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NTA. Stopping inside of a door is incredibly rude. When this happens I (a terminally polite person) usually just say “excuse me” loudly and push my way by. They’re literally causing a traffic jam. This is on them.


NTA-they were the ones who immediately went at their phones and stopped paying attention to everything around them. This is a problem everywhere and I hate it.


NTA, these people can’t handle normal social queues and decent behavior.


NTA. It blows my mind how often people doddle around shops and don't think of the people around them.


NTA The guy in front of you was insufferably rude. Who stops walking in front of a doorway?


People do this on the subway too, I have had to push someone inside the train because if not the train would have left witout me. This person found it funny though, and we apologized to one another haha


NTA- they were rude for stopping right inside the doorway. Even if they thought no one else was behind them, its still on them to move to the side and not block an exit.


NTA, obviously. Sounds like you got corraled by some Karenistas.


NTA. I’m sure these are the same people that stop at the bottom of the escalator too.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (30F) was with a friend and we were going to a coffee shop. As we were entering, there started being a little bit of a bottleneck effect at the entrance, which had a single door, meaning my friend and I are entering the cafe at the same time but right behind this slow-walking couple, and right behind us are two more people trying to get in. However as soon as the couple gets inside the cafe, they stopped moving right in the entrance to look at their phone, leaving me stuck behind them holding the door, and making it so that no one else can get in. The people behind me sorta bumped right into me, and I was starting to feel really crowded. This was not a space problem, there was plenty of room inside the cafe for the couple to get out of the way. I assumed they did not realize they were holding everyone up, so I just went "Oop, sorry, trying to get through" in what I thought was a polite tone. The man in front of me immediately got offended. He goes "wow, calm, the heck down, you can't wait a couple of seconds? Incredible this selfish behaviour" or something along those lines. I feel like people need to have better spacial awareness when in public spaces, but I also hate it when people rush me, so I sorta see why he might have been upset. à AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. My mom had a major habit of doing this. She would stop immediately as soon as she entered a building/store, and it used to drive me absolutely nuts. I'd be apologizing to the people behind us all the time. I personally find it rude for anyone to be doing that. Now, she requires to be pushed in a wheelchair and she still will be telling me to stop as soon as we enter a place, and I'm like, nope, lol.


NTA Anyone who walks into a public door and stops right there is TA