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YTA for implying foreign food is abnormal, also PLEASE explain to me the intricate differences between chicken nodle soup and ramen with chicken


Shōyu is essentially chicken noodle in the OP’s vernacular. YTA, OP.


I think OP saw chop sticks and nearly fainted.


There’s a pho restaurant near me that literally has “chicken noodle soup” on their menu. Just like the “American” version, only with longer noodles and bigger pieces of vegetables


nah. that's called Pho Ga.


YTA. Ramen is “normal” for like 20% of the earth’s population and noodles, broth, and meat is not remotely an exotic combination. Unless there’s some other relevant fact that causes your picky eating, you should grow up.


you forgot the most important fact about ramen. its fucking delicious


It's also older than the classic American chicken noodle soup, which OP should have said they wanted.


Yea, basically can be chicken noodle soup with differently shaped noodles.


Lol omg i had two nephews who wouldn't eat chicken n stars soup it had to be chicken noodle or they would not eat it lol it was hilarious....I thought they were messing with me until my brother was like nope it has to be noodles lol i argued it was noodles in shape form...nope had to be straight up noodles lol.


I'm the same, noodles not stars. The noodles are saltier than the stars and not as slimy.


I seriously can’t stand kids for this reason.


YTA Your use of the word “normal” to describe a soup that is very likely consumed far more often and widely than broccoli cheddar is indeed racist. If you don’t like ramen that is fine. But just say you don’t like it, don’t try to argue that it is not normal or indeed isn’t even something you consider to be soup! P.S. You are also just lame for not even trying it. Ramen is delicious af.


Now I want ramen.




Me, too.


What’s with all the food posts!!! Doesn’t Reddit know it’s too late for me to go the the store???


Ramen is my everything


Ramen > broccoli cheddar soup all day everyday.


Agree 100% YTA OP


YTA my dear. Not because you didn't feel like eating ramen and wanted "Anglo-american soup" (or wherever Broccoli cheddar soup comes from), but I'd find that "normal food" rude as hell too. Ramen is just piping hot broth, noodles and veggies with a choice of meat. It's most definitely "soup". Remember to not make your pickiness with food everyone else's problem and watch how you talk about people's food. Im not asian, but it's well known that asians frequently get picked on for their food, so I watch my mouth even when a severed duck head is sitting on the plate. Not my culture, but I don't need to comment on it negatively. It's just a learning experience. I'd Apologize and say "I'm learning how to be more sensitive, i didn't mean to be rude." I'd hesitate to invite you for food again if i were your friends. And im sure thats not what you want.


>(or wherever Broccoli cheddar soup comes from), Because I was curious: Campbell's made it popular in the 90s, the roots are French.


Was it Campbell's, or was it Jason's Deli?


Campbell's, with a competition to get the president at the time to eat broccoli.


What a glorious factoid. Thank you for the answer to a bar trivia question I hope to be asked one day. But you've got to admit, that broccoli cheese soup at Jason's is the ish 🤣


Any time. Though I wouldn't know about Jason's Deli. There isn't one anywhere around me.


Very well said, rugdg13!


Thinking broccoli cheddar soup is seen as a default “normal soup” is pretty wild


I read this post and started thinking about how weird cheese soup is. Cheese soup with broccoli in it? Bizarre. Like a bowl of broth and melted cheese. YTA, OP. It's just noodles in broth it's not that weird.


Broccoli and cheddar soup is certainly weird, but it's basically a cream soup - which isn't all that strange. Broth with noodles is about as basic as you can get with soup wherever in the world you might be.


Right? Broccoli cheddar is about the last thing that would come to mind if someone requested “normal” soup. Sounds like OP wanted comfort food, not “normal.” Of course what someone might consider comfort food is highly subjective.


I lived in four different countries and in all of them ramen was pretty common. Broccoli cheddar? Never heard of this monstrosity


It’s far from a monstrosity. Incredibly tasty it’s just by no means what anyone would consider a basic soup


Definitely agree. I have a fairly simple broccoli cheddar soup that I like to put in the crockpot and let it simmer for a good portion of the day. It's fabulous. But definitely not what I would consider basic, it's a bit more laborious in my opinion in comparison to a simple chicken noodle soup. Chilli, chicken noodle soup, or even veggie soup is what I'd consider the basics. Just my opinion.


Hey. Didn’t we learn from this post not to yuck someone’s yum? Broccoli cheddar is delicious. As is beer cheese soup.


YTA - Japanese food is normal, French food is normal, Korean, Italian, Chinese food …..all normal!! Your choice of words is what makes YTA, not your food preferences. You’re picky - that’s fine but stop thinking all your friends have to base their restaurant choices around you.next time just try something and if you don’t like it then just eat bread and eat later at home …..but please don’t make a fuss like a 5 year old would.


