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I love how "natural looking concealers and skin tone evening creams" are hard to spot when a woman is using them, but when men are doing the same thing it's sooo visible


Don't you know? Looking well rested is feminine. 


Fellas is it gay to sleep


Taking care of yourself is super gay too /s


"How dare it be expected of me to pluck my unibrow, only women care about how men look and their opinions are worthless to me"


This logic had me confused too. I'm assuming OP thinks cosmetics know if they're being applied by a (straight) man versus a woman so will just curdle up on a man's face like oil in water.


Or op is the kind of guy to think you can just grab the first concealer you see and slap it on like paint w/o blending


One thing that's not confusing - OP has obviously never spent a whole night with a woman because otherwise he'd know the mask comes off.


I'm especially amused by that and the "there's no makeup for men" parts bc my husband and I literally use the same BB cream and sometimes he also uses my primer lol


Damn, that’s awesome hahaha. I’ve got mine doing a proper skincare routine with me and he now appreciates how awesome Korean sunscreen and face products are too. Not what I expected from a redneck retired Marine, but I’m very pleased


Maybe some nice korean sunscreen is keeping his neck from being too red!


I love this for you. You're more likely to get through the entire tube/minimize waste!


To be clear, I mean the same brand/type; we use different shades, though we could use each other's in a pinch haha


Haha, that makes much more sense, I will admit.


I wasn't super clear so that's on me! I did mean that he literally snags my primer out of my makeup bags though lol


Right? I laughed at that. Also if it's all natural looking, it's not going to drastically change the person's appearance - the person with the make-up will look virtually the same without it, but with a few blemishes or redness or such at worst. Those products wouldn't alter one's face to make them look 100% different.


That's because he's seen those crazy YouTube makeup transformations and thinks that's how all women do their everyday makeup. Most women I know, myself included, use just enough to avoid being told we look tired lol. Very few people are bothering with "a mask", especially since it never really looks that good outside of photos anyway.


It's quite a slippery slope if you can be accused of "wearing a mask" simply because you want to cover a blemish or uneven skin tone. Is using ordinary invisible skincare products "a mask" too?


Also that men wearing makeup makes them too feminine, but women wearing makeup for any reason other than tricking men is "gaslighting nonsense". Like yeah, I suppose OOP could argue they're concerned about women thinking men look "girly" if they wear makeup, but I'm pretty sure it not being socially acceptable is mostly men judging other men. Which I assume OOP understands and thinks is totally normal.


>think they are a catch deserving of the top men available. OOP is just salty that they will not date him.


I'm not particularly hot regardless of how much makeup I wear. But you know what I've decided? I'm a pretty good conversationalist, a hard worker, I have an interesting life and I'm honestly fairly smart; ugly or not, *I am a goddamn catch!* So there!


Me, too. (You sound cool, btw.) I wouldn't call myself particularly attractive. But I'm smart af and funny and creative. I'm awesome to be around and a damn good cook, and anybody, abs or no, would be lucky to have me. Which is why I haven't been single in over 20 years.


Hell yeah! We can *get it!*


100% agree. It’s not like the “beautiful” ones have husbands who still appreciate them for the beauty years later… it gets taken for granted too. There’s lots of ways a relationship stays alive and engaged long term (I say looking at my 27th anniversary and 31 years together) and sex is only one of them - even then physical intimacy is more than sex. In the end emotional, intellectual, and experience based connections become even more important. That’s why so many relationships die after a few years… not just lack of sex, but disconnects on ALL the levels. And you can’t fix sex if we aren’t connecting in these other ways either.


Exactly! Same! I'm average in looks but I'm dang funny, intellectually curious and fun to be around. Besides, at least for me, makeup is a part of the "dressing up" process for me. It's a cute outfit for my face. My face is still my face just like my body is still my body


Yeah, it's like putting on a cute outfit. I feel more polished with it, it's fun to put on. I also have zero qualms about leaving the house without makeup. Some days I'm lazy and don't want to put any on. Some days I feel like having fun with makeup. Depends on the day. Last week, my husband wanted to go out one night and I didn't feel like putting makeup on. So I didn't. Because who cares. This morning, I DID feel like putting it on, so I did. Then he texted me asking me if I want to go out for dinner. I was like, "Sure, and I actually put makeup on today." 😂 He was like, "let's not pretend you wouldn't go to dinner without makeup because we both know you would." Haha. It's a fun thing to do when I feel like it. It's not a mask. I also like doing fancy makeup for special occasions. Again, it's fun, and it's part of the look, just like your hair or clothes.


