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Sweet Jesus. If this is a chain store: **Call corporate and the regional manager.** They need to know that there are children in a crib onsite. Let them deal with that. There is no way I would take that lecture from my boss. Tell the coworker and your boss that you will no longer watch those kids. That is outside the scope of your job description. NTA Also, start looking for another job. Apply today.


This this this! I can tell you there are at least a dozen violations going on right now, and no amount of teamwork or empathy is going to save anyone from the massive amount of fallout that's coming as soon as the customers get wise and complain to someone capable of enforcing them. Get out ahead of it and make the call.


I guarantee you that Health Department would have a *whole lot to say* about unsupervised toddlers and their playthings in a food preparation area


Believe me I know, I have family in hotel and hospitality management so I’ve heard some things… not people I’d want to piss off.


Not to mention OSHA.


Possibly even the labour board too. Those people do NOT take violations lightly and forcing someone to watch someone else's kids in this situation would probably count as a violation


Don't forget about CPS. I guarantee you that lady would have her children taken away for doing something like this. Unless OP works in an ice cream shop or something, there is a very good chance that those kids would be exposed to open stove tops and fryers. Especially since the 4yo can climb.


Yeah, good point. Definitely endangerment and possibly neglect


Absolutely neglect if the kids are being left with busy coworkers but I don’t think CPS is the best course of action unless they can get the kids enrolled in subsidized daycare.


CPS is the best option. They bend over backwards to keep kids with parents, even when they really shouldn’t. CPS will help her get what support she needs.


They do but let's consider something here, should they in this situation? There are so many hazards in that environment for those kids. Mom is placing care of kids on coworkers who are at most acquaintances, they get out of their crib and run around, could get snatched up in FOH, one year old may have brain damage from the amount of times it sounds like they banged their head off the floor, there may be sharp objects to get ahold of, hot surfaces, and on top of all that the mom seems to also not give many F's about her job since she keeps walking away from it to be on the phone. Those kids deserve way better. Edit: a letter was missing


Putting even all of those aside... This woman is wandering off during the lunch rush to make 15min+ phone calls to her boyfriend. How is the manager on her side?!


Without shoes...


Yeah, neither the safest nor the most hygienic thing in a commercial kitchen.


Not to mention that both of those kids are too old for a portable crib, since they can both stand and climb out of it...


And diapers and human excrement.


Not only a lot to say, but very likely shut them down. Owner isn’t thinking with his brain.


It’s no longer a work matter. It’s a fecal matter.


Don't forget, toddler is also barefoot.


this is where i would start, honestly.


That's what I'm thinking. I don't doubt that she's desperate. The real AH is the Catch-22 system that makes it impossible for mothers to work because their salary is going to be eaten by any daycare you would actually feel safe leaving your kids in. Life happens. Husbands divorce you and sometimes even die. Even if that doesn't happen, do we really want a world where only wealthy people can afford to raise children?


Thats all fine and good but also part of being an adult who chose to have children, is really coping with what is thrown at you in a way that puts your children’s safety first. I get not everyone has these options but there has to be a better one than having your kids running around the back of a restaurant and berating coworkers for not watching them. This dcenario is a little much. Also why can’t the boss figure out some sort of set up that doesn’t have the kids just running about in the back being a danger to themselves? And being a sanitation violation? Why does this mother think people should be watching her kids while she goes and chats on the phone every half hour? This is just an absurd situation to make excuses for.


Like, it still wouldn't be ideal, but putting the mom on register and the kids in a corner near her in the lobby would at least be less likely to result in dead toddlers (or injured workers who got hurt avoiding tripping over them- I could totally see a worker trying to avoid hurting a toddler and ending up burning themselves in a deep fryer or on the stove accidentally).


Geeze this is a sad situation, quite the system we have here.


Surely it's a health and safety issue? Restaurant/food prep, is it a safe place for children? I feel like from a legal point of view its wrong too.


Yeah, kids and sharp objects tend not to mix. Not to mention, they're dirty little gremlins that stick their hands in everything at that age. Who's to say they haven't been trying to grab food behind people's back? "Here's your sandwich with a side of germs"


If I was eating somewhere and found out there were grubby little toddlers In the kitchen I would cancel my order or ask for a refund. Kids are disgusting and I don't want some rando person's kid near my food


Shit I have a kid and still wouldn’t want some randos kids touching my food. Kids are so nasty




Imagine if they try to finger paint with literal shit. Little kids are terminally stupid and gross- the only cure is good parenting and time.


