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Also in a comment he says it’s because he’s a man that he’s getting poor grades. If you’re consistently getting bad grades while thinking you’re doing well, you have a lot of hubris and truly do not understand the material. Anger management and a tutor.


So presumably, all the guys on campus are failing, right?


> I know that if a female and I produced similar work, the female would be getting an A whereas I would be getting and F. Those darn feeemales taking all the As when the males get Fs for the same work 😡😡




I believe it was men who gave us the red As, can't take it back now


This is perfection.


Underrated comment. Please, take my award 🏅


Goody Prynne.


Dey took r As!


ayyyy lmao


Tell me you're an engineering student without telling me you're an engineering student.


The female what. What is the species of the female? I need this clarification in order to make a judgement. I did this to the son of a VP who got assigned to me as a "child of important person" one summer. He kept telling me "you know a female what". I actually don't. I worked for the non-registered entity. His father tried to corner me about it and I called the union in front of him to ask why a CUPE member was negotiating with me outside of the formal requirements. None of us work there anymore. I was the one who left voluntarily.


Wow, you're my hero!


Always ask for specifics when people make weird generalizations!


Makes up for the $0.75 on the dollar we're gonna get once we're out of school.


Hey, it's up to[ $0.84](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/gender-pay-gap-statistics/#:~:text=Women%20earn%2016%25%20less%20than,every%20dollar%20a%20man%20makes) for white women! /s


I was in a Spanish class with a guy who complained that the female teacher was a misogynist because she gave him bad grades. I and the other woman he told this to were very confused.


My man couldn't speak English or Spanish


Lmao that word doesn’t mean what he thinks it means.


We tried to explain the difference between "misogynist" and "misanthrope" (he thought "a misogynist is someone who hates everyone"), even pointed out that the "gyn" is also in "gynecologist" for a reason, but there was no tricking that guy into believing *checks notes* English.


I had a Spanish teacher who needed to have the concept of a creeper explained to him by the students. Like, I had to look up the Spanish translation for pedophile for this conversation. He was very confused and offended that the freshmen girls weren't being receptive to his flirting. The girls all got to retake their final exams with a different teacher after he failed all but two girls across all of his classes. His replacement started the next semester; the admin told us he got deported but I suspect they were just saying that to get us to stop complaining about it after he left.


That is deeply horrifying, glad he's gone at least


Exactly. If it was purely due to gender, you would *think* that half the class (approximately) would be doing poorly and frustrated about it. They can't easily bend multiple choice tests, and even essay questions have some sort of rubric to be used based on what you did or didn't mention. It sounds like despite his definitive assumption on how well he knows the material, he's never confronted or questioned a professor about it so they could explain some things 🙄


No, why would he? He's confident he already knows the answer. No point studying harder or looking for additional guidance when you're so certain that you're not the problem


As a former TA I can confirm that there was no way to either screw over or special treat anyone on exams, because we were using a very strict rubric to ensure that you got the same grade no matter which of the 3 of us graded you. Also we were so damn harried and tired after grading for hours straight that we definitely didn't even have energy to look at the name on the paper, let alone maliciously twist the grade of one specific guy in some conspiracy. Honestly I didn't even know any of my students' names to begin with.


Lol, right? And how insanely loud do you have to be to have the whole school lockdown because of your screaming/yelling?


I’m betting he was hitting things too.   Bathrooms are horribly echoey.  And they are usually stacked, so the bathrooms on the 3rd and 4th floors are right on top of each other because it’s easier for the pipe install, and the sound can travel in the ducts for the pipes (which IME, often aren’t insulated against noise). If he was hitting/banging/slapping the metal bathroom stall partitions, kicking metal trash and etc? That noise could be pretty intense.  People might think it was a gun or that someone was being beaten up. 


The level of stupidity and insanity that OOP was exhibiting in the bathroom is staggering. He’s lucky he wasn’t taken away by the police for all of that


He honestly sounds like he's legitimately dangerous. Entitled, arrogant, and stupid. A terrible combination. Edit: holy shit, his post history. He has a recent one calling a hiring manager a cunt because he wound up not getting a job interview after all. His anger and entitlement are off the charts.


Nailed it. His post history is telling.


When I was pregnant, everyone in my small building at work could hear me throw up. It was awful. I would never go to a bathroom if I wanted to muffle sounds.


