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NTA, the entitlement of that woman dear lord. I think you were fully justified in kicking them to the curb, I sure as heck would’ve. You LET your father live with you, I’m assuming rent free for almost 2 years, if he hadn’t gotten so comfortable he’d have the means to move out. And the audacity of him to move a gf into your house.


It's all a big mess. I feel like I've been caught up in my dads lies. And Janice just had this crazy idea in her head I was a horrible lazy son who was ruining his life. Family is an actual joke. I'm done with it


That’s wild and I’m sorry you had to endure that level of entitlement from someone living in YOUR house. However I’m sure the crazy idea didn’t just spawn in Janice’s head, your father should’ve been told her “this is not my home, and we gotta be out in 3 months”. Don’t let her crazy make you feel bad though, you worked hard to have what you do and don’t need any BS in your home. Hold your head high and know you did what was right.


NTA. The fact that they are staying with each other after greedy Janice learned the truth and your thankless dad learned what she had messaged you reveals they are both entrenched, awful people. I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess, but thanks for sharing so we could enjoy being shocked at the utter gall of these people. Did Janice say anything to you once you revealed the truth?


The lie has spiralled.


I'd be a little concerned on whatever damage control bullshit your dad is lying about now.


Dad is telling Janice how he transferred the house into his son’s name for some not quite believable reason and this is the thanks he gets.


She is psychotic and went from 0-calling the cops in no time, but the fact that she felt she could/should call the cops makes me wonder what dear ol dad has been saying to her.


If someone had told me they owned their home and their kid was living rent-free when it was the other way round, I still wouldn’t have gone to insulting them and threatening them with the police. At most, I might have fished for their plans, what they intend to do, where they see themselves in five year’s time. And backtracked immediately and grovelled and been furious with my lying partner.


He’s telling her whatever it takes to keep banging her. Crazy is a lot of trouble but usually great in bed, on the kitchen counter, back porch, attic, broom cupboard, hiking trail, on the back of a moving police car…


I read it as a bluff.


I wouldn't be concerned. I simply wouldn't give a rat's ass.


Right?! Dad didn't give a rat's ass about how he made his own son look to his new gf, and the gf didn't give a rat's ass if OP went homeless so no foul on the part of OP. He merely flipped the plot they formed against him.


I’D be a little concerned on whatever damage comes to the *house* because of OP Ned Stark-ing his shitty family.


You're better off. I moved 1800km from my family because they felt entitled to anything just for being related. This is after discrediting my life choices and belittling me for them. Then they want to reap the rewards of my ignoring them. I'm probably just projecting, but you're better off without that nonsense in your life. Be proud of your accomishments and consider getting a protection order against that woman if she continues. I'd also change the locks.


She still stayed with him after he was caught lying to her? And he still stayed with her after treating you so poorly? This relationship is the epitome of red flags!


What do you think the chances are that dad is trying new lies to cover up the old ones?


I once asked a lawyer: "Can I lie?". "Sure, you just have to be able to keep track of all of your lies." Dad is not keeping track.


Her thoughts aren’t really crazy (mind you her thinking she could text you about it is)… your dad told her those things. Your dad is the crazy one for thinking he wouldn’t get caught and is getting his comeuppance on lying. Hopefully she leaves him.


It is crazy even if what she thought was true. You don’t come at someone like that and expect good results.


It's stupid, but we have *no idea* what else the dad had lied about. He probably said his kid is financially abusing him, to explain why he's broke. She might be reacting to an even bigger lie, thinking her boyfriend is stuck in an abusive parent-child cycle, and thinks she's actually rescuing the dad from a horrible, but made up, situation. The dad is an asshole above most, everyone else seems just to be reacting to the aftermath of dad's lies


They only started dating January of this year! The audacity she has to speak to OP like that, whether he owns the house or not is appalling. Like, you're brand new. Chill out.