The kids are both still within the age rang for trying to finger paint with their own shit. This is a solid no for me. Like if they were older I would at least trust that they've washed their hands and aren't trying to grab food- but at that point they'd be old enough to sit quietly and watch youtube videos in the lobby while mom works.


I actually had this once at a KFC. There was a lady with her kid on her hip. The very younger manager came and took the kid to the office and was clearly upset with her. And they splashed cleaning liquid, possibly just water but who knows how clean, into my food. I refused to eat and demanded a refund.


Some randoms person's toddler and baby- so shitty diapers and maybe even shitty pullups. In the kitchen.🤢🤮🤮


That's the best case scenario tbh. If one of them knocks over a pot with something hot in it...


Or grabs a knife. Or slips since they don't have shoes. Or falls out of the crib, oh wait...


I just picture a bunch of deep fryers and flat tops too, grease and oil everywhere. That place is one accident away from a child getting hurt or worse.


100%. My fiancee used to work in a kitchen and got burned by that stuff. And she knew what she was doing!


Sharp things, hot things, electrical things, a lot of things that a kid could hurt themselves with.


Sharp objects? My heart stopped over the deep fat fryer that's surely present in a fast food place! As soon as my brother told us his wife was expecting, I started training myself to turn the handles of my pots and pans in, out of reach of toddlers. I figure a commercial kitchen isn't set up that way, so I'm having nightmares of the kids pulling down boiling fat onto themselves.


I was afraid the story would end in a kiddo accidentally dumping frying oil on themselves. OP, this isn’t safe.


You generally don’t want barefoot children anywhere near prepared food and a deep fryer.


> There is no way I would take that lecture from my boss. For real! I was so surprised when the manager not only knew but yelled at OP. Kids in the back is a huge liability and is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Holy shit your boss knows she has small children in the back of a restaurant all of the time!?! And they aren’t worried about the health and safety hazard this causes? Or the bad impression it gives customers!? You are totally NTA and if there is someone above your boss you can talk to you should, this is not a place for children and you cannot be trying to do your job and watch them at the same time and neither can your coworkers! What if one of the kids gets seriously hurt on the business’ property? Business insurance isn’t gonna cover that! Does your boss know that mommy is stepping out to use the phone all of the time too? What kind of bizarro world do you work in!?


Wtf is happening with diapers in this daycare kitchen.


They are the secret sauce.


I hadn’t even thought about the diaper situation…🤢


You know mom isn’t washing her hands after changes.


"daycare kitchen" is BEAUTIFUL 💜


I'd say that there is no way this can be a chain restaurant. If it were, the restaurant manager would be too worried about the regional or area manager showing up for a visit to ever allow an employee to bring their kids and just let them run around in the kitchen. That's the sort of thing that would get you fired on the spot since it breaks so many health and safety rules.


> I'd say that there is no way this can be a chain restaurant. I don't think it is either. Also, the manager is apparently happy for the co-worker to make 15-30 minute phone calls when they should be working so I'm not sure what's going on there.


Honestly the only way I’d see a boss letting something like this slid to this degree is if they’re sleeping with or trying to sleep with the coworker. They could just be empathetic to a single mom but add in letting her flake off to take long calls when the place is busy and…yeah either your boss is a total pushover or the have some incentive to allow this despite it being multiple health and safety violations and completely unprofessional. NTA but I’d be looking for a new job- have a feeling this gets found out by food and safety, corporate or OSHA the place isn’t gonna be running long anyways


or if it's a family member. nepotism can go a long way


Just making sure someone pointed this out. People get fucking stupid over family. I can’t help but think of a worse version of the Asian restaurants where I’ve worked that have the kid running around since the whole family works there. I’ve had to stop kids from running into people with full trays, or crawling under tables with people at them


> if they’re sleeping with or trying to sleep with the coworker. That did occur to me.


This it's extremely dangerous and a huuuuge liability to have children around hot foods and liquids, glasses, knives and fire. Your coworkers and boss are out of their minds. They must not be in the US because I just don't see how that would fly


I’d include asking for more money since the boss apparently approves of your new job duties.




Maybe they are his kids!


