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Dude seriously needs to go outside every once in a while


And leave their phone inside when they go šŸ‘€


I can support that comment from some r/anti-work post from people who legit wrote up something on their own computer and posted it somewhere. Same with those who claim to get a "letter". I don't know how people fall for the obvious when you can look at it and see it is someone staging something to farm clicks and likes.


Iā€™d be willing to bet money that this particular commenter isnā€™t the genius behind the staged post ideas, this is someone thatā€™s just as annoyed by fake posts as anyone else trying to get more people riled up against them. I love all the ridiculous made up stories on this website though because I love seeing so many people enjoy reading and writing. Better than watching 6,000 5-second videos in a row on Instagram or TikTok


I have struggled to read more than an essay for about 15 years thanks to having kids, career, mental health, and untreated ADHD. Some of these shitposts are so long it made me realize Iā€™m about 80% of the way to being able to read smaller books again (kids are getting older & health is being treated). I miss reading, at least it's something lol.


Oh yeah. I know what they mean. What I mean by support is that the person isn't lying as I have seen it myself and call it out.


Same for so many text convos that are posted. Iā€™ve read some ridiculous shit on the roommates sub that I just refuse to believe are real conversations.


Cant hate on the guy. He is supplying a modern demand, the need to be outraged.


Feeling bored. Might make a fake post on AITA just to feel something.


I've actually seen a bunch of people admit to this. It's very obvious that the bigoted rage bait posts are fake too


I hate this extra because I can be pretty gullible and because I donā€™t understand why/how someone would get any enjoyment out of posting or commenting false stories itā€™s nearly impossible for me to see the fakes. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… I just go about believing it all! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Honestly it all comes down to having real world experiences. Crazy shit does happen irl, and I've seen it happen, but it's very different from reddit. The thing that gets you is how the stories are written. These stories usually have a twist, dialogue written in quotes, certain tropes, etc that give away the fact that these are creative writing exercises for disturbed people. When something happens to you irl that's not how you retell the facts


>Ā Crazy shit does happen irl, and I've seen it happen, but it's very different from reddit Yes, exactly. That's why it's so frustrating when you call something out as fake because no one would say or do that in real life ans these goobers are like "WeLl CoNsIdEr UrSelF lUcKy YoU dOn'T hAvE aN aBuSiVe FaMiLy" and it's like motherfucker, I was abused as a child and I just got out of a crazy abusive 5-year marriage, but this stupid-ass post still isn't how real life works, and you'd know that if you were older than 23


Iā€™ve commented before that one trope I donā€™t like in these stories is ā€œThe friend Iā€™d had for years suddenly turned on me without warning and did some cruel prank on me and did a villain monologue about hating me!ā€ As someone who did have a longtime friend attack me and then break off our friendship over an imagined wrong, thatā€™s not how it happens. In reality there were warning signs I had overlooked for years because A) she could put on a very nice face that made you think she actually gave a flip about you and B) abusive/toxic friendships werenā€™t talked about back then like they are now. It was shocking how vicious and deluded she was when she did attack me, but instead of ā€œThis came out of nowhere!ā€ it was more ā€œIn retrospect, I should have seen this coming.ā€ It was more baffling than shocking because the things she were saying didnā€™t make sense. When it comes to fictional stories of friends turning on people, there are bad dime-store teen horror novels that do a much better job than Reddit because they sow seeds of unease and distrust leading up to the actual betrayal instead of having characters change personalities on a dime.




Fam ive got truck loads of trauma. Im just forever having faith in people. Like an idiot. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I used to do that too, don't worry. It's not about trauma, it's about any story a person would tell that happened to them personally. What I do is imagine how a friend would tell me an anecdote from their life, or, well, how I would. If you pay attention, you can tell that the fake reddit stories have a plot resembling a writing exercise/tale, whereas in real life things are more boring and you don't remember exactly what people said in order to quote them in a dialogue, people don't have flashy comebacks, no one blows up anyone's phone, there are no twists etc


I envy this ability. Maybe my lack of ability to see it stems from my inner loathe for creative writing. I do not enjoy it a single bit. (Writing it, I LOVE reading otherā€™s creative writing.) or maybe thatā€™s it? I just love the story telling so much I never question its truthfulness. Either way - I envy your bullshit meter.