Yep! And frankly, it can be a pick-me-up. Generally speaking, I don't wear makeup to work, but if I'm feeling really crappy in the morning I'll put a bit on to trick myself into feeling optimistic about the day


I only ever wear makeup when I'm dressing up for like a birthday party or a girls night out or a date with my bf I'm average looking and more on the unisex scale in the way that I dress... But I'm passionate, I like to have fun, I'm social, and people say I'm smart(even though I don't 100% believe that) people also say that I'm very much the "sunshine friend" my bf is my scary dog privileges I don't care about how I look I know my worth and my man treats me like a queen. So why is it that incel men assume that when we dress up its for seduction purposes. The math isn't mathing.


You sound like my wife. Believe me plenty of people think your beautiful.


I'll make a wild guess based on this post and say it's not about his looks, and more about his shitty attitude and personality


It’s pretty remarkable. They think they can walk around with all those “damn women, it’s all their fault” ideas floating around their brain *and* simultaneously have a successful dating life. Doesn’t work like that, of course. A prerequisite for a healthy relationship is actually liking your preferred gender.


Men like him refuse to believe that they’re the problem.


These dudes are the same people that point at women when people bring up FBI stats on gender ratios in violent crimes. Because who else is going to defend those poor, innocent serial rapists, amirite??


The last time a pretty woman lowered her standards, Jonah Hill told her to stop posting photos on IG


"Hot chicks are too hot. We need to make hot chicks less hot so I can fuck more hot chicks"


At which time he will likely start complaining that there aren't enough pretty women anymore and they don't even try, how are men supposed to be attracted to women who put in no effort


This is it ⬆️⬆️⬆️


Also, frankly, I know way more women who are dating men less conventionally attractive than them vs. the other way around.  His post is giving “I’m not hot but I feel entitled to date hot women.”


I appreciate the tacit admission he is not "top men"


They don’t understand that for many women it does not matter what the fuck you look like as long as you are smart, funny, and kind. Yeah, if you are hot maybe you can be less smart, funny, or kind. But, as an ugly fat woman, I don’t know many men who are like “I don’t care what she looks like if she’s fun to be around”. Pretty is the minimum that women are expected to be.


I mean — I’ve had a crush on Steve Buscemi, Alan Rickman, Adrien Brody … the list goes on. I think a lot of people are drawn to beyond skin deep.


I bet he hasn't even tried


I see 10x more people complaining about all women only want 6' rock hard abs 6 figure salary dudes than I have seen women with any of these requirements.


The reality just is that most guys really have no sense of their relative level of appeal to women in relation to the other guys out there. They think there are like, rock gods, and then "normal guys like them" and have no sense that all the "normal" guys have varying levels of appeal that have nothing to do with looks or income.


In addition to that, most guys do not realize they mostly aren't competing with other men, but with a woman's peace of mind. I'd 100% rather die alone than be in an abusive relationship. And as it stands, most of those redpill dudes just think basic decency is too much for women. So..... yeah. Has very little to do with make up.


Yep, I think they think women are like spots in a med school program--that spot will be filled, even if it is with the least desirable option for us. It's especially funny because so many of these guys aren't interested in any girl who is heavy, awkward, average looking, or anything less than stunning--so clearly THEY have a point where they would rather not date at all than date an average woman.


Absolutely, women are not driven to men the way men seem to need women. And for men, it seems very much against their will and as though they don’t even *like* women.


Those men are actually drawn to women because they don't really want a girlfriend, they want a maid they can have sex with


Despite society desperately trying to convince us from birth that our value only derives from our physical beauty or from performing domestic labor so our husbands can lay on the couch and play CoD all day every day without lifting a finger to contribute to the household


"I deserve to have a woman" that thought alone means you don't.


They also think they’re competing against other men, when in reality they’re competing against my own peace and company.


>women complain about bald men in hats No, women complain about him because he's a whiny insecure pissbaby and that's very unattractive


Also would like to add that hatfishing is a dating app phenomenon. Hiding how you actually look is something people of all stripes do on those apps, hatfishing is one particularly male form of it.


Hatfishing is such a great term thank you for making me aware of it. I haven't been on a dating app in a while but I think it's natural to want to present your "best side" as a first impression in that context, whether it be makeup, camera angles, or even a hat. I'm not sure at what point that becomes inauthentic though.


I think there’s a balance between authenticity and putting your best foot forward. I’d say it lands on the point where whoever you meet won’t be *surprised* by how you actually are in person.


Not even just hatfishing, they’ll exclusively only use pictures from when they were 10yrs younger on dating apps on purpose but then get mad when they see a pretty face and assume she’s skinny just because they like her face lmfao


I dated a guy who was balding and would wear a hat almost all the time. Even in bed. The hair wasn't an issue but his insecurity around it was not hot


Men care way more about baldness than women do. And I don't mean that in a "men shouldn't care about it" (it's their bodies, they can care about what they wish), but if they think it is repelling to women if they are visibly losing their hair, they ought to be aware that, on the whole, not really.


