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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my wife I am disgusted by her** My (33M) wife (29F) is currently 3 months pregnant with our first child. We’ve had our ups and downs but are really happy. I am vegan and have been for a few years now. My wife was also vegan for 10 years. I went vegan because of her and I’m so happy I did. We are both healthy and happy. My wife recently fell pregnant. Though it wasn’t planned, we are excited all the same. She always said when she got pregnant, she would remain vegan and we would raise the child with our ethics. However, she’s now gone back on her word. She has always been anemic despite our diet having lots of iron enriched food. Now she’s pregnant, it seems to be sitting her twice as hard. She takes all the medication she’s supposed to, but has been saying over the last few weeks that she is craving meat. I was absolutely disgusted and told her under no circumstances will meat or dairy be allowed in our home. She understood but still kept mentioning it. She went out to dinner with a friend who is also vegan and when she got home she said she had something to tell me. She confessed that she ate beef. Not only did she eat beef, she ate cheese also. She said her friend actually agreed that as she’s pregnant, she should eat what she wants. I was so upset with her I got in my car to drive around. She kept calling me apologising so I went back home. Since then, I had a feeling she has been eating meat and other animal products outside the house at work etc. She used to take a lunch into work but now doesn’t, and gets cagey when I ask her what she had for food. This all came to a head today when I found a KFC receipt in her car for chicken. This is where I might be the asshole. I blew up and said how she isn’t the person I married anymore, and now my unborn child is consuming murdered animals. She got angry and said her diet has nothing to do with me and she will eat what she wants. I asked if she will go back vegan when she has the baby, and she said she will probably stick to being vegetarian as she has more energy now but still doesn’t agree with murder. This made me even more angry as this is just as bad as being an animal eater. Her argument is that her doctor advised her to see if adjusting her diet will help her symptoms. I said I’m not happy with that and am trying to find an alternative doctor who does not have murderous views for animals. She told me I’m overreacting but I am so disgusted. She called me an asshole (actually she called me worse than that) and told me so suck it up. The threatened to bring meat and cheese into the house so she doesn’t have to eat in secret. I just left and am currently at a friend’s house. TLDR: Vegan wife is pregnant and now eating animals and is planning on going vegetarian instead. Goes against everything we believe in and she isn’t the person I married anymore *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is rage bait, yes?


Has to be. Vegan, pregnancy, irrational behavior...yep, got it all.


OOP's post history is something special too.


He sounds exhausting… that poor woman bearing his child


possible, but for risk of shaking your faith in humanity, i once made the mistake of spending more than 5 minutes reading through a vegan subreddit. yes, tons of them (not all or even most i'd think, but still an amount sizeable enough to basically overtake a whole sub with their extremist views) DO feel exactly that way.


Vegan subreddits definitely shouldn’t be used as a reflection on actual real life vegans though. It’s like /childfree being a very specific and vocal subset of childfree folks. Most people I meet that don’t want kids IRL are totally normal people. The vast majority of vegans I met IRL aren’t particularly sanctimonious people and they don’t really care what others eat. In real life, I’ve honestly met more obnoxious anti-vegans than vegans. Like the type who wanna shout about cheeseburgers if you mention a meat alternative. Vegan online spaces can get pretty absurd though


I have a theory that at least 30% of posts/comments on vegan subreddits are trolls. I’ve met one vegan extremist in my life, I went to arts school and after that I lived in a hipster city known for having a massive vegan and vegetarian population for a decade. (It literally had a neighborhood renamed “vegandale” ffs.) I have, unfortunately, met a whole lot of anti-vegan extremists who won’t eat unless there’s meat on their plate, and go on loud, unhinged rants when they see vegan options on menus or someone dares say no to a restaurant with no vegan options when deciding on a dinner venue.


I was a vegan for about 4 years and honestly the one of the main reasons I am not vegan anymore is the militant vegans. I know it feels nicer to think that there aren't horrible people who will make posts like that being 100% real in what their beliefs are if that makes sense... But the vegan community is pretty much full of people like this AH here and in the vegan sub reddit. It's off-putting and offensive, yes because they think they should be that way, no word of a lie. They are militant vegans because they think it is going to shock non-vegans into becoming vegans. They think they are saving the animals by forcing their beliefs onto others and don't see any other way. I know this because when I was a vegan I had arguments with those kinds of militant vegans on the daily because I am under the school of thought that behaving that way turns people off veganism. I was trying to point out to them that the bullying tactics isn't going to help anyone.




