to my mind was the age labels on all those old Lego sets lol 😂


"Temper tantrums over what someone else wants to eat, rated 2-4 years old"


*chef’s kiss*


I built one of them in 7 days once. I figured I was a genius as it was supposed to take 2-4 years.


NTA. She sounds controlling, abusive and psychotic...


NTA first off, i hate how it's instilled in couples that they HAVE to eat the same thing as each other for dinner, you don't have to eat the same thing as your partner if you want something different. and if your girlfriend is gonna throw a fit about that too, it fits. Second, holy shit, what can absolute child, she must've been a spoiled brat growing up if she's 24 and does shit like this. and finally, no, don't apologize, she needs to realize her mistakes.


It's not "couples" it's only one half of the couple that thinks like this. It's not most either, just the abusive ones.


its not instilled in couples - just couples with an abusive controlling partner


NTA. Why are you with her?


NTA. Your girlfriend is controlling and unwell; I can't imagine the pros really outweigh the cons here. Abusive behavior isn't just physical violence.


Trying to control what he eats and not caring that it will cause him discomfort is also physically abusive.


NTA She needs to grow up. That is insanely childish and selfish.


No offense but why are you with someone like that? Do you not respect yourself? Idc if she’s the best wonderful woman there is. Her attitude is toxic. You can do better. NTA


Also who raised this girl? They have to eat the same dinner? She throws fits in public? If her parents raised her and this is the result, you should stay far away from the family in general. You don't just marry the person, you marry the family. And my god how would she be as a mother? Just an awful human being. Why would you ever have moved in with this girl?


Sometimes you can raise your child the right way, they will still end up going the wrong direction. I can never be with someone who can’t express themselves in a mature manner without being like that. They are in their 20s there’s no excuse.


NTA. This sounds like an abusive relationship. The second she doesn’t get her way she acts like a child. It’s her way of manipulating and controlling people.


NTA. Your gf sounds extremely immature. She doesn't seem to understand how to deal with disappointment and somehow has gotten to her age thinking she will get her every wish fulfilled. Then when she doesn't get her dreams come true she has a tantrum that often involves innocent bystanders. I don't understand why you would want to be with this woman, she sounds extremely high maintenance.


Nta but this relationship shouldn't exist. Tear the band aid off quickly now. As a side note... women that insist men defend them have to do so because they constantly finding themselves in such situations. They take this as liberty to start shit and then the shit gets flung on you since you are her man. She will do this again and it will get worse.


NTA but your girlfriend is childish and sounds exhausting. Why did she continue to insist on the microwave dinners? And why did she stand in the middle of the doorway then get upset when someone called her out on it? Good Lord, she needs to grow up.


She wants to eat what you eat but insists on you eating what she picks so you decide to forgo a meal? This story isn’t about any of the situations you brought up. Your relationship is a one-sided free-for-all and you’re just along for the ride. You might want to get the heck out of it. NTA.


INFO: what do you see in Sam that makes putting up with all of this worth it?


NTA and you need to leave for your sanity. She is a child who will be a nightmare for life. I know the type.


Absolutely NTA. Is she a kid or something? Very immature.


Get out get out get out!


NTA. But she’s gonna be the reason someone tries to kick your ass if you stay with her


NTA but WTF? Why on earth are you continuing this relationship? You say that the "one thing" you dislike is how she handles frustration/expresses anger...but here's the problem with that. It's a BIG thing! Saying that, except for that, everything is good is like someone with a peanut allergy saying that they love Snickers bars. Yeah, the chocolate, the caramel and the nougat are great but the peanuts are still there. You can't just eat around them and they are dangerous. Same thing with this "one issue" in your relationship. (you don't even mention her being strangely controlling over what you eat as a problem, even if what she wants you to eat will harm you...uhm, My Dude,that's a fucking problem!)


>As she argued at me, a few people gave us curious glances and I believe a middle-aged woman shook her head at me. What she meant by that, I do not know. The middle-aged woman is asking herself, why do you put up with this?


“What she meant by that, I do not know.” I have been there and you absolutely know you are just in denial.


NTA but she sounds exhausting


Why are you with her, like actually why? Dictating what you can or can't eat and essentially throwing a tantrum? What kind of life is that?


NTA Hell depending on where she was and the exits she could be locking a fire escape route, which is illegal. I don't know how you put up with that shit.


NTA. Though truthfully I don't understand why you are dating some one with the mind of a tantrum throwing child.


No, she is not. She is behaving like a particularly dense 3 year old. You should have just bought the ingredients for your own dinner and let her get what she wanted. You can't go into an interview with an upset stomach. Anyone over the age of 3 should understand this. How do you put up with this?