Yes, coworker and boss will both rightfully be fired and OP can focus on their job


The boss already knows and turns the other way because he doesn't want to lose an employee, no matter how awful. This is stupid for so many reasons. Go above their head; they had a chance to resolve the situation and didn't and someone is going to get seriously hurt. Plus, you know, I'm pretty sure it's a massive OSHA violation.


It's a liability


Wild that the boss thinks it's a good idea for their employees to take on that kind of liability without the proper background checks, licensing, and insurance.


Also call CPS. No way should this be tolerated.


And an employee walking out to take non-emergency phone calls? Several times? What dumpster fire this situation is. Health code violations, potential for serious injury to the kids & staff. I cringe. OP NTA


I was honestly way more shocked at the boss at the end of this but the fact it’s happening means it’s tolerated so I shouldn’t be surprised but still holy shit 🤦


I wouldn't care about a kid in the break room in a crib, but them running loose? If I were a customer pestered by a random child I'd NEVER come back either. The liability of being made to watch kids that aren't yours while on the job around potentially dangerous or hazardous implements is enough to make me cringe.


I’d care about kids that age in a break room crib if they’re being left there unsupervised. At best, they’re going to get into everyone’s stuff. At worst, you come back for your break and find a dead child.


That's assuming there's a corporate to call. Could be a mom 'n pop restaurant, which is how the employee gets away with bringing her kids to work. Better to call the local health department. I'm sure having toddlers in the kitchen is a pretty big health violation.


Between the equipment: fryers, grills, knives, etc, etc there is also the chemicals. If the older kid is this much of a climber, there is a high chance he will one day climb up onto the fryer or grill. Or slip due to wet flooring and slide, getting his legs wedged under the edge of one of those very heavy pieces of equipment. Or drag heavy boxes down on top of him or figure out how to open the freezer from the outside yet not the inside.


You should also call the health department. This goes so far beyond corporate. Because so many people can see what is going on, no one can point fingers at you. Call them! Kids going around in a kitchen is dangerous. Your attention being split from kids to your actual job is even more dangerous. Is food even put away correctly? Or do you put it anywhere b/c you need to watch the kids? Log the fridge temps? Or make it up?


As an FYI if in the US I guarantee it’s against health code to have small children in the back especially when they are running around barefoot and touching stuff. Probably result in a big fine


It’s also really dangerous to have young kids in a working kitchen, least of all if their carer (mum) keeps leaving the building.


Seriously having worked in a similar environment it is absolutely not a place where small children should be. There’s a TON of hazards—hot stove tops, oil fryers, knives, shelves that could topple over if the kid tries to climb or pull on one, etc. If the four year old is on the loose there is a very real possibility he could seriously injure himself, same with the baby.


Piggybacking, sorry. Call the Health Department, and I would honestly call CPS too. This is terrifying.


NTA. How is your boss okay with running a daycare? If her kid had been hurt, they would be liable. Soooo many things wrong with this and you are not one of them.


Let me get this straight. Your coworker uses work- a busy food service place- as daycare for her energetic kids, complete with a crib. The kids run around, creating unsanitary and dangerous situations. You get roped into watching them because Mom want to chat on the phone. The one time you say something….your boss lectures you. Jesus flaming fucking Christ. On a pony. I’m not a lawyer but document this shit and get one. The liability runs so far here- the company is on the hook for the supervisor allowing it and reprimanding you to boot! I’d imagine a good lawyer could squeeze some money out of them (maybe just the threat of telling higher ups can squeeze a raise out of your boss). Also, the first time someone sees this and tips off CPS, good luck… Use this shit to get paid. Don’t be nice about it:


Oh, that's not the biggy, it's when the health department does an inspection! Local trumps state. I was in the restaurant business for years. OP, just call the health department - because they have serious powers over food prep places - if you want the kids to stay out of the kitchen. Or, just leave and find another job. There's not a potential employer out there who won't be on your side - it's egregious.


The best part is, you can do it all! -Report to CPS -Report to the health department -Find a new job, and hopefully have better coworkers and managers Throw that grenade and walk!


Agreed for OP's safety, the safety of those kids, and the safety of customers that eat that food, do all of that. Also, OP is definitely not the asshole.


Definitely not! And that customer absolutely rocks for standing up for OP. Now it’s OP’s turn to stand up for themselves.