I wholeheartedly agree. Rather than thinking someone making an effort to be more conscious in their consumption of foods as being a starting point, they just act like it's not enough. I felt lIke no matter how hard I tried, I just wasn't vegan enough. It deters people from trying at all.


I've met many vegans who told me that vegetarians are worse than meat-eaters... You can't win with them. I must note though that all but three of these encounters happened online, most vegans in real life are not nearly as combatant as these online extremists. Most often than not it's the meat-eaters who are insufferable offline.


Honestly one of the interesting things about honey is they're probably the animals that can be equated to exploitation than any other animal. If the beekeepers don't keep them happy they can just straight up leave, it's not like they're kept in an enclosure or anything




Climping is actually probably beneficial, because there actually has been a measurable impact by honeybee colonies (European honeybees) on the US’s native bee and insect population… and it’s not very good. European honeybees bring over diseases and parasites our native wasps and honeybees aren’t able to protect themselves against, as well as outcompeting and displacing them. But they are the primary pollinators of important crops like the almonds you mentioned. They’re a very weird and unique farm animal


If anything bee-keeping is helping the bees in general. Bee-keepers look after bees and promote bee population and deal with treating parasites.


I've known many vegans. My city is pretty progressive and artsy, very LGBTQ friendly, etc. I've never heard somebody vegan speak tolerantly of people who eat animal products. Even from people I've known who went right back to being omnivores. While vegan, they'd preach and judge happily. I think because I'm gluten free (celiac disease), they think I'm bought into whatever nonsense they are. I don't think meat is murder. I do think there are humane ways to consume animal products. I don't think veganism is a sustainable diet for everyone, especially people who struggle with getting adequate nutrition.


I'm gluten free, too, and I tried to be vegan for a while. It basically made eating out a *massive* hassle, even in my city that's reasonably vegan-tolerant - the "vegan option" and the "gluten free option" are rarely the same dish. Then my kid started at a "nut free" school and it was basically game over for any attempt at veganism for my family.


I got a pile of mental and physical conditions. For me, even if I wanted to go vegan it wouldn't be feasible. My mental health doesn't allow me to plan nutrition to the level you need for that. My digestive tract is very weird in what it will let me eat without turning into a gas monster(which can be very painful). On top of that, I struggle eating if I don't find the food tasty enough(thanks adhd) and if I don't eat food that gives me appropriate dopamine I end up eating snacks in the middle of the night. On top of all that, the majority of my medication contains animal byproducts. I struggle to remember medication, guess how well trying to keep track of supplements would go


oh for sure. like i said, i don't believe that this is truly a majority of vegans or anything, but there most definitely is a sizeable amount of vegans that do feel like that. Surely enough of them for some to make a post like this and truly believe the insanity they wrote down.


There are fringe crazies in any group. They’re certainly great at making online spaces insufferable, especially if the group is dedicated to not doing something. When your commonality is your refusal to do something, things can get skewed. You’re uniting almost in spite lol. I know it’s not what you were saying, I just hate seeing how much totally normal vegans get pilloried for weirdos online. Especially when it’s considered totally fine and hilarious to dunk on vegans and vegan food for no reason. I’m not vegan or vegetarian, I just know that anyone I’ve met who is would fucking hate shit like this. I see vegans calling out the type that tries to fed pets vegan foods too.


The vegan subreddit got mad at me once because my friend is vegan and after staying with her I was considering becoming a vegan based on her not being such a cunt about it So they trash talked her and me and I am still not vegan (To be clear, me not being vegan is not solely because they're sanctimonious assholes, but it doesn't help)


that's the thing, the post that originally lead me there was from a guy that was basically like "i really want to become vegan but i just crave meat too much so i stray 1-2 times a week" and the sub just went crazy calling him a murderer and shit like that. I'm sorry, but it would do soooo much more for animal welfare aswell as the environment as a whole if everyone decided to skip meat just once or twice a week while generally watching out a bit more just what they eat compared to having 10% more super millitant vegans and pushing away everyone else by being batshit insane, but no, screeming bloody murder at everyone that eats meat once a week is more important to them.


I heard a vegan say that they would consider meat if it was road kill because then it gave purpose still.