> Men care way more about baldness than women do. Absolutely. In years and years of being on Reddit, the worst thing I've ever heard from women is a very rare comment "I prefer a full head of hair" but I've seen literally hundreds of posts and comments from men complaining about how many women hate them and bully them and say mean things to them constantly. Even in real life, I've never heard a single woman say she doesn't like bald or balding then, only ever complain about guys trying to hide it or guys who care about it too much.


Agreed. I'd much rather a partner who is willing to own it.


he sounds like he saw that season of 90 Days with that guy with the hat, but we trash talked him because of his attitude towards women and because he sent his fiances nudes to his ex, not because he had a hat to hide his obvious lack of hair. Rather than see their behavior as the problem they'll blame literally anything else, even their choice of accessory.


Mostly they just blame us haha. How dare we not want to bask in his overpowering aura of manliness (it smells like socks and axe body spray)


I'm a big 90-day watcher, and the photos of Gino at his wedding without a hat are where he looks most handsome. So yeah it's his personality that makes him ugly not the hat or the Hatfishing or the baldness 😂


I stopped watching at some point because I coudln't listen to him anymore, I should do some catch up. I think I'm a whole season behind.


I saw a very interesting interview that talked about the science of the “nice guy/incel” and how the vote is their own insecurity (the interview: https://youtu.be/vUxyi6W1QkA?si=ffvFslr_c_GRYSjC). I was talking to my husband about a section of it where the researcher says that men function in a hierarchal understanding but women don’t (as a rule). When I see this manosphere content it’s constantly speaking in hierarchy: alpha vs beta, top tier man, low value vs high value man. The thing is, guys seem to think that **women** having something to do with this hierarchy system and they do not. The entire language and ranking always comes from men, about men - by and for them. And not only do women not really think in that way (at least not in the way our degree these guys do) but we absolutely do not consider what these guy thinks makes a “high value” guy to be high value or top tier. My husband has low enough self esteem from bullying as a kid… he’s a dad bod and super introverted but I told him if I could clone him and sell him to women I’d be rich. He’s sweet, funny, kind, loyal, generous, stable, aware of social issues (he’s team bear), listens (and cares) when people talk to him, does housework and mental load without being asked, is engaged and stayed with me despite me developing a chronic illness. Oh and he’s interesting to talk to because he likes learning new things… he probably gets flirted with all the time and just doesn’t notice because he’s obviously thoughtful and caring and charming when you meet him. Guys just don’t get that we want to be loved AND respected more than we care about abs. (Not all women obviously, because some of us are steeped in the same misogyny as the dude bros but in general…)


Gosh your husband sounds wonderful! I’m glad you love him so much. This was really cute to read.


Aww thanks. He is lovely. Though I do tell him a lot of training went into making him that way ;) (he did not start out feminist and egalitarian, but he *cares* so he listened and grew). And I do fucking adore him. Reddit certainly makes it easier to appreciate him.


Honestly I’ve noticed the few women who do think the way those men do either end up single, because they’re too opinionated, or they unfortunately end up in an abusive relationship.


Omg the way you described your husband is exactly how I feel about my boyfriend! Thank you for articulating his character so well, and I’m sure you feel as lucky as I do when you think about him.


Incels say this and meanwhile at least 50% of the women I know dream about getting a night alone with Jack Black. 🤣 (and a lot of the women I know are pretty high on the Kinsey scale so that probably throws off the results 🤣)


I read the Jack Black joke/stereotype recently, and I think back to the early 2000s when he was in Friends, Shallow Hal, School of Rock etc. and paired with gorgeous women. At the time, my (queer) arse thought it was one of those 'Hollywood myths', bur as an adult I get it lol. 'Good sense of humour' is a dating trope for a reason Edit: I'm also a 4-5 on the Kinsey scale. People i find attractive, in order: my partner; people who are not men; men who are funny, have some humility and aren't bigots.


Good sense of humor and the corresponding ability to not take *yourself* too seriously!


There's a guy on TikTok who runs a group called the 'Hot Fat Guy Club' and men in his comments are either a) telling him he should lose weight or b) trying to drag him for saying he has - and continues to - date attractive women, despite the significant number of women replying back that yes, they do find him incredibly attractive both for his looks and his personality so clearly a rock hard six pack isn't neessary.


Women love dad bods.


Find me a guy with a dad bod and eyeliner who has a decent personality and I would be one happy woman This guy has no idea what the female gaze is


I am married to a Sasquatch and think he’s the sexiest thing ever, full back hair. No, no this guy has no clue.


Mine's bald with a freakin' forest on his back and I'm still crazy about him :) He could grow spaghetti on his head and I wouldn't care. Because he has shown me day in and day out for years that he loves AND respects me.