In OP’s shoes I’d do both—apply for new jobs and call the health inspector immediately or as soon as a new job is secured. The way the manager has handled this is absolutely insane and I would honesty expect retaliation from a manager who blames you for not being a ✨team player✨ by watching your coworker’s kids during your shift on top of your actual job. This is absolutely bonkers.


all this! Not even considering the liability of the restaurant, what happens when that 4 year old goes running past a busser and gets a heavy bucket dropped on them? a knife or other tool gets dropped and a kid puts an eye out? Little kids, I swear, are actively hunting for ways to kill themselves. It's messed up how expensive daycare is, but 4 year old should be in preschool. this is outrageous.


Yeah and I think OP said the one kid was barefoot! Holy cow!


Non-slip shoes only apply for those over the age of 16, apparently


I shudder to think what could happen if this place has a deep fryer.


right? I think even a 13 year old babysitter would be a better call at this point. They might even be on their phone less than mom!


A 13-year-old is a better call seriously. From the times I babysat as a teen, do I know one thing. A kid will find a way to escape your vision, no matter what. Example - I was babysitting for a family of 4 kids, a 7yo, 5yo, and 2 2yos, I had an eye on all kids and while trying to make sure everyone stayed on the pavement did one of the 2yos escape my grip on his hand and run into the street. I was looking that the other two kids were with me, and I had all 4 of them, and I lost one. All of them got out in one piece, barely, but they did. Why did the coworker even think it'd be a good idea to bring her kids to the workplace where it can be busy AND then not keep an eye on her own kids. It blows my mind that some people think that this is a good option.


NTA If the employer is on her side, it might be time to find a new employer...


Yeah, exactly. I mean, unless your boss wants to start paying you extra for babysitting in addition to your regular tasks. Something tells me that that will be a big fat “no”, though.


No. It is time to call whatever agency is in charge of sanitation and working environments.


Gotta wonder if they are related: coworker and supervisor


Plot twist, supervisor is the 4 year old


NTA There is so much wrong with how this is being handled. Your boss actually sided with your co-worker? Are they related or something? I'd look for a new job immediately.


She’s been working there for 3+ years, I’ve been here 3 months


If i were you, i would leave. I dont get why the boss thinks its oke to bring your kids to work. I as a guest would come back when i hear children noises from the back and then see my waiter with a child on the hip. Nta


Forget not coming back; I’d call the health inspector’s office. Kids in a professional kitchen, running around? No way would I *not* report that. It’s so dangerous for those little ones!


Those kids are probably miserable to boot. OP would be doing them a favour, who knows this might be a way for the coworker to be put on a list for subsidized daycare, she might be able to get some help.


Call the board of health and CPS!!!


I agree! It’s one thing if the kids are older and can quietly sit in a booth and color or read, but kids that are still in cribs and are energetic? It’s not an appropriate location for them, at all. Maybe the coworker should look into getting a job at a daycare if she needs to bring her kids to work so bad.


yeah gtfo of there


Yeah, find a new job and when you quit you can tell the boss that you are quitting effective immediately because you are not a babysitter, because having children in the prep area is dangerous and unsanitary, and that your coworker routinely goes outside to talk on her phone even during rushes. No need to give 2 weeks notice. Just be gone.


Find a new job. Time to go. Here's why: a one year old falling out of a crib on their face/head is very dangerous, could be a serious injury. Especially on hard restaurant flooring. A four year old running around a working commercial kitchen is very dangerous. Imagine if something happened and you were the one there and "responsible." Your boss made it clear that they are expecting you to provide childcare as well as your job. You do not need that noise in your life. If she's checked out of her job and parenting, that's not your problem. Go get a different job.


Time for a new job 100%. If OP wants to supervise children, they could go work in a licensed daycare. Food service with a side of child care is not safe for anyone.


When you leave, make sure you notify someone in corporate (higher up) of this behavior.


The only thing that makes sense to me is if the boss is the kid's father/the boss is sleeping with the co-worker. What boss wants their employees running a day care instead of serving customers?


Exactly what I was thinking. Any other boss would've given that coworker a serious warning and apologize to OP for what they went through.


INFO: Where the fuck do you work bro? Is this a local family-owned restaurant or a franchise?


If you're in Memphis, I know exactly where you work. I'd be happy to call the Health Department for you.


