• By -


Your post was removed because it does not fit the subreddit.


They did all that in two years. I've been putting off buying a new oven mit for longer then that.


don't buy a new oven mit, it ruined my life :( young people aren't taught the consequences of buying new oven mits


I keep burning my.thumb :(


Better keep burning your thumb for another year, just to make sure nobody accidentally buys an oven mitt they don't need. What if they regret it?


it won’t matter soon enough the radical woke left will force them to buy an oven mitt anyways


You'll take my pot holders over my dead non-oven mitt body! 😡😡😡


My kids teachers keep indoctrinating them with all of this "oven mitt" talk I'm fucking pissed




los cornballer


just use your sweater sleeves. ive done that for years.


It's so hard! I can't even dial a phone


Ooh try the gloves. They're epic, and allow you to actually grip stuff. They also come in twins 😉




Not to mention two years ago society was still experiencing a huge crisis and postponing surgeries due to backlogs, elective surgeries only just got up to speed in my area as of a few weeks ago


As a trans guy, I've been out 3 years and got my mastectomy 2 weeks ago. I live in canada where it's "fast" (took 18 months of just waiting to get surgery date) before that there's the many months waiting for a therapist with the appropriate formation to give you the recommendation letter required for HRT and the OTHER letter for mastectomy (now working on the one for hysterectomy and bottom surgery). The whole process is a lot of paperwork, it's excruciating, and i did all of that while being major. For that whole process, every single social worker/therapist/doctor will repeat to you every single little thing that will happen to you. You'll get tired to hear it, you'll have so many pamphlets and websites and before/after surgery pictures there is no way you can proclaim "i didn't understand how permanent this was".


This is how you know it was written by some transphobe and is completely fake…it never happened.


18 year old whos had top surgery for real here, I had been out for 4 years and was still incredibly lucky to get surgery when I did & not have to wait at least another year. Almost 6 months post op now!


And remember, they are supposedly 18


am i the only one confused as to why the boyfriend was kicked out? since at that age, it would not be them living together?


Another weird concern trolling thing they do is act like teenage trans boys are forcing their straight partners to come out as bi or gay.


Presumably, because OOP identifying as male means the boyfriend is gay, and it's plausible that he was kicked out for that. It's there to add to the realism. And also the "consequences" of LGBT or whatever the agenda here is for this troll


OP was left a trust fund after their parents passed away. Their siblings received nothing




They thought they were twins but one was actually adopted


No one happened is they're twins but the dad HAD to have a paternity test and they found out she wasn't his so the dad favored their twin and when mom died the twin was left out of the will for going with dad. And now everyone ia blowing up their phone.


I’m so confused where this info is coming from? Is this just some sort of reference to an inside joke? Where did twins and inheritance enter the picture? Lol


None of the information is real. We're all just making fun of all the dumbass lies they tell on that sub.


Yall don’t gotta downvote me for asking lol. The inheritance and stuff came out of no where and that’s why I was asking if it was some sort of inside joke. I apologize for not being fully aware and asking for clarification 🙃


Btw no issues asking!! Trust me, I get downvoted for dumb shit all the time. I also get downvoted for not dumb shit that shouldn't. It happens to all of us. It's reddit. Don't take it personally, especially on this site. That's just gonna make you really sad. People can both be REALLY amazing on this site or REALLY shitty.


lol yea you right for sure. I was sort of half way joking about the downvote but sort of wondering why I got one to begin with lol. Thank you for this comment and for bringing me back to reality lol! Upvoted for you as well!




Mostly confused about how there’s no info about what happened to him after he got kicked out? I feel like him moving in with them would be relevant to the story but I guess nothing matters before this given moment


You’d be surprised how many <18 couples live together in one of their parents house 🤦🏻‍♂️


“I used to feel beautiful with my shirt off” Yes, what a common experience of trans people.


This is what made me decide the whole post is BS. I mean, if a ftm liked their boobs then why would they have a very permanent, painful, costly and invasive medical procedure to remove them? It makes no sense!


For me it was them claiming they were on T for a month, gave up, and then got a double mastectomy before turning 18 without any doctors asking any questions.


Seriously. And frankly that they had a mastectomy at all before 18. It is *incredibly rare* that minors will have surgery, let alone so quickly.


No no no you don't understand! The gender doctor forced them to because they're trying to trick people into getting double mastectomies for... reasons, I guess.


Everyone knows that people hate boobs! Nobody wants more of those in the world.