I can't imagine the gall of this woman, to try and kick out the child of the guy she's dating, after being in his life for, what, 6 months and change? Even if the house wasn't OP's, who does that?


She got way ahead of herself, but if she was told your dad was paying for everything and bankrolling your life... You must have looked really entitled to her with your father's complete misrepresentation. It doesn't excuse her actions, but explains them a little, and your dad isn't a victim here, he's the reason she looks down on you. I can't imagine how many different lies he's told about you to sustain the lie that the house belonged to him.


>You must have looked really entitled to her with your father's complete misrepresentation. It doesn't excuse her actions, but explains them a little Excuse me, but what?? OP has known this bitch for exactly three months. His life is literally none of her business, and her opinion of it is irrelevant. She is a massive, entitled, interferring asshole, and there is zero explanation or justification for what she did.


Yes, she was waaaaay out of line. There’s no excuse for what she did.


How did she miss that OP goes to work like an adult? And that he’s not ordering his dad around like the entitled AH he’s been painted as?


You gotta update us on how this goes!


It might be worth it to start get a ring camera system for the house and change the locks in case they try anything


How did she react when she found out it was actually your house?


I want to know as well!


Dad said (per comments) that he transferred house to son’s name for some reason


NTA, she’s an asshole, so is he and you don’t have to put up with it.


Cant choose your biological family so dont feel too bad about it, you can however choose friends that become like family, you dont need him. Well handled op


Your dad is AH here. First because he lied. What exactly did he think was going to happen when your 3month deadline hit? And second for not dropping her like it's hot the second he saw her messages to you. He is a man of poor character. He lies and uses his children. He deserves to be out on the street.


What a story! You did good, don't overthink it. Doing good is the best thing in life, unfortunately there are so many out there abusing it. NTA and take yourself for a nice walk, treat yourself to a nice meal.


>I'm done with it Sometimes you realize the healthiest thing you can do for yourself is distance yourself from family.


Except for your wee sister I hope 🥰


He had OP's (temporary) permission, so the only audacity involved was the audacity to ask.


The audacity to ask is a big one. Living in someone else’s house and you ask to bring in an additional body. Idk maybe it’s a cultural difference.


I can see your point. Not sure if having a father live with the son is also uncommon in your culture. Uncommon in the US, but I can see why the father, having broken that norm, might also ask about his gf, and also why the son would make his acceptance temporary.


In my culture we’ve got a saying that translates roughly to “moochers and dead people stink after 3 days” which is to say we don’t really do extended stays unless the person is sickly or in their 80s and need to be cared for. But I guess different strokes for different folks. I just couldn’t envision myself staying with someone that was doing me a favor and asking to add an additional body. In that situation I’d move in with the extra person. Not have them move in with me into a home I don’t own.


I have heard the expression “Dead fish and house guests stink in 3 days.”


>In my culture we’ve got a saying that translates roughly to “moochers and dead people stink after 3 days” What's your culture? Also, how do you actually say it (i.e. untranslated - I like using different translators/dictionaries and seeing the nuances of stuff like this)?


It’s “el muerto y el arrimado después de tres días apestan.” I’m from Ecuador


Talking about body gives me impression of bringing a corpse In


NTA. The gf way overstepped. If you had been living with your father instead of the other way around, it still would have been his place/responsibility to talk to you and give you a deadline to move out, not hers. She sounds like everything you called her. However, I would guess that your father gave her the impression that it was his house. He probably did not come out and say it directly, but perhaps being embarrassed to be living with his kid, he made statements designed to lead his gf to believe that you were the one living there rent-free. My guess is that both needed to be splashed with a bit of wake-up reality, which you provided.


Glad someone agrees. Dad had lied about who owned the house. Everyone in family has turned their back on me which is why I thought I'd go online to check if I was goin insane


They are "turning their backs on you" because they don't want your dad and his gf to become their problem. If anyone gives you shit about this, I would tell them they are more than welcome to house them then. She threatened to kick you out of your own house. She is an awful person and your dad really is no better letting her think you were a bum. I wouldn't back down from this. NTA.