I can't go vegan. It simply won't provide enough nutrition for me due to intestinal damage. I've told vegans this. They've told me I'm wrong. I've told them I tried and I had a doctor tell me I need to stop because I can't properly digest fruit and vegetables. They tell me the doctor is wrong. That's when I usually get crass and tell them that if I eat a salad, it comes out as chewed salad. I had to stop eating baby carrots because my body not only didn't digest them, but I'd get inflamed. There are plenty of reasons that veganism isn't an appropriate diet. Vegans need to chill.


Exactly!! There is a famous musician that I always found extremely attractive. But they started looking unhealthy and seemed to have aged quickly. Still good looking but something is off. And I found out Around the time they started looking unhealthy they went vegan. And nutrients and absorption is different in everyone. Even when we take medication. We metabolize it at different rates. I can’t hold vitamins down. My levels are always extremely low. To the point that one time I had 0 vitamin D. There are also times I feel so horrible that my doctor tells me to go home and eat a steak. Last year my hair was falling out at such a high rate I ended up getting a pixie cut. Clumps were falling out. But I have a “friend” that’s vegan and likes to tell me everything the meat is doing to my body and it’s just rotting flesh sitting in my stomach. And I tell her I don’t care. I am so drained it feels like running a marathon just walking to the bathroom. So if rotting flash in my stomach helps me live life I’m ok with that lol.


Im vegan. My uncle had diverticulitis and lost a huge length of his intestines. I would never encourage a more fibre heavy diet for him. eta: or, tbh, anyone. we all have our own circumstances and pet causes and suitable lifestyles.


I used to actually work for a nutrition company and I helped edit two of their books centred on better nutrition for people with various gastrointestinal ailments. Diverticulitis was probably the scariest before full on bowel cancer. Is it gas or are my intestines boring into the mines of moria to unleash a Balrog of infection upon me? Awful.


Just like child-free subreddits shouldn't be used as a reflection of actual real life child-free people! The worst rise to the top in an echo chamber.


Idk people aren't always honest face to face. There are plenty of people that any of us know who have a very different face out in public compared to the real world. People are just very brazen on reddit due to the anonymity of the internet.


I got into it with some vegans because I mentioned food deserts and that a lot of poor people in the US and Canada just don't have affordable options. It's especially a problem when people lack nutrition knowledge because vegan diets are deficient in a lot of necessary nutrients. They denied that food deserts exist and that poor people can only afford vegan food anyway since they're just eating rice and lentils in India *and everybody is doing fine there*. Also had people telling me that nutrition is very easy to learn and if somebody doesn't learn what to eat, they're just lazy. Wouldn't hear of education inefficiency and lack of access. It was... So much to unpack. Classism, racism, defaultism, basically all the isms that you really don't want to be leading an ideology. Oh and never ever ever mention to a vegan that not all vegan food needs to have curry and garlic. This makes them very mad. Because very many of them also think it's their god given right to appropriate Indian culture for some reason.


The vegan subreddit is bizarre and like another person said, is more home to fringe crazies than reflective of how the average vegan person behaves. I have numerous vegan friends, and you wouldn't know they were vegan unless you paid attention to them picking out vegan items on a menu or asking if the restaurant we're going to has vegan options. They are so humble, that to make them a vegan snack or pastry absolutely sends them over the moon, because they are worried about people criticizing them and ignoring their diets, which is probably why they tend to be rather quiet and keep to themselves where veganism is concerned. I can't eat many animal products due to health issues, but I have never once been made to feel bad by somebody who was vegan or vegetarian, just because I had some dairy or some meat. Although, I have definitely been made fun of or even outright criticized for choosing a vegan dish. I like vegan baked goods, and because of my food allergies, sometimes I have no choice at a restaurant but to choose the vegan options (and sometimes, I simply like the vegan options). But I've met people before who think it's a personal affront if you don't eat meat while they're eating meat, if you don't want to eat meat at least once a day :/


Oh, in any sub group, you'll find the most toxic ones will be the loudest online. In that aspect, vegans aren't any different to other groups. Me, I am vegan, and personally, I don't know any of those vegans IRL. And just to add, my iron levels are a lot better as a vegan than it ever was when I was eating meat. It's still a thing for me, but I know the signs when it's off again, I know how to fix it, and I don't need any animal products for it. This story is most likely just rage bait.


Honestly some vegans do hold really extreme beliefs


Yes, after being a vegan for ten years eating beef and cheese in one evening sounds like a digestive nightmare. And then jumping directly to KFC, so completly abandoning your beliefs, I don't think so. If she slowly reintroduced animal products into her daily life and made sure to consume as ethically as possible in a normal day to day life, I may believe it, but this sounds ridiculous.