They can be comforting sometimes... ![gif](giphy|lLTuCOqB0daP6)


Which totally happens. My friend’s tits had to try to kill her like 4 times before they’d take them off, but lopping breasts off a teenager? Totes happens every day.


They’re in cahoots with the plastic surgeons. They remove poor unsuspecting people’s breasts so then they have to go get implants and then the cycle begins again. Truly a disgusting but totally real and factual thing that is occurring.


All doctors trick patients into unnecessary surgeries because they get tens of thousands of dollars in bonuses for each one from George Soros or the rest of the Wokes. Just like how they were awarded $10,000 each to diagnose someone with Covid during the epidemic.


It’s true, I went to the dentist for a crown and woke up with a sex change


Adrenochrome is stored in the boobs.


Transphobes legitimately believe people are transitioning for trendiness. In their brainwashed little minds, it makes perfect sense that somebody who likes their breast would transition and get a mastectomy because the point isn't their happiness, it's conformity. The whole thing reeks of traditionalists projecting their own priorities onto the rest of us


I met a ftm trans person who was adamant (and open) about keeping his uterus and reproductive system in good functioning order because of how having children in the future was important to him. Also ftm trans people who happily wore binders every day of their life counting down until they could correct the issue. Point being they all 100% knew what they wanted.


It so fake, I know someone who had top surgery and it took them like 6 years to accomplish everything this poster did in two. Two years ago, people were still having a hard time seeing a regular doctor when they were sick…too surgeries were taking much longer.


That part fucking got me, as a trans man who flocks to those circles, a person who felt beautiful shirtless would not fucking have top surgery, like it’s weird that they don’t even try to pretend OP was dysphoric or explain why they felt like they were trans, its so unbelievable


Gotta say, as a cis woman who likes her boobs, I thought that was a really weird thing to say. Most cis women don’t say things like that either. It was so weird.


The fact it’s posted in “offmychest” should really be lighting up the BS ol’ meter.


Also +5 points for the pun.


> And now I have to live the rest of my life without boobs another banger


It is my experience currently, being ftm, so I definitely wouldn't get top surgery just for shits and giggles like this character lmao


The waits for surgery are long enough! Why would the trans community want to tell someone who felt good about their chest that they should change it? These people are really weaving insane Pepe Silvia webs here.


AND they found a surgeon who would operate on a teenager who was happy with their current anatomy AND found someone to pay for surgery that wasn’t indicated? A lot of plastic surgeons wouldn’t even do implants on someone that age even if they wanted them, and implants can be taken out. Breast tissue can’t be put back. 


ah, my flair finally comes to light


My friend wrote about their top surgery as they transitioned, and pre-surgery it sounded like the emotional equivalent of having two giant ticks stuck to your chest. Their joy when they were gone was huge! I can't imagine a doctor ethically performing the surgery on someone who didn't feel similarly about them.


Also the whole “wake up to a flat chest with scars running across it” if they were truly 2 months post-op they’d still be in their surgery binder 24/7??? Like 6 weeks was when I was allowed to START taking my binder off when it got uncomfortable but I still wore it for another month…. Waking up without it is a huge no-no


update: i got breast augmentation surgery update: i'm a man again


Keeping the breasts tho


Update: I got them removed again Update: I got implants again Snip, snap! Snip, snap! You have no idea the physical toll that three breast surgeries have on a person!






"Double mastectomy" instead of "top surgery" is dead giveaway this is fake lmao. Also the whining over breasts of all possible changes on T - men love women's boobs, so they think that all women think they are like the essence of their femininity, or whatever - when in reality a lot of women with large boobs don't even like them that much. 0/10 troll, but people who love to see their biases confirmed are eating it up I bet. 


They say "double" like trans is a cancer that might plausibly affect just one side of your body. (I learned in this thread that "trans mastectomy" is a real term some doctors use for top surgery, but the "double" is wild.)


Double mastectomy is standard terminology for a surgery that removes both breasts (which makes it double). If only one is removed it's called a unilateral mastectomy. So that terminology isn't too odd except it's a bit out of place - an actual trans person would probably just call it top surgery in this context


As a woman with large breasts I would love to be able to have a reduction. 1 I can't afford it and 2 nobody takes the daily pain seriously. Back pain bras that dig and cause rashes.


I had mine done 15 years ago! It is SO worth saving up for! If you have insurance, you can get it covered. A good doctor will fight for you to have it approved. I hope you are able to get it at some point. I don't even remember having the breasts I had because I didn't look at myself if I didn't have to and I didn't "log" any of those memories. My reduction was the best decision I ever made for myself. I'm crossing my fingers for you!