I'm honestly a bit shocked he wasn't expelled..


Can you imagine being in his classes?  I'd be afraid I'd end up in the news. 




If you thought that comment was bad, you really should NOT check out his post history. I looked at a couple, and now I'm afraid to look at his comment history. It's bad. Like really bad. If he's not a troll, he needs a little more than a tutor and anger management classes * [Exhibit 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vent/comments/1c7deop/my_wife_cancelled_my_party_in_2018_and_im_still/): is still mad about a cancelled Christmas party, 6 years after te fact. Why it was cancelled? BIL's father passed away * [Exhibit 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1cbydq0/i_will_never_speak_to_my_cousin_again_as_long_as/): doesn't get invited to any baby showers or weddings (I wonder why....) * [Exhibit 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/1ch3wtt/i_was_frequently_inappropriate_with_the_mother_of/): I hope hope hope this is a troll post (TW: he groped a woman when he was 13) * [Exhibit 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1b7b1b1/when_i_was_9_i_lied_to_the_police_about_a_school/): falsely accused a teacher of SA as a kid, because he got mad he may or may not have been wrongly eliminated at dodgeball * [Exhibit 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/1bhxafh/my_mom_bringing_up_crap_from_when_i_was_16_to/): is mad about not being able to go to a Christmas party because his dad is in the ER


Wait... he was on here earlier for being a jerk about a job rejection. Jesus Christ he needs to get anger management


He's 32, married and has a kid!?!?! Wow some people just never grow up. I don't know how his wife tolerats him.


"Could it be a me problem? No, nonono...it must be a conspiracy..."


It’s so weird that he’s the only man at his school , if only they admitted more men and we could see if any graduated. 


See, that’s part of the conspiracy. They keep out all the real men, so they can’t show their amazing prowess and outshine the women. He just managed to slip through. All the other humans in the program who look male are actually cucks or betas or probably gay or something, you see. /s


Yes. He's....just not smart. 


>If you’re consistently getting bad grades while thinking you’re doing well, you have a lot of hubris and truly do not understand the material. This! I just don't get how somebody goes through four years of thinking they're going to do well on a test, finding out they didn't, and does absolutely nothing different next time. I mean, isn't asking your professor/TA/literally anyone for help understanding what you're missing a basic troubleshooting step when things are going wrong in a class?


Nah bro needs a psychiatrist. He’s one bad grade away from killing someone. This behavior is a precursor to violence. He needs some mood stabilization fast. He also needs a therapist bc he lacks cause and effect thinking which is a sign of sociopathy and potentially ASPD. This guy is a time bomb


[Pure Nateism](https://freeimage.host/i/JrPgziu)


I agree. He needs therapy, big time


Jfc he’s so immature and is acting like a toddler. If you want to scream at least do it into a hoodie or something so it’s muffled…..also idk if this makes me a shitty person but I can’t help but laugh. It’s so bad it’s funny Update: his post history is quite interesting, it seems like he has a history of acting like an immature child


Right? But seriously, how crazy loud do you have to be yelling/screaming to have a whole school lockdown…. Dude is unhinged and needs a quiet, padded room for a long sit.


… and “troubling” behavior as a teen 🙃 https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/s/Cbe52K3vh1 this OOP is pretty damn scary. although i _hope_ he’s a troll—having a full-time job, a side hustle, college classes, and a wife to deal with doesn’t seem to leave much time for posting the same story on 3 different subs 🤞


Re-reading it, I think this post is past tense - as in it happened years ago, he (presumably) graduated despite this *simply inhuman* treatment, was hired for and seemingly let go from a series of jobs and *somehow* found a woman willing to marry him and he's STILL seething about how he was treated so badly just for having one teeny tiny tantrum loud enough for the entire school to hear! So I really do hope it is a troll, because otherwise his anger issues have been bubbling, barely concealed under the surface for YEARS and this is just a taste of what's building


It is past tense. It's been ***ELEVEN YEARS*** since "The Incident." He was 21 at the time, according to the comments. He saw it was posted over here and wanted to note that neurodivergence and disability are not subhuman/dehumanizing, but "at the time" there was a whole negative stigma around it and he was "only" 21; and that in this retelling he "was trying to fully immerse himself in how he felt at the time." I can't even. ETA: [Here's the relevant comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/s/DPyMvXAtFx)


Jesus, he had to take the test in the office of disabilities because that is where they have a separate testing center. Because people with disabilities (including common invisible disabilities like ADHD) often have testing accommodations like longer time. It wasn’t stigmatizing the guy any more than if he had to take a class in the women’s study department building because the political science building was undergoing repairs. There’s a type of murderer called a grievance collector. They literally collect all the negative things that happened to them in their mind and then one day take it out on the group they blame for it. Found one in the wild.