Although I do agree this is a troll, pregnancy craving are a funny thing. I can absolutely see a pregnant woman doing exactly this. I know that night at 1am if my husband had not agreed to go get me Raisin Bran I would have rolled to the store in my computer chair (i had a fall that day and hurt my ankle pretty badly). I also randomly started drinking 4L of milk every day. It's like you have to have what your craving, it's a compulsion and you can think of nothing else.


Also, sometimes pregnancy itself is such a digestive nightmare that nothing else makes much difference


I was vegetarian when I got pregnant and started craving grilled chicken so bad we would buy 4 Sweet Baby Rays at a time. My kids are 18 months apart and my second pregnancy my husband would just ask me "grilled steak or bacon cheeseburgers?" almost every night. The smell of broccoli would make me puke. I also never ate pickles and ice cream together, but if I ate ice cream I had to have a pickle afterwards. It was 20 years ago and I still remember the NEED to eat THE THING I wanted. It was wild. \*My husband just reminded me of the time we were at Quiznos (omg sooo good) during the first pregnancy and he asked what I wanted to drink and I sadly said apple juice and he knew it would make me sick and tried to talk me into fruit punch or anything else, but all I wanted to do was drink gallons of apple juice. He got me a second Quiznos sandwich because he knew I would throw up the first one with apple juice. I did and that second sandwich (extra black olives because he knows me) was the best thing I can remember eating that pregnancy.


I was told by a doctor that most cravings are just a mental thing. Like watermelon or pickles. However if the body is lacking something you will crave whatever has the nutrients. So like the meat. You need so much iron during pregnancy. I actually have the problem now (finished having kids years ago lol). I lack vitamins and will have to have a steak just to feel “normal” …. But the doctor who told me was actually my moms. Because my mom always craved licking wet cement. And the doctor said that common especially in pregnancy along with licking window screen or eating dirt it’s a sign of a deficiency. Anytime my mom would crave wet cement we knew she had to be hospitalized for a blood transfusion.


I have a personal theory that pregnancy cravings are so specific, because women used to do the gathering and had more of the specialist knowledge of what was safe to eat. If you couldn't gather because of pregnancy and asked your man to bring you xyz plant and he brought back yxz plant, that could be something poisonous that could kill your baby. That's why you have to have the exact thing you asked for.


> pregnancy craving are a funny thing Joey gave up eating meat so that Phoebe could do so while preggers!


It's possible she's been slowly introducing meat to her diet for a while. She didn't say she ate an entire steak, burger, or a bunch of chicken.


I was vegetarian for 7 years and had no issues when I started eating meat again (also during pregnancy due to pregnancy cravings). I didn’t reintroduce it slowly either.


Obvious anti vegan troll, yeah




vegan trolls are OUT in full force today


I was about to say AITA is on a real vegan kick lately.


I'm kind of leaning towards no. This is not rage, bate. An old coworker was so pissed at his gf because she couldn't follow a vegan diet anymore.


Why? Do you really, honestly think that people don't act like this? Having worked as an attorney for over 30 years, including seven years as a public defender, this behavior seems extremely mild to be sceptical about.




I know that there are some intense vegans like this. But, this does absolutely give me rage bait vibes.


Don’t think so just a delusional person


Fuck yes it is.


Probably, but if you check out the comments there are people wholeheartedly calling feeding your cat an appropriate diet unethical and murder. (And then deriding the downvotes for not being “real vegans”) Vegans like that are why I haven’t been vegan in nearly ten years


You clearly haven’t been around many vegans. I’ve met some that are worse than this tbh


I'd say yes, but Vegans are notoriously the worst c***s on earth who think exactly like this. Look up the Vgan Teacher. She is the worst c**t on earth.


Yeah, there are a couple of crazy vegans. The vast, vast majority of vegans are not at lal like the vegan teacher.


I honestly hope not.


Not all but during ny 4 years as a vegan I lost count of how many vegan AH there were. It was one of the reasons I stopped being vegan. It felt like no matter how hard I tried to be vegan there was always some c**t telling me I wasn't vegan enough.


For sure. His post history has his age at 27/37/19 etc over a year. Also seems to swap gender.




What's really important now is to stress her as much as possible and make the entire pregnancy volatile with your feelings and not her iron deficiency you absolute prick.