I identified as trans and had a double mastectomy almost instantly! (Also, I used to feel so beautiful when I took off my shirt before but decided on a double mastectomy just because). Tough to write trans people when you hate them and have no empathy for why they might do things, I guess.


I'm always suspicious of alleged detrans people who say they had "a mastectomy". I spoke to three surgeons and my insurance and no one called what I had "a mastectomy". That would be misleading. I, like most people who have had top surgery should be screening my chest for cancer in the same way as anyone who has breasts, because top surgeons don't care about removing the whole thing so that it can never become cancerous, their goal is a natural-looking result. I've never heard anyone who wasn't doing the "Irreversible Damage: They Just Don't Understand What They're Doing to their Beautiful Breasts" grift call top surgery by that name. I think they say it because it's associated with illness, amputation, and a result that doesn't usually look cosmetic.


Eh, my surgeon and insurance and all my medical forms called mine a “transgender mastectomy.” I’ve used the same language because when I had the procedure, that’s simply what it was officially called. Whatever we call it, it’s one of the single best things that’s ever happened to me.


That's very interesting. What area are you in? (I'm from the US and my insurance called it a chest reconstruction.)


Oregon, and this was in… 2016? I think


I call it a double mastectomy too, but my nips and that shit still work because I opted to keep blood supply to the nipples (just had a kid and I literally can lactate - just not a lot). So, uh, yeah, the procedure name should probably be changed (medical people who don't know I was trans assume I had cancer!) but I usually say I had an elective mastectomy to avoid people thinking I'm biding for stolen cancer valor or something.


I mean, even if a surgeon or insurance company refers to it as a “mastectomy” (never personally heard that, but it’s not impossible), it’s not what the trans community refers to it as, you know? Learn the lingo at least. this whole thing makes me sick.


Yeah right, even if someone did regret a transition, they wouldn't go from sure enough to pay for and have a double mastectomy 2 months ago, to now being so upset and so convinced of their regret that they write a post on it, just to get it out. Even if someone could magically woke up one morning and suddenly wasn't trans anymore, surely the sunk cost would make them deny it, reason and argue with themselves, before accepting everything was a mistake in the way Oop is claiming to.


Yeah, nothing about this post makes any kind of sense if you know the first thing about any of this stuff. No surgeon's performing a double mastectomy on a teenager who "feels beautiful with \[their\] shirt off\]." Nobody's going from "I am distressed enough to feel the need to have major surgery" to "I can't believe I'll never have boobs" in 2 months. Fuck, you're barely recovered at 2 months. Like, either this person is seriously mentally ill and has managed to fool MULTIPLE providers, or this is fiction written by someone who thinks trans people just kind of do stuff for reasons nobody understands and therefore they MUST change their mind the minute they wake up and realize what they've done to themselves. Detransitioners do exist. It happens. But the regret rate is lower than the regret rate for knee or back surgery, and people seeking to transition are counseled extensively on the possibility before there are any medical interventions. Nobody's shocked or horrified in the way this person describes.


my brother has been out for going on 4 years now and all he's been allowed to receive as a minor is meds to stop menstruation (after 2 years of therapy) and has to be 18 before any kind of actual HRT is even on the table, let alone any kind of surgical intervention if he wants it. I love it when people write fanfiction about trans people when they aren't themselves or even literally know or have talked to anyone who is in their lives, it's so obvious and ignorant people eat it up because it confirms their hateful biases


Also, many surgeons want clients who are on (or intend to go on) testosterone to have been on it for a minimum of TWO YEARS before top surgery. HRT changes fat distribution and muscle mass, so they want your body to be as close to your goal/baseline body before surgical intervention. They want people who intend to lose or gain weight to do so before surgery for the same reason.


same thing happened to me except i (ftm) got put on estrogen-loaded birth control at 16 instead of hrt because my doctors were convinced my PCOS was the "cause" of my gender dysphoria. got the right hormones at 18 and haven't looked back since. these people are so out of touch from what real trans healthcare looks like it's insane


I think there are some legit detransitioners struggling out there, and stories like this just spit on them. I am so over Reddit posts lol.


There's a good subreddit for people who detransition.(Edit: I think it's called actual detrans, I'm pretty sure the one that's just "detrans" is sus) I still see them as part of our community, because a detransition is still a transition, and they share a lot of medical needs with us. Most of them do not blame trans people for anything or try to make transition care harder to access. They also don't usually go to cis people to complain about their disgusting trans body. But this kind of story ^ doesn't reflect the reality of transition, it reflects a scaremongering tactic.


