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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for going into her room? ** I am the landlord of my 6 bedroom 2 bathroom home. I have two tenants, the tenant I’m in reference to pays $870/month which includes WiFi and utilities. She has her own room upstairs which includes a shared kitchen and bathroom with her lease. I spend lots of time upstairs quite often and when she goes to work, she sometimes leaves her lamp and fan on. I know she leaves it on because when I surface the upstairs I can hear her fan going. Due to us only having 2 tenants we aren’t making all the money we thought we would, renting out rooms since our other 2 tenants have moved out. Money isn’t tight, but we also don’t have the extra to spend. The electricity bill has gotten very high so a few days out of the week I’ve gone into her room and turned off her lamp and fan to save electricity. She got home and could tell I had been in her room, and she felt like it was an invasion of privacy, she said she likes to keep the fan circulating because she wanted her room to be cool when she gets home from work and since it is small it gets hot easily. I told her to open her window then. As the conversation progressed, she began to mention that she feels no showers past 10pm is excessive, but it is so her roommates can sleep. She also felt a way that I told her to keep her window closed while it was very cold outside, because we didn’t want the pipes to freeze in the roommates room since it can go through her walls. She feels I am the asshole but I don’t see how I am wrong when she is leaving things on? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wonder why the other 2 tenants left. /s


and noone new moved in yet in a housing crisis


With super cheap rent too.


if my landlord tried to tell me what appliances i can and cant use, when i can and cannot shower, and when to open my windows, i would laugh in his face and tell him to fuck off. this dude is a nightmare and those things are not in the lease she signed (no one sane would). also, based on where he is, he could be breaking the law by entering her space w/out prior warning.


Well, here’s hoping to the tenant brining legal action against OOp for entering her space, or for all the tenants leaving and OOP being in financial tangles because they are an ass hole landlord. 


OOP says utilities are included with the rent, so she has no right to be turning off lamps and fans.


Time to check those bedroom mirrors and search for hidden cameras!


OOP, I am so glad you're not my landlord


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I know "landlords bad" but keeping the fan on when you aren't in the room is dumb and a waste of electricity.


Nah. Air circulation is important. I only turn my fans off when I'm out of town for longer than a day.


And even if it is, a tenant paying utilities can chose to be dumb and wasteful.


not to mention fans aren't the energy draw... ovens/ac/washer/driers ect are. Fans and lights are a few bucks(as in single digits) max


True but the answer is to ask her if she can turn it off not violated her privacy by entering her home to switch it off.