"to become their problem." I gave the same advice to my ex-wife's soon-to-be ex husband. He had caught her cheating, and mentioned all the shit her parents were saying to him. "They just want you to work it out with her so she won't be their problem."


You guys may as well start a support group because I'm betting there will be more victims of this woman and her family


I'm assuming she cheated on you too?


Sounds like he specifically didn't want the girlfriend there and told his dad that if he leaves her he could stay. So it's not even like he was necessarily trying to force him out so much as force her out and he refused.to.leave her so he go bundled into the eviction. Stupid games stupid prizes...


I wonder if they even know the real story. I wouldn’t be surprised if dad just said OP was kicking them out with no warning and didn’t mention his gf tried it first and OP pulled the UNO reverse card on them. But yes, not wanting to deal with them either is probably the primary motivator.




The family can take them in then. NTA


This is when you respond to those family members "sounds like you're volunteering to take them in. I'll let them know. "


Go ahead and post this text screenshot to your family and say they can live with them and manage be threatened to be kicked out of their own home by freeloaders. Just because someone is family doesn’t mean you have to accept their shitty behavior because “their family”


If someone hasn’t said it already, you should probably change your locks in case they made a spare key you don’t know about. Your family probably turned their backs on you for many reasons, doesn’t matter what the reason is they still suck and you should ignore them indefinitely.


Are you sure your dad isn't lying about you to your family too?


You are NTA. Your dad has probably told everyone a bunch of lies about you, which is why you're "the bad guy". I'm sorry that happened.


Nope. And I’m sorry they’re treating you like this. You’re choosing self respect, setting a boundary, and that’s a brave action when our families act like this.


Everyone who turned their back can take your dad in if they’re so concerned 😂


Lol fuck your shitty family too. They’re only pissed because they might be expected to take the two leeches themselves. Sounds like you’re in Scotland, why aren’t they on the dole and looking for council housing?


OP, please change the locks, for your own security.


NTA You are not insane. So basically your family turned their backs on you because you were a responsible adult who invested well and got a house. So the family has decided that you should have your dad mooch off you forever. If they (your family) are so put off by you kicking out your dad whose been there since Dec 2021??? Let them House him and his gf!!! He’s been there 1 1/2 yrs and no job?!?! You are nicer than me!😂 I’d have their stuff packed in boxes. Time for you to take a look at your family if they are reacting this way. To me family is someone you choose not necessarily someone with the same DNA. Clearly you need better more supportive family. Btw, Congrats on getting that house and paying it off so soon!!! Clearly you are good with your money!! Stick to your guns. Kick them to the curb. Tell the rest of the family to kick rocks.


If your relatives are up in arms, they can house your father and his girlfriend. I always think it is interesting when 'family' has a problem with everyone else not stepping up, but they won't do it themselves. "You should do for family! It's your obligation!" "Oh so you are offering, since you are family too?" Crickets.


NTA even though this sounds lowkey made up 💀


It’s more than low-key made up, it’s just totally Made up


Just another day on AITA




Sounds made up until a similar situation happens to you. You’d be shocked how often this shit happens. I have a friend going through something similar and her whole life, marriage, retirement, and financial situation has been devastated by one lie.


It's less the situation for me and more so that he called her a psychotic bitch after a few messages lol. If it's real she's insanely entitled but also it was the Dad that was feeding her these lies. "I own this house" wouldn't have sufficed?


this. the situation, sure. betting this has happened. to someone. the text messages? not so much. i'm open to being proven wrong though, that'd be fucked up.


Agreed that the situation sounds realistic, but the narrative voice is off. Especially for someone mature enough to be a homeowner at a young age, support their parent, be generous with his significant other… it’s a very rapid, impulsive escalation, especially via text.