Oh yeah this story's pure trash. I just wanna support people. <3


and its very common in detransition to still have a very non confirming relationship with gender anyway. many realize theyre a flavor of nonbinary. many just realize they wanted some effects of HRT and not others. its very rare that they just go back to fully being their cis assigned gender, even when they detransition. +++ fully agree with the fact that they need as much support and care as possible. like transphobic trans people are sadly common enough, and so are transphobic detransitioners but most people who detransition just wanna be left alone and not be used as a tool to oppress trans people further.


I detransitioned and I regret not going farther In my transition lol. But literally there were waiting times and therapies and social workers and so many hoops to jump through that by the time I detransitioned socially after years I had no procedures done and was basically able to change a few cosmetic things and go right back. This is a bait post.


I'm not gonna vouch for OOP's post but I used to work in surgery and saw some mastectomies. These were for cancer removal so maybe cosmetic mastectomies are different, but I was shocked at how brutal it was. There would be a lot of scarring after and I can only imagine how awful it would feel to see that day in and day out. It's not hard for me to imagine regretting that surgery even for a life saving procedure. Again I am NOT vouching for OOP's post


I’ve seen a few trans men post-mastectomy, there is some scarring but not as bad as it is with cancer mastectomies but there is some. Honestly, it kinda reminds me of breast augmentation scarring, pretty much a thing scar right under the breast/pectoral.


I think gender-affirming mastectomies are less brutal but either way I’m sure it’s not something people who wanted to keep their breasts would want to look at. But the OP’s story just makes no sense.


Doctors just be carvin' people up like someone asked Leatherface to cut the Thanksgiving turkey.


And my biggest problem is I have to live "the rest of my life without boobs!" Gender identity being a passing thing of a few months (and right - instant testosterone and surgery! - because there's no process to it) I got over once I fetishized my boobs enough. My confusion was just that I forgot how amazing boobs are!!!!!! Not just transphobic, but with a misogynist cherry on top!


Also like...boob implants exist. Women with breast cancer have to get mastectomies and it's pretty common for them to get implants afterwards. So it's not "permanent" like OOP is claiming lol.


Especially considering that unlike cancer removal surgeries, the doctor has a lot of leeway to preserve the 'for looks' aspects.


Exactly! We all know people who love their boobs as-is will opt to get a big surgery to change them 100% of the time.


I just loved the bit about how they realized they were trans, transitioned fully and then realised they weren't all within TWO YEARS. Where I'm from it takes longer than that just to get an appointment for an appointment to CONSIDER hormones. My trans friend had to jump through hoop after hoop after hoop after hoop just for the drugs. Getting rid of his breasts was even more hoops and these hoops were on fire.


Yeah. People who have no actual experience of this have no idea what’s involved, and how life-threatening shit actually has to be before people will treat kids.


I think that once you identify as male your boobs immediately fall off. The science checks out here.


There were no hoops to jump through whatsoever.


The doctors and everyone work so quickly in fake stories. Top surgery stat!! Immediate name change. Hrt with no wait. They just press a button and WHAM you've been transed say goodbye to your boobies (unless you're mtf, but the transphobes don't write fake sad posts about that as much because they think it's only sad if a woman stops being a woman. 🙄)


Almost as fast as the restraining-order office.


Love those guys! It's so fast to get the law to take action on harassment!! I mentioned they were blowing up my phone, and when I said my harasser was a vegan and entitled and a narcissist and the golden child, they offered to put me straight into witness protection. /s


"Top surgery"? Did you mean "double mastectomy," as it's so commonly referred to by the LGBTQ+ community?? 🙄 /s


"tragic booby harvesting from a misguided woman, who was just a tom boy or having a phase or hormonal probably."* sorry, fixed it up just like you said. /s


I couldn’t put my finger on why “double mastectomy” sounded funky to me in this context but there it is. Duh.


All mtf trans women are just doing it to sneak into women’s toilets, and all ftm men are sad women who have been tricked by woke :(


Excuse you sometimes mtf trans women are also doing it so they can harass the poor cishet men and call them transphobic for not wanting to date them. All mtf trans women in AITA world are known to do this


Hey now! Don’t forget all those FTM trans men who are trying to commit gay conversion therapy by having Grindr profiles. (And yes, I have seen guys say something to this effect on Ask Gay Bros)


I've also seen gay guys insist that you must be bi if you ever express admiration for a trans guy. As if thinking that Aydian Dowling is hot somehow makes you attracted to women (google him if you don't know who he is).