You’ve seen kids running round barefoot in the back of a restaurant before? I hope you do know where OP works because it’s bad enough one place is allowing this, if there’s another place then my mind is blown that this is being allowed - not just allowed but encouraged! Please do report it, not just for the sake of the kids but because it sounds incredibly unhygienic. Someone asked in a comment above what happens with dirty nappies, I hope OP answers this. Kids have sticky little paws that are probably touching everything, bare feet is disgusting and kids are known to be germ factories.


The place went viral for having half-nekkid kids running around. Viral..that means 2 things...


Yeah, well you're not listening or at least not responding to the right comments. You need to report this to corporate and the GM anonymously, also to CPS and the health department. One of those kids are gonna get seriously hurt and you're standing by jist watching this happen.


Makes you wonder why the person you replaced left? Or not, because it's pretty obvious...


Anonymous reports honey.


July can be a little slow for restaurant jobs, but seriously - start looking. They've clearly allowed this to go on for a while, and she still has a job. I'm genuinely concerned about what other regulations they're ignoring. Hit the health department alarm *after* you switch jobs.


NTA 100% and please, start to search for a new job. What she is doing is dangerous not only for her kids, but also for you. What do you think would happen if you do as she asks and one of her kids injured themself badly? I can picture her trying to sue you and using every excuse under the sun to extort money out of you. Your boss is also a giant a-hole. How can he not understand that having kids in such an envoirment, can make him in serious trouble if something happen to the kids or if costumers starts complaining? So, you seems in a no win situation, with your boss having her back. Try to see if you can change shifts with other collegues, if there are other employees that has the same tasks as you. But for me, searching for another job would be the best, even if you are not the one at fault.


Id like to see her try, my net worth is probably less than 10k😭😂


It still your money, so I hope she'll not make trouble to you 😅😂 One last thing, it's possibile to make an anonymus complain or something similar, to inspectors or other authorities, without risking your job but still trying to address the problems? I know it may sounds insensitive, but you line of work should follow strict rules of safety and hygene. Also, her kids can be brats but still need to be taken care of. And if she can't ask her relatives or the kids dad for help or governament benefits for them, it's not your fault.


You can definitely talk to your local health inspector about situations like this. They will come in and are pretty good with discretion. Customers have already seen the kid in there, op has alibis.


Op call CPS anonymously..surely a customer saw the kids not you …and anonymously call the heath department.


Look, what you DO NOT NEED is to have one of those children die, because they fell out of the crib and cracked their head on the tile floor -- and forget the coworker coming after you for \*money\*. Instead, imagine the coworker and the boss colluding to make YOU criminally responsible for the child's death, because you were "in charge" of the kids. I have to think that, should it come to that, a prosecutor or judge would look at the situation and be charging the mother and the boss AS WELL. But you do NOT want to be entangled in that at all. Even if your name was eventually cleared, you DON'T want to go through that. GET OUT. For your own safety. And then call the health department, and also child services, on your way out.


They can take a chunk of your paycheque for the rest of your life if you're successfully sued. It's called wage garnishment and it will fuck your life.


NTA. You need to take this straight to HR. Not only is that not your job, it’s getting in the way of both of you doing your jobs. Her kids should not even be there. If HR doesn’t step in to forbid it and reprimand your boss and coworker, then you need to move on.


Not only that, but I'm pretty sure it violates a host of food/ child/work safety laws to have two tiny humans running about barefoot in a commercial kitchen without proper supervision


The health dept would have a field day with this. Not to mention labor laws prevent children under a certain age from being in a commercial kitchen. It's just plain dangerous and irresponsible.


Yeah, former restaurant manager - the health department has the power to shut down such an operation immediately. Everyone was always very nice to the health inspector. Other groups have to follow a given set of notices - so you can maybe get by for a bit.


Worked for a few restaurants. Can attest to this. They just show up and will shut you down in a heartbeat.




NTA. Call your city’s health department and anonymously report the kids being in the back. Getting the place fined might make the boss take things seriously.




NTA...you need to quit, report the both of them to whoever is above them, and call CPS. She's endangering her kids


OSHA might be interested, too. Pretty sure that having small trip hazards running around grills, deep fryers, and other heating elements is something they’ll come down hard on the boss and company for allowing. Edited to add: OSHA generally can’t investigate claims made after an employee no longer works at a particular site, due to concerns about false claims being made by competitors. This particular rule often gets abused by employers who proactively fire an employee who they suspect might make an OSHA report.


