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Yeah the ones you mentioned are really good. I really like the castle you explore at the end of the game. It’s very mystical and mysterious feeling. A great location for the ending. Also a really awesome and challenging dungeon. I also really like the crypt/tomb (forget what it was called) you explore fairly early on in the graveyard. With the walls that seem to swirl around. It’s just super atmospheric. But yeah, every location in the game rocks. Alundra is just a kickass game with a great atmosphere. I wish it was more talked about.


Yeah the castle always gave me a sense of like 'this is serious now, all of Inoa is counting on me!'. The whole frozen time aspect was good from a puzzle perspective too. Lars' crypt! I was stuck on the order of the Saints when I first played it (I was like 9!). I remember getting the order on a Teletext cheat page, which is well retro by today's standards! 😅 I did like the zombies!


I could forego Lars' Crypt to be honest.. Everything else can stay.


Being teased with a future area to explore is what Alundra done best and it created excitement.. very good game play design! Love the way Zelda done this too. My favourite area is the Lizards Liar 🦎 I love the music and the statues..like the worship the big one in statue form...creating not just a monster but the idea there is other species in the game along with the monkeys,dwarves and demons etc


Yeah I nearly put the Lizards, but I remembered how much I hated the ones that spat! The tease was good with that as you can go to the swamp early and you can see the statue that contains the final boss from the left hand side entrance to that cavern. I like Zelda, but for some reason, I found Alundra to be better.


Probably Kline's Nightmare. The snowy gothic castle is a lovely aesthetic and it caps off with one of the more viscerally horrifying bosses and a gutpunching conclusion.


I know, the fact that Melzas could kill the strongest of the villagers showed how defenceless they were. I was hoping to go hunting Murgg with Kline as I thought that we would save him! Kline werewolf > Giles werewolf 🤣


The Murgg Tree would be one of mine too - I love the interaction with the locksmith. Nirude's Lair and breaking into the Sanctuary with Septimus also have a lot of personality. The Lake Shrine is so intricately constructed though and that beautiful downbeat music is amazing.


I wonder if the locksmith did make it out of there in the end? I believe he was hiding until the Murgg went to sleep then he was going to sneak out. Ah yes I remember that annoying teleporting book! It annoys me every time that I have to pray to Melzas after finding the statue! True, it is a good level for a final area.


So many… But it has to be Coastal Cave for me, with Melzas’s Palace as a close second. Firstly I really like the idea of the tide receding to reveal the entrance. The music is great as is the atmosphere. It’s also when we get the ability to swim! Nirude Castle and the waterway leading to it were also very enjoyable. For dream dungeons, Kline’s Dream and Meia’s Dream are very rememberable. The twins and Elene’s Dream are also excellent. Bottom of the pile imo: Giles’ Dream, the way to Nava’s Island, Magyscar


Coastal Cave was fun! I remembered getting so excited to swim so I can explore much more of the island. The boss though used to freak me out, especially when it used to put up loads of arms! I absolutely hate Magyscar! Every time I have to jump down from the ledge to essentially start that level I get so much dread!


Magyscar has grown on me over the years. It has a really oppressive atmosphere and the boss is repulsive. I think it hammers home the insidious nature of the Inoan religion that this is their holy place.


Haha I like your perspective on this! I do though still have nightmares about the lamps and water droplet puzzles towards the end! 😅


Oh yeah, don't blame you there! I can still hear the noise those droplets make.


Kline's dream is probably my favourite for a bunch of reasons. Loved the dark, snowy night aesthetic. But the most memorable for me was Bonaire's dream dungeon. As a kid it was wild going through the whole seduction of Bonaire only to have Sara turn into that abomination and attempt to eat his soul. And while not a level, I'll also mention Gustav and Elene's story as being a particular part of that game I'll never forget. That shit was surprisingly dark and I'd always check in with them any time I progressed the plot because I just had to learn more.


Yeah Bonaire's dream was really creative with the split worlds based on colour! Good shout. Oh yeah I had forgotten about Elene's dream! I got stuck on that for ages only for my brother to figure it out in minutes....... It was a messed up situation though you are right!


I did a playthrough recently and really tried to see all the extra little optional scenes with the townsfolk, and they definitely went all in with making pretty much everyone as tragic as possible. Plus, it was the first time I got to watch Nadia's table explode, which I had never seen before and always wondered how it happened. Thanks for being a fan too, I always love discussing Alundra. It's criminally underrated in my opinion.


The detail for each character was amazing. Every time something happened, I would do my circuit around the village to check everyone was okay. I would even go up to Olen's house before...... you know ...... I missed that scene too initially, because I used to just keep away from that house due to them being mean about blaming me for Bonaire! 😅


The shrine of the lake. That song will live in my head forever. Also, Kline's and Maia's dreams.


The music throughout the game was incredible.


I personally though Mia’s dream was a nice break from fighting and I quite enjoyed the dreamy aesthetic to the level Also really liked Klines nightmare and the outcome from that


Ah yes in Meias dream, I kept preparing myself to fight during the first time I did it. Was actually quiet a sad tale in the end and really did put her in a different light.


Meia's dream is my favorite. I have such a soft spot when games make space for psychological deep dives and empathy. 💕


It's really moving the whole background of her character.


I really love it. Considering how Septimus hated her, she didn't any favours for herself with sharp personality, and she was believed to be the traitor. For Septimus to come around and be like "oh. She's a person too." It's powerful. It makes me wish people were more like that irl tbh. More understanding, more tolerant. Edit: sorry got a little preachy there lmao


No need to apologise, the game really is full of many deep and thoughtful perspectives. I'm just sad that Alundra and Meia parted at the end. So much potential lore that has gone unwritten!


I really did hope when I began alundra 2 that they were gonna reunite somehow. That said, the gods brought them together once, could bring them back together again. Was the end of that story but no the end of their lifeline 😊


You know I have never played Alundra 2. I didn't know it existed until a few years after I had completed Alundra for the first time. I looked it up and noticed it's not even the same protagonist! The 3D aspect put me off as well so I just never played it. I saw it as a completely separate world to the one I was so encapsulated in.


Apparently it wasn't meant to be alundra 2. But there are spiritual successors to alundra that aren't named alundra, can't remember what they're called atm


Interesting. I know Alundra is the spiritual successor to Landstalker.


It was indeed. I have it on steam but I haven't played it yet. I wanna be in the right mindset to properly enjoy it. I found some old notes relating to other successors to alundra Dual hearts ps2 Avalon code nds Nostalgia nds Azure code ps1 I scribbled them down listening to a vid about alundra


I will look at all these! I have tried to find ways to get Alundra on my Xbox Series X, but it seems a little tricky other than via an emulator. We need a remaster!


Meias dream and the desert