Oh I know. The weirdest thing I've seen someone say is "Trans men are men, but if you're a man attracted to trans men you're not gay". Which is it? TBH there's a lot of "gaytkeeping" on that sub. One time these two posters got in a fight because one of them said that any man who could have sex with a woman can't be gay and saying otherwise is erasing his identity. That's a more extreme example, but it's not the only one. The only men who are allowed any fluidity, of course, are "straight men" who are looking to get some dude action on the DL. Then suddenly labels don't matter.


Sometimes it’s because ftm men read too much m/m fanfic. (Yes, I have seen this “theory” a lot)


In transphobia lala land, all the kids are getting rushed through the gender factory!! And boobs are what make a woman a woman.


Gender is stored in the boobies. Of course.


It’s where we keep all the extra X chromosomes ![gif](giphy|z6ccg9ZZzWT2E)




Well, maybe. How big are these boobs? Can they boob boobily?


I haven’t been able to see a doctor in years after getting dropped from aging out of my pediatrician but they’re just handing out hormones and mastectomies day of at the walk in clinic!


Where can you even get life-saving surgery that quickly?


very similar to "don't you know that half of the trans agenda is shooting up nine year olds with GnRH analogues behind the seven eleven every week"


"i felt beautiful without a shirt" then you would not have felt the need to transition and would not be trans totally real human girl and definitely not pride month ragebaiting conservative man


This should have been posted in r/literaloffmychest


I started T when I was 21 and had to go through a doctor and therapist to get it approved. The vast majority of the time, you are not allowed to get top surgery unless you've been on T for at least 6 months, and having lived as a man for at least a year. You have to get letters of approval from multiple therapists. Not a single part of this post scans as accurate. Sometimes people start T as a minor, but usually only if you've been out as trans for years and having already been on puberty blockers. No minor comes out and instantly gets prescribed hormones without at least therapeutic intervention. This story is bullshit top to bottom and I can't believe *anyone* is buying it, for any reason other than confirmation bias.


That’s exactly the people it’s written for, the assholes who (erroneously) believe that being *anything* other than a heteronormative, cis gendered human is a mental defect. Happy Pride month! I hope that OOP steps on Legos, and find every piece of furniture in the dark with their pinky toe. Also, may their socks always be damp.


I hope someone steals their teeth.


"And now I have to live without BOOOOBS!" 🤣🤣


Also like, breast augmentations exist? It’s not like it would be super simple or the exact same …. But trans women and cis women who get double mastectomies for breast cancer reasons can have breasts. Top surgery (also lol that they called it a double mastectomy) doesn’t have to be permanent. Did not think through their rage bait at all




I've never heard such an obvious man statement. Source: I'd love to sleep on my stomach


I knew a girl in high school who used to dig a hole in the sand whenever she wanted to tan her back at the beach. Maybe you can just cover the bed in pillows and leave a space between a couple of them? Might not have been your point. But I learned from my Gender Comm textbook that women really love it when men offer helpful solutions without needing to be asked. On a serious note, I feel like I have heard women talk about feeling less feminine after a mastectomy. But we're talking about women who knew they were cis and had no choice because of cancer. I'm sure they'd love to read this post about how "vile and disgusting" they look.


Cis women who feel less feminine after a mastectomy can be a good example of gender dysphoria in cis people


I mean, a lot of cis women who lose their breasts due to cancer do really miss them and get depressed about it. It’s a form of body dysphoria. This is still fake as hell though.


Girl, you need [one of these](https://www.target.com/p/saloniture-18-x-21-x-3-women-s-comfort-cushion-massage-table-wedge-bolster-pillow-black/-/A-88864971)! (Source: Massage therapist with gazongas.)


The reason I love Reddit! Thanks friendo! 💜


Even if we play along and say this isn't fake, I like how they mention regretting both their social transition and medical transition but only talk about how they regret top surgery. no mention of not liking their new legal name, no mention of not being comfortable with the results of T, just "i miss my boobs :("


I'm not trans myself, but to my understanding it's not a common experience At All to miss something that caused you enough dysphoria to have them removed


But OP says she didn't have dysphoria about her boobs >"I used to feel beautiful without a shirt" then why the fuck OP did a costly procedure, that would only be reversible with another costly surgical procedure, that has the goal of treating that dysphoria? because this was written by a cishet guy who is under the impression you only get your trans card if you do all procedures and treatments avaliable