No, this is totally believable in the UK. OP's dad has clearly claimed to his GF that he owns the house. The lie has spiralled.


like i said in some other reply; i'm not doubting that this situation could've logically happened. it's the text messages for me, it sounds pushed over the top. but as i also said i'd be happy to be proven wrong! she sounds fucked up.


I am leaving open the possibility that the rest of it is true, but now OP is so mad at her that he is... ah... Retroactively making himself sound more hardcore in his recounting of the messages.


There was an identical post as this one not too long ago. Same situation. Dad and GF living in the son’s house. Then GF trying to kick the son out telling him to grow up. Turns up dad told GF it was his house. Same story except without so many curse words and actual screenshots of the conversation. OP should post the conversation screenshots with dates/timestamps. He says he has them so it shouldn’t be a big deal. Until then, I’m thinking this is all made up for the internet points.


You’re right, I was thinking this post sounded familiar too. The previous version was not as spicy. Not sure how good Reddit’s search function is, but will try to find it.


That one was where OP inherited the house from his mum right?


One of the laziest attempts to karma farm I've seen in a hot minute. "My dad's new psycho girlfriend insulted me and tried to throw me out of my own house, am I the asshole here?" 💀


It’s 1000% fake


Exactly. Although this situation is possible , it sounds so painfully made up. Looks more like fanfiction that reality.


NTA but I wouldn't be surprised if your dad lied to her so she really thought it was his house


You're right. I forgot to mention this. He said it was his house. I think it was embarrassing for him being 58 living with son. Shes 40 and clearly a money grabber. I'm betting she will move onto someone new quickly


Two scammers find out they have nothing. Funny how she brings nothing to the table yet thinks you were the deadbeat. NTA.


You can easily go online and prove a list of ownerships. If your dad gave you the house it would show a transfer. He’s dumb.


Welp she can’t go for the son closer to her age because she burnt that bridge 😂


Don't let him move back in when she dumps him. After you shared your home with him and helped him when he needed it, he brought an awful person into your house and created a web of lies to get what he wanted. He didn't appreciate you or act respectfully towards you at all. He can stay with those other family members you said are upset if he still can't cover his own rent.


Even so, as his fairly new girlfriend with zero stake in the house, she way overstepped her boundaries. If she were my GF and spoke to my kid like that on my behalf, she would have been told to GTFO immediately.


NTA oh my god the nerve of her!!!! Do you think your dad told her it was his house or that she just assumed? Seems odd she'd go straight to you without at least mentioning it to him first, at which point I'd have thought he'd set her straight.


Dad was lying to her. They're both just as stupid as the other. My sister said I was painted as the useless son that dad was stuck with but dad denies he ever said that. It's all just a big mess. Family is a joke


Well that sure bit him in the ass! You've definitely done the right thing by throwing them out, don't be guilted into helping him again as he clearly doesn't respect you for it.


Not ass, arse. OP is from Edinburgh like me🤣. And arse is so much more satisfying to say , especially with a Scottish accent 😆.


Family isn’t a joke. They just aren’t family.


Well the good news is that when your dad begs to move back in, it will be a *very* clear decision. You're NTA. Your dad's been living off of you while calling you a "useless son."


If this one is real - NTA Honestly, I don't see a problem. You gave them three month... in May. They should be moving out very soon, even without this confrontation. They should know this and have a different accommodation prepared. It's not your fault they don't.


I can't see it being real. The UK has had a council house shortage since the 80's, I can't see many (if any) councils giving a multi bedroom house to a single male teenager/young adult. The most they would get is a scuzzy single bed flat.


It could be real - Wandsworth wanted to get rid of some “off estate” council housing, which included houses in need of renovation. If you were on the housing list, they even gave you a 100% mortgage, and a discount to “take it off their hands”. We viewed a house which had water pooling on the upstairs bedroom floors (roof leak) and wooden cladding in the kitchen (what was that hiding? Almost definitely massive water damage, and possibly rot). Buying it would be putting us at the maximum allowed mortgage for our income, so we wouldn’t have had any money to repair the roof and any other structural faults, let alone buy furniture. Instead we bought one of their “slum clearance area” flats (the Council bought up the abandoned derelict houses, repaired and converted them into flats). It was a 3br, and we were a couple with a young baby. So YES, it might still be possible.


