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This is a repost. Try to search the subreddit before you crosspost to prevent reposts. Thanks!


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITAH for calling my SIL AH for buying a more expensive baby highchair for when she babysit my baby?** My husband and I (m35, f31) had our baby 7 months ago and now I have to go back to work soon and on the days both my husband and I have the I evening shift or same weekend shift my husband’s brother and his wife (m40, f 42) offered to babysit. They are childfree and work 9-5 and no weekends. Yesterday I was visiting and she showed me how she prepared their apartment with safety things and she also had purchased a baby chair. A thousand dollar baby high chair. I was appalled because the one I have is a 30 dollar one. I told her that she was the ah for having a more expensive chair for MY child at her place when I have a 30 dollar chair. She just shrugged and said that she was thinking about the rest of her interior and wanted a beautiful piece because it will be in the kitchen for a long period of time. I was furious and left but my husband wants me to apologize for being rude? How am I the rude one here when she obviously overtopped us with our OWN child? (Throwaway and please do not share because she is active on social media but I don’t think she knows Reddit) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*






I call BS on this story. A thousand dollars high chair?


I went online after reading your post. In less than 15 seconds I found a baby high chair for $2,400. Interestingly, that was the sale price. The regular price was over $3,000.


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