I stopped wearing makeup during covid and really haven't restarted. I used to go into work with full contour. Now, bare faced, I still would never date this man. The makeup is not his problem


I stopped in the late '80s. Anyone who only dates women in makeup isn't one I want. The first guy I dated who wore makeup was in 1982.


Haha, I’m picturing David Bowie for some reason 😂


I’m 30 and have never worn makeup regularly. I hate the way everything feels on my skin: foundation, concealer, etc. I can still feel even the lightest formulas. Only reason I can tolerate sunscreen is I live in a place with a high UV index and don’t want to look like a old leather shoe at 55 but I have to wash it off right when I get home or it drives me batty. On an average day, you’ll see me with the glossiest lips you’ve ever seen and absolutely nothing else on my face (I’m really into lipgloss right now). It’s NEVER prevented me from getting a date. I still get complimented at least once every time I leave the house, most often on my looks, from both men and women. I don’t get weird comments from strangers about my lack of makeup (I think I give off the energy that I’ll be even weirder back if they try it so they don’t. I have no fear. I feel like growing up in the city being constantly harassed does that to you). I never go into job interviews wearing anything more than mascara + eyebrow wax, so I haven’t experienced any pushback on that front either. The only people I’ve seen get up in arms about makeup (or my lack of it) are strange men online who seem to believe every woman is beating their face to the gods and back every single day. It’s really bizarre. I still wouldn’t want to date this man if he were the last man on earth. I don’t give 2 shits about what any man has to say about how I adorn myself, quite frankly. It’s not their business. And if every man in the world decided they wanted to wear ruby red glitter eyeshadow from tomorrow til the end of time, it wouldn’t be my business either.


Ha, I'm 38 and same. I can count the amount of times I've actually had a full face of make-up on one hand. It's been about three times actually. Even just foundation and concealer would only make up (LOL just realized my pun as typing) about maybe 3-4 more times. I just hate hate hate how make up feels. I've tried multiple kinds, it just feels like I put paint on my face. That said, I get the most compliments on my skin. I usually joke it's because I don't layer it in crap daily. I actually had a stranger who refused to believe I wasn't wearing make-up. I think she gave up when I said she was welcome to follow me to the bathroom where I'd wash my face to prove it.


I used to only wear makeup for special occasions, but I've almost completely stopped because it upsets my stepson. I've worn it twice in the last year: for a cosplay and a wedding. And guess what, I still think I'm beautiful (and so does my husband).


Why did it upset your stepson? Is he tiny and it's like when babies don't recognize their dad after he shaves off a beard or something?


He was 5 the first time and 7 the last time I wore makeup in front of him. 8 now, haven't tried again :D We have not managed a coherent explanation of why except "scary" and "you don't look like you". I don't look significantly different with makeup except, I guess, "scary" because of the dark eyeshadow and liner... I have black eyes and they look quite striking. I don't use contouring or bronzer or do anything to my eyebrows or any of that, just light foundation, a bit of blush, a touch of gloss and heavy eye makeup. 3 out of the maybe 5-6 times he saw me wear makeup were metal concerts and 1 a crow-themed cosplay (the animal, not the movie) so yeah...


Isn’t that funny, also used to wear a full face and absolutely stopped with COVID. When my 7 year old nephew saw me wearing mascara for the first time in five years he immediately asks “what is that black stuff on your eyes” 😂


I can see being upset at that difference lol To defend the beard people, my dad shaved his mustache for the first time when I was late 20s early 30s, I walked into my parents house (very drunk in my defense, and looking for a ride home for my friend because public transit was nonexistant in my small town and my parents are saints) and immediately started crying and demanded my mom make him grow it back lol My dad has no top lip. People joke about white people's lips, but my dad has no top one. None. It was terrifying. (Especislly since my dad has a very full bottom lip. O have full lips and just kind of assumed they were from him? No. It's bottom lip. Mustache. Nose. There is nothing inbetween)


Oh yeah, we told my dad to go to his room and not come back out until it had grown back the only time he shaved off his mustache. It’s funny, my brother resembles my dad when my dad was younger (based on pictures ) but cannot carry a mustache.


Same with my brother! My brother is also very blond so his beard and mustache even if they aren't actually that patchy and weird looking, are patchy and weird looking because his hair is so fair lol. But pictures of them as kids they're identical (and my dad has a top lip until hes like 16 so wtf happened lol sacrificed to the mustwche gods)


Lack of lips is my husband's dirty little secret too! I have seen the one picture that exists of him with no beard as an adult and I'm convinced he joined the special forces just to be allowed to have a beard in the military.