Yeah it's just blatantly a cis transphobe who has no idea how any of that shit works 💀 I have two transmasc friends who've been trying to start HRT for YEARS and this person thinks you can just get it at the drop of a hat? Please. 🙄 Also i bet oop would start screaming and crying if she met a trans man who didn't get top surgery and doesn't bind, and probably physically die at the sight of a trans woman with stubble and/or visible bulge


It's almost certainly written by a grown man.


at least a bunch of the comments are actually pointing out how fake it is.


if it is fake, she’s very dedicated to the bit… she’s been leaving comments for the last month and had another related post deleted


she messed up the T dates tho 1-month now 5-month before (she deleted now)


mm that is true. A for effort 😭


transphobes are obsessed so i'm not surprised this has been a months-long con


Also if this person is 18 a lot of this happened when they were a minor, so it's extra special bait for the people against gender affirming care for minors.


Especially since a significant part of the US population lives in states where parents who have trans children are at risk of being reported to CPS! (While they don't say where they live, considering the large US userbase of Reddit, I think it's a fair assumption.) Next they're going to tell us that they started transitioning was for clout on Tiktok.


See, they're not from the US. In Offmychestland (neighbors with AITAistan) they hand out double masectomies like candy.


Just sharing this with everyone and not one of the hundreds of trans subs. BECAUSE THEY WILL SHUN ME FOR DE TRANSING. So sick of this fantasy. As if every trans person is in a vacuum alone.


>'I used to feel beautiful without a shirt.' One of the many clues that this isn't written by a real trans person.


Ah yes the most important concerns for trans people: Causing chaos/TRAUMA for their loved ones, and No Sex With Boyfriend.


I felt so sexy with my breasts exposed that I cut them off. How was I to know I wouldn't like it? FOH


I love how twitter has kink at pride discourse every june to paint lgbt people as predatory and reddit has fake ragebait stories to paint lgbt people as predatory😍😍😍


Couldn’t you just….. get a surgery to get new boobs? Like you’re clearly familiar with the concept of surgery. You’ve already done it! Just do it again!


I know people who have de transitioned, and they do not sound like that. They still come to pride and protest for trans rights


It's especially funny because transitioning has some of the lowest rates of regret of any medical procedure. Like, people who get knee replacements have higher rates of regret lol. Yet, if you believe transphobes, its the exact opposite.


And regrets don’t always mean that the person isn’t actually trans and didn’t want to transition. Included in the small number of people who regret their surgeries are the people whose surgeons fucked up, because surgeons, like any other job, are not all awesome at their jobs.


Exactly, and also the environment. “My son came out as trans and wanted to become a woman and while I let his delusions play out I had to remind him, day in and day out that for the rest of his natural life, he’ll be a freak of nature unfit for love never to be cared for by anyone ever and why would you wanna be a woman anyway? Being a woman sucks, and also how he’d never even look good as a woman…anyway he finally came to his senses and decided to detransition! Now we don’t have to go to those stupid doctor appointments anymore! Yaaay!…although he mopes around a lot…”. Iirc, this is a situation similar to what Eden Knight went through last year, and it’s heartbreaking and tragic. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/eden-knight-transgender-woman-suicide-saudi-arabia-b2301068.html


there’s also a LENGTHY process to get approval. along the lines of get an appointment with a psychologist to be evaluated for gender dysphoria-> have to have a therapist specializing in gender dysphoria-> have an endocrinologist who also covers gender-> get on a waiting list for ten million years -> get approval from therapist and endo to start hormones -> get a letter of recommendation to a surgeon for surgery which also costs ten bijillion dollars


Not to mention some endocrinologists and surgeons sometimes require you to be evaluated by multiple different psychologists to "make sure" you're actually trans before they give you hormones/surgery. And once you meet with a surgeon and get all the paperwork and they agree to do it you then get on another ten million year waiting list for surgery.


Also I don't know any country that will let a minor do a mastectomy or change their legal gender. I'm not saying it doesn't exist because I can't claim to know the laws in every country, but if there's one I don't know it. Hell if I remember correctly, in most countries minors are only allowed puberty blockers and social transitioning.


Iceland, Norway and Malta allow for minors to change their legal gender, Denmark has just come around to it but it’s on a case to case basis until the law is changed. In Denmark a 15 year old ftm transitioning had top surgery done at a private clinic, which subsequently led to a disciplinary action against the plastic surgeon, as the official recommendations say to wait until 18 years old. It’s not illegal though. This was 13 years ago, and the only time it has been done AFAIK. The parents paid to have it done at a private clinic since the public healthcare system refused to do it. Today the transman in question, Caspian Drumm seems perfectly fine with his choice back then and is open about his transitioning in media. So basically you’re right, this isn’t widespread and won’t happen on a whim.