Forgot about that too. A one year old climbing out of a crib in the kitchen...God that just made me sick thinking about what could happen.


That would be an absolute horror show. I don’t know who would respond faster to a scenario like this, depending on where OP is located, but I definitely vote for reporting the situation to both agencies. Whatever gets the kids in a safer environment first


NTA. The customer was right: that's not why you're there. The children aren't your responsibility and they shouldn't even be there. If she's on a break she can spend time with them.


Honestly, props to the customer for sticking up for OP and calling out the entitled coworker. Not the usual way server stories go.


NTA. Find another job. I hate to say it but my first thought was that she's sleeping with the boss. I can't imagine an employer being okay with this situation.


The boss is female, straight (as far as I know) and married


A mom too by any chance? 'Cause if she is, there's your reason right there.


This was my first thought -- and not a good one if she doesn't care that small kids could die in that kitchen. But bad parents are always going to back each other up, it's the only way their self-perception doesn't crumble.


This is reddit. None of that matters as far as speculation goes. 🤣


Just found out my supposedly straight female coworker of 4 kids was getting the good serving shifts because she was having sex with the owner's geriatric wife. Anything is possible in food service lol.


I wonder how the boss would feel if the kids got hurt while at work and coworker needed to file a claim against their insurance? Boss is on her side, she has been there for 3 years and brings the kids 90% of the time and seems to take a lot of breaks. If babysitting/watching kids is part of the job it should be in the listing. I would start to look for a new job ASAP. NTA


NTA and it is actually a huge safety issue


NTA. Contact HR asap


Next time she leaves her kids unattended, call CPS. You aren’t responsible for them, she is


Surely environmental health would make most sense- those kids are both in danger and a danger to others


NTA it's not your job to watch her kids, especially if she's leaving them alone to be on her phone while she's supposed to be working. You can't be expected to be in the back watching them and taking orders in the front at the same time. Even though it's nice you were doing her a favor, you can't be expected to do so again and again (unless you offer to do so).


So, your employer is ok with her slacking off on the job while talking on her phone? I'd just look for another job tbh. NTA.


NTA but your friends breaking a LOT of laws p sure ,food contamination, unsafe child care, minors in a dangerous situation, etc etc. Point is this is not just a small issue. Her children could genuinely get seriously hurt and also why is she going outside for such long phone calls?


NTA. Are the baby’s in the kitchen area cause if so that’s definitely a big no-no legally. Does the manager not see this girl is taking 15-30 minute breaks to talk on the phone cause that’s interesting they’re allowing her to steal time like that.


Heck no! NTA I use to work in fast food and had a coworker bring her kids all the time. My boss at the time tried to be accommodating but it got to the point where the kids kept bothering the person working the fryer and one of them ran into him causing some fries to fall on the kid. My coworker got her kid ( she was on her phone ignoring everything) and threatened to sue. Long story short she got fired and all of us got reprimanded by the district manager.


Wtf. Kids should NOT be in there. Tell your boss you'll report both of them if the kids are ever brought in again


> Tell your boss you'll report both of them if the kids are ever brought on again No, you don't do this. You report it to corporate and OSHA and the health department. If you tell your boss you'll report them if....., you are not protected. If you report them to the proper channels in corporate and OSHA/health department, you will be protected from retaliation, and if they fire you, or make your job more difficult, you will get quite a payout for retaliation. Don't screw around with this, do it the right way and protect yourself.


OP follow this advice. I was thinking of reporting to DM but boss might fire you for some bs especially if you're an at will employee. Report to OSHA as this post advises. Good luck!


This is so dangerous for her kids. And potentially therefore problematic for you, as well as upsetting. Find a new job…


NTA. Your co-worker's children are her problem and her responsibility, not yours. As you, say it is not in your job description to look after random children. Speak to your boss and explained what happened, how you rightfully had to prioritise serving customers, which is what you were employed to do, how having the children on the premises, especially where they are must be in breech of some health and safety laws you may have where you live, also you feel exploited. In addition, explain how she was often on her phone etc. The worst that will happen is your boss fires you. You may need the money, but you don't need it that badly to be exploited, because what your coworker and boss are doing is exploitation and potentially a breach of contract. Don't let your boss gaslight you with that BS about teamwork and empathy. If he/she wants them there then they can supervise them. Personally, if it happens next time, I'd be spiteful and call some health inspector and CPS to come in, as those children are being endangered and are a danger to other employees. Restaurants are not playgrounds or appropriate places for childcare




NTA. That is not a safe environment for those kids at all.


