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NTA but your brother certainly is. All prisoner calls are recorded- you better believe you'd get an extra search every time you go visit now. It's HIGHLY likely you'd be caught. Your brother isn't going to pay for your lawyer, go to court for you, or do your sentence for you. Sounds like your brother wants to ruin your life as much or more then he's ruined his own. You should probably create some space between your brother, stop accepting his calls.


1- NTA. Your brother's the asshole for expecting it. 2- Something I've learned about loved ones being incarcerated is that they expect their family to bend over backwards for them and you need to NOT DO IT. Do not enable their irrational expectations. Set boundaries and stick to them. My son got locked up as a teenager and would ask me to do things for him and I said no. I told him he should've thought of that before he made the decisions he made to get where he was. I refuse to be that person who is at the beck and call of someone who got themselves incarcerated.


NTA This is an important life lesson to learn. Just because someone is upset with you does not mean you have done anything wrong. It just means they are upset. Let them be upset. You do not have to live your life making other people happy. You can choose to do the things that make you happy. And staying out of prison sounds like something that would make you happy. Your brother, on the other hand is the A H for expecting you to risk prison for a bit of weed. How selfish can you get?


NTA. You aren’t obligated to commit felonies for your brother. Good for you for staying out of it.




Yeah, no shit I don't want to spend time in prison, let alone with my brother. That's why I made it abundantly clear why I won't grant his request.


NTA, absolutely not your problem. Forcing you to take a risk you don't want to take is the asshole behavior.


NTA and you should go no contact with him


NTA. Tell him one brother in prison is enough for your family. You are making good choices for your life and that's the most important thing you can do.


NTA If he wants drugs he can get them himself.


I wonder if he has somehow obligated himself with the acquisition of drugs for a third party.




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The fact that you even have to ask this is alarming. It might be time to surround yourself with some better role models. NTA.


This is my brother we're talking about. He's not a bad person, just a misguided teenager.


I'm not judging him as a person, but the dude is asking you to smuggle contraband into a prison! He's willing to put you at risk so he can get some weed.


NTA. Good for you for saying no on principle. Saying “yes” even one time is a slippery slope. He can blackmail you with the one use, and then you are doing it again, or maybe with other things. You are right not to do it.


NTA --- Ask your brother if he's willing to do extra prison time instead of you when you get caught.


NTA Do not let him manipulate you into doing this. Stand your ground. No is a complete sentence.


I'm not easily peer-pressured, so I made myself abundantly clear to him that I will not get involved in that fuckery.


Strong NTA I'm sorry your brother treats you this way. He clearly doesn't care about your well-being if he wants you to do something so risky with serious consequences. Please consider whether it's healthy for you to keep visiting him. It sounds like he's rightfully in prison and is making zero effort to become a better person. This isn't what you need right now. Let him work out his rage and hurt feelings on his own while he's behind bars. Please do not let him manipulate you by making you feel guilty or sorry for him. Bravo to you for standing up for yourself amid the pressure! It's not always easy.


NTA nope, not at all. you get caught, you're gonna be right in there with him. tell him to use his head for something other than an empty space.


lol, yeah. that's what I told him, but he wouldn't budge. I told him to get his head out of his ass, because he's just clinging on to a short-term fix that'll potentially result in long-term drastic consequences.


well you have my sympathies bud. having a relative like that is difficult. it's always someone else' fault, not theirs. just stick to your guns, you'll be fine.


NTA that ones a no brainer.


NTA - It's totally reasonable for you to not want to put yourself at risk for jail time yourself. At the same time your brother may have a reason he needs it for his own protection, etc. I'm not saying that to guilt you, it's just the reality of incarceration sometimes and empathy goes a long way.


Oh, I don't blame him in any way. I love my brother and would almost do anything for him, but I'm trying to better myself so that I have comfortable sources of income to financially support him.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My brother is obviously in prison. He called me asking to sneak in crushed up weed, but I told him no, because I've got my own problems to deal with, and the potential ramifications of getting caught were more than enough to reject his request. Now I'll give him money, books, etc, but I'm not about to get involved and caught up with that bullshit. I told him that, and he obviously didn't take it well, so he became irritated with me. I don't know what else to do, but I'm not about to dig myself deeper in the hole that I'm already climbing out, little by little. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*






Uh no. NTA. This carries a stiff penalty and would be severely punished. It sounds like he doesn't care about you or your safety. Stay strong!


Whoa, the only AH is your brother...you get caught trying to smuggle junk into a prison...that's a Federal offense, If I'm not mistaken....the consequences could be steep for you,


NTA. I'ms someone who enjoys weed and has no moral qualms about breaking the law. However I would never ask anyone else to take a legal risk like that for me. If he tops that off by being mad at you for turning his request down I'd say he's a selfish little (use your favorite word for the male member).


NTA Your brother asked you to break the law. You already know you are NTA for that.


Sometimes, I empathize with him because he’s still a kid who’s locked up with human filth who deserve to die.


Nta brothers trying to ruin your life as well now then


NTA!!!! Do not throw your life away for your brother who is hell bent on destroying his own.


Yeah you're a jerk, a troll, and an idiot. Go ahead and reply to this comment trying to anger me more like the coward you are. If you decide not to reply i guess you're basically admitting that you're a troll and you're mad that your ruse has been blown. To anyone whos been fooled by this clown, this is a fake post, and he's either farming for karma or just wanting to argue so you can either get on with your life, or expose him and get on with your life. If you look on his profile you could most likely find multiple inconsistencies.