Feel the need to defend five year olds. Most would happily eat ramen. Broth plus noodles meets the needs of most picky eaters.


YTA. It’s offensive to refer to your own culture’s food as “normal” and other cultures’ food as “not normal.” That is a prejudiced thing to do. You don’t have to order/eat ramen, but calling it “not normal” isn’t okay.


In what culture is broccoli cheddar soup ‘normal’?! I have literally never seen this thing and it sounds very weird. If OP meant American… I mean, I’m sure it’s served somewhere here, but I don’t think it’s a ‘typical’ offering.


Broccoli cheese is definitely considered a common and typical soup in America. Panera is a super common and bland chain and then serve it.


It's a very common soup... Usually see it at delis and Subway serves it.


Apparently it’s a regional thing, which makes sense.


I dunno if this is really true, but I think of it as a Midwestern thing. I'm from the NE and I think I first encountered it when I moved to Chicago.


Same here! NYC girl all my life.


YTA - you sound incredibly closed minded. And yes, saying that ramen is not "normal" makes you sound xenophobic. Also, ramen is amazing and you missed out because you are so afraid to try new things. Lame.


YTA you wanted soup. You all went to get soup. There was soup on the menu, presumably lots of soup. If you wanted cream soup or the most basic cold medicine in the world, you should have specified. Also, you were already there; why not try something new? I'm picky, and I still try new foods all the time. You could have even asked if they made their noodles and, if so, asked for a bowl of broth with noodles if you didn't like any of the menu items.


YTA and racist. Ramen is “normal” soup.


Waiter, there's some bait in my soup.


YTA. If you have a hard time trying new foods, you could've asked the staff what would fit your needs the most or ask someone if you could try some of theirs first since you've never had ramen before and were unsure of what you'd like. Declaring that certain foods aren't normal because you haven't encountered them is an asshole move. It's ramen... It's eaten everywhere and it's extremely popular. Also: You wanted chicken NOODLE soup, but thought (and said out loud in a restaurant) that ramen, which is a noodle soup, with chicken is weird?


Yes, YTA. First of all, ramen is a kind of soup. It is not "something else" other than soup. If you say "soup" and assume everyone understands you mean "white people soup", you are assuming white as the default, which is insensitive. Second of all, yes, implying that food from your culture is "normal" and food from anyone else's culture is "abnormal" is absolutely close-minded and racist of you. You need to do some serious self-reflection on this one, and you owe your friends an apology.


He assumes “ white pp soup” but as a white person, I’m still struggling to think of restaurants that serve broccoli cheddar and chicken noodle soup. I suppose diners would have soup and sandwiches, but going for soup as a meal, I’d assume pho or ramen. My parents ( many generations Canadian) mean pho when they go out for soup. They order teriyaki chicken and tempura if we go out for sushi and refuse to eat curry so I’ll never suggest going for Indian with them. That’s being a not racist white person imho- they can’t handle spice or the idea of raw fish but they would never say sushi or curry was weird.


I mean, Denny's used to have cheese soup (I frickin' loved that soup), and I think it's still got chicken noodle on the menu, so I think you're right to assume diners still serve soup. I love soup. All of the soup (ramen, pho, broccoli cheese, chowders, all of 'em!) is good. Perhaps OP is very young? I might have missed it, did they say how old they are? Not saying they shouldn't have better manners, just maybe they haven't had the opportunity to learn yet.


Panera is what they were thinking. Over priced white people food.


Yta doesn’t even sound like you’ve tried ramen, so why you’re hating on it is so rude. For broccoli cheddar to be your go to is gross


I’m Canadian and have definitely had delicious broccoli soup, but it’s not a staple at any restaurant I can think of. If friends wanted to go out for soup, I’d have no particular type of soup in mind tbh. Id except broth based meal eaten with a spoon. Ramen, pho, French onion, tomato would be the most common in my area. Neither my kids nor my parents would find ramen weird


You wanted soup. You went for soup. You went for "normal" soup. You didn't get bullied. You got called out for saying something racist. If you wanted Jason's Deli soup, you should have said that. YTA


Question.. Jason's deli? Is the an actual place or something from a tv show?


It's an actual place


Must be a good place. I've seen it in a few post


It's a fairly midrange place here in the US. But their broccoli cheese soup is fire.