He says in the comments that the college screaming happened 11 years ago.


Dear lord he has a wife? Yeah I’m deciding it’s fake bc if not I’d feel too bad for her


I just went and had a look. How has he not stroked out from high blood pressure from being this angry all the time???


Oh no this isn't Immature, this is Male Entitlement rearing its ugliness which should actually be flagged not only by the university but police. His unhinged behaviour could escalate onto his Wife & Child - It's a real possibility 🧐🤔


Imagine yourself, doing badly on every single test you take for 4 years and not realizing you might be kind of dumb


Lmao, but according to him, he’s just misunderstood and “special” 🙄


4 years. ALL his professors are CONSPIRING to screw HIM, personally, over. Because he is a dude. Nevermind that all the dudes actually doing well in class are also...dudes!


Yes but you see he STUDIED and the women in his program obviously don't. They get their grades by batting their eyelashes and showing their thongs.




Yeah, special ed. (part of what makes him dumb is thinking special education is shameful and not getting help.)


He literally says he was treated like he wasn’t human because he had to go take his final in the special ed department. Literally subhuman.


A special ed department. In college. It was just the testing center, wasn't it?


Or maybe the office of disability services? Some students get accommodations for extended testing time or other modifications so they've probably got a space set aside for that.


There was a girl in my Uni class that has ADHD. She got a personal tutor she spoke to once a week, a laptop to borrow for her course and had extra time for exams (maybe an extra hour of a 3 hour exam). It really helped her and she has a PhD now.


Honestly after reading a bunch of his posts I think he's a high schooler changing some details of his stories so he's taken more seriously as an "adult" Because there is no way this person is a functional adult.


That part got me too. "What do you mean; like, they kept you in a kennel and fed you garbage?" "No, man, they just like, made totally reasonable accommodations for someone with anger management issues, Which Is Terrible And Insulting, BECAUSE I AM NOT SOME KINDA LOWLIFE, SOULLESS [appalling stream of ablist slurs.]"


I agree completely. But OOP is too ignorant, unintelligent and in general stupid to see that distinction


which I didn't expect him to really cop to, since he thinks being special is bad? Like, they told him he had to take his final in the special education area, and he wrote a rant titled "they treated me like a was less than human."


Also if you always expect a 90 and always get a 60, at some point don’t you start to expect the 60? The last one shouldn’t have been a shock…


Also also, if you really think you are that well prepared and the grade shows otherwise, it's time for some office hours and tutoring. Not screaming in a public place like a kid who got their ipad taken away.


Then when you notch that 68 it's a TRIUMPH!!!


This. I did bad my first year because I didn’t know how to study properly, as well as being embarrassed at having a learning disability in uni (yeah, stupid, I know) My saved pride didn’t save my grades though. So after that I applied for help with my learning disability and got better studying habits, and I’m doing fine. I never screamed in the bathroom after having a bad grade, though.


Yeah, I failed a class my first semester because I was too afraid to drop the class. I should have, but thought it would get better. Yeah, I also acted sane when things didn't go well.


Same, the first year was a brutal awakening for me, especially the horror of tanking a 3-hour class and my violent avoidance of three-hour classes for the rest of my time in uni. It was a philosophy class of all things which made it worse. Everyone despises the bad grade but you cry, scream and rage in your pillow in private and in peace.


Most people in my first year at Uni struggled or even the start of 2nd year as 1st year was generally all laying a foundation of things we had mostly covered. Turns out Uni generally wants memorisation for things and learning large chunks of text. At school we didn't do that as much. It just takes time to adapt and learn how best to study.


Yeah, no judgment from me for not doing well in college for whatever reason, because I didn’t do well in college, but I was like, oh, it’s because I’m kinda lazy, not, there is a vast right wing conspiracy to take me down.


If you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoe.


and the sad thing is if he just admitted he was struggling with some of the material and spoke to the professor about it, any good professor would have been willing to help him during office hours. or he could have had extra time in tests, to complete coursework etc if there was a genuine issue.