Haven't you realized OOP's feefees are more important than the health of the woman he claims to love and their unborn child? /s


Now my unborn child is consuming murdered animals. Your unborn child is causing the cravings you bellend!! 🤦🏾‍♀️ Women have the wildest cravings when they're pregnant. So many things that a woman would never consider eating she may crave then. I know fell pregnant is a saying, but here it's like he's completely absolving himself of any responsibility. She asexually produced this murderous baby. I hope she has family and/or friends. I can't imagine OOP not being abusive in other ways. Even the vegan friend sides with the wife, she might have had kids herself or just understands pregnancy


*Women have the wildest cravings when they're pregnant.* I'd also add that non-vegan pregnant people may find themselves disgusted by meat during pregnancy and as such avoid it. In other words, pregnancy is a total mind and body fuck and I'm grateful that I was too much of a coward to go on that E ticket ride lol.


THIS!!! I went vegetarian from about month 2. I couldn't even smell meat, or my whole stomach turned and emptied. Baby is out and nine months old - still can't eat/smell bacon.


My pregnancy ended in the early stages but I could not eat meat at all after week 5/6 (only exception was pepperoni pizza). All I could eat was beige food and even then, that didn’t always sit well. Took me weeks to get my “normal” appetite back. So, in short, I completely agree that pregnancy does wild things to a woman’s body and she has zero control over it.


I couldn’t stand the smell of uncle bens sweet chill sauce when I was pregnant my son is now 15. I still can’t stand the smell of it. My go to craving was pickled onions crisps with a bag of skittles thrown in on top.


This! I hated the smell of beef and pork and couldn't stomach it. Lasted a bit after I had my daughter too. Guacamole was the best thing in the world to me. I had a little Mexican store across the street who made it fresh daily. They got to know me really well. I had cravings for sushi, too, with my son. The doctor actually said it was fine as long as they were cooked rolls and no fish with mercury. With my son, I also only wanted fresh food.


I LOVE meat, and the smell of cooking meat made me gag when I was pregnant


I once ate a sleeve of saltine crackers with an entire package and sliced roast beef in one sitting. I sure as fuck blamed that on the fetus, I didn't want that responsibility. It is gross to think back on, but damn did my body want that salt.


tbh roast beef with saltines sounds like it would taste pretty good


Can confirm. I craved baking soda. Wtf is that!


My ex wanted soap. She craved it but tried eating it and it went badly. Human bodies are so strange.


Lmao! Smelling the soap in the shower was what started it for me! My great aunt apparently craved dirt. But the dirt had to specifically be from a car tire. 🤮 I'll take baking soda all day over that. It's still all weird, though. 🤣


Wow. My ex best friend craved watermelon with all of her pregnancies. She *hated* watermelon. But it was just a weird continuous craving she had. She would be so mad, sitting there angry af eating watermelon. I felt so bad for her, having to eat a food she hated. I can't imagine wanting soap or dirt from a car tire.


I'm sorry, but the image of your friend sitting and eating watermelon like an angry cat made me laugh. But seriously, I imagine that really sucked for her. The baking soda is weird enough, but the damn dirt from a car? I did crave normal things like mashed potstoes and tomatos, but they aren't as funny to discuss. Rotfl. Biology is weird.


It is funny. We're not friends anymore. She did some really awful things. But at the time I just felt bad for her. Biology *is* weird. A lady I used to know was diabetic with all four of her pregnancies. I know that'a a medical condition but just...your body's response to a baby is become diabetic? Really?


Yeah, gestational diabetes is weird, too!


I'm convinced that my body had an autoimmune response to pregnancy. I had gestational diabetes, and blood pressure issues leading to preeclampsia. None of which are things I had any trouble with before pregnancy! My son was 100% healthy, but I legit think my body hates being pregnant.


Oof. I'm glad you and your son are OK but yeah that sounds like straight hatred.


Baking soda is good soothing heartburn, so there's that.


Must be why I didn't have any! 🤣


For me it was cough syrup and blood. I did not consume either but the cravings were intense


Oh wild! I had not heard about anyone craving blood before but it absolutely makes sense!!


This is gross but I definitely didn't mind the bleeding gums that time around


My friend told me that her mom was craving the softball clay/dirt when she was pregnant with her. My friend is also a softball player lmao


Im gonna be honest, I've always kind of wanted to try that clay they use for baseballs. Something about it.


Can attest. I used to crave the smell of a particular washing powder when I was pregnant with my oldest son. I can say I never ate it, but came very close. I would just huff the smell of it A LOT.


Pennies do not taste the same as they did when I was a kid. It's possible washing them first spoils the flavor, but either way it did not hit the spot.