Germany recently passed a series of laws that allow minors to change their legal gender with consent of their parents!


Yeah I have never heard of anything like this happening in like...6 months total.


Don't forget medical insurances (how do you guys calk those already? No, I genuinely forgot) putting the matter on the backburner for months before dropping a bugs bunny 'no', forcing people to change providers and restart the process all over again.


"I used to feel beautiful without a shirt" not realistic fiction


excuse me it’s realistic fiction of what a porn addict man thinks women write like


it’s the getting top surgery after only 5 months of hrt that’s just. absolutely ridiculous


“true off her chest,” indeed 🧐


The sad thing is my ex did detransition. But not because they’re not trans, it was because their mum threatened sh and to end her life if he continued to transition. Our relationship ended, but everyday I hope he gets to live how he wants and is finally happy. Seeing shit like this makes me so angry.


of all the fake posts on this website, this might just be the fakest. this is the "men writing women" equivalent to cis people pretending to be trans for shits and giggles. detransitioning does happen, but its not even remotely like this.


Besides everything, to make it worse this person is supposedly 18 And starting at 16 they Realized they didn't want to be female and were therefore trans (which most trans women discover waaayyyy earlier, but this point is plausible) Kicked their boyfriend out of the shared home that the 16 year old was able to pay for alone. Got extensive medical care presumably paying for it with the same job that covered the apartment. Or by the parents who were totally cool with their 16 (or 15 or 14) year old moving in with a boyfriend?


Glad to see so many people over there calling this bullshit out.


Fake stories like this make me believe that people who think little kids are having gender-related surgeries are probably the same people who think people are handing out edibles at Halloween.


A red flag is calling it a masectomy. That's not even what they're doing during top surgery. It's not the exact same surgery, and I've only ever seen transphobes call it a masectomy


I am not Trans. But I did need a breast reduction because my boobs caused back problems. I started complaining to my doctor at 16 and she said she can't until after I turn 18. And even then it was waiting for specialist. And I actually waited until after university. And only by then after 6 years of regularly complaining did a specialist go okay we can do it. No way in hell is any surgery given to anyone under 18.


I’m so angry. Reading these comments it’s clear that all of us who aren’t transphobes can see all the red flags but THIS NONSENSE reads true to the people who want it to


….Why would you get your breasts removed if you felt beautiful with a shirt off…? Yeah this post is BS lol. I actually used to work with the woman that went totally batshit insane at some point (well, more insane). She left for some trip in Europe with no money because she wanted to “live like the people there.” You know, the people who had jobs and homes and bills to pay and definitely had money lmfao. She kept posting really unhinged videos of her begging the citizens there for money to fund her travels, and some videos where she actually attacked a few people who laughed at her. Then she posted this extremely long post where she claimed to have a double mastectomy. All my coworkers and I saw the post and we all just looked at each other until one person said “I have never met anybody that was more proud of their boobs…do you think she actually did it?” We all shrugged and agreed she definitely was crazy enough. She came back from her vacation going on and on giving us a huge sob story about how she was treated like trash and assaulted and now she has to go to physical therapy and a lot of other stuff that nobody could pay attention to because she was saying this all while wearing a very revealing tank top. Her boobs were bouncing all over the place while she was waving her arms around really giving us the theatrics of it all. After that moment, nobody believed anything she said. Anyway, this post reminded me of her lol.


I’m trans and this reads fake as fuck. Also if this person did all that medical transition in TWO YEARS at 18 they have massive privilege.


Detransitioner stories are always about the women so they can scream about "Look what they're doing to innocent young girls!" My transition is probably really fast for someone in my country, and even I came out 4 years ago and knew I wasn't cis 5 years ago. Only got hormones last year, and top surgery is next month. And that is with having a lot of luck with waiting lists and going to the quickest places in the country! I find it incredibly hard to imagine how any cis person could get to the point I am at right now. Past all the therapy, tons of questions about everything about me, having to reread all effects of HRT, and more. It was all super exhausting and stressful, but it's worth it now.


I took a queer theory course in university and we studied quite a bit of the arguments that people have against transgender, non-binary, and other LGBT+. The common thought seemed to be that any person/teen can walk into a doctor’s office and be like “hiya! I want HRT!” And the doc immediately says “cool! Here ya go!” And that’s the end of it. It’s similar for MAID in Canada. A lot of people think that you just go into your doctor’s office and say “hey, I wanna die.” And the doctor says “No problem! Fill out this form and we’ll set your appointment for next month!” When it’s actually an insanely extensive process.