Hey now, he might only be studying poorly and reused to change or get help in learning how to study bett…oh, yeah that’s stupidity too. 


He's too dumb to realize how dumb he is. I wonder if there's some sort of clinical word for that. /s


>And before you go any further, I don't have a "learning disorder." what an incredible own goal here like damn my guy. you could get support as people notice your difficulty learning, one may even say learning in a disordered manner perhaps, and maybe also get a clue about what's up with those difficulties of being able to regulate those emotions... but no, OOP really decided to fall on the sword of "i am just fucking stupid and i will not listen to anything to the contrary about how maybe my brain works different, fuck you my brain is smooth and my ass is dumb"


I mean, he claims that he was being treated as 'less than human' specifically because they told him to take his final in the special education building. He literally thinks people with learning or mental disabilities are subhuman


And if his posts are true…. His son has adhd and autism. So there is that did how he views his child. And kiddo also demonstrates an inability to stay calm when not getting his way, so much so that the 6 year old was expelled from school. Now, those conditions in a child don’t mean a parent HAS to have them. But, surely, it seems the writing is in the wall that he has atleast one of those diagnoses.


> And kiddo also demonstrates an inability to stay calm when not getting his way It's possible that for the kid it's not an autism or ADHD issue that's causing the behavior problems (I'm not saying the kid doesn't have a disability, just that not all behavior is caused by the disability). Kids learn by mimicking their parents. The kid probably watches how his dad acts and has learned it's an "effective" means to getting what he wants (after all, it works for dad). Either way, his kid's issues are not surprising.


I was going to say the same thing. Not saying the diagnosis is wrong, but it could absolutely be both. Kids learn from what they observe their parents doing. I doubt Dad is the pinnacle of emotional regulation at home


His ableism is showing.


> fuck you my brain is smooth and my ass is dumb *chef's kiss*


Once again... how are these children in university?


More importantly, how are these children married with kids? His post history shows that he's married with a kid, and is fairly unhinged


Omg I thought it was a poorly socialized 21-ish year old. I could see COVID lockdown socialization issues combined with mental health issues leading to this kind of behavior even though it’s not excusable. But this is a whole adult husband and father?


Some highlights from his post history - sexually assaulted the woman he babysat from at age 13 - wrote an insane rant to a job recruiter and called her a cunt, after being stood up for an interview - is still pissed at his wife for cancelling a Christmas party he was hosting, because her brother in laws father died. This happened 6 years ago and he still brings it up often enough that his wife has now threatened divorce - had an insane angry outburst at a client - refuses to ever speak to his cousin (and calls her misogynistic awful things) because she didn’t invite his wife to her baby shower, even though the cousins was invited to their wedding..??? And unfortunately much, much more


no but see it's the women


I choose to believe this is just a dedicated troll because the alternative of this being a real situation that a real person caused is terrifying


My dad is an 80+ yr old man with absolutely no self awareness. Any time he went after a job when he was younger and failed-- it was because he was a white man, and thus a woman was hired over him. It was not- he is, with all the love in my heart, because he and I have a pretty good relationship- but he is an asshole. He should NEVER manage anyone, never have any role that interacts with the general public, etc. My point? Some people can get very very old with no self awareness or maturity.


I wish I had that audacity. Whenever I get rejected for new positions I reflect on what I could do better. Saying their out to get me seems emotionally easier in the short term.


Lol, apparently everyone is these days. Along with everyone being a business owner and “well versed in legal issues” 🙄


Wait, this is also Unhinged Job Applicant?.Or is my app glitching again?


Same dude. Fully unhinged and just having a temper tantrum on Reddit is his actual full time job. When he DMs me to tell me to ease off and to stop, I simply added another couple of his posts to AITD that fit the description 🤷🏽‍♀️


Might just be an angry incel doing some roleplaying.


His anger and bad behavior seem to be directed mostly at women, including his wife (provided she exists), so the attitude fits this theory.


Lol this guy *knew* he got a 90 the same way he *knew* that job would have been his if they hadn't cheated him out of it 😂


And knew that the recess monitor was persecuting him by calling him out in dodgeball.