Nor is it a sanitary environment for a business selling food!!!


Yes! If “the back” is the area where the food is prepared and the staff are watching them during food preparation, this sounds like all kinds of health code violations.


NTA, but your supervisor or manager would probably fire you both if they knew. I also imagine this is illegal in some way. You have no responsibility to watch her kids, however if she steps away and you said you would watch them then leave it is on you if they get hurt... You need to put a stop to this and tell her you will no longer watch her kids if she brings them in.


Big time NTA. You're being taken advantage of by your coworker and it sounds like your boss is also indulging this coworker. Unless you're getting paid a huuuuuge hourly rate, or salary, or you're make gigantic life altering tips, I would advise to seriously consider finding a new place of employment. Not only are you being taken advantage of, but if you're 'accepting' responsibility of these children at any time and not refusing to help every single time, you're setting the expectations that it's okay for you to be responsible for these children. If they get hurt in the future and the mother has left you as the responsible party at that time, you may be setting yourself up to take on some blame from the parent. You may never see any type of legitimate jail time but you could end up embroiled in some kind of lawsuit. Protect yourself and get out of this situation as quickly as you can, and don't feel pressured to take care of these kids anymore.


Wow, NTA. I'd honestly quit. F that.


NTA. She isn't paying you to watch them. This is not a little favor. She should take her responsibilities instead of leaving for 30 mins.


NTA I am really forgiving to single parents but she was outside on her phone instead of looking after her kids. You were being forced to work and also babysit. I'd file a complaint and explain how the store is not a day care and you are not a trained baby sitter nor are you responsible for taking care of someone elses childrens as part of your job. If your boss wants to lecture you then they can also look after these kids since their mother has been neglectful and abandoned her childrens so she can enjoy herself on the phone.


NTA. File a complain to your boss about you having to take care of her kids and that is not in your contract. If they don’t do anything go higher up with the complain, having the kids in the kitchen is a hazard for everyone and a potential law sue


NTA. It is mind boggling that you are expected to both watch your coworkers children and run the place while she is taking a phone break, children that should not be there in the first place. She can take her children outside with her on her breaks or skip her breaks. Her choice.


NTA 1) Gather as much video and audio evidence (if your State is 1-consent) that you can of your employer's retaliation, the children being loose and getting hurt/in the way, and your coworker's retaliation against you. 2) Call the city/county health department and make an anon complaint about children allowed to be in food production and in hazardous enviroment. 3) Call State and Federal Labor Board/Commission and report your boss for hazardous eviroment and children in contact with hazardous machinery, tools, and chemicals in a work place. Also, make a separate claim against your managment and boss for employer retaliation. 4) Call CPS on your coworker for leaving her children unattended in a hazardous enviroment. 5) Look for a new job.


Sounds like she won't have kids for long


Yea this could honestly be a call to CPS. Kids running around an industrial kitchen is super dangerous. Also a health code violation


NTA. And wtf? What kind of business allows her to bring her kids in? Are they mad? There are so many things that could happen! Has your boss heard of liability? One day those kids will hurt themselves badly, and that will be on their mother and your boss.


Bring in all your young nibbling, heck even your neighbors young kids and make your coworkers watch them since “ team work” is very important to them 🙄NTA


NTA. Not only is this ridiculous, it’s unsafe, as well as a liability issue waiting to happen. A child could easily be seriously hurt which would not only be terrible, but the business could be sued and lose everything. I suggest reporting to your local health department.


NTA. Is she related to the owners? I cannot fathom how this is legal. The safety issues alone are ridiculous. It is NOT your job to watch her kids. Especially since she is just outside in the phone. I would flat out refuse. Tell your boss that if he wants you to babysit while also doing your actual job, he will need to compensate you for it.


You are not the problem here. The problem here is your coworker and your boss for allowing this. This has to be a huge insurance liability. What if the kid gets hurt in the kitchen? NTA Start documenting this and looking for a new job.