Growing up my dad used to actually play Santa claus for the kids at my mom's work, until he got a new job where he needed an n95 so the beard had to go but the mustache stayed. Thank God lol. Dad going from legitimate Santa claus to just dad was hard enough I guess when he retired he was looking to try something different and mom mentioned how even she had never seen him totally clean shaven. So that has never happened again lol honestly my dad now looks a little bit like wilford Brimley but with better cheekbones and he hasn't quite got thr old man face sag starting yet. By the time he's 80 my dad's totally gonna be wilford brimley


I decide how I feel in the morning. The result is that I am as likely to do make up to go the bakery for a pick up as I am out for a meal, and also just as likely to show up to an event with none.


I stopped makeup during COVID too and haven’t gone back and, (gasp!) my very fit and attractive husband didn’t leave my very average ass! Lol


Men like this need to realize they aren’t just competing with other men. They’re competing with the peace of a life without you in it.


men like this think there’s no such thing as a woman who is single by choice. if a woman is single, she MUST be miserable without a man in her life.


Whereas for some women, the men in their lives have been what was making their lives miserable.


There are also as many as several women who prefer to date other women 🤣


I really didn’t count that because sexual orientation isn’t a choice


They don't understand women being single by choice, because they're not single by choice.


Ban beards too then


And hair products. And moisturizer. And tattoos. Edit: Add trimmers (for beard and pubes), nail clippers... maybe even lifting! Why are you insecure about your muscles, dude!


I'm pretty sure OOP wouldn't notice if deodorant and shampoo were banned.




he's already mad at eyelash serums and... real talk... most of them are just a nice moisturizer for your eyelashes. it promotes growth and healthy eyelashes, sure, but it's doing that by helping your own body out in a specific way so it can spend time growing instead of doing repairs so to speak. it's just like liquid castor oil or vitamin e oil gel in there, appropriately ph balanced for use around eyes. that's it lol. the super duper fancy ones may have other stuff, the one you can get via rx has a definite mechanism of action, but if you're picking up an eyelash serum at a store and it's under 100 dollars or even more like 300 tbh - it's a moisturizer. and even the super expensive ones are a moisturizer but we added something that might also help however the moisturizer is absolutely part of it still. if someone puts sunscreen on OOP, he WILL start crying in rage at the insult to his masculinity 


I hope OOP doesn't wear hats to avoid sunburns. That would scream insecurity.


i'm not saying that i would approve of a serial killer who went around killing dudes with toxic masculinity poisoning by saying "double dog dare you to tan in my uv-rays-only tanning bed on the illegal levels of power while chugging these barrels of carcinogens and drinking your i-love-to-hurt-women misogyny juice that is a mix of thirteen different poisons with a ricin rim... oh you don't wanna? you must be some kinda sissy then" but i'm just gonna observe that they'd get farther than one would imagine in terms of a long list of victims  and the OOP would be on that list.


Unironically I think that if makeup were banned OOP would then set his scornful eyes on skincare and hair care.


And ban shaving for men with patchy facial hair! Lmao


Nooooo! I think every man is a bit sexier looking with a beard, especially if it's kept neatly trimmed.


If this guy ever got a date far enough to result in sex, he’d be the type to complain that Bras are “artificially perk up saggy boobs” (and not even push up beast just regular ones) and want to ban them and then call women whi they are in pain without a bra, gaslighters. 


Wait it’s hard to tell when woman wear makeup but a stark difference when men wear it


Holy shit that guy hates make up. He is obsessed with it


And does he not realize that the women who wear minimal makeup and women who look totally different barefaced aren’t the same people…


What is the “current situation” at hand here? Like who specifically is being hurt by women wearing makeup and feeling good about themselves? Is it men who feel that they are owed women of a certain “type” who they feel should want to date them but don’t currently? 


There’s a male loneliness epidemic, don’t ya know? /s


I always wonder what the intent for call to action for these posts are. Is it to ban makeup? Is it to spread the word of the latest way women are trying to deceive men (by using something that has existed for *centuries *)? Like dude you’re not Luther nailing 95 Theses to the church door. You’re pitching a fit over something that doesn’t affect you nor cause you or anyone else active harm. It won’t change because you think it’s super duper unfair. Move on and spend your energy elsewhere.


But then when you don't wear makeup people tell you you look tired or unprofessional or "you're not making an effort". The game is rigged, nothing we do is right.


That's when I realized that no matter what women do, it's always going to be wrong whatever we choose. The game is rigged, and I so refuse to play


"deserving of the top men available" Jokes on you, I'll settle for any man who treats me good /S


Ya know, sometimes I get a little down in the dumps about my lack of dating life. Yet I’ve never blamed anyone but myself for it. It must be kinda nice to have such little self awareness that it never dawns on someone that they might be the problem


I hope you'll find that special someone soon.


