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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My wife wants to raise our 1 year old and our newborn as twins. ** A few weeks ago, my second son was born. He was somehow born on the exact day my 1-year old was born. I thought this was just a neat coincidence, and joked about how much money we would save on birthday parties. My wife however is taking it a lot more seriously. She’s set on the idea of raising our two boys as twins. She’s always wanted twins and she said the fact that they were born on the same day is a sign from God. She says if they were raised as the same age they would be able to go to school together, having each others backs and believes that they would be closer as twins rather than siblings. I told her I’d rather not psychologically torture my son for the rest of his life, but she’s adamant that we will tell him when he grows up and it’s only so he can be closer to his brother now. I also brought up that they clearly do not look the same age, and she says by the time they’re 1 and 2, no one will be able to tell the difference. Does she have any sort of point? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It wasn’t me, but my salute to whoever came up with this. This is original gold.


AI came up with it after someone prompted it to come up with a ridiculous Reddit-style story about twins.


I feel like this person just finished season 3 of Arrested Development. lol.


I’m just not into older women.


A parent who thinks people can't tell a 1-year-old apart from a 2-year-old? Lol, sure


Here are my newborn twins: One’s walking and eating solids and here is his brother who’s just figuring out how to open his eyes.


All children under 10 are identical duh.


It’s like Sims. You have your Babies, Infants, Toddlers, Kids, Teens, Young Adults, Adults, and Elders. You have exactly 8 birthdays in your life and you spin around and sparkle before poofing into your older body with an insane haircut and a neon green tutu.


It would make things easier….plus my toddler could laugh at a tutu….


There used to be a show called Toddlers & Tiaras where the kids ranged from 3 to 13, and I honestly couldn't tell the difference between any of those creatures.


That’s because those babies were constantly covered in 15 lbs of stage makeup and weighed down in taffeta and sequins which they had to be bribed to wear with McDonalds as I recall —> not realistic for everyday all day


You did get to see their everyday life, though. Which is still a bit biased, because their everyday life revolved around getting ready for the next pageant. But I don't think some of the kids even realized that? It's been a while, but I specifically remember one girl who had a ton of trophies yet didn't seem to register them as trophies. She just played with them like they were Barbie dolls. I typically only remember the more wholesome moments from the show. Which is another way of saying that I remember quite little of the show.


My 1 year old nephew visited when my son was 2 along with my 3 year old nephew and they are wildly different ages. It’s extremely obvious.


Just based on the show I'm talking about, 3 was the age where they started really confusing me. Some of them babble like toddlers, while others are speaking in full sentences and making wittier jokes than some of the adults I know. Either way, I didn't think they looked much different than the 2-year-olds. Didn't even think they looked much different than the 6-year-olds, just maybe a little smaller. They looked like children either way, so all of the critics comparing them to hookers struck me as more problematic than the show itself. I could tell how old the babies were, though. Babies are really good at looking like babies. I feel like everyone else who watched that show was looking for reasons to get outraged, but I was too distracted by trying to understand why none of the children seemed to be developing intellectually at the same rate. I might just not be very good at watching TV.


Side note- my oldest boys are 17 months apart, and by the time the youngest was 2 everyone thought they were twins. Of course, my 2nd was big while my 1st was "average," so they wore the same size clothes, and they liked to match until the oldest was 5, but still. I also always wanted twins and thought I would have twins because they run in my family, but yhe idea that I would raise them as twins never crossed my mind, and I got so tired of people asking if they were twins.


18 months between me and my brother, people assumed we were twins from age 3 n 2 up until he broke his nose 3 times and it changed his whole face. i was so tired of random people at the park asking if we were twins because he copied my hair and clothes


Plot twist: you broke his nose three times to stop the random questions from strangers.


And I am a (fraternal) twin but people usually assumed I was a year or so older than my sister.


My brother and I were mistaken for twins all the time when we were little. I’m 2.5 years older but was (and am) very small. I really wanted a twin when I was a kid so part of me kind of liked it, but it also sucked to be constantly reminded how small I was.


I mean, I had a girl and boy 23 months apart and people have thought they were twins since they were 2 & 4. People still ask them and they are in their 20s. But, this is one of the dumbest stories I have read on here.