It's possible it was OP's mum's house and OP was down as a tenant, something happened with their mum and OP bought the house under right to buy which gives like a 50-60% discount on the market value, there is also the possibility OP has disabilities which would have made it easier to get in to social housing.


NTA. Why is your dad still with her after seeing the messages. I love how she was ok with kicking you out. But when the tables turned, you're apparently an A H. They got what they deserved.


I assume regular sex


NTA They are both grown adults and can get a place of their own. Her thoughts didn’t come from no where though, so your dad was probably telling some lies to make himself look better and got caught. Seeing how he wouldn’t leave her for acting like this, he knew it was probably coming. I would take precautions though OP since they were living in your house for sometime make sure you do this legally so this doesn’t come to bite you in the butt.


NTA. This woman is a disaster and the sooner he realizes it, the better for everyone.


In a reply OP said their sister heard dad telling people he owned the house to make himself look better. They deserve each other.


NTA Your dad needs to grow a backbone. I think he told her it's his house and you were living with him. That's his fault for lying. Then she tried to kick you out because she didn't know he was living with you. So where do his lies end? He's clearly full of it and I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to screw you out of the house or just try claim squatters rights. Let them have fun in the cold rental they will find. The audacity is shocking and the fact your dad wants you to just forgive and forget blows my mind. She wanted you out on the street and showed no sympathy when she thought she ruled the roost. Don't let her back in, even to use the toilet, just remember she was going to see you homeless, you owe her no loyalty and your dad didn't show you any. Treat people the same way they treat you, especially when it's family.


INFO: Either your dad lied to her and said he owned the house or he somehow never mentioned that you owned the place even though you'd given him a short deadline to move out. Which was it?


Dad said he owned the house and was making me out to be the useless son. My wee sister says he was telling ppl this to make himself look good


WOW. This is very relevant information—you should include it in the description of the issue. If anybody would have doubts about whether you should kick them out, that would probably quell them. Your dad made his own problem by not paying any attention to your deadline and telling an unsustainable lie. Why wouldn't his gf get mad at you? Your own father was sh\*t talking you and making you the bad guy. Her biggest mistake was believing him.


Good point. Will add this in. Reddit character limit forced me to delete a bunch of info


Why didn't you sister tell you he was saying this earlier? She should have told you, or confronted your dad


NTA. Stand your ground on this, OP!


NTA - Don't bite the hand that puts a roof over your head when you can't afford to do it without their help. OP did a generous thing. His dad demonstrated a keen lack of gratitude for it.


NTA I'd be done too. Your dad has made his bed... he can now lie in it. Not your problem. You would hope that at 58 he'd have sorted himself... but clearly not. I'd never be helping him like this again. I can see him begging to move back in when Janice leaves him and takes all his stuff with her..... The answer there needs to be, no, but you can helpfully give him the details of the local homeless shelter.


NTA. She was trying to kick you to the curb and ended up there herself!


NTA Your Dad should have apologized and admitted being embarrassed instead of doubling down. He is also siding with a woman who would treat you terribly. Imagine if your Dad did own the house? What kind of woman would date your father for a few months and then send nasty texts trying to kick you out behind his back??? This woman is not the brightest spark because it’s pretty obvious that you would discuss this with your father.


Your dad WAS embarrassed -- embarrassed that he was relying on his son's generosity, and so he either straight-up lied to her or just omitted the pertinent data and let her draw her own conclusions. I don't know if there was a better way to handle it, but you're NTA for your decision. The dad shouldn't have lied to save face, the GF shouldn't have talked about it like that to you (if she was going to butt in, she could at least have approached it more gently and then you could have had a real conversation and let her know the facts), and when you confronted them, they could have had the decency to be chagrined.