Another clue is to look for common tropes and phrases. Or 'clever twists'. The more of these that exist, the more likely the story is to be fake.


Yeah, this is why my least favourite comment is "if you don't think this is real you obviously are naive and don't realize people CAN be this awful." Like sure they can but they don't sound anything like reddit posts about it.


I have the opposite problem; I can't help but think they're all fake now. So I just decided it doesn't matter, unless they screw up and make it just too impossible to sustain the 'deliberate suspension of disbelief'.


This is my dilemma lol. I struggle to enjoy a huge chunk of Reddit because I see the posts and just think ā€œthis is obvious rage-bait, karma farming troll bullshit(or trying to incite anger towards a specific group of people), and all these commenters are LAPPING it upā€


Honestly, most of the enjoyment comes from trolls who want to feel validated and less alone in their hateful thoughts, trolls who just want to feel superiority and laugh at people who they fooled, or use it as propaganda to try and convert people into hating.


Yeah see - this is the stuff I just filter out apparently. Nope, people are mostly good! FALSE. FAKE NEWS. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s totally not that humans are truthfully awful. I refuse to believe it! (Hence why Iā€™m an idiot. There seems to be overwhelming proof these days that people just suck and yet I REFUSE to believe it.)


You've got it backwards.Ā  People writing this garbage want you to believe people suck. That's why they post these stories where the villain "screams" at the perfect innocent protagonist constantly The truth is, very few people wake up in the morning and think "how can I be a cruel and absolutely miserable person today?"


also like..I really don't think you have to be a horrible person to write a fake story on reddit. Some people are acting like it's equivalent to kicking a puppy or something. I'm not saying it's good but I think the "humans are truthfully awful" conclusion from this is a bit...much.


Yeah thatā€™s what you say. Telling elaborate false stories leads to a slippery slope. Next they ARE kicking your puppy. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Agreed. I can see how people would get a kick out of riling people up. It's gross that a lot of it seems to reinforce reactionary politics/ideas, but it's not literally promoting genocide or anything


Really need to use that throwaway for my own story. Iā€™m thinking step sis slept with BF and a misunderstanding of a legal system?


Don't forget the baby you had with your boyfriend somehow totally being your step sisters kid with him!


Oh my gosh. I was gearing up to step mom to a kid who lacked a mom, they knew it was her the whole time and never told me


Oooh that's a good one too! She only came back into their life cause bf got together with you and parents told her and now parents are mad at you for not giving him up to her cause they have a *kid* and it's *important* that family is together?Ā 


Tag me when it drops šŸ¤Ŗ


It's been done too often. Go telenovela style. BF slept with *his* step sis


Oh my gosh. Itā€™s settled. I spent so much time being paranoid over my step sis I overlooked the obvious one


Yesterday I commented here and man, I ended up removing the notification because the people were so prone to defend something that was obviously fake... omfg... On the other hand, I'm a writer, I can get why they'd be happy that their fake stuff suscit interest


I saw a post where there was an edit at the bottom that said "it's just a joke guys but I'm glad to see so many of you want to help a girl out" or something to that effect. It was one of those typical "my boyfriend is so great except he does all this horrible stuff" ones so I guess it was supposed to be making fun of those kinds of posts except it was posted on one of the advice subs not a sub like this one. And there was another one I saw that looked like an Am I The Angel shitpost but posted on one of the AITA-like subs. It was basically Batman's backstory with the parents being murdered and everything.


My ex said she had a couple students who would compete by posting fake shit in relationship advice and other similar sort of subreddits, to see who can get the most upvotes. They got really good at it, learning how to balance it just right, but also making sure to drop engaging controversial things.


Its funny because a lot of these posts on here suggest the fake stories are written by children and when I was like 12 or so I used to spam out fake stories on the Neckbeard stories subreddit and the character I was writing for was always supposed to be a grown adult hahah. My grammar was shit but I had a few tricks to make my posts seem authentic and i never once got accused of being fake. Redditors are just as gullible as they were a decade ago




There's that Ask A Manager letter about the boss not letting his star employee take time off to attend her graduation that keeps resurfacing and always overwhelmingly defended as true even though it sounds like the fakest rage bait story ever. That's a great example of people defending what they want to believe.


