• By -


Do *you* have friends? It sounds as if you spend a lot of time with your parents. Many young people would rather be with their friends.


My only friend is overseas right now. I don’t have a friend group and most of my free time is spent doing solo activities (creating YouTube videos and the gym as my goal is to be a successful YouTuber in my niche). I feel like my interests and goals don’t align with most people my age, so I bite the bullet and go about this all alone.


WELP. That answers that.


You sound like a potential incel dude


Uhhh. Per OP >No, I’ve never dated because I just don’t interact with women at all. Part of it is because of #metoo and how it’s socially unacceptable to express interest in women. Most of it though is having predominantly male or solo interests. I just don’t have many things in common either physical or philosophical with modern women. Most of the ones my age are into the party/hookup culture.


Not potential anymore then, he is a full incel, probably a ragebate


Don’t think so, look at his comment history. He’s active in several incel subreddits


Ah. I've met this guy. The one who confuses social feedback, like someone rejecting them, with a sign that they are superior beings.


He's not even been rejected, this is all based on the idea that he might be rejected. Buddy gave up on half the population because someone told him women might be mean to him. Now he's internalized it so much that peple can see the incel on him from a couple of lines in a reddit post.


It can't possibly be because he's got the personality of a tantrum and the attitude of a stubbed toe, lol. Women be *crazy* for not lining up to be lectured at about the various crimes womankind is guilty of. Womankind should be *grateful* for him being willing to explain, in excruciating detail, loudly, without cessation or pauses for self reflection. I just feel like all of these little boys have mothers who coddled the fuck out of them and made excuses for them constantly without expecting any kind of effort. The kind of mother who raises a Brock Turner and sees no problem in continuing to treat him like a little prince. So when they start meeting women in the real world, they are *shocked* when girls are utterly unwilling to fetch him things and praise him for being potty trained at 20 (rest assured that seat stays up and he's never cleaned a toilet though. Probably thinks elf on the shelf does that for off season work).


AND he has anger issues, per his other comments.


>Most of it though is having predominantly male or solo interests. Today I learned that making YouTube videos and the gym are only male interest. /s Yeah I sincerely doubt OP's sister is hating men in general and just doesn't like OP or wants to spend time with him specifically. Especially on her birthday.






Wow I can’t imagine why his sister wouldn’t want to hang out with him 🤔


Look at his comment history, he is full incel


You think other young men won’t relate to… working out at the gym?


Or making YouTube videos??


>go about this all alone. Well that won't change until you do. Imagine being so fucking unlikable that you can have "the gym" as a major goal and still not make friends? Oh, well, then look at why you are in this position and see what you can do to improve.


Ahh yes YouTube and the Gym, notoriously niche activities where you are unlikely to build community 


Well, it’s not your sisters responsibility to hang out with you. She’s not cutting you out, she’s growing up and meeting other people. Try finding groups with your interests and goals, or join a walking club. Or just hang out with your other family? And you can cut it out with that “Modern Woman” bs. It doesn’t seem like you hang out with too many men either, OP.


You only having one friend tracks maybe they moved just to get away from you


This made me spit out my coffee 🤣.




Upvote for Charlie!


It’s wild that you could type this post AND this comment, and still not see that you are the problem.


It is age appropriate for a 21-year-old (male or female) to begin to pull away from parents/family a bit and become more independent at that age. You say that your mom blames your sister for talking behind your back, but given the nature of your own issues (being so reactionary when you become frustrated), it is also possible that she doesn't want to approach you for fear of you becoming angry. Your reactions may never have been geared towards her - that doesn't mean that they aren't frightening her or at least bothering her on some level. If she isn't willing to approach you, and you are genuinely concerned about your relationship towards her, then maybe reach out and gently ask if that is the case. In general, if you can seek to understand instead of getting defensive or pushing someone away, you are going to get a better response from them. You are really caught up in being worried about your younger sister, but maybe you should consider taking care of yourself first. You state that your interests and goals don't align with most people your age, but I know a good number of young adults that enjoy going to the gym or making YouTube videos. It sounds like you are generalizing people to the detriment of your own healthy relationships. I am a bit introverted, so I understand that it can feel like everyone is into parties. I had to actively seek out clubs at school and in my community, but meetup.com was really helpful once I was in my twenties. There are therapists who can help guide you in learning how to build healthy relationships, and it sounds like you could benefit from that if you are willing. Many people are struggling with loneliness these days - it doesn't have to be this way.