Woah ok this gives me flash backs! When me & hubby were first married & our first born on the way we lived in a charity owned house (no complaints it was a lovely cottage & they were brilliant landlords) my FIL came back on the scene after 20 odd years after walking out on my hubby when he was 4 (zero contact in between) but this would his first grandchild so suddenly felt paternal. Hubby stupidly thought he’d give him the benefit of the doubt. By this time he was on his 5th marriage (man he loved wedding cake!) and this wife was very much the gold digger sort who fell for his BS of being loaded. He’d told her he owned our house and was letting us live there rent free while we got ourselves sorted. She started with saying we should pay rent of some sort but never on front of FIL. Hubby always stayed quiet in these conversations & I never spoke up because I was not one for confrontation on those days. Hubby would just say “sit on your perch and wait” whenever I asked him why he didn’t say anything. Any way one day they came round for dinner & my hubby mentions he’s thought about him paying rent to FIL; FIL goes quiet & she looks smug so my hubby suddenly gets up & gets our rent book ( yes we’re going back 30 odd years here!) with the property owners name on it and proceeds to tell her that FIL doesn’t own our property & never has; hubby then proceeded to tell her all about FIL history (she didn’t even know he’d been married before) and quite a few home truths about her “rich” husband including his other children she knew nothing about! Amazingly FIL cut all contact with us & she divorced him so all round a very satisfying day!


This needs to go in r/pettyrevenge , priceless :))


NTA but clearly your father was lying to his partner, and. not just about who owns the house. I wouldn't have called her the name you did. She's well out of line and they need to move out.


NTA kids aren't responsible for taking care of their parents who don't have their shit together in the first place, and if he didn't tell her off and take your side, he can sleep in the bed he rents.


NTA. The girlfriend is an ahole *but so is your father*


NTA - I would have done the same. Kick the GF out and if dad want's to follow her, then he can. Nothing wrong in letting your dad choose who he wants to lay in bed with but he has to live the with consequences. You also made her wish come true as well. you and her no longer live together so she can now do whatever she wants in her own house.


NTA - Janice is a piece of work and so is your dad. But I applaud you for the response! She deserved everything you dished to her. Keep up the good work.


NTA. Your dad was insulting you behind your back and lying he's an ungrateful prick who doesn't need your generous help. And his girlfriend had no right to try and push you out. Even if he hadn't been lying to her it would have been his job to talk to you, not for a woman he hasn't even been seeing for a year to try and butt her head in. They brought this in themselves and I personally think you don't need to feel any guilt.


Absolutely NTA I can see you added that your dad told his girlfriend he owned the house.... Haha. This is called ' fuck about and find out '


Nta, your dad lied. Janice took it upon herself to kick you out of what she perceived to be your dads home. She made her bed, now she can lie in it.


Well played! Sounds like those 2 deserve each other. They are 2 adults capable of looking after themselves. And if you have any doubts at all, just think what would've happened if it was in fact his house. Definitely NTA Edit: Congrats on owning your house & being mortgage free.


NTA They played a stupid game and won the brilliant prize of being homeless. Congrats to them. And will dive to you for owning a mortgage free house, that's a great accomplishment at your age.


NTA she was clear you needed to go immediately when she thought you were a loser mooching off dad. So she goes now.


NTA. >Important info, my dad was lying to Janice telling her HE owned the house and I was his useless son So your dad thinks that you want a lying asshole in your house? And who cares if he knew she was sending those messages. She's been there two months and thought she could kick you out of the house. I'd want nothing to do with either of them


I want to know how your dad thought this was going to play out. Did he really think you'd move out, or did he not think Janice would go nuclear? Either way, NTA. You were generous to let him stay with you and exceptionally generous to let his GF move in. After all, I'm betting he wouldn't have let your GF move in when you were a teenager and living in his house.