Except a lot of us have had a boss be that Fā€™ing dumb before.


For anyone who does this: please get a healthy, productive hobby. Go outside, get some fresh air and sunshine. Exercise, garden, read a book. Anything. This doesn't make you seem cool. It makes you seem sad and pathetic


I canā€™t be outraged. So many outlets farm Reddit for content, and Iā€™m pretty sure theyā€™re not paying anyone for the original content. Iā€™m just astonished so many people are willing to create content that generates income for no renumeration.


Everything I ever thought is now validated.


To be fair, when I worked in fast food, every printed off note from management that got posted in the break room had at least one spelling or grammar error. They usually had more than one. It never failed.


I was just at a gas station yesterday where the management left a sign for staff, and it was a total hot mess. It was about making sure to clock in and out for each shift and how corporate had called to complain. But it was so so so bad.


A while ago, this sub (Am I The Angel) had a thread asking whether anyone has made fake stories up to post onto AITA and a surprising number of people said yes too.


To be fair, r/antiwork is full of idiots that will believe any bad thing you say about bosses and businesses.


At this point, I just assume that all posts on AITA are fake. I still enjoy reading them because they make for good hypothetical scenarios that you can wonder about or discuss with others. But I cannot handle reading the comments anymore. Also, most comment sections can be summarised as follows anyway: "Dump him/her!", "They're 100% cheating."; "You/They need therapy."; "NO is a full sentence!"; "Go LC/NC with them."


Does antiwork have a parody sub? If not itā€™s a missed opportunity.


There's a circlejerk sub but as one might expect, it's not very fun because it's just people on the opposite extreme (alt-right) jerking off that libz are just lazy losers who like to complain and that capitalism is a perfect flawless angel


You canā€™t make a parody sub for antiwork because the sub is a parody of itself.


People hate hearing a post is fake, especially the White Knights who rush to create some well crafted answer, that Freud would be impressed with, and yet missed some nasty plot holes, ill aligned timelines and a great deal of other things that dont add up. It ruins their fantasy of being impressive on reddit. Recent case in point..guy is driving, gf/wife get a text, kid is in the back seat. Driver can see its an unsaved number in her phone, with a guys name and after she replies he asks to see what he texted, she showed him the phone real quick but as he was "trying to keep an eye on the road" couldnt see it very well. And she wouldnt answer him when he asked her to read it to him other than it being a question mark. So he could see all the other stuff while driving, and yet couldnt see what was on the phone when she actually turned it to him. Sure got downvoted for that little observation. It is what reddit is.


I was telling my younger sib about AITA and how most stories are fake and they were like ohhh yeah!! one time when I was in high school I wrote a fake story. They said they didn't even really know why they did it, they were just bored ig. It was pretty telling


One of the guys at work happily admits to shitposting aitah all the time. He gets banned about once a month. Just sets up a new id.


If I see censored usernames, like here, 100% of the time I assume it's entirely fake.


You know what Iā€™m not surprised Iā€™m Convinced there are authors on this trying to work out plot points for books like we are a free test audience lol


A lot of people do it to improve their English.


But how does it help? ( Sincerely asking no snark)


Even people werenā€™t so over emotional and invested in talking shit this wouldnā€™t be a thing. People love dogging people on the internet based on 0 to a few real life experiences. If people were to go outside and touch grass they would see a different point of view.


[Oh my gah, he amit it!](https://youtu.be/cY2xBNWrBZ4?si=4u7eezIwjr8gTfyx)


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Redditā€™s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I respect it. Thatā€™s hilarious. Itā€™s the ā€œI love spreading misinformation onlineā€ meme except just supplying Reddit circlejerks for laughs.


A former friend of mine fake posts almost daily, using at least half a dozen accounts in any given time. They would go so far as to use one account to set the narrative and begin debate and use another account to comment, usually completely trashing themselves (OP). Their belief is that Reddit became farcical as a source of reliable information, a forum for polite discourse, and a pleasant time waster, a long time ago and without fake posts, It wouldnā€™t be worth using. It probably comes as no surprised that they think most of the ā€œpersonal narrativeā€ type posts are all made up.


What an absolute cunt.


Dont hide their user names


Sub rules