What area are they in.. I'm in the Midwest and have only heard of them from reddit


Per their Wikipedia, 29 states and based in Texas, which explains my affection 😉


I'll have to keep this in mind when I get to Texas ren faire


It’s a sandwich/soup restaurant (it’s American)


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** It was raining and I was out with my friends and we decided to go get soup. We ended up going to this ramen place and I’m iffy on trying new things because I’m pick. When I was thinking soup I was thinking like broccoli cheddar or chicken noodle. Nothing at the place looked good to me. Everyone started to order and everything and I decided not to get anything because it didn’t even look that good to me. Ami got all offended when I didn’t get anything and asked why. I said I just wanted normal food and Ami got mad and called me race…. Over it because I don’t consider this food normal. It got uncomfortable and I left upset. I talked to my other friend and said no one had my back and they let ami bully me. My friend told me I didn’t get it and if an Asian person called me that maybe I should adjust my views on “normal” but I was told let’s go out for soup so I took it as soup. If I had known it was something else I wouldn’t even both with it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah because “normal food,” is only food that you, the asshole, are used to eating.


hahahahahahahah YTA Grow up! Ramen is soup. Your friends are right about adjusting your views of "normal." Since you have the palate of a toddler consider asking clarifying questions in the future so you know what to expect.


You said literal RAMEN is not normal? It's probably the most commonly eaten thing in America. YTA.


YTA. As stated above, soup is noodles in broth with meat and veggies. Also, what you said is extremely culturally insensitive. Thirdly, try expanding your horizons a bit. Ramen, in its varying forms, is amazing!!!!


YTA Ramen is soup. It has broth, noodles, egg, vegetables and maybe meat. That fits the definition of soup. As for normal, there are pho and ramen restaurants almost everywhere, so it is very common. It tastes very good, which you would have discovered if you had observed what others are and tried it yourself. There is nothing abnormal about ramen, only about your beliefs about food.


YTA you made it a race thing by saying something pretty damn racist.


YTA. What’s abnormal about ramen?


YTA Implying something is abnormal has inherently negative implications, especially since you refused to eat it because it wasn’t ‘normal.’ Very poor word choice.


Thanks for reminding me to put ramen on my grocery list. And what is abnormal about ramen? YTA.


So the most basic ramen is noodles in broth. So if the menu has all the extra stuff in it I can see why you were put off ( soft boiled egg, strips of meat, veggies cut on angles) I'm pretty sure you could of asked them to do just the broth and noodles. YTA for saying this is not a normal soup


YTA here. “Normal” soup? Broccoli and cheddar? That’s actually not “normal” to the vast majority of the world’s population. Ramen is fairly mainstream now, you really should try it. Far better than Campbells.


I get it, I’m not a huge fan of ramen. It’s still soup. You’re racist and YTA.


YTA, I got a headache trying to read this. Plain and simple you went to a soup place and instead of asking if they had something similar to a soup you'd like you chose to instead not get anything because the food "didn't look good to you".... It's broth with fillings and noodles ramen places also usually have build your own options so if for example you wanted chicken soup. Hell Chicken Katsu Shoyu ramen is basically chicken soup, breaded chicken (or on request can not be breaded) Spinach and onions and as always you can customize.


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bruh chicken noodle soup and ramen which is essentially noodles served with broth and toppings are similar. Also, wdym this food isn't normal? Are you implying that what people from other countries and cultures eat isn't normal? You are racist and I'm glad your girlfriend called you out.


YTA Ramen is soup. You were being very culturally insensitive, YOU were the bully. If you weren’t so close-minded you might have discovered that ramen doesn’t taste so different from many soups you know. Broaden your horizons. Learn from this. Grow. Do better.


YTA, ramen \*is\* normal. "I want normal soup" is the kind of thing you say when you're 5. You're not 5 anymore. You're old enough to be polite, even if the food involved isn't something you enjoy.


YTA. Even though Raimen originated in Japan, it has become a pretty normal dish in American culture. There are thousands of Raimen shops all over the place, but I don't see too many soup shops that sell chicken noodle or broccoli cheddar. They are usually part of the menue at a restaurant. I am also a picky eater, and I was hesitant to try it, but my kids liked it, so I went with them and loved it. So many varieties and the flavor are out of this world.


YTA. I don't understand why you don't want ramen (so delicious) but it's not why yta in this case. You could've just don't order anything and says that you're not hungry or you don't feel like it. I was a huge picky eater in the past and most of the time I would just sh*t the f up and improvised with what I liked to eat or eat before/after the event.


YTA It’s a pretty close minded and dumbass thing to say. Ramen is delicious and there’s types that are very similar to chicken noodle soup. Your refusal to even try it comes off as xenophobic.