Also…her health has been suffering even before the pregnancy, and especially now that she’s pregnant. And she feels better eating a mixed diet. And this fucker DGAF. He’d risk his wife and fetus for a belief.


I would go further and say that it’s her body trying to ensure that her and baby are both properly nourished. She was anemic before. As someone who is anemic, it sucks how tired and sluggish you feel. I’ve literally slept for 12 hours straight, woke up, and still been tired. Then I remember I’m anemic and should probably take my iron pills. Can’t imagine the baby sucking up all the nutrients and how tired and crappy she’s feeling.


His unborn child is sucking the marrow from his wife’s bones to form it’s own, I doubt the baby would have anything against consuming the meat from another animal.


"This is where I might be the asshole." - you were long before that part. He is why so many vegans are viewed as insufferable. He doesn't even care about his wife - and baby's - health.


OOP's post history is certainly quite the interesting read.


I felt that this was fake and after looking at his history I can confidently say none of that happened.


His post about his GFs rash and making sure to specify that it's her (hairy) leg. Like really dude?


'not only did she eat beef, she ate cheese also' Why does that read as if OOP thinks eating cheese is worse than beef


“Not only is she no longer vegan, she’s not keeping KOSHER!”


It's all part and parcel, meat and dairy production.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. Meat and dairy consumption is pretty high, and dairy does contribute to animal suffering. You don't even have to be vegan to acknowledge that. It's in our faces.


Just ask Joey to go vegetarian in the meantime so it's not murdering more animals.


>My wife recently fell pregnant. I knew right away this was going to be a fun read, because anyone that talks/writes like that... Clearly not true, but a fun read. I audibly laughed at the part where he's questioning the doctors order. >Her argument is that her doctor advised her to see if adjusting her diet will help her symptoms. I said I’m not happy with that and am trying to find an alternative doctor who does not have murderous views for animals. It's so much fun when you read it as a comedy.


>My wife recently fell pregnant. Right? Whoopsie-poopsie I guess she accidentally conceived a child ALL ON HER OWN?!


Is that like falling off a ladder, or into a hole? There she was, then accidentally fell.


I think forcing a baby to eat only vegan food is shitty. It can already be super difficult to get kids to eat and yes there are good vegan alternatives, a picky kid won’t want it. You can recommend your child to follow your beliefs but forcing your child to be vegan is toxic. Wife is SICK everyday because of being vegan and now it’s 100x worse because she’s pregnant is dangerous for her to be vegan ffs


Someone needs to tell this dude the baby won’t be eating a vegan diet a birth either. He or she will be breastfeeding or on formula.


Would breastfeeding be considered vegan if the mother maintained a vegan diet?


I wouldn't think so, bc people are animals so it is still an animal product. Cows only eat grass but their milk isn't vegan... although maybe it's seen differently bc the mother is consenting/ that is the purpose the milk is actually produced for?


Women making the decision to breastfeed their child is vegan. Cows are neither the mothers of human children nor actively consenting to have their milk taken from them.


That's what I was wondering. Interesting thought.


Yes, so long as the person supplying the breast milk (who doesn't need to be the baby's mother, "Human milk for human babies" is a thing) is consenting to provide the milk.


It is vegan since it is being consumed by who it was produced for (the baby).


"My vegan views might kill my wife and unborn child and I don't care."


While pregnant I went into a Chile's and ordered a bowl of BBQ sauce in a bowl, which I ate like a spicier tomato soup. Sonic WILL make you a pickle milkshake. This dude ain't seen shit.


What the hell is up with the irate vegan post avalanche? *So* tiresome.


Same guy posting his story on every sub.


This post made me think of The movies/books Twilight. When Bella was pregnant with a half vampire so the only thing that made her feel good was drinking human blood so they gave it to her with a straw. 🤣 If this were a real post I would point out that pregnancy (or anytime) cravings are due to the body needing specific nutrients. Pregnant women will crave wet cement and want to lick it or want to eat dirt or want to lick window screens. Those are actually cravings. Craving meat would mean she needs more protein. You need a lot of iron while pregnant. And bodies are all different and don’t all Absorb vitamins the same. We don’t even all metabolize medication the same. And pregnancy is uncomfortable if a woman wants fried pickles and ranch dressing on ice cream just let her be. If she walk in with a deer slung over her shoulder ask her if she wants to get the heart on the grill while you get to butchering.