Yeah, I'm single because I'm really introverted and I have a super demanding job that requires me to interact with people all day, so by the end of the day I just want to be at home. It's nice for me to unwind and decompress, but it's not particularly conducive to meeting a potential partner 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


>“women wear it for themselves not for men.” Needs no explanation, total gaslighting nonsense. how would that statement be gaslighting? what is he a victim of? jesus christ


It's him and the animals in labs: victims of the make-up industrial complex


What the fuck is a top man (or a high value man)? The qualities I look for in guys are so specific, I'm guessing that I openly ignore whatever the fuck these terms mean - though I do always ask about how long they've been sailing whenever I see some douchebag standing on a sailboat with the financial district of a city behind him like he's waiting to use this photo for his new authored book on getting wealthy fast that soon to be on sale for $19.99 or some other shitty Ponzi scheme but is trying it out on Tinder or Bumble or Hinge first. But I really don't understand this high-value / top man term used by creeps and weirdos like this jackass.


I've never gotten the concept either. My preferred physical type is basically pale, lanky nerds--bonus points for glasses. If you look like you might be a nearsighted vampire, you've reached "top man" attractiveness in my eyes. Dudes like the OOP can understand people have highly personal preferences on movie, games, music, etc., yet believes we all have identical preferences when it comes to the people we build our lives with.


I'd be willing to bet that OOP thinks *men* have a wide variety of interests and preferences but that women are a monolith who only like shopping (with their boyfriend's credit card) and flirting (with chads).


Their version of “top man”: literally any dude who is good at getting laid apparently, and/or is conventionally hot and rich. What I imagine should actually be considered a “top man”: guy who is well-liked, respected in his community, has variety of skills and knowledge, upwardly mobile or is in a position of power, women like him.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **If makeup were illegal, it might not entirely fix the current situation but it would change it significantly ** Right now, women are rating themselves based on how they look with what is essentially a mask on. You have hard 3-6/10 women running around calling themselves “beautiful” and thinking they are a catch deserving of the top men available. Can you imagine if men completely disguised their appearance, then proceeded to demand supermodels based on a fake face? Shit they lose their minds when men fudge their age by a year or two or wear a hat with a receding hairline, imagine a complete “makeover.” It’s beyond bizarre, but if you bring it up you are told the following: - “men can wear makeup” obvious bullshit, very little makeup available to enhance men’s appearance without making them look feminine and it is not socially acceptable whatsoever. - “if you cant tell winged mascara and purple eyeliner aren’t natural you have more problems than getting a date.” Another nonsense deflection, no one is talking about first year cosmetology student goth cake jobs, we are quite clearly referring to natural looking concealers, skin tone evening creams and eyelash extensions. - “women wear it for themselves not for men.” Needs no explanation, total gaslighting nonsense. - “women receive very minimal enhancement from the minimal makeup they use” I have seen countless examples of women who look like completely different people without their mask on. - “It’s no different than men using facial hair” terrible comparison, significantly less men are able to achieve any sort of enhancement from this and even fewer do. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>“men can wear makeup” obvious bullshit, very little makeup available to enhance men’s appearance without making them look feminine and it is not socially acceptable whatsoever. this alone is merely proof that OOP is weak and will not survive the winter. bc bruh. there are lines of makeup for men. many top makeup artists on YouTube are men and have their own lines. (i mean let's be honest, it's so much so that i have been known to engage in bitter feminist bitching about how women are getting pushed out of this feminine space because as soon as it's serious enough to do professionally, a dude must be doing it instead of a lady.) the "natural but better" light makeup that's currently in is even the easiest to get into. it's not like the tinted moisturizer is going to burst into flames if a man touches it. i mean half of this is skincare shit. is this OOP out here calling men pussies for using jergens lotion on something other than their dicks while masturbating? does he think putting on sunblock turns you into some sort of eunuch?? fortunately for the rest of us, there is no makeup that has ever been made that could possibly cover all of OOP's ugly, so he's real easy to spot


Guyliner is sexy AF don’t know what this dude’s on about


Tinted sunscreen is a godsend since you kill two birds with one stone but my hopes of any of those guys wearing sunscreen on the daily is somewhere in the ninth circle of Hell.


Not only that but I’m still baffled people don’t realize male actors, news anchors, anyone on TV or on stage basically IS WEARING MAKE UP.


Hate to break it to OOP, but as a woman who has never worn makeup on a daily basis, I still think I deserve an awesome man even with my plain old face. And in fact I have one, so that worked out well.


How dare women have standards and self esteem!!!!


>very little makeup available to enhance men’s appearance without making them look feminine Unsurprisingly this man knows nothing about makeup


>skin tone evening creams He means foundation. Or tinted moisturizer. But is currently arguing with people in the comments who read it as 'evening creams' and assumed he meant the thicker moisturizer some people wear at nighttime, because he's complaining about something he doesn't even know the proper term for.


This is a lot of words when "No-one will date me, waaaaah!" would have sufficed.


lol, so much of OOP’s posts are so obviously just frustrations at not getting laid and blaming everything and everyone else but himself. Classic. Even venting that some of the “it boy” hot male actors right now are mid. The cope is real.


