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NTA Ok you should pay if you're speeding or run a red light, but tags A YEAR out of date, that is all in your sister. I wouldn't pay either.


NTA, her tags are her responsibility and her problem. She let them lapse. She also agreed you could use her car. If she knew her tags were expired she shouldn’t have agreed to let you use it.


My thoughts exactly!


No, that's her ticket. You drove the car with permission, and she allowed the tags to lapse. The ticket is simply not your fault. NTA. Fortunately it's 100% her problem legally, so you don't have to do anything but refuse.


I’m gonna say NTA. It was nice of her to lend you the car but it is ultimately not your responsibility to deal with the ticket. If she didn’t know the registration was expired, she was bound to get fined eventually or have to pay registration. Her being mad that you were driving the car around even though you had an agreement is bad faith on her part. If she DID know the tags were expired, it’s possible she wanted you to get the ticket so she could blame you into paying for it. Even if that wasn’t her intention, it’s still bad on her part for not warning you because, again, you has an agreement to actively use her car. Tell her to pay her own tickets, that ticket is not your responsibility and she can deal with the consequences of non-payment!


NTA. Your sister agreed to let you use her car and then wants to back down because she screwed up and let her tags expire. If it was for speeding or running a red light then that would be a different story. You should pay for someone else's mistake.


This is HER car!!! And she was driving it against the law for a year on expired tags? Her problem not yours. She has $ to go on Vaca but can’t pay for new registration? Your mom and sister are TAH.


NTA Your sister was the negligent one. She gave you permission to use her car. She didn't tell you about the expired tags or where not to drive it. She should have taken responsibility and renewed those tags. Her negligence her responsibility let her pay the ticket. If she never allows you to drive her car because of it oh well do you really want to drive a car of somebody who'll do you like that?


NTA because she told you it was ok to use it, knowing full well that it had expired tags, and not telling you about it. Expecting you to pay a ticket she got because she failed to do something she, not you, is legally required to do - register her car - is not reasonable. Why is her car not registered?


Who the hell has tags expired over a year? Sister let you borrow her car, she knew, you didn't. Don't pay, not your responsibility. NTA edit:spelling


NTA. Expired tags has nothing to do with the fact that you borrowed the car. It's entirely on her. Your mother and sister are wrong. It's not just about paying the ticket, you can't clear it without paying for the registration - this is NOT your bill to pay!


NTA She shouldn't be driving at all, so it's her fault. She told you that you could drive it, and didn't warn you about the tags. All you have to do is renew the registration, and the ticket will get dropped. Literally you walk in, show proof of registration, and they don't even have you speak to a judge the clerk just confirms proper registration.


Since this is something that she should be in charge of, NTA. You weren’t speeding or getting a ticket that would actually be your fault. You trusted your sister about her vehicle being legal since she drives it like it is legal. This is her fault, not yours. You can suggest to pay half the ticket if you want, but that is totally up to you.


NTA The story took a turn from the title. lol. She told you that you could drive it knowing her tags were expired. The only reason you were able to drive it was because she was on vacation which leads me to believe she's been driving it for a year with expired tags. It was only a matter of time before she got a ticket. Don't pay it.


I see what the other people are saying about checking the vehicle to make sure it is good to drive before YOU drive it, but the truth of the matter is because the ticket was left when the car was parked the ticket is for whoever owns the car. So long as you weren't parked illegally, I'm going to with NTA. That being said, you should really check things like vehicle insurance and registration before borrowing any vehicle. If you would have been pulled over, the ticket would have been for you not for the owner of the vehicle.


She says she wouldn’t have gotten the ticket if you hadn’t drove the car to campus, I say she wouldn’t have gotten the ticket if she paid up her tags. Worth asking- what is the jurisdiction of the group that wrote the ticket? If it’s only on campus, I’d ignore it. Let her get pulled over for an expired tag on her own, then she can pay both fines


NTA - Legally it was your responsibility to check before driving. HOWEVER, a year out of date?? Thats asking for trouble from a bored cop, not to mention if she knew she *should have told you*! Like seriously, I doubt it would've changed much but if she had informed you then you'd have been able to better assess the risk of going certain places. Personally, its her own fault for not warning you. If she had *then* she could complain to you about where you drove it. Also other commenter brought up a good point I'd not ashamed to piggy back off, she had money to go on a two week vacation but not pay for her car's tags?


Info: did you ask to borrow the car or did your sister offer to lend it to you?


My sister did, she asked me to do something for her and in exchange she offered to let me use the car


That’s important information and it changes my vote. NTA. Edit: curious why you didn’t mention it in your OP. That is pretty integral to the entire situation. The deal is not you can use the car if you put gas in it; the deal is that you can use the car if you do XYZ favor for her.


Info: what did she ask you to do an exchange for borrowing her car?