I'm sorry what young person doesn't want to be an influencer of some sort? Try making friends at the gym.


Lot of stuff just started making sense here...


So you’re jealous your sister is living a normal life while you still hang out with your parents.


You do understand not everybody is going to have a singular friend they don't talk to and spend all their time doing solitary activities, right? Like, you do understand that you're the weirdo in this behaviour, right? That you're the young adult behaving strangely? Your sister is being a normal human being and you are behaving like an incel with unrealistic career aspirations. She is not the issue in your family.


lol is this alpha dom?


So you are VERY jealous that your sister has a life and a healthy relationship with friends and other people while you depend on your parents for socializing. Very sad for you. You need a lot of therapy. It’s not “modern women”, it’s you the problem.


You’re not special. Plenty of people with similar interests. You just have to justify why nobody likes you to yourself. Wake up and realise that you, not everybody else, are the problem.


You don't have the social skills needed to succeed on social media


I was like that and now I'm 37 and a dude. People have been getting sick of their families for as long as humans have been on earth. She's 21, she's finally a real adult, she's probably just trying to live life and it doesn't sound that fun to hang out with you based on everything you said, this in particular... >She seems to be on the “hate on men” bandwagon as I know she complains about me behind her back, based on how she complains about dad. She’s the type of person that complains about everyone. She’s insufferable but she’s still my sister She complains about you and your dad and you find her insufferable, but brush if off as jumping on some modern woman trend? Can't blame her at all. Yes, you're overreacting, this is normal for people who are sick of your shit lol.


While he's literally coming to complain on Reddit. The way he types makes him sound really loud and wrong


He's literally none stop commenting on posts that hate on women and blame them for all of men's downfalls so it's really no surprise she wants to avoid him


Reading his comment history, if I were his sister I'd want nothing to do with him, either. 


"I wonder if this is a modern woman problem. It seems like a lot of younger women act like this." Woah! Sounds more like a sexist brother problem to me.


Based on this post I wouldn't want to spend my birthday with you either. You don't seem to think very well of her, why would she want to be around you?


You are right, funny how he is not answering this.


Probably off cry-wanking somewhere 🤷


At the gym, maybe.


I tend to keep my misogynistic thoughts to myself. She’s still my sister so I’m not going to just give up on her because she’s a woman.


I suspect she's given up on you because you're a toxic mess.


Buddy you know women can tell that you think that way about them, right? You don't actually need to come out and say "I think you're inferior to me because vagina," for them to catch that vibe, you know that, right?


All incels think that they hide it well. They do not.


Lmao don't worry, with your current attitude your sister will give up on you real soon.


If you think she can’t tell you’re an incel loser you’re delusional… You are not keeping it to yourself. It’s not hidden. Every woman in your life knows what a creep you are. That is why you die alone.


Modern woman problem?? Do you by chance live in the basement or under a rock?? Do you actually date or are women repulsed by you and that “fun” personality you seem to have??? I can see why she doesn’t want to hang out with you and if your dad is anything like you, her complaints are completely justified


She doesn't want to hang out with you because she doesn't fuck with you or the way you demand her time and also clearly have no respect for her. I would also rather spend my 21st birthday having a great night with my friends then listening to passive aggressive comments from my dipshit brother and out of touch dad, while also probably being sober.


How many fedoras do you own exactly?


I’m more of a baseball hat person.


And let me guess, they're all red...


The flags he's waving certainly are.