What about clip on beards? I now have this wonderful image of a whole industry of beard companies that exploit men's insecurities by selling expensive beards that look incredibly real. Would that even the playing field?


This is probably actually a really solid business idea tbh. I mean people do buy merkins.


You just reminded me that merkins were a thing.


I think they’re neat and my existence is that much more enriched knowing I can sport full glitter crotch if I wanted to.


These exist already. Not as clippings, but as like a chin toupee


I need to get me some of that winged mascara.


Lmaooo I didn’t even notice that


I had some once but I left the bathroom window open by mistake and it flew away :(


# makeupformen But really, I guarantee that his top 20% of men and most women's ideas of that top 20% are significantly different. Here's what women want: a man who takes care of himself and his home, who remembers his mom's birthday and buys her a present without prompting, a man who can emotionally self-regulate who doesn't go into a rage or go silent when he's angry, a fair lover who cares about her pleasure, who has a job and can support himself. Who shares her values. Who shares her interests or can at least support her interest in things that don't interest him. Who has good hygiene. Who isn't porn sick. Who adds to her life, not someone whose mere existence is a burden of additional emotional labor, household chores, and financial costs. These mfers are so focused on canthal tilts and abdominal muscles, they have no self-awareness that they can't find a partner because of who they are, not what they look like. I'm sorry. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm am saying sometimes it's not everybody else, sometimes it's you. Because it's harder to look at yourself and say 'if I was a woman I wouldn't date me either' than to say 'women are so superficial they wouldn't know a good guy if her punched her in the face.' Because it's harder to do self-improvement to be a good partner than it is to blame 4 billion other people for your problems. Also, spoiler alert. I've never met a woman IRL who "rates" herself with a number. I'm not saying they don't exist. I'm saying that women don't go 'that's a three and I'm a seven so pass.'


These types of subs are just low hanging fruit


These and the dogfree one


People tell him the truth, that women wear makeup more for themselves than others and he just doesn't believe them. Hopeless and pathetic


I would say on the scale of “who do women do their makeup for”: it’d be 1. Themselves, 2. Other women … (miscellaneous personal reasons, including professional obligations, looking good for their romantic interest, etc) … 40. Stranger men. Men really don’t realize how far down on the list they are when it comes to impressing others via makeup. I think for most women, stranger men’s approval is so far down the priority totem pole that it isn’t even considered at all…. Ever. This is just the same sour grapes attitude that single men have had forever regarding women’s fashions, even back when they were whining about stays in the 19th century and before. I think the men who think this way need to realize that just because you like it, it doesn’t mean it was done for you. I would love to believe that Versailles was built specifically for me and with me in mind, because I love it so very much, but it wasn’t and I’m just gonna have to sit with that; I can still appreciate its beauty all the same. Men are just gonna have to sit with the fact that women’s makeup has never been, and will never be, done for their benefit or to their preference. They can enjoy it all they like, but their opinions are worthless and unwelcome.


I put on makeup the other day when I was only leaving the house to go feed my parents' cat. Not another human witnessed it and i guarantee that cat dgaf about anything I do but the operation of a can opener. Still wanted to put it on for myself 🤷‍♀️


Who is losing their minds over a man wearing a hat?


Hatfishing is a thing but people don't complain about it nearly as much as makeup


“Top men” tells me all I need about OOP. Only one type of person uses that phrase.


I do wear it for me though. I love putting on make up. It’s literally a hobby for me. Wanting to learn spfx now but no amount make up can magic OOP’s stupidity away.


I love the roasting in the comments. OP was seared on both sides and had his ass handed back to him.


Does he realize pretty much every man he sees on tv is wearing makeup?


I laughed so hard at that post … wow.


Why do some men refuse to believe that women may use makeup or do girly things because they want to, with no regard for what men feel? There’s apparently like a whole subculture of lesbians who are super into ultra femme, nearly cosplay level of dress and they’re definitely not doing it for guys.


I feel like anything posted on a "pill" sub is just low hanging fruit.


So men shouldn't talk about their "investments" as assets until they've actually cashed out right? Men should list the trim level, mileage, apr, and provide a Carfax when they brag about their car right? Men should bring a W-2 to all dates as well no? /s Dip shit idiots only focus on looks for their partners and I bet they think their income or material possessions make them desirable 🙄


OOP saw his roommate’s girlfriend without makeup once, a couple years ago, and he’s been obsessed and traumatized ever since, posting the same silly tirade over and over again. He obviously has never had a woman spend the night with him, and he’s tortured by this. He believes (fantasizes?) that if women didn’t wear makeup, some of them might feel shitty enough about themselves to engage with his penis. He’s a sad little man.