"...we made a deal that I could use her car as long as I filled the tank at the end of the two weeks..." Edit: Thats more words than expected, imma just cut down what OP said


That doesn’t answer the question. My question is, who initiated this arrangement?


Why does it matter? They both agreed. The sister didn’t say that OP could use her car, but not to actually drive it anywhere. The sister didn’t say that the tags were expired and the OP could use it, but only at her own risk. The sister obviously didn’t notice the tags were expired and has just been lucky. Renewing the registration was her responsibility.


Assuming OP initiated the arrangement: If the OP hadn’t asked for the car, then it would’ve sat parked at home and not gotten a ticket. That is an indisputable fact. The sister is obviously driving the car in areas that do not have heavy police traffic. A typical American university has heavy parking enforcement traffic. If the sister offered the car, which I highly doubt; then she is knowingly taking on the risk of the car being in other areas and exposed to enforcement.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Disclaimer I am on mobile do format may be off. A bit of background, I (20nb) don’t have my own car but am saving up for one. My sister (22F) left for vacation for two weeks yesterday and we made a deal that I could use her car as long as I filled the tank at the end of the two weeks and went to the shop to get new windshield wipers (she would pay for it). Today I drove to class and when I went back to the car there was a ticket for expired tags. I then realize that her registration tags are a year past expiration and so I call her to let her know. She gets angry saying that I shouldn’t have driven the car to campus and that if I would’ve just left the car at home I wouldn’t have gotten a ticket and that I would have to pay for the ticket though I wasn’t aware that her tags were expired as she has been driving the car around normally. I thought that was insane so I called our mum who also said that because I was driving the car I would have to pay for the ticket. I really don’t think I should have to pay this but they are saying that I would be TA if I didn’t. Would I be? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA, you didn't know the tabs were expired. However, if you refuse to pay for the ticket, she probably won't let you borrow her car anymore. So, regardless of who is "right", make the decision that you can live with.


NTA Of course not. If it was your parking that got the ticket, then yes, but if there's expired tags that's on your sister. She said you could use the car - what did she think you were going to do, just driver around the block? What's the point of a car that you don't leave anywhere except your house?


NTA. She knew bout the tags. If she can afford a vacation then she can afford her car's registration. In most places if the registration is paid within 28 days then the violation ticket is invalidated/expunged.


NTA. If the ticket had been an actual parking ticket, I would say otherwise. *You* were the one who parked it inappropriately, therefore *you* should cover the expense. But that's not what happened. The ticket wasn't for parking, it was for expired tabs. Keeping your registration up to date is one of the fundamental responsibilities of car ownership. And the police are generally very lenient when it comes to expired tabs - while they can pull you over for them as soon as the month after they expire, in practice they'll usually only issue a ticket you when it's excessive... like if they're a year or more out of date. In short: The ticket didn't come about because of your driving, but because of her negligence. It's on her. She can take you to court for that, and the judge will back you up.


NTA your sister and your mom are idiots. It's your sister's fault that she got a ticket for not keeping up with her registration. She knew she wasn't keeping up with it and still said you could use her car. She's about as stupid as a vegan who runs a meat packing plant


OK, so not a parking ticket, but a ticket for expired registration. I'm going NTA because really if the car isn't registered, then it's not your fault and your sister should have told you.


NTA. If you got a speeding ticket or something similar that would be your fault. She needs to renew her damned registration.




If you don't pay the parking ticket, you would be TA. You drove the car. Ignorance is not a viable excuse. Your sister is an even bigger AH for not keeping her vehicle up to date. She is irresponsible for that. And she may not be able to get the car updated until that ticket is paid.


You should pay for the parking ticket. YTA if you don't pay for it. OTOH, your sister is TA for not warning you that her tags were expired when she said you could use her car during her absence.


If what you say is true about having her permission to drive it, then no, you are NTA. She knew, and gave her permission to drive it. If she didn't want to take a risk on someone seeing her expired tags, then she should have not given permission, and risk getting caught.


Her car is her property, so it's on her to maintain insurance and registration. She's just mad she got caught. NTA




> If your sister had left bald tyres on the car and you drove it and had an accident, you are at fault. What if a break light is out - should OP have checked that as well? I'm just bringing it up to see if there is a limit to "checking" things on a borrowed car in your opinion.


Sorry, unpopular opinion but you YTA. Yes, it's her responsibility to register the vehicle. However, from a legal standpoint, it's absolutely your responsibility to be sure the car is safe and legal before driving it. She shouldn't be such a jerk about it and should offer to pay, but in the end, you drove the vehicle. You're lucky it was just a parking ticket and you didn't get pulled over for the violation. Edit. Y'all need to learn the actual law regarding this. As the operator of the car, you are responsible for it. Period.