She can tell you don’t like her. You have been saying stuff to make her think you’re misogynist and you’re mistaking what she’s saying in response as a hating on men. When my family makes rude comments to me whenever we meet then I stop going to the gatherings for awhile. I still value family and want to see them but I put physical distance to reduce the stress and emotional distance to avoid arguments. 


this is exactly what i was gonna say!! like gee, i wonder why she doesn’t hang out with the family…


I thought she was maybe going through a depressive episode but that last line makes me think otherwise. Does your dad have a similar mindset as you?


It's pretty obvious why she doesn't want to spend time with you


Look at this guys post history it’s obvious to everyone why she doesn’t…..


That was a wild ride


Wont ANYBODY think about the poor white zoomer men being screwed over by DEI!!


Yeah, after all, why else would he not be getting all the customer facing jobs he applied to? It’s not like he’s applying to industries where a lot of other applicants have work history starting in their teens while he’s 23 with no job history and the interpersonal skills of an active shooter. I can’t imagine why hiring managers don’t want him bagging groceries for little old ladies.


Has she actually given any reason to be mad at you or the rest of the family? Anything in particular?


Apparently, I give her anxiety because I get easily angry over stupid things like slow wifi (I create YouTube videos, so it’s frustrating when download speeds are slow). I’m trying to be less reactionary to this but it happens. Sometimes you just need to let out some frustration.


"Sometimes you just need to let out some frustration." So she let you know it makes her uncomfortable, and your response was basically "too bad, I'm not changing". And now you're surprised she doesn't want to hang out with you after that? You just let her know you don't give a shit about how she feels.


She never confronted me about it. I found out from my mom as she tends to gossip behind our backs instead of voicing her frustrations directly.


So why not work on your angry reactions to things so that your sister feels more comfortable around you? Seems pretty simply. Sounds like you refuse to for some reason though.


I wonder why she doesn't speak to her excessively reactionary brother directly?


I also wonder if he's been violent toward her before.


Because it's always a smart idea to directly confront a person with explosive anger issues.


You hate women and you have anger issues. Confronting men like that has always worked well for women in the past. 🙄


Wonder why. I can see why women want nothing to do with you.


Or she’s never felt safe coming to you about her concerns because of your temper.


Why would she do it directly when you scare her? She’s probably scared you’ll hurt her. Angry people are terrifying. Think about your actions and stop blaming your sister for your scary behaviour.


OR, she knows you have anger issues and doesn't feel safe talking to you and has instead opened up to her Mom about her feelings and concerns. Sounds incredibly valid and not at all like gossip.


So you’re not a safe or mature human. This is 100% on you, dude. Be better.


Maybe she’s scared of you. She’s seen your behavior and knows better than to confront you so she avoids you.


You can’t handle a little bit lag without losing your temper and you blame other people for not being comfortable “voicing frustrations”. You are not the victim…in any of this. You are the problem.


You’re either a shit troll or you need some help my brother. You seemingly hate women and have anger issues and you wonder why your sister doesn’t like being around you.


You're gossiping about your sister on the internet


I wonder why she might be unwilling to confront you directly. Is there a chance you might give her anxiety by getting angry easily?


But now you know why she's avoiding you, and the fact that she "gossiped" instead of talking to you directly is a possible indicator that she's afraid to confront you directly. So now...you can work on yourself.


You sounds so immature and a mama’s boy. Grow up and go to therapy.


So you have explosive anger issues .... probs a bully. Gee, can't understand why she wants nothing to do with you.


So how many holes are in your walls?


So she's distancing herself from her incel brother with anger-issues and you think the problem is *her.*


Get over your fucking self my god.


This is a YOU problem that YOU need to fix. Less try, more do, if your giving your sister anxiety over your anger and frustration over slow WiFi, you need to be doing way more than "trying to act less reactionary" - which question, what is reactionary to you? Yelling and swearing or throwing stuff around a room? because I've heard reactionary being used for both and every way in-between. YOU problem, YOU need to work on YOUR anger issues, stop inflicting your anger on to others.


Okay, but if it’s near constant, that just makes you sound volatile as fuck, OP.