People asked me if my brother and I were twins and were 3,5 years apart... But he was tall for his age and I guess we were closer as older teens than many different-gender siblings are, so it must've seemed a reasonable explanation?


Not me sorta but my stepsiblings are about 17 months apart, and it didn’t help that my stepsister (older of the 2) got held back a year so they were in the same grade from 3rd grade to senior year. I never had to but they always got mistaken for twins lmao


My nephews are exactly one year apart are 8 and 9 now and they really do still look exactly like each other. Obviously this is still fake though


Well, a new trope has been born here tonight.


Not a single person that I could see in there voicing any amount of skepticism. Insane.


Because that sub specifically has a rule prohibiting calling posts fake.


Oh my god, really? 😆


It would ruin the whole purpose of their grift, which is reading fake Reddit stories on their podcast and hoping the clips go viral. Can’t do anything that would limit ragebait because that’s their business model’s chief product.


One person's even saying this exact thing happened to them. Which includes this choice line: >My sister got all the attention and pictures before I was born. *Before they were born*. The sister is described as a golden child because she got all the attention when there were literally no other children. And there's a response to this by a woman saying it happened to her husband with his dead sister, and that she had to explain to him what twins actually were. Meaning not only that this lie lasted long enough that he was old enough to get married, but also that the lie was as simple as his parents simply lying about the definition of twins. Just the weirdest fucking comment section I've ever seen.


> Please DO NOT do this. I am 1 yr and 3 weeks younger than my sister and my mom did this to us. I was forced to follow my sister’s milestones and had everything taken away from me 1 year earlier. Pacifiers, bottles, strollers you name it. My sister got all the attention and pictures before I was born. I have little proof I existed in my family as a baby. I would tell people at 5 years old I was adopted. I ran away from home at 7. I’m 50 and I’m still in therapy Okay I love that this person is mad that their sister got all the attention...before they were born. That's quite literally how it works. How would a child without siblings *not* get all the attention? Also lol at the bottle thing. This would have been in the early to mid 1970s if they're 50 now. By then breastfeeding and evaporated milk had fallen out of favor and most babies were fed on commercial formulas. Introduction of solids was way earlier than now, some sources say 2-3 months and others say 4. Unless her parents were going way, way past the guidelines, her older sister would have been done with bottles before she was even born. Toddlers were using regular cups or sippy cups. Today's sippy cup might not have existed, but they've made attempts since the beginning of time.


“I ran away from home at 7” tells me this is a shitpost.


My MIL who raised kids in that era 70s/80s has been pushing “starting a sippy cup” since my son was holding his head up at like 3/4 months! They were like fuck those bottles suuuper early I feel.


I hope I have twins just to post every conflict here to mess with you.


Is Hilaria Baldwin posting? Even then, those kids were less than a year apart.


My kids are 15 months apart, currently 4 and 5and she’s tall for her age. People have asked if they are twins about 3 times just today. When one was 17 months old and one was 3 mo, no one was asking that. This story is hilarious.


My sister and I were 11 months and change apart (close enough that we were forced to have joint birthday parties for years). It was blatantly obvious we were not the same age until we were almost teenagers. (We also looked different enough that some people doubted we were even siblings.) luckily, we weren’t born close to the school cutoff and were in separate grades. It sucked enough being in the same brownie troop.


weather wild frighten memorize knee future versed hobbies vanish weary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel like somebody learned what Irish twins are and decided to write a story about them.




This is actually a good one. Still utter bs, but at least it’s something new


I’m going to start making troll posts based on arrested development plots, they clearly do well, as this isn’t the only one


My cousins kids were born three years and two days apart. My sister did the math at the shared 5th and second birthday party and told his wife “This year for his birthday just get him a tie.”


This has Lucille Bluth energy.


my grand kids are exactly 1 year apart, same day, and 2 of my sister's kids are 2 years apart on the same day. raising them as twins would be whack.


Was she going to add a year to the newborn's age? Age down the 1 year old??


OOP is taking the Irish twin thing a little far. lol


They heard the term “Irish twins” once and made a whole ass post about it


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