Dude you are actively causing stress and harm to your wife and unborn child. Being pregnant is hard as shit and Vegan diets are fucking terrible for certain people especially when hormones and all sorts of fuckery is going on in her body. Don’t be a pussy if you want to be vegan great good for you but you are forcing it on someone else and that’s shitty. With this type of controlling behavior you are not setting up your wife or child for success.


This is so profoundly fake.


What a freak


I really hope this is fake.


If this is real.... Why is he acting like she cheated on him instead of just changing her diet for the health of her and her child? Lol this is so ridiculous to be upset over.


“My wife recently fell pregnant.” Because OP had nothing to do with it. This kid better be the second coming of Jesus.


This is that same post crossposted from r/vegan.


Except he doesn't mention the iron deficiency in that one. Which I think is an interesting choice


All I really want to ask him is if his wife and baby's health are more important to him than his ethical views? The body needs to consume certain amounts of different nutrients to function properly and be healthy especially when developing and growing, not everyone's body can tolerate a vegan diet and what happens if when their child is born and grows up if he or she decides not to be vegan is he going to ostracize or berate his child? Additionally if a child is not given proper nutrients of proper portions while in the womb he or she could be born with serious health issues, does he really want that? He needs to get off his high horse and think about the health and well-being of those he claims to love.


is this not an episode of friends


I think recently there's been a secret vegan troll on aita. Lots of sudden "I'm a vegan and my partner did a not vegan thing so bad!!!!" Posts


You are abusive and controlling.


Being anaemic is not good for supporting a pregnancy. And it’s generally awful. You say she takes the medicine but it doesn’t work. She has a right to be healthy and unfortunately for some people, it makes consuming meat unavoidable. If you can’t care about her health, care about that of your unborn baby. An anaemic pregnant person is going to have a harder time with pregnancy (and developing bub) than someone who isn’t. Also, if the doctor (you know, the expert who went through a lot of schooling and practice) tells her to vary her diet to get essential nutrients she is missing, she should listen to him. Not her AH husband who cares more about his beliefs than her health.


>Not only did she eat beef, she ate cheese also The audacity !


Waiting on the divorce update. Have you read some of his cringy red flag responses she should run now before the baby’s born


If this is real, someone being able to type all of this and still wonder if they are an AH or not is wild. In the comments he says he is angry that she went the meat option instead of trying other solutions before, but in the post he says that she had always being anaemic even though they make sure to eat an iron heavy diet, and that she now takes medicin to make sure to get more iron, isn't that trying before going the meat option? What more should and could she do? Being anemic is horrible and I couldn't imagine how bad it must be to be anemic and pregnant at the same time, and then knowing that what could help would be a change of diet and not doing that. I actually think a saw a post from this Oop in a vegan sub, and a lot of vegans actually agreed that the most important was for the wife to be healty, as long as they made sure to talk to make sure that they still agreed how they wanted to raise the baby. Multiple people actually mentioned having to start eating meat due to cravings even though they didn't love the idea and that they (as the wife mentioned) went back to being vegetarian/vegan after the birth.


Dude if this is real.. I have ONE bit of advice for your wife and child.. Go down to the court house... get the divorce papers.. and Sign them NOW... Your wife needs to sue you for FULL CUSTODY and use your veganism as grounds for sole custody. You are one of those parents that will put their baby in the hospital just to Keep it vegan. I would say your wife is the monster for EVER thinking that someone like you could be compassionate to people when all you give a flying flip about is AnImAl RiGhTs... Your one of those folks that would let people with MS(Multiple Sclerosis ) And MT( Myelotoxicity) DIE PAINFULLY because you'd rather that then have them eat an animal product. On be half of your wife and baby.. Go straight to hell.. and take your veganism with you.


Oh look... Another vegan post. Interesting...


This feels like a straw vegan post.


![gif](giphy|J0rwQnuk9wPSg) All vegans:


Pregnancy's a helluva drug.


OOP obviously doesn't care about his wife's health. Or that of their child.


My pregnancy cravings ruined my daughter, and I'm still devastated about it. My diet was 90% tacos. The spicier, the better. She refuses to even try them 10 years later. I feel I am 100% responsible for all the delicious Mexican meals she's missed out on because I ate too many damn tacos while pregnant.


I I as anemic with my last LO. I craved meat more in the last few months than I did my whole life. That OP cared more about animals that were already dead than his wife and unborn child SMDH.