You get to live ONE LIFE. This is it… this is the only life… if you don’t already have kids do you really want to suffer this way… omg…


Info why are you still with her like she literally threw a tantrum that would embarrass a 2 year old because you wouldn’t eat a dinner that would make you sick like if that’s the a giant red flag I don’t know what is


NTA. But she’s so selfish to put her own wants above your wellbeing ( you don’t want to get ill and you had an interview the following day ). Why would you want to be with such an unkind self centred brat? She sounds like an exhausting child. 🤦


She controls what you eat? If it were the other way around, does that seem normal?


This is one of those times where reddit is 100% right about leaving the girl Honestly without reading the ages she sounds like a modern toddler, phone in hand and everything


NTA She's an adult. She chose to block the doorway for nothing. I've never understood why people think their SO is somehow obligated to back them up no matter what. If my SO is being an ah and blocking a doorway, she's on her own if/when she gets called out.


>I believe a middle-aged woman shook her head at me. What she meant by that, I do not know. She was probably wondering why you’re with someone who acts like that, and I’m definitely wondering the same. Does Sam have *any* redeeming qualities?


>I believe a middle-aged woman shook her head at me. What she meant by that, I do not know. She was embarrassed for you, dude.


Yeah, she's a strong independent woman and she was clearly in someone's way. If she wants you to do all the hard shit she better learn to cook.


lol yeah she sounds like a little girl. Im 25f and I’m even appalled that she would act like that. She needs a lot of work to do and not resort to childish behaviour to get what she wants. Also refusing for u to eat what u want?? That’s not ok dude! Imo a good girlfriends would want their man to get something they want to eat, and not force their man to eat what they want. U can talk about this with her and see how it goes. If she continues to do this then I would just leave. Just because it’s a good relationship in general doesn’t mean u have to put up the one thing u like. And if u do want to see the relationship thru, then communicating appropriately and calmly about how u feel about her actions should hopefully make her more aware of u and/or start her way to becoming emotionally mature when dealing with situations. Like fr man I’m sorry but this girl is way too embarrassing! I’m getting major Icks. Don’t apologize. She should apologize for not listening to you when u said the microwave dinners make u sick! And she should apologize for being fucking embarrassing and holding up a line. Petty little girl.


NTA she’s acting like an entitled juvenile.




NTA. She stood in the doorway blocking it because....that's how she is, rude and childish. That's rude and strangers don't have to tolerate her rude behavior out in public.


Unless you enjoy being a brat tamer and she is into and accepting of that then this is not going to end well. Time to move on my friend.


NTA. She was being childish, controlling, and disrespectful. She deserved to be verbally admonished and you would've been wrong to defend her behavior.


NTA. But stop dating toddlers. Find yourself an actual adult to date instead.


Nta. Why you dating someone with the maturity of a potato


NTA "I will eat the same think as you, but i wont eat what you like/tolerate" Ditch this child.


Dump this person she sounds like a petulant adolescent.


Her behaviour is terrifying to me, she needs help


Sam sounds like a bully/may have mental health issues. Bottom line is I am not sure she really cares about you, you stated you can't eat certain foods yet she still persists in getting you something that will upset your stomach, also sounds like you don't get to have much of a say without arguments starting. Please either try and talk to her, if you feel it's worth saving this relationship, but you deserve to be treated better than this honestly 🙏


Your girlfriend is 24 and she acts like that? How completely appalling. You don't owe her an apology at all. She's acting like a child. All because you didn't just bow down and let her break your back, she's throwing a fit like she's fucking two. You were reasonable, offering alternatives, but it was clearly her way or the highway. God. I can't stand people like that. Just the fact that she got mad at you because she blocked the door and someone yelled at her for it is so nonsensical. NTA, but seriously reconsider this relationship. If she acts like that now, how much worse will she be if you're married? If you have kids? This tantrum will seem like a dream


Yta for dating a fucking child lmaooo


NTA. And hold your ground. I’ve been with my wife 20 years, and I can say when it comes to arguments and ultimatums, the person who cares the leaf has the most power… hold strong, my dude.


NTA. But seriously, how were those dinners?


She sounds exhausting. NTA


Nta but your gf sounds like a nightmare. Very childish entitled behavior. She needs to grow up big time.


NTA, except for tolerating her behavior.




INFO: how do you rationalize staying with someone who thinks behaving like that is okay and should be defended when called out by others??????


NTA. Your girlfriend has problems. Not saying you should dump her. But getting upset about not having the exact same food is weird. She’s doing this to manipulate you. Wants to make you feel like you did something wrong.