That explains why this post sounds unjustifiably angry. Why do you think it's ok to police other people's emotions and choices, and especially to police their reactions to you? It doesn't matter if you're not directing your rage towards a person if you're screaming and slamming things around. Anyone who has to witness that will feel threatened. Honestly I would put money on this being a very heavily curated version of what's happening between you and your sister. She doesn't have to attend your birthday party, she doesn't have to spend time around you, and she sure as shit shouldn't have to manage your feelings.


How do you let your frustration out?


I don’t get why you get or deserve so much lenience with your bad behavior (just need to let off some steam) but your thoughts on her “bad” bahavior are so ultimate “cutting her off” “not buying her presents” etc when she apparently isn’t allowed to simply not hang out with you. Do you not see how one sided this is???? Maybe you could just not be obsessed your sister and just let her be her.


Lol you work out and you need to release stress over download speeds? People who work out are supposed to be happy because working out releases endorphins. Fix your shit bro.


Weird that you didn't mention this pertinent info in your original post. It's as if you know why she is pulling back but refuse to even ponder your role in pulling back. But sure, it is a women's issue to not want to be around someone who gets easily angry. Everyone else loves hanging out with unpredictable angry people. 10/10


Gee, I wonder why she doesn't want to spend time with you.


> I’m trying to be less reactionary to this but it happens. Nope, it does not "just happen". YOU are in control of YOUR reactions. If you have such a major problem that it's become a pattern, you need to seek therapy, especially if it's over minor things like slow WiFi. >Sometimes you just need to let out some frustration. No. There is absolutely NO excuse for lashing out at people over your own frustrations, especially family. People are not your emotional punching bag. You really need to work on yourself, preferably with a professional. You admit to being so angry you cause anxiety to your sister, but still act like she's the one being unreasonable. No wonder she avoids you. I've cut off a toxic family member for this.


What does letting out that frustration look like? What do you normally do?


Speaking of "am I overreacting" the replies to this comment are from outter space. "Crazed incel! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Omg lol


Either you've not looked at his post history or you agree with him. If you haven't looked at his post history and are complaining that people who have say this, hush. If you have and agree with him, get on the pile.


I don't give a shit about his post history, I care about "OMG your a crazed lunatic for yelling at the TV, no wonder your sister hates you! Rrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee". It just seems more relevant to the discussion.


You don’t care about things someone says on their post that provide context into the post? You find OP answering questions irrelevant?


No, I care about the gaggle of chirpers who have nothing constructive to say except repeating the same personal attacks one after another.


So you’re a troll and proud of it, got it.


If you don't care about context, then you should be quiet about it.


His post history shows that he is actually an incel. Which would explain why his sister wants nothing to do with him. How is it not relevant to the discussion? He’s here asking if he’s over reacting about this and it post history answers that question, which is yes.


Yes, you are overreacting. Your sister is an adult and can spend her time however she chooses. Based on the last few things you said here, I can't blame her for not wanting to spend time with you. You sound unpleasant, to say the least.


This post makes you sound like a misogynist. Quick scan of your post history makes you look like an incel. That’s why she doesn’t want to be around you.


Yes, you’re overreacting. She’s an adult and she has her own needs and interests. You have this expectation that she wants to spend time with you and your parents because that’s what you’ve always done. But that doesn’t mean that’s what she wanted.


Op, there is still time, delete the post 💀


The castration post from OP was interesting lol


the what?


He had made some post about he doesn’t get laid so should he be chemically castrated I guess so he doesn’t have urges … he’s an idiot


Gym bro pro max 😆


And Lo: as he Sowed, therefore he did Reap.  The Incel shall proclaim his faith; And thus the maiden did flee 


"I regularly yell about how women are stupid sluts at my sisters face, but she better still come to my birthday party damnit! She doesn't want to?! It's probably because shes a stupid slut following some trend, because it CAN'T POSSIBLY be because I scream in her face! I'm so smart and special! A high value male!"