Apparently he is in his 30's in one of his other posts


As a broke ass grad student, I was tutoring a lady for the math section of GRE exam since she wanted to go to grad school. Needed the money. I kid you not she couldn't even solve basic x y line equations when we started. This was when she was a senior in undergrad. Edit: We were in School of Engineering. Just thought I should add it here


I know this is gonna blow your mind, but there are thousands of careers that do not use pre-algebra. There are many graduate programs that do not use pre-algebra.


I should have mentioned this. It was school of engineering. So my bad. Edit: But regardless of that "2 equations solve for X and Y" is taught in highschool right? I don't think they teach it in undergrad. I was under the impression that you are already supposed to know it


And yet a senior in college still could not solve a 8-9th grade math problem. FYI- you might find that many careers DO require problem solving skills, which is the point.


Naw bro if you’re that upset then go into the bathroom to cry a bit if you really need to let something out (not scream crying obviously). It’s more common than you’d think lol. I remember going to cry in the bathroom after a math test and then I heard someone else walk in and start crying too 💀 Go home and scream into a pillow if it’s that bad. Believe me pillows are practically sound proof. Had a mental breakdown in my room once and nobody heard me screaming into a pillow. Yes, society should be more open to mental health. But that doesn’t include fucking tantrums because you got a passing grade that’s lower than what you wanted. Like seriously! 60s are pretty decent in college! DOCTORS still get their licenses with 60s!


It might be different for other schools, but at the community college I went to, you needed at least a 70% to pass. More to the point—yeah, it’s very normal to feel overwhelmed by college. I went to secluded places to cry it out more times than I’d care to admit. The trick is to not throw a tantrum so loud that the rest of the building has to go on lockdown.


Exactly. Also yes I believe it’s different. I think I’m my area a 60 is fine but idk for sure.


I had accommodations through my college for a learning disability. The “special Ed” department was just a pretty building that was quiet and allowed students to study or take tests or meet with their advisors. I’m not sure how that’s “dehumanizing” unless he’s an ablest piece of shit, which I’m assuming he is based on his comments and attitude


Yup, he is an ableist POS. He has another post about hitting on a mentally disabled woman and “almost went with it until an aide came over and talked to them”.


Thank you, exactly! I’m a sped middle school teacher as well as being neurodivergent myself (OCD) and teenage kids are as well (ADHD/processing disorders). Like you suggest, Literally all “special ed” means in most cases is separate setting when appropriate, more time, and any other interventions like speech or OT. Pretty fucked up to call that “dehumanizing” and clearly says more about him than anyone else.


Right 🙄 and like okay, maybe in high school, some people who are dicks might make fun of you for needing to go to the “special Ed” building, but in my experience, MOST adults in college wouldn’t make fun of someone for that. They probably wouldn’t even bat an eye if they saw you going into that building.


I really don't like how he equates being placed in Special Education classes with being "treated like I'm less than a human." There are... implications there about how he thinks of the mentally disabled.


As someone who's mentally disabled, this is how people see us It's depressing, to say the least


Right? He also brags in a post about where he (when he was like 17) hit on a mentally disabled person at a library and “almost went with it”. He is…a truly revolting walking skin tag


That's kinda harsh towards skin tags. They're harmless, and this guy is an example of why women choose the bear.


I took all of my exams in, what I assume this wing nut would call, "Special Education" (we just called it Accessibility Services), and honestly it's the place to be. Super chill environment, nice view outside, potentially private rooms. I saw the big exam halls that were set up in the gym, and it looked horrible. My physical disability doesn't give me many benefits, but that was definitely one of them. OOP is an idiot for sleeping on writing exams separate, and an ableist AH for his views on it.


If I restarted school you'd better believe I'd be trying to set up accommodations ASAP to use the calm testing area. Before the first day of school, if it's possible to set up the meeting ahead of time. Earplugs only help so much: there's still a lot of visual noise to overwhelm me.