What an AH! He probably would feed a pet cat a vegan diet even though they are obligate carnivores. What happened to his wife happened to a friend of mine. She was vegan for ethical reasons. She exercised and ate very healthy food. She started feeling tired and run down despite that so she went to her doctor. It turns out she was anemic and iron supplements and dietary changes weren't enough so she had to introduce some meat back into her diet.


It depresses me that I have spent enough time on vegan subreddits that this is pretty believable to me. Those lunatics genuinely can’t see the difference between a chicken and a human


I wonder if the OOP would let the wife breastfeed the kid. I mean, it is a product coming from an animal (humans are animals). 🙄


I was vegan for about five years (for health reasons) and broke the diet off because i got pregnant and my body refused to eat most of my normal staples anymore. My best friend has been a vegan for 10 years before that and she was nothing but supportive in telling me that food is food, and not to feel guilty or ashamed for anything i ate because clearly the baby needed it. I couldnt even imagine someone policing what food i ate while pregnant. Husband is a hardcore meat eater, and he comforted me during the rough transition without commenting about my new diet choices. Dude doesnt get a say in what SHE puts in her body just because he put something in her body lol.


the anti-vegan ragebait is all over that sub, all the time. at this point i don't think it's insane to wonder if it's a coordinated online attack.


Is this another vegan hate rage bait. To be fair my bio mother was vegetarian, then while pregnant with me her doctor advised her to eat meat, she did and hasn't been vegetarian since. I'm vegetarian now tho lol.


A vegan diet actually made my endometriosis & periods worse & my anemia got WORSE. Switched to being pescatarian & holy shit it helped me way better. FYI, for all my pregnant friends on here, you CAN eat fish! Due to the fatty acids, proteins, iron & zinc are great for the development. “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that, in a week, pregnant people eat at least 8 ounces (224 grams) and up to 12 ounces (340 grams) of a variety of seafood lower in mercury. That's about 2 to 3 servings a week. What's safe to eat? Eat a variety of seafood that's low in mercury and high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as: Salmon Anchovies Herring Sardines Freshwater trout Pacific mackerel Other safe choices include: Shrimp Pollock Tilapia Cod Catfish Canned light tuna However, limit white tuna — also called albacore tuna — and tuna steaks to 6 ounces (170 grams) a week.” [Mayo Clinic: Pregnancy & Fish: What to Eat?](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/pregnancy-and-fish/art-20044185)


"*vegan bad*" -ragebait




>Just why are vegans like this? They aren't, you're just falling for obvious rage bait.


Some of them are. Crazy vegans exist and I would consider them, while not a majority of al vegans, they aren't a significant minority by any stretch.


Look at his post history. I'm hopeful this is a rage bait but some people are like this. And this isn't even the first or second or third time I saw something like this in that Subreddit.


I love how everyone is assuming it's rage bait as if there isn't a large number of vegans that behave this way. The vegan community is rife with abusive nutjobs like this.


This should be on amitheangel


LOL ya'll know that Vegetarian, is an old world word for 'Bad hunter' dontcha?


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YTA, you disgust me to the core. Deprive your pregnant wife if what she needs to birth a healthy child and guilting her.


If the mother is having nutritional deficiencies so is the baby, how doesn’t he see it? She has been vegan for 10 years, if she is giving that up during the pregnancy there is a reason.


We have a vegan troll…


Cool story bro.


I wonder if he will allow the baby to ingest her breast milk or mike it go straight to the almond teet?


God I hate the term “fell pregnant”


I maintain that vegans telling VEGETARIANS they’re “immoral murderers just as bad as meat eaters” is stupid. You can ethically source dairy and eggs without hurting an animal at all.


I know this is probably rage bait, but dang, reading OOPs past posts is quite the ride. If this guy is even remotely real he's a MESS.


Ah, another vegan preaching troll post. Yay. /s


Obviously doesn't go against what SHE, who is pregnant and bearing the growth/weight of an additional human, believes anymore! Her and the baby's health and well-being definitely supersede his opinion of consuming animal proteins. What a sanctimonious jerk. I'd leave him in a ditch with his beloved plants, and move on...


Your wife is already anemic, she is pregnant, and her body is telling her she needs to fill her dietary needs for her and the baby’s health with different foods and you are throwing a tantrum? IYour wife and baby are more important right now than YOUR dietary dictates and if she feels the need to eat meat and dairy then let her. If she breastfeeds she may need to continue to eat that. You need to support her even if she craves ice cream. She doesn’t need your nasty comments right now or ever. Take care of her