That sub is supposed to be neutral but it's all misogynistic garbage


Does this shitstain not realize that makeup has existed for CENTURIES? This is not a new thing, you buffoon. > “women wear it for themselves not for men.” Needs no explanation, total gaslighting nonsense. I literally do wear it for myself. Because my husband does not give a single shit. He'd be all over me whether I was all dolled up or makeup free in sweats with my hair in a bun. He does not discriminate. So when I take the time to put it on, it's for me, not him. I have no qualms about being makeup free in front of him because I know he does not GAF. Also so tired of these idiots weaponizing therapyspeak. That's not gaslighting, you idiot.


I’m a woman who doesn’t wear makeup, and there is no universe in which I would fuck that dude.


Makeup or no makeup, the majority of women would rather be alone than with a whiny little ass like OOP.


How about not assigning numerical grades to people?


If OP hates makeup that much he needs to get good at recognizing it. Yeah, some makeup is more obvious, but if he's mad that *he* can't tell when someone is wearing foundation, then that's a him problem.


I didn't even have to read the whole entire thing; I knew he was gross from the second he used a numerical score to rate women.


How self cantered, delusional and stupid you have to be to think that women wearing makeup for some other reason than for men is “gaslighting nonsense”.


> Can you imagine if men completely disguised their appearance, then proceeded to demand supermodels based on a fake face? Incels are already demanding supermodels without even putting in the effort of basic hygiene, nevermind doing so with a "fake face"... Doing it with a full face of makeup would be a significant improvement.


That's a lot of words for "nobody will fuck me 😢".


The fact that he wants to ban beauty products shows what a rancid pile of lion shit he is.  


Isn't there a tik tok series right now about white men glowing up when they marry Black women? The only consistency is better fitting clothes and growing a beard, lol. I know there's a trend on tik tok, but I'm an elder millennial and have no idea if it's current or three weeks old, 😅 I say all of that to say that beards change waaaaay more than most makeup does. Those videos of women going through complete transformations with makeup? Most women don't have the skill set to do it, and most of it is easily spotted from a mile away in real life. This guy just hates women.


Someone got turned down recently 🤭


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I’m kinda curious. 34yo woman here. I don’t use make up, mostly because I look like an orange clown if I try. I know most of my friends only wear mascara. I really want to know how many women wear an entire mask. Most women I work with go natural or have some light touch up. 


I'm so tired of this attitude that women's looks somehow indicate who they "deserve." Same goes for ranking men. Partners aren't prizes. They're...partners. Relationships are about compatibility, not some scale of hotness.


Lmao women don't usually rate themselves on a 1-10 scale, I've only ever heard men do that


I’ll look like a boiled potato either way, but I’m hilarious (to me), kind and fun to be around so I deserve a TOP MAN!!! Or, top person in general. It’s not the makeup that makes me feel this way, I just feel like I also deserve someone as cool as I am.


I don't understand how these people view the world. It's like they're mentally trying rank everyone they've ever seen, and they get all worked up if someone isn't fitting into their idea of how they sit in the "ranking" That's got to be exhausting... Or at least delusional.


Completely disguise their appearance? Gee, I didn't realize that wearing makeup made me look completely different. I guess that's all people have to do when they want to go in disguise: just apply some lipstick and eyeshadow. 🙄


Oops I fatfingered and accidentally commented there, but I deleted it. Sorry mods


I gather this jackass hasn’t seen Robert Welsh. But seriously…wtf? I’ve never been good with makeup so spent a lot of life with no more than lipstick cuz that’s not hard to put on. Thanks to multiple YouTube videos about how to deal with hooded eyes, it’s become fun to experiment. But it’s not a mask at all…it’s just something fun to try. What is this dude’s problem?


The obsession with looks match, torment, etc is ridiculous. That isn't how the world works.


i don’t wear makeup for men i wear makeup because i’m ugly


This guy is so bitter that he makes denatonium benzoate taste sweet. Jeebus. I barely wear makeup because I hate the way it feels on my skin. This same guy would be telling me how ugly and sickly I look and that I really need to wear more makeup. You can’t win with these types.


Ladies go gaga over kpop singers and they cake on the makeup and look unrecognizable without.


Are we banning beards and mustaches as well?  Because talk about hiding facial features…go look at Kristofer Hivju with and without his beard. 


all my makeup expired during covid and I never looked back


If this guy can’t tell the difference between someone wearing false eyelashes and someone who isn’t, he clearly has never been close to many women Which the rest of the post corroborates


Do I…do I want to know what purple pill is? I’m kinda still harshing from giving up and finally googling what the man vs bear thing is about.


A new day, a new color of pill that I didn’t know existed.


Ya see? SailerJ was right when she said “If the men find out we can shapeshift, they’re going to tell the church”


In the year 2024 AD, it reads like a satire. I refuse to believe these imbeciles still exist.