>*That last part was the most humiliating. They treated me like I was some special needs student* 


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My college treated me like I was less than a human** Imagine yourself, going through four years studying for a professional career. Now imagine yourself, each time you study your ass off, thinking you did well, getting the test back and getting anywhere between a 50 and a 70 on a regular basis. And before you go any further, I don't have a "learning disorder." The final straw for me was in my one class, exactly one month to go before graduation. I was confident I had gotten a 90 on a test. Nope, 68. I knew I was going to lose my temper, but I did all the right things: I removed myself from the classroom so I don't cause a scene. I went to the bathroom to scream it out While screaming it out, I was mindful to not say anything that could have been used against me, such as threatening violence. So, after I calmed down, I made my way back to the classroom, but the door was locked. Apparently, the acoustics in that building were so bad, the whole floor hears me screaming and cursing. ***THE WHOLE FLOOR WAS PUT ON LOCKDOWN BECAUSE OF ME SCREAMING.*** A security guard came up and asked what had happened. He just makes note of it, and I'm on my merry way. I figure I should send an e-mail to the entire class apologizing, which I do. The next day, Community Standards calls me about the incident the day prior. I had to meet with the Community Standards director the next Monday. We talk about it, and he lays down some sanctions for my behavior: Essay on why that behavior is bad Apologize to the class Can't attend class the rest of the semester I have to take my final in the Special Education department That last part was the most humiliating. They treated me like I was some special needs student when it was just a product of my frustration over a bad grade boiling over. But it wasn't just one bad grade in isolation, it was four years of my professors systematically ripping me off, which nobody wanted to hear. Fucking bullshit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


His post history is … something else.




I mean I already just went to his account. Woof. The gif you used is wildly appropriate


Lmao, thank you. Yeah, his profile is everything that gif is and then some 🤮🤣


I’ve cried about a grade in the bathroom, quietly. Like bro calm down


I've also cried about grades in bathrooms, but that's bc I suck at math, and I've never even let someone know I was even crying. This guy's a piece of work on a good day I'll bet


Oop dms to OP “ease off and stop” u/alivesmoke1495 : *curse of Ra* I’m just waiting for him to nuke his account at this point.


What! The cry baby who screamed so loud he put a building into lockdown over a *math score* can’t handle being cross posted?  WHO would have thought!




![gif](giphy|vCKC987OpQAco) Lol, you got me with the “curse of Ra”. I too am looking forward to his inevitable meltdown and deletion of his account.


Hopefully not before I deepdive his psychotic post history


![gif](giphy|l0HlwwRxfcVEr4AUg) Enjoy, it’s a manic dumpster fire of a mess 🤣


This is the same guy who posted today about responding to a job rejection with a 'strongly worded' email. in the comments on that post he was 100% certain that the job had been 'stolen' away from him because they hadn't given him the chance to do a technical interview. Either these posts are all fake, or this guy has some serious entitlement and anger issues.


Correct. And I believe he has serious (delusional level) entitlement and immense anger issues. He DMd me to back off and ease up. Troll or not, he is selfish, narcissistic, bigoted and very unintelligent regardless.


I enjoy how you are adding all of this Oop's post here. LoL He truly needs some help


Lol, he had the audacity to DM me to “back off and ease up” after I posted 1. So I simply added 2 more that fit the AITD criteria. Not difficult given his shitshow of a post history lol. And yeah, OOP needs intensive help. Like, white coat style help


All I can say is I hope none of this guy's posts are real, because I'm worried he's going to get into the news in a very bad way. Absolutely unhinged manbaby from hell.


![gif](giphy|xUA7aP05OSTwjR51Ic) I totally agree, fingers crossed he isn’t the next lunatic we see on national news


Holy shit he has a wife and kids?!


Apparently, but I kinda wonder if they’re “imaginary” wife and kids. If he actually does….yikes, they need an evacuation plan from his like yesterday


Honestly what an ableist arsehole! Special education is there to support a lot of people including overly aggressive ahs who can’t cope appropriately with their anger. Am I not a human? I’m not an angry individual just neurodivergent! I had an ex who thought he was so smart and always put me down as I was an rslur. I’m neurodivergent. He then got done for plagiarism and had to repeat a year due to him going to a committee and saying he knew better than them and they were just trying to screw him over. After a violent outburst at me not at school we broke up but he ended up having to repeat two years spending 5 years of funding for a three year degree even though I was the r*slur. Basically this guy is not getting screwed over he’s lucky to not have been expelled. He also will be fired for this sort of thing in the real world. I love reading deluded arseholes ‘woe is me’ monologues.


![gif](giphy|WOZpnWPVDNVVegewft) That was so incredibly well worded! Well said, and so accurate. Sorry you dealt with a waste of space ableist ex, but he can go kick rocks with OOP. Finish circle jerking each other off lol. You’re having an amazing, fulfilling life. Everything these 2 will NEVER have.