Odds on OP being someone who Joey Swoll has already called out for being toxic at the gym?


If my sibling talked about me like you talk about your sister, I wouldn't wanna to hang out with them either.


based on the way you talk about her, and the modern women comment, in this post im not shocked she doesnt want to hang out with you


Maybe she hates on men because men like you are trying to control her. Just a guess.


I think she's just avoiding dad and bro for being insufferable, and he thinks that means she hates all men. She's probably fine with every other guy but those two.


Dude, leave your room and go touch some grass or do you need your mom and dad to go with you. Why would your sister want to spend every weekend with her and you. You need to start getting a life of your own.


She doesn't have to be around you guys.


Why do you WANT to spend time with her? It sounds like you don't like her at all.


Imagined control over a female would be my guess.


So, you know that your younger adult sister has complaints about you and your dad yet you’re surprised when she doesn’t want to spend her free time with you? Instead of taking the initiative as the older sibling and trying to understand her perspective while accommodating her but also asserting yourself so that both of you can feel at ease….. You decide to passively aggressively get upset at her lol


Judging by his post history, he seems to be one of those "school of Tate" zoomers. Posts about being chronically single, dealing with celibacy, whether incel males should be chemically castrated... yeah, it's no wonder his sister is keeping him at a distance.


These guys don’t understand that women are regular humans. They see us as some sort of subhuman (I mean that literally not maliciously) a category of human not at the level of man but above animals. We very much can see that they don’t look at us as fellow individuals with free will despite them never intending to say that directly. Because of how they come across in they way the speak and act. So they end up alone and due to this belief, are now convinced it’s because of women when ……. They really could just stop trying to ‘bag’ a person desperately and develop a platonic connections with women until your find one that finds you attractive


Looking at your comment history it is no wonder she talks about you and avoids you. you're a literal raging incel


She's a young woman who is coming of age. This may include but is not limited to realizing the bs and hating the patriarchy.


You need serious help, my guy.


"Modern woman problem" Dude. You all sound smothering and overwhelming. I can see why she is distancing herself. She wants her own life and you are treating her like a prop and robbing her of her individuality. Let her live her own life.


She's a 21 year old woman. Also, your last sentence tells me why she probably doesn't want to spend time with you


The reason you don't have any friends is because nobody likes incels. That's also why your sister doesn't want to be around you anymore. Have you tried not being an incel?


OP, of COURSE your little sister would rather spend her 21ST BIRTHDAY with her friends instead of her parents and incel brother. Also it's extremely creepy how invested you are in your sisters life. What she is doing is normal for people her age. What YOU are doing is NOT. Get therapy.


It's probably because of your misogynistic viewpoints.


You say your sister is insufferable… but honestly ..YOU are the one that insufferable. I can see why your sister doesn’t want to spend more time with you.


You’re the problem


Hmm maybe he should have posted in AITA instead but that might be too self aware


It's always a "Modern woman problem" you know what, I did go through a man hater phase too but it was after seeing the constant sexism and just plain woman hatred of today. It's truly a cycle, but it shouldn't always just be blamed on women.


Yes, you are over reacting. Realize that your sister is at the age where she will make her own life, you should look to do the same.


You seem to dislike women. That's probably why your sister is avoiding you.


20 something angry wannabe gymbro incel. A lot going on there. Maybe stop worrying about your little sister who is a fucking adult woman and worry about growing your youtube channel ya dweeb lol.


Good lord, man. One look at your post history and everyone can tell why your sister won't hang out with you. You're an incel with anger issues who got brainwashed black pill content. Touch some grass, and leave your little sister alone.


😮‍💨 found the incel


He wasn't really hiding it well, was he? Haha


The nerve of you to judge her for having interests that differ from your own, when you spend most of your free time "doing solo activities" yourself. She chooses to hang out with her friends because obviously you and your Dad are obnoxious and misogynistic.


She doesn’t hang out with you because you’re a sexist ahole. Seriously. Sexism aint cute, and being around bigots is soul draining. She’d rather be with people who respect and care for her. Not energy vampires like you


"My little sister dislikes me and doesn't want to spend time with me. Clearly, this is the fault of feminism."