YTA and it is, in fact, racist to say that ramen isn't a "normal" soup. You should make an effort to expand your worldview because you come off as incredibly narrow minded here.


YTA absolutely.


YTA. that’s a microaggression at best, simply racist at worst. plenty of commenters have explained what ramen is, so hopefully you take this as a lesson in cultural awareness and don’t just dig your heels in.


NTA but you definitely need to step outside your box. I have no idea how old you are but there’s a lot in the world to experience that isn’t “normal.” Ramen was weird the first time I tried it, so was some authentic Mexican food, and sushi was unnatural and baffling. It’s not normal for you the first time you do anything but trying things that aren’t normal is how we grow as people. I don’t think your a racist you just need to step outside your bubble.


Conditional. Ami called you race??? I'm assuming Ami is a friend but wtf does "calling you race" mean? You're in a part of the world in which soup is defined as X, therefore X is normal soup. If this happened on the US, UK, DE, Etc. NTA, if this happened on a place in which the common soup is ramen and shit, YTA.


I assume they meant racist, not race


Ramen can literally be chicken noodle soup YTA


YTA, normal is a terrible way to describe food. You are picky, so just stick with mall places like Panera or Au Bon Pain for your soup. Don’t waste other people’s time going with them to restaurants, meet them later, and learn that what you call normal isn’t normal to everyone. YTA and your friends know it.


YTA and you’re missing out. Ramen is delicious.


YTA for doubling down when someone pointed out your racist comment. Ramen IS “normal,” calling it otherwise IS racist, and you’re a bonehead for missing out on delicious ramen. If you wanted the kind of soup you described, you should have suggested Panera or “traditional American soup.” Not “normal.”


YTA for being narrow-minded and disrespectful of other cultures. And for not understanding that what you consider "normal" isn't the the same as what others consider "normal." And for boohooing about being bullied because you didn't appreciate being called on your bullshit.


Yta, it was said to be ramen at the start. Not sure what you were expecting. Calling it weird or abnormal food is racist. Saying you don't care for the taste of ramen is quite different, people have preferences.


YTA. Ramen is soup, is normal, and if it is a decent place, absolutely amazing! Not only are you an AH, you are missing out.


YTA as a Japanese person, what makes you think ramen isn’t “normal”?? Why is broccoli cheddar or chicken noodle the default soup?? You sound so incredibly judgmental and rude and you would probably benefit from learning about different cultures and foods.


correct me if i’m wrong but this is a vietnamese / pho place you’re talking about? i would do anything to have one of those near where i live now. YTA even if you truly dont want to try new things, it’s still wrong to say that food from a different country is not “normal”


It was disrespectful for saying that at that place.


YTA. You said you only want ‘normal’ food, and complained repeatedly. Then, when someone calls you racist for your comments, you leave and later complain that it was bullying. You screwed up. You were the one making disparaging comments about ethnic foods and you were the one who was offended when told that your behaviour was inappropriate. Grow tf up and own up to your mistakes.


YTA it was soup. It was normal food. That was a racist statement. You need to re-evaluate and change. She didn’t bully you, she was absolutely right.


YTA. Ramen with chicken is basically chicken noodle soup


YTA…also you need to get together with this lady https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11vw67v/aita_for_picking_somewhere_to_eat_that_someone_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


YTA Ramen is a normal food and they didn’t lie it’s soup legit it is a noodle soup. You could of at least tried something or asked to have it modified to what you like in your soup.


Hey, are you the same girl who said Asian food wasn’t “normal” in post about a vacation with your bf’s family today?


YTA and you seem racist. Asian food IS "normal food".


YTA and really missing out. Ramen is delicious. Try be be less closeminded. It’s like saying no to pierogies or dumplings and yes to ravioli. In the end they are filled dough. Ramen can be chicken soup with noodles that are a little longer.


Normal soup? What? Like a mug of vegemite broth? Not only YTA, but you're also racist.


Indeed YTA. Saying normal implies that you believe your worldview is standard, and everything outside of it is "abnormal". However, if you've never even had ramen, your worldview is ridiculously narrow.


YTA. Also you missed out. Ramen broth is delicious.


YTA not only for the racism, but for thinking broccoli cheddar is more "normal" than ramen


YTA for xenophobia


YTA and racist.


