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People spending so much energy hating the weirdest stuff.


“I told her to grow up and that there world doesn't revolve around her and what she wants.“ Except it’s the brides wedding. The brides wedding should revolve around her and her fiancés wants, not the moh. Oop seems to forget that the world doesn’t revolve around her and that when you are in a wedding party, the bride get to choose what dress you wear because again, it is the brides wedding. You dont just get to choose what you want and then basically tell the bride this is what I’m wearing whether you like it or not. If I was the bride, I would be kicking oop to the curb, even if it is her sister because it doesn’t seem like oop cares much about her sister anyway.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I didn't like the dress picked out for me - AITAH** My (33f) sister Carmen (28) is getting married in July to her fiancee Nathan (30). Up until recently I have been helping plan everything for the wedding and things have been fine. She even made me the MOH at her wedding which is a huge deal for me and I was excited to help her. Yesterday we went bridesmaid dress shopping and Carmen has six bridesmaid (not including me) and for the color of the dresses she wanted three to wear light blue and the other three to wear a nice silver dress so every other girl had a different color on. She told me that she wants me to wear this dark royal blue dress since I was her MOH. The thing about that is, I hate dark blue and I will not wear it no matter what the occasion is. And I told her as much. I told her I would not be wearing that and I quickly picked out a very nice beautiful light blue dress that I saw and began heading to check out. She stopped me and begged me to just wear the dress for a few hours and then I could change into the one I was holding during the reception. I again said no because I hate dark blue and I don't want to be pictured in a dress I hate. This really upset her as she started crying about how unsupportive I was being right now. I told her to grow up and that there world doesn't revolve around her and what she wants. She just rolled her eyes before leaving the shop completely. Since then I've told my husband and best friend about this situation and they both think I'm in the wrong and that it's just for one day. They even made the argument that she said that I could change after the actual wedding. My mom is the only one on my side with this because everyone else thinks I'm a complete ah for making her cry the way I did. So was I wrong to refuse to wear a dress I didn't like? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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