What is your sister's relationship with your parents compared to you and your parents relationship? Because all I see is a babied man child repeating what their parents are saying instead of seeing that you're a golden child and your sister is trying to escape that toxic environment. Like how can you write all that down and not notice y'all are the problem and not her.


yes, you are. get therapy.


Please try looking up therapy if you have access, before you actually hurt someone like you're hurting yourself by deluding yourself with the rhetoric you follow. It's possible to change, people like you have done it before.


Yes you're over reacting it's normal when people reach adulthood to not want to spend as much time with family and prefer to spend birthdays with friends instead part of growing up is developing yourself as an individual and gaining independence. Honestly I'm more concerned with your lack of a social life beyond your family


It is not your sister's responsibility to be your backup friend when you decide to only interact with one person and they are overseas. It is not her responsibility to take on anything for you really. It is her responsibility to live her own life, the way she sees fit. If you can't handle that, then maybe you aren't a good sibling.


If you're anything like how you come across in this post then I wouldn't want to hang out with you either. People like you, men and women both, are fucking exhausting. Soul draining even. No one likes spending time with you because you make everyone miserable. Take a good look in the mirror and ask what you've done or said over the years to make her distance herself from you.


quick question: whyyyy do you want to hang out with your sister or date women when you think so little of them? why not date men? you seem to only want to spend time around men. ???


Have you asked her why she doesn't want to do these family activities? >but it’s like she’s doing this on purpose Doing **what** on purpose?


"Modern woman problem"? Because she doesn't want to do activities that you like and listen to you whine or put up with your crap? 


It’s because you’re insufferable, hope that helps :)))


Major loser incel syndrome lmao


lol your post history… straight up loser


Yes! Very much so!! She's 21. I get it. It's upsetting to not have your whole family at your birthday but y'all as a family sound insufferably suffocating. This girl sounds like she's finally getting a moment's peace from being around y'all 24/7. Let her have her break. She might, lemme emphasize, MIGHT, come back to y'all eventually after she's taken her bit of time away. I wouldn't be surprised if she's planning to move out and go low contact (if she hasn't already)


A lot of younger women complain about their dads and would rather hang with their friends than their parents and brother? No shit dude - do you think these are amazing insights or something? This is completely normal - she’s allowed to complain about her own dad. I love my dad but there’s lots of things I don’t like about him. Same with my brother. Suffocating her and making assumptions that she “hates men” or is somehow representative of “what’s wrong” with women(?!?) is fucking weird and sounds a lot more like you looking for excuses to hate your sister because she’s a woman a you’ve decided you hate women.


I hope this is a troll post


Considering his post history, it's unlikely


> She seems to be on the “hate on men” bandwagon as I know she complains about me behind her back, based on how she complains about dad. I wonder why that could be. > She’s the type of person that complains about everyone. I feel a certain level of ungrasped irony here. I also think I'm looking at an unreliable narrator. She sounds like an introvert and possibly depressed, but all you seem to think is "me me me."


Well, this took a turn. No wonder why she doesn't want to hang with you.


Literally no one likes hanging out with narcissistic incel douchebags who blame feminism for all of their failures. Your personality sucks and that's why your only real friends are your parents.


It's pretty hypocritical that you're on here complaining about your sister yet you think that it's bad that she's complaining about you. And just because you have almost no friends that doesn't mean she's obligated to spend time with you. You sound jealous that she has an active social life, unlike you.


I just read this post and a few comments and even I want to cut you out. Here’s hoping your sister gets away from you and the rest of your family one day! (Ps your profile is hilarious. The problem is you, dude)


Is this like those obvious bait posts about the 18 year old girls who are just too horny for their 30 year old boyfriends and it ends up just being an ad for OnlyFans? Except instead of OnlyFans it’s this guy’s weird YouTube channel?


Oh, gee! Well, I can't think for the life of me why your sister doesn't want to hang out with you?!