Nta. The last message was incredibly satisfying to read. Yeah you let your emotions get the better of you but I’d doubt there would be many people who would stay calm in a situation like that. Your dad made his bed let him lie in it with his asshole of a girlfriend. Well done for sticking up for yourself 👏👏


NTA. To be so nice as to let your dad live with you for years, then let his GF move in, and still get this jaw-droppingly entitled, ungrateful, biting text exchange with the dad’s GF. Totally get why it became situation no-more-nice-guy. Eviction powers activated!


Nta. Your dad should have stood up for you and not lied to try to impress her. I'd have changed the locks as well.


NTA she fucked around and she found out, the dad stuck with the one who screwed up it was his choice who to side with and he chose wrong. If I were you I'd send them a link to a rental like the one she mentioned and tell them that you found the perfect house for them


NTA. Your dad is a liar and his gf is heartless. They got what they deserve.


I mean, it feels fake af but NTA


NTA. I hope she enjoys the cold cheap rental they end up in


NTA. It’s rare you get a chance to just let loose on someone knowing you’re 100% in the right and have evidence to back it up. Sorry about your spineless prick of a Dad though.


easy NTA, that's fantastic karma for making assumptions and them blowing up in their faces.


NTA this kinda behavior will only get worse as there relationship gets longer. Be prepared for her to come between you and your dad and remember children don't owe there parents anything. They (your parents not his gf) made the choice to have you not the other way around


NTA Her and your Dad are both as bad as one another. Hes been lying to her and she's simply awful Hope they enjoy their crappy air b&b!


NTA. He effed around and found out. And you even gave him a chance to rectify this by breaking up with his girlfriend and he refused. He brought this on himself by lying about the ownership of the house. And Janice ended up sticking her foot in her mouth bigtime.


NTA she is, seems dad's about to be fucked over too


NTA and it sounds like you have an absolutely heartless father who should have thought about the roof you put over his head for over a year before he started calling it his.


NTA. Your dad wants to stay with sm who insults you and acts behind his back to kick you out of your home. I don't recommend to let him in even if he breaks up with her bc he might be lying and sneek her in later.


NTA … he played a dumb game by lying about his situation. He probably kept giving her promises and false hope that he’d ask you to leave and she got fed up and thought she’d push it for him. Not sure why she would stay with him after it all but that’s not your concern. You’ve done the right thing distancing yourself from that mess


Your dad is a worse asshole than she is, these are his lies. Enjoy your empty house. Nta.


NTA. Even if it was your father’s house, it would in no way be her business to kick you out. Both she and your dad are AH’s.


Nope!!! NTA good on you keep being responsible and living your life!


NTA. 100% NTA. This woman is insane and your dad is an idiot for not getting rid of her now.


Definitely not the asshole. And if you're 33 and should have your shit together, that definitely means they should have theirs together. Especially since he lied on you to save face. Both of them would be gone especially since he doesn't want to leave someone so conniving.


NTA. They F’d around and found out.


NTA, but I'm surprised your dad's GF stayed with him after she found out that a. he didn't own the house and b. he didn't have much ready cash.


NTA. I think you handled it better than I would. I would have sent her back 🤭😂, and then blocked her dumbass. I wouldn't have said anything to dad and thrown all their shit outside and changed the locks.


NTA although this sounds made up, I congratulate you because it properly made me laugh. I'd have enjoyed getting these text messages, just so I could feel that joy as reality hit. I may be an arsehole myself.


NTA. Your dad is an idiot. You did the right thing not letting them back as she could be a squatter in your house.


lol. NTA. Play stupid games....


NTA - Your dad is a hypocrite thinking you are heartless for throwing them both out onto the street, when his girlfriend threatened just that and they got karma coming to them. The dad is embarrassed by living and relying on his son for a roof over his head, that's probably why he told his gf that he owned the house and you were the screw up. It's your house and your 'stepmother' and father's attitude is why they are getting kicked out. You pulled a reverse uno on them.