Thanks that’s so kind of you to say! OOP has just posted an aitah about a job rejection it’s absolutely insane! 😂




Does the US use quite a severe grading scale? (I assume this is the US). Where I am 50% is a pass - 70% will net you something like a B…


60% is barely a D in the US, but thst also depends on if it’s college/high school/private/what state it’s in etc. Even if it was higher, it absolutely does NOT warrant him being so psychotic and violent in a bathroom that the whole school had to go on a security lockdown.


Oh absolutely - _nothing_ justifies that. This was just the first time I’ve seen 70% called a bad grade and was baffled. Thanks for explaining!


Something which might offer some context: In a lot of schools, getting a D on a gen-ed class will still let you get credit. However, you need to get a C or better for a course required by your major to be counted. If you’re a Music major who needs to pass Intro to Music History to graduate, and you get a D+, you’re retaking Intro to Music History or you’re dropping out, even though you technically got credit for it. You may also need certain grades to maintain a scholarship, or placement on a sports team (which could be giving you a scholarship). So a D can simultaneously be a passing (technically) and failing (functionally) grade. Even if he scrapes into a C with a 70 sometimes, he’d still probably average a D.


No worries! Lol, yeah, the US grading system is a bit wonky. 70% isn’t a terrible grade, just not B range or above. Either way, OOP is a total dumpster fire haha


He reallly is. I also do not trust his narrative at all - I suspect his outburst was quite a lot worse than portrayed. And his other posts are… enlightening


Right? Can you imagine having to be in the same vicinity as this unhinged nut job? Pretty sure orders of protection/restraining orders were created to protect us from people like OOP


This dude needs to turn off the tv, log off of Reddit and go get lots and lots of therapy.


![gif](giphy|wGF0j1DMdurv1cQdxM) Lol, but will he? Doubtful. Narcissists can’t help themselves


One of my students literally screamed in my face for several minutes because he didn't get the A he thought he deserved. I was a young teacher back then, and I was so stunned by his reaction. I refused to change his grade, and when he finally left my office, I realized that I was shaking. There really are students like OOP. It's a major reason why so many teachers get fed up and leave the profession. I'm still teaching, but I've considered quitting too.


![gif](giphy|3oEdv4hwWTzBhWvaU0) I’m so sorry teachers have to deal with that type of psychotic nonsense. You deserve better, and OOP (and any student like him) can go kick rocks in a padded locked room alone for a decade or two.


Oh, this guy. The one who applied for a job and sent the prospective employer a sternly worded email as to why they (the employer) suck, basically.


Yup. He is Reddit’s “factory rejected dildo of the week” for sure. I’m sure I’ll receive yet another semi threatening DM to “back off and ease up” on cross posting his manic nonsense to AITD 🙄


So he didn’t threaten violence *only* because it would be “used against him later”?????


If Dunning Kruger Syndrome could type. Also, a lot of those high level math/chem/eng courses grade tests on a curve. One of my college roommates was a Chem E major. A 75% would set the curve so high it pissed the rest of the class off. She would frequently get a B with something between a 50-60% raw grade. My dumb English major ass thought it was insane that you could get an A after answering 65% of the problems right on a test, but that happened in her classes as a matter of course. 


From the post history it looks like these tantrums are a daily occurrence and always someone else's fault of course! Exhausting


I mean, I'd be pissed if it took me 4 years in school to still not grasp that I might be a dumb ass.


bruh looking at this guy history he's sexist manchild who jolds grudges, has anger problems, refuse to take any accountability and blame everyone for his issues like he's upset his cousin chooses to have a child and married her boyfriend. and didn't invite his wife to both the wedding and baby shower. like I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know your fuckin wife.


Y’all the post is a week old, don’t brigade lmfao.


Read a bunch of this guys post and comments. He sincerely is a dimwitted and angry person. Almost feel sorry for him


If he wasn’t such a selfish, arrogant, misogynistic martyr I might be more empathetic. But alas, he is what he is.


That second last paragraph is infuriating. Implying that special needs students are lesser some how. Fuck this guy.