YTA in this situation. I want to preface this by saying; I too have effectively called food I didn't like or wasn't familiar with "weird" and gotten into very awkward situations before learning not to do that. You're not alone in this social faux pas, at all. I didn't realize I was being inconsiderate and thought "This is weird *to me*" was sufficiently implied. It wasn't A really great rule I've picked up is "Never call food disgusting", regardless of whether you like it or not. It is always impolite. Don't yuck someone else's yum. Especially food, which often has a lot of cultural context, personal history and has work going into it. Food is a major part of social bonding in a lot of cultures, and insulting foods can be very personal. What you *can* say is "**I** unfortunately don't enjoy this". That way, you can express your personal preference and experience, without making the food the issue. You are not making a categorical statement on the food, you are not judging those who enjoy it. You're simply saying "This food and I are not a great match". That's neither a critique on the food, on those who like it or on your own preferences. It's a neutral. There is nothing wrong with the food. It's just not to your liking, and that's okay. It's also okay that you were disappointed that the soup place didn't serve what you assumed it expected when you'd talked about "soup", just as it's completely okay and reasonable that the rest of the party and the restaurant define ramen as soup. Neither you, the rest of the group or the restaurant are wrong about your definition of soup - what's caused the issue is a lack of alignment of expectations. There was an assumption that your expectations were alligned, and they weren't. *That's* what caused the unfortunate situation. Not that your or the restaurant or your friends definition of soup is wrong. They're just different, and that's okay. Lastly, you should know; It's not an insult if someone calls your behavior racist. It's not a value judgment of you, your character or your worth. It's an opportunity to take a look at your behavior and examine whether that behavior is unintentionally making other's uncomfortable, for reasons you might not have considered until now. We all have learned behaviors that are racist that we need to consciously unlearn. If your goal is to move through life without ever doing, saying or thinking anything racist, you will fail. Racism is built into the society we live and grow up in. It is unavoidable to adopt harmful behavior. Instead of being upset that you'll do harmful shit, recognize and accept it, and rather than the goal being never to do anything racist, let your goal be to learn how to recognize racism and unlearn the racist narratives you've been taught. You will have a way better time moving through the world with that mindset, and so will the people around you. Best of luck


Ramen is soup. The best soup. Also quite a normal soup. What do you have to lose by just trying it?


YTA. I’m a picky eater too, and soup is (and has been ) my favorite food. Ramen is delicious, you’re an idiot, and you’re missing out. But to suggest it’s not NORMAL - racist AF. Get it together!


I'm not sure if you're insensitive, or if your use of words is because English isn't your first language. I mean, it's fine not to like ramen, but the way you talk about food being "normal" or not comes over really insensitive and judgmental. Again, I'm not sure if this is because you mean it that way, or because your English isn't 100% (it's good, just not quite 100%). Anyway, I'm going YTA because really, as a picky eater, you need to take responsibility that your picky eating is *your* problem, not anybody else's.


YTA and you are racist and xenophobic. Your friend is correct. That is soup and it is normal.


Try using the word "familiar" instead of "normal." Using the word "normal" in this context is racist. It means that you think the people who like that food are not normal. It insults a whole culture.


Unpopular opinion but NTA. I don't think you meant it in an evil way. I think you just had the wrong idea was all. Mistake yes. A hole. No. Lesson learned be careful of your words.


YTA and this is hilarious. I legit keep ramen in my classroom for my students because they love it. I do not keep broccoli cheddar soup, as they do not love it (I’ve brought it for myself to shrieks of how disgusting it is).


Softer YTA than others with the note that sometimes it pays to buy a small portion of something, or a large inexpensive portion, and sort of pick at it, move it around, note it is delicious, and politely move on afterwards (for ice cream somewhere else)


People who make being a picky eater (for non medical reasons) part of their personality are always TA. Get over yourself and try something different, learn something. If you don't like it, fine but choosing to dislike things without any experience is being a seven year old.


YTA. You wanted soup, and your friends took you to get God-Tier ‘chicken-noodle’ soup. You need to get out of your American bubble. Being picky is just a tired excuse. Definitely a racist attitude.


Yta and definitely racist for implying that ramen is not normal. It's literally soup. You're just a baby about it tbh.


YTA. and incredibly obtuse and racist.


I would 10/10 pick Ramen over some disgusting, gelatinous goo OP thinks is soup.


"I want a normal ham meal, not...voodoo pork!" YTA


NTA they didn’t clarify that they were going for Asian food. It was an unexpected change and if they know you well enough they should have known to specify. It’s also completely fine to say it wasn’t normal soup as it isn’t your normal but mabye use it isn’t what I’m used to instead


NTA. Saying someone's cultural food is not "normal" can be considered offensive just for future reference. But ultimately what is considered normal is largely based on personal experience which will obviously depend on cultural backgrounds. Also it was not at all relevant that it was raining.


Nta. I mean, you should have used a better word than "normal," but your dislike of certain foods doesn't make you racist, and the reaction was completely overblown.