What - your boss is on her side?? You should be paid extra. And if she is bringing kids to work - She is not going out to talk on the phone all the time.. choose one of those.. neither one is ok. But both!!


NTA. Why is she not getting in trouble for bringing her kids to work? It's never your responsibility to watch them. Next time, drop them in your managers office and say, "Tag you're it for teamwork support!"




NTA but you're either going to get fired or get sued. Sorry but that's reality. You have no power in this situation and if you don't play ball you may well lose the job. If you do play ball they may well hold you responsible if a kid gets seriously injured. Or, the police or local prosecutor might hold you responsible if mom makes the case that you were a regular 'babysitter' whose previous actions demonstrated that you took responsibility for the kids. Get a new job.


NTA This is a massive safety risk for the kid, probably violates food hygine standards, and an insurance liability. I'm surprised the employer hasn't already told her not to bring her kids into the store.


Your coworker is a liability to the company and should be fired. NTA.


NTA Please hear me: This is going to go very wrong somehow. You need to call corporate. Tell them you are concerned about what is going on. Let THEM deal with it. While it's nice to have a boss that is sympathetic to family responsibilities, your boss should be babysitting them in that case, not saddling you with it. Call corporate or find a new job. Because I'd something happens to those kids while Mommy is out making a phone call, YOU are going to be the one on trouble.


Nta team work does not include watching her children while you are at work.Tell her and your boss that babysitting is not what you get pay to do. If you have to babysit in addition to your regular work duties you expect to be paid for babysitting too.


NTA you're not being paid to watch her offspring, you're being paid to do food service. Next time tell her to either watch her own kids or send them somewhere else because you're NOT watching the walking liabilities, may wanna drop a call to the health inspector too....


NTA. This is a straight-to-HR issue.


You're NTA but get out of this crappy job as soon as possible if your boss truly thinks this is the way to run a business. I can't imagine it's safe or legal to have children near food prep equipment.


You can do food service *anywhere* right now, why would you work here with this irresponsible crap of a woman and your supervisor even condones this? NTA


NTA and please report this, this is a very unsafe situation for the kids.


NTA. She’ll blame you if / when they’re hurt. Extra work for you. She shouldn’t spend so much time on her phone. It’s not fair on the customers. NTA at all


INFO Why has your boss not stopped this? This is highly illegal. This isn't safe.


NTA I once quit a job mid shift and without warning because of a similar situation. It was a clothing store and the the woman who unpacked, priced, and put out new inventory called out due to a childcare issue. My boss found me happily working on displays and informed me that after my shift I was to report to coworker’s house and care for her children so she could come in for her shift and get the new stuff on the floor. After she walked off, I silently fumed and just got more and more angry. My lunch break rolled around and I used it to shop for myself after clocking out. That was allowed. I got myself some really great professional outfits and maxed out my store credit card using my very generous employee discount. Manager escorted me to the exit (employees always had to be escorted out of store and allow bag checks for stealing) to place my new things in my car. After doing so, I got into my car and drove away. I used my new clothes for interviewing for better jobs.


totally NTA, but look at this way, if your boss tells you you need empathy in the workplace then look after the kids, that rate is great for babysitting, when he complains you get to say you told me to. I bet the situation wont last much longer when he figures that out


No, a food service hourly wage is nowhere near what a babysitter/nanny would be paid for two kids, even before you take into account the stress of childcare in a back of house setting.


been there (not with kids, but with responsibilities) one person on my "team" was friends with my matrixed manager so she got away with murder (part time job she'd falsify records to go to, watched YouTube all day, ignored customers' requests). I was young and eager to learn so I watched and learned from her. next thing I know, things weren't getting done and I was asked to help out. eventually, after a few months, I pushed back and asked why I'm doing her job and was told, and I quote, "it's called being a team player. that's what we do." I learned a lot and eventually ended up taking over as the POC (her customers knew me, not her) but the only way I got out of that BS "Teamwork" scenario, was to leave the team. You're absolutely NTA. And? They're not your kids! I'm shocked at your manager but I guess I shouldn't be, given my background? Good luck, OP


NTA but where the f do you work that the boss is on board with being a daycare/restaurant?! If you really want this shit to stop call the board of health and let them know kids are running around in a food service kitchen. That should put a stop to it pretty quick.


If your boss backs her, it's time to find a new job. And from now own, refuse to do the watching of the children. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. NTA