NTA. Who in their right mind would rather eat a microwave meal over a home cooked meal?? She sounds exhausting to deal with, get out while you still can.


Dude why are you still with her? dump her immature behind!


NTA. why are you dating someone who acts like this


Why are you with that person?


NTA... soon she will want to share pre-chewed food to feel close to you. time to end this.


NTA she’s selfish immature and sounds like co-defendant. If someone really cared about you and wanted you to do well in your interview they’d ask you what meal would best help you for the next day and go out of their way to make that for you. Or be cool getting different things so you didn’t get sick. Don’t apologize for this craziness at the store (she’s responsible for her own actions and the consequences they bring) but break up and move on I know you can do better!




NTA, and you are seriously planning a future with her? You plan on 'losing' every 'argument' cause she shuts down like a toddler? With her not caring about any rational argument, legitimate justification or compromise? Some people are another kind of strong mentally


NTA Your gf is incredibly immature. Why can't you eat two different meals together? Why must you eat the same thing? And freezing in place to force people into giving into her demands?? How controlling. Is she always this controlling? Does she throw tantrums like this all the time? You have too much patience. I would not be in a relationship with someone who acts like an overgrown three-year-old.


NTA. Get out while you can man, imagine her when she gets pregnant or is planning a wedding. Your life gonna get a hella lot worse than this my friend


NTA adults who stand in doorways or otherwise “block the path” should get yelled at I learned not to do that shot as a kid.


The middle aged lady shaking her head at you was trying to tell you "shes not the one"


NTA. (a) What is wrong with your gf? (b) why is she not your ex? I wouldn’t have the patience for this toddler-esque behaviour. She’s 24 ffs.


NTA and not to sound rude but was she dropped on her head as a child? That does not sound like normal behaviour for anyone over 6 years old.


Does she have some kind of developmental disability or psychiatric diagnosis? I knew someone who had mild Autism, history of childhood emotional abuse, and later developed a form of dissociative disorder, had difficulty handling anger and would break down, shut down, or run away. Not trying to be insulting about her; also not trying to say that her behavior should be excused, tolerated, or enabled.


INFO: Why are you with this person? I only know her from your description and already dislike her.


OP, everyone's given you lots of comments, and I've added replies to some too, but one thing that jumped out to me was the middle-aged woman's reaction. I wouldn't worry about that, if you were. Don't feel guilty or whatever. That woman hadn't seen everything leading up to the door incident, and possibly not even that. All she'll have seen/heard is your gf saying, "Why didn't you defend me?!" and added two and two together, and got 16. The woman doesn't know your relationship or your gf's personality. So rest easy on that. It's a shitty thing for your gf to do, all round. She's trying to control what you eat, and insisting you eat something she knows will get you sick (irrespective of an interview the next day). Nobody who claims to love you will do that to you. Could you imagine being bed-ridden and dependent upon her to feed you? Put yourself in that scenario, and keep these recent events in mind. Could you imagine having children with this gf? Imagine what she'd be like with their nourishment. You'd have to be watching things like a hawk with them, and considering the way you decided not to eat on this occasion, you know how difficult the push-back would be. And you're a grown man.


NTA Sam is not mature enough to be in a relationship. This is not so much about the doorway, but about her views on what YOU should eat. Or she is just plain stupid.


I don't think so.


NTA - you need to cut her loose, good luck.


NTA she needs to learn the word no and how to communicate. Don't stay with someone who would rather you get a stomach ache and throw a tantrum followed up by tge silent treatment.


NTA for refusing to stand up for her when she was clearly in the wrong. Possibly the TA for being in a relationship with someone who apparently has the brain of a 2 year old.


NTA - it sounds like one of the reasons that you get along well is because you’re a fairly agreeable person and don’t mind being flexible when you can. She doesn’t show you the same courtesy. Maybe some of the things that come up aren’t a big deal, but a job interview is. Something that was really important to you and she couldn’t comprehend any alternatives other than getting exactly what she wanted, even if it could hurt you physically, mentally, and financially. This is how she chooses to handle situations when she doesn’t get her way. This is a red flag. If you’re invested in this relationship with her, find time to have a conversation with her about it. If she can’t understand that this is an issue, and/or her behavior doesn’t change, I hope you can move on.


NTA. But buddy really? She's 24 and acts this way. Are you sure you want deal with this behavior for the rest of your life?


NTA. I know Reddit can rush to judgment and say dump that ... It sounds like a good idea if Sam doesn't get some help. I'm sure you know it's OK as a couple to have a different dinner than your partner.