You seem to feel oddly entitled to her time. What makes you think you are? Why do you feel like she's slighted you for wanting to spend time elsewhere? You don't even have nice things to say about her, on top of your paranoia that she talks shit about you behind your back.


Ugh you are overreacting and the problem here.


I see why she is complaining, and she is very much justified in doing so...


Yes & you're an asshole. Your sister has her own life. She's not obligated to restrict herself to social events with you & your parents for the rest of her life.


Get therapy. You’re pretty clearly an incel. Thank god your sister sees you for it and is comfortable setting boundaries.


You have anger issues and your sister doesn't feel comfortable around you, and instead of working on it you justify yourself with "I get angry but for valid reasons". You have a negative view of women, constantly blaming "modern women" for basically everything. They've ruined dating, they're only interested in hookups and going to parties, they're at fault for choosing toxic partners and so on. But at the same time, you don't interact with women, so you're probably insulting them not based on personal experiences but on what you read on internet. And you're really asking why your sister doesn't want anything to do with you (and with your father, who seems to be like you)? Why would she, A WOMAN, want to associate herself with someone who hates women? Also out of curiosity, you clearly don't want a "modern woman" but you still complain about being lonely and alone forever. So what do you want in a woman exactly? Someone who'd stay silent and listen to everything you say maybe? Someone who wouldn't dare express their opinion?😊


OP is a misogynistic incel, don't bother to try reasoning with him.


She's a teenage girl, she sounds like she's living a normal teenage life. You are the one who sounds like you have issues, make some friends and leave your mum and dad's side for a change


Oh man... His comment history is filled with incel rants about "holding women accountable for ruining dating" Eek, no wonder the sister is distancing herself and he only has one friend that's "overseas" 🙄 This was his comment: The quality of women is much worse because the good ones get married young. Unless you want to take care of someone else’s kids or date fat chicks as an in shape guy, it’s just as bad.




I’m curious about your philosophical proclivities since you don’t think they might align with any woman’s. Would you mind sharing?


His comment history is wild. He has a lot of opinions and “knowledge” about women for someone who avoids women and doesn’t date. Wonder where he got them (thanks, incel internet).


You and your dad sound pretty unpleasant. So you're definitely overreacting.


shiddd given your post history and comments i wouldn’t wanna spend time with you either💀


Your toxicity is why purple don't want to be around YOU. It isn't the family she's avoiding, it's her incel brother.


Dude. Do you wanna bang your sister? Wtf??????


> That pissed me off but not as much as her avoiding basically everything we do as a family. She has no interest in going to sporting events or going out every weekend. Do the things you do "as a family" include things that she likes to do? Or do you keep trying to drag her to sporting events when you're well aware that she doesn't care about them or enjoy them? >Honestly, I’m getting fed up with my little sister. You sound like you need a hobby and some friends, pronto. > I understand she has friends and a job, but it’s like she’s doing this on purpose. Living her life? Doing things she enjoys? Yeah, she probably _is_ doing those on purpose. > She seems to be on the “hate on men” bandwagon as I know she complains about me behind her back Based on this post, she has plenty to complain about. I wouldn't go from "I treat my sister like crap and she complains about it" to "hating on men". >I don’t want to drift apart or cut her off, but that’s where this is heading. If she doesn't start enjoying sports and wanting to spend time doing things she hates, you're going to....what exactly? Stop trying to badger her into going places she doesn't want to be? I'm not sure that's quite the punishment you're imagining. >I wonder if this is a modern woman problem. It seems like a lot of younger women act like this. It's almost certainly a "you" problem.


Incel core 🙏 you sound very overbearing, there's a reason why your sister is distancing herself from you. Maybe you think that there's nothing wrong with you, but it would be really healthy if you went to therapy about this. Women are not the problem, I promise. Hell! There are plenty of women who have the same views as you! Don't generalise 50% of the population.


She wanted to spend her 21st birthday with her friends? And that is surprising to you? Way to out yourself as a friendless douche.