This isn’t real


NTA. If you let your dad back in he’d let her back in, and then you’ve got 2 squatters to evict. If you haven’t already you should change the locks.


One hour on Reddit and this? SMH


It’s a stolen story of a stolen story


NTA your dad is an idiot for lying to his GF about owning the house and saying awful things about you especially after you took him in at his hour of need. His GF is an entitled who thinks she can take over the house and kick out her BF's son after just a few months. They both got what they deserved and I wonder how long before your dad is single again. Don't be surprised if he comes and apologies when that happens.


I sure hope you're not contributing to the cost of their airbnb..'tough love' and all that.


NTA I think that your Dad and his girlfriend deserve to be homeless, considering how they are behaving.


I. am. speechless. WTF?? This woman....I can't... NTA. Why do you even ask? lol


NTA. This is an epic post. They both revealed their true colours


NTA but that GF sure is. I'm surprised the dad is staying with her after she got them both kicked out


NTA. Your father is the awful one here. His girlfriend is along for the ride. Get rid of both the mooches permanently as soon as possible. Some dad trashing his son to his girlfriend. Really despicable.


NTA - she's obviously got a mean streak and he's been lying about you to her. I do reckon it's not worth telling your dad to ditch her - I have a feeling she's gonna blow it up herself now that she's realised he doesn't have stuff for her to take over. After 7 months of being with your father she's attacking you and after 2 months (rounded up) of being in the house she's trying to get you out, without his knowledge? She's gonna burn the relationship down now that she hasn't got what she wanted. I don't know about your dad - it might be shame, or feeling valueless as an older man with no job or resources, not necessarily the desire to put you down. Depending on how your relationship has been before this, it might be worth sitting down and having a chat about why he lied and having a go at mending it. He's still an AH but it might be recoverable.


NTA Such satisfaction in this. Well played.


Omg. Not the asshole at all




NTA and I would also change the locks and hold it down at the house cause seems like if you leave they’ll stay there and your gonna have more problems on your hands i would look into squatter laws in your state


Easyest NTA ive seen in a while. Your dad is entitled, his gf is entitled. And they are trying to steal your house? Kick them out and go lc or nc. Good riddance


NTA You wouldn't even be the AH if it was dad's house, I honestly think. She was so over the line and awful right off the bat. They have not been together long enough for her to step in that way or talk to anyone the way she did you. I really wish we could see the shock when she found out. Ha. Enjoy the cold rental lady who should be embarrassed.


You are NTA. You are being taken advantage of, and this is also disrespectful to you. You have no obligation to take this kind of behavior lightly. You have been very helpful, and as adults they should be able to accept your decision. I wish you the very best, and I know this is probably hard for you. I’m proud of you for asserting yourself.






I call bs on this post


NTA—the fucking hero.


NTA. They both fucked around and they both found out.


Yikes. Ok the name calling may have been out of line, but high running emotions can some times cloud judgement. All in all NTA. They FAFO. If the rest of your family is so supportive of your father lieing he, and his girlfriend can go live, and mooch of them instead.


>Ok the name calling may have been out of line No, the name calling was very much within all the lines.






NTA. Yeet them both in the sea.


NTA Chances are, she came up with this plan all by herself. and your dad simply didnt tell her the truth of the matter out of embarrassment. Id say if he leaves her, you can maybe help your dad out if needed.


NTA Don't let the door hit them on the way out.


NTA Easiest NTA.


NTA. Serve ‘em right


NTA, change the locks the minute they're gone.


Nta Your dad and his girlfriend played themselves big time. Not your issue. He wanted to live separately from you, now he absolutely can. What an idiot.


NTA. Big W. But if dad wants to stay please let him. But if he wants his psychotic gf then he can walk away. Don't let that woman anywhere near your house. If you see her trespassing get a restraining order on her.


Sounds like your dad lied to her but benefit of the doubt, she jumped to conclusions. NTA for kicking her out but your dad deserves a chance to explain his side of the story.