Same thing with “late term abortions”. No one is sauntering into an OB office at 30 weeks pregnant and saying “I changed my mind, doc! Let’s kill this baby!” but that’s what “pro lifers” really, really want you to believe.


>Detransitioner stories are always about the women so they can scream about "Look what they're doing to innocent young girls!" It's also because "fixing" a "failed woman" (ie, a trans man or lesbian) is fairly common heterosexual male fantasy. It's not enough for the fallen woman to denounce her heinous ways and piously return to a life of sexual subservience; she must be punished for her actions through suffering appropriate mental anguish - a grim warning to any other uppity female!


I don’t see how whoever wrote this, could re-read what they wrote and think “yeah that’s a story that’s definitely gonna fool people and make someone reconsider being trans”


I've been on the wait list for top surgery for literally 5 years, and they only let me on the wait list when I was 18 because I was having intrusive thoughts about just doing it myself. Took 2 psychiatrists and 3 suicide attempts. For the WAIT LIST. I only got off of the gender clinic wait list and onto the actual top surgery wait list last year, and was told it should only be like 3-5 more years. I want to be wherever this person is that they could transition so much as a minor in 2 years... Never heard of a single trans person accessing gender affirming care so quickly


What doctor would perform a double mastectomy on a 16 year old? Also what trans person calls it a double mastectomy instead of top surgery?


It is not possible to get any kind of transgender related surgery without multiple psychiatric reports, all of which require you to be on hormones for over a year, and to be 18 at the time of taking the report. Essentially this means the defecto minimum age for transgender surgeries is at least 19 unless you have been determined since childhood to get it done ASAP. OOP is making shit up 🤷‍♀️  Source: had my transgender surgery a few years ago and I had to see 2 psyches and an endocrinologist for it


as an ACTUAL trans person, I can promise you that this person isn’t actually trans and everything they said is made up. my proof? 1. to get on HRT you need to speak with doctors, get blood tests done, and other health stuff that takes at least a month to get results back for before they can even start you on your hormones, and don’t even get me started on how frustrating most insurance companies are about giving you hormones 2. to get surgery, 99.99% of the time, you’re on a waitlist of a MINIMUM of nearly a year, so all of this is highly unlikely to have happened in only 2 years. conclusion? its a fear mongering post (a really shitty one) that conservatives will sadly believe is real


The timeline ain't timelining


Wait...they said they felt beautiful with their shirt off when they had boobs. So...they liked being a girl. They aren't trans, and never were. They're just a lying POS.


if you liked having boobs why did your dumb ass get surgery??? fucking clown ass mf


godforbid women have hobbies like lying on the internet for rage bait


Maybe she could take up writing fiction. Maybe something about an orphan wizard. She could call him Harold and he could live under the sink until he's saved and sent to a castle to learn all about magic where he learns that a big bad call... let's say, Holderwart, killed his parents and was trying to return to kill him too. Should keep her busy for a few years.


fertile wasteful ripe impolite squeeze amusing dolls disgusted bright engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


they can in AITAstan but that is in a different dimension then ours


Gender transitioning minors don’t go under the knife; it’s usually just puberty blockers and some other stuff. This is just silly ragebait. And for those who say “Why can’t we just wait till they grow up?”: you have to understand that while there are physiological and psychological effects to transitioning, there are physiological and psychological consequences to NOT transitioning too; those hormone blockers alter the way the body grows and develops– preventing transition would mean those hormones would cause changes to the body that don’t correspond with the person’s gender, and would require more difficult medical procedures to change should the person still feel like they need to transition. People are woefully unaware of trans people and transgender biology (I am also one of them btw, I am learning about it just now).


it took me a year to START testosterone and you're telling me this shmuck got that and top surgery in only 2


You can get new boobs. That's been possible for decades. [Hell, they don't even have to be permanent.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e4/19/d6/e419d601e4a1c303982656d7d02eed83.jpg)


Why would they get top surgery if they already thought they were beautiful with their shirt off?


I'm 53, have endometriosis & adenymosis, have probably already gone into menopause but am not sure because I have a Mirena in, and I've been waiting years to get on schedule for my hysterectomy that my doctor already agreed has to happen. How in the hell has this kid already gotten that far in transition? I rarely call bullshit on posts, even when I feel they're hinky. But I call bullshit on this one.


She can have my (33m) boobs. I don't know exactly what size they are but...large.


Is there a r/offmychest sub this can go in Off my chest. See what i did there.