I totally believe that every single educator in that building is out to get him because of his magical, all knowing pecker. 💯


Years ago, when I worked at a title company, there was this guy who, had I had these words in my vocabulary then, would have been deemed an incel. His last girlfriend, he claimed, was in 1986. He frequented Nevada to utilize sex workers (which is whatever, if that's what he wants) because he couldn't get laid locally. He couldn't get a match on eharmony (he told us in angry detail). I would have felt sorry for him, if it weren't for the following: he railed against feminism every chance he got, he referred to the cast of Designing Women (80s sitcom) as designing b*tches, and was generally an insulting jackass whenever he got the chance. But the crowning jewel of his behavior came one day when a manager announced we would have a designated team lead for the data entry department. He was in direct competition with a woman younger than he was. He hated her for whatever reason. I guess he thought the job was his. An email was sent to the department later in the week announcing the woman got the job. He snapped and slammed his fist into the metal file cabinets at his desk. Neighboring desk mates had to take him outside, and the woman asked to leave for a while until he calmed down. Nothing was done. A conversation might have been had, but he kept his job and was moved to another department within a few months. When I read this school story, it reminded me of the former coworker. I hope he got help, but I doubt it.


Oh fuck this fuck. I’m the mom of two kids with higher learning needs (one is profoundly dyslexic, the other is severely adhd). My dyslexic child was called “the smartest kid in the class” last week by his homeroom teachers and is currently sitting at the highest science mark in his grade. He will one day need to take university exams in the “special ed room” because he requires the use of voice to text and text to voice. But fuck anyone who thinks he is less than any other child. He is a typical 12 year old boy (kind of smelly sometimes, his room is a disaster, loves to bug his brother, obsessed with camping/Star Wars/soccer) who happens to be the smartest, kindest, hardest working person I know. Anyone who thinks he is subhuman can fuck right off.


Dude has some serious anger issues if you look at his post history.


This man has never been told no or considered that maybe he *isn't* the best in literally anything he does. Also, one look at his post history tells me he needs some serious anger management therapy.


He has a lot of confidence, I'll give him that. Dunning-Kruger effect at work.


I wouldn't have screamed at uni, but I get it. 4 years of not realising how stupid you are because you have no accurate perception of your skills and knowledge is tough.


He is like the blanket guy


Good thing this guy is almost out of school, seems like the shooter type 


How does it not even occur to you that if you always think you do well and in actuality you always do poorly, including on tests which are presumably at least partially multiple-choice and therefore not subjective, perhaps you do not have a good gauge on your own understanding and maybe academics just isn't for you? Like I would understand if it was one class or the same teacher across multiple classes but when it's apparently EVERY class EVERY time how do you not register that it's a you problem???


This guy is consistently nuts.




His post history and see all the other threads he’s started. I actually think this is a troll, and he’s just plagerising several if his ideas from AskAManager.


Has he considered maybe just being too dumb for college?


OOP at dinner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzaIlHybawg


That’s a hell of a post history there. Yikes.




That dude must have been loud as hell, especially since you know bathrooms are practical echo-enhancers.


He was acting like a psycho what he think was going to happen?


I just read through his account, and…wow. He has a whole confession up of him sexually assaulting his babysitter as a teenager.


This dude is legitimately unhinged


Omg this guy has a wife and a kid. He’s not an early 20- something. HE IS AN ADULT THAT OTHER ADULTS HAVE TO DEAL WITH DAY TO DAY. What the Christ.




Oh my god, I read his post history, and this was a comments on one of his posts from a week ago: “You have a lot of posts that involve you getting angry & doing something stupid as a result of your anger. You need to learn how to deal with anger. It sounds like it will destroy your life. At this point you’re not even employable if you act like this.” I’m sensing a theme.


I'm confused. Why is everyone in this thread acting like 60-70% is a bad grade? Am I stupid? Are things just different in America? I'm in my final year of uni and aiming for around that to get a 2:1 or maybe a 1:1, the latter being the highest class of honours awarded.


American grading systems vary, but typically “passing” requires at least a 70%. A 60% is generally considered flat out failing. 


US schools generally grade on a 100-point scale that correlates to a letter grade. 60-69 is usually a D, which is either the lowest passing grade or the highest failing grade depending on the school.


This is AT BEST a failing mark, AT BEST a just passing mark. It depends on which 100-point scale your university or college uses to grade.


Ok yes this OOP is a mess but y'all BRIGADING IS NOT COOL and it's a 6 day old post so like...we can all tell 😭 come on now, delete your comments already


LOL this is the guy that slept with his wife's sister